2 minute read

Transitions Of The Early Years

This essay will cover transitions in the early years. It will discuss a diverse range of transitions, which each child may encounter during their early years of life. It will discuss different types of transitions such as horizontal and vertical transitions, with reference to appropriate theorists such as Bowlby and Ainsworth's and their research on theattachment theory. The last section of the essay will show a high quality policy and procedure, going into detail on how it will support a child in the transition from pre–school in a nursery setting, to reception in a primary school. Transitions are commonly described as different phases of concentrated learning and enhanced development in a social context. (Dunlop et al, 2007). There are three types of transitions, each have a different meaning. Vertical transitions describe a major change in a child's life, for example, moving from pre–school, to the reception class in a school. Internal transitions occur when a child moves to a different room in a setting, for example, from a toddler room to a pre–school room, or reception to year 1. Horizontal transitions is a much broader term, they occur on a day–to–day basis, for example from their house to nursery, having multiple carers in one day, encountering unfamiliar people and many more. (O'Connor, 2013). "Development is all about transitions: conception to birth, birth to toddlerhood, to pre–schooler, school–age child, to adolescent, adolescent to adult, adult to the final

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1. I like this because: I like how your hook in the introduction paragraph. You provided a good information so that readers can guess what is this essay is about "But there are studies and claims that suggest that with cameras in the supermarket, they can predict what people are going to buy so that the management places certain products in certain places to catch the attention of shoppers. Of course people don't see these cameras because they're supposed to be hidden" (Bui).п»їп»їп»ї

Base 1: Unity

Is there a clearly stated thesis in the introductory paragraph? Although, you have nice hook in your introduction, it is quite hard to find your thesis statement in the first paragraph.п»ї I wonder if this is your thesis because it is the last...show more content...

(List of items or a time order?) I can follow through with the author's essay and understand his point of view. Are transitions used to connect sentences and ideas? There are a few transitions sentences. For example "That a hard decision to make because they like that product but at the same time they don't want to get tired of it and not hate it later in life" (Bui). From this sentence, I could guess that the next paragraph would be about making foods and probably for the family since family is kind of the theme in this essay.

Your comments: Your essay structure is good. However, I think you can add more transition sentence to make your essay become better.

Base 4: Sentence Skills

Are there any rough spots where the sentences do not flow smoothly and clearly? Overall, the essay was not hard to understand. Although there are a few little errors. For example this sentence "That a hard decision to make because they like that product but at the same time they don't want to get tired of it and not hate it later in life" (Bui). I think what the author means is that family members will gather around in the holiday season. But when the first time I scan through the essay, it was quite

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