11 Life-Altering Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves
By asking better questions, we will get better answers. Life is short, and every day should be maximized to bring the highest level of satisfaction and fulfillment to your human experience. But if you currently feel you’re not living life to it’s fullest, or are missing out on many things you’d like to see or do, then it’s time to start asking questions that will bring to the surface the real causes for the lack of fulfillment or desired results in your life, relationships, work or business. The following questions are not meant for you to just quickly read through and move on to the next thing that grabs your attention.
I encourage you to take a notebook and pen, and actually put some deep thought into the answers you give. Doing so will allow you to get more in tune with who you really are, and what your soul is yearning for. You’ll also get some amazing insights into what needs to change in order to start experiencing life at the level of happiness and fulfillment that you truly desire.
1) Am I fulfilled and happy with what I do for a living?
Life is short. Therefore every moment of your life should be cherished. The average person spends over one-half of their waking hours every day engaged in some kind of income-producing activity. Unfortunately though, in most cases people really hate what they’re currently doing to earn that income, and in a best-case scenario they at least feel unfulfilled and unhappy.
Don’t let that be you!
The solution is to be open-minded to the ways in which you can utilize your own personal skills and creative talents/interests to create an internet-based home business that you can earn a living from all night and day online, while having fun. Yes, it is actually possible to earn an abundant living while having fun Countless thousands around the world are already doing it, and so can you. Fact is, we officially live in the Information Age now. We’re moving away from an employee-based society, to an entrepreneurial-based society where most people will gradually evolve their incomeproducing activities to the internet and start working from home, or anywhere in the world you want to! Decide today to learn how you can tap into this digital revolution that’s happening all around you.
2) To what degree have I actually controlled the course my life has taken?
There are far too many people in the world who feel they’re a “victim” to life and the world around them, and that they have no real control with the results (or lack thereof) they receive. Unfortunately these people rarely get to experience the inner dreams and goals that they hope and wish for.
In contrast though, there are many people who have come from very humble beginnings, and decided to take conscious responsibility for where their life is and where it’s going. That is what makes all the difference. Anything is possible for the person who sets a definite intention about something, and then takes full responsibility for making it a reality. Your life is your statement to the world, representing your values, beliefs, and dreams. It is yours to create, to enjoy or not enjoy, to fight or to be at peace. In the end, the very best years of your life will be the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your parents, society, or the economy. You realize that you control your own destiny. Can you remember a time when you set a goal or intention about something specific you wanted in your life (new car, new home, new career, etc), and then did whatever it took to accomplish that goal? Remember the inner-drive and passion you felt when you just KNEW that if you keep doing certain things in a certain way, eventually you would attain your desire? The desired result was inevitable for you, simply because you took responsibility for it becoming so! This exact process works the same for anything in life that you want to accomplish, be, see or do!
3) What fears are holding me back from doing or achieving something I really want?
Fear is the most powerful single factor that deprives you of being able to achieve your full potential.
You experience it most often as a result of your own thoughts and emotional visions, rather than actual real world causes. In other words, you become fearful of a fantasy – something that doesn’t exist. Fear is a cloaked enemy that whispers negative thoughts into your mind, body and soul. It tries to convince you that you will not succeed and that you cannot achieve your full potential. These thoughts are lies. The road you are traveling may be a bit scary at times, but don’t lose belief in yourself. Don’t listen to your fears or the fears of those around you. Don’t let old setbacks work their way into your present thinking. And most of all, don’t give up on what’s important to you. It’s fine to feel a bit uncomfortable. It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen next, or how much you can handle. As long as you gradually step forward you will learn what you need to know. You will let go of the scary things that ‘might happen’ and start to see all the great realities unfolding around you. This is your life, and it’s an open road. Grab the wheel with both hands and keep steering yourself around all the unnecessary fears and uncertainties as they arise.
4) What are my Values? Values help you get and stay motivated. Values relate to our purpose in life and are used as guiding principles, rules if you will, to make your life easier. What’s important to you? What’s important about your business? Do your personal and business values align? Values provide you with a strong foundation; a method for living your life to it’s fullest. Values will also help you in finding your purpose in life. If you haven’t yet clearly identified and written down your core personal values, then do this: 1. Take a look at this list of values, and write down the top 10 that resonates with you the most. 2. Next, read this article by Steve Pavlina to learn indepth how to intelligently connect your values to your goals.
5) What relationships continually bring pain or unhappiness into my life? Sometime we find ourselves in a friendship/relationship that ends up only creating stress, anxiety or emotional pain in our life. In cases like this, we need to remind ourselves how important our personal happiness and well-being really is, and then take active steps in gradually dis-associating with that person. Doing so will remove unnecessary pain and suffering from your life, and at the same time open the door for something new and exciting to enter!
6) What legacy do I want to leave behind? No matter where we are in life, or what age, it’s never too soon or too late to start considering the kind of legacy we want to leave behind for others to remember us by. In fact, every one of us are going to leave a legacy. It just depends on what kind. So what kind of legacy do you want to leave? I encourage you to think about it because knowing how you want to be remembered helps you decide how to live and work today.
7) Am I holding onto something that I should let go? “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ― Ann Landers You are changing. The universe around you is changing. Just because something was right for you in the past doesn’t mean it still is. This could be a relationship, a job, a home, a habit, etc. It happens to you slowly as you grow. You discover more about who you are and what you want out of life, and then you realize there are deliberate changes you need to make to keep up with the changes happening around you and within you. The lifestyle you’ve been living no longer fits. The specific people and routines you’ve known forever no longer align with your values. So you cherish all the memories, but find yourself letting go and moving on. Once you get clear on your values and the vision you have for your life, you may likely find several old habits, routines or relationships that no longer serve you and your highest intention. In this case, your life will become much more fulfilled, free and happy!
8) What am I most grateful for?
Gratitude leads to greatness. It can literally turn what we have into more than enough, jobs into joy, chaos into order, uncertainty into clarity, and bring peace to an otherwise chaotic day. The greatest way to make your blessings count is to count your blessings. Acknowledging the good things you already have in your life is of the essence, because whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will grow stronger in your life. Read The How of Happiness.
9) Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Am I making them for myself, or am I letting others make them for me?
In the volatile economic state we live in today, it’s becoming of utmost importance for people to start learning how to become financially self-sufficient – preferably through an internet-based business of some kind. The reason is because if your entire income potential is completely dependent upon some outside source (i.e. your boss or employer), then you’re taking a huge risk giving other people that kind of control over your life. At anytime the company could close down, go through layoffs, or the “superiors” above you may just not like something about you. Any of those scenarios has the same result — someone else controlling the quality of life you and your family gets to experience. If you’ve been there, then you know exactly what I’m talkin’ about. The solution: start an internet-based home business and learn to “create your own economy” that you are the one in control of.
10) What’s at least one thing have I not done
that I really want to do? What’s holding me back?
It’s time to get up and make an immediate difference in your life. You know all those things you’ve been meaning to get done for the past month, year, etc.? Pick one right now and start doing it. Get your hands dirty, challenge your brain, get sweaty if you have to. Break out of your comforting lull and get involved. If you feel crappy, it’ll make you feel better. If you already feel good, it will make you feel great. Life is far more fulfilling when you participate in making positive things happen. The moment you take positive action, your outlook begins to change. When you notice that you’re making real progress on goals that matter to you, the world is suddenly a much more enjoyable place to live in. Read Eat That Frog!
11) What are the top 10 most important goals
I want to attain in the next year?
The worst thing you can do is set personal goals that are far lower than you are able to achieve. Settling for mediocrity when you know you are capable of doing better is reprehensible. Too many people don’t realize this until it’s too late. They think failure is the worst possible outcome of a goal. But the truth is, when a goal is set properly failure still brings you closer to success by teaching you lessons about what doesn’t work. Failure lets you move on, while mediocrity holds you back from reaching your full potential. Life is short. If you catch yourself continuously succeeding but still feeling incomplete, it’s time to reevaluate your goals. It’s time to stop diminishing your soul by being run-of-the-mill with mediocre intentions when you have the opportunity to stretch yourself to your full potential. Pursue something so significant that even if you fail, you are better off for having tried. Read this article to learn more about setting goals.
The floor is yours… What life-altering questions have you asked in your own life? What impact has that made in your life? Please Click Here and let us know by leaving a comment on the article page!
-Nash Ryker
I also coach people on how to have fun and earn a living online with blogging. Also, feel free to add me on Facebook and Twitter to connect with me personally! Skype: nashvryker