Secrets to Dog Training

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Thanks to Secrets to Dog Training's powerful insider information, over 217,449 dog owners worldwide have been successful with their dog training, and solved their dog’s behavior problems.

Who else wants their dog to be well behaved around people and other dogs? AND have them obey all of your house rules... ... even when you're not around! If your answer is "Me!" then read on because you're about to discover how to put an end to your dog's behavior problems once and for all using proven techniques that give you immediate results... From: Daniel Stevens September 1st, 2011

Dear Dog Owner, Your dog is always learning. The problem is - how do you get your dog to learn good habits and NOT bad habits? Dogs understand things very differently to us humans, so frequently when you are training your dog (or even when you think you are NOT) you are actually making behavior problems worse! If you have a disobedient dog that causes you stress or embarrassment then you've come to the absolute best place for finding out how to communicate with and train your dog. With my techniques your dog will become that well-behaved dog that makes other people envious. On this web page you'll discover how 'Secrets to Dog Training' will help you to resolve all your dog's behavior problems quickly and for good. These problems include aggression, biting, digging, barking, chewing, jumping, housetraining, whining, bolting out the front door, separation anxiety, pulling on the leash, and a lot more. These techniques have been proven to work for 217,449 dog owners worldwide (and counting!) and on this page you can read some of the hundreds of success stories that I have received and continue to receive every day. I hope you become a member of 'Secrets to Dog Training' so that I can hear your success story soon!

Get my FREE Secrets to Dog Training 6 Day Course! This course covers selected training methods that are used in Secrets to Dog Training and it is yours FREE with absolutely no obligation whatsoever...

What is inside 'Secrets to Dog Training'? ...You'll find Secrets to Dog Training to be the easiest system to follow on the market today for learning how to train your dog and change its behavior. Jam-packed with information, the full package includes: A comprehensive book that teaches you how to solve over 25 dog behavior problems with numerous photos and step by step

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dog behavior problems with numerous photos and step by step instructions (at over 260 pages, this is your essential reference). A 30-minute video program that puts you right in the picture with real-life examples of how YOU can become the top dog and stay the top dog! Plus... sure-fire house training methods and how to stop your dog pulling on the leash.

Your email address is required for you to receive the FREE course. You can unsubscribe any time and your email address will never be given to any 3rd party.

Unlimited dog behavior consultations with the Secrets to Dog Training team in the Members' Area Forum

You won't believe how quickly and easily you will solve your dog's behavior problems with all this at your fingertips: Real-life case studies The best dog training techniques Unlimited consultations with me and my team of dog trainers, vets and fellow dog owners to ensure that you get your specific questions about your dog's problems answered. Loads of photos that will boost your learning AND step-by-step instructions... all within one comprehensive and easy to follow package.

...Secrets to Dog Training will teach you how to train your dog like a professional trainer, so you can solve any specific problems that you may have with your dog, and have your dog obey you no matter what the situation - this is truly cutting-edge material! To see what "Secrets to Dog Training: STOP Dog Behavior Problems!" can do for you, follow these 3 easy steps...

Join over 217,449 other dog owners and sign up to my 100% FREE Secrets to Dog Training 6 Day Course in the box above (my course is the best on the net... period!) Read the success stories below from just a few of the more than 217,449 dog owners who have ordered and used my amazing Secrets to Dog Training techniques Get your very own copy of the Secrets to Dog Training e-book and Secrets to Dog Training 30-minute video program Will you be next to change YOUR dog's behavior?

- By Daniel Stevens

Will 'Secrets to Dog Training' work for you and your dog? Over 217,449 dog owners have used 'Secrets to Dog Training' to turn even the most difficult dogs into well behaved members of society. But don't just take my word for it! Read on to see how Secrets to Dog Training has changed the lives of the dog owners below. These are just ordinary people like you. They were fed up with their dog’s behavior problems, but rather than just complain about it, they took action. They came to a realization that if they didn’t take charge of their lives, they’d live their entire life stressed and embarrassed about the way their dog behaves.

Here are some of our many great success stories: From: Cara McLean converted by

To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: We almost gave up and now he is now a great member of our family!

Dear Daniel, Your book was a lifesaver! Our 2 year old black German Shepherd, Jack, came to us from a woman who was not able to cope with him herself. When he came to us at the beginning of the year he was a total handful. He was boisterous, aggressive, skittish and unresponsive... ...In the first month we were at our wits end and when I bought the Secrets to Dog Training books online we were a week from giving him up ourselves. We had the dominance training sorted from day one because we were aware that was going to be an issue otherwise but Jack had serious behavioral issues around food and walks that needed a lot of work. In the months since we got and read the books he has become a different dog! Everyone says so. We have recently been told people suggest us to friends in the area who have dog trouble and we have helped socialise several problem pups with Jack (because its good for him as much as them) all thanks to Daniel and his book giving us that extra knowledge that has really rounded out our own understanding. I recommend it ad nauseum! Jack still pulls on the lead he has good days and bad days but we are working on it. Jack now looks us in the eyes, can be walked off lead. Sits, Stays, Fetches, leaves he is a great play mate. He sits and waits so quietly for his dinner we have honestly forgotten he is still waiting once or twice and he has come to remind us 5 minutes later! He doesn’t immediately run out if the front door is open and will happily sit outside with us if we are cleaning cars or talking out the front without dashing off. We have taken him from the most difficult, messed up dog, almost deliberately awful to a great member of our family. He is fun. He is funny. He is a joy and we wouldn’t give him up for anything! And we wouldn’t have gotten this far without the wonderful hints, tips and explanations from Daniel in his online books. The best buy ever!! Bar none! We honestly have had dozens of comments on how good Jack has become. No joke! Cheers Daniel I really appreciate all your good work has done for us! -- Cara McLean (Cambridge, UK)

From: Doug Cummins To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: It worked and she is much better

"Hi, I bought the online book Secrets to Dog Training, because I have a big Guardian dog, and she was very aggressive to strangers in our house. I knew she could be trained because her mother was not aggressive. I got several good tips from the book as well as a personal email on how to correct her behavior. It worked and she is now much much better. I am very pleased and satisfied I bought the book. Thanks a bunch Daniel for doing what you do." -- Doug Cummins (Nebraska, USA

From: Susan Caruso To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: Jack has made GREAT progress!

"My husband and I adopted Jack (a one year old male Pug/Chihuahua mix) three months ago from a shelter (we are his third home in a year) and to put it mildly he was 20 pounds of terror-- dominate, nipping, chewing and also had separation anxiety issues. He quickly earned the name 'Jack The Nipper'.

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I read a couple of books about dogs behaving badly, but felt that I needed a step-by-step approach to correct Jack's unpleasant behavior. I researched the internet and came across Secrets to Dog Training, which I quickly downloaded, printed and read in one evening. I immediately started with the Alpha Dog lessons and got across to Jack that I am the Alpha Mommy. I had no idea that doing something as simple as making him sit before I put his bowl of food down would make a difference in how Jack viewed me. Jack has made great progress. He has become confident, less anxious and likes to practice commands every day. We still need to work on a few areas, but it's only been less than three months! Jack is much happier knowing that we are the pack leaders who protect, feed and love him. I recommend Secrets to Dog Training to everyone who has a dog as a companion. I have learned so much about dog behaviors and how to respond accordingly without yelling or intimidating. Thanks Dan for writing such a great learning tool!"

-- Susan Caruso (USA)

From: Wayne and Sumo To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: Thanks to you Sumo is now super obedient!

"Hi Daniel, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this for Secrets to Dog Training was great! We have a crossed breed Poodle/Terrier and training him is extremely important to us since we live in high rise apartment. Secrets to Dog Training's methods are positive and very proactive. Sumo, our pup, is doing great! At only 5 months old he sits, lies down, heals, stays, and even comes most of the time. We can not expect too much at his age but he is getting better everyday. Secrets to Dog Training continues to provide support through email which we feel is a priceless resource." -- Wayne & Sumo (USA)

From: Carla J. Johnson To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: Finally I can now control my dogs!

"I love Secrets to Dog Training. I rescued two German Shepherds and I did not know anything about dog obedience. One of my dogs was quite aggressive with other dogs, and crazy about chasing cats and squirrels. What I like about your book is that you give insights into what the dog is thinking, why they behave the way they do, and tips on what to do to correct the problem. I have learned so much from your instructions, and my dogs are now following my commands and I am able to control them. Thanks for the great book." -- Carla J. Johnson (Long Beach, California, USA)

What's more... The comprehensive Secrets to Dog Training package (as a 2-CD pack) is available shipped to you virtually anywhere in the world for just $69.95 plus $19.95 shipping and handling...

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The full Secrets to Dog Training package is now available for instant download (PC or Mac)! You can be learning our secrets in minutes! There are several advantages to you ordering the download package... Zero shipping and handling costs, saving you money. No waiting time, forget having to wait weeks for postal delivery. No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged. You receive the Secrets to Dog Training package at a lower price because it costs us less to produce.

Because of the Savings Associated with Downloads, Here Is My Special Offer to You...

The DOWNLOADABLE Secrets to Dog Training Package For 43% Off The SHIPPED Price...

Order the Secrets to Dog Training INSTANT DOWNLOAD for just $39.95

Please note: Once you have ordered you do not have to download everything straight away. You will be given a password to re-enter the Members Area at any time. I prefer to order the shipped hardcopy version of the Secrets to Dog Training 2CD pack!

Get my FREE Secrets to Dog Training 6 Day Course! This course covers selected training methods that are used in Secrets to Dog Training and it is yours FREE with absolutely no obligation whatsoever...

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Your email address is required for you to receive the FREE course. You can unsubscribe any time and your email address will never be given to any 3rd party.

For more information read on... You're about to discover exactly how 217,449 other people have used 'Secrets to Dog Training' to STOP their dog's behavior problems... For Good. Once you apply these secrets, you'll be so proud of how well your dog behaves! From: Daniel Stevens September 1st, 2011 5:30pm. Dear Friend,

Dogs have a vast range of personalities, which is one of their attributes that we find so appealing. However, it also means that not all dogs respond to training and behavior modification techniques in the same way. The great thing about 'Secrets to Dog Training' is that it not only covers detailed training instructions for over 25 specific dog problems (including photos), but it also includes unlimited consultations in our Members Area forum with me and my team of dog trainers, vets and fellow dog owners. This is to ensure that you get your specific questions about your dog's problems answered.

Important tip Make sure that you are consistent by displaying good leadership and control any unwanted behavior by applying the methods taught in 'Secrets to Dog Training'. Your dog is less likely to challenge you (and will respect you more) if it perceives you to be a strong leader.

Dogs instinctively challenge the pack leader when they perceive the leader to be losing touch. Your dog is far less likely to challenge you if you are perceived to be a strong leader, and your dog will breeze through life feeling safe and secure in its environment.

You may not believe this but... You should NEVER use the recall word ("COME", or whatever word you choose) to call your dog to discipline him, correct him, tell him what a bad dog he is, or for any negative reason. Bad deeds MUST be caught IN THE ACT in order to correct. If you still need your dog by you for a negative reason, give him a firm SIT command and go get him.

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Beagles, Carlos & Pablo

For example: Imagine this, you see your dog "Major" outside digging up your newly planted daisies.

You first quietly say "Major, Come here". Major, doesn’t respond. You then yell "MAJOR - COME HERE!". Major still doesn’t come, so you go over and grab him by the collar and yell "I told you to Come Here!" and give him a smack. Major, being a smart dog, makes a mental note "Come Here" means "You’re in trouble and about to get punished". Next time when he is outside, and you want him to come inside for dinner you go out and

say to him

"Come here", he responds by running away.

"Dumb dog" you think and go and grab him and drag him inside so he’ll eat his food. Then you say sternly "How come you don’t ever COME when I call you?!" Major makes another mental note (Hmmm: seems to me my memory of "COME HERE" is still accurate – don’t want to respond to that – after all, "COME HERE" means I am in BIG TROUBLE!)

Remember, dogs know ONLY "dog language" when they come to live with us.

WE must teach them our language. In the above examples, Major did not learn OUR translation for the word "COME". He learned "COME" meant "angry owner – I’m in trouble now. Better scram out of here!" We want Major to learn that "COME" means "Get your buns to me in the fastest way possible – NO EXCEPTIONS!" Major needs to understand that COME means GOOD stuff – ALWAYS!

If you want to learn what it really takes to stop your dog’s behavior problems now, using the fastest and healthiest methods that exist - then you have to hear everything I’m going to share with you. It’s that important. The best part about this information is that anyone can do it and it’s easy! Whether your dog is a puppy or an adult, it doesn’t matter, I’ll show you how in minutes a day, you can transform your dog’s behavior. The information and techniques apply to all breeds and all ages of dogs. Forget hiring a professional dog trainer. Save hundreds of dollars and learn their most guarded secrets here. Best of all, the information and techniques are easy for anyone to use. Our Secrets to Dog Training book brings you over 260 pages packed with powerful facts, instructions and insight - all you need to know to STOP your dog’s behavior problems in their tracks!

Then our Secrets to Dog Training (30-min) downloadable video gives you great techniques for preventing pulling on the leash, direct and paper methods of house training, how to become the pack leader and, just as importantly, how to maintain that position. You’ll see real-life examples of our top tips on screen as we show you exactly what to do to make it happen with your dog. Presented in a practical, downto-earth manner, this video is a pleasure to watch as we deal with a wide range of important handling and behavior issues - giving you a toolkit of actions you can use to manage your dog effectively.

Here’s a Small Sample of What You’ll Learn Need to stop your dog from trying to fight with other dogs? Learn the best ways to break up dog fights and prevent them from ever happening again.(page 84-86) Want to know how to curb your dog’s aggressiveness? Learn six powerful strategies for training aggressive dogs. (pages 60-72)

Did you know that your dog may not know why you are trying to correct him? Learn how to make him understand. This will remove the frustration and rapidly increase the speed of your dog's learning. (Page 37, plus further communication strategies provided throughout)

All the secrets of professional dog trainers are revealed, and best of all are easy to apply! Stop wasting hundreds of dollars (chapters 103, 201, and 301)

Does your dog require urgent dog house training? Learn the dog house training techniques you must know that get the fastest results, whether you keep your dog indoors or outdoors. (chapters 103, 203, 302 - also on our video - plus house training bonus book)

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Sick of having your dog race out the front door? Read my book and you’ll never have to worry about this again. (page 116)

Got a dominant dog? We teach you how to deal with him. (chapters 201, 202, plus bonus book). In our downloadable video, Dave explains ‘The Alpha Dog’ and shows you how to establish and maintain yourself as pack leader - so your dog lives with you on your terms.

Separation anxiety getting you both down? Find out about the best ways to make it go away. (pages 143-144 and Separation Anxiety case study: pages 145-146)

Hate having your dog jump up on you? Learn six simple techniques to stop him jumping up on you ever again! (pages 141-142 and Jumping case study: pages 143)

Neighbors getting annoyed with your pet's constant barking? Maybe he doesn’t bark enough? Apply these advanced techniques so that your dog knows when and where it’s appropriate to bark. (pages 56, 86-89, 127-128)

When you see the world through your dog's eyes you gain a huge advantage in training them to do what you want. When you understand how your dog thinks - and what he needs to know - the training program is easy to follow.

Once you learn all of the above, I promise you, you’ll notice dramatic changes in your dog’s behavior problems immediately! You don't need to visit an expensive "Dog Training Professional" everything you need to know is right here in this package.

And you’ll also learn: Dog Whispering is a cutting edge, amazing and totally humane training technique. Discover the secrets to making it work for you and your dog. (pages 32 and 120-128)

What to do and look out for when there is more than one dog in the house! (pages 130-131) Use my Top Dog Maintenance Program to keep the peace! Having problems with the family cat being harassed? Learn an easy method to let your cat and dog live in harmony! (page 134, plus Cat and Car Chasing case study)

Want to stop your dog eating his own, or other dogs' poop? The technical term for this is coprophagia. We have the best ways to stop this nauseating behavior! (pages 72-73)

Having trouble with your dog pulling on the leash? Find out how to stop this behavior in ten minutes or less with my sure-fire technique. (pages 82-84, page 125 - also on our video)

Biting, nipping and mouthing problems can be embarrassing when you have your dog in public. Fix these dog behavior problems once and for all with my super-effective techniques. (pages 68-72)

Discover how to train your dog to learn any command. We cover in specific detail with photos, many commands such as: Okay and No, Come (Recall), Hold and Leave , Sit, Sit and Stay, Down, Heel, Seek, Stand, Beg for food, Fetch, Catch food , Climb ladders, Shake hands, Crawl, Jump, Rollover and more! (chapters 203 for basic commands and 301 and 303 for advanced commands) Things to consider when exercising (page 32) or leaving your dog in the heat (page 138) . Don’t cause him any more stress than you need to! Has your dog got sickness problems? (pages 132136) We teach you all you need to know about many illness concerns, including stomach gas problems (page 136), motion sickness ... and what you must know about selecting a vet for your dog! (page 30)

Learn powerful techniques to solve ANY dog behavior problem such as failsafe methods for dog house training (toilet training) (see the House Training bonus book), professional secrets to training an aggressive dog – no matter what the circumstances (chapter 202, also see Alpha Dog bonus book) digging (pages 79-81), barking (pages 86-90), worms (page 147), fleas (page 137), gas problems (page 136), fighting (chapter 202), destroying your stuff, and much, much more is covered in this comprehensive, easy to follow book.

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So, How Much is the FULL Secrets to Dog Training Package Shipped To You? The comprehensive Secrets to Dog Training package (as a 2-CD pack) is available shipped to you virtually anywhere in the world for just $69.95 plus $19.95 shipping and handling...

BUT WAIT!! You Can Get Secrets to Dog Training Instantly... No Wasting Time Or Waiting For Mail... The full Secrets to Dog Training package is now available for instant download (PC or Mac)! You can be learning our secrets in minutes! There are several advantages to you ordering the download package... Zero shipping and handling costs, saving you money. No waiting time, forget having to wait weeks for postal delivery. No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged. You receive the Secrets to Dog Training package at a lower price because it costs us less to produce.

Here Is Our Special Offer to You...

The DOWNLOADABLE Secrets to Dog Training Package For 43% Off The SHIPPED Price... Because we are so sure that Secrets to Dog Training is exactly what you need to stop your dog's behavior problems for good, we would like to make you this special promotional offer!

We are offering the DOWNLOADABLE version at the super price of $39.95, which means you can get the entire Secrets to Dog Training package, including: A comprehensive book that teaches you how to solve over 25 dog behavior problems, with numerous photos and step by step instructions (at over 260 pages, this is your essential reference). A 30-minute video program that puts you right in the picture with real-life examples of how YOU can become the top dog and stay the top dog! Plus... sure-fire house training methods and how to stop your dog pulling on the leash. Unlimited dog behavior consultations with the Secrets to Dog Training team in the Members' Area Forum

...FOR JUST $69.95 $39.95... That's right, YOU can save a whopping 43% off the shipped price of $69.95 RIGHT NOW! That's not even counting the $19.95 you save on shipping and handling! This special offer cannot last so...

Don't Wait!! Order The Full Secrets to Dog Training Package Here!! Order the Secrets to Dog Training INSTANT DOWNLOAD for just $69.95 $39.95

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You'll get immediate access to the Secrets to Dog Training Members Area , where you can download the individual components as you need them, or the complete package to your computer. Your purchase also includes unlimited consultations in our Members Area forum with me and my team of dog trainers, vets and fellow dog owners. This is to ensure that you get your specific questions about your dog's problems answered.

Please note: Once you have ordered you do not have to download everything straight away. You will be given a password to re-enter the Members Area at any time.

Order the HARDCOPY 2-CD Pack for $69.95 plus $19.95 S&H

If you choose this option, you will receive the Secrets to Dog Training Book on CD and the Secrets to Dog Training 30-minute video program on DVD. You will also get instant access to the Secrets to Dog Training Members Area, where you can access the full package, and get your specific dog training questions answered by the veterinary staff who participate daily on our members' forum.

How 'Secrets to Dog Training' is different to any other dog training course out there This is NOT just about housetraining and teaching your dog to perform basic commands: Obviously we cover that too and teach it as well as anyone else... but that's not the main benefit...

The vast majority of our Secrets to Dog Training members have been using it to solve the specific behavioral problems that they are having with their dogs. We cover over 25 behavioral problems in step by step detail including photos. These problems include aggression towards people and other dogs, digging, barking, whining, jumping, chewing, bolting out the front door, separation anxiety, coprophagia, housetraining, and much more.

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And it comes with UNLIMITED online based consultations with me and my dog training team. That way you get to make absolutely certain that YOUR specific dog problem gets solved. I've never seen anyone else offer this level of service. Most dog obedience training courses are based on theories "so and so" said, that all rely on punishing your dog whenever he doesn’t listen. They never reveal proven strategies that show exactly how to make your dog UNDERSTAND what you are communicating to him, without forcing you to pull your hair out!

They don’t discuss the most vital part of getting your dog to learn new things! (Which is making sure he understands what you are trying to get him to do!) You don’t need some "scientifically calculated" dog training program based on hours of repetition that’s impossible to follow (not to mention doesn’t work). For example, anyone who tells you that you need to rub your dog’s nose in his own urine or poop to house train your dog doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Just because you rub a dog’s nose in urine doesn’t mean your dog will understand why you are doing that, or learn not to urinate inside! In fact, punishing your dog in such a way without him understanding why, will frustrate him and will stunt his learning, making it more difficult to get him trained! You don’t need some 12–week dog obedience training plan where you do almost the same thing each week. This is not the most effective way of training your dog because your dog switches out of learning mode due to him not being used to learning new things! What you get with 'Secrets to Dog Training' is every last nitty-gritty detail and insider secret explaining exactly what it takes to get your dog to listen to you in the shortest period of time possible. Here are some further success stories from the many emails, letters and calls I receive every day. These people have taken the guidance in Secrets to Dog Training and put it to work on their dog’s behavior problems. See for yourself the difference you can make in your life- and in your pet’s life too. From: Kirsty Halleran To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: I now have control over my two dogs!

"The Secrets to Dog Training books have been a tremendous help to me in gaining more control over my two dogs Neo & Molly especially as they were rather defiant at times. Both dogs are very loving, fun and loyal but I've had to get a dog behaviourist out in the past as Molly's a rescue dog, has a nervous disposition and a habit of going bonkers through fear by barking, growling and trying to nip/bite. I think she was abused before I got her as she is extremely scared of children and doesn't particularly like strangers and other dogs. She loves the family and those she knows but it was/is really worrying so the fear biting section has been great for tips on dealing with that. They know now who's the alpha and don't try nearly as much nonsense as they used to. Obviously I'm not expecting them to change overnight, I realise I have to be rigorous in the re-training but so far they're coming along great! I really wish I'd heard/got the Secrets to Dog Training books years ago, in my opinion no dog owner should be without a copy. They're brilliant, very easy to understand/follow and they results are amazing! Please find attached my photo of myself and the dogs." -- Kirsty Halleran (UK)

From: Dr. Stanley Hyman To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: At last, No More Jumping! converted by

"Hi Daniel, Our Bichon, Jasmine, is a very friendly little dog who loves everyone she meets and shows it by jumping up on them. By following the instructions in your Secrets to Dog Training book, we were able to control her jumping." -- Dr.Stanley Hyman (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

Success Story: Lyn Spain To: Secrets to Dog Training Subject: No more aggression between my dogs

"I purchased the Secrets to Dog Training after I acquired a second puppy that was seven weeks old. My first puppy a male then 14 months old was a little bit aggressive with her. Now my puppies eat, sunbake and play together very happily. I would recommend it to anyone who cares about their animals." -- Lyn Spain (Fortitude Valley, QLD, Australia

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

If you order on or before Midnight Monday, September 26th 2011, you'll also receive the Following Free Bonus Audio Book and 5 Free Bonus Books:

Super Bonus #1: "Secrets to Dog Training Audio Book" Now you can listen to Secrets to Dog Training on your computer, burn it to CD and listen to it in your car or download it to your MP3 player and listen to it anywhere!

Super Bonus #2: "A Quick Guide to Dog Aggression" This amazing bonus is all about how to resolve dog aggression problems. You'll discover: How to resolve dog food aggression How to identify the early signs of aggression How to stop your dog acting aggressively towards children, strangers and other dogs How to deal with problems the way other people have, via our exclusive case studies

Super Bonus #3: "All The House Training Methods & Tricks" Need to house train your dog? Learn easy ways to house train your dog Use the Direct Method for an outdoors dog Use the Paper Method for an indoors dog Also includes 10 helpful tips on making house training a success

"Dog Grooming Made Easy" Want to know the best way to groom your dog? Handling your dog and preparation for grooming How to bathe your dog and clip your dogs nails The best way to clean your dog's face, eyes & ears

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Using clippers to maintain your dogs coat Dental hygiene The best approach to take depending on your dogs coat type The essential grooming equipment

"Tips On Security Training Your Dog" Interested in security training your dog? Which breed should you choose? Professional training or home training? Puppy selection and preconditioning tips

"Secrets To Becoming The Alpha Dog" It is absolutely vital that you are seen as the pack leader for a healthy relationship to prosper between your dog and your family. Your dog should see itself as being subservient to you and the rest of your family. If this pack order exists in the home then your dog will happily obey orders and be much more responsive to training. In this essential guide you'll discover how your dog's mind works and how to become the undisputed pack leader. As a result you'll put a stop to any dominance issues that may be going on right now.

…AND One Extra Bonus Here's a last minute addition... Imagine having your own dog trainer, Virtually "On Call" 24 hours a day! That's right, during this marketing test, I’m including one extra bonus for this weeks customers. Full and unlimited access to our Members Only Dog Community, where our team of dog trainers, veterinarians and fellow enthusiasts will answer your every query.

So, Just How Much Is All Of This Worth? Last time I checked Dog Trainers usually cost $50 per hour or more, and usually need at least 8 or more sessions with you and your dog. And even when you use a dog trainer, you still need a great dog training reference to refer to when they are not around.

So how much does "Secrets to Dog Training" cost? So perhaps you're wondering just what the bottom line is for you here -- after all, with so many books, video and audio that will have you resolving your dog's behavior problems in no time -- surely this must cost a fortune? Well -- I think you're about to be pleasantly surprised – but first I'd like you to consider the time and costs that were involved in creating this product (photographer, film crew, editors and so forth), plus I have several dog training and veterinary staff contracted to participate daily on our members forum to ensure that you get your specific dog training questions answered. I could sell this incredible dog training package for several hundred dollars, but I'm not going to. Why? Well, by making the 2-CD pack available as an instant download I can save a lot on production costs, and I want you to be THRILLED with the value you receive from me. So, if you take fast action today, then you'll only be asked for the (very low) one time only investment of just...

$39.95 That's right, order the INSTANT DOWNLOAD and save 43% on the Shipped Copy These Secrets Are Yours In Just Five Minutes!

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Great news. This book and video is available via instant download! You can be reading this book and be well on your way to dog obedience training or fixing your dog’s behavior problem in 5 minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before it comes with instructions, it’s so easy! Zero shipping costs. No waiting time, forget having to wait weeks for postal delivery. No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged. You receive the package at a lower price because it costs us less to produce. That's right -- $39.95 for EVERYTHING described above, and your dog is just a few steps away from being that well-behaved member of society that you always dreamed they could be. That's not all though -- not by a long shot -- because when you take action today I am prepared to eliminate every bit of risk for you with...

100% 60 Day No Hassle Money Back Guarantee

That’s right! Take up to 60 days to examine and use the dog obedience training information, tips and techniques in "Secrets to Dog Training: Stop Your Dog's Behavior Problems!". That’s up to 60 days to put these valuable strategies to work on your dog in your own home. "Secrets to Dog Training" is sold through Clickbank, the internet's premier digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day. Clickbank keeps your personal information secure and ensures that you are COMPLETELY protected. If you are not satisfied with "Secrets to Dog Training" for ANY reason, you can return it for a prompt and courteous 100% refund of your purchase price. And remember this is a full 60 day guarantee. You're free to return it next week, next month, or up to 60 days from now. Try the techniques yourself… Try as many of the tips as you can. Once you have used these strategies on your dog, and your dog becomes the well behaved member of society you dreamed they'd be, I’m confident that you’ll NEVER want to send it back!

5 Good Reasons to Buy 'Secrets to Dog Training' Right Now Reason #1: Everything you need to know is right here in this comprehensive 2-CD package! Inside Secrets to Dog Training you'll receive a cutting-edge, step-by-step guide that shows you everything that you need to know to solve your dog's behavior problems and have the owner-dog relationship of your dreams. No need to risk further heartache through making uninformed decisions. Just follow the instructions and start converted by

getting results with your dog immediately. But you don't need to wait for Secrets to Dog Training to arrive by mail - you can gain instant download access and start training your dog straight away!

Reason #2: 217,449 other dog owners have used 'Secrets to Dog Training' methods to resolve their dog's obedience problems and turn their dog into a happy, respectful and well mannered member of the family. Now you have the opportunity to be next!

Reason #3: Over the years I've learned one important thing: If you don't make the decision to take action and get your dog obedience training sorted out right now, there's a very very small chance that you'll do anything about it in the future... do you really want to leave your dog's societal development and obedience in general to chance? You owe it to yourself and your dog to make informed decisions and to give your dog the best possible chance to learn how to do things the right way.

Reason #4: Your will also get a heap of bonuses, including UNLIMITED dog training consultations with me and our dog training staff in our online members area, this is to ensure that your specific dog training issues are resolved once and for all. You won't find this level of service anywhere else.

Reason #5:. With your instant money-back guarantee, there is literally NO RISK for you. If you aren't satisfied for ANY reason , or it doesn't live up to your expectations, just send me an email and I will refund your payment. Right up to the final week of my 60 day guarantee.

Yes! I want to stop all my dog's behavior problems and have my dog become the well behaved family member that I'd always dreamed they'd be. I want to order the Secrets to Dog Training INSTANT DOWNLOAD Package and gain immediate access to the Members Area right now! Order the Secrets to Dog Training INSTANT DOWNLOAD for just $39.95

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Yes, I want to order the Secrets to Dog Training 2-CD Pack! Order the HARDCOPY 2-CD Pack for $69.95 plus $19.95 S&H

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Stevens Author of Secrets to Dog Training: Stop Dog Behavior Problems!

P.S. Remember, If YOU Want to Improve Your Dog's Behavior in the Shortest Possible Time Then Secrets to Dog Training is For YOU! P.P.S. Remember, With Every Order, You'll also get the 7 Bonuses- Completely FREE!... You have nothing to lose ordering Secrets to Dog Training, no matter what country you’re in. Start your dog obedience training today!

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