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Are you curious about the impact of digital assets on the payments industry?

Download our new report from The Payment’s Association’s Project Digital Currencies team: “Demystifying digital assets: The history, status, and future of programmable digital assets.”

This comprehensive and educational report covers everything you need to know about programmable digital assets. Download it to find:

• An overview of 4 categories of digital assets

• An overview of the regulatory developments in the EU and UK

• Seven interviews with experts on their thoughts on their potential to disrupt

• Seven recommendations for the realisation of digital assets in the payments industry

Scan the QR code to download our report now and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of payments.

Digital Assets


The history, status, and future of programmable digital assets

‘Young children are not ashamed of asking how does this work and what is going on? But in our industry, we are rarely that honest, despite not understanding or worse, misunderstanding the whys and what’s of new domains. This report sets out to demystify things for honest grown-ups in the payments industry.’

Tony Craddock, Director General of The Payments Association

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