Article Marketing Normally when one thinks of search engine rankings, you think of search engine optimization (SEO) work. The race to juggle and something called algorithms to get a higher ranking with the search engines. SEO is highly over rated and has been made way too complicated. What really happens is this: people go to search for something, say hair loss products, weight lifting information or home business opportunities, and they type certain search words into the browser. It’s the WORDS people use to search that really affect your rankings. Key Effectiveness Index is the ranking of words used by people when they search for product X. They get site X through N etc. as a result because the words they used to search are prominently used on those sites (either in the meta tags at the top of the page - something you can not see) or they are used in your copy (most often the top 25 words as that is what the engines typically crawl). How does that relate to you and article marketing? You’ll be delighted at how easy this is, because anyone can do this effectively. Article marketing means YOU provide something you’ve written about marketing, home business opportunities, training, etc. to other Web sites, blogs, and eZines for FREE. FREE? Yes, free! Because in return you get to include a short bio and links back to your site in the "resource box" that appears at the end of your article. Your article will fit into a niche that you pick. So if you want to write about affiliate marketing or blogging, then your site link should lead back to a site that most directly relates to your topic. If you don't have a site of our 19