interest you, what do you do? Right, you hit delete. Since you are an affiliate marketer, you want your mail opened and read.
How You Get Your Email Opened You have 50 characters in the subject line including spaces you can use. Make them count, because what you say will make or break your next e-mail campaign. The subject line needs to be catchy and grab their attention. The best place for headline/subject line ideas is your local newspaper. Like newspaper headlines, your e-mail subject line need to tell the recipient what to expect in the e-mail. This might not always work. That's life. One campaign may take off like crazy, the next flop. With practice and a few hints and tips, you can be certain you'll have more hits than misses. To cut down on the number of misses, follow the first rule of e-mail marketing which is TEST, TEST, TEST and then TEST some more. You are testing styles and trends that seem to work. Pick your subject line BEFORE you write your body content. It needs to be the first thing you do for any email campaign. Then test it on your team and perhaps a part of your email contact lists. Let's say you have an e-mail list of about 300 people. Try testing two different subject lines and keep track of the results. How many responses did you get to each heading? Review the most successful one, then change one word and resend it to your list. You need to do this continually because each e-mail campaign will be different by choice and by necessity. 39