Aerogels; Industrail Insulation///
EX MACHINA released last year November.2016
Creationism / Humanism.
Humans & The Destruction of Planet Earth.
Εφημερίδα για την εξαιρετική
Introductory Index
Breaking down the Masthead. The Beginning. The geometric representation of the beginning (life), the circle indicates the start of each article.
The Continuation. Being the second component that makes up the logo, the triangle serves as the bridge between the start and the finish, a continuation, if you will.
The End. The literal end. The final stage in alchemy that also serves as the last component of the symbol as well as each article.
Table of Contents.
Aerogels; Industrail Insulation///
EX MACHINA released last year November.2016
Creationism / Humanism.
Humans & The Destruction of Planet Earth.
Aerogels; Industrail Insulation///
Transmutation. An explanation of aerogels and appropiate uses.
- does not refer to a particular substance, but rather to a geometry which a substance can take on the same way a sculpture can be made out of clay, plastic, papier-mâchÊ, etc.
The Inrtoduction of Material.
The Obscurity of Material.
Aerogels are a diverse class of porous, solid materials that exhibit an uncanny array of extreme materials properties. Most notably aerogels are known for their extreme low densities (which range from 0.0011 to ~0.5 g cm-3). In fact, the lowest density solid materials that have ever been produced are all aerogels, including a silica aerogel that as produced was only three times heavier than air, and could be made lighter than air by evacuating the air out of its pores. That said, aerogels usually have densities of 0.020 g cm-3 or higher (about 15 times heavier than air). But even at those densities, it would take 150 brick-sized pieces of aerogel to weigh as much as a single gallon of water! And if Michaelangelo’s David were made out of an aerogel with a density of 0.020 g cm-3, it would only weigh about 4 pounds (2 kg)! Typically aerogels are 9599% air (or other gas) in volume, with the lowestdensity aerogel ever produced being 99.98% air in volume.
By tailoring the production process, many of the properties of an aerogel can be adjusted. Bulk density is a good example of this, adjusted simply by making a more or less concentrated precursor gel. The thermal conductivity of an aerogel can be also be adjusted this way, since thermal conductivity is related to density. Typically, aerogels exhibit bulk densities ranging from 0.5 to 0.01 g cm-3 and surface areas ranging from 100 to 1000 m2 g-1, depending of course on the composition of the aerogel and the density of the precursor gel used to make the aerogel. Other properties such as transparency, color, mechanical strength, and susceptibility to water depend primarily on the composition of the aerogel.
Essentially an aerogel is the dry, low-density, porous, solid framework of a gel (the part of a gel that gives the gel its solid-like cohesiveness) isolated in-tact from the gelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s liquid component (the part that makes up most of the volume of the gel). Aerogels are open-porous (that is, the gas in the aerogel is not trapped inside solid pockets) and have pores in the range of <1 to 100 nanometers (billionths of a meter) in diameter and usually <20 nm.
For example, silica aerogels, which are the most widely researched type of aerogel (and the type people typically see in photographs), are usually transparent with a characteristic blue cast due to Rayleigh scattering of the short wavelengths of light off of nanoparticles that make up the aerogelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s framework. Carbon aerogels, on the other hand, are totally opaque and black. Furthermore, iron oxide aerogels are just barely translucent and can be either rust-colored or yellow. As another example, low-density (<0.1 g cm-3) inorganic aerogels are both excellent thermal insulators and excellent dielectric materials (electrical insulators), whereas most carbon aerogels are both good thermal insulators and electrical conductors. Thus it can be seen that by adjusting processing parameters and exploring new compositions, we can make materials with a versatile range of properties and abilities.
N . O T I
Aerogels may have a thermal conductivity smaller than that of the gas they contain. This is caused by the Knudsen effect, a reduction of thermal conductivity in gases when the size of the cavity encompassing the gas becomes comparable to the mean free path. Effectively, the cavity restricts the movement of the gas particles, decreasing the thermal conductivity in addition to eliminating convection. For example, thermal conductivity of air is about 25 mW/m¡K at STP and in a large container, but decreases to about 5 mW/m¡K in a pore 30 nanometers in diameter.[9]
AT 10
11 Aerogels may have a thermal conductivity smaller than that of the gas they contain. This is caused by the Knudsen effect, a reduction of thermal conductivity in gases when the size of the cavity encompassing the gas becomes comparable to the mean free path. Effectively, the cavity restricts the movement of the gas particles, decreasing the thermal conductivity in addition to eliminating convection. For example, thermal conductivity of air is about 25 mW/m¡K at STP and in a large container, but decreases to about 5 mW/m¡K in a pore 30 nanometers in diameter.[9]
Record held by a specially-formulated carbon aerogel: Highest specific surface area for a monolithic material (3200 m g-1)
The Flower, the Mona Lis dramatically demonstrate properties of silica aer delicate, moist flower f of a Bunsen burner (imag Berkeley National Labora
Lowest optical index of refraction (1.002)
Lowest thermal conductivity (0.016 W m-1 K-1)
Lowest speed of sound through a material (70 m s-1)
Lowest dielectric constant from 3-40 GHz (1.008)
sa of aerogel pictures, es the superinsulating rogel by insulating a from the raging heat ge credit Lawrence atory).
EX MACHINA released last year November.2016
Ok, Google. The impending future of artificial intellegnce -
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.â&#x20AC;? - Alan Turing
IS IT STRANGE â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Of Fiction. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taken me a year and a several viewings to collect my thoughts about Ex Machina. Superficially it looks like a film about the future of artificial intelligence, but like most science fiction, it tells us more about the present than the future; and like most discussion around AI, it ends up reflecting not technological progress so much as human egos.
And Imperfection. Artificial intelligence is one of the most narcissistic fields of research since astronomers gave up the geocentric universe. A central conceit of the field has long been that creating human-like intelligence is both desirable and some sort of ultimate achievement. In the last fifty years or so, a chain of thinkers from von Neumann to Kurzweil via Vernor Vinge have stretched beyond that, to develop the idea of the ‘Singularity’ a point at which the present human-led era ends as the first super-human AIs take charge of their own development and begin to hyper-evolve in ways we can scarcely imagine.
This recent cultural obsession which deserves its own post - prompts a comment by the awestruck Caleb, after Nathan the Mad Scientist reveals his attempt to build a conscious machine and the two helpfully explain to the audience what a Turing Test is: “If you’ve created a conscious machine it’s not the history of man… that’s the history of Gods.”
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“I don’t know how you did any of this,” Caleb remarks to the genius Nathan, when he first looks at the lab where Ava was built. Neither do I, to be honest, and in fact I’ll go further: I don’t believe Nathan did it at all. I have an alternative theory, and while I’m not sure if it’s what Alex Garland (writer and director of the film) intended, it makes a lot more sense than the alternative. Nathan is the clearest study of ego in the film. When Caleb makes his comment about the history of ‘gods’, the CEO instinctively assumes the ‘god’ referred to is himself, where Ava is his Eve and his sprawling green estate is some sort of Garden of Eden. Nathan is the epitome of a particular trope in society’s view of science and technology; the idea that tremendous advances are driven by determined individual heroes rather than collaborative teams. In reality of course there’s no way that one guy could deal with all the technology in that house, let alone find time to build gel-brains or a sentient machine. This is a man in serious need of some interns.
(He’s also the epitome of an all-too-real trope in silicon valley, a hyper-masculine denizen of a male-dominated libertarian world where women are still seen as window dressing for sales booths. His robots are all ‘women’ - of course the question of whether an AI can be female in any meaningful sense is wide open - and function as basically slaves and sex toys. To the extent that Ava has sexuality, it amounts to a “hole” - Nathan’s word - in the right place, a feminine appearance, and a willingness to massage male egos. ) I believe Ava was the result of an accident some serendipitous event that sprang out of Bluebook’s unprecedented data collection and processing efforts and made the first version suddenly possible. There are several clues to this inadvertently or otherwise in the film. There’s the constant evasion whenever Caleb tries to swing the conversation around to specific discussion of the technicalities of AI. In CCTV footage of Nathan with Ava’s predecessors, the bearded scientist looks more like a Victorian explorer prodding a mysterious African mammal than a developer following a plan.
[text entry]
Creationism / Humanism / Scientific AtheIsim.
I suspect that one of the main reasons for the rise of scientific atheism is to counter the rise, or rather reemergence, of right-wing fundamentalist, creationist and intelligent design theology. It was pretty much thought that the Scopes Trial (the ‘Monkey Trial’) in 1925 spelled just about the final nail in the coffin of fundamentalism, that the Bible was 100% accurate including all of the science contained therein. The shift away from fundamentalism sort of cumulated in the “God is dead” mantra in the 60’s. However, extreme religious fundamentalism has resurfaced with a whole host of prominent people, including well known politicians as well as the emergence of the Tea Party, thumping their Bibles and using the new technologies of social media and the Internet to get their “Answers in Genesis” (along with a creationist museum or theme park with dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark) message across. There has also been an equally prominent rise in fundamentalist Islam. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so it is not surprising that those who feel strongly against fundamentalist philosophy or theology will rise to the occasion, and fundamentalism rubs against the scientific world-view the wrong way far more than say an economic worldview. So, we have a rise of scientific atheism and not economic atheism.
noun. 1. disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
It is indeed disturbing to see so many evangelicals unaware of the Vatican’s strategy for bringing the world under the dominion of the papacy. The Vatican has made a concerted effort since 1965 to bring their “separated brothers’ back home to “holy mother the church.” In his 1995 encyclical Et Unum Sint, Pope John Paul II said he intends “to promote every suitable increase the unity of all Christians until they reach full communion” and “to encourage the efforts of all who work for the cause of unity.” The pope’s stated desire is “to gather all people and all things into Christ, so as to be for all an inseparable sacrament of unity... expressed in the common celebration of the Eucharist.” During a week of prayer for Christian unity Pope John Paul II said, “I gladly take this opportunity to call the attention of all believers to the ecumenical commitment that marked VC II. The council rightly defined the division among Christians as a scandal. The council Fathers felt the need to beg pardon of God and of their brethren for the sins committed against unity.” He asked Catholics “to cultivate an authentic spiritual ecumenism” through the Virgin Mary [not through the Lord Jesus]. The success of the pope’s push for unity can be seen by the announcement made last year by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He urged all Christians to recognize the Pope as the supreme authority of a new global church (6/99 CRN News). In a document called The Gift of Authority, he describes the Pope as a “gift to be received by all the churches.” It would do us all well to heed the words of C.H. Spurgeon, “Ignorance has been one of the grand agents of Popery ever since her establishment; by it, the eyes of men have been so blinded that they can scarcely discern between good and evil, and follow implicitly any guide even until they fall into the ditch of perdition.”
noun 1. a person bound by monastic vows.
Humans & The Destruction of Planet Earth.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no secret that the world population is booming. Data shows the extent that humans are inhabiting the earth, putting pressure on the earthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural resources. There are around an extra 2,042m people living on the planet compared to 25 years ago.
Globarl Warming
Diminishing Resources
Due to global warming the planet is heating up, which is having several knock-on effects. For example, the rise in temperatures is leading to the polar ice caps melting and also leading to droughts.
The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been happening since the 70s. In order to collect wood and create space for the cattle industry, the lush rainforests in the Amazon are cut down, destroying habitats and affecting climate change.
Sea Level Increase
Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April, is the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest moment to reflect on the damage that is being done to our planet, and how humanity can help. And these charts show that there is much for people to do.
The rise in global temperatures is causing the ice to melt. This affects sea levels and the habitats for animals who live in the Arctic. Animals such as polar bears whose habitat revolves around the ice are also affect by the changes.
The designated day, which the UN hopes can help save the environment and the people that rely on it, is intended to help change peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s behaviour so that they can work to protect the planet.
Food Demand & the Environment
Food Demand & the Environment
Corn and soy are prized because they can be efficiently grown on vast farms. But growing just one crop consistently (a monoculture) depletes the soil and forces farmers to use greater amounts of pesticides and fertilizers.
In general, the most common action is that light pollution alters and interferes with the timing of necessary biological activities. For approximately half of all life, those crepuscular and nocturnal species that begin their daily activities at sundown, our artificial lights at night seriously constrain their lives, exposing them to predators and reducing the time they have to find food, shelter, or mates and reproduce.
Climate The minor changes in climate we are experiencing are natural and have been going on since we had an atmosphere. The real problems humanity is inflicting are things like pollution (especially rubbish dumping) habitat destruction and deforestation.
Stability in Population
CO2 Emissions
The population will stabilize at 11 billion around 2050 providing we educate and support Third World countries to give them learning, contraception and advice, clean water and decent medical facilities - then families will stop having multiple babies as a pension and labour source.
The powerplant in the photo is gas-fueled, the most efficient (in terms of CO2 emissions) electricity generator for the Megawatts produced, megawatts which make the difference between civilization and a marginal existence.
JUST ONE. (Too many people on planet Earth.)
Journal for the exceptional.