WELCOME TO WELCOME TO PromPt Building PromPt Building IInspections nspections
ABOUT US ABOUT US PromptBuildingInspectionsspecialisein PromptBuildingInspectionsspecialisein residentialbuilding residentialbuilding iinspectionsinPerth,WesternAustralia.Whetheryouarepurchasing nspectionsinPerth,WesternAustralia.Whetheryouarepurchasing anestablishedhomeorbuildinganewhome,PromptBuilding anestablishedhomeorbuildinganewhome,PromptBuilding IInspectionscancaterforallyourinspectionneeds.Oureasytoread nspectionscancaterforallyourinspectionneeds.Oureasytoread reportscomplywithAS4349.1&AS4943.3andwillbeavailable reportscomplywithAS4349.1&AS4943.3andwillbeavailable within24hoursoftheinspection. within24hoursoftheinspection.
Why Choose Why Choose Prompt Building Prompt Building IInspections nspections Give you a satisfaction that your home is built well. Help to sell your home fast and with good price. You will get the report within 24-hours of the inspection.
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price by providing a comprehensive providing a comprehensive inspection report of your inspection report of your home
We can help
We can help
home at a good
home at a good
in Perth, Western home in Perth, Western Australia. Australia.
ContactUs: ContactUs: www.pbiwa.com.au 21 Frawley Gardens, Murdoch 6150, Perth, WA