2 minute read

Photographer Tolga Kavut and I spent time on the pitch and the practice fi eld with the players of Inter Miami FC, the David Bechkam–built team bringing professional fútbol to South Florida.

When it comes to fi nding fun and fascinating things to do outside of work hours, Miami has no shortage of outstanding options. That’s why this issue of Aventura Magazine is dedicated to the best of our area’s leisurely pursuits and ways to play.
For fashionistas who can’t get enough mall time in their downtime, our editors have scoured the Aventura Mall to bring you fi ve of the latest and greatest stores and stops inside Florida’s largest mall (page 28). If a spa day is on your leisure agenda, we’ve got four must-not-miss treatments that go well beyond the standard massage and manicure in “Just Say Spahhh” (page 30).
Are sports more your speed? Allow us to properly introduce you to South Florida’s professional soccer team (that’s fútbol to megafans). Co-owned by none other than famed footballer David Beckham, Inter Miami CF trains and plays its home matches in Fort Lauderdale, with plans to open its 2025 season in the newly approved Miami Freedom Park. Check out Eric Barton’s “Squad Goals” on page 68 for all the details on South Florida’s Major League Soccer star power—and fútbol’s bright Floridian future.
If American football is your jam, September marks the return of all things NFL. With the offi cial kickoff of the football season upon us, you may fi nd yourself Hard Rock Stadium–bound. Not keen to nosh on a Dolphins dog during halftime? I’ve got you covered on page 36 with my rundown of the best chef-driven concession choices in “A Foodie’s Guide to Fins Football.”
In a different kind of arena altogether, tech-savvy engineers are building and battling some of the fanciest (and deadliest) robots you’ve ever seen. Turn to page 76 for Christiana Lilly’s “Ready, Robots” feature for a look at three Miami-based bot-fi ghting teams who duke it out to the (digital) death each week on Discovery’s fan-favorite BattleBots TV show.
And for those who fi nd power in fl owers, don’t miss Ginger Harris’ “Orchid Obsessisions” on page 82 for a peek into the world of orchid fanciers and the local scientists dedicated to studying and restoring these wild wonders in South Florida’s swamplands.
From drinks and dining to arts and activities to sports, spas, shopping, and beyond, I hope you’ll fi nd a Miami-made way to get your leisure on in this month’s pages.
Kristen Desmond LeFevre klefevre@aventuramagazine.com