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Ceviche, raw fi sh cured in citrus juices, is an iconic Peruvian dish. “We use grouper for our ceviche,” says Dario Gonzalez Zuniga, a classically trained chef and co-owner of Lima Restaurant and Pisco Bar. “It’s a very popular fi sh in Peru. Here in Naples, it’s versatile, sustainable, and almost always available.” Below, Zuniga shares his recipe, which is simple enough for the home cook to prepare with ease. (lima-restaurant.com)



(leche de tigre, or tiger’s milk) Ingredients:

1 small fi sh fi llet (preferably corvina or grouper), diced 1/2 of a small red onion, chopped 1 tbsp. cilantro, fi nely chopped The juice of 3 or 4 limes 1 or 2 garlic cloves Salt and pepper to taste Cold fi sh stock or water

Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend thoroughly with enough a blender. Blend thoroughly with enough stock or water to create stock or water to create a milky consistency. a milky consistency. Ceviche


1 large fi llet of fresh corvina or grouper per person, sliced thinly into bite-sized pieces A pinch of black pepper and a generous pinch of salt Enough marinade to cover the fi sh fi llets A pinch of fresh, chopped cilantro The juice of 2 or 3 limes

Instructions: Pour the marinade into a bowl with the other ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly and let it sit for 30 to 60 minutes; fi sh should still be fi rm when served.





J e f f e r e y a n d S a m a n t h a S l a t e r a r e p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t l o b s t e r r o l l s . D u r i n g a v i s i t t o L o n g B e a c h I s l a n d , N e w J e r s e y , s e v e r a l y e a r s a g o , t h e y v i s i t e d t h e o r i g i n a l l o c a t i o n o f M y s t i c L o b s t e r R o l l C o m p a n y a n d r e t u r n e d e v e r y d a y d u r i n g t h e i r v a c a t i o n . W h e n t h e y h e a r d t h e r e s t a u r a n t w a s o f f e r i n g f r a n c h i s e s i n F l o r i d a , t h e y j u m p e d o n t h e o p p o r t u n i t y a n d o p e n e d a M y s t i c l o c a t i o n i n A p r i l a t t h e G a l l e r i a S h o p p e s a t V a n d e r b i l t .

“ N a p l e s h a s a f a b u l o u s d i n i n g s c e n e w i t h m a n y l u x u r i o u s , h i g h - e n d r e s t a u r a n t s , ” s a y s S a m a n t h a . “ B u t w e f e l t t h e a r e a w a s m i s s i n g s o m e u p s c a l e , f a s t c a s u a l l o c a t i o n s , a n d w e w a n t e d t o fi l l t h a t v o i d . ”

M y s t i c ’ s m e n u g i v e s t h e d i n e r t h e c h a n c e t o s a v o r a l o b s t e r r o l l i n m a n y d i f f e r e n t f o r m s . P u r i s t s c a n i n d u l g e i n t h e c l a s s i c M a i n e v e r s i o n ( m i x e d w i t h a t o u c h o f m a y o o n a l i g h t l y b u t t e r e d b u n ) o r t h e C o n n e c t i c u t o p t i o n ( s e r v e d w a r m w i t h m e l t e d b u t t e r ) . M o r e a d v e n t u r o u s d i n e r s m a y s a m p l e t h e D e e p S o u t h ( c h i p o t l e m a y o , j a l a p e ñ o a i o l i , a n d c a n d i e d j a l a p e ñ o s ) , H a w a i i a n ( m a n g o c a v i a r , c o c o n u t m a y o , a n d f r e s h c o c o n u t ) , o r K i n g L o u i s X I I I ( f r e s h m o z z a r e l l a , r a z o r t h i n p r o s c i u t t o , a n d t r u f f l e a i o l i ) . E a c h r o l l c o n t a i n s u p t o a 1 / 4 p o u n d o f f r e s h , s h e l l e d M a i n e l o b s t e r m e a t . G l u t e n - f r e e b u n s a r e a v a i l a b l e .

T h e c o u p l e ’ s e n t h u s i a s m f o r t h e l o c a l a r e a m a t c h e s t h e i r z e a l f o r t h e s p e c i a l s a n d w i c h . “ W e l o v e N a p l e s , ” s a y s S a m a n t h a , w h o m o v e d h e r e p e r m a n e n t l y i n 2 0 1 8 . “ A l m o s t e v e r y o n e w h o h a s c o m e t o v i s i t h a s e n d e d u p m o v i n g h e r e . W e j u s t h o p e t o m a k e a c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t h e c o m m u n i t y a n d p r o v i d e s o m e t h i n g t h a t w a s p r e v i o u s l y a b s e n t . ” ( m y s t i c l o b s t e r r o l l s . c o m )


The world of tango may have lost a pair of instructors, but Naples has gained an Argentine bakery.

Alicia and Pablo Repun, longtime devotees and teachers of tango, suddenly found their local dance business decimated by the pandemic. They reverted to another dream they had nurtured for many years and opened Locos x Argentina (“crazy for Argentina”), a café and bake shop.

“In Argentina, neighborhood cafés are the center of social life,” says Alicia. “They’re places to congregate, talk, and connect with others. We had that sense of community with the tango, and we wanted to get it back.” The couple opened the doors in October 2020, and despite COVID, they soon had lines out the door. The Repuns produce a wide range of pastries, cakes, sandwiches, pizza, and, of course, empanadas. “You don’t have to be Argentinian to enjoy empanadas,” Alicia says. “Everyone loves them.”

Popular throughout South and Central America, empanadas—similar to turnovers—are perfect for takeout and eating on the go. Locos x Argentina Bakery & Café serves up several varieties, from the beef and chicken-filled classics to a breakfast version stuffed with bacon, eggs, potatoes, and cheddar. Vegetarian options include espinaca (spinach, ricotta, and artichoke), lentejas (lentils, onions, sweet potatoes, raisins, and corn), and batata (sweet potatoes, apples, chickpeas, and coconut milk). Recent innovations include an empanada packed with blue cheese, nuts, and celery, and another with mozzarella, olives, and onions.

What does the future hold for the Repuns? The answer isn’t surprising: “We’d love to add a dance floor to the café,” says Alicia. (locosxargentinabakery.com)

Pablo and Alicia Repun’s Locos x Argentina has created a sense of community in Naples.

NI ’s curated dining guide for Greater NAPLES


The Naples area is packed with an abundance of great eateries, serving up food and drinks to satisfy every palate. Naples Illustrated has rounded up details on can’tmiss places for dining delights.


ALICE SWEETWATER’S BAR & GRILLE An institution of 34 years, this local favorite serves a large array of lunch and dinner fare. 1996 Airport Road S., Naples (alicesweetwatersbarandgrille.com) BALEEN AT LAPLAYA BEACH & GOLF RESORT Dine amid elegant tropical surroundings indoors or on the tiered terrace to soak up the exquisite beachside views. 9891 Gulf Shore Drive, Naples (laplayaresort.com) BOKAMPER’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Kim Bokamper retired from NFL football decades ago, but he’s still scoring at his North Naples eatery. 8990 Fontana

Del Sol Way, Naples (bokampers.com) EJ’s BAYFRONT CAFÉ An extensive breakfast, brunch, and lunch menu served daily in a pet-friendly environment on Naples Bay. 469 Bayfront Place, Naples (ejsbayfrontcafe.com) GOLDIES RESTAURANT For reliable Americana cuisine and friendly service, look no further than this hidden gem. 5400 Taylor Road, Naples (goldiesres taurant.com) THE HANGOUT BY TWO GUYS Brothers Peter and Larry Falisi dish out a relaxing vibe with Italian dishes based on family recipes and “secret ingredients,” along with a mix of tacos, quesadillas, sliders, and vegan entrées. 2360 Pine Ridge Road, Naples (hangoutnaples.com) HAROLD’S PLACE A fun, casual bar and grill that serves classic burgers, seafood, salads, and more in a tropical setting complete with a chickee bar and poolside dining. 2555 Tamiami Trail N., Naples (naplesharoldsplace.com) THE LOCAL Fresh, healthy meals dominate the menu, and its acclaimed brunch is one of the best in town. 5323 Airport-Pulling Road, Naples (thelocalnaples.com) M WATERFRONT GRILLE Contemporary decor, fine cuisine, and views of Venetian Bay from every seat in the dining room. 4300 Gulf Shore Blvd. N., Naples (mwaterfrontgrille.com) RIDGWAY BAR & GRILL Chef Tony Ridgway continues wowing diners with classic American cuisine. 1300

Third St. S., Naples (ridgwaybarandgrill.com) SEVENTH SOUTH CRAFT FOOD + DRINK Owner

Barry Larkin and chef Jay Schrednitz offer a locally

and globally sustainable seafood program, handcut steaks, house-made pastas, and reimagined cocktails, along with Saturday and Sunday brunch. 849 Seventh Ave. S., Naples (seventhsouth.com) TAVERN ON THE BAY This popular sports bar boasts huge televisions, great comfort food, and a lovely view of the Gordon River. 489 Bayfront Place, Naples (tavernonthebay.net) THREE60 MARKET In addition to a stellar market, this local favorite boasts a café that serves classic, fresh fare for breakfast and lunch or an early dinner. 2891

Bayview Drive, Naples (three60market.com) TOMMY BAHAMA RESTAURANT & BAR Born in

Naples, the Tommy Bahama laid-back lifestyle is full throttle in its original festive eatery and bar at 1220

Third St. S., Naples; and Coconut Point, 23150 Fashion Drive #101, Estero (tommybahama.com) TWISTED CHEESERY Grilled cheese sandwiches—

French Onion, Italian Stallion, Californian Dreamin’, and more—elevated to the highest order. 2795 Davis

Blvd., Naples (twistedcheesery.com) THE WAREHOUSE A menu dotted with fresh, local ingredients complements an award-winning cocktail program. 9010 Bellaire Bay Drive, Naples (theware housenaples.com) YABBA ISLAND GRILL A fun place for steaks, seafood, and cocktails. 711 Fifth Ave. S., Naples (yabbaisland grill.com)



Longstanding Figs Grille in Bonita Springs has been busier than ever, despite the pandemic, thanks to the dedication of owner and chef Sam Tadros, a veteran of the Southwest Florida dining scene.

Tadros is a master of reinvention. After leaving Egypt at age 27, where he worked as an accountant, he emigrated to the United States and washed dishes while learning English. Later, he opened several restaurants in the area, including Sam-Bucco Bistro, which he sold in 2011.

Tadros’ 10-week exploration of Europe provided the inspiration for Figs.

“Our food is Italian-Mediterranean, but in the beginning, everyone thought it was Middle Eastern. In addition to Italy, we have dishes from Turkey, Lebanon, and Morocco. We borrow from many different cultures,” he explains.

One of his best-selling entrées is lamb tagine, a classic Moroccan stew baked in an earthenware pot and served with vegetables, chickpeas, and basmati rice. Tagines of chicken and seafood are also available, along with kebobs, pastas, and veal dishes. He’s fastidious about fish, offering corvina and ahi tuna on the menu as well as daily specials of fresh market catch.

Tadros chooses all the wines he serves with an emphasis on “what the customer needs and wants.” The list is well-rounded and carefully selected, balancing the best of California with selections from Italy, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand. That customer-centered ethos is the focus of the restaurant. His wife, Estella, manages the dining room, and the two enjoy interacting with their guests, many of whom are regulars.

Tadros is grateful for the way his journey has turned out. “In Egypt, you’re stuck working in the same place all your life,” he says. “Here, you can be what you want to be. Everyone loves the American dream.” (figsgrille.com)

From top left: Sam Tadros, Figs Grille’s owner and chef; panfried goat cheese with arugula, figs, and port wine lingonberry reduction.



AQUA The restaurant’s look is fresh and airy, just right for the seafood-centric menu. 862 Fifth Ave. S., Naples (aquafifth.com) BAYSIDE SEAFOOD GRILL & BAR This Venetian Bay favorite boasts grand water views, prime grilled meats, and seafood specialties. 4270 Gulf Shore

Blvd. N., Naples (baysideseafoodgrillandbar.com) THE BOATHOUSE ON NAPLES BAY Arrive by car or dock your boat at this waterfront seafood restaurant overlooking Naples Bay. 990 Broad Ave. S., Naples (boathouseonnaplesbay.com)


BAR Enjoy oysters and other seafood, beer, and wine in a relaxed atmosphere. 629 Eighth St. S., Naples (cknaples.com) THE CATCH OF THE PELICAN Fine steaks, local seafood, and hand-picked produce—much of it grown on-site—in a relaxed, sophisticated setting overlooking the pool at Naples Grande. 475 Seagate Dr., Naples (naplesgrande.com) THE CLAW BAR This sister restaurant to The Bay

House features a sophisticated blend of Southern traditions and high-quality ingredients. 221 Ninth St.

S., Naples (theclawbar.com) THE DOCK AT CRAYTON COVE An open-air restaurant serving fresh catches prepared with Caribbean and Latin influences. 845 12th Ave. S., Naples (dockcraytoncove.com) HOGFISH HARRY’S Showcasing the Gulf Coast’s bounty, Hogfish Harry’s serves up signatures such as monkfish bucco and, of course, grilled hogfish. 600

Neapolitan Way, Naples (hogfishharrys.com) LA PESCHERIA A creative, stellar eatery that honors the culture of Italian fish markets. 474 Fifth Ave. S.,

Naples (lapescherianaples.com) OCEAN PRIME Enjoy exceptional hospitality, a delectable seafood and steak menu, luxe cocktails, and a vibrant atmosphere. 699 Fifth Ave. S., Naples (ocean-prime.com) SAILS This bona fide “pescatarian’s haven” features exquisitely fresh seafood prepared to perfection. 301

Fifth Ave. S., Naples (sailsrestaurants.com) SEA SALT Chef Fabrizio Aielli is a master at marrying organic local produce, wild-caught fish, naturally raised meat, and poultry with modern cooking techniques. 1186 Third St. S., Naples (seasaltnaples.com) THE TURTLE CLUB Fresh seafood, fine steaks, and chops are nearly overshadowed by the spectacular beachfront setting. 9225 Gulf Shore Drive N., Naples (turtleclubnaples.com)


Everything is a cut above, but the signature misobroiled sea bass is a must. 3745 Tamiami Trail N.,

Naples (ussnemorestaurant.com)


CHOPS CITY GRILL A modern take on the traditional, with prime aged steaks, local seafood, and more than

100 whiskey selections. 837 Fifth Ave. S., Naples; 8200 Health Center Blvd. Ste. 100, Bonita Springs (chopscitygrill.com) THE CONTINENTAL This D’Amico restaurant is a stylish steak house and gastropub. 1205 Third St. S.,

Naples (damicoscontinental.com) DORONA Local culinary superstars Fabrizio and Ingrid Aielli have excelled again with this modern

Italian steak house. 2110 Tamiami Trail N., Naples (doronanaples.com) JIMMY P’S CHARRED Known for its Wagyu beef, the popular butcher shop’s steaks and other fine foods are served in the restaurant next door. 1833 Tamiami

Trail N., Naples (jimmypscharred.com)


BLEU PROVENCE Authentic dishes from the South of

France are paired with wines from the vast, awardwinning selection compiled by the restaurant’s owner, Jacques Cariot. 1234 Eighth St. S., Naples (bleuprovencenaples.com) CÔTE D’AZUR Intimate bistro in the style of Provence serves standouts like Maine lobster roasted in a clay pot. 11224 Tamiami Trail N., Naples (cotedazurrestau rant.com)


FELIPE’S MEXICAN TAQUERIA Fresh classics plus hand-crafted cocktails. 4255 Tamiami Trail N.; 2220

Logan Blvd. N. Ste. 810, Naples (felipestaqueria.com) ROCCO’S TACOS AND TEQUILA BAR Every day is

Cinco de Mayo at this high-energy eatery. The signature tacos are a hit, along with the savory guacamole, made fresh tableside. 9123 Strada Place Ste. 7135,

Naples (roccostacos.com) TACOS & TEQUILA CANTINA The many varieties of tacos are made with fresh, local products and handmade tortillas. 4834 Davis Blvd.; 8971 Tamiami Trail

N., Naples; 10952 Eagle Village Drive, Fort Myers (tacosandtequilanaples.com)


BARBATELLA Pizzas and pastas are delish, but don’t overlook off erings like the grilled salmon. Save room for the signature Nutella pizza. 1290 Third St. S.,

Naples (barbatellanaples.com) BAR TULIA This late-night brother of Osteria Tulia serves outstanding pizzas and a variety of irresistible small bites, among other delicacies. 462

Fifth Ave. S.; 9118 Strada Place Ste. 8150, Naples (bartulia.com) CAMPIELLO RISTORANTE & BAR This mainstay on

Third Street South is a perennial gathering place for great food and people-watching. 1177 Third St. S.,

Naples (campiellonaples.com) GRAPPINO This latest venture from Ingrid and Fabrizio

Aielli celebrates Fabrizio’s Venetian roots and houses one of the country’s most comprehensive grappa bars. 90 Ninth St. N., Naples (grappinonaples.com) MOLTO TRATTORIA The homemade pasta, sauces, pizza Napoletana, and home-style cuisine are all topnotch. 368 Fifth Ave. S., Naples (moltonaples.com) OSTERIA TULIA Chef Vincenzo Betulia’s authentically rustic venue and “peasant” cuisine are delizioso. 466 Fifth Ave. S., Naples(osteriatulia.com)


21 SPICES BY CHEF ASIF Chef Asif R. Syed off ers classical Indian cuisine created with his special collection of spices. 4270 Tamiami Trail E. #21, Naples (21spicesdining.com) DARUMA Visit this Southwest Florida institution for traditional service or teppanyaki-style cooking, an always exciting culinary experience. 241 Center St.

N., Naples (darumarestaurant.com) LE INDYA Having grown up on India’s southern coast, chef Suman Chaniyil creates authentic classics rich with fl avor and fi nesse. 975 Pine Ridge Road, Naples (leindya.com) SUSHI-THAI Presenting traditional dishes from Japan, as well as sushi and Thai classics. 869 103rd Ave.

N.; 7935 Airport-Pulling Road N.; 898 Fifth Ave.

S., Naples; 25101 S. Tamiami Trail, Bonita Springs (sush ithaitoo.com and sushithaidowntown.com)


BHA! BHA! PERSIAN BISTRO Michael Mir’s popular restaurant serves up savory lamb dishes and a wide choice of colorful and delicious Persian specialties. 865

Fifth Ave. S., Naples (bhabhabis tro.com) CELEBRATION PARK NAPLES This waterfront bar and food truck park has something for everyone, from Maine lobster and Greek gyros, to Asian fusion and Southern barbecue. 2880 Becca Ave., Naples (facebook.com/celebrationparknaples) JANE’S GARDEN CAFÉ ON THIRD Having worked in places such as London, Hong Kong, and Frankfurt, the owners of this popular downtown spot off er a world of breakfast and lunch choices. 1209 Third St.

S., Naples (janesgardencafe.com) VERANDA E The signature restaurant at Escalante hotel off ers an eclectic fusion of Asian and Frenchinfl uenced fl avors in a romantic tropical setting. 290 Fifth Ave. S., Naples (hotelescalante.com)


What could be better than the softest bedding on the Planet? How about an entire store experience that showcases products made of eco-friendly viscose from bamboo! Cariloha Bamboo in Naples is an independently owned and operated eco-conscious, natural lifestyle and home store. We provide customers with an exclusive upscale collection of mattresses, bedding, bath goods, apparel, active wear, and accessories made from soft, cool, clean, and green bamboo.

9100 Strada Place, Suite 2112 | Naples 239-325-9157 | carilohanaples.com

Rising 22 stories with 224 residences, the tower residences frame the sky with cascading facades inspired by the undulation of their waterfront setting. Promotion and Events


Presenting an incomparable living opportunity at The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Estero Bay. Experience luxury coastal living with views of Estero Bay, the state’s first aquatic preserve, access to the finest amenities, and proximity to the Saltleaf Golf Preserve, a reimagined championship golf course with a nine-hole short course.

2210 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 1101 | Naples 239-449-2000 | theresidencesesterobay.com

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