2 minute read
Paradise Master Chorale at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church
7550 26th St. 772-584-9744
Paradise Master Chorale made its debut in 2021 under the direction of Ryan Kasten. It specializes in large choral works to be performed with chamber orchestra, brass ensemble, organ and/or piano. Gabriel Fauré’s “Requiem,” accompanied by chamber ensemble and organ, is planned for spring 2022.
Treasure Coast Chorale at First Baptist Church
2206 16th Ave. 772-231-3498 treasurecoastchorale.org
Celebrating its 20th season, Treasure Coast Chorale seeks to offer people who love to sing and people who love to listen a chance to experience programs that combine voices, instruments and the visual arts. Director Michael Carter and the TCC are planning two concerts for 2022: in March, “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” a collection of inspiring songs for troubling times, and in May, a salute to America in honor of Memorial Day.
Vero Beach Choral Society at First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach verobeachchoralsociety.org
520 Royal Palm Blvd.
The Vero Beach Choral Society is an auditioned, community-based, intergenerational ensemble that has been making beautiful music since 1984. Jacob Craig of First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach serves as artistic music director.

Classical Music
Atlantic Classical Orchestra at Community Church of Vero Beach 1901 23rd St. 772-460-0851 atlanticclassicalorchestra.com
The ACO has been gracing our community with beautiful music for over 30 years. In 2022, David Amado will direct the orchestra in four Masterworks performances to be held at Community Church of Vero Beach.

Chamber Music Series
Vero Beach Museum of Art 3001 Riverside Park Drive 772-231-0707, ext. 116 or 139 vbmuseum.org
The Atlantic Classical Orchestra partners with Vero Beach Museum of Art to present the annual Chamber Music Series. Musicians from the ACO are scheduled to perform three concerts at the museum in early 2022.
Indian River Symphonic Association at Community Church of Vero Beach 1901 23rd St. 772-778-1070 irsymphonic.org
The Indian River Symphonic Association brings the finest orchestras from around the world to perform seven concerts each season. January through April 2022 will be full of beautiful symphonic music, exciting soloists and dynamic performances.
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 855-252-7276 spacecoastsymphony.org
The Space Coast Symphony Orchestra is passionate about making professional classical music affordable and widely accessible to all members of the community in Indian River County as well as Brevard County. SCSO has year-round programming that
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
includes classical music, pops, film scores, jazz and more. The orchestra has nine Vero Beach concerts scheduled for winter and spring 2022.
at VBHS Performing Arts Center 1707 16th St.
at The Emerson Center 1590 27th Ave.
at Waxlax Center for the Performing Arts
1895 Saint Edward’s Drive at Vero Beach Museum of Art 3001 Riverside Park Drive
Vero Beach Chamber Orchestra at VBHS Performing Arts Center 1707 16th St. 772-562-6125 verobeachchamberorchestra.org
Active in Vero Beach since 2007, the Vero Beach Chamber Orchestra consists of professional and semi-professional adult and student musicians from Indian River County and neighboring communities. The ensemble presents two free concerts annually, both in the spring.

Other Live Music
Downtown Friday Downtown Vero Beach along 14th Avenue
772-643-6782 mainstreetverobeach.org
On the last Friday of each month, enjoy a free, family-friendly street party with live music and a variety of vendors, including food trucks.
Live in the Loop
Riverside Theatre
3250 Riverside Park Drive
772-231-6990 riversidetheatre.com
Nearly every Friday and Saturday evening, Riverside Theatre presents an outdoor grill and music bar featuring local bands.
MusicWorks at The Emerson Center
1590 27th Ave.
772-777-9321 musicworksconcerts.com
Enjoy classic rock and folk music of the 1960s and ’70s. More than a dozen Vero Beach shows are scheduled for 2022.
Night Sounds
Sebastian Inlet State Park
14251 Hwy. A1A
772-589-2147 friendsofsebastianinletstatepark.org
Monthly concerts, featuring just about every genre imaginable, take place at the park’s Coconut Point Pavilions.
Sunset Saturday Night at Humiston Beach Park
3000 Ocean Drive
772-410-VERO (8376) verobeachoba.com

Periodic free outdoor Saturday evening festivals include food and music by local bands.