7 minute read


By Honorable Bro. Daryl A. Anderson, Bro. Steve Ballard and Bro. Joshua A. Busby

Conclave planning takes the concerted and committed involvement of many people, beginning with the overall vision of the International President, which is crafted into segmented parts with specific demographics in mind. The ultimate goal is to create a week-long experience that meets a variety of needs. The collegian Sigma Brother is unique in that his experience is a new experience in the Brotherhood. Activities, programs and events must consider the needs of collegians with regard to understanding fraternity business and policy making, personal, professional and leadership development, and just plain having fun in meeting brothers from across the country.

Key to planning the collegiate brothers’ Conclave experience is the International Collegiate Affairs Committee. I bring you greetings on behalf of the ICAC, which consists of our International Second Vice President Bro. Maxwell McDaniel, International Collegiate Members-at-Large Bro. Shawn Adams and Esteemed Bro. Jared Jackson, as well as myself, Bro. Joshua A. Busby, International Director of Collegiate Affairs. We are gearing up for a Conclave experience like no other for our collegiate brothers! Be on the lookout for special marketing that will highlight all of the events that are collegiate-focused.

Activities for our collegiate brothers will commence on Tuesday, July 11th as we invite our young brothers for the first time to participate in the Demetrius C. Newton Golf Classic. We are fortunate that a corporate partner has agreed to sponsor a collegiate team of four players. Collegiate brothers who golf bring your “A” Game! Collegiate brothers will have an opportunity to participate over the course of the week with our national partner, the American Red Cross by donating blood during one of the official Conclave service projects, a Blood Drive, on site in Houston.

New to this year’s schedule is a series of General Sessions to which the entire brotherhood is invited to attend. Stay tuned for more information on the General Sessions.

partners will be available in the Sigma Exposition area throughout the week to engage as well. Please bring your resumes as there will be internships and jobs offered on the spot!

On Thursday evening we will host the All-White Pool Party, which brothers are already talking about!!! On Saturday afternoon will be a video game tournament to determine who is the top gamer in the frat! The remaining programs are traditional events including the Miss International PBS Pageant, featuring the seven regional queens competing for the title of Miss International Phi Beta Sigma. Immediately following the pageant will be the International Step Show Competition, where the regions battle for the title of International Step Show Champions. The Southeastern Region swept both competitions in Conclave Myrtle Beach 2021 and are planning to do the same again this year; we know the other regions have something to say about that! More information on how to enter your Regional queen and your Step team can be found in the Conclave Chapter Toolkit, downloadable from the Conclave Houston Landing Page in BluPrint.

First and foremost brothers, we come to the Conclave to handle the business of the fraternity. Our first Plenary Session will be held Thursday afternoon, second Plenary session on Friday morning and the last Plenary Session will be Saturday morning. Please ensure that your Chapter Delegate is present and accounted for at every Plenary Session.

On Saturday we feature the Collegiate Luncheon, hosted by one of our corporate partners. Last but not least, Saturday night is the culmination of it all as we celebrate at the Grand Orchid Gala, a longstanding tradition of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity.

We look forward to seeing you in Houston, as this will be a Conclave for the ages!

There are events planned specifically for collegiate brothers, including the Collegiate Connection Reception which allows for our collegiate brothers in attendance to engage with our Corporate Partners. Our Corporate

I’m Hon. Brother Daryl A. Anderson, Sr., International Executive Director, I’m responsible for the overall management of the Conclave Planning Team and International Headquarters Staff and cultivating the Conclave Experience for all brothers.

The Conclave provides a chance to introduce all attendees, but especially collegians, to effect ongoing change in the culture of fraternization. As young Men of Sigma, we start our Sigma lives by interacting with our immediate chapter/campus members. Then, we branch out to work with the Alumni brothers in the sponsoring area. We may eventually attend state and regional Sigma meetings. Conclaves introduce collegians to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated in its entirety. We come to understand what the term “international” means for our organization. We see the value in connecting and networking with Fraternity brothers who have already launched successful careers in areas that may interest newer brothers. We engage in a structured mentorship process that benefits new members.

First Time attendees and collegians will see Phi Beta Sigma in a larger scope of operation; seeing this “Sigma” creates a joyful noise within each brother! It is one thing to hear about your International officers, read social media posts from various yet anonymous Brothers, see photos of celebrity honorary members, and to see international officers’ signatures on your documents. It is quite different to converse with these same officers and find that they are quite “human” and care for other Brothers!!

Conclaves are an opportunity to inherit what is rightfully yours as a member of the Fraternity, but also to learn how to manage your inheritance in the best way!! How do collegians handle the business of the organization while participating at the Conclave and appropriately representing their chapters? The answers to these ten frequently asked questions will help to understand how it all works:

1) What is the role of the Chapter Delegate? What is Primary versus Alternate status?

Delegates are the official representatives for their respective chapters. They represent their chapters at all sanctioned events and speak on issues as directed by their respective chapters. They are the “voice” of their chapter and are seated during the legislative (Plenary) sessions. Delegates have the right to ask questions and provide opinions as authorized by the Conclave rules and regulations in the plenary sessions. They have assigned chapter seats during the legislative sessions under the name of their chapter.

The Primary Delegate is the first “voice” for each chapter and is to be present at all Conclave Plenary Sessions. If for some reason the Primary Delegate has to step away from this role, the Alternate Delegate can temporarily step in to represent their chapter. Primary and Alternate Delegates cannot speak and serve simultaneously. Only one at a time!!

2) What are Plenary Sessions?

Plenary Sessions are the legislative meetings during the Conclave. I’m Brother Steve E. Ballard, Director of Communications. Committee reports are heard and voted upon at these sessions. Votes are cast at these meetings. The election of International officers occurs at these meetings.

3) Are Plenary Sessions open for all to attend?

Plenary Sessions are open only to Conclave-registered brothers of the Fraternity.

4) Are there collegiate-specific sessions to attend at Conclave?

Collegiate Brothers (especially the Chapter Delegates) should attend EVERY session listed on the Conclave agenda/schedule.

5) What is the role of committees (elections, grievance, credentials, nominations)? Are there roles for collegians on these committees?

Committees complete their tasks as described in the Fraternity’s constitution. These committees are larger versions of the same work that should occur on local, state and regional levels when it comes to decision-making in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Per the Constitution, there are a specific number of collegiate members on each functional committee serving during the Conclave

6) What is there to do that is Collegiatespecific other than the step show and pageant?

Collegiate Brothers (especially the delegates) come to the Conclave to establish a national agenda for their segment of the Sigma population. There are Collegiate task forces that create the Collegiate agenda for the incoming administration’s General Board. The Conclave planners create networking and mentoring opportunities that promote professional and fraternal growth for each Collegiate attendee. While at the Conclave, attendees determine what Collegiate members will represent them on the International Board.

7) Can we sit in on meetings, even if we are not a delegate or serving on a committee?

Some committees (programs, credentials, awards, etc.) are “open” committees and invite attendees to sit in on the meeting. Other committees (grievance, DSC, law & revisions) are “closed” to those other than the officially appointed committee members.

8) What is there to do within the surrounding area of Conclave, whether it be entertainment, shopping and dining/food?

Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States! The Conclave will take place in the Downtown area and it is continuously engaging to anyone and everyone in the city. There are many activities (Discovery Green), venues (Minute Maid Park, Toyota Center) and restaurants within walking distance of the Conclave hotels. There is a light-rail system that takes visitors around the downtown area.

9) Will collegians have designated or priority seating at certain events?

Yes, priority seating is granted based on the event that is occurring. Those specific events are listed in earlier questions that were answered. Since collegians have their own “Conclave” day on Saturday, July 15, 2023 their priority-seating will rule supreme against all other attendees at that time.

10) If a Collegiate Brother has an interest in volunteering, will there be an opportunity to do so at certain events during the Conclave?

There is ALWAYS an opportunity to volunteer during the Conclave if the brother is registered. Just review the schedule and ask the planners (the International Executive Director) how you can step in to assist.


As you prepare to travel to Houston, knowing what to wear and when makes all the difference in packing your bags. Some events are traditional and require official brand or uniform attire, while others allow you to flow in Sigma paraphernalia. I’m Steve E. Ballard, Director of Communication and to assist you in planning and packing, we’ve assembled a pictorial guide of the garments that you’ll need to be appropriately dressed throughout the week. You can order and purchase these garments at Blu Culture Collections, the fraternity’s official online retail store.

OPENING CEREMONY & PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION • Professional or business attire is best recommended for these events; suit and tie.

PLENARY SESSION I • The fraternity’s official brand attire of Blue Blazer, blue tie, white shirt and black pants makes up the standard attire for the first Plenary Session. Plenary Sessions II and III is subject to change.

OMEGA & REDEDICATION CEREMONIES • The required attire is a black or dark suit, white shirt and blue tie. DO NOT wear a light color-shade suit. You will not be permitted entrance.

STEP SHOW COMPETITION/MISS INTERNATIONAL PHI BETA SIGMA PAGEANT • For these events and activities, sport your latest Sigma paraphernalia. Stop by the Sigma Exposition and pick up the hottest new gear from Blu Culture Collections or the various participating vendors.

GRAND ORCHID GALA • The closing event for the conference commands a white tuxedo or dinner jacket or white blazer and dark pants.

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