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Have your holiday party at the Boatyard Market Private space with a bar, raw bar, large HD screen & creative menu



FREE party glass & T-shirt 6–8 PM FREE appetizers! 7 PM Band: Gypsy Collective

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THURS OCT 13 • 8 PM D’Vibe & Conga

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Fourth & Severn • Eastport-Annapolis 410.216.6206 • boatyardbarandgrill.com

For more details and hot links to event websites, simply visit spinsheet.com


Thru 23 Maryland Renaissance Festival Annapolis. SpinSheet readers have been spotted at the beer garden in years past. We know you love it.

1An Overworked High School

Teacher Collects This Bit of Wisdom from One of Her Students, 2005

“Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock.”

1Fall Festival Turner’s Creek/ Knock’s Folly, MD. (410) 820-1668

1Free Seminar: Preparing

for the Trip South: Part 3 of 3

10 a.m. to Noon. West Marine, 113 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis. (410) 268-0129

1Start of Saturday Canoe Excursions Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD. Explore the Rhode River.

1Yorktown Wine Festival Riverwalk Landing, Yorktown, VA. 1-2 Blessing of the Fleet St. Clement’s Island Museum, Colton’s Point, MD. Arts and crafts, seafood, music, boat rides, lighthouse tours, kids’ games and rides, parade, and fireworks. 1-2 Coconut Festival Kapaa Beach Park, Kapaa, HI. That’s right; it’s a Hawaiian beach party. 1-2 Fells Point Fun Festival Baltimore.

1-2 Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival St. Michaels.

1-2 Riverside WineFest Noon to 6 p.m. Sotterley Plantation, Hollywood, MD. Wine tastings, local artisans, live music, exhibits and demos, favorite foods, and kids’ fun.

2The Keel of First Modern Battle-

ship, the HMS Dreadnought, Is Laid

in Portsmouth, England, 1905 The modern acoustic guitar developed with square shoulders was named the Dreadnought shape after this iconic 527-foot ship. 2-9 2011 Master National Retriever Trials Sailwinds Park, Cambridge, MD, and Anatidae Farm, Vienna, MD. Hosted by Susquehanna Retriever Club. (301) 537-5650 2-9 From the Bay, For the Bay Dine Out Seafood celebration all over Maryland.

3Boatyard Bar & Grill Turns 10 Happy birthday party in Eastport.

3The Big E, USS Enterprise, CV-6,

Is Launched in Newport News, VA,

1936 The 824 foot, nine inch vessel’s shakedown cruise took her to Rio de Janeiro. 3-4 Basic Boating Class 6 to 10 p.m. Delaware Fire School, Dover, DE. Hosted by USCG Auxiliary. $10. (302) 697-6188, nalaot@aol.com. 3-Dec 5 Ten Fall Boating Classes and Seminars Pip Moyer Recreational Center, Truxtun Park, Annapolis. Learn about communications systems, piloting, trailering your boat, handling boats, tying knots, anchoring, using charts, coastal navigation, and weather. Hosted by Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron. 3-Dec 5 Two Separate Courses: Coastal

Piloting and Marine Communications

Mondays. Truxtun Park Recreation Center, Annapolis. Hosted by Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron.

4Trailering Your Boat Seminar 7 to 9 p.m. Truxtun Park Recreation Center, Annapolis. Hosted by Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron.

5Harvest Festival on the Bay Sunset Beach Resort, Cape Charles, VA. Seafood, fun, festivities, and Southern hospitality.

6Harbor Party and Seafood Feast 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Town Point Park, Norfolk, VA. 6-10 U.S. Sailboat Show Annapolis City Dock. For more, see page 65.

Calendar Section Editor: Ruth Christie, ruth@spinsheet.com

6-16 Baltimore Beer Week

6-16 Weems & Plath Tent Sale! 214 Eastern Avenue, Annapolis. Big savings on hundreds of nautical necessities.

7TGIF BrewFest 5 to 9 p.m. Town Point Mark, Norfolk, VA.

7-8 Chesapeake Wildfowl Expo Ward Museum, Salisbury, MD. Pig roast, chicken barbecue, shopping ops, competitions, prizes, kids’ fun, and more. 7-9 Eastern Shore Birding and Wildlife Festival Cape Charles, VA. Guided hikes and land and boat tours. (757) 581-1081 7-9 Free Boat Show Seminar: “Oops, Splash!” 5 to 6 p.m. Friday and Sunday. West Marine, 113 Hillsmere Drive, Annapolis. (410) 268-0129

8Boat Show Bash 6 to 11 p.m. Eastport YC.

8Holly Point Art and Seafood Festival Holly Point Nature Park, Deltaville, VA. 8 Picket Fence Auction 4 to 6 p.m. Oxford, MD. Free appetizers, drinks, and live music while you browse and bid on 18 beautiful designs.

8Sandbridge Hei Hei 9 a.m. Little Island Park, Virginia Beach, VA. SUP racing and party to benefit the family of a Navy SEAL, Kraig Vickers.

8Taste of Kent Narrows Chesapeake Exploration Center, Chester, MD. Food, wine, and lively music. Benefits Kent Narrows Development Foundation. 8-9 Patuxent River Appreciation Days Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons.

9Gottlieb Daimler Registers a Patent, 1886 Who cares? Well, for starters, his invention drove a ship’s screw by means of a gas or petrol/paraffin motor.

9Single-Celled Water Creatures

Start Becoming More Complex

Life Forms, Three Billion Years Ago This process takes, oh, about two billion years. 10 Antique and Classic Boat Display St. Michaels. 10 Columbus Day

10-Mar 26 Three-Day Seminars on

Basic Diesel and Hands-On Boat Owner

Training Mack Boring & Parts Company, Union, NJ. For dates and details, call (908) 964-0700. 11 Boat Handling Under Power Seminar 7 to 9 p.m. Truxtun Park Recreation Center, Annapolis. Hosted by Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron. 11-16 The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race From Baltimore to Portsmouth, VA. See the insert near page 80. 12 Sailing on the 66-Foot Pinta, Rodrigo de Triana Sees Land to the West, 1492 Spotting the New World (America) at about 2 a.m., he shouts: “¡Tierra! ¡Tierra!” 13 Boat Show and Full Moon Party Boatyard Bar & Grill, Eastport.

13 Watch the Start of the Schooner Race Onboard the Schooner Woodwind.

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