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Uskršnja regata

Easter Regatta

Hvar 17. - 19. 3. 2016. Dragi prijatelji jedrenja i Uskršnje regate, Kada smo prije dvadeset godina organizirali prvu Uskršnju regatu, nismo ni sanjali da će ta manifestacija doživjeti svoje dvadeseto izdanje. Jedino što smo znali tada, a što se nije promijenilo ni do danas, jest da želimo organizirati regatu koja će po svojim karakteristikama biti jednako kvalitetna u svom sportskom, ali i organizacijskom dijelu. S obzirom na to da smo i danas tu s vama, očito je da smo dobro odabrali i slobodno mogu kazati kako je kroz dva desetljeća Uskršnja regata (p)ostala najbolja regata na Jadranu. Regata ima respektabilan nagradni fond, brojne događaje na kopnu, sjajnu organizaciju, raznovrsne programe za naše partnere i, prije svega, najbolje hrvatske jedriličare. Svaki njen segment dobro je promišljen i vrlo ozbiljno organiziran. Međutim, ono što je čini posebnom je naša vizija da organiziramo regatu kakvu hrvatska obala zaslužuje, te sposobnost da to i realiziramo. Nadam se da ćete i ove slavljeničke godine uživati u plodovima našeg rada i biti naši dragi gosti na moru i na kopnu. Dear friends of sailing and the Easter Regatta, When we organized the first Easter Regatta twenty years ago, we never dreamed that this event will live up to its twentieth edition. The only thing we knew then and what has not changed over the years is that we want to organize a race, which will be equally good in both the sporting and organizational aspect. Given that we are still here with you, it is obvious that we have made the right choice and I can safely say that over the past two decades the Easter Regatta has become the best regatta in the Adriatic. It boasts a respectable prize pool, numerous events on land, great organization, a variety of programs for our partners and, above all, the best Croatian sailors. Each segment of this event is well thought out and professionally organized. However, what makes it so special is our vision to organize a kind of race which is worthy of the Croatian coast, and to turn it into reality. I do hope you will all join us once again to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of our labour as our guests at sea and on land. Direktor regate Regatta Director Petar Paštrović

XIX. Hvar Rezultati / Results - 2015 Ukupno / Overall Krešimir Đakulović ORC I. Armano Zekan ORC II. Krešimir Đakulović Open Denis Vukas


Ove godine ponovno se jedrilo ispred Hvara, na očito zadovoljstvo sudionika koji su se rado vratili u taj akvatorij. This year again we have sailed in front of the island of Hvar, to the apparent satisfaction of the participants who were happy to return to that aquatorium.

Regatna skupina / Regatta Group

Open skupina / Open Group

‘Ove’ godine vodila se velika borba između Krešimira Đakulovića i Karla Kureta, a pobjednik i drugoplasirani imali su isti broj bodova.

U Open grupi najbrži je bio Denis Vukas s jedrilicom Dubrovnik, a ozbiljnije mu je zaprijetio jedino Nikola Dešković u prvoj regati.

This year there was a tight contest between Krešimir Đakulović and Karlo Kuret, while the winner and the runner-up had the same number of points.

In the Open Professional Group, the Dubrovnik crew with Denis Vukas at the helm sailed to the first place and left behind Nikola Dešković who posed a serious threat in the first race.

Jedrenjem do Visa započela je uzbudljiva regata koja je svoje veliko finale, u kojem su ponovno sekunde odlučivale o pobjedniku, imala ispred Hvara s obiljem vjetra i uzbudljivih duela. This exciting regatta started off sailing towards the island of Vis and the grand finale where the winner’s advantage was measured in seconds, took place in front of the island of Hvar, with plenty of wind and peppered with exciting duels.

Regatna skupina / Regatta Group Za ukupnu pobjedu posada Krešimira Đakulovića ne jedrilici Mareus osvojila je sjajnu nagradu - novi automobil. The overall winner is the Mareus crew with Krešimir Đakulović at the helm who won a great prize - a new car.

Skupina Nauta / Nauta Group Najbrojnija je ove godine bila grupa jedrilica s amaterskim posadama, a pobijedio je slovenski skiper Bojan Gerić na Najani. The winner in the group of boat teams with amateur crews, which was the largest this year, was Slovenian Bojan Gerić, skipper of sailboat Najana.


Vodice 2014. Rezultati / Results - 2014 Ukupno / Overall Tomislav Bašić ORC I. Tomislav Bašić ORC II. Karlo Kuret Open Samo Žvan

Regatna skupina / Regatta Group

Open skupina / Open Group

Ugodno je iznenadila posada jedrilice Mala sa skiperom Tomislavom Bašićem, koja je s jednim bodom prednosti odnijela ukupnu pobjedu. The Mala crew led by Tomislav Bašić was a pleasant surprise while taking home victory with 1-point advantage.

Tri izuzetno brze jedrilice dominirale su natjecanjem, a pobjeda je pripala slovenskoj posadi na Assalini. Three extremely fast sailboats dominated the competition, but the Slovenian Assilina crew proved the best and won the first place.

Tri dana jedrenja, svakog dana 20 čvorova vjetra i dvije regate dnevno - Uskršnja regata u svom najboljem izdanju. Three days of sailing, 20 knots of wind every day and two races per day – the Easter Regatta at its best.

Open Professional skupina / Open Professional Group Tri najbrže Open jedrilice na Jadranu imale su svoju ‘privatnu zabavu’, ne ostavljajući nikakvu šansu suparnicima. The three fastest Open sailboats on the Adriatic had their own ‘private party’, leaving no chance to their rivals.

Open skupina R2 / Open Group R2

Sekunde su presuđivale u ORC skupini, u uspješnom ‘lovu’ na najveću regatnu jedrilicu u Hrvatskoj Marina Kaštela kojoj je za malo umakla pobjeda. Seconds were crucial for the ORC group ‘hunting’ the greatest racer boat in Croatia - Marina Kaštela – which lost by hair’s breadth.

Neizvjesno do samog kraja - prvo mjesto osvojila je jedrilica My Dream, a drugo ženska posada marine Frapa. The suspense was kept until the very end. The My Dream crew finished first in the smaller group, while the Marina Frapa women’s crew sailed to the second position.

Open skupina Nauta / Regatta Group Nauta Posada jedrilice Krka uvjerljivo je osvojila prvo mjesto među posadama s nešto manje natjecateljskog naboja. The Krka crew won the first place convincingly among the crews with a little less competitive edge.

Regatna skupina I / Regatta Group I Mala i Marina Kaštela podijelile su prva mjesta u skupini, a neizvjesna borba za treće mjesto pripala je jedrilici Janska X. The Mala and Marina Kaštela team shared the first places in the group and the Janska X crew was engaged in a fierce battle for the third place.

Regatna skupina II / Regatta Group II Karlo Kuret na jedrilici One pobijedio je u pet od šest regata, drugo mjesto osvojila je Anđela X, a treće Blue Chip. Karlo Kuret on the One won five of the six races, the second place was awarded to the Anđela X crew, and the third to Blue Chip crew.

XVII. Vodice Rezultati / Results - 2013 Ukupno / Overall Branko Ilijadica Rapo ORC Branko Ilijadica Rapo Open Toni Bulaja


Vodice su ponovno bile ‘na visini zadatka’- nakon vjetrovitog prvog dana, uslijedili su sunčano vrijeme i dobar vjetar. Weather conditions in Vodice proved to be great, after a windy first day of sailing, sunny weather and perfect breezes prevailed.

Regatna skupina / Regatta Group Nakon sjajnog otvaranja regate šibenske posade Stribora, konačna pobjeda pripala je njihovim sugrađanima na jedrilici Anđela X. After the great sailing of Stribor at the beginning of the regatta, their Šibenik ‘neighbours’ on board Anđela X claimed the overall victory.

Česte promjene vodstva, problemi za favorite i neizvjesnost do posljednjih metara dokaz su neupitne kvalitete jedrenja na Uskršnjoj regati. Lead changes, favourites losing ground and then winning races in the final meters are more proof of the high level of sailing at the Easter Regatta.

Open skupina Pro / Open Group Pro Toni Bulaja, na novoj jedrilici klase 40 imena Ola, bio je jednostavno neuhvatljiv za konkurenciju. Sailing on board Ola, the new Class 40 sailing boat, Toni Bulaja was simply too fast for the other competitors.

Open skupina Nauta / Open Group Nauta Iako jedreći skraćeni kurs, jedriličari su se odlično zabavljali i žestoko borili za primat. Although sailing on a shortened race course, sailors had a lot of fun and fought hard for the final win.


Vodice 2012.

Lagane jedrilice u Open grupi po jakom su vjetru pod punim jedrima ‘u krmu’ dosezale brzine od preko 20 čvorova! Light displacement boats in the Open group reached over 20 knots sailing full powered in a strong wind!

Rezultati / Results - 2012 Ukupno / Overall Branko Ilijadica Rapo ORC I. Peter Mosny ORC II. Branko Ilijadica Rapo Open Zlatan Zoričić

Regatna skupina / Regatta Group

Open skupina / Open Group

Troboj između Marine Kaštela, Quabremara i Anđele X pripao je šibenskoj posadi koja je odlično jedrila po jakom jugu.

Barba Branko se, zahvaljujući odličnom jedrenju uz vjetar, izborio za pobjedu pored brzih Open jedrilica Vola Vola i Fulcrum.

The triple race between Marina Kaštela, Quabremar and Anđela X was won by the Šibenik crew that showed some great sailing in a strong scirocco.

Thanks to his excellent upwind performance, Barba Branko won, leaving behind him the fast Vola Vola and Fulcrum boats.

Prve dane regate bez vjetra zamijenilo je jako jugo koje je donijelo niz izazova za jedriliÄ?are i spektakularne scene na moru. The first windless days of the Regatta were replaced by a strong scirocco bringing plenty of challenges for the crews and spectacular scenes on the water.

Regatna skupina I / Regatta Group I Posada Quabremara jedrila je besprijekorno i samo ih je diskvalifikacija dijelila od ukupne pobjede. The Quabremar crew sailed the whole regatta flawlessly and would have taken their overall victory had it not been disqualified.

Regatna skupina II / Regatta Group II Veteran oceanskog jedrenja Magnus Olsson nastupio je na regati, ali nije mogao ugroziti spremnije domaće posade. Ocean sailing veteran Magnus Olsson appeared at the regatta, but was unable to jeopardize the better prepared local crews.

Vodice 2011.


Rezultati / Results - 2011 ORC I. Karlo Kuret ORC II. Krešimir Đakulović Open I. Bojan Božić Open II. Mario Kundih

Regatna skupina I / Regatta Group I Karlo Kuret na jedrilici All 4 One u posljednjem plovu odnosi pobjedu ‘za milimetar’. The All 4 One skippered by Karlo Kuret took a landslide victory in the last race.

Regatna skupina II / Regatta Group II Krešimir Đakulović na Mareusu nastavlja pobjednički niz u vrlo izjednačenoj floti jedrilicama Beneteau 40.7. Mareus with Krešimir Đakulović at the helm continued its winning streak in a very competitive fleet of Beneteau 40.7 boats.


Povratak u Vodice obilježen je povećanjem broja natjecatelja, bez finalnih borbi četvoro pobjednika zadovoljni odlaze kućama. The revival of the Vodice Regatta saw an increase in the number of competitors, the four winners going home happy with no finals.

Open skupina I / Open Group I Dominacija izuzetno brze jedrilice Millenium 40 Vola Vola s Bojanom Božićem na kormilu. The very fast Millennium 40 Vola Vola skippered by Bojan Božić dominated the regatta.

Open skupina II / Open Group II Niz preokreta i zanimljivih duela pobjedom završava Mario Kundih na jedrilici 01 Express. Mario Kundih’s 01 Express ended the race with a victory after a number of turnarounds and interesting duels.

Ove su godine na regati mogle nastupiti i jedrilice po razvrstanju Open, stoga su ukupno nastupile 34 posade, razvrstane u četiri grupe. This year, Open-group boats were able to compete at the Regatta for the first time – 34 crews competed, divided into four groups.

Hvar XIV. 2010. Presudila su dva osnovna elementa: jaka posada i dobra taktika. Two elements were crucial for victory: a strong crew and good tactics. Krešimir Đakulović Imajte viziju kao i do sada i nemojte posustati s regatom, Uskršnja je jedna od najprestižnijih domaćih regata... Pursue your vision like you did before and don’t give up now – the Easter Regatta that is one of most prestigious local regattas... Karlo Kuret

Rezultati / Results - 2010 1. Krešimir Đakulović 2. Darko Hajdinjak 3. Robert Sandalić 4. Tonko Rameša 5. Karlo Kuret

Morao sam ostaviti sve da bih došao na regatu, a tu sam uglavnom radi uživanja... I had to leave everything to be here, and I am mostly Leo Lemešić sailing for pleasure...

Četrnaesta Uskršnja regata opet je u Hvaru, a obilježio ju je jaki natjecateljski naboj i uzbudljivi dvoboji najboljih posada na Jadranu. The Fourteenth Easter Regatta is back in Hvar, was marked by strong competitive tensions and exciting duels between the very best crews in the Adriatic.

Nije mi lako jer dolazim iz Los Angelesa na regate, ali se nadam da ćemo biti dobri. It’s not easy for me because I came from Los Angeles, but I hope we will do well.

Frane Barbieri

Odvajam dosta vremena na jedrenje jer je to hobi u kojem uživam. Na Uskršnjoj je konkurencija dosta teška, a favoriti su Mate Arapov i Karlo Kuret. I spend a lot of time sailing because it’s a hobby I enjoy. The competition at the Easter Regatta is very strong, Mate Arapov and Karlo Kuret Richard Vojta being the favorites. Regata privlači sve generacije, jedri se oštro, pod velikim si adrenalinom... The Regatta attracts all generations, the sailing is fierce, the adrenaline pumping hard...

Zlatan Zoričić

Rezultati / Results 2009 1. Karlo Kuret 2. Richard Vojta 3. Robert Sandalić 4. Branko Iliadica Rapo 5. Mate Arapov

Po drugi put održana u Hvaru, regata je zapamćena po uzbudljivom finalu u hvarskoj luci. Held in Hvar for the second time, the Regatta will be remembered for an exciting final in the Hvar Port .

XIII . Hvar 2009.

XIIHvar 2008 .

Rezultati / Results 2008


1. Robert Sandalić 2. Tonko Rameša 3. Krešimir Đakulović 4. Toni Smerdelj 5. Frane Barbieri

Mi Hvarani volimo se dičiti gostoprimstvom koje nam je priskrbilo tradiciju 140 godina bavljenja turizmom. Dobro došli u Hvar. In Hvar, we take pride in our hospitality that has resulted in a Pjerino Bebić tourism tradition of 140 years. Welcome to Hvar.

Najvažnije se odvažiti, a onda kreću višegodišnje pripreme za Mini Transat. Ipak je ljepše jedriti s dobrim društvom. The most important thing is to dare, then you start with years of preparation for the Mini Transat. Yet, it’s nicer to sail in Šime Stipaničev good company.

Kombinacija laganih i jakih vjetrova i nove regatne jedrilice promovirali su Hvar kao novo odredište Uskršnje regate. A combination of light and strong winds and new racing boats promoted Hvar as a new Easter Regatta venue.

Na Uskršnjoj regati nastupam od 1998. godine, danas je puno teže postići dobar plasman, ali mi je drago da je tako. I have participated in the Easter Regatta since 1998; it is much harder to finish with a good result these days, but I like it that way. Igor Pjacun

Još se privikavamo na novu jedrilicu, toliko smo brzi da jedrimo sami u polju... We are still getting used to our new boat, we are so fast we Marin Mišura sail alone most of the time...

Za neko vrijeme zadnja regata u Vodicama, u glavnim ulogama Ola i Bohemia Express kojima je zapaprio Mr.Dee Jay.

Moji kolege regatu snimaju iz zraka pa pripazite na svoje jarbole... My colleagues are shooting from air, so watch your masts...

The last race in Vodice for a while, starring Ola and Bohemia Express, with Mr. Dee Jay taking the victory from under their noses.

Osjeća se zaoštravanje konkurencije, na regati nastupa jedriličarska elita... We can feel tensions rising between the competitors; the Mladen Sinožić racing elite is competing... Rezultati / Results 2007





Ivan Blažićko

1. Mate Arapov 2. Ivan Kuret 3. Richard Vojta 4. Marin Mišura 5. Robert Sandalić



2006. Rezultati / Results 2006 1. Darko Hajdinjak 2. Mate Arapov 3. Marko Mišura

. Ove godine imamo umjeren do jak vjetar što je donekle promijenilo status favorita. Navigacija je bila prekrasna s dugom orcom i jedrenjem niz vjetar. This year we have moderate to strong winds that have somewhat changed the favorites’ order; the offshore race was magnificent with long upwind and downwind legs.

Osim dobrog jedrenja po jakom vjetru, regata je privukla i ‘celebritye’ poput Janice Kostelić i Zlatana Stipišića Gibonnija. In addition to good sailing in strong winds, the Regatta attracted celebrities such as Janica Kostelić and Zlatan Stipišić Gibonni.

Dobar tim suradnika osnovna je predispozicija za uspjeh u jedriličarskom sportu. Having a good team is one the key requirements for success in sailing.

Ivan Kljaković Gašpić Bambi

Alen Kustić

Nikad bolja organizacija regate na moru, a na kopnu mi fali malo ‘šušura’ u hotelu... The organization on the water has never been better, I only miss a bit of mingling at the hotel...

Marko Mišura

Po bonaci i teškim uvjetima presudio je besprijekoran rad moje posade i zasluženo smo pobijedili. With no wind and in difficult conditions, the flawless work of my crew was crucial, we deserved to win.

Mate Arapov

Bilo je fenomenalno! Mi smo izvukli sve najbolje od sebe i radujemo se kao da smo pobijedili. It was fantastic! We did our absolute best and are as happy as we had won.

Bartul Mišura

Po prvi put odluka o pobjedniku pala je u pripetavanju na tri jednake jedrilice Elan 37. For the first time, the winner was decided in a one design tie-breaker featuring three Elan 37 boats.


Zadar Biograd Vodice



Rezultati / Results 2005 1. Mate Arapov 2. Bartul Mišura 3. Darko Prizmić

Vodice 2004. Rezultati / Results 2004 1. Ivan Kuret 2. Bartul Mišura 3. Darko Hajdinjak

Za posadu i mene ovo je relaksacija, ali i radna regata. Draž Uskršnje je i što otvara sezonu. To me and my crew, this is both business and pleasure. Another thing that makes the Easter Regatta exciting is that Goran Radman opens the season. Sretni smo da smo ponovno pobijedili, ali čestitam i konkurentima jer odlučile su nijanse... We are happy to have won again, but I must congratulate Ivan Kuret the competitors because it was really close...


Regata koju su obilježili dvoboji jedrilica od 40 stopa, u kojem se posebno istakao tercet Kuret, Hajdinjak, Mišura. A regatta featuring some great duels between 40 ft cruiser racers, especially between Kuret, Hajdinjak and Mišura.

VIIVodice 2003.

Rezultati / Results 2003 1. Ivan Kuret 2. Darko Hajdinjak 3. Ante Vanjaka

Imali smo dosta štete, pohvaljujemo natjecatelje za fair play odnos na moru, uvjeti su bili zaista teški... We suffered quite a bit of damage, we have to commend the competitors for their fair play on the water, the conditions Neven Baran were really tough...

Na brodu vlada odlična atmosfera, svi daju svoj maksimum i uživaju u učenju i timskom radu. We have an excellent atmosphere aboard, everybody is doing their best and enjoying the learning and teamwork.

Marko Marinović

Žestoko jugo, lomovi opreme i otvaranje regate prema drugim proizvođačima - najveći spektakl pred Vodicama u povijesti regate. A strong scirocco, gear breaks and availability to different builders resulted in the most spectacular regatta off the coast of Vodice.

VIVodice 2002



Vodice 2001. .

Rezultati / Results 2002 1. Zvonimir Bezić 2. Tomislav Bašić 3. Ivan Radić

Posljednja regata na kojoj su jedrile isključivo Elanove jedrilice, a na kojoj je broj sudionika ograničen na 120. The last regatta featuring exclusively Elan sailboats raced; the number of participants was limited to 120.

Rezultati / Results 2001 1. Bartul Mišura 2. Tonči Antunović 3. Ante Vanjaka

Doba dominacije Elana 333, kao i dominacije tadašnje posade PBZ Leasinga predvođene Bartulom Mišurom. A time of domination for Elan 333, as well as for the PBZ Leasing crew led by Bartul Mišura.

IV Vodice 2000 .

Super vrijeme, super regata, a Grubiša nek’ presuđuje! Iščupao nam se koloturnik floka, bilo je napeto... Great weather, great sailing, let Grubiša be the judge! We broke our jib block, it was really intense... Emil Tomašević


Početak regate nije bio sjajan no počeli smo poboljšavati rezultat kada smo digli spinaker. Tu smo stekli prednost koju smo zadržali do cilja... The beginning was not great, but once we hoisted the spinnaker, our result began to improve. We took the lead Minski Fabris kept it all the way to the finish line...

Rezultati / Results 2000 1. Bartul Mišura 2. Marko Marinović 3. Stjepan Vitaljić

Zadovoljni smo svime. Zbog vremenskih uvjeta i organizacije regata postaje jedna od najboljih. We are happy with everything. The weather conditions and organization are turning this race into one of the best ones.

Tomislav Bašić

Nastupilo je 88 jedrilica, a jedrilo se po IMS premjeravanju. Najbolji hrvatski jedriličari otkrivaju regatu, a predvode ih Zonimir Bezić i Tomislav Bašić. 88 crews raced under the IMS handicap. The best Croatian sailors are discovering regatta, led by Zvonimir Bezić and Tomislav Bašić.

Rezultati / Results 1999



1. Zvonimir Bezić 2. Igor Hrelja 3. Minski Fabris

Počinje zlatno doba regate, gledaju se premjeri i bori za bogati nagradni fond. A golden age of regatta begins – handicaps count and the prize money is very generous.

Vodice 1999.

II Primošten 1998 .

U Biogradu se organizira prvo izdanje regate koja će postati najpoznatija jadranska ‘business’ regata i jedno od najboljih okupljanja sportskih jedrilica u posljednjih deset godina. Iako smo od početka imali jasnu viziju što želimo, nismo ni sanjali koliki uspjeh će u godinama koje dolaze imati naša regata. The first edition of what will become the most popular business regatta in the Adriatic and one of the best racing boat competitions in the past ten years is being organized in Biograd. Although we had a clear vision of what we wanted right from the start, we couldn’t even dream how successful our regatta would be in the years to come. Petar Paštrović


Rezultati / Results 1998 1. Igor Piacun 2. Branko Vršćaj 3. Duško Tomić

Prva regata održana je 1997. pod pokroviteljstvom PBZ Leasinga, a nastupilo je 14 jedrilica. The first regatta held in 1997 was sponsored by PBZ Leasing and featured 14 competitors.

ANA (Adriatic Nautical Academy) priključila se organizaciji sportskog dijela regate 1998. godine, a nastupilo je 45 jedrilica. The ANA (Adriatic Nautical Academy) joined the organization of the competitive part of the Regatta in 1998, with 45 boats competing.


Rezultati / Results 1997 1. Igor Ćupić 2. Nenad Borčić 3. Zoran Bezić


Biograd Primošten Hvar


Naša regata poznata je po dobroj organizaciji i zabavi kako na moru, tako i na kopnu. Our regatta is famous for its good organization and a lot of fun both on the water and on land. Povezivanje jedriličarskog sporta i marketinga od početka je bila naša ideja koju do danas zajedno s našim partnerima uspješno provodimo u djelo. Connecting competitive sailing with marketing has been our idea from the beginning, which we have proceeded to turn it into reality to date, together with our partners.

Kao pobjednici Uskršnje regate istakli su se najpoznatiji jedriličari u Hrvatskoj. The winners list at the Easter Regatta included the most successful sailors in Croatia.

Vječna lista regate Eternal race list G/Y 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997

1. MJ. / 1st PL. Krešimir Đakulović Tomislav Bašić Branko Iljadica Rapo Branko Iljadica Rapo Karlo Kuret Krešimir Đakulović KarloKuret Robert Sandalić Mate Arapov Darko Hajdinjak Mate Arapov Ivan Kuret Ivan Kuret Zvonimir Bezić Bartul Mišura Bartul Mišura Zvonimir Bezić Igor Piacun Ćupić Igor

2. MJ. / 2nd PL. Karlo Kuret Armano Zekan Krešimir Đakulović Peter Mosny Richard Vojta Darko Hajdinjak Richard Vojta Tonko Rameša Ivan Kuret Mate Arapov Bartul Mišura Bartul Mišura Darko Hajdinjak Tomislav Bašić Tonči Antunović Marko Marinović Igor Hrelja Branko Vrščaj Nenad Borčić

3. MJ. / 3rd PL. Armano Zekan Karlo Kuret Teo Pisaevoli Armano Zekan Peter Mosny Robert Sandalić Robert Sandalić Krešimir Đakulović Richard Vojta Marin Mišura Darko Prižmić Darko Hajdinjak Ante Vanjaka Ivan Radić Ante Vanjaka Stjepan Vitaljić Minski Fabris Duško Tomić Zoran Bezić

Zajedrite s nama!

Prijave/registration: regata@pbz-leasing.hr T 00385 1 63 63 562 F 00385 1 63 63 563 e-mail regata@pbz-leasing.hr www.pbz-leasing.hr Direktor regate/Regatta CEO Petar Paštrović Sportski direktor regate/Sports Director Živko Matutinović


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