Cinca Catálogo

Page 1


Casa com vida

A home with life



Pavimentos Floor Tiles Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado | Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated 24 Adamastor........................................... 49x99/49x49/12x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 30 Basaltina.................................. 49x99/24x99/16x99/49x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 34 Origin...................................... 49x99/24x99/16x99/49x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 38 Imagine......................................................................................16x99 [retificados/rectified] 48 Bavaria Stone........................................................................................................... M50x50 50 Menhir........................................................................ 49x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado | Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed 56 Pedra Luna...................................................... 49x99/49x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 60 Quartzite....................................................................................49x99 [retificados/rectified] 62 Dolmen ..............................................................60x60/30x60/30x30 [retificados/rectified] 60,8x60,8/30x60,4 66 Illusion ...............................................................60x60/30x60/15x60 [retificados/rectified] 72 Flash ........................................................... 49x49/24,5x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 74 Matrix............................................... 49x49/24,5x49/12x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 78 Moonlight.................................................... 49x49/24,5x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50

Porcelanato Vidrado | Glazed Porcelain Stoneware 84 Brancos......................................................................................49x99 [retificados/rectified] 86 Everest.......................................................................................49x99 [retificados/rectified] 88 Heart of Stone.............................49x99/49x49/32x49/12x49/8,5x49 [retificados/rectified] M50x50/33x33/16x33/16x16 94 Highlander...................................................... 49x99/49x49 [retificados/rectified], M50x50 98 Allure............................................................................................................ M50x50/33x33 102 Area......................................................................................................................... M50x50 106 Assouan Stone......................................................................................................... M50x50 110 Forum............................................................................................... M50x50/33x33/16x16 114 Évora............................................................................................................. M40x40/33x33 116 Homero......................................................................................................... M40x40/33x33 120 Pulsar............................................................................................................ M40x40/33x33 122 Cotto d'Alcobaça..............................................................................................33x33/16x33 Extrudido Vidrado | Glazed Extruded 128 Cotto d’Albe..............................................................................32x32/24x24/12x24/12x12



Revestimentos Wall Tiles Retificados | Rectified 138 Bali................................................................................. 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 142 Bastille........................................................................... 32x75/48x48 [retificados/rectified] 144 Bloom............................................................................ 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 146 Bolshoi........................................................................... 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 150 Empire........................................................................... 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 152 Garnier................................................................32x75/16x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 156 Hydra..................................................................32x75/16x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 160 La Fenice........................................................................ 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 166 Metropolitan.................................................................. 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 170 San Carlo....................................................................... 32x75/48x48 [retificados/rectified] 172 Scala.............................................................................. 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 180 Talia............................................................................... 32x75/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 184 Color Line...........................................................32x55/16x55/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 190 Fidji............................................................................... 32x55/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 194 Genesis.......................................................................... 32x55/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 198 Halley............................................................................. 32x55/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 200 Pulsar............................................................................. 32x55/32x32 [retificados/rectified] 204 MĂĄrmores....................................................................... 32x55/32x32 [retificados/rectified] NĂŁo Retificados | Non Rectified 210 Genesis............................................................................................. 33x56/M25x45/33x33 212 Halley..................................................................................... 33x56/M25x45/25x33/33x33 214 Avalon...................................................................................................................... M25x55 218 Bel Air...................................................................................................................... M25x55 222 Bellagio......................................................................................................... M25x55/33x33 226 Caesars......................................................................................................... M25x55/33x33 230 Franklin.................................................................................................................... M25x55 234 Luxor............................................................................................................ M25x55/33x33 238 Mandalay...................................................................................................... M25x55/33x33 242 Mirage........................................................................................................... M25x55/33x33

248 Pasadena.................................................................................................................. M25x55 252 Starlite..................................................................................................................... M25x55 256 Venetian........................................................................................................ M25x55/33x33 258 Artemis......................................................................................................... M25x45/33x33 262 Caliope......................................................................................................... M25x45/33x33 266 Dido.............................................................................................................. M25x45/33x33 270 Évora................................................................................................. M25x45/25x33/33x33 272 Helena.......................................................................................................... M25x45/33x33 274 Ophelia......................................................................................................... M25x45/33x33 278 Pandora........................................................................................................ M25x45/33x33 282 Pulsar................................................................................................ M25x45/25x33/33x33 284 Talia.............................................................................................................. M25x45/33x33 288 Forum.................................................................................................. 25x33/16x16/33x33 292 Imperial...........................................................................................................25x33/33x33 294 Metalizado.................................................................................................................. 25x33 Brancos | White Collection 298 Brancos Revestimento/Wall Tiles.........................32x75/16x75/32x55 [retificados/rectified] 312 Brancos Revestimento/Wall Tiles.............33x56/M25x55/M25x45/25x33/M20x20/M15x15 324 Brancos Pavimento/Floor Tiles...................................................32x32 [retificados/rectified] M50x50/33x33/M30x30/M20x20/M10x20/M15x15/M10x10 Tradicionais | Traditional 328 Pombalino................................................................................................................... 15x15 330 Tradicionais ............................................................................................................... 15x15 Características Técnicas | Technical Data 337 Características Técnicas | Technical Data 359 Índice por Referência | Reference Index 366 Índice por Formato | Index by Format 367 Índice Alfabético | Alphabetical Index

Casa com vida Uma casa é uma parte de nós, da nossa vida. Por isso na Cinca investimos todos os nossos esforços para que se sinta em harmonia com a casa que o envolve. Seja clássica, elegante, romântica, moderna, minimalista ou exótica, a Cinca apresenta uma seleção de produtos de qualidade e design cuidado, acompanhando as mais recentes inovações tecnológicas e tendências do mercado. Com quase 50 anos de experiência, tanto no segmento técnico como residencial, a Cinca oferece uma gama completa de séries em diversas tipologias, formatos, superfícies, cores e decorações, capazes de satisfazer o estilo de cada casa. Desde o tradicional 15x15 ao moderno 32x75 retificado em pasta branca de qualidade, aos resistentes pavimentos em porcelânico plena massa, decorado, para interior ou exterior, passando pelas ricas e fascinantes decorações em 3º fogo, ou o extrudido com o seu aspeto natural. Múltiplas opções para libertar a sua imaginação e satisfa­zer as suas escolhas. Sinta a casa com vida...

Une maison qui vit La maison est une partie de nous, de notre vie. C'est pourquoi chez Cinca nous investissons tous nos efforts pour que vous vous sentiez en harmonie dans votre maison. Qu’elle soit classique, raffinée, romantique, moderne, minimaliste ou exotique, Cinca présente une sé­le­ction de produits de qualité et au design travaillé en suivant les innovations technologiques et les tendances de marché les plus récentes. Avec près de 50 ans d'expérience, dans le domaine technique comme dans le domaine résidentiel, Cinca offre une gamme complète de séries dans différentes typologies, formats, superficies, couleurs et décorations, capables de satisfaire une grande variété de styles de maison. Depuis le produit traditionnel typiquement portugais 15x15 au produit le plus moderne 32x75 rectifié en pâte blanche de parfaite qualité ou encore aux grés cérames en pleine masse, decoré très résistants pour sols d'extérieur et d'intérieur comme aussi les grés étirés aux tons naturels, en passant par les riches décorations en 3ème feu. Multiples options pour laisser aller votre imagination et satisfaire vos exigences. Laissez entrer la vie dans votre maison...

A home with life A home is a part of us - a part of our lives. Therefore, at Cinca we devote all our efforts to enabling you to live in harmony with the space that surrounds you. Classical, elegant, romantic, contemporary, minimalist or exotic; Cinca presents a selection of quality products of superior design in tune with the most recent technical ­innovations and market trends. With nearly 50 years of experience in both the technical and residential sectors, Cinca offers a complete choice; diverse series with a variety of different formats, surfaces, colours and decorations which are adaptable to the style of any home. From the time-honoured 15x15 to the contemporary 32x75 rectified in high quality white body; to resistant floors in full body porcelain tiles, decorated for interior or exterior, the rich and fascinating decorations of 3rd fire and our extruded product with its natural appearance. Numerous options to free your imagination and to fulfil your choices. Fill your home with life...

Ein Haus voller Leben Eine Wohnung ist ein Teil von uns, ein Teil unseres Lebens. Daher bündeln wir bei CINCA all unsere Energie damit Sie sich in Harmonie mit Ihrer Wohnung verbunden fühlen. Ob klassisch, elegant, romantisch, modern, minimalistisch oder exotisch, CINCA präsentiert eine Auswahl an Qualitätsprodukten mit ansprechendem Design, mit denen wir die letzten technologischen Innovationen und Tendenzen des Marktes umsetzen. Mit fast 50 Jahren an Erfahrung, sowohl im technischen als auch im Wohnbereich, bietet CINCA eine vollständige Auswahl von Serien in diversen Typologien, Formaten, Oberflächen, Farben und Dekorationen, die in der Lage sind, die unterschiedlichen Wohnstile zu befriedigen: vom traditionellen Format 15x15 über den modernen 32x75 rektifiziert, in weißscherbiger Qualitätspaste bis hin zum widerstandsfähigen durchgefärbten dekorierten Feinsteinzeug für den Innen - und Außenbereich. Nicht zu vergessen sind hierbei die hochwertigen und faszinierenden Dekorationen des 3. Feuers sowie die Spaltplatten mit ihrem natürlichen Aussehen. Eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten Ihre Fantasie auszuleben und Ihre Auswahl zu treffen. Füllen Sie Ihr Haus mit Leben...

Qualidade, ambiente e segurança Responsabilidade social total Qualité, environnement et sécurité Responsabilité sociale totale

Quality, environment and safety Total social responsibility Qualität, Umwelt und Sicherheit Volle Soziale Verantwortung Certificação ISO 14001 do Sistema de Gestão do Ambiente Implementado na Concepção, Desenvolvimento, Produção e Comercialização de Pavimentos e Revestimentos Cerâmicos

Certificação ISO 9001 do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Implementado na Concepção, Desenvolvimento, Produção e Comercialização de Pavimentos e Revestimentos Cerâmicos

Environment Management System ISO 14001 Certification Implemented in the Design, Development, Production and Trading of Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles

Quality Management System ISO 9001 Certification Implemented in the Design, Development, Production and Trading of Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles

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Conscious of its role in building a future based on sustainability, CINCA has developed, implemented and continues to maintain an Integrated Management System in respect of Quality, Environmental and Safety matters, based on international recognition of the relevant standards, (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and OHSAS 18001). CINCA ist sich seiner Rolle bewusst eine ausgewogene Zukunft zu erschaffen. Daher hat CINCA ein integriertes Verwaltungssystem entwickelt, angewendet und erhält dieses aufrecht. Dieses System umfasst die Bereiche Qualität, Umwelt und Sicherheit und stützt sich auf die internationalen Referenznormen ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 und OHSAS 18001.

All wall and floor tiles from CINCA are manufactured using the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the ceramic industry, reducing to the minimum the consumption of energy and natural resources . Die Wand- und Bodenfliesen von Cinca werden unter Verwendung der Besten verfügbaren Technik (BVT oder BAT - Best Available Techniques) der Keramikindustrie produziert. Der Energieverbrauch und die Verwendung natürlicher Ressourcen werden dabei auf ein Minimum reduziert.

st Available T e iques

Les carrelages sols et murs de CINCA sont fabriqués en utilisant les meilleures techniques disponibles (MTD ou BAT - Best Available techniques) dans l'industrie céramique, réduisant ainsi au minimum la consommation d'énergie et des ressources naturelles.


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Os pavimentos e revestimentos cerâmicos da CINCA são fabricados usando as Melhores Técnicas Disponíveis (MTD ou BAT - Best Available Techniques) para a indústria cerâmica, reduzindo o consumo de energia e recursos naturais a um mínimo.



Consciente de son rôle dans la construction d'un avenir fondé sur la durabilité, CINCA a développé, mis en œuvre et maintient un système intégré de gestion qui inclut les facteurs Qualité, Environnement et Sécurité et qui est basé sur la reconnaissance des normes internationales de référence: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 et OHSAS 18001.

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Consciente do seu papel na construção de um futuro alicerçado na sustentabilidade, a CINCA desenvolveu, implementou e mantém um Sistema Integrado de Gestão abrangendo os vetores Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança, fundamentado no reconhecimento internacional dos referenciais normativos ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 e OHSAS 18001.

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Até 100% dos resíduos de fabricação recicláveis são reutilizados na produção. 100% dos cartões, caixas e paletes não reutilizáveis são enviados para destinos apropriados onde são submetidos a reciclagem. Jusqu'à 100% des résidus de production recyclables sont réutilisés dans la production. 100 % des cartons, boîtes et palettes non réutilisables sont envoyés dans des centres appropriés où ils sont recyclés. Up to 100% of recyclable fabrication residues are reutilized in production. 100% of cartons, boxes and pallets are sent to the appropriate locations for recycling whenever they are no longer reusable. Bis zu 100% der wiederverwertbaren Abfälle, die bei der Herstellung anfallen, werden in der Produktion wiederverwendet. 100% der Kartons, Schachteln und Einwegpaletten die nicht wiederverwendet werden, werden an dafür vorgesehene Orte, zwecks Wiederverwertung, versendet.

Zero Waste

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r Discharge

As linhas de produção reutilizam a água em circuitos fechados o que lhes permite, usando tratamentos apropriados, ter 0% de descargas de águas residuais para o ambiente. Les lignes de production réutilisent l'eau en circuits fermés ce qui leur permet, en utilisant des traitements appropriés, de ne décharger aucunes eaux résiduelles pour l'atmosphère. Using appropriate treatments, production lines reutilize water in closed circuits which allow for a 0% residual water discharge to the environment. Die Produktionslinien arbeiten mit geschlossenen Wasserkreisläufen, die es ermöglichen das, durch geeignete Behandlungen, 0% der Abwässer in die Umwelt gelangen.



on ssi mi

As emissões gasosas são periodicamente submetidas a análises para verificar a sua conformidade com a legislação e regulamentos nacionais e Europeu, dispondo, sempre que necessário, de sistemas de tratamento apropriados.


Les émissions gazeuses sont périodiquement analysées pour vérifier leur conformité avec la législation et les règlementations nationales et européennes, en disposant, quand nécessaire, de systèmes de traitements appropriés. Gas emissions are periodically submitted to analysis to verify their conformity with local and European legislation and regulations, Whenever necessary, appropriate treatment systems are available. Die gasförmigen Emissionen werden regelmäßig einer Analyse unterzogen, um ihre Übereinstimmung mit den nationalen und europäischen Gesetzen und Vorschriften zu prüfen und, falls erforderlich, werden diese einer geeigneten Behandlung unterzogen.

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A permanente monitorização de processos e sistemas permite a melhoria da qualidade com minimização de desperdícios e maximização de recursos por forma a minimizar os impactos ambientais decorrentes da sua atividade. A CINCA tem implementados apertados sistemas de controlo ambiental que, em muitos aspectos, vão muito além dos estritos requisitos legais estabelecidos na União Europeia. O Sistema Integrado de Gestão da CINCA é periodicamente submetido a avaliação independente por terceiras partes que monitorizam a sua capacidade de cumprir os requisitos legais e regulamentares bem como o cumprimentos dos objetivos estabelecidos pela empresa. Le contrôle permanent des processus et des systèmes permet une amélioration de la qualité en réduisant au minimum les dépenses et en maximisant les ressources afin de minimiser les impacts environnementaux liés à son activité. CINCA a mis en œuvre des systèmes stricts de contrôles environnementaux qui, en beaucoup d'aspects, vont bien au-delà des strictes conditions légales établies par l'Union européenne. Le Système Intégré d'Administration de CINCA est périodiquement soumis à l'évaluation indépendante de tierces parties qui contrôlent sa capacité à appliquer les conditions légales et règlementaires aussi bien que l'exécution des objectifs établis par la société. The permanent monitoring of processes and systems allows an improvement in quality with the minimum wastage and optimisation of resource thus reducing the environmental impact of these activities. Cinca implements tight systems of environmental control which in many cases are far beyond the strict legal requirements established in the European Union. CINCA's Integrated Management System is periodically submitted to independent evaluation by third parties that monitor the capability of fulfilling the legal and regulamentory requirements as well as the fulfillment of the objectives set forth by the company. Die ständige Aufsicht von Prozessen und Systemen erlaubt es die Qualität zu verbessern, die Abfälle zu vermindern und die Ressourcen zu maximieren, sodass die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt auf ein Minimum reduziert werden. CINCA hat strenge Systeme zur Umweltkontrolle, die in vielerlei Hinsicht über die strengen gesetzlichen Anforderungen der Europäischen Union hinaus gehen. Das integrierte Verwaltungssystem von CINCA wird regelmäßig durch unabhängige Dritte begutachtet und bewertet. Diese prüfen ob die verschiedenen Rechts- und Verwaltungsvorschriften, sowie die gesteckten Ziele des Unternehmens eingehalten werden.

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Em condições normais de utilização, a esperança de vida dos pavimentos e revestimentos cerâmicos é superior a qualquer outro produto destinado à mesma aplicação. Dans des conditions normales d'utilisation, la durée de vie des sols et des revêtements en céramique est supérieure à tout autre produit destiné à la même application. Under normal usage, the life expectancy of wall and floor tiles is superior to any other product in a similar application. Bei normalem Gebrauch übertrifft die Lebenserwartung von Boden- und Wandfliesen jedes andere Produkt, das für eine ähnliche Anwendung verwendet werden kann.

Recyclable Pr

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Os produtos cerâmicos não são considerados resíduos perigosos e não é necessário qualquer cuidado particular no seu eventual tratamento e deposição em aterro autorizado. Na eventualidade de renovação, os ladrilhos cerâmicos removidos podem ser facilmente recicláveis e usados como inertes noutras indústrias. Les produits céramiques ne sont pas considérés comme des résidus dangereux et ne nécessitent pas de traitement préalable pour leur stockage en déchetteries autorisées ou installations spécifiques au stockage de déchets inertes. Dans le cas de rénovation, les carreaux céramiques récupérés peuvent être facilement recyclés et utilisés comme matériaux inertes dans d'autres industries. The disposal of ceramic products in an authorised landfill site does not constitute hazardous waste and requires no special treatment. In the event of replacement, old ceramic tiles can easily be recycled and can even be used in other commercial activities. Keramische Produkte, gelten nicht als gefährlicher Abfall und benötigen daher keine besondere Sorgfalt bei der Entsorgung und Endlagerung. Bei ihrer eventuellen Erneuerung, können die entfernten Fliesen leicht recycelt und von anderen Branchen weiterverwertet werden.

Tous les emballages (boîtes, plastiques et palettes) sont totalement recyclables et peuvent facilement être réutilisés. All packaging materials (boxes, plastic and pallets) are totally recyclable and may very easily be reutilized. Alle Verpackungsmaterialien (Kartons, Paletten und Kunststoff) sind vollständig recycelbar und können leicht wiederverwendet werden.

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Todos os materiais de embalagem (caixas, plásticos e paletes) são totalmente recicláveis e podem facilmente ser reutilizados.

Na sequência do seu comprometimento com o desenvolvimento sustentável, a CINCA é membro do U.S. Green Building Council® (USGBC®), uma das mais prestigiadas organizações dedicadas à construção sustentável. O USGBC agrupa mais de 13.000 organizações de todo o mundo e mais de 180.000 profissionais em torno da visão de que é possível desenvolver na próxima geração um padrão de construção ambientalmente sustentável, modificando a forma como os edifícios são concebidos, construídos e geridos. A USGBC gere o LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), o mais amplamente reconhecido sistema de certificação verde da construção em todo o mundo que abrange a conceção, construção, gestão e manutenção de edifícios, casas e comunidades. Mais de 148.000m2 de construção em mais de 130 países são certificados diariamente pelo sistema LEED. Dans le cadre de son compromis avec le développement durable, CINCA est devenue membre du U.S. Green Building Council® (USGBC®), une des plus prestigieuses organisations consacrées à la construction durable. USGBC regroupe plus de 13.000 organisations du monde entier et plus de 180.000 professionnels qui travaillent tous autour de la vision selon laquelle il est possible de développer dans la génération suivante un modèle de construction durable, en modifiant la forme comme les constructions sont conçues, construites et gérées. USGBC gère le LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), le système de certification verte de la construction le plus reconnu dans le monde qui englobe la conception, la construction, l'administration et la maintenance des édifices, des maisons et des communautés. Plus de 148.000m2 de constructions dans plus de 130 pays sont certifiées quotidiennement par le système LEED.

Following its commitment towards sustainable development, CINCA is a member of U.S. Green Building Council® (USGBC®), one of the most prestigious organizations dedicated to sustainable construction. USGBC groups more than 13.000 organizations worldwide and more than 180.000 professionals around a vision that it is possible to develop in the upcoming generations construction standards that are environmentally sustainable, by changing the way buildings are conceived, built and managed. USGBC manages LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), the most broadly recognized green certification system for construction, covering all different stages from conception, to construction, management and maintenance of all buildings, houses and communities. More than 148.000m2 of construction are LEED certified on a daily basis all around the world. Verankert durch ihr Verantwortungsbewusstsein für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, ist CINCA ein Mitglied des US Green Building Council® (USGBC®), einer der renommiertesten Organisationen für nachhaltiges Bauen. Der USGBC beherbergt weltweit mehr als 13.000 Organisationen und mehr als 180.000 Fachleute rund um die Ansicht, dass es möglich ist, in der nächsten Generation eine ökologisch nachhaltige Bauweise zu entwickeln, durch eine veränderte Form der Konzepierung, Konstruktion und Verwaltung von Gebäuden. Der USGBC verwaltet das LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), das am weitesten anerkannte Zertifizierungssystem für ökologische Gebäude, das sowohl die Planung, den Bau, die Verwaltung wie auch die Wartung der Gebäude, Häuser und Gemeinschaften umfasst. Mehr als 148.000 Quadratmeter an Bauvorhaben in über 130 Ländern werden täglich vom System LEED zertifiziert.

Cerâmica de Qualidade com Respeito pela Natureza. Une céramique de qualité qui respecte la nature. Ceramics with quality with respect for nature. Qualitätskeramik mit Respekt vor der Natur.

Pavimentos Floor Tiles

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Pavimentos

Floor Tiles Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré | Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated | Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug

Adamastor retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 4¾"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug


8620 49x99cm | 8620/012 32,5x50cm

8624 49x99cm


Adamastor retificado rectified

Bege 12x49 Beige


Bronze 12x49 Bronze


Bronze 49x49 Bronze


lapado semi-polished

Bege 49x49 Beige

Bege 49x99 Beige


Bege 50x50 Beige




Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural


Mosaico 64 Bege Mosaic 64 Beige

8620/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8)

M50x50 Natural / Natural Mosaico 64 Natural / Natural 33x33 Mosaico 12 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

Mosaico 12 Bege 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Beige







Bronze 50x50 Bronze




Mosaico 64 Bronze Mosaic 64 Bronze

8624/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8)

M50x50 Natural / Natural Mosaico 64 Natural / Natural 33x33 Mosaico 12 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

100 157 158

Mosaico 12 Bronze 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Bronze



Bronze 49x99 Bronze


100 157 158

49x99cm | 49x49cm | 12x49cm | M50x50cm

retificado rectified

Castanho 12x49 Chestnut


Cinza 12x49 Grey


Cinza 49x49 Grey


lapado semi-polished

Castanho 49x49 Chestnut

Castanho 49x99 Chestnut


Castanho 50x50 Chestnut




Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural


Mosaico 64 Castanho 8625/640 Mosaic 64 Chestnut 33x33 (3,8x3,8)

M50x50 Natural / Natural Mosaico 64 Natural / Natural 33x33 Mosaico 12 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

Mosaico 12 Castanho 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Chestnut


Cinza 49x99 Grey


Cinza 50x50 Grey


Mosaico 64 Cinza Mosaic 64 Grey

8621/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8)

M50x50 Natural / Natural Mosaico 64 Natural / Natural 33x33 Mosaico 12 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

100 157 158

Mosaico 12 Cinza 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Grey

100 157 158


RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24 8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x50 ESC 45 Step Tread



49x99cm | 49x49cm | 12x49cm | M50x50cm

retificado rectified

Antracite 12x49 Anthracite


Preto 12x49 Black


Preto 49x49 Black


lapado semi-polished

Antracite 49x49 Anthracite

Antracite 49x99 Anthracite


Antracite 50x50 Anthracite




Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural


Mosaico 64 Antracite 8622/640 Mosaic 64 Anthracite 33x33 (3,8x3,8)

M50x50 Natural / Natural Mosaico 64 Natural / Natural 33x33 Mosaico 12 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

Mosaico 12 Antracite 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Anthracite





Preto 50x50 Black


Mosaico 64 Preto Mosaic 64 Black

8623/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8)

M50x50 Natural / Natural Mosaico 64 Natural / Natural 33x33 Mosaico 12 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

100 157 158

Mosaico 12 Preto 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Black



Preto 49x99 Black

100 157 158






RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24 8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x50 ESC 45 Step Tread

8622 49x99cm | 8622/640 33x33cm


new Basaltina retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 9½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 6½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug


Lapado / Semi-polished 8780 49x99cm | 8780/012 32,5x50cm

8786 49x99cm


Basaltina retificado rectified

lapado semi-polished

Cinza 49x99 Grey

Cinza 49x49 Grey

Cinza 50x50 Grey



Cinza 24x99 Grey


Cinza Grey

8780 16x99


Branco 24x99 White


Branco White

8786 16x99


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116



Branco 49x99 White

Branco 49x49 White


Mosaico 12 Cinza 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Grey


Mosaico 12 Branco 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 White






Natural / Natural

M50x50AD Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 12 158 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

Branco 50x50 White


Natural / Natural

M50x50AD Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 12 158 Natural / Natural 32,5x50

49x99cm | 24x99cm | 16x99cm | 49x49cm | M50x50cm

retificado rectified

lapado semi-polished

Bronze 49x99 Bronze

Bronze 49x49 Bronze


Bronze 24x99 Bronze


Bronze Bronze

8784 16x99


Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116


Lapado / Semi-polished 8784 49x99cm

Bronze 50x50 Bronze


Mosaico 12 Bronze 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Bronze




Natural / Natural

M50x50AD Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 12 158 Natural / Natural 32,5x50








RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24 8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x50 ESC 45 Step Tread


new Origin retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 9½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 6½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug


8763 49x99cm | 8763/036 32,8x31cm

Lapado / Semi-polished 8760 49x99cm | Imagine 8754 16x99cm


Origin retificado rectified

lapado semi-polished

Betão 49x99 Beton

Betão 49x49 Beton


Betão 24x99 Beton


Betão Beton

8760 16x99

Bege 49x99 Beige


Bege 24x99 Beige


Bege Beige


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116


Bege 49x49 Beige


Natural Natural 100 Antiderrapante M50x50AD Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 36 Natural 158 Natural 32,8x31

Natural Natural 100 Antiderrapante M50x50AD Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 36 Natural 158 Natural 32,8x31



Mosaico 36 Betão 8760/036 Mosaic 36 Beton 32,8x31 (10,8x2,4)

Betão 50x50 Beton


8763 16x99

Mosaico 36 Bege 8763/036 Mosaic 36 Beige 32,8x31 (10,8x2,4)

Bege 50x50 Beige

8763 D1


49x99cm | 24x99cm | 16x99cm | 49x49cm | M50x50cm

retificado rectified

lapado semi-polished

Visão 49x99 Vison

Visão 49x49 Vison


Visão 24x99 Vison


Visão Vison

8761 16x99

Basalto 49x99 Basalt


Basalto 24x99 Basalt


Basalto Basalt


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 133


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 134


Natural / Natural



Natural / Natural



Lapado / Semi-polished



Lapado / Semi-polished



Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116


Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant 116


Basalto 49x49 Basalt


Natural Natural 100 Antiderrapante M50x50AD Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 36 Natural 158 Natural 32,8x31

Natural Natural 100 Antiderrapante M50x50AD Slip-resistant 101 Mosaico 36 Natural 158 Natural 32,8x31



Mosaico 36 Visão 8761/036 Mosaic 36 Vison 32,8x31 (10,8x2,4)

Mosaico 36 Basalto 8762/036 Mosaic 36 Basalt 32,8x31 (10,8x2,4) AD


Visão 50x50 Vison

8762 16x99

8761 R10




Basalto 50x50 Basalt

8762 Rodapé Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24 8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x50 ESC 45 Step Tread


Imagine retificado | rectified 6½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug


8710 16x99cm

8720 16x99cm




retificado rectified

Hickory Natural 16x99 Hickory Natural

8740 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8740 134

Hickory Brown 16x99 Hickory Brown

8744 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8744 134






RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x99 ROD 41

8740 16x99cm | Antiderrapante / slip-resistant AD 8740 16x99cm




retificado rectified

Nogueira 16x99 Nogueira

8742 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8742 134

Cerejeira 16x99 Cerejeira

8716 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8716 134






RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x99 ROD 41

Antiderrapante / slip-resistant AD 8742 16x99cm




retificado rectified

Deck 16x99 Deck




8754 134

8754 16x99cm


Imagine retificado rectified

Carvalho 16x99 Carvalho

8710 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8710 134

Carvalho Branco 16x99 Carvalho White

8712 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8712 134







retificado rectified

Zebrano 16x99 Zebrano

8732 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8732 134

Wengué 16x99 Wengué

8720 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8720 134

Rodapé Bullnose

8x99 ROD 41


new Bavaria Stone 20"x20"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug


8790 50x50cm

Bavaria Stone

Ocre 50x50 Ochre





8790 82

RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x50 ESC 45 Step Tread


Menhir retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Décoré Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated Durchgefärbtes Dekoriertes Feinsteinzeug


8414 49x49cm | 8414/640 33x33cm

Lapado / Semi-polished 8411 49x49cm


Menhir lapado semi-polished

Bege 49x49 Beige

8411 115

Bege 49x49L Beige

lapado semi-polished

8411 135

Tabaco 49x49 Tobacco

8413 115

Tabaco 50x50 Tobacco

8413 100

Tabaco 49x49L Tobacco

retificado rectified

Bege 50x50 Beige

8411 100

Mosaico 64 Bege Mosaic 64 Beige

8411/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 157

Mosaico 36 Bege 8411/036 Mosaic 36 Beige 33x33 (2,5x10,8) 158






Mosaico 64 Tabaco 8413/640 Mosaic 64 Tobacco 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 157

Mosaico 36 Tabaco 8413/036 Mosaic 36 Tobacco 33x33 (2,5x10,8) 158

8413 135

49x49cm | M50x50cm

lapado semi-polished

Cinza 49x49 Grey

8412 115

Cinza 49x49L Grey

lapado semi-polished

8412 135

Antracite 49x49 Anthracite

8414 115

Antracite 50x50 Anthracite

8414 100

Antracite 49x49L Anthracite

8414 135

retificado rectified

Cinza 50x50 Grey

Mosaico 64 Cinza Mosaic 64 Grey

8412 100

8412/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 157

Mosaico 36 Cinza 8412/036 Mosaic 36 Grey 33x33 (2,5x10,8) 158

Mosaico 64 Antracite 8414/640 Mosaic 64 Anthracite 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 157

Mosaico 36 Antracite 8414/036 Mosaic 36 Anthracite 33x33 (2,5x10,8) 158

RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24 8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x49 ESC 46 Step Tread 33x50 ESC 45


Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Pavimentos

Floor Tiles Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé | Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed | Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug

Pedra Luna retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8700 49x99cm | 8705 49x99cm

8700 49x99cm


Pedra Luna lapado semi-polished

Creme 49x99 Cream

8700 131

Creme 49x99L Cream

8700 143

lapado semi-polished

Bronze 49x99 Bronze

8705 131

retificado rectified

Creme 49x49 Cream

8700 115

Bronze 49x99L Bronze

8705 143

retificado rectified

Bronze 49x49 Bronze

8705 115


Creme 50x50 Cream


8700 100

Bronze 50x50 Bronze

8705 100




49x99cm | 49x49cm | M50x50cm

lapado semi-polished

Cinza 49x99 Grey

8703 131

Cinza 49x99L Grey

8703 143

lapado semi-polished

Cinza Escuro 49x99 Dark Grey

8704 131

Cinza Escuro 49x99L Dark Grey

retificado rectified

8704 143

retificado rectified

Cinza 49x49 Grey

8703 115

Cinza Escuro 49x49 Dark Grey

8704 115

Cinza 50x50 Grey

8703 100

Cinza Escuro 50x50 Dark Grey

8704 100

RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24 8x50 ROD 22

Escada 33x50 ESC 45 Step Tread


new Quartzite retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8640 49x99cm



retificado rectified

Branco 49x99 White

8640 Amaciado / Honed finish A 8640 131






Dolmen retificado | rectified 24"x24"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 12"x24"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 12"x12"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm



espessura | thickness | 10,5mm 8 12"x24¼"


espessura | thickness | 9,5mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8444 30x60,4cm

8445 30x60cm | 8445/012 29,8x29,8cm | 8445 60x60cm


Dolmen retificado rectified

Bege 60x60 Beige

8441 134

Bege 30x30 Beige

Bege 30x60 Beige

8441 134

Mosaico 12 Bege 8441/012 Mosaic 12 Beige 29,8x29,8 (2,3x29,8) 159

Bege 60,8x60,8* Beige

Bege 30x60,4* Beige



retificado rectified

Cacau 60x60 Cocoa

8444 134

Cacau 30x30 Cocoa

Cacau 30x60 Cocoa

8444 134

Mosaico 12 Cacau 8444/012 Mosaic 12 Cocoa 29,8x29,8 (2,3x29,8) 159

8441 126

Cacau 60,8x60,8* Cocoa

8444 126

8441 107

Cacau 30x60,4* Cocoa

8444 107

*Atenc達o: O formato 60,8x60,8cm n達o coordena com o formato 30x60,4cm. *Attention: The 60,8x60,8cm format does not coordinate with the 30x60,4cm format.

8441 134

8444 134

60x60cm | 30x60cm | 30x30cm | 60,8x60,8cm | 30x60,4cm

retificado rectified

retificado rectified

Cinza Pérola 60x60 Pearl Grey

8442 134

Cinza Pérola 30x30 Pearl Grey

8442 134

Preto 60x60 Black

8445 134

Preto 30x30 Black

Cinza Pérola 30x60 Pearl Grey

8442 134

Mosaico 12 Cinza Pérola 8442/012 Mosaic 12 Pearl Grey 29,8x29,8 (2,3x29,8) 159

Cinza Pérola 60,8x60,8* Pearl Grey

Cinza Pérola 30x60,4* Pearl Grey

Preto 30x60 Black

8445 134

Mosaico 12 Preto 8445/012 Mosaic 12 Black 29,8x29,8 (2,3x29,8) 159

8442 126

Preto 60,8x60,8* Black

8445 126

8442 107

Preto 30x60,4* Black

8445 107

Rodapé 8x60 ROD 45 Bullnose 8x60,8 ROD 44

8445 134

Escada 30x60 ESC 77 Step Tread 30x60,8 ESC 76


Illusion retificado | rectified 24"x24"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 12"x24"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 6"x24"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8454 60x60cm | 8454/211 60x60cm | 8452 30x60cm | 8454/211 30x60cm | 8455/211 15x60cm

8451 30x60cm | 8451/211 30x60cm | 8453 30x60cm | 8451 60x60cm


Illusion retificado rectified

Magical Preto 14x60 Magical Black

Cinza 60x60 Grey

8452 134

Barroco Cinza 60x60 Barroco Grey

8452/211 136

8454/411 157

Houdini Cinza 14x60 Houdini Grey

8452/311 160

Cinza 15x60 Grey

8452 134

Barroco Cinza 15x60 Barroco Grey

8452/211 136

Cinza 30x60 Grey

8452 134

Barroco Cinza 30x60 Barroco Grey

8452/211 136

8454/411 157

Houdini Cinza 14x60 Houdini Grey

8452/311 160

Preto 15x60 Black

8454 134

Barroco Preto 15x60 Barroco Black

8454/211 136

Preto 30x60 Black

8454 134

Barroco Preto 30x60 Barroco Black

8454/211 136

Magical Preto 14x60 Magical Black

Preto 60x60 Black

8454 134



Barroco Preto 60x60 Barroco Black

8454/211 136

RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x60 ROD 45

60x60cm | 30x60cm | 15x60cm

retificado rectified

Magical Preto 14x60 Magical Black

Azul Prússia 60x60 Prussian Blue

8455 134

Barroco Azul Prússia 60x60 Barroco Prussian Blue

8455 30x60cm | 8454/411 14x60cm | 8454/211 60x60cm

8455/211 136

8454/411 157

Houdini Cinza 14x60 Houdini Grey

8452/311 160

Azul Prússia 15x60 Prussian Blue

8455 134

Barroco Azul Prússia 15x60 Barroco Prussian Blue

8455/211 136

Azul Prússia 30x60 Prussian Blue

8455 134

Barroco Azul Prússia 30x60 Barroco Prussian Blue

8455/211 136



60x60cm | 30x60cm | 15x60cm

retificado rectified

Magical Bege 14x60 Magical Beige

Bege 60x60 Beige

8451 134

Barroco Bege 60x60 Barroco Beige

8451/211 136

8451/411 157

Houdini Bege 14x60 Houdini Beige

8451/311 160

Bege 15x60 Beige

8451 134

Barroco Bege 15x60 Barroco Beige

8451/211 136

Bege 30x60 Beige

8451 134

Barroco Bege 30x60 Barroco Beige

8451/211 136

8453/411 157

Houdini Rubi 14x60 Houdini Ruby

8453/311 160

Rubi 15x60 Ruby

8453 134

Barroco Rubi 15x60 Barroco Ruby

8453/211 136

Rubi 30x60 Ruby

8453 134

Barroco Rubi 30x60 Barroco Ruby

8453/211 136

Magical Rubi 14x60 Magical Ruby

Rubi 60x60 Ruby

8453 134



Barroco Rubi 60x60 Barroco Ruby

8453/211 136

RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x60 ROD 45

8453/211 30x60cm | 8453/211 15x60cm | 8453/311 14x60cm | 8451 60x60cm | 8451/211 60x60cm


Flash retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 9¾"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8396 49x49cm | 8396 24,5x49cm | 0450/348 2,5x49cm


49x49cm | 24,5x49cm | M50x50cm

retificado rectified

Prata Escuro 24,5x49 Dark Silver

8396 124

Prata 24,5x49 Silver

8396 118

Prata 49x49 Silver

8395 118

Prata Escuro 50x50 Dark Silver

8396 109

Prata 50x50 Silver

8395 109


0450/340 54

Cristal Vermelho 3,5x49 Cristal Red

0450/988 101

Sparkly Dourado 2,5x49 Sparkly Gold

0450/349 71

Sparkly Prata 2,5x49 Sparkly Silver

0450/348 71

8395 124

Prata Escuro 49x49 Dark Silver


Moldura 1 Vermelho 1,2x49 Moldura 1 Red



Matrix retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 9¾"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 4¾"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8391 49x49cm | 8390/641 33x33cm

8390 49x49cm | 8390/212 49x49cm



Cobre 12x49 Copper

Cobre 24,5x49 Copper

Bloom Cobre 12x49 Bloom Copper

8390 127

8390 124

8390/412 92

Bloom Cobre 24,5x49 Bloom Copper

8390/312 123

Moldura 1 Vermelho 1,2x49 Moldura 1 Red

0450/340 54

Cristal Vermelho 3,5x49 Cristal Red

0450/988 101

Sparkly Dourado 2,5x49 Sparkly Gold

0450/349 71

Sparkly Prata 2,5x49 Sparkly Silver

0450/348 71

Iris Bronze 8x49 Iris Bronze

8390/213 138

Tweed Natural 24,5x49 Tweed Natural

8390/211 108

retificado rectified

Cobre 49x49 Copper

8390 118

Bloom Cobre 49x49 Bloom Copper

Mosaico 64 Cobre Mosaic 64 Copper

Cobre 50x50 Copper



8390/212 144

8390/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 158

Mosaico 12 Cobre 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Copper

8390/012 159

Mosaico 12 Cobre/Ferrugem 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Copper/Rusty

8390/112 159

8390 109

Mosaico 64 Cobre/Ferrugem 8390/641 Mosaic 64 Copper/Rusty 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 158

49x49cm | 24,5x49cm | 12x49cm | M50x50cm

Ferrugem 12x49 Rusty

8391 127

Yang Vermelho 24,5x49 Yang Red

Ferrugem 24,5x49 Rusty

8391/311 126

8391 124

Moldura 1 Vermelho 1,2x49 Moldura 1 Red

0450/340 54

Cristal Vermelho 3,5x49 Cristal Red

0450/988 101

Sparkly Dourado 2,5x49 Sparkly Gold

0450/349 71

Sparkly Prata 2,5x49 Sparkly Silver

0450/348 71

Iris Bronze 8x49 Iris Bronze

8390/213 138

retificado rectified

Ferrugem 49x49 Rusty

8391 118

Ferrugem 50x50 Rusty



Ying Vermelho 24,5x49 Ying Red

8391/211 126

Zen Vermelho 24,5x49cm Zen Red

8391/411 126

Mosaico 64 Ferrugem 8391/640 Mosaic 64 Rusty 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 158

Mosaico 12 Ferrugem 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Rusty

8391/012 159

Mosaico 64 Cobre/Ferrugem 8390/641 Mosaic 64 Copper/Rusty 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 158

Mosaico 12 Cobre/Ferrugem 32,5x50 Mosaic 12 Copper/Rusty

8390/112 159

8391 109



Moonlight retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 9¾"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado Grès Cérame en Pleine Masse, Émaillé Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed Durchgefärbtes Glasiertes Feinsteinzeug


8397 24,5x49cm

8397 49x49cm



49x49cm | 24,5x49cm | M50x50cm

retificado rectified

Bronze 24,5x49 Bronze

8397 124

Bronze 49x49 Bronze

8397 118

Bronze 50x50 Bronze




8397 109


Eclipse Bronze 8397/211 Eclipse Bronze 24,5x49 152

0450/340 Moldura 1 Vermelho Moldura 1 Red 1,2x49 54

0450/988 Cristal Vermelho Cristal Red 3,5x49 101

0450/349 Sparkly Dourado Sparkly Gold 2,5x49 71

0450/348 Sparkly Prata Sparkly Silver 2,5x49 71

8397 24,5x49cm | 8397/211 24,5x49cm


Porcelanato Vidrado Pavimentos

Floor Tiles Grès Cérame Émaillé | Glazed Porcelain Stoneware | Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

new Brancos retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert


9000 49x99cm



retificado rectified

Branco 49x99 White

9000 131

RodapĂŠ Bullnose

8x49 ROD 24


new Everest retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert


8630 49x99cm



retificado rectified

Branco Bujardado 49x99 White Bushammered



8630 131



Heart of Stone retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 13"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 4¾"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm retificado | rectified 3"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm 6½"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 6½"x6½"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert


8163 49x49cm | 8163 12x49cm | 8163 8,5x49cm

8161 49x99cm


49x99cm | 49x49cm | 32x49cm | 12x49cm | 8,5x49cm M50x50cm | 33x33cm | 16x33cm | 16x16cm

Heart of Stone Diamond Bege 8,5x49 Diamond Beige

8160/310 76

Bege 49x99 Beige

8160 131

Bege 8,5x49 Beige

8160 121

Bege 12x49 Beige

8160 121

Bege 32x49 Beige

8160 117

Bege 49x49 Beige

8160 113

Zircon Policromo 2x33 Zircon Polychrome

Bege 50x50 Beige

8160 93





Bege 33x33 Beige

8160/210 50

Bege 8160 Beige 16x16 96

8160 77

Bege 8160 Beige 16x33 86

Diamond Noz 8,5x49 Diamond Nut

8164/310 76

retificado rectified

Noz 49x99 Nut

8164 131

Noz 50x50 Nut

8164 93

Canto de Degrau Angolare Torello

Noz 8,5x49 Nut

8164 121

Noz 12x49 Nut

8164 121

Noz 32x49 Nut

8164 117

Noz 49x49 Nut

8164 113

Zircon Policromo 2x33 8160/210 50 Zircon Polychrome

Noz 8164 Nut 16x16 96

Noz 33x33 Nut

Noz 8164 Nut 16x33 86

5,5x35 CD 105

8164 77

Topo de Degrau Gradino Torello 5,5x33 TD 57

RodapĂŠ 8x33 ROD 8 Bullnose

8164 12x49cm | 8164 8,5x49cm | 8164 33x33cm | 8164 16x16cm


Heart of Stone Diamond Cinza 8,5x49 Diamond Grey

8161/310 76

Cinza 49x99 Grey

8161 131

Cinza 8,5x49 Grey

8161 121

Cinza 12x49 Grey

8161 121

Cinza 32x49 Grey

8161 117

Cinza 49x49 Grey

8161 113

Zircon Policromo 2x33 Zircon Polychrome

Cinza 50x50 Grey

8161 93





Diamond Cinza Escuro 8,5x49 Diamond Dark Grey

8162/310 76

retificado rectified

Cinza Escuro 49x99 Dark Grey

8162 131

8162 121

Cinza Escuro 12x49 Dark Grey

8162 121

Cinza Escuro 32x49 Dark Grey

8162 117

Cinza Escuro 49x49 Dark Grey

8162 113

Zircon Policromo 2x33 Zircon Polychrome

8160/210 50

Zircon Preto/Cinza 2x33 8161/210 50 Zircon Black/Grey

Cinza 8161 Grey 16x16 96

Cinza 33x33 Grey

Cinza 8161 Grey 16x33 86

8161 77

Cinza Escuro 8,5x49 Dark Grey

Cinza Escuro 50x50 Dark Grey

8162 93

8160/210 50

Zircon Preto/Cinza 2x33 8161/210 50 Zircon Black/Grey

Cinza Escuro 8162 Dark Grey 16x16 96

Cinza Escuro 33x33 Dark Grey

Cinza Escuro 8162 Dark Grey 16x33 86

8162 77

49x99cm | 49x49cm | 32x49cm | 12x49cm | 8,5x49cm M50x50cm | 33x33cm | 16x33cm | 16x16cm

Diamond Preto 8,5x49 Diamond Black

Preto 49x99 Black

8163/310 76

8163 131

Preto 8,5x49 Black

8163 121

Preto 12x49 Black

8163 121

Preto 32x49 Black

8163 117

Preto 49x49 Black

8163 113

Zircon Policromo 2x33 Zircon Polychrome

Preto 50x50 Black

8163 93

Canto de Degrau Angolare Torello

retificado rectified

8160/210 50

Zircon Preto/Cinza 2x33 8161/210 50 Zircon Black/Grey

Preto 8163 Black 16x16 96

Preto 33x33 Black

8163 77

Preto 8163 Black 16x33 86

5,5x35 CD 105

Topo de Degrau Gradino Torello 5,5x33 TD 57

RodapĂŠ 8x33 ROD 8 Bullnose 8163 49x49cm | 8163 32x49cm


Highlander retificado | rectified 19½"x39"


espessura | thickness | 11mm


retificado | rectified 19½"x19½"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert


8610 M50x50cm | 8612 M50x50cm

8610 M50x50cm



49x99cm | 49x49cm | M50x50cm

Bege 49x99 Beige

8610 131


Antracite 49x99 Anthracite

8612 131


retificado rectified

retificado rectified

Bege 49x49 Beige

8610 115

Antracite 49x49 Anthracite

8612 115

Bege 50x50 Beige

8610 93

Antracite 50x50 Anthracite

8612 93





Escada 50x50 ESC Step Tread 42

8610 M50x50cm | 8612 M50x50cm


Allure 20"x20"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm




espessura | thickness | 8mm



Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert


8561 M50x50cm

8560 M50x50cm



M50x50cm | 33x33cm new

8560 82 8560 69

Branco 50x50 White 33x33

Pérola 50x50 Pearl 33x33


8566 82 8566 69


8562 82 8562 69

Cinza 50x50 Grey 33x33

Prata 50x50 Silver 33x33

8565 82 8565 69



10 0


Lilás 50x50 Lilac 33x33

8561 82 8561 69

Cappuccino 50x50 Cappuccino 33x33

8568 82 8568 69

8569 82 8569 69

Castanho 50x50 Brown 33x33

8563 82 8563 69

8559 82 8559 69

Bronze 50x50 Bronze 33x33

8564 82 8564 69


8567 82 8567 69


Preto 50x50 Black 33x33

Bege 50x50 Beige 33x33

Taupe 50x50 Taupe 33x33


8558 82 8558 69

Coral 50x50 Coral 33x33

Rodapé Bullnose

8x50 ROD 22 8x33 ROD 13

8562 M50x50cm


Area 20"x20"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

10 2

8613 M50x50cm

8611 M50x50cm




Bege 50x50 Beige


10 4



8611 93

Antracite 50x50 Anthracite

8613 93

Escada 50x50 ESC Step Tread 42

8613 M50x50cm


Assouan Stone 20"x20"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

10 6

8606 M50x50cm

8607 M50x50cm


Assouan Stone

Areia 50x50 Sand

8602 85 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8605 93


Bege 50x50 Beige

8603 85 Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8606 93

Cinza 50x50 8604 85 Grey Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant AD 8607 93



10 8



Escada 50x50 ESC Step Tread 42

8605 M50x50cm


Forum 20"x20"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm 6½"x6½"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

11 0

8190 33x33cm

8191 M50x50cm



Branco 50x50 White

Branco 33x33 White

11 2

8190 66

Ouro 50x50 Gold

Branco 8190 White 16x16 95

Mosaico 24 Branco Mosaic 24 White

Mosaico 64 Policromo 8190/641 Mosaic 64 Polychrome 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 24 Policromo 8190/241 Mosaic 24 Polychrome 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

8190 8

8192 82

Ouro 33x33 Gold

Mosaico 64 Branco 8190/640 Mosaic 64 White 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

RodapĂŠ Branco 8x33 ROD Bullnose White D2

8190 82

8190/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

Mosaico 64 Ouro Mosaic 64 Gold

8192 66

8192/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 64 Policromo 8190/641 Mosaic 64 Polychrome 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

RodapĂŠ Ouro 8x33 ROD Bullnose Gold

8192 8

Ouro 8192 Gold 16x16 95

Mosaico 24 Ouro Mosaic 24 Gold

8192/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

Mosaico 24 Policromo 8190/241 Mosaic 24 Polychrome 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

M50x50cm | 33x33cm | 16x16cm

Areia 50x50 Sand

Areia 33x33 Sand

8191 82

8191 66

Noz 50x50 Nut

Areia 8191 Sand 16x16 95

Noz 33x33 Nut

Mosaico 64 Areia 8191/640 Mosaic 64 Sand 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 24 Areia Mosaic 24 Sand

Mosaico 64 Policromo 8190/641 Mosaic 64 Polychrome 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 24 Policromo 8190/241 Mosaic 24 Polychrome 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

RodapĂŠ Areia 8x33 ROD Bullnose Sand

8191 8

8193 82

8191/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

Mosaico 64 Noz Mosaic 64 Nut

8193 66

8193/640 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 64 Policromo 8190/641 Mosaic 64 Polychrome 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

RodapĂŠ Noz 8x33 ROD Bullnose Nut

Noz 8193 Nut 16x16 95

Mosaico 24 Noz Mosaic 24 Nut

8193/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

Mosaico 24 Policromo 8190/241 Mosaic 24 Polychrome 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

8193 8


Évora 16"x16"


espessura | thickness | 8,7mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

11 4

8186 M40x40cm


M40x40cm | 33x33cm

Bege 40x40 Beige

8183 73

Bege 33x33 Beige

8183 65


Cinza 40x40 Grey

Cinza 33x33 Grey

8186 73

8186 65

Branco 40x40 White

Branco 33x33 White

Rodapé 8x40 ROD 13 Bullnose 8x33 ROD 8

8184 73

8184 65

Escada 33x33 ESC Step Tread 40 8186 M40x40cm


Homero 16"x16"


espessura | thickness | 8,7mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

11 6

8296 M40x40cm

8298 M40x40cm



Marfim 40x40 Ivory

8296 76

Marfim 33x33 Ivory

8296 67

Cinza 40x40 Grey

8297 76

Cinza 33x33 Grey

8297 67

Bege 40x40 Beige

8295 76

Bege 33x33 Beige

8295 67

Antracite 40x40 Anthracite

8299 76

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

8299 67

Couro 40x40 Leather


11 8

M40x40cm | 33x33cm

8298 76

Couro 33x33 Leather

8298 67

Ilíada Cinza/Antracite 8x36,5 Ilíada Grey/Anthracite

8297/211 72

Ilíada Bege/Couro 8x36,5 Ilíada Beige/Leather

8295/211 72

8297/311 Ilíada 8x8 Cinza/Antracite Grey/Anthracite 53

8295/311 Ilíada 8x8 Bege/Couro Beige/Leather 53

Rodapé 8x40 ROD 21 Bullnose 8x33 ROD 13

8299 M40x40cm


Pulsar 16"x16"


espessura | thickness | 8,7mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

12 0

8175 33x33cm


M40x40cm | 33x33cm

Bege 40x40 Beige

Bege 33x33 Beige


8175 76

8175 70

Bronze 40x40 Bronze

Bronze 33x33 Bronze

8178 76

8178 70

Cinza 40x40 Grey

Cinza 33x33 Grey

8176 76

8176 70

Antracite 40x40 Anthracite

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

8177 76

8177 70

RodapĂŠ 8x40 ROD 13 Bullnose 8x33 ROD 8


Cotto d'Alcobaça 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 6½"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

12 2

8206 16x33cm

8204 16x33cm


Cotto d'Alcobaça

33x33cm | 16x33cm

Conhaque/Cognac 33x33 8202 74 Antiderrapante/Slip-Resistant 33x33 AD 8202 74 Lapado/Semi-Polished 33x33 L 8202 128

Vermelho/Red 33x33 8206 74 Antiderrapante/Slip-Resistant 33x33 AD 8206 74 Lapado/Semi-Polished 33x33 L 8206 128

Conhaque 16x33 Cognac

Vermelho 16x33 Red

Alcoa Bege/Conhaque Alcoa Beige/Cognac

8202 82

8202/211 16x24 44

Alcoa Bege/Conhaque 8202/212 Alcoa Beige/Cognac 16x16 25

Alcoa Vermelho/Rosa Alcoa Red/Pink

8206 82

8206/211 16x24 44

Alcoa Vermelho/Rosa 8206/212 Alcoa Red/Pink 16x16 25

Bege/Beige 33x33 8200 74 Antiderrapante/Slip-Resistant 33x33 AD 8200 74 Lapado/Semi-Polished 33x33 L 8200 128

Rosa/Pink 33x33 8204 74 Antiderrapante/Slip-Resistant 33x33 AD 8204 74 Lapado/Semi-Polished 33x33 L 8204 128

Bege 16x33 Beige

Rosa 16x33 Pink

8200 82

8204 82



12 4



RodapĂŠ 8x33 ROD 8 Bullnose

Canto de Degrau Angolare Torello

5,5x35 CD 105

Topo de Degrau 5,5x33 TD 57 Gradino Torello

8200 33x33cm | 8202/211 16x24cm


Extrudido Vidrado Pavimentos

Floor Tiles Étiré Émaillé | Glazed Extruded | Glasierte Spaltplatten

Cotto d'Albe 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 9½"x9½"


espessura | thickness | 11mm 5"x9½"


espessura | thickness | 11mm 5"x5"


espessura | thickness | 11mm

Extrudido Vidrado Étiré Émaillé Glazed Extruded Glasierte Spaltplatten

12 8

2052 24x24cm | 2052 12x24cm

2056 24x24cm


Cotto d'Albe

Laranja 32x32 Orange

2054 88

Laranja 32x32AD 2054 Orange (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Vermelho 32x32 Red

2056 88

Vermelho 32x32AD 2056 Red (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Laranja 24x24 Orange

2054 88

Laranja 24x24AD 2054 Orange (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Vermelho 24x24 Red

2056 88

Vermelho 24x24AD 2056 Red (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Laranja 12x24 Orange

2054 88

Laranja 2054 Orange 12x12

Vermelho 12x24 Red

2056 88

Vermelho 2056 Red 12x12



Feudal Vermelho/Laranja Feudal Red/Orange 8x24 2056/211 36

2056/311 Feudal Vermelho/Laranja Red/Orange 19 8x8

Feudal Vermelho/Laranja Feudal Red/Orange 8x24 2056/211 36

2056/311 Feudal Vermelho/Laranja Red/Orange 19 8x8

Medieval Vermelho/Laranja Medieval Red/Orange 8x24 2056/212 42

2056/312 Medieval Vermelho/Laranja Red/Orange 19 8x8

Medieval Vermelho/Laranja Medieval Red/Orange 8x24 2056/212 42

2056/312 Medieval Vermelho/Laranja Red/Orange 19 8x8

Peรงas Especiais Pavimento / Special Pieces Floor Tiles: AD


13 0



11,5x24 ROD 15

16x24 ESP 19

22 24x30 B1L 24x30 ADB1L 22

42 24x30 B2D 24x30 ADB2D 42

24x30 B2E 24x30 ADB2E

42 42

39 24x24 B2L 24x24 ADB2L 39

19 24x24 B1L 24x24 ADB1L 19

32x32cm | 24x24cm | 12x24cm | 12x12cm

Branco 32x32 White

2050 88

Branco 32x32AD 2050 White (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Areia 32x32 Sand

Areia 32x32AD 2052 Sand (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Branco 24x24 White

2050 88

Branco 24x24AD 2050 White (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Areia 24x24 Sand

2052 88

Areia 24x24AD 2052 Sand (Antiderrapante/Anti-slip) 88

Branco 12x24 White

2050 88

Branco 2050 White 12x12 2

Areia 12x24 Sand

2052 88

Areia 2052 Sand 12x12 2

Feudal Branco/Areia Feudal White/Sand 8x24 2050/211 36

2050/311 Feudal Branco/Areia White/Sand 19 8x8

Feudal Branco/Areia Feudal White/Sand 8x24 2050/211 36

2050/311 Feudal Branco/Areia White/Sand 19 8x8

Medieval Branco/Areia Medieval White/Sand 8x24 2050/212 42

2050/312 Medieval Branco/Areia White/Sand 19 8x8

Medieval Branco/Areia Medieval White/Sand 8x24 2050/212 42

2050/312 Medieval Branco/Areia White/Sand 19 8x8

Revestimento/Wall Tiles:

Branco 12x24 White

2051 88

Revestimento/Wall Tiles:

Branco 2051 White 12x12

Peรงas Especiais Revestimento / Special Pieces Wall Tiles:

Corner 5x5,5 Branco/White 2050/500 28 Areia/Sand 2052/500 28

2052 88

Quarter Round 5x12 Branco/White 2050/700 28 Areia/Sand 2052/700 28

Areia 12x24 Sand


2053 88

Areia 2053 Sand 12x12 2

Peรงas Especiais Pavimento / Special Pieces Floor Tiles:

5,5x12 V-Cap Branco/White 2050/400 28 Areia/Sand 2052/400 28

11,5x24 ROD 15

16x24 ESP 19

22 24x30 B1L 24x30 ADB1L 22

42 24x30 B2D 24x30 ADB2D 42

24x30 B2E 24x30 ADB2E

42 42

39 24x24 B2L 24x24 ADB2L 39

19 24x24 B1L 24x24 ADB1L 19


Revestimentos Wall Tiles

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Revestimentos & Pavimentos Coordenados

Coordinated Wall & Floor Tiles Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson | Double Fired White Body Wall Tile | Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

Bali retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

13 8

7010 32x75cm

7013 32x75cm | 7011 32x75cm | 7038 32x75cm | 7036 32x75cm | 7003/020 7,5x32cm | 7086/020 7,5x32cm | 0450/188 2,5x32cm | 7086/015 2,5x32cm | 0450/814 12x32cm | 7086/013 12x32cm | 8513 32x32cm


Bali retificado rectified

14 0

Bali Branco Mate 32x75 Bali White Matt

7096 134

Bali PĂŠrola Mate 32x75 Bali Pearl Matt

7013 134

Bali Bege 32x75 Bali Beige

7011 134

Bali Bordeaux 32x75 Bali Bordeaux

7010 134

Branco 32x32 White

8020 116

PĂŠrola 32x32 Pearl

8025 116

Bege 32x32 Beige

8513 118

Bordeaux 32x32 Bordeaux

8514 121

32x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Boiserie Branco Mate 32x75 Boiserie White Matt

7020 Big Corner 136 Mate/Matt 0450/278 2x75 142

Boiserie Pérola Mate 32x75 Boiserie Pearl Matt

7038 Big Corner 136 Mate/Matt 7003/006 2x75 142

Boiserie Bege 32x75 Boiserie Beige

7036 Big Corner 136 7086/006 2x75 142

Boiserie Bordeaux 32x75 Boiserie Bordeaux

7028 Big Corner 136 7089/006 2x75 142

Big Corner Mate 2x32 Big Corner Matt

0450/185 Ângulo/Angle 72 Mate/Matt 0450/179 44 2x2

Big Corner Mate 2x32 Big Corner Matt

0450/186 Ângulo/Angle 72 Mate/Matt 0450/180 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

7086/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7086/007 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

7089/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7089/007 44 2x2

Sigaro Mate 2,5x32 Sigaro Matt

0450/187 Ângulo/Angle 34 Mate/Matt 0450/183 44 2x2,5

Sigaro Mate 2,5x32 Sigaro Matt

0450/188 Ângulo/Angle 34 Mate/Matt 0450/184 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

7086/015 Ângulo/Angle 34 7086/016 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

7089/015 Ângulo/Angle 34 7089/016 44 2x2,5

V-Cap Mate 7,5x32 V-Cap Matt

7001/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 Mate/Matt 7001/031 33 2x7,5

V-Cap Mate 7,5x32 V-Cap Matt

7003/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 Mate/Matt 7003/031 33 2x7,5

V-Cap 7,5x32

7086/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 7086/031 33 2x7,5

V-Cap 7,5x32

7089/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 7089/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé Mate 12x32 Skirting Matt

0450/815 Ângulo/Angle 64 Mate/Matt 0450/181 44 2x12

Rodapé Mate 12x32 Skirting Matt

0450/814 Ângulo/Angle 64 Mate/Matt 0450/182 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7086/013 Ângulo/Angle 64 7086/014 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7089/013 Ângulo/Angle 64 7089/014 44 2x12


new Bastille retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19"x19"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

1 42

7103 32x75cm | 7104 32x75cm | 7005/121 32x32cm | 7103/020 7,5x32cm | 7103/001 12x32cm | 9010 48x48cm


32x75cm | 48x48cm

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

retificado rectified

Achille Branco/Preto 2,5x29,5 0450/307 Achille White/Black 31

Mosaico 121 Branco/Preto Mosaic 121 White/Black

Achille Preto/Ouro 2,5x29,5 Achille Black/Gold

Aço Brilhante Aço Mate Branco 32x75 Aço Glossy Aço Matt White 0450/353 0450/352 2x75 2x75 82 82 Big Corner 2x32

7103 Big Corner 124 7103/006 2x75 142

7103/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7103/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7103/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7103/004 44 2x2,5

V-Cap 7,5x32

7103/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 7103/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7103/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7103/002 44 2x12

Boiserie Branco 32x75 Boiserie White

7103/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 106

0450/279 57

7104 126

Mosaico 121 Preto/Ouro Mosaic 121 Black/Gold

7005/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 129

polido / polished

Branco Polido 48x48 White Polished

9010 142


Bloom retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

1 44

7100 32x75cm | 7102 32x75cm | 7002/020 7,5x32cm


32x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Bloom Branco Brilhante 32x75 Bloom White Glossy

Boiserie Branco Brilhante 32x75 Boiserie White Glossy

7099 134

7021 Big Corner 136 Brilhante Glossy 0450/277 2x75 142

Bloom Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Bloom Pearl Glossy

7100 134

Bloom Rosa/Pérola 32x75 Bloom Rose/Pearl

7049 134

Bloom Taupe 32x75 Bloom Taupe

7015 134

Big Corner Brilhante 2x32 Big Corner Glossy

0450/092 Ângulo/Angle 72 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/150 44 2x2

Big Corner Brilhante 2x32 Big Corner Glossy

0450/112 Ângulo/Angle 72 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/166 44 2x2

V-Cap Brilhante 7,5x32 V-Cap Glossy

7000/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 Brilhante/Glossy 7000/031 33 2x7,5

V-Cap Brilhante 7,5x32 V-Cap Glossy

7002/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 Brilhante/Glossy 7002/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé Brilhante 12x32 Skirting Glossy

0450/818 Ângulo/Angle 64 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/040 44 2x12

Rodapé Brilhante 12x32 Skirting Glossy

0450/834 Ângulo/Angle 64 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/056 44 2x12

Boiserie Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Boiserie Pearl Glossy

Branco 32x32 White

8020 116

7102 Big Corner 136 Brilhante Glossy 7002/006 2x75 142

Pérola 32x32 Pearl

8025 116


Bolshoi retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

14 6

7008 32x75cm | 0450/342 2x32cm

7008 32x75cm | 0000/797 8x32cm | 8475 32x32cm



Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Bege 32x75 Aço Glossy Beige 0450/353 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

14 8

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

7008 Big Corner 124 7008/006 2x75 142

Juliet Bege 32x75 Juliet Beige

7008/008 107

7008/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7008/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7008/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7008/004 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7008/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7008/002 44 2x12

Bege 32x32 Beige

8475 118

Iolanta Cobre Iolanta Copper 0450/986 108 4x75

Giselle Bege 8x32 Giselle Beige

0000/795 36

Norma Bege 8x32 Norma Beige

0000/797 42

Carmen Bege 8x32 Carmen Beige

0000/799 41

Galatea Bege 2x32 Galatea Beige

0450/342 60

32x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Cinza 32x75 Aço Matt Grey 0450/352 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7009 Big Corner 124 7009/006 2x75 142 7009/005 72

Juliet Cinza 32x75 Juliet Grey

7009/008 107

Giselle Cinza 8x32 Giselle Grey

0000/794 36

Norma Cinza 8x32 Norma Grey

0000/796 42

Carmen Cinza 8x32 Carmen Grey

0000/798 41

Galatea Metálico 2x32 Galatea Metallic

0450/343 60

Iolanta Prata Iolanta Silver 0450/987 4x75 108

Ângulo/Angle 7009/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7009/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7009/004 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7009/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7009/002 44 2x12

Cinza 32x32 Grey

8476 118


Empire retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

15 0

7055 32x75cm | 0000/265 4x32cm | 8172 32x32cm


32x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Aço Brilhante Aço Mate Creme Marfim 32x75 Aço Glossy Aço Matt Cream Ivory 0450/353 0450/352 2x75 2x75 82 82

7055 115

Creme Marfim 32x32 Cream Ivory

8172 118

Goya Bege 4x32 Goya Beige

0000/265 18

Norma Bege 4x32 Norma Beige

0000/262 22

Cesar Bege 4x32 Cesar Beige

0000/244 14

7055 32x75cm | 0000/244 4x32cm


Garnier retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 6½"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

15 2

7017 32x75cm | 7017 16x75cm

7016 32x75cm | 7018 16x75cm


Garnier Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/353 2x75 82

15 4

Marfim 32x75 Ivory

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

7016 Marfim 16x75 7016 Big Corner 124 Ivory 129 7016/006 2x75 142

Bege 32x75 Beige

7017 Bege 16x75 124 Beige

Big Corner 2x32

7016/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7016/007 2x2 44

Big Corner 2x32

7017/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7017/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7016/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 7016/004 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

7017/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 7017/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7016/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 7016/002 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7017/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 7017/002 2x12 44

Marfim 32x32 Ivory

8360 118

Bege 32x32 Beige

8361 118

7017 Big Corner 129 7017/006 2x75 142

Fidelio Bege Fidelio Beige 0450/370 6x75 143

Hamlet Laranja 1,5x32 Hamlet Orange

0450/367 72

Hamlet Vermelho 1,5x32 Hamlet Red

0450/365 72

Turandot A Dourado 5x32 Turandot A Gold

0450/362 96

Turandot B Dourado 5x32 Turandot B Gold

0450/360 96

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

0000/581 48

32x75cm | 16x75cm | 32x32cm

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Cinza 32x75 Aço Matt Grey 0450/352 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

7018 Cinza 16x75 124 Grey

7018/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7018/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7018/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 7018/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7018/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 7018/002 2x12 44

Cinza 32x32 Grey

retificado rectified

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7018 Big Corner 129 7018/006 2x75 142

Hamlet Preto 1,5x32 Hamlet Black

0450/366 72

Hamlet Laranja 1,5x32 Hamlet Orange

0450/367 72

Hamlet Vermelho 1,5x32 Hamlet Red

0450/365 72

Fidelio Cinza Fidelio Grey 0450/371 6x75 143

8362 118 7018 16x75cm | 8360 32x32cm


Hydra retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 6½"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

15 6

7012/010 32x75cm | 7012 32x75cm | 0450/353 2x75cm | 8311 32x32cm

7012 32x75cm | 7012 16x75cm | 0450/354 2x32cm | 7029 32x75cm | 8311 32x32cm



Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/353 2x75 82

15 8

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Aço Mate Verde Água 32x75 Aço Matt Water Green 0450/352 2x75 82

7012 Big Corner 124 7012/006 2x75 142

Big Corner 2x32

0460/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 0460/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0460/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 0460/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0460/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 0460/002 44 2x12

Glass 2,5x32 Glass

Verde Água Water Green

7012 16x75 129

Damasco Verde Água 32x75 Damasco Water Green

0450/368 50

7029 124

Damasco Verde Água 7029 Damasco Water Green 16x75 129

Bali Verde Água 32x75 Bali Water Green

7014 134

32x75cm | 16x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Eden Verde Água 32x75 Eden Water Green

Verde Água 32x32 Water Green

7012/010 108

8311 118

7012/010 32x75cm


La Fenice retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

brilhante glossy

16 0

mate matt

7025 32x75cm | 0000/794 8x32cm | 8369 32x32cm

7024 32x75cm | 8368 32x32cm


La Fenice Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Cinza 32x75 Aço Matt Grey 0450/352 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

7025 Big Corner 124 7025/006 2x75 142

Iolanta Prata Iolanta Silver 0450/987 4x75 108

Giselle Cinza 8x32 Giselle Grey

0000/794 36

Giselle Bege 8x32 Giselle Beige

0000/795 36

Norma Cinza 8x32 Norma Grey

0000/796 42

Norma Bege 8x32 Norma Beige

0000/797 42

Carmen Cinza 8x32 Carmen Grey

0000/798 41

Carmen Bege 8x32 Carmen Beige

0000/799 41

Galatea Metálico 2x32 Galatea Metallic

0450/343 60

Galatea Bege 2x32 Galatea Beige

0450/342 60

Turandot A Prateado 5x32 Turandot A Silver

0450/361 96

Turandot A Dourado 5x32 Turandot A Gold

0450/362 96

Turandot B Prateado 5x32 Turandot B Silver

0450/359 96

Turandot B Dourado 5x32 Turandot B Gold

0450/360 96

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

0000/581 48

Bege 32x75 Beige

7023 Big Corner 124 7023/006 2x75 142

7025/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7025/007 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

7023/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7023/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7025/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7025/004 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

7023/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7023/004 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7025/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7025/002 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7023/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7023/002 44 2x12

Cinza 32x32 Grey

16 2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

8369 118

Bege 32x32 Beige

8367 118

32x75cm | 32x32cm

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Fumo 32x75 Aço Glossy Smoke 0450/353 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

7024 Big Corner 124 7024/006 2x75 142

Iolanta Cobre Iolanta Copper 0450/986 4x75 108

Versailles Fumo 32x75 Versailles Smoke

retificado rectified

7024/008 154

7024/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7024/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7024/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7024/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7024/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7024/002 44 2x12

Fumo 32x32 Smoke

brilhante glossy

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

8368 118 7024/008 32x75cm | Imagine 8720 16x99cm


La Fenice Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Areia 32x75 Aço Matt Sand 0450/352 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7027 Big Corner 124 7027/006 2x75 142 7027/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7027/007 44 2x2

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Marfim 32x75 Aço Glossy Ivory 0450/353 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

7026 Big Corner 124 7026/006 2x75 142 7026/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7026/007 44 2x2

7027/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7027/004 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

7026/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7026/004 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7027/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7027/002 2x12 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7026/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7026/002 44 2x12

8366 118

Marfim 32x32 Ivory

mate matt

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Sigaro 2,5x32

Areia 32x32 Sand

16 4

32x75cm | 32x32cm

8365 118

Fidelio Bege Fidelio Beige 0450/370 143 6x75

Hamlet Laranja 1,5x32 Hamlet Orange

0450/367 72

Hamlet Vermelho 1,5x32 Hamlet Red

0450/365 72

Turandot A Dourado 5x32 Turandot A Gold

0450/362 96

Turandot B Dourado 5x32 Turandot B Gold

0450/360 96

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

0000/581 48

retificado rectified

7026 32x75cm | 8365 32x32cm


Metropolitan retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

16 6

7031 32x75cm | 7033/008 32x75cm | 7033 32x75cm | 8460 32x32cm

7030 32x75cm | 7032 32x75cm | 7032/008 32x75cm | 0450/353 2x75cm | 8463 32x32cm


Metropolitan Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Pérola 32x75 Aço Glossy Pearl 0450/353 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

7031 Big Corner 124 7031/006 2x75 142

Ameixa 32x75 Plum

7033 Big Corner 124 7033/006 2x75 142

7031/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7031/007 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

7033/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7033/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7031/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7031/004 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

7033/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7033/004 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7031/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7031/002 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7033/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7033/002 2x12 44

Pérola 32x32 Pearl

16 8

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

8460 118

Ameixa 32x32 8462 Plum 118

Traviata Ameixa 32x75 Traviata Plum

7033/008 107

Mosaico 121 Pérola Mosaic 121 Pearl

7031/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 106

Mosaico 121 Ameixa Mosaic 121 Plum

7033/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 117

Bohemia Dourado 8x32 Bohemia Gold

0450/876 113

Macbeth Ameixa 8x32 Macbeth Plum

0000/252 34

Macbeth Ameixa 4x32 Macbeth Plum

0000/261 15

Aida Pérola 8x32 Aida Pearl

0000/254 35

Iolanta Cobre Iolanta Copper 0450/986 108 4x75

32x75cm | 32x32cm Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Cinza 32x75 Aço Matt Grey 0450/352 2x75 82 Big Corner 2x32

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7030 Big Corner 124 7030/006 2x75 142

retificado rectified

Antracite 32x75 Anthracite

7032 Big Corner 124 7032/006 2x75 142

7030/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7030/007 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

7032/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7032/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7030/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7030/004 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

7032/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7032/004 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7030/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7030/002 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7032/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7032/002 44 2x12

Cinza 32x32 Grey

8461 118

Antracite 32x32 8463 Anthracite 118

Traviata Antracite 32x75 Traviata Anthracite

7032/008 107

Mosaico 121 Cinza Mosaic 121 Grey

7030/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 106

Mosaico 121 Antracite Mosaic 121 Anthracite

7032/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 117

Bohemia Antracite 8x32 Bohemia Anthracite

0450/875 113

Macbeth Antracite 8x32 Macbeth Anthracite

0000/251 34

Macbeth Antracite 4x32 Macbeth Anthracite

0000/260 15

Aida Cinza 8x32 Aida Grey

0000/253 35

Iolanta Prata Iolanta Silver 0450/987 4x75 108


new San Carlo retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 19"x19"


espessura | thickness | 9,7mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

17 0

7122 32x75cm | 7122/121 32x32cm | 0450/199 2,5x29,5cm | 7122/001 12x32cm | 9014 48x48cm

San Carlo

32x75cm | 48x48cm

retificado rectified

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Aço Brilhante Aço Mate Bege 32x75 Aço Glossy Aço Matt Beige 0450/353 0450/352 2x75 2x75 82 82 Big Corner 2x32

7122 Big Corner 124 7122/006 2x75 142

7122/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7122/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7122/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7122/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7122/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7122/002 44 2x12

Achille Bege/Ouro 2,5x29,5 Achille Beige/Gold

0450/199 57

Mosaico 121 Bege/Ouro Mosaic 121 Beige/Gold

7122/121 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 129

Mosaico 121 Bege Mosaic 121 Beige

7122/221 32x32 (2,7x2,7) 106

polido / polished

Bege Polido 48x48 Beige Polished

9014 142


Scala retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

17 2

7088/008 32x75cm | 7022 32x75cm | 7088/020 7,5x32cm | 7088/013 12x32cm | 8381 32x32cm

7004 32x75cm | 7005 32x75cm | 8018 32x32cm



32x75cm | 32x32cm Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/353 2x75 82

Carrara 32x75 Carrara

Big Corner 2x32

Sigaro 2,5x32

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

Carrara 32x32 Carrara

17 4

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

7004 Big Corner 124 7004/006 2x75 142

retificado rectified

Preto Marquinha 32x75 Marquinha Black

7004/005 Ângulo/Angle 72 7004/007 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

7004/003 Ângulo/Angle 34 7004/004 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

7004/001 Ângulo/Angle 64 7004/002 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

8380 118

*Preto Marquinha 32x32 *Marquinha Black

7005 Big Corner 127 7005/006 2x75 142

0450/104 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/158 44 2x2

0450/082 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/065 44 2x2,5

0450/826 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/048 44 2x12

8018 121

*A utilizar exclusivamente em pavimentos de casas de banho residenciais. / Exclusively for application on residential bathroom floors.

Iolanta Prata Iolanta Silver 0450/987 4x75 108

Vendôme Carrara 32x75 Vendôme Carrara

7004/008 122

Bohemia Antracite 8x32 Bohemia Anthracite

0450/875 113

Galatea Metálico 2x32 Galatea Metallic

0450/343 60

Carmen Cinza 8x32 Carmen Grey

0000/798 41

Hamlet Preto 1,5x32 Hamlet Black

0450/366 72

Rigoletto Branco/Preto 5x32 Rigoletto White/Black

0000/582 14

Turandot A Prateado 5x32 Turandot A Silver

0450/361 96

Turandot B Prateado 5x32 Turandot B Silver

0450/359 96

7005 32x75cm | 7004/008 32x75cm | 8380 32x32cm | 8018 32x32cm



32x75cm | 32x32cm Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/352 2x75 82

Travertino Bege 32x75 Travertino Beige

7007 124

Big Corner 7007/006 2x75 142

Big Corner 2x32

7007/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7007/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7007/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 7007/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

Travertino Bege 32x32 Travertino Beige

17 6

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7007/001 64

8383 118

retificado rectified

Iolanta Cobre Iolanta Copper 0450/986 4x75 108

Carlton Travertino Bege 32x75 Carlton Travertino Beige

7007/009 120

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

0000/581 48

Ângulo/Angle 7007/002 44 2x12

Residence Travertino Bege 32x75 7007/008 120 Residence Travertino Beige

7007 32x75cm | 7007/008 32x75cm | Imagine 8720 16x99cm



Creme Marfim 32x75 Cream Ivory

Big Corner 2x32

Sigaro 2,5x32

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

Creme Marfim 32x32 Cream Ivory

1 78

Turandot A Dourado 5x32 Turandot A Gold

0450/362 96

Turandot B Dourado 5x32 Turandot B Gold

0450/360 96

Butterfly Creme Marfim 5x32 Butterfly Cream Ivory

0000/579 12

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Tiffany Preto 32x75 Tiffany Black

7006 Big Corner 124 7006/006 2x75 142

0450/110 72

0450/088 34

0450/832 64

8381 118

Ângulo/Angle 0450/164 44 2x2

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

7088/008 142

Delano Preto 32x75 Delano Black

7088/009 143

Big Corner 2x32

7088/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7088/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7088/015 34

Ângulo/Angle 7088/016 44 2x2,5

V-Cap 7,5x32

7088/020 40

Ângulo/Angle 7088/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7088/013 64

Ângulo/Angle 7088/014 44 2x12

0000/581 48

Ângulo/Angle 0450/071 44 2x2,5

Ângulo/Angle 0450/054 44 2x12

Boiserie Preto 32x75 Boiserie Black

7022 Big Corner 136 7088/006 2x75 142

32x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Tiffany Bordeaux 32x75 Tiffany Bordeaux

Boiserie Bordeaux 32x75 Boiserie Bordeaux

7089/008 142

7028 136

Delano Bordeaux 32x75 Delano Bordeaux

7089/009 143

Big Corner 2x32

7089/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 7089/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

7089/015 34

Ângulo/Angle 7089/016 44 2x2,5

V-Cap 7,5x32

7089/020 40

Ângulo/Angle 7089/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

7089/013 64

Ângulo/Angle 7089/014 44 2x12

Big Corner 7089/006 2x75 142 7089/009 32x75cm | 7089/013 12x32cm | 8381 32x32cm


Talia retificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

18 0

7054 32x75cm | 7054/001 32x75cm | 8260 32x32cm

7051 32x75cm | 7052 32x75cm | 0000/240 8x75cm



Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/353 2x75 82

1 82

Sirius Bronze 5x32 Sirius Bronze

0000/672 12

Aster Bronze 3,5x32 Aster Bronze

0000/272 13

Aço Brilhante/ Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/ Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Norma Bege 4x32 Norma Beige

0000/262 22

Pérola 32x75 Pearl

7051 115

Pérola 32x32 Pearl

8261 113

Lillith Bronze Lillith Bronze 0000/240 8x75 48

Bronze 32x75 Bronze

7052 115

Bronze 32x32 Bronze

8263 113

Lynx Bronze 32x75 Lynx Bronze

7052/001 137

32x75cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/352 2x75 82

Sirius Antracite 5x32 Sirius Anthracite

0000/673 12

Aster Antracite 3,5x32 Aster Anthracite

0000/273 13

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Norma Cinza 4x32 Norma Grey

0000/263 22

Cinza 32x75 Grey

7053 115

Cinza 32x32 Grey

8260 113

Lillith Antracite Lillith Anthracite 0000/241 8x75 48

Antracite 32x75 Anthracite

7054 115

Antracite 32x32 Anthracite

8262 113

Lynx Antracite 32x75 Lynx Anthracite

7054/001 137


Color Line retificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 6½"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

18 4

0440 32x55cm | 0443 32x55cm | 0444 16x55cm | 0450/149 2x55cm | 8311 32x32cm

0441 32x55cm | 0471 32x55cm | 0440 16x55cm | 0442 16x55cm | 8025 32x32cm


Color Line

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

Verde Água 32x55 Water Green

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

18 6

Verde Mar 32x55 Sea Green

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0460 118

Big Corner Verde Água 0460/008 Water Green 2x55 106

0460 16x55 124

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0441 118

Big Corner Verde Mar 0441/008 Sea Green 2x55 106

Glass 2,5x32 Glass

0450/368 50

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Verde Água Riscado 32x55 Water Green Striped

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0441 16x55 124

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Verde Mar Riscado 32x55 Sea Green Striped

0440 121

Verde Água Riscado 0440 Water Green Striped 16x55 127

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0442 121

Verde Mar Riscado 0442 Sea Green Striped 16x55 127

Big Corner 2x32

0460/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 0460/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0460/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 0460/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0460/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 0460/002 2x12 44

Verde Água 32x32 Water Green

8311 118

Big Corner 2x32

0441/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 0441/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0441/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 0441/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0441/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 0441/002 2x12 44

Verde Mar 32x32 Sea Green

8314 118

32x55cm | 16x55cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

Azul Oceano 32x55 Ocean Blue

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0443 118

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Big Corner Azul Oceano 0443/008 Ocean Blue 2x55 106

Dynasty Verde Água 32x55 Dynasty Water Green

0443 16x55 124

0460/020 97

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Azul Oceano Riscado 32x55 Ocean Blue Striped

Dynasty Verde Mar 32x55 Dynasty Sea Green

0441/020 97

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0444 121

Azul Oceano Riscado 0444 Ocean Blue Striped 16x55 127

Dynasty Azul Oceano 32x55 Dynasty Ocean Blue

Big Corner 2x32

0443/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 0443/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0443/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 0443/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0443/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 0443/002 2x12 44

Azul Oceano 32x32 Ocean Blue

8315 118

0443/020 97


Color Line

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

Pérola 32x55 Pearl

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

18 8

Baunilha 32x55 Vanilla

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0471 116

Big Corner 0450/129 2x55 106

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Pérola 0471 Pearl 16x55 121

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0447 118

Big Corner 0447/008 2x55 106

Pérola Riscado 32x55 Pearl Striped

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Baunilha 0447 Vanilla 16x55 124

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Baunilha Riscado 32x55 Vanilla Striped

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0449 118

Pérola Riscado 0449 Pearl Striped 16x55 124

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0448 121

Baunilha Riscado 0448 Vanilla Striped 16x55 127

Big Corner 2x32

0450/112 72

Ângulo/Angle 0450/166 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/091 34

Ângulo/Angle 0450/073 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/834 64

Ângulo/Angle 0450/056 2x12 44

Pérola 32x32 Pearl

8025 116

Big Corner 2x32

0447/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 0447/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0447/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 0447/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0447/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 0447/002 2x12 44

Baunilha 32x32 Vanilla

8312 118

32x55cm | 16x55cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

Amarelo 32x55 Yellow

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0445 118

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Big Corner Amarelo 0445 0445/008 Yellow 16x55 2x55 124 106

Dynasty Pérola 32x55 Dynasty Pearl

0471/020 97

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Amarelo Riscado 32x55 Yellow Striped

Dynasty Baunilha 32x55 Dynasty Vanilla

0447/020 97

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0446 121

Amarelo Riscado 0446 Yellow Striped 16x55 127

Dynasty Amarelo 32x55 Dynasty Yellow

Big Corner 2x32

0445/005 72

Ângulo/Angle 0445/007 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0445/003 34

Ângulo/Angle 0445/004 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0445/001 64

Ângulo/Angle 0445/002 2x12 44

Amarelo 32x32 Yellow

8313 118

0445/020 97


Fidji retificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

19 0

0439 32x55cm | 0439/004 32x55cm | 0438 32x55cm | 0438/004 32x55cm | 0450/426 3,5x55cm | 8470 32x32cm

0436 32x55cm | 0437 32x55cm | 0437/004 32x55cm | 0450/425 3,5x55cm | 8471 32x32cm


Fidji Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Brilhante Bege 32x55 Aço Glossy Beige 0450/356 2x55 68

19 2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0438 Big Corner 114 0438/018 2x55 106

Kia Bege 32x55 Kia Beige

0438/001 100

Big Corner 2x32

0438/015 Ângulo/Angle 72 0438/017 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0438/013 Ângulo/Angle 34 0438/014 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0438/011 Ângulo/Angle 64 0438/012 44 2x12

Galoa Bege 32x55 Galoa Beige

Mango Bege 32x55 Mango Beige

Bege 32x32 Beige

0438/004 87

0438/002 76

8470 114

0450/413 Lami Dourada Lami Gold 2,5x55 73

Amarelo 32x55 Yellow

0439 Big Corner 114 0439/018 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0439/015 Ângulo/Angle 72 0439/017 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0439/013 Ângulo/Angle 34 0439/014 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0439/011 Ângulo/Angle 64 0439/012 44 2x12

0450/426 Galoa Amarelo 32x55 Cristal Amarelo Galoa Yellow Cristal Yellow 3,5x55 106

0439/004 87

32x55cm | 32x32cm

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Cinza 32x55 Aço Matt Grey 0450/149 2x55 68

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0436 Big Corner 114 0436/018 2x55 106

Kia Cinza 32x55 Kia Grey

0436/001 100

Big Corner 2x32

0436/015 Ângulo/Angle 72 0436/017 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0436/013 Ângulo/Angle 34 0436/014 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0436/011 Ângulo/Angle 64 0436/012 44 2x12

retificado rectified

Galoa Cinza 32x55 Galoa Grey

Mango Cinza 32x55 Mango Grey

Cinza 32x32 Grey

0436/004 87

0450/414 Lami Inox Lami Steel 2,5x55 73

Vermelho 32x55 Red

0437 Big Corner 128 0437/018 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0437/015 Ângulo/Angle 72 0437/017 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0437/013 Ângulo/Angle 34 0437/014 2x2,5 44

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0437/011 Ângulo/Angle 64 0437/012 44 2x12

Galoa Vermelho 32x55 0450/425 Cristal Vermelho Galoa Red Cristal Red 3,5x55 106

0437/004 87

0436/002 76

8471 114


Genesis retificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

19 4

0451 32x55cm | 0452 32x55cm | 0000/672 5x32cm | 8228 32x32cm

0453 32x55cm | 0450/441 4x32cm | 8227 32x32cm


Genesis Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

0450/459 Polaris Preto Black 4x55 89 Cinza 32x55 Grey

0453 Big Corner 114 0450/327 2x55 106

Aço Brilhante Antracite 32x55 Aço Glossy Anthracite 0450/356 2x55 68

0454 Big Corner 114 0450/328 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0450/323 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/335 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/324 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/336 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/298 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/275 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/299 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/276 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/290 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/294 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/291 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/295 44 2x12

Cinza 32x32 Grey

19 6

8226 114

Antracite 32x32 Anthracite

8227 114

Antracite Pré-cortado 32x55 Anthracite Pre Formed

0454/008 132

Phoenix Cinza/Antracite 10,5x32 8226/211 38 Phoenix Grey/Anthracite

Cosmos Cinza 6,5x32 Cosmos Grey

0000/185 31

Sirius Antracite 5x32 Sirius Anthracite

0000/673 12

Lyra Vermelho 4x32 Lyra Red

0450/441 65

Polaris Preto 4x32 Polaris Black

0450/457 60

Virgo Cinza 5x32 Virgo Grey

0000/675 26

Dédalo Antracite 3x32 Dédalo Anthracite

0450/214 61

32x55cm | 32x32cm

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

retificado rectified

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

0450/459 Polaris Preto Black 4x55 89 Bege 32x55 Beige

0451 Big Corner 114 0450/325 2x55 106

Aço Mate Bronze 32x55 Aço Matt Bronze 0450/149 2x55 68

0452 Big Corner 114 0450/326 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0450/321 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/333 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/322 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/334 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/296 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/273 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/297 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/274 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/288 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/292 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/289 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/293 44 2x12

Bege 32x32 Beige

8225 114

Bronze 32x32 Bronze

8228 114

Bronze Pré-cortado 32x55 Bronze Pre Formed

Phoenix Bege/Bronze 10,5x32 Phoenix Beige/Bronze

0452/008 132

Cosmos Bege 6,5x32 Cosmos Beige

0000/184 31

Sirius Bronze 5x32 Sirius Bronze

0000/672 12

Lyra Laranja 4x32 Lyra Orange

0450/442 65

Polaris Preto 4x32 Polaris Black

0450/457 60

Virgo Bege 5x32 Virgo Beige

0000/674 26

Dédalo Bronze 3x32 Dédalo Bronze

0450/213 61

8225/211 38


Halley retificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

19 8

0494 32x55cm | 0495/008 32x55cm


32x55cm | 32x32cm

Sirius Bronze 5x32 Sirius Bronze

0000/672 12

Diadem A Preto 6,5x32 Diadem A Black

0000/182 31

Dédalo Bronze 3x32 Dédalo Bronze

0450/213 61

Cosmos Bege 6,5x32 Cosmos Beige

0000/184 31

Diadem B Preto 6,5x32 Diadem B Black

0000/183 31

Polaris Preto 4x32 Polaris Black

0450/457 60

Preto Pré-cortado 32x55 Black Pre Formed

0495/008 132

Galileu Marfim/Preto 10,5x32 Galileu Ivory/Black

8230/211 38

retificado rectified

0450/459 Polaris Preto Black 4x55 89 Marfim 32x55 Ivory

0494 Big Corner 114 0450/268 2x55 106

Preto 32x55 Black

0495 Big Corner 114 0450/269 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0450/262 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/286 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/263 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/287 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/282 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/249 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/283 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/257 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/801 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/244 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/802 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/245 44 2x12

Marfim 32x32 Ivory

8230 114

Preto 32x32 Black

8231 114


Pulsar retificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

20 0

0458 32x55cm | 0455 32x55cm | 0450/149 2x55cm | 8175 32x32cm

0456 32x55cm | 0000/181 6,5x32cm | 8176 32x32cm


Pulsar Murano Laranja 3x32 Murano Orange

0450/197 44

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68 Bronze 32x55 Bronze

0458 116

Big Corner 0450/229 2x55 106

Bege 32x55 Beige

Big Corner 0450/230 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0450/224 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/234 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/225 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/235 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/209 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/219 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/210 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/220 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/811 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/037 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/812 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/038 44 2x12

*Bronze 32x32 *Bronze

8178 116

Bege 32x32 Beige

*A utilizar exclusivamente em pavimentos de casas de banho residenciais. / Exclusively for application on residential bathroom floors.

20 2

0455 116

8175 116

Cayman Bege 5,5x32 Cayman Beige

0450/195 66

Polo Bege 6,5x32 Polo Beige

0000/180 42

Murano Bege 3x32 Murano Beige

0450/196 44

32x55cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Cayman Cinza 5,5x32 Cayman Grey

0450/198 66

Polo Cinza 6,5x32 Polo Grey

0000/181 42

Murano Cinza 3x32 Murano Grey

0450/194 44

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68 Antracite 32x55 Anthracite

0457 116

Big Corner 0450/228 2x55 106

Cinza 32x55 Grey

0456 116

Big Corner 0450/231 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0450/223 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/233 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/226 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/236 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/208 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/218 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/211 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/221 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/810 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/036 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/813 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/039 44 2x12

*Antracite 32x32 *Anthracite

8177 116

Cinza 32x32 Grey

8176 116


Mármores retificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm retificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

20 4

0475 32x55cm | 0474 32x55cm | 8029 32x32cm | 8026 32x32cm

0418 32x55cm | 0461 32x55cm | 0450/948 10x32cm



Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Vermelho Rupas 32x55 Rupas Red

0475 121

Big Corner 0450/176 2x55 106

Rosa 32x55 Rose

0474 118

Big Corner 0450/175 2x55 106

Vermelho Alicante 32x55 Alicante Red

Big Corner 0450/120 2x55 106

Rosa Portugal 32x55 Rosa Portugal

0462 118

Big Corner 0450/115 2x55 106

Big Corner 2x32

0450/173 72

Ângulo/Angle 0450/178 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/174 72

Ângulo/Angle 0450/177 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/099 72

Ângulo/Angle 0450/157 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/094 72

Ângulo/Angle 0450/152 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/170 34

Ângulo/Angle 0450/168 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/169 34

Ângulo/Angle 0450/167 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/081 34

Ângulo/Angle 0450/064 44 2x2,5

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/076 34

Ângulo/Angle 0450/059 44 2x2,5

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/817 64

Ângulo/Angle 0450/172 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/816 64

Ângulo/Angle 0450/171 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/825 64

Ângulo/Angle 0450/047 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/820 64

Ângulo/Angle 0450/042 44 2x12

Vermelho Rupas 32x32 Rupas Red

8029 121

Rosa 32x32 Rose

8026 118

*A utilizar exclusivamente em pavimentos de casas de banho residenciais. / Exclusively for application on residential bathroom floors.

20 6

0467 121

*Vermelho Alicante 32x32 *Alicante Red

8019 121

Rosa Portugal 32x32 Rosa Portugal

8008 118

32x55cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 0450/355

56 19

Calypso Rosa/Vermelho Rupas 10x32 0000/379 19 Calypso Rose/Rupas Red

Hamlet Preto 1,5x32 Hamlet Black

0450/366 72

Rigoletto Branco/Preto 5x32 Rigoletto White/Black

0000/582 14

Galatea Metálico 2x32 Galatea Metallic

0450/343 60

Carmen Cinza 8x32 Carmen Grey

0000/798 41

Bohemia Antracite 8x32 Bohemia Anthracite

0450/875 113

Turandot A Prateado 5x32 Turandot A Silver

0450/361 96

Turandot B Prateado 5x32 Turandot B Silver

0450/359 96

Urano Preto/Carrara 10x32 Urano Black/Carrara

0450/948 48

Mercúrio A Preto/Carrara 8x32 Mercúrio A Black/Carrara

0450/915 117

Mercúrio B Preto/Carrara 8x32 Mercúrio B Black/Carrara

0450/839 83

Marte Azul/Verde 10x32 Marte Blue/Green

0450/944 48

Neptuno Azul/Verde 10x32 Neptuno Blue/Green

0450/946 48

Thalassa Rosa/Vermelho Rupas 10x32 0000/380 42 Thalassa Rose/Rupas Red

Vénus Vermelho/Amarelo 10x32 0450/943 48 Vénus Red/Yellow

Júpiter Verde/Vermelho 10x32 Júpiter Green/Red

0450/941 48

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68 Branco Carrara 32x55 Carrara White

Big Corner 2x32

Mercúrio A Preto/Alicante 8x32 Mercúrio A Black/Alicante

0450/093 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/151 44 2x2

Preto Marquinha 32x55 Marquinha Black

Big Corner 2x32

0418 Big Corner 121 0450/121 2x55 106

0450/104 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/158 44 2x2

0450/914 117 Sigaro 2,5x32

Mercúrio B Preto/Alicante 8x32 Mercúrio B Black/Alicante

0461 Big Corner 118 0450/114 2x55 106

0450/075 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/058 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/082 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/065 2x2,5 44

0450/838 83

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting Mercúrio A Alicante/Rosa 8x32 0450/910 117 Mercúrio A Alicante/Rose

0450/819 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/041 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/826 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/048 44 2x12

Mercúrio B Alicante/Rosa 8x32 0450/835 83 Mercúrio B Alicante/Rose

Branco Carrara 32x32 Carrara White

8006 118

*Preto Marquinha 32x32 *Marquinha Black

8018 121


Mármores Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68 Travertino Bege 32x55 Travertino Beige

0411 Big Corner 121 0450/122 2x55 106

Travertino Noz 32x55 Travertino Nut

0413 Big Corner 121 0450/123 2x55 106

Creme Marfim 32x55 Cream Ivory

0469 Big Corner 118 0450/127 2x55 106

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

0000/581 48

Opal Bege 5x32 Opal Beige

0450/480 56

Mercúrio A Preto/Creme 8x32 Mercúrio A Black/Cream

0450/916 117

0450/840 83

Big Corner 2x32

0450/105 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/159 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/106 Ângulo/Angle 72 0450/160 44 2x2

Big Corner 2x32

0450/110 Ângulo/Angle Mercúrio B Preto/Creme 8x32 Mercúrio B Black/Cream 72 0450/164 44 2x2

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/083 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/066 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/084 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/067 2x2,5 44

Sigaro 2,5x32

0450/088 Ângulo/Angle 34 0450/071 2x2,5 44 Mercúrio A Alicante/Creme 8x32 0450/906 Mercúrio A Alicante/Cream 117

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/827 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/049 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

0450/828 Ângulo/Angle 64 0450/050 44 2x12

Rodapé 12x32 Skirting

Travertino Bege 32x32 Travertino Beige

20 8

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

8014 121

Travertino Noz 32x32 Travertino Nut

8015 121

Creme Marfim 32x32 Cream Ivory

Mercúrio B Alicante/Creme 8x32 0450/908 0450/832 Ângulo/Angle Mercúrio B Alicante/Cream 83 64 0450/054 44 2x12

8024 118

Saturno Creme 10x32 Saturno Cream

0450/990 48

Saturno Creme 3x32 Saturno Cream

0450/130 42

32x55cm | 32x32cm

retificado rectified

Galatea Bege 2x32 Galatea Beige

0450/342 60

Carmen Bege 8x32 Carmen Beige

0000/799 41

Bohemia Dourado 8x32 Bohemia Gold

0450/876 113

Turandot A Dourado 5x32 Turandot A Gold

0450/362 96

Turandot B Dourado 5x32 Turandot B Gold

0450/360 96

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Lua Castanho 10x32 Lua Brown

0450/937 48

Urano Bege 10x32 Urano Beige

0000/382 48

0411 32x55cm | 0450/937 10x32cm | 0450/083 2,5x32cm | 0450/066 2x2,5cm | 0450/122 2x55cm | 0450/827 12x32cm | 0450/049 2x12cm | 8014 32x32cm | 8015 32x32cm


Genesis 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

21 0

0453 33x56cm | 0450/443 4x33cm | 8227 33x33cm


33x56cm | M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Cosmos Bege 6,5x32x0,9 0000/184 31 Cosmos Beige

Virgo Bege 5x33x0,9 Virgo Beige 4x25x0,8

0000/678 29 0000/383 15

Sirius Antracite 5x33x0,9 0000/677 12 Sirius Anthracite 5x25x0,8 0000/670 5

Lyra Laranja 4x33x0,9 Lyra Orange

0450/444 65

Sirius Bronze 5x33x0,9 Sirius Bronze 5x25x0,8

0000/676 12 0000/669 5

0450/458 60

Dédalo Antracite 3x33x0,9 0450/216 61 Dédalo Anthracite

Polaris Preto 4x33x0,9 Polaris Black

0450/458 60

Dédalo Bronze 3x33x0,9 0450/215 61 Dédalo Bronze

87 0453 63 3033

Antracite 33x56 Anthracite 25x45

0454 3034

Bege 33x56 Beige 25x45

87 0451 63 3031

Bronze 33x56 Bronze 25x45

8227 65

Bege 33x33 Beige

Cosmos Cinza 6,5x32x0,9 0000/185 31 Cosmos Grey

Virgo Cinza 5x33x0,9 Virgo Grey 4x25x0,8

Lyra Vermelho 4x33x0,9 0450/443 Lyra Red 65

Polaris Preto 4x33x0,9 Polaris Black

Cinza 33x56 Grey 25x45

Cinza 33x33 Grey

Phoenix Cinza/Antracite Phoenix Grey/Anthracite

8226 65

8226/211 10,5x32 38

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

0000/679 29 0000/384 15

87 63

Phoenix Bege/Bronze Phoenix Beige/Bronze

8225 65

Bronze 33x33 Bronze

87 0452 63 3032

0450/454 Polaris Preto/Black 4x56x0,9 89

8228 65

8225/211 10,5x32 38

Rodapé 8x33 ROD Bullnose 13

Escada 33x33 ESC Step Tread 35


Halley 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

21 2

3029 25x45cm | 3030 25x45cm | 8231 33x33cm


33x56cm | M25x45cm | 25x33cm | 33x33cm

Cosmos Bege 6,5x32x0,9 0000/184 Cosmos Beige 31

Sirius Bronze 5x33x0,9 Sirius Bronze 5x25x0,8

0000/676 12 0000/669 5

Diadem A Preto 6,5x33x0,9 0000/186 31 Diadem A Black 5x25x0,8 0000/668 15

Diadem B Preto 6,5x33x0,9 0000/187 31 Diadem B Black 5x25x0,8 0000/667 15

Dédalo Bronze 3x33x0,9 0450/215 Dédalo Bronze 61

Polaris Preto 4x33x0,9 Polaris Black Marfim 33x56 Ivory 25x45 25x33

Marfim 33x33 Ivory

Galileu Marfim/Preto Galileu Ivory/Black

87 0494 63 3029 62 0869

8230 65

8230/211 10,5x32 38

0450/458 60 Preto 33x56 Black 25x45 25x33

Preto 33x33 Black

Galileu Marfim/Preto Galileu Ivory/Black

87 0495 0450/454 63 3030 Polaris 62 0887 Preto/Black 4x56x0,9 89

8231 65

8230/211 10,5x32 38

Rodapé 8x33 ROD 13 Bullnose

Escada 33x33 ESC Step Tread 38


new Avalon 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

21 4

4061 25x55cm | 4055 25x55cm | 4061/008 25x55cm | Adamastor 8623 50x50cm

4053 25x55cm | 0000/779 4x55cm | Adamastor 8623 50x50cm



Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Alton Bege/Preto 0000/437 Alton Beige/Black 4x25 23

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Jefferson Bege 4x55 Jefferson Beige

Bege 25x55 Beige

4054 70

Ocean Dr. Bege 25x55 Ocean Dr. Beige

Mosaico 72 Bege 4054/072 Mosaic 72 Beige 30x30 (4,7x2,2) 50

4054/008 71

Mosaico 72 Preto 4055/072 Mosaic 72 Black 30x30 (4,7x2,2) 50

*Adamastor Bege 50x50 *Adamastor Beige *Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

2 16

8620 100

Alton Branco/Preto 0000/436 Alton White/Black 4x25 23

0000/780 17

Preto 25x55 Black

4055 79

Ocean Dr. Preto 25x55 Ocean Dr. Black

4055/008 71

Mosaico 72 Multicor Bege 4054/172 Mosaic 72 Multicolor Beige 30x30 (4,7x2,2) 51

*Adamastor Preto 50x50 *Adamastor Black

8623 100

Alton Branco/Cinza 0000/435 Alton White/Grey 4x25 23

Jefferson Cinza 4x55 Jefferson Grey

0000/779 17

Cinza 25x55 Grey

4053 70

Ocean Dr. Cinza 25x55 Ocean Dr. Grey

Mosaico 72 Multicor Branco 4061/172 Mosaic 72 Multicolor White 30x30 (4,7x2,2) 51

*Adamastor Cinza 50x50 *Adamastor Grey

4053/008 71

Mosaico 72 Cinza 4053/072 Mosaic 72 Grey 30x30 (4,7x2,2) 50

8621 100


Koval Preto 4x55 Koval Black

0000/424 19

Aรงo Brilhante 2x55 Aรงo Glossy

0450/759 68

Aรงo Satinado 2x55 Aรงo Satin

0450/760 71

Branco 25x55 White

Ocean Dr. Branco 25x55 Ocean Dr. White

4061 70

4061/008 71

Mosaico 72 Branco 4061/072 Mosaic 72 White 30x30 (4,7x2,2) 50

4054 25x55cm | 4054/172 30x30cm | Adamastor 8620 50x50cm


new Bel Air 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

21 8

4085 25x55cm | 4073 25x55cm | 4085/126 25x27cm | Allure 8569 50x50cm

4076 25x55cm | 4084 25x55cm | 4077/026 25x27cm | Allure 8569 50x50cm


Bel Air

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

0450/760 71

Grant Branco 4x55 Grant White

0000/407 16

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

Branco 25x55 White

4085 74

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

4076 74

Cappuccino 25x55 Cappuccino

4072 74

Beverly Branco 25x55 Beverly White

4078 74

Beverly Pérola 25x55 Beverly Pearl

4079 74

Beverly Cappuccino 25x55 Beverly Cappuccino

4074 74

Mosaico 26 Branco 4085/026 Mosaic 26 White 25x27 (13,4x1,7) 58

Mosaico 26 Pérola 4076/026 Mosaic 26 Pearl 25x27 (13,4x1,7) 58

*Allure Pérola 50x50 8566 82 *Allure Pearl 33x33 8566 69 *Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

22 0

0000/418 22

Olympic Multicor 3x55 Olympic Multicolor

Mosaico 26 Multicor 4085/126 Mosaic 26 Multicolor 25x27 (13,4x1,7) 58

Mosaico 26 Cappuccino 4072/026 Mosaic 26 Cappuccino 25x27 (13,4x1,7) 58

*Allure Cappuccino 50x50 8568 82 *Allure Cappuccino 33x33 8568 69


Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Dayton Bege/Cinza 4x55 Dayton Beige/Grey

0000/415 22

Desert Preto 4x55 Desert Black

0000/427 38

Taupe 25x55 Taupe

4077 74

Preto 25x55 Black

4073 74

Beverly Taupe 25x55 Beverly Taupe

4084 74

Beverly Preto 25x55 Beverly Black

4075 74

Mosaico 26 Taupe 4077/026 Mosaic 26 Taupe 25x27 (13,4x1,7) 58

* Allure Taupe 50x50 8569 82 * Allure Taupe 33x33 8569 69

Mosaico 26 Preto 4073/026 Mosaic 26 Black 25x27 (13,4x1,7) 58

* Allure Preto 50x50 8565 82 * Allure Black 33x33 8565 69

4085 25x55cm | 4077 25x55cm | 0000/418 4x55cm


Bellagio 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

22 2

4005 25x55cm | 4007 25x55cm | 0000/430 4x25cm | 8264 33x33cm

4004 25x55cm | 4006 25x55cm | 0000/424 4x55cm | Talia 8260 33x33cm



M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

0450/760 71

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

Koval Preto 4x55 Koval Black

0000/424 19

Karen Antracite Karen Anthracite

Stardust Cinza 3x55 Stardust Grey

0000/411 32

Stardust Cinza Stardust Grey

Maryland Policromo 3x55 Maryland Polychrome

0000/413 24

Maryland Policromo 0000/392 Maryland Polychrome 4x25 14

Hooters Antracite 5x55 Hooters Anthracite

Hooters Antracite 25x55 Hooters Anthracite

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

0000/431 4x25 15

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Karen Brick Karen Brick

0000/430 4x25 15

0000/396 4x25 18

Stardust Pérola 3x55 Stardust Pearl

0000/414 32

Stardust Pérola Stardust Pearl

0000/434 4x25 18

Maryland Policromo 3x55 Maryland Polychrome

0000/413 24

Maryland Policromo 0000/392 Maryland Polychrome 4x25 14

0000/441 23

Hooters Brick 5x55 Hooters Brick

0000/440 23

4004/003 58

Hooters Brick 25x55 Hooters Brick

4005/003 58

Cinza 25x55 Grey

4004 70

*Talia Cinza 33x33 *Talia Grey

8260 65

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

4005 70

*Talia Pérola 33x33 *Talia Pearl

8261 65

Antracite 25x55 Anthracite

4006 70

*Talia Antracite 33x33 *Talia Anthracite

8262 65

Brick 25x55 Brick

4007 79

Brick 33x33 Brick

8264 89

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

22 4

4004 25x55cm | 0000/411 3x55cm


Caesars 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

22 6

4028 25x55cm | 4031 25x55cm | 4028/004 25x55cm | 8543 33x33cm

4029 25x55cm | 4030 25x55cm | 4030/005 25x55cm | 8541 33x33cm | 8542 33x33cm



M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

0450/760 71

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Desert Preto 4x55 Desert Black

0000/427 38

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

Koval Preto 4x55 Koval Black

0000/424 19

Koval Castanho 4x55 Koval Brown

0000/426 19

Tuscany Branco 25x55 Tuscany White

4028/004 59

Tuscany Pérola 25x55 Tuscany Pearl

4029/004 59

Branco 25x55 White

Nellis Preto 25x55 Nellis Black

Preto 25x55 Black

22 8

4028 70

Branco 33x33 White

8540 72

4031/005 110

4031 70

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

Nellis Castanho 25x55 Nellis Brown

Preto 33x33 Black

8543 72

Castanho 25x55 Brown

4029 70

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

8541 72

Castanho 33x33 Brown

8542 72

4030/005 110

4030 70

4028 25x55cm | 4031 25x55cm | 0000/427 4x55cm | 8543 33x33cm


new Franklin 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

23 0

4044 25x55cm | 4045 25x55cm | 4044/005 25x55cm | Allure 8569 50x50cm

4044 25x55cm | 4046 25x55cm | 4047 25x55cm | Allure 8565 50x50cm



Preto 25x55 Black

4046 79

Branco 25x55 White

4044 70

Taupe 25x55 Taupe

4045 70

Prairie Branco 25x55 Prairie White

4047 84

Meridian Branco 25x55 Meridian White

4058 84

Meridian Taupe 25x55 Meridian Taupe

4059 84

Aรงo Satinado 2x55 Aรงo Satin

0450/760 71

Aรงo Brilhante 2x55 Aรงo Glossy

0450/759 68 Collins Preto/Taupe 25x55 Collins Black/Taupe

*Allure Preto 50x50 *Allure Black 33x33

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

23 2

8565 82 8565 69

*Allure Branco 50x50 *Allure White 33x33

4044/005 72

8560 82 8560 69

Collins Preto/Bordeaux 25x55 Collins Black/Bordeaux

*Allure Taupe 50x50 *Allure Taupe 33x33

4044/007 72

8569 82 8569 69


Bordeaux 25x55 Bordeaux

Stardust Cinza Stardust Grey

0000/396 4x25 18

Vegas Dourado Vegas Gold

0000/393 3x25 14

4056 84 Maryland Policromo 0000/392 Maryland Polychrome 4x25 14

Karen Brick Karen Brick

Meridian Bordeaux 25x55 Meridian Bordeaux

0000/430 4x25 15

4060 84

Stardust Cinza 3x55 Stardust Grey

0000/411 32

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Vegas Dourado 3x55 Vegas Gold

0000/410 34

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Maryland Policromo 3x55 Maryland Polychrome

0000/413 24

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

*Ch창telet Bordeaux 33x33 *Ch창telet Bordeaux

8514 108

4044 25x55cm | 4060 25x55cm | Ch창telet 8514 33x33cm


Luxor 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

23 4

4020 25x55cm | 4022 25x55cm | 4033 25x55cm | 8533 33x33cm

4021 25x55cm | 4021/001 25x55cm | 8530 33x33cm



Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Vegas Dourado 3x55 Vegas Gold

0000/410 34

0000/393 3x25 14

Casino Castanho 4x55 Casino Brown

0000/420 39

0000/389 21

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

4021 70

Clayton Castanho 5x25 Clayton Brown

Castanho 25x55 Brown

4023 70

Russel Pérola 25x55 Russel Pearl

Painel Charleston Pérola 50x110 (4 Pçs./Stk.) Panel Charleston Pearl

23 6

Vegas Dourado Vegas Gold

4032 70

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

8530 72

Castanho 33x33 Brown

8532 72

4021/001 145

M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Aรงo Satinado 2x55 Aรงo Satin

0450/760 71

Aรงo Brilhante 2x55 Aรงo Glossy

0450/759 68

Vegas Dourado 3x55 Vegas Gold

0000/410 34

Vegas Dourado Vegas Gold

0000/393 3x25 14

Casino Preto 4x55 Casino Black

0000/421 39

Cinza 25x55 Grey

4020 70

Clayton Preto 5x25 Clayton Black

0000/390 21

Antracite 25x55 Anthracite

4022 70

Russel Cinza 25x55 Russel Grey

4033 70

Painel Charleston Cinza 50x110 (4 Pรงs./Stk.) Panel Charleston Grey

Cinza 33x33 Grey

8531 72

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

8533 72

4020/001 145


Mandalay 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

23 8

4009 25x55cm | 4012 25x55cm | 4034 25x55cm | 8497 33x33cm

4009 25x55cm | 4011 25x55cm | 0000/430 4x25cm | Ophelia 8490 33x33cm



Casino Preto 4x55 Casino Black

0000/421 39

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

0450/760 71

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

Stardust Pérola 3x55 Stardust Pearl

0000/414 32

Stardust Pérola 0000/434 Stardust Pearl 4x25 18

Stardust Cinza 3x55 Stardust Grey

0000/411 32

Stardust Cinza Stardust Grey

Maryland Policromo 3x55 Maryland Polychrome

0000/413 24

Maryland Policromo 0000/392 Maryland Polychrome 4x25 14

Maryland Policromo 3x55 Maryland Polychrome

0000/413 24

Maryland Policromo 0000/392 Maryland Polychrome 4x25 14

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

Karen Brick Karen Brick

Desert Preto 4x55 Desert Black

0000/427 38

Karen Antracite Karen Anthracite

Spring Pérola 25x55 Spring Pearl

4034 70

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

4009 70

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

24 0

0000/430 4x25 15

*Ophelia Pérola 33x33 *Ophelia Pearl

8490 72

Spring Cinza 25x55 Spring Grey

4035 70

Cinza 25x55 Grey

4008 70

0000/396 4x25 18

0000/431 4x25 15

*Ophelia Cinza 33x33 *Ophelia Grey

8492 72

M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Framboesa 25x55 Raspberry

4011 70

Framboesa 33x33 Raspberry

8498 89

Taupe 25x55 Taupe

4012 70

Taupe 33x33 Taupe

8497 76

Preto 25x55 Black

4010 70

Preto 33x33 Black

8499 76

4008 25x55cm | 4010 25x55cm | 0000/396 4x25cm | 8499 33x33cm


Mirage 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

24 2

4014 25x55cm | 4038 25x55cm | 8551 33x33cm

4014 25x55cm | 4019 25x55cm | 4037 25x55cm | 0000/385 5x55cm | 8551 33x33cm



Palms Amarelo/Vermelho 4x55 Palms Yellow/Red

0000/422 32

Maryland Multicor 0000/432 Maryland Multicolor 4x25 10

Palms Vermelho/Verde 4x55 Palms Red/Green

0000/423 32

Maryland Multicor 3x55 Maryland Multicolor

Coral 25x55 Coral

4017 96

Bubble Coral 5x55 Bubble Coral

0000/388 10

Bubble Coral 25x55 Bubble Coral

Coral 33x33 Coral

24 4

4039 96

8556 101

0000/433 18

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

4014 70

Bubble Pérola 5x55 Bubble Pearl

0000/385 10

Bubble Pérola 25x55 Bubble Pearl

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

4037 70

8551 72

Palms Amarelo/Vermelho 4x55 Palms Yellow/Red

0000/422 32

Palms Amaranta/Verde 4x55 Palms Amaranth/Green

0000/412 32

Amaranta 25x55 Amaranth

4019 70

Bubble Amaranta 5x55 Bubble Amaranth

0000/395 10

Bubble Amaranta 25x55 Bubble Amaranth

Amaranta 33x33 Amaranth

4042 70

8555 99

M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Palms Vermelho/Verde 4x55 Palms Red/Green

0000/423 32

Palms Amaranta/Verde 4x55 Palms Amaranth/Green

0000/412 32

Verde 25x55 Green

4015 70

Bubble Verde 5x55 Bubble Green

0000/391 10

Bubble Verde 25x55 Bubble Green

Verde 33x33 Green

4043 70

8553 72

Palms Amarelo/Vermelho 4x55 Palms Yellow/Red

0000/422 32

Amarelo Ouro 25x55 Gold Yellow

4018 84

Bubble Amarelo Ouro 5x55 Bubble Gold Yellow

0000/387 10

Bubble Amarelo Ouro 25x55 Bubble Gold Yellow

Amarelo Ouro 33x33 Gold Yellow

4038 84

8554 76

4038 25x55cm | 4015 25x55cm | 0000/432 4x25cm



M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Maryland Multicor 0000/432 Maryland Multicolor 4x25 10

Maryland Multicor 3x55 Maryland Multicolor

0000/433 18

Branco 25x55 White

4013 70

Bubble Branco 5x55 Bubble White

0000/386 10

Bubble Branco 25x55 Bubble White

Branco 33x33 White

24 6

4036 70

8550 72

Palms Vermelho/Verde 4x55 Palms Red/Green

0000/423 32

Palms Amaranta/Verde 4x55 Palms Amaranth/Green

0000/412 32

Azul 25x55 Blue

4016 70

Bubble Azul 5x55 Bubble Blue

0000/394 10

Bubble Azul 25x55 Bubble Blue

Azul 33x33 Blue

4041 70

8552 76

4013 25x55cm | 4016 25x55cm | 4036 25x55cm | 0000/412 4x55cm | 8552 33x33cm


new Pasadena 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

24 8

4062 25x55cm | 4064 25x55cm | 4069 25x55cm | Allure 8562 50x50cm

4066 25x55cm | 4062 25x55cm | 4000/001 50x55cm (Pnl 2 Pรงs./Stk.), Allure 8558 50x50cm



Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

0450/760 71

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Dayton Bege/Cinza 4x55 Dayton Beige/Grey

0000/415 22

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

Lincoln Cappuccino 3x55 Lincoln Cappuccino

0000/450 42

Bellevue Bege 3x55 Bellevue Beige

0000/403 22

Bellevue Cinza 3x55 Bellevue Grey

0000/406 22

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

4063 70

Bege 25x55 Beige

4065 70

Cinza Claro 25x55 Light Grey

4062 70

Mosaico Bege 25x55 Mosaic Beige

4068 70

Catalina Bege 25x55 Catalina Beige

4080 70

Mosaico Cinza 25x55 Mosaic Grey

4069 70

*Allure Pérola 50x50 *Allure Pearl 33x33 *Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

2 50

8566 82 8566 69

*Allure Branco 50x50 *Allure White 33x33

8560 82 8560 69


0000/446 38

Dayton Lilás 4x55 Dayton Lilac

0000/416 22

Bellevue Lilás 3x55 Bellevue Lilac

0000/404 22

Dayton Coral 4x55 Dayton Coral

0000/417 22

Bellevue Coral 3x55 Bellevue Coral

0000/405 22

Mosaico Multicor 25x55 Mosaic Multicolor

4083 70

Painel Orquídea Branco 50x55 (2 Pçs./Stk.) Panel Orquídea White

Cinza 25x55 Grey

4064 70

Lilás 25x55 Lilac

4066 70

Coral 25x55 Coral

4067 96

Catalina Cinza 25x55 Catalina Grey

4081 70

Mosaico Lilás 25x55 Mosaic Lilac

4070 70

Mosaico Coral 25x55 Mosaic Coral

4071 70

*Allure Cinza 50x50 *Allure Grey 33x33

8562 82 8562 69

*Allure Lilás 50x50 *Allure Lilac 33x33

4000/001 42

Desert Malva 4x55 Desert Mallow

8558 82 8558 69

*Allure Coral 50x50 *Allure Coral 33x33

8559 82 8559 69


new Starlite 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

25 2

4048 25x55cm | 4049 25x55cm | 0000/449 3x55cm | Allure 8567 50x50cm

4050 25x55cm | 4057 25x55cm | 4057/010 25x55cm | 4050/010 25x55cm, Pallas 8519 33x33cm


Starlite Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

0450/760 71

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

Lincoln Branco/Malva 3x55 Lincoln White/Mallow

0000/445 42

Lincoln Prata 3x55 Lincoln Silver

0000/449 42

Lincoln Pérola/Malva 3x55 Lincoln Pearl/Mallow

0000/444 42

Desert Preto 4x55 Desert Black

0000/427 38

Desert Malva 4x55 Desert Mallow

0000/446 38

Prata 25x55 Silver

Betsy Prata 25x55 Betsy Silver

*Allure Prata 50x50 *Allure Silver 33x33

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

25 4

4049 79

4049/010 103

8567 82 8567 69

Park Ave. Branco 25x55 Park Ave. White

Branco 25x55 White

Betsy Branco 25x55 Betsy White

*Allure Branco 50x50 *Allure White 33x33

4048/007 104

4048 70

4048/010 103

8560 82 8560 69

Malva 25x55 Mallow

4057 91

Betsy Malva 25x55 Betsy Mallow

*Pallas Malva 33x33 *Pallas Mallow

4057/010 103

8519 96


Park Ave. Pérola 25x55 Park Ave. Pearl

Pérola 25x55 Pearl

Betsy Pérola 25x55 Betsy Pearl

*Allure Pérola 50x50 *Allure Pearl 33x33

4050/007 104

4050 70

4050/010 103

8566 82 8566 69

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Lincoln Cappuccino 3x55 Lincoln Cappuccino

0000/450 42

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

Cappuccino 25x55 Cappuccino

Betsy Cappuccino 25x55 Betsy Cappuccino

*Allure Cappuccino 50x50 *Allure Cappuccino 33x33

4051 79

4051/010 103

8568 82 8568 69

4050/007 25x55cm | Allure 8568 50x50cm


Venetian 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

25 6

4026 25x55cm | Forum 8190/641 33x33cm | 0450/764 4,5x31cm | Pompei 8181 33x33cm


M25x55cm | 33x33cm

Sunset Brick 4,5x31 Sunset Brick

0450/764 58

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Aรงo Satinado 2x55 Aรงo Satin

0450/760 71

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Aรงo Brilhante 2x55 Aรงo Glossy

0450/759 68

Summerlin Noz 5x55 Summerlin Nut

0450/763 97

Summerlin Marfim 5x55 Summerlin Ivory

0450/762 97

Noz 25x55 Nut

*Pompei Noz 33x33 *Pompei Nut

4027 70

8182 58

Marfim 25x55 Ivory

*Pompei Marfim 33x33 *Pompei Ivory

4026 70

8181 58

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor. 4026 25x55cm | 0450/764 4,5x31cm


Artemis 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

25 8

3017 25x45cm | 3018 25x45cm | 0000/607 3x25cm | 8276 33x33cm

3020 25x45cm | 3019 25x45cm | 0000/793 4x25cm | 8275 33x33cm



Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25

Pérola 25x45 Pearl


3015 64

Ana Laranja/Vermelho 0000/608 Ana Orange/Red 3x25

Chocolate 25x45 Chocolate

3016 64

Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25


0000/624 Ana 3x45 Laranja/Vermelho Orange/Red


Laranja Claro 25x45 3019 Light Orange 64

Ana Vermelho/Laranja 0000/610 Ana Red/Orange 3x25

Laranja Escuro 25x45 3020 Dark Orange 76

10 Niobe Chocolate 0450/599 Niobe Chocolate 5x25 49

Temis Vermelho 0450/557 Temis Red 5x25 61

Niobe Laranja Niobe Orange

Temis Castanho/Pérola 3015/001 Temis Brown/Pearl 25x45 68

0450/572 Danae Verde/Castanho Green/Brown 5x45 63

Temis Vermelho/Laranja 3019/001 Temis Red/Orange 25x45 68

0450/573 Danae Laranja/Castanho Orange/Brown 5x45 63

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

26 0

8274 72

Chocolate 33x33 Chocolate

8279 72

0000/626 Ana 3x45 Vermelho/Laranja Red/Orange 12

Temis Castanho 0450/559 Temis Brown 5x25 61

0450/573 Danae Laranja/Castanho Orange/Brown 5x45 63


Laranja Claro 33x33 Light Orange

8272 72

0450/598 5x25 49

Laranja 33x33 Orange

8275 101

M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25

Verde Claro 25x45 Light Green

Temis Verde Temis Green


3017 64


Ana Azul/Verde 0000/609 Ana Blue/Green 3x25


Verde Escuro 25x45 3018 Dark Green 64

0450/558 5x25 61

Niobe Verde Niobe Green

8269 72

0000/625 Ana 3x45 Azul/Verde Blue/Green 10

0000/623 Ana 3x45 Verde/Azul Green/Blue 10

0450/597 5x25 49

0450/571 Danae Verde/Verde Green/Green 5x45 63

Temis Verde/Verde 3017/001 Temis Green/Green 25x45 68

Verde Claro 33x33 Light Green

Ana Verde/Azul 0000/607 Ana Green/Blue 3x25

Verde 33x33 Green

0450/572 Danae Verde/Castanho Green/Brown 5x45 63

8276 72

3016 25x45cm | 3017 25x45cm | 0450/558 5x25cm | 8279 33x33cm


Caliope 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

26 2

3023 25x45cm | 0450/550 5x45cm | 0000/770 10x45cm | 0000/773 10x45cm | Artemis 8277 33x33cm

3022 25x45cm | 3022/001 25x45cm | 0450/557 5x25cm | 8280 33x33cm


Caliope Maia Laranja/Castanho 0000/586 Maia Orange/Brown 5x25 15

Maia Cinza/Verde 0000/585 Maia Grey/Green 5x25 15

Electra Laranja 0450/569 Electra Orange 5x25 53

Electra Verde Electra Green

0450/570 5x25 53

Verde 25x45 Green

3023 59

Laranja 25x45 Orange

3022 59

0450/566 Electra 5x45 Laranja/Orange

Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25

Temis Vermelho/Laranja 3022/001 Temis Red/Orange 25x45 66

0000/769 Aurora A 10x45 Laranja/Orange 36

8280 61

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

26 4


Temis Vermelho 0450/557 Temis Red 5x25 61

Laranja 33x33 Orange

0450/567 Electra 5x45 Verde/Green


0000/772 Aurora B 10x45 Laranja/Orange 36

*Artemis Laranja 33x33 *Artemis Orange

0450/549 Dione 5x45 Laranja/Orange 53

8275 101


Temis Verde 5x25 0450/558 61 Temis Green

Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25

Temis Verde/Verde 3023/001 Temis Green/Green 25x45 66

0000/770 Aurora A 10x45 Verde/Green 36

Verde 33x33 Green

8282 61


0000/773 Aurora B 10x45 Verde/Green 36

0450/550 Dione 5x45 Verde/Green 53

*Artemis Verde Pistรกcio 33x33 8277 *Artemis Pistachio Green 72

M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Maia Cinza/Verde 0000/585 Maia Grey/Green 5x25 15

Electra Lilรกs Electra Lilac

0450/568 5x25 53

Cinza 25x45 Grey

3021 59

0450/565 Electra 5x45 Lilรกs/Lilac


Temis Preto 5x25 0450/560 61 Temis Black

Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25

Temis Preto/Cinza 3021/001 Temis Black/Grey 25x45 66

0000/771 Aurora A 10x45 Rosa/Rose 36

Cinza 33x33 Grey

8281 61


0000/774 Aurora B 10x45 Rosa/Rose 36

0450/552 Dione 5x45 Rosa/Rose 53

*Artemis Framboesa 33x33 *Artemis Raspberry

0450/551 Dione 5x45 Cinza/Grey 53

8278 72

3021 25x45cm | 0450/565 5x45cm | Artemis 8278 33x33cm


Dido 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

26 6

3024 25x45cm | 3025 25x45cm | 0450/555 5x45cm | 8305 33x33cm

3024 25x45cm | 3028 25x45cm | 0000/602 4x25cm | 0000/605 4x25cm | 8305 33x33cm | 8307 33x33cm



Ana Branco/Preto 0000/619 Ana White/Black 3x25

Branco 25x45 White

Ana Vermelho/Laranja 0000/610 Ana Red/Orange 3x25


3024 66

Branco 25x45 White

0000/755 Ana Branco/ Preto 3x45 Ana White/Black 12

3024 66

Minerva A Vermelho 0000/603 Minerva A Red 4x25

Branco 25x45 White

Branco 33x33 White

26 8

3024 66

Preto 25x45 Black

8305 76

Preto 33x33 Black

3026 66

0450/556 Calisto 5x45 Preto/Black 53

8309 76

0000/627 Alteia 3x45 Preto/Black 12

Branco 25x45 White

Branco 33x33 White


0000/626 Ana Vermelho/ Laranja 3x45 Ana Red/Orange 12


3024 66

Minerva B Vermelho 0000/606 Minerva B Red 4x25

Vermelho 25x45 Red

8305 76

0000/786 Penelope 6x45 PĂŠrola/Pearl 25

Vermelho 33x33 Red

3025 84

0000/761 Penelope 3x45 PĂŠrola/Pearl 8


0450/555 Calisto 5x45 Vermelho/Red 53

8308 96

M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Ana Verde/Azul 0000/607 Ana Green/Blue 3x25


Ana Azul/Verde 0000/609 Ana Blue/Green 3x25


Branco 25x45 White

3024 66

Minerva A Verde 0000/602 Minerva A Green 4x25

Branco 25x45 White

Branco 33x33 White

Ana Vermelho/Laranja 0000/610 Ana Red/Orange 3x25

0000/625 Ana Azul/Verde 3x45 Ana Blue/Green 10


3024 66

Minerva B Verde 0000/605 Minerva B Green 4x25

Verde 25x45 Green

8305 76

Verde 33x33 Green

Branco 25x45 White

0000/623 Ana Verde/Azul 3x45 Ana Green/Blue 10

3028 66

3024 66

Minerva A Laranja 0000/601 Minerva A Orange 4x25


0450/554 Calisto 5x45 Verde/Green 53

8307 76

Branco 25x45 White

Branco 33x33 White


0000/626 Ana Vermelho/ Laranja 3x45 Ana Red/Orange 12


3024 66

Minerva B Laranja 0000/604 Minerva B Orange 4x25

Laranja 25x45 Orange

8305 76

Laranja 33x33 Orange

3027 66


0450/553 Calisto 5x45 Laranja/Orange 53

8306 76


Évora 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

27 0


M25x45cm | 25x33cm | 33x33cm

Branco 25x45 White 25x33

Branco 33x33 White

Diana Cinza Diana Grey

0000/348 4x25x0,8 15

Diana Bege Diana Beige

0000/346 4x25x0,8 15

Loios Cinza Loios Grey

0000/349 4x25x0,8 15

Loios Bege Loios Beige

0000/347 4x25x0,8 15

Virgo Cinza Virgo Grey

0000/384 4x25x0,8 15

Virgo Bege Virgo Beige

0000/383 4x25x0,8 15

3045 62 0870 61

8184 65

Cinza 25x45 Grey 25x33

Cinza 33x33 Grey

3044 62 0877 61

8186 65

Bege 25x45 Beige 25x33

Bege 33x33 Beige

3043 62 0878 61

8183 65

Rodapé 8x33 ROD 8 Bullnose

Escada 33x33 ESC Step Tread 40


Helena 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

27 2

3005 25x45cm | 3006 25x45cm | 0000/786 6x45cm | 0000/784 6x45cm | 0000/785 6x45cm | 8285 33x33cm


Pérola 25x45 Pearl

M25x45cm | 33x33cm

3005 60

0000/786 Penelope 6x45 Pérola/Pearl 25

0000/761 Penelope 3x45 Pérola/Pearl 8

0000/784 6x45 Pérola/ Pearl 10

0000/759 3x45 Pérola/ Pearl 5

Leda Bronze 3x25 0000/571 5 Leda Bronze

Bege 25x45 Beige

Bege 33x33 Beige

3006 60

Verde Claro 25x45 Light Green

3009 60

Cinza 25x45 Grey

Leda Antracite 3x25 0000/572 5 Leda Anthracite

Leda Verde 3x25 0000/573 5 Leda Green

0000/756 Leda 5x45 Bronze/ Bronze 19

8285 62

0000/785 6x45 Bege/ Beige 10

0000/760 3x45 Bege/ Beige 5

Verde Escuro 25x45 3010 Dark Green 60

Verde Escuro 33x33 Dark Green

3007 60

0000/758 Leda 5x45 Verde/ Green 19

8287 62

Antracite 25x45 Anthracite

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

3008 60

0000/757 Leda 5x45 Antracite/ Anthracite 19

8286 62


Ophelia 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

27 4

3052 25x45cm | 3056 25x45cm | 0000/781 6x45cm | 8495 33x33cm

3053 25x45cm | 3057 25x45cm | 3053/001 25x45cm | 0000/790 6x45cm | 8492 33x33cm


Ophelia Hera Ameixa 2x25 0450/346 Hera Plum 54 Hera Dourado 2x25 0450/345 Hera Gold 71

Rheia Policromo 0000/791 Rheia Polychrome 4x25

Pérola 25x45 Pearl

Ameixa 25x45 Plum

3052 64

Hestia Pérola 25x45 3052/001 Hestia Pearl 55

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

27 6

3056 64

Hestia Ameixa 25x45 3056/008 Hestia Plum 58

8490 72

Ameixa 33x33 Plum


0000/781 Gaia Ameixa Gaia Plum 6x45 28

0000/638 Rheia Policromo Rheia Polychrome 4x45 12

Hestia Ameixa 6x45 Hestia Plum

8495 96

0000/789 25

Hera Metálico 2x25 0450/344 Hera Metallic 71

Rheia Policromo 0000/791 Rheia Polychrome 4x25

Cinza 25x45 Grey

Antracite 25x45 Anthracite

3053 64

Hestia Cinza 25x45 3053/001 Hestia Grey 55

Cinza 33x33 Grey

3057 64

Hestia Antracite 3057/008 Hestia Anthracite 25x45 58

8492 72

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite


0000/782 Gaia Antracite Gaia Anthracite 6x45 28

0000/638 Rheia Policromo Rheia Polychrome 4x45 12

Hestia Antracite 6x45 0000/790 Hestia Anthracite 25

8496 72

M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Hera Petróleo 2x25 0450/347 Hera Petrol 54

Rheia Policromo 0000/791 Rheia Polychrome 4x25

Cinza 25x45 Grey

Petróleo 25x45 Petrol

3053 64

Hestia Azul 25x45 3053/002 Hestia Blue 55

Cinza 33x33 Grey

3058 64

Hestia Petróleo 3058/008 Hestia Petrol 25x45 58

8492 72

Petróleo 33x33 Petrol


0000/783 Gaia Petróleo Gaia Petrol 6x45 28

0000/638 Rheia Policromo Rheia Polychrome 4x45 12

Hestia Petróleo 6x45 0000/792 Hestia Petrol 25

8494 76

3053 25x45cm | 3058/008 25x45cm | 8494 33x33cm


Pandora 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

27 8

3067 25x45cm | 3068 25x45cm | 3068/001 25x45cm | 8523 33x33cm

3065 25x45cm | 3066 25x45cm | 0000/338 4x25cm | 8522 33x33cm



M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Zea Antracite 4x25 0000/338 Zea Anthracite 8

Morgana Antracite 0000/569 Morgana Anthracite 3x25

Cinza 25x45 Grey

Antracite 25x45 Anthracite

3065 64

3066 64


0000/680 Morgana Antracite Morgana Anthracite 3x45 8

Lotus Antracite 3066/001 Lotus Anthracite 25x45 52

Cinza 33x33 Grey

28 0

8521 65

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

8522 65

0450/544 Circe Aço Circe Steel 1x45 51

Zea Bronze 4x25 0000/339 Zea Bronze 8

Morgana Bronze 0000/570 Morgana Bronze 3x25

Pérola 25x45 Pearl

3067 64

Bronze 25x45 Bronze

Lotus Bronze Lotus Bronze

3068/001 25x45 52

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

8520 65

3068 64

Bronze 33x33 Bronze


0000/681 Morgana Bronze Morgana Bronze 3x45 8

8523 65

0450/544 Circe Aço Circe Steel 1x45 51

3068 25x45cm | 3068/001 25x45cm


Pulsar 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

28 2


M25x45cm | 25x33cm | 33x33cm

Opus A Bege/Bronze 0450/627 Opus A Beige/Bronze 4x25x0,8 41

Opus B Bege/Bronze 0450/626 Opus B Beige/Bronze 4x25x0,8 22

Bege 25x45 Beige 25x33

Bege 33x33 Beige

3039 68 0893 64

8175 70

Opus A Cinza/Antracite 0450/628 Opus A Grey/Anthracite 4x25x0,8 41

Fusion Bege Fusion Beige

Bronze 25x45 Bronze 25x33

Bronze 33x33 Bronze

0000/344 4x25x0,8 22

3040 68 0896 64

8178 70

Opus B Cinza/Antracite 0450/625 Opus B Grey/Anthracite 4x25x0,8 22

Circe Aço Circe Steel 0450/544 1x45x0,8 51

Cinza 25x45 Grey 25x33

Cinza 33x33 Grey

3041 68 0894 64

8176 70

Fusion Cinza Fusion Grey

0000/345 4x25x0,8 22

Antracite 25x45 3042 68 Anthracite 25x33 0895 64

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

8177 70

RodapĂŠ 8x33 ROD 8 Bullnose


Talia 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Grés Vidrado Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles Glasiertes Steinzeug

28 4

3011 25x45cm | 3012 25x45cm | 0000/776 11,5x45cm | 0000/778 11,5x45cm

3013 25x45cm | 3013/001 25x45cm | 3014/001 25x45cm | 0450/544 1x45cm | 8263 33x33cm



M25x45cm | 33x33cm

Leda Antracite 3x25 0000/572 Leda Anthracite 5

Sirius Antracite 5x25 0000/670 Sirius Anthracite 5

Antracite 25x45 Anthracite

3012 64

Cinza 25x45 Grey

3011 64

Circe Antracite Circe Anthracite

3012/001 25x45 61

0450/544 Circe Aço Circe Steel 1x45 51

Circe Cinza Circe Grey

3011/001 25x45 61

8262 65

Cinza 33x33 Grey

Antracite 33x33 Anthracite

28 6

0000/776 Selene A Antracite Selene A Anthracite 11,5x45 56

0000/757 Leda Antracite Leda Anthracite 5x45 19

8260 65

0000/778 Selene B Antracite Selene B Anthracite 11,5x45 56

0450/548 Ilicia Antracite Ilicia Anthracite 3,5x45 94

0000/627 Alteia Preto Alteia Black 3x45 12

Leda Bronze 3x25 0000/571 Leda Bronze 5

Sirius Bronze 5x25 0000/669 Sirius Bronze 5

Bronze 25x45 Bronze

3014 64

Pérola 25x45 Pearl

3013 64

Circe Bronze Circe Bronze

3014/001 25x45 61

0450/544 Circe Aço Circe Steel 1x45 51

Circe Pérola Circe Pearl

3013/001 25x45 61

8263 65

Pérola 33x33 Pearl

Bronze 33x33 Bronze

0000/775 Selene A Bronze Selene A Bronze 11,5x45 56

0000/756 Leda Bronze Leda Bronze 5x45 19

8261 65

0000/777 Selene B Bronze Selene B Bronze 11,5x45 56

0450/547 Ilicia Bronze Ilicia Bronze 3,5x45 94

0000/628 Alteia Bronze Alteia Bronze 3x45 12

3013 25x45cm | 3014 25x45cm | 0000/628 3x45cm | 8261 33x33cm


Forum 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 6½"x6½"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

28 8

0900 25x33cm | 0450/332 3,5x16cm

8192 16x16cm | 8192/400 5,5x16cm | 8192/600 3x5,5cm | 8192/700 3,5x16cm | 0450/313 7,5x16cm | 8192 33x33cm


Forum Chess Branco 0450/308 Chess White 3x25 32

Flower Branco 0450/780 Flower White 7,5x25 52

Flower Branco 0450/311 Flower White 7,5x16 37

Branco 25x33 White

0897 60

Flower Branco 0897/002 Flower White 25x33 44

Piramide Branco 0897/001 Piramide White 25x33 62

Quarter Round 0897/700 Branco/White 3,5x25 34

Bullnose 7,5x25 0897/300 14 Branco/White

Chess Areia Chess Sand

0450/318 3x25 32

Flower Areia Flower Sand

Piramide Branco 0450/310 Piramide White 3,5x16 49

0897/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 Branco/White


0897/900 Bullnose Corner 7,5x7,5 Branco/White 37

Branco 8190 White 16x16 95

Bullnose 8190 Branco/White 16x16B1L 13

V-Cap 8190/401 Branco/White 5,5x16 25

8190/600 Corner 3x5,5 Branco/White 25

Quarter Round 8190/700 Branco/White 3,5x16 25

8190/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 Branco/White

Bullnose 8190 Branco/White 16x16B2L 23

Branco 33x33 White

8190 66

RodapĂŠ Branco 8x33 ROD Bullnose White

8190 8

Areia 33x33 Sand

8191 66

RodapĂŠ Areia 8x33 ROD Bullnose Sand

8191 8


0450/781 7,5x25 52

Flower Areia 0450/312 Flower Sand 7,5x16 37

Areia 25x33 Sand

0898 60

Flower Areia Flower Sand

Mosaico 64 Branco 8190/640 Mosaic 64 White 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

29 0

0898/002 25x33 44

Piramide Areia 0898/001 Piramide Sand 25x33 62

Piramide Areia 0450/330 Piramide Sand 3,5x16 49

Quarter Round 0898/700 Areia/Sand 3,5x25 34

0898/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 25 Areia/Sand

Bullnose 7,5x25 0898/300 14 Areia/Sand

0898/900 Bullnose Corner 7,5x7,5 Areia/Sand

Mosaico 24 Branco Mosaic 24 White

8190/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153


Areia 8191 Sand 16x16 95

Bullnose 8191 Areia/Sand 16x16B1L 13

V-Cap 8191/401 Areia/Sand 5,5x16 25

8191/600 Corner 3x5,5 Areia/Sand 25

Quarter Round 8191/700 Areia/Sand 3,5x16 25

8191/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 25 Areia/Sand

Mosaico 64 Areia 8191/640 Mosaic 64 Sand 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 24 Areia Mosaic 24 Sand

Bullnose 8191 Areia/Sand 16x16B2L 23

8191/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

Mosaico 64 Policromo 8190/641 Mosaic 64 Polychrome 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

25x33cm | 16x16cm | 33x33cm

Chess Ouro Chess Gold

0450/319 3x25 32

Flower Ouro Flower Gold

0450/782 7,5x25 52

Flower Ouro 0450/313 Flower Gold 7,5x16 37

Ouro 25x33 Gold

0899 60

Chess Noz 3x25 0450/320 32 Chess Nut

Flower Ouro Flower Gold

Flower Noz Flower Nut

0899/002 25x33 44

Piramide Ouro 0899/001 Piramide Gold 25x33 62

Piramide Ouro 0450/331 Piramide Gold 3,5x16 49

Ouro Gold

8192 16x16 95

Bullnose 8192 Ouro/Gold 16x16B1L 13

Quarter Round 0899/700 Ouro/Gold 3,5x25 34

0899/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 25 Ouro/Gold

V-Cap 8192/400 Ouro/Gold 5,5x16 25

8192/600 Corner 3x5,5 25 Ouro/Gold

Bullnose 7,5x25 0899/300 14 Ouro/Gold

0899/900 Bullnose Corner 7,5x7,5 Ouro/Gold 37

Quarter Round 8192/700 Ouro/Gold 3,5x16 25

8192/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 25 Ouro/Gold

Bullnose 8192 Ouro/Gold 16x16B2L 23

Ouro 33x33 Gold

8192 66

RodapĂŠ Ouro 8x33 ROD Bullnose Gold

8192 8

Noz 33x33 Nut

8193 66

RodapĂŠ Noz 8x33 ROD Bullnose Nut

8193 8

0450/783 7,5x25 52

Flower Noz 0450/314 Flower Nut 7,5x16 37

Noz 25x33 Nut

0900 60

Flower Noz Flower Nut

Mosaico 24 Policromo 8190/241 Mosaic 24 Polychrome 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

0900/005 25x33 44

Piramide Noz 0900/004 Piramide Nut 25x33 62

Piramide Noz 0450/332 Piramide Nut 3,5x16 49

Noz 8193 Nut 16x16 95

Bullnose 8193 Noz/Nut 16x16B1L 13

Quarter Round 0900/700 Noz/Nut 3,5x25 34

0900/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 25 Noz/Nut

V-Cap 8193/400 Noz/Nut 5,5x16 25

8193/600 Corner 3x5,5 25 Noz/Nut

Bullnose 7,5x25 0900/300 14 Noz/Nut

0900/900 Bullnose Corner 7,5x7,5 Noz/Nut 37

Quarter Round 8193/700 Noz/Nut 3,5x16 25

8193/800 Beak 3,5x3,5 25 Noz/Nut

Mosaico 64 Ouro 8192/640 Mosaic 64 Gold 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 24 Ouro Mosaic 24 Gold

8192/240 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 153

Bullnose 8193 Noz/Nut 16x16B2L 23

Mosaico 64 Noz 8193/640 Mosaic 64 Nut 33x33 (3,8x3,8) 154

Mosaico 24 Noz 33x33 (10,5x3,8) 8193/240 Mosaic 24 Nut 153


Imperial 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen Porcelanato Vidrado Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Feinsteinzeug Glasiert

29 2


25x33cm | 33x33cm

VĂŠnus Rosa/Vermelho 0000/734 VĂŠnus Rose/Red 6,5x25x0,8 15

Serpins Preto 0000/731 Serpins Black 6,5x25x0,8 15

Wave Vermelho Alicante 0000/733 Wave Alicante Red 6,5x25x0,8 25

Urano Preto Urano Black

Rosa Portugal Rosa Portugal

Branco Carrara Carrara White

0692 25x33 60

0000/730 6,5x25x0,8 15

0691 25x33 60

0450/634 5x25x0,8 36

Urano Bege Urano Beige

0000/737 6,5x25x0,8 15

Travertino Bege Travertino Beige

Linea Vermelho Alicante 0450/635 Linea Alicante Red 5x25x0,8 36

Linea Preto Linea Black

Vermelho Alicante 0697 Alicante Red 25x33 60

Preto Marquinha Marquinha Black

Rosa Portugal 33x33 Rosa Portugal

8008 66

Branco Carrara 33x33 Carrara White

8006 66

Travertino Bege 33x33 Travertino Beige

8014 66

*Vermelho Alicante 33x33 *Alicante Red

8019 66

*Preto Marquinha 33x33 *Marquinha Black

8018 66

Travertino Noz 33x33 Travertino Nut

8015 66

0698 25x33 60

Lua Bege Lua Beige

0690 25x33 60

Travertino Noz Travertino Nut

Quadros Marfim 0000/735 Quadros Ivory 6,5x25x0,8 19

Creme Marfim Cream Ivory

0699 25x33 60

0000/736 6,5x25x0,8 15

0693 25x33 60

Creme Marfim 33x33 Cream Ivory

8024 66

*A utilizar exclusivamente em pavimentos de casas de banho residenciais. / Exclusively for application on residential bathroom floors.


Metalizado 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

29 4

0861 25x33cm | 0861/036 25x33cm | 0000/711 6,5x25cm | 0000/716 6,5x25cm


Branco 25x33 White

*Synergie Branco 33x33 *Synergie White

8050 77

0860 61


Manhattan A 0000/709 Antracite/Anthracite 6,5x25 42

Manhattan A 0000/711 Bronze 6,5x25 42

Manhattan A 0000/710 Cotto 6,5x25 42

Manhattan B 0000/715 Antracite/Anthracite 6,5x25 42

Manhattan B Cotto/Bronze

Manhattan B 0000/716 Cotto/Bronze 6,5x25 42

Manhattan Antracite/Branco 0860/033 59 Manhattan Anthracite/White

Manhattan Bronze/Pérola 0861/036 59 Manhattan Bronze/Pearl

Manhattan Cotto/Pérola 0861/035 59 Manhattan Cotto/Pearl

Brooklin 0000/712 Antracite/Anthracite 6,5x25 36

Brooklin 6,5x25 0000/714 36 Bronze

Brooklin 6,5x25 0000/713 36 Cotto

Brooklin Antracite/Branco 0860/034 59 Brooklin Anthracite/White

Brooklin Bronze/Pérola 0861/038 59 Brooklin Bronze/Pearl

Brooklin Cotto/Pérola 0861/037 59 Brooklin Cotto/Pearl

*Synergie Bronze 33x33 *Synergie Bronze

*Synergie Cotto 33x33 *Synergie Cotto

*Synergie Cinza 33x33 *Synergie Grey

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.

8052 77

*Synergie Antracite 33x33 *Synergie Anthracite

Pérola 25x33 Pearl

8059 80

*Synergie Pérola 33x33 *Synergie Pearl

0861 61

0000/716 6,5x25 42

8053 77

8056 80

8055 80

Rodapé 8x33 ROD 8 Bullnose


Brancos Revestimentos & Pavimentos Coordenados

Coordinated Wall & Floor Tiles Les Blancs | White | Weiss

Brancos rectificado | rectified 13"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm rectificado | rectified 6½"x30"


espessura | thickness | 11mm rectificado | rectified 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm

retificado rectified

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

29 8

7001 32x75cm | 0000/574 7,5x32cm | 0450/148 2x32cm | Heart of Stone 8163 49x49cm

7002 32x75cm | 0000/581 24x32cm


Brancos Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

Aço Branco Brilhante 32x75 Brilhante White Glossy Aço Glossy 0450/353 2x75 82

3 00

32x75cm | 16x75cm 0450/354 56 0450/355 19

7000 121

Branco Brilhante 7000 White Glossy 16x75 127

Big Corner Brilhante 2x32 Big Corner Glossy

0450/092 72

Ângulo/Angle Brilhante/Glossy 0450/150 2x2 44

Sigaro Brilhante 2,5x32 Sigaro Glossy

0450/074 34

Ângulo/Angle Brilhante/Glossy 0450/057 2x2,5 44

V-Cap Brilhante 7,5x32 V-Cap Glossy

7000/020 40

Ângulo/Angle Brilhante/Glossy 7000/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé Brilhante 12x32 Skirting Glossy

0450/818 64

Ângulo/Angle Brilhante/Glossy 0450/040 2x12 44

brilhante glossy

Big Corner Eden Branco Brilhante 32x75 Brilhante/ Eden White Glossy Glossy 0450/277 2x75 142

7000/010 108

Wallpaper Branco Brilhante 32x75 Wallpaper White Glossy

Boiserie Branco Brilhante 32x75 Boiserie White Glossy

7097 134

7021 136

retificado rectified

Kashmir Branco Brilhante 32x75 7000/011 Kashmir White Glossy 154

Sigaro Prata 2,5x32 Sigaro Silver

7000/015 88

Ângulo/Angle Prata/Silver 7000/016 2x2,5 56

Rodapé Branco/Prata 12x32 Skirting White/Silver

7000/013 116

Ângulo/Angle Branco/Prata White/Silver 7000/014 2x12 76

7097 32x75cm | 7021 32x75cm | 7000/015 2,5x32cm | 0450/818 12x32cm


Brancos Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Aço Matt Pearl Glossy 0450/352 2x75 82

3 02

32x75cm | 16x75cm

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7002 121

Pérola Brilhante 7002 Pearl Glossy 16x75 127

Big Corner Brilhante 2x32 Big Corner Glossy

0450/112 Ângulo/Angle 72 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/166 2x2 44

Sigaro Brilhante 2,5x32 Sigaro Glossy

0450/091 Ângulo/Angle 34 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/073 2x2,5 44

V-Cap Brilhante 7,5x32 V-Cap Glossy

7002/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 Brilhante/Glossy 7002/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé Brilhante 12x32 ­Skirting Glossy

0450/834 Ângulo/Angle 64 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/056 2x12 44

brilhante glossy

Big Corner Eden Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Brilhante/ Eden Pearl Glossy Glossy 7002/006 2x75 142

7002/010 108

Wallpaper Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Wallpaper Pearl Glossy

Boiserie Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Boiserie Pearl Glossy

7098 134

7102 136

retificado rectified

Kashmir Pérola Brilhante 32x75 Kashmir Pearl Glossy

7002/011 154

Sigaro Prata 2,5x32 Sigaro Silver

7000/015 88

Ângulo/Angle Prata/Silver 7000/016 2x2,5 56

Rodapé Pérola/Prata 12x32 Skirting Pearl/Silver

7002/013 126

Ângulo/Angle Pérola/Prata Pearl/Silver 7002/014 2x12 81

7002/011 32x75cm | 7098 32x75cm | 7002 32x75cm | 7002/006 2x75cm | 7000/015 2,5x32cm | 7000/016 2x2,5cm | 7002/013 12x32cm | 7002/014 2x12cm | Matrix 8390 49x49cm


Brancos Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Branco Mate 32x75 Aço Matt White Matt 0450/352 2x75 82

3 04

32x75cm | 16x75cm 0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7001 121

Branco Mate 7001 Big Corner White Matt 16x75 Mate/Matt 127 0450/278 2x75 142

Big Corner Mate 2x32 Big Corner Matt

0450/185 72

Ângulo/Angle Mate/Matt 0450/179 2x2 44

Sigaro Mate 2,5x32 Sigaro Matt

0450/187 34

Ângulo/Angle Mate/Matt 0450/183 2x2,5 44

V-Cap Mate 7,5x32 V-Cap Matt

7001/020 40

Ângulo/Angle Mate/Matt 7001/031 33 2x7,5

Rodapé Mate 12x32 Skirting Matt

0450/815 64

Ângulo/Angle Mate/Matt 0450/181 2x12 44

mate matt

Romantic Branco Mate 32x75 Romantic White Matt

Boiserie Branco Mate 32x75 Boiserie White Matt

7001/011 123

Paris Branco Mate 32x75 Paris White Matt

7001/012 123

7020 136

Eden Branco Mate 32x75 Eden White Matt

7001/010 108

Pisa Branco Mate 32x75 Pisa White Matt

retificado rectified

7001/013 123

7001 32x75cm | 7001/011 32x75cm | 7001/012 32x75cm | 7001/013 32x75cm | 0450/187 2,5x32cm | 0450/815 12x32cm | Matrix 8390 49x49cm



32x75cm | 16x75cm

mate matt

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

Aço Mate Pérola Mate 32x75 Aço Matt Pearl Matt 0450/352 2x75 82 Big Corner Mate 2x32 Big Corner Matt

3 06

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

7003 121

Pérola Mate 7003 Pearl Matt 16x75 127

0450/186 Ângulo/Angle 72 Mate/Matt 0450/180 2x2 44

Sigaro Mate 2,5x32 Sigaro Matt

0450/188 Ângulo/Angle 34 Mate/Matt 0450/184 2x2,5 44

Rodapé Mate 12x32 Skirting Matt

0450/814 Ângulo/Angle 64 Mate/Matt 0450/182 2x12 44

Eden Pérola Mate 32x75 Big Eden Pearl Matt Corner Mate/Matt 7003/006 2x75 142

7003/010 108

Boiserie Pérola Mate 32x75 Boiserie Pearl Matt

V-Cap Mate 7,5x32 V-Cap Matt

7038 136

7003/020 Ângulo/Angle 40 Mate/Matt 7003/031 33 2x7,5

retificado rectified

7002 32x75cm | 7002/010 32x75cm | 0450/353 2x75cm | 8025 32x32cm



Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

30 8

Teca Nogueira 10x32 Teca Walnut

0450/993 42

Teca Mel 10x32 Teca Honey

0450/994 42

Teca Natural 10x32 Teca Natural

0450/995 42

Teca Nogueira 5x32 Teca Walnut

0450/132 27

Teca Mel 5x32 Teca Honey

0450/133 27

Teca Natural 5x32 Teca Natural

0450/134 27

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Mythos Cinza/Preto 2x32 Mythos Grey/Black

0450/192 50

Mythos Branco Mate 32x55 Mythos White Matt

0489/100 70

Branco Brilhante 32x55 White Glossy

0466 116

Big Corner Brilhante/Glossy 0450/113 2x55 106

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Branco Mate 32x55 White Matt

0489 Big Corner 116 Mate/Matt 0450/189 2x55 106

Big Corner Brilhante 2x32 Big Corner Glossy

0450/092 Ângulo/Angle 72 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/150 2x2 44

Big Corner Mate 2x32 Big Corner Matt

0450/185 Ângulo/Angle 72 Mate/Matt 0450/179 2x2 44

Sigaro Brilhante 2,5x32 Sigaro Glossy

0450/074 Ângulo/Angle 34 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/057 2x2,5 44

Sigaro Mate 2,5x32 Sigaro Matt

0450/187 Ângulo/Angle 34 Mate/Matt 0450/183 2x2,5 44

Rodapé Brilhante 12x32 Skirting Glossy

0450/818 Ângulo/Angle 64 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/040 2x12 44

Rodapé Mate 12x32 Skirting Matt

0450/815 Ângulo/Angle 64 Mate/Matt 0450/181 2x12 44

32x55cm Listéis | Borders (...)x32cm retificado rectified

Lami Inox 2,5x55 Lami Steel

0450/414 73

Cristal Vermelho 3,5x55 Cristal Red

0450/425 106

Hamlet Preto 1,5x32 Hamlet Black

0450/366 72

Hamlet Vermelho 1,5x32 Hamlet Red

0450/365 72

Galatea Metálico 2x32 Galatea Metallic

0450/343 60

Dédalo Antracite 3x32 Dédalo Anthracite

Lyra Vermelho 4x32 Lyra Red

Cosmos Cinza 6,5x32 Cosmos Grey

Norma Cinza 8x32 Norma Grey

Polaris Preto 4x55 Polaris Black

0450/459 89

Glass 2,5x32 Glass

0450/368 50

Polaris Preto 4x32 Polaris Black

0450/457 60

Turandot A Prateado 5x32 Turandot A Silver

0450/361 96

Rigoletto Branco/Preto 5x32 Rigoletto White/Black

0000/582 14

0000/260 15

Bohemia Antracite 8x32 Bohemia Anthracite

0450/875 113

0000/251 34

Giselle Cinza 8x32 Giselle Grey

0000/794 36

Urano Preto/Branco 10x32 Urano Black/White

0450/949 48

Murano Cinza 3x32 Murano Grey

0450/194 44

Virgo Cinza 5x32 Virgo Grey

0000/675 26

Cayman Cinza 5,5x32 Cayman Grey

0450/198 66

Polo Cinza 6,5x32 Polo Grey

0000/181 42

Macbeth Antracite 4x32 Macbeth Anthracite

Macbeth Antracite 8x32 Macbeth Anthracite

0450/214 61

0450/441 65

0000/185 31

0000/796 42



Aço Brilhante Aço Glossy 0450/356 2x55 68

3 10

Teca Nogueira 10x32 Teca Walnut

0450/993 42

Teca Mel 10x32 Teca Honey

0450/994 42

Teca Natural 10x32 Teca Natural

0450/995 42

Teca Nogueira 5x32 Teca Walnut

0450/132 27

Teca Mel 5x32 Teca Honey

0450/133 27

Teca Natural 5x32 Teca Natural

0450/134 27

Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x32 Aço Brilhante/Aço Glossy 2x2

0450/354 56 0450/355 19

Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x32 Aço Mate/Aço Matt 2x2

0450/148 56 0450/193 19

Mythos Policromo 2x32 Mythos Polychrome

0450/191 50

Mythos Pérola Mate 32x55 Mythos Pearl Matt

0490/100 70

Pérola Brilhante 32x55 Pearl Glossy

0471 Big Corner 116 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/129 2x55 106

Aço Mate Aço Matt 0450/149 2x55 68

Pérola Mate 32x55 Pearl Matt

0490 Big Corner 116 Mate/Matt 0450/190 2x55 106

Big Corner Brilhante 2x32 Big Corner Glossy

0450/112 Ângulo/Angle 72 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/166 2x2 44

Big Corner Mate 2x32 Big Corner Matt

0450/186 Ângulo/Angle 72 Mate/Matt 0450/180 2x2 44

Sigaro Brilhante 2,5x32 Sigaro Glossy

0450/091 Ângulo/Angle 34 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/073 2x2,5 44

Sigaro Mate 2,5x32 Sigaro Matt

0450/188 Ângulo/Angle 34 Mate/Matt 0450/184 2x2,5 44

Rodapé Brilhante 12x32 Skirting Glossy

0450/834 Ângulo/Angle 64 Brilhante/Glossy 0450/056 2x12 44

Rodapé Mate 12x32 Skirting Matt

0450/814 Ângulo/Angle 64 Mate/Matt 0450/182 2x12 44

32x55cm Listéis | Borders (...)x32cm retificado rectified

Lami Dourado 2,5x55 Lami Gold

0450/413 73

Cristal Amarelo 3,5x55 Cristal Yellow

0450/426 106

Hamlet Laranja 1,5x32 Hamlet Orange

0450/367 72

Galatea Bege 2x32 Galatea Beige

0450/342 60

Dédalo Bronze 3x32 Dédalo Bronze

Lyra Laranja 4x32 Lyra Orange

Cosmos Bege 6,5x32 Cosmos Beige

0450/213 61

Polaris Preto 4x55 Polaris Black

Murano Laranja 3x32 Murano Orange

0450/197 44

Murano Bege 3x32 Murano Beige

0450/196 44

Virgo Bege 5x32 Virgo Beige

0000/674 26

Cayman Bege 5,5x32 Cayman Beige

0450/195 66

0450/459 89

Polaris Preto 4x32 Polaris Black

0450/457 60

Turandot A Dourado 5x32 Turandot A Gold

0450/362 96

Opal Bege 5x32 Opal Beige

0450/480 56

Bohemia Dourado 8x32 Bohemia Gold

0450/876 113

Giselle Bege 8x32 Giselle Beige

0000/795 36

Igor Nogueira 24x32 Igor Walnut

0000/581 48

0450/442 65

0000/184 31 Polo Bege 6,5x32 Polo Beige

Othello Policromo 7,5x32 Othello Polychrome

0000/574 46

Norma Bege 8x32 Norma Beige

0000/797 42

0000/180 42

Macbeth Ameixa 4x32 Macbeth Plum

0000/261 15

Macbeth Ameixa 8x32 Macbeth Plum

0000/252 34


Brancos 13"x22"


espessura | thickness | 10,5mm 10"x22"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 10"x18"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 10"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm 8"x8"


espessura | thickness | 7,5mm 6"x6"


espessura | thickness | 5,8mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

31 2

4000 25x55cm | 0000/410 3x55cm

0490 33x56cm | 0450/191 2x32cm | Heart of Stone 8160 33x33cm | Heart of Stone 8160 16x33cm | Heart of Stone 8160 16x16cm



Branco Brilhante 33x56 White Glossy

31 4

0466 78

Branco Mate 33x56 White Matt

0489 78

Pérola Mate 33x56 Pearl Matt

0490 78

Mythos Cinza/Preto 2x32 Mythos Grey/Black

0450/192 50

Mythos Policromo 2x32 Mythos Polychrome

0450/191 50

Mythos Branco Mate 33x56 Mythos White Matt

0489/101 70

Mythos Pérola Mate 33x56 Mythos Pearl Matt

0490/101 70

Pérola Brilhante 33x56 Pearl Glossy

0471 78

33x56cm Listéis | Borders (...)x33cm

Teca Nogueira 10x33x1,05 0450/974 Teca Walnut 42

Teca Mel 10x33x1,05 Teca Honey

0450/975 42

Teca Natural 10x33x1,05 0450/976 Teca Natural 42

Teca Nogueira 5x33x1,05 Teca Walnut

0450/135 27

Teca Mel 5x33x1,05 Teca Honey

0450/136 27

Teca Natural 5x33x1,05 0450/137 Teca Natural 27

Dédalo Antracite Dédalo Anthracite

0450/216 3x33x0,9 61

Dédalo Bronze Dédalo Bronze

0450/215 3x33x0,9 61

Lyra Vermelho Lyra Red

0450/443 4x33x0,9 65

Lyra Laranja Lyra Orange

0450/444 4x33x0,9 65

Sirius Antracite Sirius Anthracite

0000/677 5x33x0,9 12

Sirius Bronze Sirius Bronze

0000/676 5x33x0,9 12

Virgo Cinza Virgo Grey

0000/679 5x33x0,9 29

Virgo Bege Virgo Beige

0000/678 5x33x0,9 29

Polaris Preto Polaris Black

0450/458 4x33x0,9 60

Mozart Bege Mozart Beige

0450/462 5x33x0,9 50

Cosmos Cinza Cosmos Grey

0000/185 6,5x32x0,9 31

Mozart Baunilha Mozart Vanilla

0450/461 5x33x0,9 50

Mozart Cinza/Rosa Mozart Grey/Pink

0450/463 5x33x0,9 50

Cosmos Bege Cosmos Beige

0000/184 6,5x32x0,9 31



Branco Mate 25x55 White Matt

31 6

0450/760 71

Aço Brilhante 2x55 Aço Glossy

0450/759 68

4001 68

Branco Brilhante 25x55 White Glossy

4000 68

Mosaico Cinza 25x55 Mosaic Grey

4069 70

Mosaico Lilás 25x55 Mosaic Lilac

4070 70

Painel Orquídea Branco 50x55 (2 Pçs./Stk.) Panel Orquídea White

Aço Satinado 2x55 Aço Satin

4000/001 42

Cobre Satinado 2x55 Cobre Satin

0450/769 84

Cobre Brilhante 2x55 Cobre Glossy

0450/761 83

Mosaico Multicor 25x55 Mosaic Multicolor

4083 70

Pérola Mate 25x55 Pearl Matt

4003 68

Pérola Brilhante 25x55 Pearl Glossy

4002 68

Mosaico Bege 25x55 Mosaic Beige

4068 70

Mosaico Coral 25x55 Mosaic Coral

4071 70

M25x55cm Listéis | Borders (...)x55cm | (...)x25cm

Maryland Multicor 3x55 Maryland Multicolor

0000/433 18

Stardust Cinza 3x55 Stardust Grey

0000/411 32

Stardust Pérola 3x55 Stardust Pearl

0000/414 32

Olympic Multicor 3x55 Olympic Multicolor

0000/407 16

Lincoln Prata 3x55 Lincoln Silver

0000/449 42

Lincoln Branco/Malva 3x55 Lincoln White/Mallow

0000/445 42

Lincoln Pérola/Malva 3x55 Lincoln Pearl/Mallow

0000/444 42

Maryland Multicor 0000/432 Maryland Multicolor 4x25 10

Maryland Policromo 0000/392 Maryland Polychrome 4x25 14

Stardust Cinza Stardust Grey

0000/396 4x25 18

Stardust Pérola Stardust Pearl

0000/434 4x25 18

Vegas Dourado Vegas Gold

0000/393 3x25 14

Karen Antracite 0000/431 Karen Anthracite 4x25 15

Karen Brick Karen Brick Lincoln Cappuccino 3x55 Lincoln Cappuccino

0000/450 42

Casino Preto 4x55 Casino Black

0000/421 39

Casino Castanho 4x55 Casino Brown

0000/420 39

Desert Preto 4x55 Desert Black

0000/427 38

Desert Malva 4x55 Desert Mallow

0000/446 38

Desert Castanho 4x55 Desert Brown

0000/428 38

Koval Preto 4x55 Koval Black

0000/424 19

Koval Castanho 4x55 Koval Brown

0000/426 19

0000/430 4x25 15

Maryland Policromo 3x55 Maryland Polychrome

0000/413 24

Vegas Dourado 3x55 Vegas Gold

0000/410 34

Bellevue Cinza 3x55 Bellevue Grey

0000/406 22

Bellevue Lilás 3x55 Bellevue Lilac

0000/404 22

Bellevue Bege 3x55 Bellevue Beige

0000/403 22

Bellevue Coral 3x55 Bellevue Coral

0000/405 22

Jefferson Cinza 4x55 Jefferson Grey

0000/779 17

Jefferson Bege 4x55 Jefferson Beige

0000/780 17

Dayton Bege/Cinza 4x55 Dayton Beige/Grey

0000/415 22

Dayton Lilás 4x55 Dayton Lilac

0000/416 22

Dayton Coral 4x55 Dayton Coral

0000/417 22

Grant Branco 4x55 Grant White

0000/418 22

Clayton Preto 5x25 Clayton Black

0000/390 21

Clayton Castanho 5x25 Clayton Brown

0000/389 21



Branco Mate 25x45 3000 White Matt 64

Branco Brilhante 25x45 3001 White Glossy 64

Branco Brilhante Estruturado Dune 3003 Structured White Glossy Dune 25x45 64

Circe Aço 1x45 Circe Steel

0450/544 51

Ilicia Bronze 3,5x45 Ilicia Bronze

0450/547 94

Ilicia Antracite 3,5x45 Ilicia Anthracite

0450/548 94

Alteia Bronze 3x45 Alteia Bronze

0000/628 12

Alteia Preto 3x45 Alteia Black

0000/627 12

Sirius Bronze 5x45 Sirius Bronze

Sirius Antracite 5x45 Sirius Anthracite

31 8

Pérola Brilhante 25x45 3002 Pearl Glossy 64

Morgana Bronze 3x45 Morgana Bronze

0000/681 8

Morgana Antracite 3x45 Morgana Anthracite

0000/680 8

Rheia Policromo 4x45 Rheia Polychrome

0000/638 12

Leda Bronze 5x45 Leda Bronze

0000/756 19

Leda Antracite 5x45 Leda Anthracite

0000/757 19

Leda Verde 5x45 Leda Green

0000/758 19

0000/766 16

0000/765 16

Pérola Brilhante Estruturado Dune 3004 Structured Pearl Glossy Dune 25x45 64

M25x45cm Listéis | Borders (...)x45cm

Aurora A Rosa 10x45 Aurora A Rose

Aurora B Rosa 10x45 Aurora B Rose

Aurora A Laranja 10x45 Aurora A Orange

Aurora B Laranja 10x45 Aurora B Orange

Aurora A Verde 10x45 Aurora A Green

0000/626 12

Ana Laranja/Vermelho 3x45 Ana Orange/Red

0000/624 10

Ana Verde/Azul 3x45 Ana Green/Blue

0000/623 10

0000/771 36

0000/774 36

0000/769 36

0000/772 36

Ana Azul/Verde 3x45 Ana Blue/Green

0000/625 10

Ana Branco/Preto 3x45 Ana White/Black

0000/755 12

Electra Lilás 5x45 Electra Lilac

0450/565 68

Electra Laranja 5x45 Electra Orange

0450/566 68

Electra Verde 5x45 Electra Green

0450/567 68

Danae Laranja/Castanho 5x45 Danae Orange/Brown

0450/573 63

Danae Verde/Verde 5x45 Danae Green/Green

0450/571 63

Danae Verde/Castanho 5x45 Danae Green/Brown

0450/572 63

0000/770 36

Aurora B Verde 10x45 Aurora B Green

0000/773 36

Penelope Pérola 3x45 Penelope Pearl

0000/761 8

Penelope Pérola 6x45 Penelope Pearl

Ana Vermelho/Laranja 3x45 Ana Red/Orange

0000/786 25

Calisto Vermelho 5x45 Calisto Red

0450/555 53

Calisto Laranja 5x45 Calisto Orange

0450/553 53

Calisto Verde 5x45 Calisto Green

0450/554 53

Dione Rosa 5x45 Dione Rose

0450/552 53

Dione Laranja 5x45 Dione Orange

0450/549 53

Dione Verde 5x45 Dione Green

0450/550 53

Dione Cinza 5x45 Dione Grey

0450/551 53

Calisto Preto 5x45 Calisto Black

0450/556 53

Gaia Ameixa 6x45 Gaia Plum

0000/781 28

Gaia Antracite 6x45 Gaia Anthracite

0000/782 28

Gaia Petróleo 6x45 Gaia Petrol

0000/783 28



Branco Brilhante 25x33 0700 White Glossy 61

Branco Mate 25x33 0750 White Matt 61

Pérola Brilhante 25x33 0890 Pearl Glossy 61

Heli Granada Heli Garnet

0450/658 3x25 23

Ana Vermelho/Laranja 0000/610 Ana Red/Orange 3x25

32 0


Heli Amarelo Heli Yellow

Branco Brilhante Estruturado Dune 0810 Structured White Glossy Dune 25x33 62

Pérola Mate 25x33 0889 Pearl Matt 61

0450/660 3x25 23

Ana Laranja/Vermelho 0000/608 Ana Orange/Red 3x25


Heli Verde Heli Green

Branco Mate Estruturado Dune 0811 Structured White Matt Dune 25x33 62

Pérola Brilhante Estruturado Dune 0812 Structured Pearl Glossy Dune 25x33 62

0450/661 3x25 23

Heli Azul Heli Blue

0450/659 3x25 23

Ana Verde/Azul 0000/607 Ana Green/Blue 3x25


Ana Azul/Verde Ana Blue/Green

0000/609 3x25



Minerva A Vermelho 0000/603 Minerva A Red 4x25


Minerva A Laranja 0000/601 Minerva A Orange 4x25


Minerva A Verde 0000/602 Minerva A Green 4x25


Doris Policromo 0000/793 Doris Polychrome 4x25

Minerva B Vermelho 0000/606 Minerva B Red 4x25


Minerva B Laranja 0000/604 Minerva B Orange 4x25


Minerva B Verde 0000/605 Minerva B Green 4x25


Maia Cinza/Verde 0000/585 Maia Grey/Green 5x25 15

Temis Vermelho Temis Red

0450/557 5x25 61

Niobe Laranja Niobe Orange

Electra Lilás Electra Lilac

0450/568 5x25 53

Electra Laranja 0450/569 Electra Orange 5x25 53

0450/598 5x25 49

Temis Verde Temis Green

0450/558 5x25 61

Niobe Verde Niobe Green

0450/597 5x25 49

Electra Verde Electra Green

0450/570 5x25 53

25x33cm Listéis | Borders (...)x25cm

Opus A Cinza/Antracite 0450/628 Opus A Grey/Anthracite 4x25 41

Opus B Cinza/Antracite 0450/625 Opus B Grey/Anthracite 4x25 22

Fusion Cinza Fusion Grey

0000/345 4x25 22

Diana Cinza Diana Grey

0000/348 4x25 15

Virgo Cinza Virgo Grey

0000/384 4x25 15

Hera Metálico 0450/344 Hera Metallic 2x25 71

Hera Petróleo Hera Petrol

0450/347 2x25 54

Morgana Antracite 0000/569 Morgana Anthracite 3x25


Leda Antracite 0000/572 Leda Anthracite 3x25


Leda Verde Leda Green

0000/573 3x25

0450/634 5x25 36

Brooklin Antracite 0000/712 Brooklin Anthracite 6,5x25 36

Fusion Bege Fusion Beige

0000/344 4x25 22

Diana Bege Diana Beige

0000/346 4x25 15


Zea Antracite Zea Anthracite

0450/657 3x25 23

0000/338 4x25

0000/383 4x25 15


0450/560 5x25 61 Heli Preto Heli Black

Linea Preto Linea Black

Opus B Bege/Bronze 0450/626 Opus B Beige/Bronze 4x25 22

Virgo Bege Virgo Beige Ana Branco/Preto 0000/619 Ana White/Black 3x25

Temis Preto Temis Black

Opus A Bege/Bronze 0450/627 Opus A Beige/Bronze 4x25 41

Temis Castanho 0450/559 Temis Brown 5x25 61

Linea Vermelho Alicante 0450/635 Linea Alicante Red 5x25 36

Hera Dourado Hera Gold

0450/345 2x25 71

Hera Ameixa Hera Plum

0450/346 2x25 54

Morgana Bronze 0000/570 Morgana Bronze 3x25


Leda Bronze Leda Bronze

0000/571 3x25


Zea Bronze Zea Bronze

0000/339 4x25


Niobe Chocolate 0450/599 Niobe Chocolate 5x25 49

Maia Laranja/Castanho 0000/586 Maia Orange/Brown 5x25 15

8 Sirius Bronze Sirius Bronze

Rheia Policromo 0000/791 Rheia Polychrome 4x25


Sirius Antracite 0000/670 Sirius Anthracite 5x25


0000/669 5x25


Brooklin Cotto 0000/713 Brooklin Cotto 6,5x25 36

Brooklin Bronze 0000/714 Brooklin Bronze 6,5x25 36



M20x20cm | M15x15cm

Atlantis 6x20

0000/895 21

Aveiro Azul 0000/621 Aveiro Blue 10x20 13 Branco Brilhante 0350 White Glossy 20x20 56

Branco Brilhante Dune 0353 White Glossy Dune 20x20 58

Branco Mate White Matt

Piano Cinza Prata 0300/026 Piano Silver Grey 3x20 4

Piano Amarelo Índio 0300/032 Piano Indian Yellow 3x20 4

Piano Camel Piano Camel

Piano Cinza Profundo 0300/027 Piano Deep Grey 3x20 4

Piano Tangerina 0300/033 Piano Tangerine 3x20 4

Piano Cinza Antracite 0300/044 Piano Anthracite Grey 3x20 4

Piano Amarelo Piano Yellow

Atlantis 20x20

0351 20x20 56

Aveiro Azul/Amarelo 0000/622 Aveiro Blue/Yellow 10x20 13

0353/512 30

Piano M3x20 (27x197x7,5mm)

0300/039 3x20 4

Piano Burgundy 0300/036 Piano Burgundy 3x20 4

Piano Azul Atlas 0300/028 Piano Atlas Blue 3x20 4

Piano Verde Mar 0300/031 Piano Sea Green 3x20 4

Piano Branco Piano White

0300/038 3x20 4

Piano Conhaque 0300/035 Piano Cognac 3x20 4

Piano Púrpura Piano Purple

0300/037 3x20 4

Piano Azul China 0300/045 Piano China Blue 3x20 4

Piano Verde Vitoriano 0300/030 Piano Victorean Green 3x20 4

Piano Coral Piano Coral

0300/040 3x20 4

Piano Moca Piano Mocha

Piano Vermelho 0300/043 Piano Red 3x20 10

Piano Azul Petróleo 0300/029 Piano Petrol Blue 3x20 4

Piano Cobalto Piano Cobalt

Piano Preto Piano Black

0300/042 3x20 4

0300/034 3x20 4

0300/046 3x20 4

0300/041 3x20 4

Estruturado / Structured

Branco Brilhante 0001/147 White Glossy (147x147x5,8) 50

Branco Mate 0151/147 White Matt (147x147x5,8) 50

Dune 0006/148 Branco Brilhante White Glossy (147x147x5,8) 57

Piano M3x15 (27x147x5,8mm)

32 2

Piano Cinza Prata 0200/026 Piano Silver Grey 3x15 3

0200/032 Piano Amarelo Índio 3x15 Piano Indian Yellow 3

Piano Camel Piano Camel

0200/034 3x15 3

Piano Burgundy 0200/036 Piano Burgundy 3x15 3

Piano Azul Atlas 0200/028 Piano Atlas Blue 3x15 3

Piano Verde Mar 0200/031 Piano Sea Green 3x15 3

Piano Branco 0200/038 Piano White 3x15 3

0200/027 Piano Cinza Profundo 3x15 Piano Deep Grey 3

Piano Tangerina 0200/033 Piano Tangerine 3x15 3

Piano Conhaque 0200/035 Piano Cognac 3x15 3

Piano Púrpura 0200/037 Piano Purple 3x15 3

Piano Azul China 0200/045 Piano China Blue 3x15 3

0200/030 Piano Verde Vitoriano 3x15 Piano Victorian Green 3

Piano Coral Piano Coral

0200/040 3x15 3

0200/044 Piano Cinza Antracite 3x15 Piano Anthracite Grey 3

Piano Amarelo 0200/039 Piano Yellow 3x15 3

Piano Moca Piano Mocha

Piano Vermelho 0200/043 Piano Red 3x15 6

0200/029 Piano Azul Petróleo 3x15 Piano Petrol Blue 3

Piano Cobalto 0200/041 Piano Cobalt 3x15 3

Piano Preto Piano Black

0200/042 3x15 3

0200/046 3x15 3

0353 20x20cm | 0000/621 10x20cm


Brancos rectificado | rectified 13"x13"


espessura | thickness | 8mm



espessura | thickness | 9,7mm



espessura | thickness | 8mm 12"x12"


espessura | thickness | 7mm 8"x8"


espessura | thickness | 6mm 4"x8"


espessura | thickness | 6mm 6"x6"


espessura | thickness | 6mm 4"x4"


espessura | thickness | 6mm

Porcelanato Vidrado | Grès Cérame Émaillé Glazed Porcelain Stoneware | Feinsteinzeug Glasiert Grés Vidrado | Grès Émaillé Glazed Floor Tiles | Glasiertes Steinzeug

32 4

8020 32x32cm


M50x50cm | 33x33cm | 32x32cm | M30x30cm | M20x20cm | M10x20cm | M15x15cm | M10x10cm

retificado rectified

Branco/White (Retificado/Rectified) 32x32 (320x320x8)

8020 116

Pérola/Pearl (Retificado/Rectified) 32x32 (320x320x8)

Branco/White 5500 M50x50 (497x497x9,7)* 83

8025 116

Branco/White 33x33 (330x330x8)*

Branco/White 8020 33x33 (330x330x8)* 77

5500 59

Branco/White 5500 M30x30 (297x297x7)* 56

Pérola/Pearl 8025 33x33 (330x330x8)* 77

Branco/White 5500 M10x20 (97x197x6)* 59

Branco 5500 White M10x10 75 (97x97x6)*

Branco/White 5500 M20x20 (197x197x6)* 56

Branco/White 5500 M15x15 (147x147x6)* 56

Antiderrapante / Slip-resistant

Branco Granitado/Granite White 33x33 (330x330x8)* Branco/White 5600 M20x20 (197x197x6)* 88


Branco 5600 White M10x20 (97x197x6)* 97

Branco/White 5600 M15x15 (147x147x6)* 88

7901 54

Branco 5600 White M10x10 (97x97x6)* 100


*A dimensão de fabrico indicada é a mais frequente em produção. Para mais informações consultar página 340 do anexo das Características Técnicas. / *The production size specified is the size most frequently produced. For more information please see page 340 of the Technical Data Annex.


Tradicionais Revestimentos

Wall Tiles Les Traditionnels | Traditional | Traditionelle

Pombalino 6"x6"


espessura | thickness | 7mm

Azulejo de Pasta Branca Bicozedura Faïence en Pâte Blanche Bi-Cuisson Double Fired White Body Wall Tile Weiss-Scherbige Zweibrand Steingutfliesen

32 8

0004 15x15cm | 0005 15x15cm | 0450/202 7,5x15cm | 0004/002 15x15cm | 0004/003 15x15cm | 0004/004 15x15cm | 0004/005 15x15cm



Branco White

0004 62

0450/027 Sigaro Azul Cobalto Sigaro Cobalt Blue 2,5x15 19

0450/029 Sigaro Verde Garrafa Sigaro Bottle Green 2,5x15 19

0450/034 Sigaro Bordeaux Sigaro Bordeaux 2,5x15 19

0450/028 Sigaro Ocre Sigaro Ochre 2,5x15 19

Azul Cobalto 0005 Cobalt Blue 72

Verde Garrafa 0007 Bottle Green 72

Bordeaux 0052 Bordeaux 72

Ocre Ochre

0450/202 Meia Cana Azul Cobalto Quarter Round Cobalt Blue 7,5x15 19

0450/203 Meia Cana Verde Garrafa Quarter Round Bottle Green 7,5x15 19

0450/205 Meia Cana Bordeaux Quarter Round Bordeaux 7,5x15 19

0450/204 Meia Cana Ocre Quarter Round Ochre 7,5x15 19

0004/002 Rossio Azul Cobalto Rossio Cobalt Blue 28

0004/003 Chiado Azul Cobalto Chiado Cobalt Blue 28

0004/004 Augusta Azul Cobalto Augusta Cobalt Blue 28

0004/005 Carmo Azul Cobalto Carmo Cobalt Blue 28

*Cotto d’Albe Vermelho 2056 *Cotto d’Albe Red 24x24 88

*Cotto d’Albe Laranja 2054 *Cotto d’Albe Orange 24x24 88

*Cotto d’Albe Areia 2052 *Cotto d’Albe Sand 24x24 88

0008 72

*Cotto d’Albe Branco 2050 *Cotto d’Albe White 24x24 88

*Pavimento combinado sugerido. / Suggested combined floor.






2011/159 2011/179

Alandroal 2011/169 72

Alandroal 2011/189 72

Alandroal 2011/179 72

Alandroal 2011/199 72

Alandroal 2011/129 7,5x15

Alandroal 2011/149 7,5x7,5 3


2011/189 2011/199

Alandroal 2011/159 72





Almeida 2007/123


Almeida 2007/143




Crato 2005/127 72

Crato 2005/137 72

Crato 2005/147 Almeida 2007/163 2007/123


72 2005/147


2007/143 Branco White

33 0

2005 66


2011/169 15x15cm | 2011/189 15x15cm | 2011/159 15x15cm | 2011/179 15x15cm | 2011/199 15x15cm | 2011/129 7,5x15cm | 2011/149 7,5x7,5cm Cotto d'albe 2056 12x24cm, 24x24cm ADB1L, 24x24cm ADB2L, 16x24cm ESP






Alpedrinha 2009/169 72

Nisa 2010/163 72

Alpedrinha 2009/129 3 7,5x15

Nisa 2010/123 3 7,5x15

Nisa 2010/143 7,5x7,5 3

Alpedrinha 2009/149 7,5x7,5 3 2009/129






2012/129 2012/149

33 2



Linhares 2012/169


Linhares 2012/159


Linhares 2012/129 7,5x15


Linhares 2012/149 7,5x7,5 3


2010/163 15x15cm | 2010/123 7,5x15cm | 2010/143 7,5x7,5cm | Cotto d'albe 2054 24x24cm


Tradicionais Odeleite


Odeleite 2006/128

Soajo 2013/164 72


Soajo 2013/124 3 7,5x15 Odeleite 2006/148


Soajo 2013/144 7,5x7,5 3 Odeleite 2006/168 2006/128







Branco White


2005 66


Sortelha 2008/165

Sortelha 2008/125 7,5x15


Branco 2005 White 66


Machico 2005/629 7,5x15

Sortelha 2008/145 7,5x7,5 3 2008/125 2008/145

33 4


Machico 2005/649 7,5x7,5 3 2005/629 2005/649






Branco White


2005 66

Monsaraz 2005/623 3 7,5x15

Marvão 2005/622 7,5x15

Monsaraz 2005/643 7,5x7,5 3

Marvão 2005/642 7,5x7,5 3










Branco 2005 White 66



Branco 2005 White 66

Branco 2005 White 66

Monsanto 2005/628 3 7,5x15

Mourão 2005/624 7,5x15

Monsanto 2005/648 7,5x7,5 3

Mourão 2005/644 7,5x7,5 3 2005/624





Características Técnicas

Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Variação na Tonalização da Cor | Différence de Tonalité | Colour Shade Variation | Farbunstimmigkeit

O símbolo (D1, D2, D3 ou D4) classifica a variação da tonalização da cor das peças cerâmicas de uma série. Fraca Variação Faible Variation Low Variation Schwache Abweichung

Parmi les symboles (D1, D2, D3 ou D4) nous indiquons le degré de variation chromatique entre les carreaux contenus dans chaque serie.


Mit den Abkürzungen (D1, D2, D3 oder D4) will man den Farbabweichungsgrad jeder Fliese einer Serie Klassifizieren.

This symbol (D1, D2, D3 or D4) classifies the chromatic shade variation among pieces of tile in one range.

Variação Ligeira Légère Variation Slight Variation Geringe Abweichung


Variação Moderada Variation Modérée Moderate Variation Mässige Abweichung


Forte Destonalização Effet Dénuancé Très Accentué Substantial Variation Akzentuierte Abweichung


Recomendações para Assentamento

Laying Recommendations

Para obter melhores resultados das características do produto, a Cinca recomenda antes do assentamento a mistura das peças de várias caixas.

Cinca recommends blending different pieces from different cartons before installation, in order to maximize the aesthetic beauty of the product line.

Recommandation pour la pose Afin de tirer profit au mieux des caractéristiques techniques du produit, Cinca recommande de mélanger les pièces de différentes boîtes.

Hinweise zur Verlegung Um die besten Resultate mit unserem Produkt erzielen zu können, schlägt Cinca vor, Fliesen von verschiedenen Kartons vor der Verlegung zu mischen.


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Esquemas de Colocação | Propositions pour la Pose | Installation Layouts | Verlegungsvorschläge

Formato/Size %/m2

Formato/Size %/m2













Formato/Size %/m2 16x33


Formato/Size %/m2

3 38







Formato/Size %/m2

Formato/Size %/m2









Formato/Size %/m2 12x49


Formato/Size %/m2 8,5x49


Formato/Size %/m2 33x33




Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Aplicação e Manutenção dos Decorados | Application et Entretien des Piéces Décorées Application and Maintenance of Decorative Pieces | Verlege-und Pflegeanweisung für die Dekore Os azulejos decorados da CINCA produzidos em 3ª Fogo resultam de processos de decoração especiais,

Decorative tiles produced by CINCA in 3rd firing are the result of special decorative processes and techniques

recorrendo a vidrados que apresentam sedutores efeitos visuais. Como peças especiais que são requerem

along with the use of glazes that offer seductive visual effects. Handling of these pieces requires careful

uma manipulação cuidadosa que preserve a sua beleza. Para a sua colocação recomendamos que as peças

manipulation in order to preserve its beauty. For application, we recommend pieces are handled with care to

sejam manipuladas com cuidado, para evitar riscos, e que estejam secas e limpas. A superfície dos produtos

avoid scratches or breakage. It is also recommended you ensure pieces are clean and dry before application. We

decorados deve ser protegida durante a aplicação, evitando ao máximo o seu contato com argamassas

also recommend protection of the surface to avoid contact with glue or mortar during the application process.

de assentamento e/ou rejuntamento. Os eventuais excedentes de materiais de colocação devem ser

Any excess glue or mortar in contact with the surface should be cleaned immediately to avoid hardening or

imediatamente limpos, evitando-se que endureçam e colem à superfície das peças. Para limpar os excedentes

gluing. Excess glue or mortar should be removed using a clean sponge with abundant water. The use of abrasive

de materiais de colocação deve apenas ser usada uma esponja limpa e água em abundância sendo totalmente

cleaning agents or those containing acid is strictly forbidden.

vedada a utilização de agentes de limpeza abrasivos ou contendo ácidos. Para a manutenção corrente dos materiais deve-se evitar o uso de detergentes enérgicos e/ou produtos ou utensílios de limpeza abrasivos pois podem causar danos irreversíveis nas peças. A limpeza deve ser assegurada apenas com recurso a água e sabão neutro. Estes produtos podem apresentar normais diferenças de tonalidade decorrentes desta técnica de fabrico.

For cleaning and maintenance purposes avoid using energic detergents and abrasive utensils as these may cause irreversible damage to the decorative pieces. Only the use of clean water and neutral soap is recommended. These products may show shading variations as a consequence of the production processes and techniques used during manufacturing.

Les carreaux de faïence décorés CINCA, produits en 3ème feu, sont le résultat d’un procédé de décoration

CINCA's, im Drittbrand hergestellten, Dekorfliesen sind Erzeugnisse aus speziellen Dekorationsverfahren, mit

spécial, recourant à des émaux ou autres matières aux effets visuels précieux et uniques. C’est donc comme

Glasuren die verführerische visuelle Effekte vorweisen. Diese besonderen Fliesen sollten behutsam behandelt

pièces « précieuses » qu’ils doivent être manipulés avec soin afin de conserver leur beauté et originalité.

werden, damit sie ihre Schönheit bewahren. Bei der Verlegung dieser Fliesen empfehlen wir eine sorgsame

Pour une bonne et correcte application et pour éviter toutes rayures, nous recommandons une manipulation

Behandlung damit Kratzer vermieden werden, auch sollten die Fliesen trocken und sauber sein. Die dekorierte

délicate, les pièces devant être séchées et nettoyées au préalable. La surface des pièces décorées doit être

Oberfläche der Produkte sollte während der Verlegung geschützt werden, um so den Kontakt mit dem

protégée durant l’application, évitant au maximum son contact avec le ciment colle et/ou le joint. Les éventuels

Zementmörtel und / oder Fugenmaterial zu vermeiden. Etwaige Überschüsse dieser Materialien sollten sofort

excédents de matière doivent être immédiatement nettoyés afin d’éviter qu’ils ne sèchent et qu’ils ne collent

von den Fliesen vorsichtig entfernt werden, um das Verhärten an der Oberfläche der Fliesen zu vermeiden. Für

sur la surface des pièces. Pour nettoyer ces excédents, utiliser uniquement une éponge propre bien imbibée

die Reinigung bitte ausschliesslich einen sauberen Schwamm und viel Wasser verwenden. Reinigungsmittel die

d’eau. Il est formellement interdit d’utiliser tout produit de nettoyage abrasif ou contenant des acides.

Säuren enthalten oder Scheuermittel dürfen nicht verwendet werden.

Pour le nettoyage courant, il faut éviter tout détergent énergique et/ou produit ou ustensile de nettoyage abrasifs, au risque de causer des dommages irréversibles sur les pièces.

Für die alltägliche Säuberung und Pflege dieser Fliesen, vermeiden Sie bitte scharfe Reinigungsmittel und/oder scheuernde Reinigungsutensilien, da diese irreversible Schäden an den Fliesen verursachen können.

Le nettoyage doit être fait uniquement à l’aide d’eau et de savon neutre.

Die Reinigung sollte nur mit Seife und Wasser erfolgen.

Ces pièces peuvent aussi présenter des différences normales de tonalité, dérivées justement de cette

Diese Erzeugnisse können normale Brandfarbenunterschiede aufweisen, auf Grund dieser Produktionstechnik.

technique spéciale de fabrication.


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Tabela Dimensional | Tableau Dimensionnel | Dimension Chart | Abmessungstabelle

3 40

Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Tabela Dimensional | Tableau Dimensionnel | Dimension Chart | Abmessungstabelle

Dimensão de Coordenação (C) = Dimensão de Fabrico (W) + Junta (J)

Coordinating size (C) = Work Size (W) + Joint (J)

Dimensão de Fabrico (W) = Dimensão da face visível (a e b) e espessura (d)

Work size (W) = Dimension of the visible face (a and b) and thickness (d)

Formatos Modulares e Não Modulares

Modular and Non-modular Formats

Podem ser considerados formatos modulares aqueles cuja dimensão nominal (de designação) é múltipla ou

Formats considered modular are those whose nominal dimensions are multiples or submultiples of M

submúltipla do módulo M (M = 100mm segundo a ISO 1006) e cuja superfície é igual ou superior a 9000mm2.

(according to the ISO 1006 standard, M = 100mm) and with a surface area equal or superior to 9000mm2.

Estes formatos são identificados por uma letra M antes da sua designação nominal (p.e.: M20x20cm). Nos

These formats are identified by a letter M before their nominal designation (e.g.: M20x20cm). In modular

formatos modulares, a dimensão nominal inclui a junta, conforme as observações seguintes. Todos os

formats, the nominal size includes the joint, as described in the following remarks. All other formats are

restantes formatos são considerados não modulares.

considered non-modular.

Dimension de Coordenation (C) = Dimension de Fabrication (W) + Joint (J)

Koordinationsmass (C) = Produktionsmass (W) + Fuge (J)

Dimension de Fabrication (W) = Dimension de la face visible (a e b) et épaisseur (d)

Produktionsmass (W) = Grösse der Sichtfläche (a und b) und Stärke (d)

Formats Modulaires et Non Modulaires

Modulformate und Nicht-Modulformate

Peuvent être considérés modulaires les formats dont la dimension nominale est multiple ou sous multiple du

Formate gelten als modular wenn deren Nennmass ein Vielfaches oder Teiler des Moduls M (M = 100mm

module M (M = 100mm selon la norme ISO 1006) et dont la surface est égale ou supérieure à 9000mm2. Ces

nach ISO 1006) und deren Oberfläche grösser oder gleich 9000mm2 ist. Diese Formate werden mit dem

formats sont identifiés pour la lettre M avant sa désignation nominale (ex : M20x20cm). Dans les formats

Buchstaben M vor dem Format gekennzeichnet (z.B.: M20x20cm). Bei den Modul-Formaten, ist die Fuge

modulaires, la dimension nominale inclut le joint, selon les observations suivantes. Tous les autres formats

bereits mitberücksichtigt, wie in den folgenden Anmerkungen beschrieben wird. Alle anderen Formate

sont considérés non modulaires.

werden als nicht-modular betrachtet.


Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Antiderrapância “Calçado” / Slip Resistance "With Footwear" Ângulo de Inclinação Slope Angle de 6° a 10° from 6° to 10° acima de 10° até 19° more than 10° to 19° acima de 19° até 27° more than 19° to 27° acima de 27° até 35° more than 27° to 35° acima de 35° more than 35°

Classe / Class (DIN 51130)

Os pavimentos cerâmicos que estão dotados de características antiderrapantes contribuem duma forma eficaz e ativa para a segurança dos utilizadores. Estes produtos apresentam especificações particulares, das quais se destaca a resistência ao escorregamento. Com ampla

XP P 05 - 010/011

divulgação na indústria cerâmica, as normas alemãs que permitem determinar o coeficiente de

(Pieds Chaussés)

escorregamento subdividem os testes em dois grupos ­distintos: o escorregamento calçado,

PC 6


PC 10


PC 20



PC 27


PC 35

Baixo atrito Low friction Atrito normal Normal friction Atrito melhorado Improved friction

aplicável em zonas em que os utilizadores circulam normalmente calçados, e o escorregamento "pé descalço", aplicável a zonas em que os utilizadores circulam descalços, como piscinas, balneários, etc. Os testes são conduzidos com recurso a equipamento especial e a uma pessoa que simula a circulação sobre o pavimento (ora calçado ora descalço, consoante o teste que se pretende levar a cabo), num plano inclinado que gradualmente vai aumentando o seu ângulo de inclinação. O ângulo máximo atingido antes do desiquilíbrio determina o grupo de antiderrapância que permite classificar os produtos. Existe uma escala de antiderrapância própria que se apresenta nos quadros ao lado:

Alto atrito High friction Muito alto atrito Very high friction

Ceramic floor tiles developed with slip resistant ­characteristics contribute actively to the safety of the users. Amongst the many particular specifications of these products, the slip resistance are notable. Well known in the Ceramic Industry, the German standards, which help determine the slip resistance coefficient, divide the tests into two groups. In the first group, the tests are ­executed simulating the use of footwear. In the second group, the tests are run simulating

Antiderrapância “Pé Descalço” / Slip Resistance "Barefoot" Ângulo de Inclinação Slope Angle

3 42

Special equipment is used to perform the tests and a person will s­imulate walking (with or

Classe / Class (DIN 51097)

barefoot traffic in areas such as swimming pools, shower areas etc. without footwear, dependant on the test) on a sloping tiled surface. The slope angle is subject

XP P 05 - 010/011

to a gradual increase. The highest slope angle achieved before slipping determines the slip

(Pieds Nus)

≥ 6°


PN 6

≥ 12°


PN 12

≥ 18°


PN 18

≥ 24°


PN 24

resistance classification. A table with the slip resistance ratings is shown below. Baixo atrito Low friction Atrito normal Normal friction Atrito melhorado Improved friction Alto atrito High friction

Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Lista de Produtos Antiderrapantes / Slip Resistant Products Grupo/Group


Formato/Size (cm)

DIN 51130

DIN 51097


49x99x1,1 AD



Basaltina / Origin













49x99x1,1 AD



24x99x1,1 AD



16x99x1,1 AD



49x49x0,97 AD



Porcelânico Plena Massa, Decorado

50x50x0,97 AD



Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Decorated













16x99x1,1 AD



Imagine (Ref.: 8754)

















Porcelânico Plena Massa, Vidrado







49x49x0,97 24,5x49x0,97

R9 R9






M50x50x0,97 49x49x0,97

R9 R9





Pedra Luna


















Assouan Stone

M50x50x0,97 AD



Cotto d’Alcobaça

33x33x0,8 AD







Heart of Stone

Porcelanato Vidrado Glazed Porcelain Stoneware


Nova Arquitectura

Grés Vidrado Glazed Floor Tiles

Glazed Extruded


Bavaria Stone

Matrix (Ref.: 8391)

Extrudido Vidrado

R10 R10



Full Body Porcelain Tiles, Glazed

24x99x1,1 16x99x1,1

Cotto d’Albe



















33x33x0,8 16x33x0,8

R10 R10














M20x20x0,6 AD



M10x20x0,6 AD



M15x15x0,6 AD



M10x10x0,6 AD



32x32x0,8 AD



24x24x1,1 AD




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3 44

Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Aviso: Todas as especificações estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio. A presente informação é fornecida sem qualquer garantia adicional de adequação a qualquer uso específico. Em nenhum caso a CINCA poderá ser responsabilizada por qualquer dano directo, indirecto ou consequente decorrente de, ou de qualquer forma relacionado com, o uso dos seus produtos.


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3 46

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Avis: Toutes les spécifications sont soumises à modifications sans avis préalable. La présente information est fournie sans aucune garantie supplémentaire d'adaptation à n'importe quelle utilisation spécifique. En aucun cas CINCA ne pourra être responsable pour n'importe quel dégât direct, indirect, résultant ou lié à l'utilisation de ses produits.


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3 48

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Disclaimer: All specifications subject to change without further notice. This information is issued as is and without any further warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, so in no event shall CINCA be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damage whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the use of their products.


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3 50

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Warnung: Alle Angaben können ohne Bekanntgebung geändert werden. Diese Informationen werden ohne jede Gewährleistung der Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck zur Verfügung gestellt. In keinem Fall darf CINCA haftbar gemacht werden für direkte, indirekte oder in jeglicher Form stehenden Zusammenhang mit Schäden oder Folgeschäden durch die Verwendung seiner Produkte.


Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Embalagens e Pesos | Emballages et Poids | Packing and Weights | Verpackungen und Gewichte

Formato / Format / Size / Format

Caixa / Carton / Box / Karton Pcs. / Stk.

m2 / m


49x99x1,1 (Retificado/Rectified) 24x99x1,1 (Retificado/Rectified) 8x49 ROD

2 4 25

0,97 m2 0,95 m2 12,25 m

22,50 22,04 20,58

16x99x1,1 (Retificado/Rectified) 8x99 ROD

6 12

0,95 m2 11,88 m

60,8x60,8x1,05 30x60,4x0,95 30x60,8 ESC 8x60,8 ROD

4 8 6 12

60x60x1,05 (Retificado/Rectified) 30x60x1,05 (Retificado/Rectified) 15x60x1,05 (Retificado/Rectified) 30x30x1,05 (Retificado/Rectified) 29,8x29,8x1,05 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 14x60x1,05 30x60 ESC 8x60 ROD

Palete / Palette / Pallet / Palette m2

Net. kg

Brut. kg

38 63 -

36,86 59,85 -

855 1389 -

880 1414 -

120x100x65 120x100x87 -

23,00 22,50

60 -

57,00 -

1380 -

1405 -

120x100x81 -

1,48 m2 1,44 m2 1,08 m2 7,29 m

34,50 31,32 25,53 13,62

24 32 -

35,52 46,08 -

828 1002 -

853 1027 -

120x80x76 120x80x77 -

3 6 12 11 9 4 6 12

1,07 m2 1,07 m2 1,07 m2 0,98 m2 0,81 m2 2,40 m 1,07 m2 7,20 m

25,32 25,32 25,32 23,21 17,50 7,20 25,32 13,50

32 32 40 40 -

34,24 34,24 42,80 39,20 -

810 810 1013 928 -

835 835 1038 953 -

120x80x75 120x80x77 120x80x77 120x80x76 -

M50x50x0,97 32,5x50x0,97 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 33x33x0,97 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 32,8x31x0,97 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 2x33x0,8 50x50 ESC 33x50 ESC 8x50 ROD

4 6 9 9 9 4 6 25

1,00 m2 0,975 m2 1,00 m2 0,915 m2 3,00 m 1,00 m2 0,99 m2 12,50 m

21,00 19,00 18,30 17,10 1,20 21,00 20,79 21,00

36 -

36,00 -

756 -

781 -

120x80x65 -

49x49x0,97 (Retificado/Rectified) 32x49x0,97 (Retificado/Rectified) 24,5x49x0,97 (Retificado/Rectified) 12x49x0,97 (Retificado/Rectified) 8,5x49x0,97 (Retificado/Rectified) 32,5x50x0,97 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 33x33x0,97 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 49x49x0,97 24,5x49x0,97 12x49x0,97 8,5x49x0,97 8x49x0,97 3,5x49x0,97 2,5x49x0,97 1,2x49x0,97 33x49 ESC 8x49 ROD

4 6 8 16 24 6 9 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 25

0,96 m2  0,94 m2 0,96 m2 0,94 m2 1,00 m2 0,975 m2 1,00 m2 2,00 m 2,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 0,97 m2 12,25 m

20,17 19,16 20,63 19,73 20,29 19,00 18,30 19,60 9,80 7,50 5,50 4,80 2,20 1,50 1,00 20,37 20,58

36 45 35 45 42 -

34,56 42,30 33,60 42,30 42,00 -

726 862 722 888 852 -

751 887 747 913 877 -

120x80x67 120x80x82 120x80x66 120x80x78 120x80x75 -

48x48x0,97 (Retificado/Rectified)


0,9216 m2







M40x40x0,87 8x36,5x0,87 8x8x0,87 8x40 ROD

8 9 4 31

1,28 m2 3,00 m 12,40 m

23,30 3,49 0,54 24,00

56 -

71,68 -

1305 -

1330 -

120x80x96 -

33x33x0,8 16x33x0,8 16x16x0,8 33x33x0,8 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 8x36,5x0,8 2x33x0,8 10,5x32x0,8 16x24x0,8 16x16x0,8 8x8x0,8 33x33 ESC 8x33 ROD 5,5x35 CD 5,5x33 TD

12 20 40 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 12 38 2 4

1,3333 m2 1,11 m2 1,11 m2 1,00 m2 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 1,3333 m2 12,50 m 1,30 m

23,11 18,67 18,11 15,70 3,49 1,20 5,30 5,15 1,90 0,54 24,12 18,00 3,52 2,35

50 60 60 -

66,665 66,60 66,60 -

1156 1120 1087 -

1181 1145 1112 -

120x80x80 120x80x97 120x80x97 -

Pavimento / Sol / Floor Tiles / Boden

3 52


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Embalagens e Pesos | Emballages et Poids | Packing and Weights | Verpackungen und Gewichte

Formato / Format / Size / Format

Caixa / Carton / Box / Karton Pcs. / Stk.

m2 / m


32x32x0,8 (Retificado/Rectified) 10,5x32x0,8

12 9

1,23 m2 3,00 m

21,42 5,30

M30x30x0,7 M20x20x0,6 M20x20x0,6 M15x15x0,6 M15x15x0,6 M10x20x0,6 M10x20x0,6 M10x10x0,6 M10x10x0,6

15 25 25 44 44 50 50 99 99

1,35 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00

m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2

12 12 12 12 24 34 12 4 12 4 7 4 4 7 24 6 4 6 40 40

1,23 m2 1,23 m2 0,70 m2 0,70 m2 0,70 m2 0,50 m2 3,00 m 0,70 m2 0,23 m2 0,50 m2 0,28 m2 0,28 m2 1,70 m 6,00 m 1,00 m 1,00 m 1,11 m2 1,11 m2

Palete / Palette / Pallet / Palette m2

Net. kg

Brut. kg

48 -

59,04 -

1028 -

1053 -

120x80x80 -

20,15 12,64 12,64 12,34 12,34 12,77 12,77 12,50 12,50

50 84 84 80 80 84 84 78 78

67,50 84,00 84,00 80,00 80,00 84,00 84,00 78,00 78,00

1008 1062 1062 987 987 1073 1073 975 975

1033 1087 1087 1012 1012 1098 1098 1000 1000

120x80x73 120x80x73 120x80x73 120x80x73 120x80x73 120x80x74 120x80x74 120x80x82 120x80x82

22,40 22,40 16,40 16,40 16,78 11,60 5,50 0,65 16,60 5,50 12,00 6,90 6,90 5,00 15,50 1,03 0,47 1,03 18,40 18,40

50 50 75 75 72 90 60 60

61,50 61,50 52,50 52,50 50,40 45,00 66,6 66,6

1120 1120 1230 1230 1208 1044 1104 1104

1145 1145 1255 1255 1233 1069 1129 1129

120x80x78 120x80x78 120x80x86 120x80x86 120x80x86 120x80x86 120x80x95 120x80x95

Pavimento / Sol / Floor Tiles / Boden


32x32x0,8 32x32x0,8 AD 24x24x1,1 24x24x1,1 AD 12x24x1,1 12x12x1,1 8x24x1,1 8x8x1,1 24x24x1,1 B1L / ADB1L 24x24x1,1 B2L / ADB2L 24x30x1,1 B1L / ADB1L 24x30x1,1 B2D / ADB2D 24x30x1,1 B2E / ADB2E 16x24x0,8 ESP 11,5x24x1,1 ROD 5,5x12x0,9 (V-Cap) 5x5,5 (Corner) 5x12x0,9 (Quarter Round) 16x16x0,8 B1L 16x16x0,8 B2L


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Embalagens e Pesos | Emballages et Poids | Packing and Weights | Verpackungen und Gewichte

Formato / Format / Size / Format

Caixa / Carton / Box / Karton Pcs. / Stk.

m2 / m

Palete / Palette / Pallet / Palette m2


Net. kg

Brut. kg

Revestimento / Mur / Wall Tiles / Wand 32x75x1,1 (Retificado/Rectified) 16x75x1,1 (Retificado/Rectified) 32x75x1,1 INS 32x32x1,1 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 2,5x29,5x1,1 8x75x1,05 6x75x1,05 4x75x1,05 2x75x1,05 24x32x1,05 8x32x1,05 7,5x32x1,05 5x32x1,05 4x32x1,05 3,5x32x1,05 2,5x32x1,05 2x32x1,05 1,5x32x1,05 2x75 (Big Corner) 12x32 (Rodapé/Skirting) 7,5x32 (V-Cap) 2,5x32 (Sigaro) 2x32 (Big Corner)

5 10 3 7 9 4 3 3 4 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 7 9 12

1,20 m2 1,20 m2 0,72 m2 0,71 m2 2,65 m 3,00 m 2,25 m 2,25 m 3,00 m 1,28 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 2,24 m 3,00 m 4,00 m

23,90 23,55 14,02 12,50 1,50 4,70 2,38 2,30 1,30 4,40 4,86 3,80 2,55 2,45 2,45 2,00 1,11 1,10 1,00 5,85 3,10 1,20 0,94

32 36 -

38,40 43,20 -

765 848 -

790 873 -

120x80x80 120x80x80 -






33x56x1,05 33x56x1,05 INS 4x56x0,9 10x33x1,05 6,5x33x0,9 5x33x1,05 5x33x0,9 4x33x0,9 3x33x0,9 6,5x32x0,9 2x32x1,05

6 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

1,11 m 2 0,74 m2 5,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m

20,10 12,80 4,23 4,86 2,85 2,00 1,71 2,55 1,70 2,23 1,11

40 -

44,40 -

804 -

829 -

120x80x82 -

32x55x1,05 (Retificado/Rectified) 16x55x1,05 (Retificado/Rectified) 32x55x1,05 INS 4x55x0,9 3,5x55x1,05 2,5x55x1,05 2x55x1,05 24x32x1,05 10x32x1,05 8x32x1,05 7,5x32x1,05 6,5x32x1,05 6,5x32x0,9 5,5x32x1,05 5x32x0,9 4x32x0,9 3x32x1,05 3x32x0,9 2,5x32x1,05 2x32x1,05 1,5x32x1,05 2x55 (Big Corner) 12x32 (Rodapé/Skirting) 2,5x32 (Sigaro) 2x32 (Big Corner)

6 12 4 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 12 9 9 12

1,06 m2 1,06 m2 0,70 m2 5,00 m 5,00 m 5,00 m 5,00 m 1,28 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 7,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 4,00 m

18,75 18,75 12,80 4,14 3,50 2,50 2,00 4,40 4,86 4,86 3,80 2,60 2,23 3,00 2,55 2,45 1,49 1,28 2,00 1,11 1,10 1,83 5,85 1,20 0,94

40 40 -

42,40 42,40 -

750 750 -

775 775 -

120x80x83 120x80x82 -

10 4 1 Pnl 1 Pnl 10

1,375 m 2 0,55 m2 0,55 m2 0,275 m2 0,90 m2

18,90 7,02 7,02 3,51 10,80

48 -

66,00 -

907 -

932 -

120x80x90 -

M25x55x0,8 M25x55x0,8 INS M50x110x0,8 Painel/Panel (4 Pcs./Stk.) M50x55x0,8 Painel/Panel (2 Pcs./Stk.) 30x30x0,8 (Mosaico/Mosaic)

3 54

Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten

Embalagens e Pesos | Emballages et Poids | Packing and Weights | Verpackungen und Gewichte

Formato / Format / Size / Format

Caixa / Carton / Box / Karton Pcs. / Stk.

m2 / m


Palete / Palette / Pallet / Palette m2

Net. kg

Brut. kg

Revestimento / Mur / Wall Tiles / Wand 25x27x0,8 (Mosaico/Mosaic) 5x55x0,8 4x55x0,8 3x55x0,8 2x55x0,8 4,5x31x0,8 5x25x0,8 4x25x0,8 3x25x0,8

10 6 6 6 9 10 12 12 12

0,67 m2 3,30 m 3,30 m 3,30 m 4,95 m 3,10 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m

7,10 2,00 1,82 1,35 2,00 2,00 2,15 1,64 1,23

M25x45x0,8 M25x45x0,8 INS 11,5x45x0,8 10x45x0,8 6x45x0,8 5x45x0,8 4x45x0,8 3,5x45x0,8 3x45x0,8 1x45x0,8 5x25x0,8 4x25x0,8 3x25x0,8 2x25x0,8

10 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12

1,125 m2 0,45 m2 2,70 m 2,70 m 2,70 m 2,70 m 2,70 m 2,70 m 2,70 m 5,40 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m

15,25 5,90 4,30 3,09 2,20 2,01 1,64 1,77 1,40 1,05 2,15 1,64 1,23 0,82

60 -

67,50 -

915 -

940 -

120x80x92 -

25x33x0,8 25x33x0,8 INS 7,5x25x0,8 6,5x25x0,8 5x25x0,8 4x25x0,8 3x25x0,8 2x25x0,8 3,5x16x0,8 3,5x25x0,8 (Quarter Round) 7,5x25x0,8 (Bullnose) 7,5x7,5x0,8 (Bullnose Corner)

12 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 12 12 4

1,00 m2 0,33 m2 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m -

13,27 4,40 2,88 2,66 2,15 1,64 1,23 0,82 1,70 1,36 2,88 0,40

75 -

75,00 -

995 -

1020 -

120x80x96 -

M20x20x0,75 M20x20x0,75 INS 10x20x0,75 6x20x0,75 M3x20x0,75 (Piano)

25 4 15 15 30

1,00 m2 0,16 m2 3,00 m 3,00 m 6,00 m

12,00 1,92 4,97 2,25 1,92

96 -

96,00 -

1152 -

1177 -

120x80x95 -

16x16x0,8 16x16x0,8 B1L 16x16x0,8 B2L 7,5x16x0,8 3,5x16x0,8 5,5x16x0,8 (V-Cap) 3x5,5x0,8 (Corner) 3,5x16x0,8 (Quarter Round)

40 40 40 18 18 18 4 18

1,11 m2 1,11 m2 1,11 m2 3,00 m 3,00 m 3,00 m

18,11 18,11 18,11 3,40 1,70 3,00 0,34 2,41

60 60 60 -

66,60 66,60 66,60 -

1087 1087 1087 -

1112 1112 1112 -

120x80x97 120x80x97 120x80x97 -

M15x15x0,58 M3x15x0,58 (Piano)

66 40

1,50 m2 6,00 m

13,97 1,61

70 -

105,00 -

978 -

1003 -

120x80x90 -

15x15x0,7 15x15x0,7 INS 7,5x15x0,7 (Pombalino) 7,5x15x0,7 7,5x7,5x0,7 2,5x15x0,7

44 4 7 17 34 24

1,00 m2 0,09 m2 1,05 m 2,55 m 2,55 m 3,60 m

11,00 1,00 1,30 2,12 2,12 1,44

85 -

85,00 -

935 -

960 -

120x80x90 -


Características Técnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten Certificados de Sistemas | Systèmes Certifiés | Management System Certificates | Systemzerifikate

Certificação ISO 9001 do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Implementado na Conceção, Desenvolvimento, Produção e Comercialização de Pavimentos e Revestimentos Cerâmicos Quality Management System ISO 9001 Certification Implemented in the Design, Development, Production and Trading of Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles

Certificação ISO 14001 do Sistema de Gestão do Ambiente Implementado na Conceção, Desenvolvimento, Produção e Comercialização de Pavimentos e Revestimentos Cerâmicos Environment Management System ISO 14001 Certification Implemented in the Design, Development, Production and Trading of Ceramic Floor and Wall Tiles

3 56

CaracterĂ­sticas TĂŠcnicas | Caracteristiques Techniques | Technical Data | Technische Daten Certificados de Produtos | Certificats de Produits | Product Certificates | Produktzertifikate



Indice | Index | Index

Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

0000/174........................................................ 293

0000/413................................ 224, 233, 240, 317

0000/626................................ 260, 268, 269, 319

0000/784........................................................ 273

0000/180................................................ 202, 311

0000/414........................................ 224, 240, 317

0000/627........................................ 268, 286, 318

0000/785........................................................ 273

0000/181................................................ 203, 309

0000/415........................................ 221, 250, 317

0000/628................................................ 286, 318

0000/786........................................ 268, 273, 319

0000/182........................................................ 199

0000/416................................................ 251, 317

0000/638........................................ 276, 277, 318

0000/789........................................................ 276

0000/183........................................................ 199

0000/417................................................ 251, 317

0000/667........................................................ 213

0000/790........................................................ 276

0000/184................ 197, 199, 211, 213, 311, 315

0000/418................................................ 220, 317

0000/668........................................................ 213

0000/791........................................ 276, 277, 321

0000/185................................ 196, 211, 309, 315

0000/420................................................ 236, 317

0000/669................................ 211, 213, 286, 321

0000/792........................................................ 277

0000/186........................................................ 213

0000/421........................................ 237, 240, 317

0000/670........................................ 211, 286, 321

0000/793........................ 260, 261, 264, 265, 320

0000/187........................................................ 213

0000/422................................................ 244, 245

0000/672........................................ 182, 197, 199

0000/794........................................ 149, 162, 309

0000/240........................................................ 182

0000/423........................................ 244, 245, 246

0000/673................................................ 183, 196

0000/795........................................ 148, 162, 311

0000/241........................................................ 183

0000/424................................ 217, 224, 228, 317

0000/674................................................ 197, 311

0000/796........................................ 149, 162, 309

0000/244........................................................ 151

0000/426................................................ 228, 317

0000/675................................................ 196, 309

0000/797........................................ 148, 162, 311

0000/251................................................ 169, 309

0000/427........................ 221, 228, 240, 254, 317

0000/676........................................ 211, 213, 315

0000/798................................ 149, 162, 174, 207

0000/252................................................ 168, 311

0000/428........ 220, 228, 233, 240, 250, 255, 317

0000/677................................................ 211, 315

0000/799........................................ 148, 162, 209

0000/253........................................................ 169

0000/430................................ 224, 233, 240, 317

0000/678................................................ 211, 315

0000/895........................................................ 322

0000/254........................................................ 168

0000/431........................................ 224, 240, 317

0000/679................................................ 211, 315

0001/147........................................................ 322

0000/260................................................ 169, 309

0000/432........................................ 244, 246, 317

0000/680................................................ 280, 318

0004............................................................... 329

0000/261................................................ 168, 311

0000/433........................................ 244, 246, 317

0000/681................................................ 280, 318

0004/002........................................................ 329

0000/262................................................ 151, 182

0000/434........................................ 224, 240, 317

0000/709........................................................ 295

0004/003........................................................ 329

0000/263........................................................ 183

0000/435........................................................ 216

0000/710........................................................ 295

0004/004........................................................ 329

0000/265........................................................ 151

0000/436........................................................ 216

0004/005........................................................ 329

0000/272........................................................ 182

0000/437........................................................ 216

0000/711........................................................ 295 0000/712................................................ 295, 321

0000/273........................................................ 183

0000/440........................................................ 224

0000/713................................................ 295, 321

0006/148........................................................ 322

0000/338................................................ 280, 321

0000/441........................................................ 224

0000/714................................................ 295, 321

0007............................................................... 329

0000/339................................................ 280, 321

0000/444................................................ 254, 317

0000/715........................................................ 295

0008............................................................... 329

0000/344................................................ 283, 321

0000/445................................................ 254, 317

0000/716........................................................ 295

0052............................................................... 329

0000/345................................................ 283, 321

0000/446........................................ 251, 254, 317

0000/730........................................................ 293

0151/147........................................................ 322

0000/346................................................ 271, 321

0000/449................................................ 254, 317

0000/731........................................................ 293

0200/026........................................................ 322

0000/347........................................................ 271

0000/450........................................ 250, 255, 317

0000/733........................................................ 293

0200/027........................................................ 322

0000/348................................................ 271, 321

0000/569................................................ 280, 321

0000/734........................................................ 293

0200/028........................................................ 322

0000/349........................................................ 271

0000/570................................................ 280, 321

0000/736........................................................ 293

0200/029........................................................ 322

0000/379........................................................ 207

0000/571........................................ 273, 286, 321

0000/737........................................................ 293

0200/030........................................................ 322

0000/380........................................................ 207

0000/572........................................ 273, 286, 321

0000/755................................................ 268, 319

0200/031........................................................ 322

0000/382........................................................ 209

0000/573................................................ 273, 321

0000/756........................................ 273, 286, 318

0200/032........................................................ 322

0000/383........................................ 211, 271, 321

0000/574........ 154, 162, 164, 176, 178, 209, 311

0000/757........................................ 273, 286, 318

0200/033........................................................ 322

0000/384........................................ 211, 271, 321

0000/579........................................................ 178

0000/758................................................ 273, 318

0200/034........................................................ 322

0000/385........................................................ 244

0000/581........ 154, 162, 164, 176, 178, 208, 311

0000/759........................................................ 273

0200/035........................................................ 322

0000/386........................................................ 246

0000/582........................................ 174, 207, 309

0000/760........................................................ 273

0200/036........................................................ 322

0000/387........................................................ 245

0000/585........................................ 264, 265, 320

0000/761........................................ 268, 273, 319

0200/037........................................................ 322

0000/388........................................................ 244

0000/586................................................ 264, 321

0000/765........................................................ 318

0200/038........................................................ 322

0000/389................................................ 236, 317

0000/601................................................ 269, 320

0000/766........................................................ 318

0200/039........................................................ 322

0000/390................................................ 237, 317

0000/602................................................ 269, 320

0000/769................................................ 264, 319

0200/040........................................................ 322

0000/391........................................................ 245

0000/603................................................ 268, 320

0000/770................................................ 264, 319

0200/041........................................................ 322

0000/392................................ 224, 233, 240, 317

0000/604................................................ 269, 320

0000/771................................................ 265, 319

0200/042........................................................ 322

0000/393................................ 233, 236, 237, 317

0000/605................................................ 269, 320

0000/772................................................ 264, 319

0200/043........................................................ 322

0000/394........................................................ 246

0000/606................................................ 268, 320

0000/773................................................ 264, 319

0200/044........................................................ 322

0000/395........................................................ 244

0000/607........................................ 261, 269, 320

0000/774................................................ 265, 319

0200/045........................................................ 322

0000/396................................ 224, 233, 240, 317

0000/608................................................ 260, 320

0000/775........................................................ 286

0200/046........................................................ 322

0000/403................................................ 250, 317

0000/609........................................ 261, 269, 320

0000/776........................................................ 286

0300/026........................................................ 322

0000/404................................................ 251, 317

0000/610................................ 260, 268, 269, 320

0000/777........................................................ 286

0300/027........................................................ 322

0000/405................................................ 251, 317

0000/619................................................ 268, 321

0000/778........................................................ 286

0300/028........................................................ 322

0000/406................................................ 250, 317

0000/621........................................................ 322

0000/779................................................ 216, 317

0300/029........................................................ 322

0000/407................................................ 220, 317

0000/622........................................................ 322

0000/780................................................ 216, 317

0300/030........................................................ 322

0000/410................................ 233, 236, 237, 317

0000/623........................................ 261, 269, 319

0000/781................................................ 276, 319

0300/031........................................................ 322

0000/411................................ 224, 233, 240, 317

0000/624................................................ 260, 319

0000/782................................................ 276, 319

0300/032........................................................ 322

0000/412........................................ 244, 245, 246

0000/625........................................ 261, 269, 319

0000/783................................................ 277, 319

0300/033........................................................ 322

0005............................................................... 329


Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


3 60

Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

0300/034........................................................ 322

0439/014........................................................ 192

0450/042........................................................ 206

0450/151........................................................ 207

0300/035........................................................ 322

0439/015........................................................ 192

0450/047........................................................ 206

0450/152........................................................ 206

0300/036........................................................ 322

0439/017........................................................ 192

0450/048................................................ 174, 207

0450/157........................................................ 206

0300/037........................................................ 322

0439/018........................................................ 192

0450/049........................................................ 208

0450/158................................................ 174, 207

0300/038........................................................ 322

0440............................................................... 186

0450/050........................................................ 208

0450/159........................................................ 208

0300/039........................................................ 322

0441............................................................... 186

0450/054................................................ 178, 208

0450/160........................................................ 208

0300/040........................................................ 322

0441/001........................................................ 186

0450/056................................ 145, 188, 302, 310

0450/164................................................ 178, 208

0300/041........................................................ 322

0441/002........................................................ 186

0450/057................................................ 300, 308

0450/166................................ 145, 188, 302, 310

0300/042........................................................ 322

0441/003........................................................ 186

0450/058........................................................ 207

0450/167........................................................ 206

0300/043........................................................ 322

0441/004........................................................ 186

0450/059........................................................ 206

0450/168........................................................ 206

0300/044........................................................ 322

0441/005........................................................ 186

0450/064........................................................ 206

0450/169........................................................ 206

0300/045........................................................ 322

0441/007........................................................ 186

0450/065................................................ 174, 207

0450/170........................................................ 206

0300/046........................................................ 322

0441/008........................................................ 186

0450/066........................................................ 208

0450/171........................................................ 206

0350............................................................... 322

0441/020........................................................ 187

0450/067........................................................ 208

0450/172........................................................ 206

0351............................................................... 322

0442............................................................... 186

0450/071................................................ 178, 208

0450/173........................................................ 206

0353............................................................... 322

0443............................................................... 187

0450/073........................................ 188, 302, 310

0450/174........................................................ 206

0353/512........................................................ 322

0443/001........................................................ 187

0450/074................................................ 300, 308

0450/175........................................................ 206

0411............................................................... 208

0443/002........................................................ 187

0450/075........................................................ 207

0450/176........................................................ 206

0413............................................................... 208

0443/003........................................................ 187

0450/076........................................................ 206

0450/177........................................................ 206

0418............................................................... 207

0443/004........................................................ 187

0450/081........................................................ 206

0450/178........................................................ 206

0436............................................................... 193

0443/005........................................................ 187

0450/179........................................ 141, 304, 308

0436/001........................................................ 193

0443/007........................................................ 187

0450/082................................................ 174, 207 0450/083........................................................ 208

0436/002........................................................ 193

0443/008........................................................ 187

0450/084........................................................ 208

0450/181........................................ 141, 304, 308

0436/004........................................................ 193

0443/020........................................................ 187

0450/088................................................ 178, 208

0450/182........................................ 141, 306, 310

0436/011........................................................ 193

0444............................................................... 187

0450/091........................................ 188, 302, 310

0450/183........................................ 141, 304, 308

0436/012........................................................ 193

0445............................................................... 189

0450/092........................................ 145, 300, 308

0450/184........................................ 141, 306, 310

0436/013........................................................ 193

0445/001........................................................ 189

0450/093........................................................ 207

0450/185........................................ 141, 304, 308

0436/014........................................................ 193

0445/002........................................................ 189

0450/094........................................................ 206

0450/186........................................ 141, 306, 310

0436/015........................................................ 193

0445/003........................................................ 189

0450/099........................................................ 206

0450/187........................................ 141, 304, 308

0436/017........................................................ 193

0445/004........................................................ 189

0450/104................................................ 174, 207

0450/188........................................ 141, 306, 310

0436/018........................................................ 193

0445/005........................................................ 189

0450/105........................................................ 208

0450/189........................................................ 308

0437............................................................... 193

0445/007........................................................ 189

0450/106........................................................ 208

0450/190........................................................ 310

0437/004........................................................ 193

0445/008........................................................ 189

0450/110................................................ 178, 208

0450/191................................................ 310, 314

0437/011........................................................ 193

0445/020........................................................ 189

0450/112................................ 145, 188, 302, 310

0450/192................................................ 308, 314

0437/012........................................................ 193

0446............................................................... 189

0450/113........................................................ 308

0450/193....... 143, 149, 151, 155, 158, 162, 164,

0437/013........................................................ 193

0447............................................................... 188

0450/114........................................................ 207

...... 169, 171, 176, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 193,

0437/014........................................................ 193

0447/001........................................................ 188

0450/115........................................................ 206

....... 197, 203, 206, 208, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310

0437/015........................................................ 193

0447/002........................................................ 188

0450/120........................................................ 206

0450/194................................................ 203, 309

0437/017........................................................ 193

0447/003........................................................ 188

0450/121........................................................ 207

0450/195................................................ 202, 311

0437/018........................................................ 193

0447/004........................................................ 188

0450/122........................................................ 208

0450/196................................................ 202, 311

0438............................................................... 192

0447/005........................................................ 188

0450/123........................................................ 208

0450/197................................................ 202, 311

0438/001........................................................ 192

0447/007........................................................ 188

0450/127........................................................ 208

0450/198................................................ 203, 309

0438/002........................................................ 192

0447/008........................................................ 188

0450/129................................................ 188, 310

0450/199........................................................ 171

0438/004........................................................ 192

0447/020........................................................ 189

0450/130........................................................ 208

0450/202........................................................ 329

0438/011........................................................ 192

0448............................................................... 188

0450/132................................................ 308, 310

0450/203........................................................ 329

0438/012........................................................ 192

0449............................................................... 188

0450/133................................................ 308, 310

0450/204........................................................ 329

0438/013........................................................ 192

0450/027........................................................ 329

0450/134................................................ 308, 310

0450/205........................................................ 329

0438/014........................................................ 192

0450/028........................................................ 329

0450/135........................................................ 315

0450/208........................................................ 203

0438/015........................................................ 192

0450/029........................................................ 329

0450/136........................................................ 315

0450/209........................................................ 202

0438/017........................................................ 192

0450/034........................................................ 329

0450/137........................................................ 315

0450/210........................................................ 202

0438/018........................................................ 192

0450/036........................................................ 203

0450/148....... 143, 149, 151, 155, 158, 162, 164,

0450/211........................................................ 203

0439............................................................... 192

0450/037........................................................ 202

...... 169, 171, 176, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 193,

0450/213........................................ 197, 199, 311

0439/004........................................................ 192

0450/038........................................................ 202

....... 197, 203, 206, 208, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310

0450/214................................................ 196, 309

0439/011........................................................ 192

0450/039........................................................ 203

0450/149....................... 186, 187, 188, 189, 193,

0450/215........................................ 211, 213, 315

0439/012........................................................ 192

0450/040........................................ 145, 300, 308

............................... 197, 203, 206, 208, 308, 310

0450/216................................................ 211, 315

0439/013........................................................ 192

0450/041........................................................ 207

0450/150........................................ 145, 300, 308

0450/218........................................................ 203

0450/180........................................ 141, 306, 310

Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

0450/219........................................................ 202

0450/321........................................................ 197

0450/458........................................ 211, 213, 315

0450/781........................................................ 290

0450/220........................................................ 202

0450/322........................................................ 197

0450/459........................ 196, 197, 199, 309, 311

0450/782........................................................ 291

0450/221........................................................ 203

0450/323........................................................ 196

0450/461........................................................ 315

0450/783........................................................ 291

0450/223........................................................ 203

0450/324........................................................ 196

0450/462........................................................ 315

0450/801........................................................ 199

0450/224........................................................ 202

0450/325........................................................ 197

0450/463........................................................ 315

0450/802........................................................ 199

0450/225........................................................ 202

0450/326........................................................ 197

0450/480................................................ 208, 311

0450/810........................................................ 203

0450/226........................................................ 203

0450/327........................................................ 196

0450/544................................ 280, 283, 286, 318

0450/811........................................................ 202

0450/228........................................................ 203

0450/328........................................................ 196

0450/547................................................ 286, 318

0450/812........................................................ 202

0450/229........................................................ 202

0450/330........................................................ 290

0450/548................................................ 286, 318

0450/813........................................................ 203

0450/230........................................................ 202

0450/331........................................................ 291

0450/549................................................ 264, 319

0450/814........................................ 141, 306, 310

0450/231........................................................ 203

0450/332........................................................ 291

0450/550................................................ 264, 319

0450/815........................................ 141, 304, 308

0450/233........................................................ 203

0450/333........................................................ 197

0450/551................................................ 265, 319

0450/816........................................................ 206

0450/234........................................................ 202

0450/334........................................................ 197

0450/552................................................ 265, 319

0450/817........................................................ 206

0450/235........................................................ 202

0450/335........................................................ 196

0450/553................................................ 269, 319

0450/818........................................ 145, 300, 308

0450/236........................................................ 203

0450/336........................................................ 196

0450/554................................................ 269, 319

0450/819........................................................ 207

0450/244........................................................ 199

0450/340........................................ 73, 76, 77, 80

0450/555................................................ 268, 319

0450/820........................................................ 206

0450/245........................................................ 199

0450/342................................ 148, 162, 209, 311

0450/556................................................ 268, 319

0450/825........................................................ 206

0450/249........................................................ 199

0450/343........................ 149, 162, 174, 207, 309

0450/557........................................ 260, 264, 320

0450/826................................................ 174, 207

0450/257........................................................ 199

0450/344................................................ 276, 321

0450/558........................................ 261, 264, 320

0450/827........................................................ 208

0450/262........................................................ 199

0450/345................................................ 276, 321

0450/559................................................ 260, 321

0450/828........................................................ 208

0450/263........................................................ 199

0450/346................................................ 276, 321

0450/560................................................ 265, 321

0450/832................................................ 178, 208

0450/268........................................................ 199

0450/347................................................ 277, 321

0450/565................................................ 265, 319

0450/834................................ 145, 188, 302, 310

0450/269........................................................ 199

0450/348........................................ 73, 76, 77, 80

0450/835........................................................ 207

0450/273........................................................ 197

0450/349........................................ 73, 76, 77, 80

0450/566................................................ 264, 319 0450/567................................................ 264, 319

0450/274........................................................ 197

0450/352....... 143, 149, 151, 155, 158, 162, 164,

0450/568................................................ 265, 320

0450/839........................................................ 207

0450/275........................................................ 196

....................... 169, 171, 176, 183, 302, 304, 306

0450/569................................................ 264, 320

0450/840........................................................ 208

0450/276........................................................ 196

0450/353............... 143, 148, 151, 154, 158, 163,

0450/570................................................ 264, 320

0450/875................................ 169, 174, 207, 309

0450/277................................................ 145, 300

............................... 164, 168, 171, 174, 182, 300

0450/571................................................ 261, 319

0450/876........................................ 168, 209, 311

0450/278................................................ 141, 304

0450/354....... 143, 148, 151, 154, 158, 163, 164,

0450/572........................................ 260, 261, 319

0450/906........................................................ 208

0450/279........................................................ 143

.............. 168, 171, 174, 182, 186, 187, 188, 189,

0450/573................................................ 260, 319

0450/908........................................................ 208

0450/282........................................................ 199

............... 192, 196, 202, 207, 208, 300, 308, 310

0450/597................................................ 261, 320

0450/910........................................................ 207

0450/283........................................................ 199

0450/355....... 143, 148, 151, 154, 158, 163, 164,

0450/598................................................ 260, 320

0450/914........................................................ 207

0450/286........................................................ 199

.............. 168, 171, 174, 182, 186, 187, 188, 189,

0450/599................................................ 260, 321

0450/915........................................................ 207

0450/287........................................................ 199

............... 192, 196, 202, 207, 208, 300, 308, 310

0450/625................................................ 283, 321

0450/916........................................................ 208

0450/288........................................................ 197

0450/356....................... 186, 187, 188, 189, 192,

0450/626................................................ 283, 321

0450/937........................................................ 209

0450/289........................................................ 197

............................... 196, 202, 207, 208, 308, 310

0450/627................................................ 283, 321

0450/941........................................................ 207

0450/290........................................................ 196

0450/359........................................ 162, 174, 207

0450/628................................................ 283, 321

0450/943........................................................ 207

0450/291........................................................ 196

0450/360........................ 154, 162, 164, 178, 209

0450/634................................................ 293, 321

0450/944........................................................ 207

0450/292........................................................ 197

0450/361................................ 162, 174, 207, 309

0450/635................................................ 293, 321

0450/946........................................................ 207

0450/293........................................................ 197

0450/362................ 154, 162, 164, 178, 209, 311

0450/657........................................................ 321

0450/948........................................................ 207

0450/294........................................................ 196

0450/365................................ 154, 155, 164, 309

0450/658........................................................ 320

0450/949........................................................ 309

0450/295........................................................ 196

0450/366................................ 155, 174, 207, 309

0450/659........................................................ 320

0450/974........................................................ 315

0450/296........................................................ 197

0450/367................................ 154, 155, 164, 311

0450/660........................................................ 320

0450/975........................................................ 315

0450/297........................................................ 197

0450/368........................................ 158, 186, 309

0450/661........................................................ 320

0450/976........................................................ 315

0450/298........................................................ 196

0450/370................................................ 154, 164

0450/759....................... 217, 220, 224, 228, 232,

0450/986................................ 148, 163, 168, 176

0450/299........................................................ 196

0450/371........................................................ 155

............................... 237, 240, 250, 254, 257, 316

0450/987................................ 149, 162, 169, 174

0450/307........................................................ 143

0450/413................................................ 192, 311

0450/760....................... 217, 220, 224, 228, 232,

0450/988........................................ 73, 76, 77, 80

0450/308........................................................ 290

0450/414................................................ 193, 309

............................... 237, 240, 250, 254, 257, 316

0450/990........................................................ 208

0450/310........................................................ 290

0450/425................................................ 193, 309

0450/761....................... 216, 221, 224, 228, 233,

0450/993................................................ 308, 310

0450/311........................................................ 290

0450/426................................................ 192, 311

............................... 236, 240, 250, 255, 257, 316

0450/994................................................ 308, 310

0450/312........................................................ 290

0450/441................................................ 196, 309

0450/762........................................................ 257

0450/995................................................ 308, 310

0450/313........................................................ 291

0450/442................................................ 197, 311

0450/763........................................................ 257

0451....................................................... 197, 211

0450/314........................................................ 291

0450/443................................................ 211, 315

0450/764........................................................ 257

0452....................................................... 197, 211

0450/318........................................................ 290

0450/444................................................ 211, 315

0450/769....................... 216, 221, 224, 228, 233,

0452/008........................................................ 197

0450/319........................................................ 291

0450/454................................................ 211, 213

............................... 236, 240, 250, 255, 257, 316

0453....................................................... 196, 211

0450/320........................................................ 291

0450/457........................ 196, 197, 199, 309, 311

0450/780........................................................ 290

0454....................................................... 196, 211

0450/838........................................................ 207


Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


3 62

Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

0454/008........................................................ 196

0887............................................................... 213

2008/145........................................................ 334

3015/001........................................................ 260

0455............................................................... 202

0889............................................................... 320

2008/165........................................................ 334

3016............................................................... 260

0456............................................................... 203

0890............................................................... 320

2009/129........................................................ 332

3017............................................................... 261

0457............................................................... 203

0893............................................................... 283

2009/149........................................................ 332

3017/001........................................................ 261

0458............................................................... 202

0894............................................................... 283

2009/169........................................................ 332

3018............................................................... 261

0460............................................................... 186

0895............................................................... 283

2010/123........................................................ 332

3019............................................................... 260

0460/001................................................ 158, 186

0896............................................................... 283

2010/143........................................................ 332

3019/001........................................................ 260

0460/002................................................ 158, 186

0897............................................................... 290

2010/163........................................................ 332

3020............................................................... 260

0460/003................................................ 158, 186

0897/001........................................................ 290

2011/129........................................................ 330

3021............................................................... 265

0460/004................................................ 158, 186

0897/002........................................................ 290

2011/149........................................................ 330

3021/001........................................................ 265

0460/005........................................................ 186

0897/300........................................................ 290

2011/159........................................................ 330

3022............................................................... 264

0460/007................................................ 158, 186

0897/700........................................................ 290

2011/169........................................................ 330

3022/001........................................................ 264

0460/008........................................................ 186

0897/800........................................................ 290

2011/179........................................................ 330

3023............................................................... 264

0460/020........................................................ 187

0897/900........................................................ 290

2011/189........................................................ 330

3023/001........................................................ 264

0461............................................................... 207

0898............................................................... 290

2011/199........................................................ 330

3024....................................................... 268, 269

0462............................................................... 206

0898/001........................................................ 290

2012/129........................................................ 332

3025............................................................... 268

0466....................................................... 308, 314

0898/002........................................................ 290

2012/149........................................................ 332

3026............................................................... 268

0467............................................................... 206

0898/300........................................................ 290

2012/159........................................................ 332

3027............................................................... 269

0469............................................................... 208

0898/700........................................................ 290

2012/169........................................................ 332

3028............................................................... 269

0471............................................... 188, 310, 314

0898/800........................................................ 290

2013/124........................................................ 334

3029............................................................... 213

0471/020........................................................ 189

0898/900........................................................ 290

3030............................................................... 213

0474............................................................... 206

0899............................................................... 291

2013/144........................................................ 334 2013/164........................................................ 334

0475............................................................... 206

0899/001........................................................ 291

2050....................................................... 131, 329

3032............................................................... 211

0489....................................................... 308, 314

0899/002........................................................ 291

2050/211........................................................ 131

3033............................................................... 211

0489/100........................................................ 308

0899/300........................................................ 291

2050/212........................................................ 131

3034............................................................... 211

0489/101........................................................ 314

0899/700........................................................ 291

2050/311........................................................ 131

3039............................................................... 283

0490....................................................... 310, 314

0899/800........................................................ 291

2050/312........................................................ 131

3040............................................................... 283

0490/100........................................................ 310

0899/900........................................................ 291

2051............................................................... 131

3041............................................................... 283

0490/101........................................................ 314

0900............................................................... 291

2052............................................................... 131

3042............................................................... 283

0494....................................................... 199, 213

0900/004........................................................ 291

2053............................................................... 131

3043............................................................... 271

0495....................................................... 199, 213

0900/005........................................................ 291

2054....................................................... 130, 329

3044............................................................... 271

0495/008........................................................ 199

0900/300........................................................ 291

2056....................................................... 130, 329

3045............................................................... 271

0690............................................................... 293

0900/700........................................................ 291

2056/211........................................................ 130

3052............................................................... 276

0691............................................................... 293

0900/800........................................................ 291

2056/212........................................................ 130

3052/001........................................................ 276

0692............................................................... 293

0900/900........................................................ 291

2056/311........................................................ 130

3053....................................................... 276, 277

0693............................................................... 293

2005............................................... 330, 334, 335

2056/312........................................................ 130

3053/001........................................................ 276

0697............................................................... 293

2005/127........................................................ 330

3000............................................................... 318

3053/002........................................................ 277

0698............................................................... 293

2005/137........................................................ 330

3001............................................................... 318

3056............................................................... 276

0699............................................................... 293

2005/147........................................................ 330

3002............................................................... 318

3056/008........................................................ 276

0700............................................................... 320

2005/622........................................................ 335

3003............................................................... 318

3057............................................................... 276

0750............................................................... 320

2005/623........................................................ 335

3004............................................................... 318

3057/008........................................................ 276

0810............................................................... 320

2005/624........................................................ 335

3005............................................................... 273

3058............................................................... 277

0811............................................................... 320

2005/628........................................................ 335

3006............................................................... 273

3058/008........................................................ 277

0812............................................................... 320

2005/629........................................................ 334

3007............................................................... 273

3065............................................................... 280

0860............................................................... 295

2005/642........................................................ 335

3008............................................................... 273

3066............................................................... 280

0860/033........................................................ 295

2005/643........................................................ 335

3009............................................................... 273

3066/001........................................................ 280

0860/034........................................................ 295

2005/644........................................................ 335

3010............................................................... 273

3067............................................................... 280

0861............................................................... 295

2005/648........................................................ 335

3011............................................................... 286

3068............................................................... 280

0861/035........................................................ 295

2005/649........................................................ 334

3011/001........................................................ 286

3068/001........................................................ 280

0861/036........................................................ 295

2006/128........................................................ 334

3012............................................................... 286

4000............................................................... 316

0861/037........................................................ 295

2006/148........................................................ 334

3012/001........................................................ 286

4000/001................................................ 251, 316

0861/038........................................................ 295

2006/168........................................................ 334

3013............................................................... 286

4001............................................................... 316

0869............................................................... 213

2007/123........................................................ 330

3013/001........................................................ 286

4002............................................................... 316

0870............................................................... 271

2007/143........................................................ 330

3014............................................................... 286

4003............................................................... 316

0877............................................................... 271

2007/163........................................................ 330

3014/001........................................................ 286

4004............................................................... 224

0878............................................................... 271

2008/125........................................................ 334

3015............................................................... 260

4004/003........................................................ 224

3031............................................................... 211

Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

4005............................................................... 224

4050/010........................................................ 255

7000/011........................................................ 300

7008/005........................................................ 148

4005/003........................................................ 224

4051............................................................... 255

7000/013........................................................ 300

7008/006........................................................ 148

4006............................................................... 224

4051/010........................................................ 255

7000/014........................................................ 300

7008/007........................................................ 148

4007............................................................... 224

4053............................................................... 216

7000/015................................................ 300, 302

7008/008........................................................ 148

4008............................................................... 240

4053/008........................................................ 216

7000/016................................................ 300, 302

7009............................................................... 149

4009............................................................... 240

4053/072........................................................ 216

7000/020................................................ 145, 300

7009/001........................................................ 149

4010............................................................... 241

4054............................................................... 216

7000/031................................................ 145, 300

7009/002........................................................ 149

4011............................................................... 241

4054/008........................................................ 216

7001............................................................... 304

7009/003........................................................ 149

4012............................................................... 241

4054/072........................................................ 216

7001/010........................................................ 304

7009/004........................................................ 149

4013............................................................... 246

4054/172........................................................ 216

7001/011........................................................ 304

7009/005........................................................ 149

4014............................................................... 244

4055............................................................... 216

7001/012........................................................ 304

7009/006........................................................ 149

4015............................................................... 245

4055/008........................................................ 216

7001/013........................................................ 304

7009/007........................................................ 149

4016............................................................... 246

4055/072........................................................ 216

7001/020................................................ 141, 304

7009/008........................................................ 149

4017............................................................... 244

4056............................................................... 233

7001/031................................................ 141, 304

7010............................................................... 140

4018............................................................... 245

4057............................................................... 254

7002............................................................... 302

7011............................................................... 140

4019............................................................... 244

4057/010........................................................ 254

7002/006................................................ 145, 302

7012............................................................... 158

4020............................................................... 237

4058............................................................... 232

7002/010........................................................ 302

7012/006........................................................ 158

4020/001........................................................ 237

4059............................................................... 232

7002/011........................................................ 302

7012/010........................................................ 159

4021............................................................... 236

4060............................................................... 233

7002/013........................................................ 302

7013............................................................... 140

4021/001........................................................ 236

4061............................................................... 217

7002/014........................................................ 302

7014............................................................... 158

4022............................................................... 237

4061/008........................................................ 217

7015............................................................... 145

4023............................................................... 236

4061/072........................................................ 217

7002/020................................................ 145, 302 7002/031................................................ 145, 302

4026............................................................... 257

4061/172........................................................ 216

7003............................................................... 306

7016/001........................................................ 154

4027............................................................... 257

4062............................................................... 250

7003/006................................................ 141, 306

7016/002........................................................ 154

4028............................................................... 228

4063............................................................... 250

7003/010........................................................ 306

7016/003........................................................ 154

4028/004........................................................ 228

4064............................................................... 251

7003/020................................................ 141, 306

7016/004........................................................ 154

4029............................................................... 228

4065............................................................... 250

7003/031................................................ 141, 306

7016/005........................................................ 154

4029/004........................................................ 228

4066............................................................... 251

7004............................................................... 174

7016/006........................................................ 154

4030............................................................... 228

4067............................................................... 251

7004/001........................................................ 174

7016/007........................................................ 154

4030/005........................................................ 228

4068....................................................... 250, 316

7004/002........................................................ 174

7017............................................................... 154

4031............................................................... 228

4069....................................................... 250, 316

7004/003........................................................ 174

7017/001........................................................ 154

4031/005........................................................ 228

4070....................................................... 251, 316

7004/004........................................................ 174

7017/002........................................................ 154

4032............................................................... 236

4071....................................................... 251, 316

7004/005........................................................ 174

7017/003........................................................ 154

4033............................................................... 237

4072............................................................... 220

7004/006........................................................ 174

7017/004........................................................ 154

4034............................................................... 240

4072/026........................................................ 220

7004/007........................................................ 174

7017/005........................................................ 154

4035............................................................... 240

4073............................................................... 221

7004/008........................................................ 174

7017/006........................................................ 154

4036............................................................... 246

4073/026........................................................ 221

7005............................................................... 174

7017/007........................................................ 154

4037............................................................... 244

4074............................................................... 220

7005/006........................................................ 174

7018............................................................... 155

4038............................................................... 245

4075............................................................... 221

7005/121........................................................ 143

7018/001........................................................ 155

4039............................................................... 244

4076............................................................... 220

7006....................................................... 178, 179

7018/002........................................................ 155

4041............................................................... 246

4076/026........................................................ 220

7006/006........................................................ 178

7018/003........................................................ 155

4042............................................................... 244

4077............................................................... 221

7007............................................................... 176

7018/004........................................................ 155

4043............................................................... 245

4077/026........................................................ 221

7007/001........................................................ 176

7018/005........................................................ 155

4044............................................................... 232

4078............................................................... 220

7007/002........................................................ 176

7018/006........................................................ 155

4044/005........................................................ 232

4079............................................................... 220

7007/003........................................................ 176

7018/007........................................................ 155

4044/007........................................................ 232

4080............................................................... 250

7007/004........................................................ 176

7020....................................................... 141, 304

4045............................................................... 232

4081............................................................... 251

7007/005........................................................ 176

7021....................................................... 145, 300

4046............................................................... 232

4083....................................................... 251, 316

7007/006........................................................ 176

7022............................................................... 178

4047............................................................... 232

4084............................................................... 221

7007/007........................................................ 176

7023............................................................... 162

4048............................................................... 254

4085............................................................... 220

7007/008........................................................ 176

7023/001........................................................ 162

4048/007........................................................ 254

4085/026........................................................ 220

7007/009........................................................ 176

7023/002........................................................ 162

4048/010........................................................ 254

4085/126........................................................ 220

7008....................................................... 148, 149

7023/003........................................................ 162

4049............................................................... 254

5500............................................................... 325

7008/001........................................................ 148

7023/004........................................................ 162

4049/010........................................................ 254

5600............................................................... 325

7008/002........................................................ 148

7023/005........................................................ 162

4050............................................................... 255

7000............................................................... 300

7008/003........................................................ 148

7023/006........................................................ 162

4050/007........................................................ 255

7000/010........................................................ 300

7008/004........................................................ 148

7023/007........................................................ 162

7016............................................................... 154


Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


3 64

Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

7024............................................................... 163

7032/003........................................................ 169

7089/020................................................ 141, 179

8163................................................................. 93

7024/001........................................................ 163

7032/004........................................................ 169

7089/031................................................ 141, 179

8163/310.......................................................... 93

7024/002........................................................ 163

7032/005........................................................ 169

7096............................................................... 140

8164................................................................. 90

7024/003........................................................ 163

7032/006........................................................ 169

7097............................................................... 300

8164/310.......................................................... 90

7024/004........................................................ 163

7032/007........................................................ 169

7098............................................................... 302

8172............................................................... 151

7024/005........................................................ 163

7032/008........................................................ 169

7099............................................................... 145

8175............................................... 121, 202, 283

7024/006........................................................ 163

7032/121........................................................ 169

7100............................................................... 145

8176............................................... 121, 203, 283

7024/007........................................................ 163

7033............................................................... 168

7102....................................................... 145, 302

8177............................................... 121, 203, 283

7024/008........................................................ 163

7033/001........................................................ 168

7103............................................................... 143

8178............................................... 121, 202, 283

7025............................................................... 162

7033/002........................................................ 168

7103/001........................................................ 143

8181............................................................... 257

7025/001........................................................ 162

7033/003........................................................ 168

7103/002........................................................ 143

8182............................................................... 257

7025/002........................................................ 162

7033/004........................................................ 168

7103/003........................................................ 143

8183....................................................... 115, 271

7025/003........................................................ 162

7033/005........................................................ 168

7103/004........................................................ 143

8184....................................................... 115, 271

7025/004........................................................ 162

7033/006........................................................ 168

7103/005........................................................ 143

8186....................................................... 115, 271

7025/005........................................................ 162

7033/007........................................................ 168

7103/006........................................................ 143

8190....................................................... 112, 290

7025/006........................................................ 162

7033/008........................................................ 168

7103/007........................................................ 143

8190/240................................................ 112, 290

7025/007........................................................ 162

7033/121........................................................ 168

7103/020........................................................ 143

8190/241........................................ 112, 113, 291

7026............................................................... 164

7036............................................................... 141

7103/031........................................................ 143

8190/401........................................................ 290

7026/001........................................................ 164

7038....................................................... 141, 306

7103/121........................................................ 143

8190/600........................................................ 290

7026/002........................................................ 164

7049............................................................... 145

7104............................................................... 143

8190/640................................................ 112, 290

7026/003........................................................ 164

7051............................................................... 182

8190/641........................................ 112, 113, 290

7026/004........................................................ 164

7052............................................................... 182

7122............................................................... 171 7122/001........................................................ 171

7026/005........................................................ 164

7052/001........................................................ 182

7122/002........................................................ 171

8190/800........................................................ 290

7026/006........................................................ 164

7053............................................................... 183

7122/003........................................................ 171

8191....................................................... 113, 290

7026/007........................................................ 164

7054............................................................... 183

7122/004........................................................ 171

8191/240................................................ 113, 290

7027............................................................... 164

7054/001........................................................ 183

7122/005........................................................ 171

8191/401........................................................ 290

7027/001........................................................ 164

7055............................................................... 151

7122/006........................................................ 171

8191/600........................................................ 290

7027/002........................................................ 164

7086/005........................................................ 141

7122/007........................................................ 171

8191/640................................................ 113, 290

7027/003........................................................ 164

7086/006........................................................ 141

7122/121........................................................ 171

8191/700........................................................ 290

7027/004........................................................ 164

7086/007........................................................ 141

7122/221........................................................ 171

8191/800........................................................ 290

7027/005........................................................ 164

7086/013........................................................ 141

7901............................................................... 325

8192....................................................... 112, 291

7027/006........................................................ 164

7086/014........................................................ 141

8006....................................................... 207, 293

8192/240................................................ 112, 291

7027/007........................................................ 164

7086/015........................................................ 141

8008....................................................... 206, 293

8192/400........................................................ 291

7028....................................................... 141, 179

7086/016........................................................ 141

8014....................................................... 208, 293

8192/600........................................................ 291

7029............................................................... 158

7086/020........................................................ 141

8015....................................................... 208, 293

8192/640................................................ 112, 291

7030............................................................... 169

7086/031........................................................ 141

8018............................................... 174, 207, 293

8192/700........................................................ 291

7030/001........................................................ 169

7088/005........................................................ 178

8019....................................................... 206, 293

8192/800........................................................ 291

7030/002........................................................ 169

7088/006........................................................ 178

8020............................................... 140, 145, 325

8193....................................................... 113, 291

7030/003........................................................ 169

7088/007........................................................ 178

8024....................................................... 208, 293

8193/240................................................ 113, 291

7030/004........................................................ 169

7088/008........................................................ 178

8025....................................... 140, 145, 188, 325

8193/400........................................................ 291

7030/005........................................................ 169

7088/009........................................................ 178

8026............................................................... 206

8193/600........................................................ 291

7030/006........................................................ 169

7088/013........................................................ 178

8029............................................................... 206

8193/640................................................ 113, 291

7030/007........................................................ 169

7088/014........................................................ 178

8050............................................................... 295

8193/700........................................................ 291

7030/121........................................................ 169

7088/015........................................................ 178

8052............................................................... 295

8193/800........................................................ 291

7031............................................................... 168

7088/016........................................................ 178

8053............................................................... 295

8200............................................................... 124

7031/001........................................................ 168

7088/020........................................................ 178

8055............................................................... 295

8202............................................................... 124

7031/002........................................................ 168

7088/031........................................................ 178

8056............................................................... 295

8202/211........................................................ 124

7031/003........................................................ 168

7089/005................................................ 141, 179

8059............................................................... 295

8202/212........................................................ 124

7031/004........................................................ 168

7089/006................................................ 141, 179

8160................................................................. 90

8204............................................................... 124

7031/005........................................................ 168

7089/007................................................ 141, 179

8160/210.............................................. 90, 92, 93

8206............................................................... 124

7031/006........................................................ 168

7089/008........................................................ 179

8160/310.......................................................... 90

8206/211........................................................ 124

7031/007........................................................ 168

7089/009........................................................ 179

8161................................................................. 92

8206/212........................................................ 124

7031/121........................................................ 168

7089/013................................................ 141, 179

8161/210.................................................... 92, 93

8225....................................................... 197, 211

7032............................................................... 169

7089/014................................................ 141, 179

8161/310.......................................................... 92

8225/211................................................ 197, 211

7032/001........................................................ 169

7089/015................................................ 141, 179

8162................................................................. 92

8226....................................................... 196, 211

7032/002........................................................ 169

7089/016................................................ 141, 179

8162/310.......................................................... 92

8226/211................................................ 196, 211

8190/700........................................................ 290

Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Referência | Indice de Référence | Reference Index | Referenz Index


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

8227....................................................... 196, 211

8390/112.................................................... 76, 77

8462............................................................... 168

8612................................................................. 96

8228....................................................... 197, 211

8390/211.......................................................... 76

8463............................................................... 169

8613............................................................... 104

8230....................................................... 199, 213

8390/212.......................................................... 76

8470............................................................... 192

8620......................................................... 26, 216

8230/211................................................ 199, 213

8390/213.................................................... 76, 77

8471............................................................... 193

8620/012.......................................................... 26

8231....................................................... 199, 213

8390/312.......................................................... 76

8475............................................................... 148

8620/640.......................................................... 26

8260............................................... 183, 224, 286

8390/412.......................................................... 76

8476............................................................... 149

8621......................................................... 27, 216

8261............................................... 182, 224, 286

8390/640.......................................................... 76

8490....................................................... 240, 276

8621/012.......................................................... 27

8262............................................... 183, 224, 286

8390/641.................................................... 76, 77

8492....................................... 240, 241, 276, 277

8621/640.......................................................... 27

8263....................................................... 182, 286

8391................................................................. 77

8494............................................................... 277

8622................................................................. 28

8264............................................................... 224

8391/012.......................................................... 77

8495............................................................... 276

8622/012.......................................................... 28

8269............................................................... 261

8391/211.......................................................... 77

8496............................................................... 276

8622/640.......................................................... 28

8272............................................................... 260

8391/311.......................................................... 77

8497............................................................... 241

8623......................................................... 28, 216

8274............................................................... 260

8391/411.......................................................... 77

8498............................................................... 241

8623/012.......................................................... 28

8275....................................................... 260, 264

8391/640.......................................................... 77

8499............................................................... 241

8623/640.......................................................... 28

8276............................................................... 261

8395................................................................. 73

8513............................................................... 140

8624................................................................. 26

8277............................................................... 264

8396................................................................. 73

8514....................................................... 140, 233

8624/012.......................................................... 26

8278............................................................... 265

8397................................................................. 80

8519............................................................... 254

8624/640.......................................................... 26

8279............................................................... 260

8397/211.......................................................... 80

8520............................................................... 280

8625................................................................. 27

8280............................................................... 264

8411................................................................. 52

8521............................................................... 280

8625/012.......................................................... 27

8281............................................................... 265

8411/036.......................................................... 52

8522............................................................... 280

8625/640.......................................................... 27

8282............................................................... 264

8411/640.......................................................... 52

8630................................................................. 87

8285............................................................... 273

8412................................................................. 53

8523............................................................... 280 8530............................................................... 236

8286............................................................... 273

8412/036.......................................................... 53

8531............................................................... 237

8700................................................................. 58

8287............................................................... 273

8412/640.......................................................... 53

8532............................................................... 236

8703................................................................. 59

8295............................................................... 118

8413................................................................. 52

8533............................................................... 237

8704................................................................. 59

8295/211........................................................ 118

8413/036.......................................................... 52

8540............................................................... 228

8705................................................................. 58

8295/311........................................................ 118

8413/640.......................................................... 52

8541............................................................... 228

8710................................................................. 46

8296............................................................... 118

8414................................................................. 53

8542............................................................... 228

8712................................................................. 46

8297............................................................... 118

8414/036.......................................................... 53

8543............................................................... 228

8716................................................................. 42

8297/211........................................................ 118

8414/640.......................................................... 53

8550............................................................... 246

8720................................................................. 47

8297/311........................................................ 118

8441................................................................. 64

8551............................................................... 244

8732................................................................. 47

8298............................................................... 118

8441/012.......................................................... 64

8552............................................................... 246

8740................................................................. 40

8299............................................................... 118

8442................................................................. 65

8553............................................................... 245

8742................................................................. 42

8305....................................................... 268, 269

8442/012.......................................................... 65

8554............................................................... 245

8744................................................................. 40

8306............................................................... 269

8444................................................................. 64

8555............................................................... 244

8754................................................................. 44

8307............................................................... 269

8444/012.......................................................... 64

8556............................................................... 244

8760................................................................. 36

8308............................................................... 268

8445................................................................. 65

8558....................................................... 100, 251

8760/036.......................................................... 36

8309............................................................... 268

8445/012.......................................................... 65

8559....................................................... 100, 251

8761................................................................. 37

8311....................................................... 159, 186

8451................................................................. 70

8560....................................... 100, 232, 250, 254

8761/036.......................................................... 37

8312............................................................... 188

8451/211.......................................................... 70

8561............................................................... 100

8762................................................................. 37

8313............................................................... 189

8451/311.......................................................... 70

8562....................................................... 100, 251

8762/036.......................................................... 37

8314............................................................... 186

8451/411.......................................................... 70

8563............................................................... 100

8763................................................................. 36

8315............................................................... 187

8452................................................................. 68

8564............................................................... 100

8763/036.......................................................... 36

8360............................................................... 154

8452/211.......................................................... 68

8565............................................... 100, 221, 232

8780................................................................. 32

8361............................................................... 154

8452/311.................................................... 68, 69

8566....................................... 100, 220, 250, 255

8780/012.......................................................... 32

8362............................................................... 155

8453................................................................. 70

8567....................................................... 100, 254

8784................................................................. 33

8365............................................................... 164

8453/211.......................................................... 70

8568............................................... 100, 220, 255

8784/012.......................................................... 33

8366............................................................... 164

8453/311.......................................................... 70

8569............................................... 100, 221, 232

8786................................................................. 32

8367............................................................... 162

8453/411.......................................................... 70

8602............................................................... 108

8786/012.......................................................... 32

8368............................................................... 163

8454................................................................. 68

8603............................................................... 108

8790................................................................. 49

8369............................................................... 162

8454/211.......................................................... 68

8604............................................................... 108

9000................................................................. 85

8380............................................................... 174

8454/411.................................................... 68, 69

8605............................................................... 108

9010............................................................... 143

8381............................................................... 178

8455................................................................. 69

8606............................................................... 108

9014............................................................... 171

8383............................................................... 176

8455/211.......................................................... 69

8607............................................................... 108

8390................................................................. 76

8460............................................................... 168

8610................................................................. 96

8390/012.......................................................... 76

8461............................................................... 169

8611............................................................... 104

8640................................................................. 61


Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice por Formato | Indice des Formats | Index per Format | Index pro Format


Pág. /Page


Heart of Stone..........................................88






Pág. /Page

25x33cm Brancos..................................................312 Évora.......................................................270 Forum.....................................................288 Halley......................................................212 Imperial...................................................292 Metalizado..............................................294 Pulsar......................................................282


Brancos..........................................312, 324

Artemis...................................................258 Brancos..................................................312 Caliope...................................................262 Dido........................................................266 Évora.......................................................270 Genesis...................................................210 Halley......................................................212 Helena.....................................................272 Ophelia...................................................274 Pandora..................................................278 Pulsar......................................................282 Talia........................................................284



Cotto d’Albe...........................................128


Cotto d’Albe...........................................128

12x49cm Adamastor................................................24 Heart of Stone..........................................88 Matrix........................................................74


Pombalino...............................................328 Tradicionais ...........................................330

15x60cm Illusion.......................................................66

16x16cm Forum.............................................110, 288 Heart of Stone..........................................88


Cotto d'Alcobaça....................................122 Heart of Stone..........................................88


Color Line...............................................184

16x75cm Brancos..................................................298 Garnier....................................................152 Hydra......................................................156

16x99cm Basaltina...................................................30 Imagine.....................................................38 Origin........................................................34

M20x20cm Brancos..........................................312, 324


Cotto d’Albe...........................................128

24x99cm Basaltina ..................................................30 Origin........................................................34

24,5x49cm 3 66


Flash ........................................................72 Matrix........................................................74 Moonlight..................................................78

Avalon.....................................................214 Bel Air.....................................................218 Bellagio...................................................222 Brancos..................................................312 Caesars...................................................226 Franklin...................................................230 Luxor.......................................................234 Mandalay................................................238 Mirage.....................................................242 Pasadena................................................248 Starlite....................................................252 Venetian..................................................256

M30x30cm Brancos..................................................324

30x30cm Dolmen.....................................................62

30x60cm Dolmen.....................................................62 Illusion.......................................................66

30x60,4cm Dolmen.....................................................62

32x32cm Bali..........................................................138 Bloom.....................................................144 Bolshoi....................................................146 Brancos..................................................324 Color Line...............................................184 Cotto d'Albe...........................................128 Empire....................................................150 Fidji.........................................................190 Garnier....................................................152 Genesis...................................................194 Halley......................................................198 Hydra......................................................156 La Fenice................................................160 Mármores...............................................204


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page

Metropolitan...........................................166 Pulsar......................................................200 Scala.......................................................172 Talia........................................................180



Bastille....................................................142 San Carlo................................................170

Homero...................................................116 Pulsar......................................................120

Heart of Stone..........................................88

32x55cm Brancos..................................................298 Color Line...............................................184 Fidji.........................................................190 Genesis...................................................194 Halley......................................................198 Mármores...............................................204 Pulsar......................................................200

32x75cm Bali..........................................................138 Bastille....................................................142 Bloom.....................................................144 Bolshoi....................................................146 Brancos..................................................298 Empire....................................................150 Garnier....................................................152 Hydra......................................................156 La Fenice................................................160 Metropolitan...........................................166 San Carlo................................................170 Scala.......................................................172 Talia........................................................180

33x33cm Allure.........................................................98 Artemis...................................................258 Bellagio...................................................222 Brancos..................................................324 Caesars...................................................226 Caliope...................................................262 Cotto d'Alcobaça....................................122 Dido........................................................266 Évora...............................................114, 270 Forum.............................................110, 288 Genesis...................................................210 Halley......................................................212 Heart of Stone..........................................88 Helena.....................................................272 Homero...................................................116 Imperial...................................................292 Luxor.......................................................234 Mandalay................................................238 Mirage.....................................................242 Ophelia...................................................274 Pandora..................................................278 Pulsar..............................................120, 282 Talia........................................................284 Venetian..................................................256

33x56cm Brancos..................................................312 Genesis...................................................210 Halley......................................................212

M40x40cm Évora.......................................................114

49x49cm Adamastor................................................24 Basaltina...................................................30 Flash ........................................................72 Heart of Stone..........................................88 Highlander................................................94 Matrix........................................................74 Menhir.......................................................50 Moonlight..................................................78 Origin........................................................34 Pedra Luna...............................................56

49x99cm Adamastor................................................24 Basaltina...................................................30 Brancos....................................................84 Everest......................................................86 Heart of Stone..........................................88 Highlander................................................94 Origin........................................................34 Pedra Luna...............................................56 Quartzite...................................................60

M50x50cm Adamastor................................................24 Allure.........................................................98 Area........................................................102 Assouan Stone.......................................106 Basaltina...................................................30 Bavaria Stone...........................................48 Brancos..................................................324 Flash.........................................................72 Forum.....................................................110 Heart of Stone..........................................88 Highlander................................................94 Matrix........................................................74 Menhir.......................................................50 Moonlight..................................................78 Origin........................................................34 Pedra Luna...............................................56

60x60cm Dolmen.....................................................62 Illusion.......................................................66

60,8x60,8cm Dolmen.....................................................62

Índice | Indice | Index | Index

Índice Alfabético | Indice Alphabétique | Alphabetical Index | Alphabetischer Index


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page


Pág. /Page




Adamastor ������������������������������������������������������� 24 Allure ��������������������������������������������������������������� 98 Area ��������������������������������������������������������������� 102 Artemis ���������������������������������������������������������� 258 Assouan Stone ���������������������������������������������� 106 Avalon ������������������������������������������������������������ 214

Dido ��������������������������������������������������������������� 266 Dolmen ������������������������������������������������������������ 62

Illusion ������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Imagine ������������������������������������������������������������ 38 Imperial ���������������������������������������������������������� 292



Pág. /Page

Pedra Luna ������������������������������������������������������ 56 Pombalino ������������������������������������������������������ 328 Pulsar �������������������������������������������� 120, 200, 282


Empire ����������������������������������������������������������� 150 Everest ������������������������������������������������������������ 86 Évora ����������������������������������������������������� 114, 270


Quartzite ���������������������������������������������������������� 60

La Fenice ������������������������������������������������������� 160 Luxor �������������������������������������������������������������� 234


Bali ����������������������������������������������������������������� 138 Basaltina ���������������������������������������������������������� 30 Bastille ����������������������������������������������������������� 142 Bavaria Stone �������������������������������������������������� 48 Bel Air ������������������������������������������������������������ 218 Bellagio ���������������������������������������������������������� 222 Bloom ������������������������������������������������������������ 144 Bolshoi ����������������������������������������������������������� 146 Brancos ��������������������������������������������������� 84, 298



Fidji ���������������������������������������������������������������� 190 Flash ���������������������������������������������������������������� 72 Forum ���������������������������������������������������� 110, 288 Franklin ���������������������������������������������������������� 230

Garnier ���������������������������������������������������������� 152 Genesis ������������������������������������������������� 194, 210

Mandalay ������������������������������������������������������� 238 Mármores ������������������������������������������������������ 204 Matrix ��������������������������������������������������������������� 74 Menhir �������������������������������������������������������������� 50 Metalizado ����������������������������������������������������� 294 Metropolitan ��������������������������������������������������� 166 Mirage ������������������������������������������������������������ 242 Moonlight ��������������������������������������������������������� 78

San Carlo ������������������������������������������������������ 170 Scala �������������������������������������������������������������� 172 Starlite ����������������������������������������������������������� 252




Caesars ��������������������������������������������������������� 226 Caliope ���������������������������������������������������������� 262 Color Line ������������������������������������������������������ 184 Cotto d'Albe ��������������������������������������������������� 128 Cotto d'Alcobaça ������������������������������������������� 122

Halley ����������������������������������������������������� 198, 212 Heart of Stone ������������������������������������������������� 88 Helena ����������������������������������������������������������� 272 Highlander ������������������������������������������������������� 94 Homero ���������������������������������������������������������� 116 Hydra ������������������������������������������������������������� 156

Origin ��������������������������������������������������������������� 34 Ophelia ���������������������������������������������������������� 274



T Talia ������������������������������������������������������� 180, 284 Tradicionais ���������������������������������������������������� 330

V Venetian ��������������������������������������������������������� 256

P Pandora ��������������������������������������������������������� 278 Pasadena ������������������������������������������������������ 248


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