7 minute read
Walter Samuelson Children's Hospital Events: July 9th
Sinai Charity Event Day
On July 9th, Chesapeake PCA held our multi-event Toy Drive to the Herman and Walter Samuelson Children’s Hospital at Sinai. In conjunction with the drive, Chesapeake raised over $11K in our fundraiser.
The day began with 29 Porsches meeting up at Porsche Hunt Valley, our sponsor for the event. As each car arrived, they got checked in and each car was given a Concours dashboard info sheet and ballot, and each person was given a commemorative koozie. Additionally, anyone who gave $500 or more to the fundraiser was given a PCA Silipint silicone cup and a very nice Lifebridge Health first-aid kit for their generosity. Once we all had gathered, there was a Drivers’ Meeting. Steve Postol, PHV’s general manager, said a few words and expressed his appreciation for being part of such a worthwhile event. At that point we all got in our cars and drove caravan style to Sinai Hospital.

When we arrived at Sinai, we were greeted by the Clinical Engagement staff and directed to a reserved parking area under the Children’s Hospital overhang. We were also joined by a few additional Porsches that had gone directly to Sinai, raising the total to 32 Porsches. Once there, we all dropped off our toys and milled around as children (patients), along with their families, walked around and admired the cars. Many of them even got to sit inside some of the cars and wave. Their joy and smiles were just unbelievable and will certainly not be forgotten by those in attendance! This really brought home to everyone on why we were there.
After everyone was done admiring the cars, we began the ceremony. I started by introducing Geannine Darby, director of Major Gifts and Clinician Engagement, and thanked her for all her work in setting up the Toy Drive. Geannine was truly great to work with and coordinated everything at Sinai, including advertising, parking, a support team, the keynote speaker, the fundraiser web site, and the donation gifts. She expressed her thanks on behalf of Sinai for all the wonderful toys we brought and the generous donations. She then introduced the keynote speaker, Dr. Yoram Unguru, a pediatric hematologist/oncologist at the hospital. Additionally, he directs a clinical-ethics
curriculum for the pediatric house staff at the Children’s Hospital and is the chairman of the Ethics Committee at Sinai Hospital. Dr. Unguru expressed his gratitude and explained how important these toys and gaming systems are, as they really help the children feel more comfortable while they are being treated.
I then presented the Sinai team with an oversized “check” for $11,010. The money will be used to buy the gaming systems and games. Obviously this was really for the photo op since the Children’s Hospital had already received the donations directly. A big THANK YOU to the 77 do-
the fundraiser. Both Sinai and I truly appreciate your support for this worthy cause.
There was even local media coverage at the hospital filming the kids and interviewing various hospital personnel. Both stations even interviewed me, but unfortunately I did not make it on TV.
-TV 11 WMAR 2

After the ceremony and more pictures, it was then time for our Tour & Rally chairs to take over and lead the group on some great Baltimore County back roads to our final destination at Oregon Ridge Park. Aniano conducted the Drivers’ Meeting and then we broke into 3 groups. I led the first group with 10 cars. Aniano led the 2nd group with 7 cars, and Mark Miller led the 3rd group with 9 cars. We actually left about half an hour before our scheduled time in order to beat the rain forecast. The driving tour lasted about 55 minutes.
Upon arriving at Oregon Ridge Park, we found plenty of parking, so we were all able to park together in the back of the lot. Everyone put their Concours info sheet on their dashboards and then we walked up to our reserved pavilion. Even though we arrived early, we didn’t have to wait long before Mission BBQ started serving their delicious lunch. After lunch, everyone voted for their favorite cars and Dan tallied the votes. He awarded plaques to the following winners:
Best in Show – Jessie Sanchez, 2019 911 Targa 4S
People's Choice – Mark Miller, 2009 Cayman

Exceptional Color – Andy Powell, 2023 Panamera
Longest Time Owned –Gary Martinez (2003 911 Carrera 4S he bought new in 2003)

Newest Member – Rob Carter (joined in April 2023), 2020 Macan
After all the plaques were awarded, everyone started heading for their cars just as it started pouring outside. To me that really signified that this great day was over.

Sinai Hospital to Oregon Ridge Tour
PCA Chesapeake’s 2023 Tour & Rally Event No. 7 – July 9
Ron Farb, PCA Chesapeake’s president, organized a Toy Drive and Fundraising Campaign for the Children’s Hospital at Sinai in Baltimore. This event was held on July 9. It followed a similar effort spearheaded last year by Ron for the Children’s Hospital at Johns Hopkins, also in Baltimore.

More than 50 attendees in 29 Porsches began the day at Porsche Hunt Valley (PHV), the main sponsor of this event. After a short meeting, everybody drove to Sinai Hospital, where the toys they had brought were collected. Some PCA Chesapeake members went directly to Sinai in three more Porsches, raising the total to 32. In the group photo above, we see all the toys in front of James Beavan III’s Boxster.
To support the charity effort and the subsequent lunch, the Tour & Rally Committee arranged a 55-minute

driving tour from Sinai to the picnic venue, Oregon Ridge Park in Cockeysville. Forty-eight people in 26 Porsches took part. A few more Chesapeake members went directly to Oregon Ridge. For more details, read Ron’s article about this charity endeavor, elsewhere in this issue of Patter.