Plymouth Christian Academy
Vision Campus Newsletter
ng cati u d E for y rnit Ete
Spring/Summer 2016
Eagle Vision Editor: Peggy Paulson, Development Creative Design: Rick Larabee Photography: eggy Paulson, Dan Smith, P Wes Sherman, PCA Parents Carol LaBelle, Capturing Families Photography John Kemski, Express Photo Cover photo thanks to Carol LaBelle
PCA Campus Newsletter We are excited to feature articles on the people and mission of Plymouth Christian. We encourage you to pass along the Eagle Vision to a prospective family so that they can see what PCA has to offer. We invite you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for up-to-the-moment coverage of PCA events and happenings.
BOARD OF REGENTS Joyce Zandee, Co-Chair Paul Ellinger, Co-Chair, CBC Elder Board Representative Bob Hott, CBC Trustee Board Representative Dave Henry Jodi Moore Bill Palms Dan Paulson Dwayne Roi Eric Shook John Warnshuis The Eagle Vision is published bi-annually by Plymouth Chrisitian Academy and is distributed free of charge to parents, grandparents, alumni and friends of the Academy.
IN THIS ISSUE: Regent’s Report-Survey Results Show Tremendous Growth and Needed Improvement From the Superintendent Academics Student Life Eagle Country
Send correspondence to: Plymouth Christian Academy Attn: Peggy Paulson 43065 Joy Road Canton, Michigan 48187
The Arts
You may send emails to: This publication is printed by Richard Reproductions, Southfield, MI
Always an Eagle, Alumni Staff Scoop
43065 Joy Rd., Canton, MI 48187 | Phone 734.459.3505 | Please NOTE: Plymouth Christian Academy admits qualified students as required by law, without regard to race, color, gender, national or ethnic origin, to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the school.
{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 } ACSI Survey Outcomes: Report Card on Progress 2013 to 2016 Successfully achieving ACSI and AdvancED accreditation is a key milestone that recognizes the ongoing commitment of the PCA Faculty, Staff, Administration, Regents, and CBC leadership to excellence at our school. Accreditation emphasizes the importance of a culture of continuous improvement which the Regents and Administration foster by providing avenues for our constituents to voice their opinions, suggest improvements, and offer feedback. Over the past several years, the Regents have sought Joyce Zandee and obtained stakeholder feedback by means of a number of surveys including those designed to acquire student assessment of teachers, parent assessment of teachers, departing family feedback, faculty and staff assessment of administration, and alumni feedback, among others. The summarized findings are reviewed by the Regent board and every textual comment is read by the Regents and/or Superintendent. We are grateful for all of the input you have provided and purposeful changes are made based on your feedback. This article summarizes findings from standard ACSI surveys conducted in 2013 and again in 2016 as part of the accreditation process. Separate ACSI surveys were distributed to parents, teachers, secondary students, and elementary students in 2013, just prior to when Mrs. Huntsman took on the Superintendent role, and the same surveys were distributed to parents, teachers, secondary students, and elementary students three years later in 2016. Because baseline survey findings were available from 2013, the Regents feel that changes from 2013 to 2016 provide a valuable “report card” on the effectiveness of Mrs. Huntsman as school administrator and of the PCA faculty and staff under her leadership. The surveys for each group of stakeholders consisted of a number of statements, phrased in such a way that agreement with the statement is desirable, and the survey responder was asked to identify their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. Responders were also given an opportunity to provide textual feedback on what they like best about PCA, what they like least, and what are areas for improvement. For each survey, a summary section appears below which includes several sample statements from the survey, a diagram showing findings from 2013 adjacent to findings from 2016, and bullet points capturing themes from the textual feedback. In the diagrams, findings for each statement are displayed in a vertical bar, color-coded to indicate the percent of responders that strongly agree (dark green), agree, (green), are neutral (grey), disagree (red) or strongly disagree (dark red) with the statement. The bars are expressed as percent to account for differences in number of surveys submitted in 2013 and 2016. An increase in green/dark green and a decrease in red/dark red between 2013 and 2016 reveals improvement in that area. The greener, the better! For a full copy of the survey questions, please visit the PCA website at and search for 2016 PCA Survey. 2013 vs 2016 Parent Survey The ACSI Parent Survey consists of 35 questions, all phrased in such a way that agreement with the statement reflects positively on the school. In 2013, 113 parents submitted surveys and 118 parents submitted surveys in 2016. Sample Statements: 1. Our school’s purpose statement is clearly focused on student success. 8. Our school communicates effectively about the school’s goals and activities 24. Our school provides qualified staff members to support student learning. 34. My child is prepared for success in the next school year.
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{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 }
The findings from 2013 and 2016 reveal an increase in agreement percentages and/or decrease in disagreement percentages for all statements. Statements where noteworthy improvements were seen include Statement 13 (“All of my child’s teachers meet his/her learning needs by individualizing instruction”), Statement 2 (“Our school’s purpose statement is formally reviewed and revised with involvement from parents”), and Statement 28 (“Our school provides excellent support services”). In the free-text section, areas identified for praise included the following (in no particular order): • Christian environment / faith-based curriculum • Dedication, support, and personal involvement of the faculty & staff • PCA Community / Family atmosphere • Emphasis on character and student spiritual development • Quality learning environment / emphasis on academic excellence • Small class size In the free-text section, areas of concern and/or identified for improvement included: • Small school size • School cost and finances • Security • Limited diversity in students and faculty • Facility improvements Eagle Vision - 4
{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 } 2013 vs 2016 Faculty/Staff Survey The ACSI Faculty/Staff Survey consists of 54 questions, all phrased in such a way that agreement with the statement reflects positively on the school. In 2013, there were 45 faculty/staff members who submitted surveys and in 2016, 55 faculty/staff members responded. Sample Statements: 12. Our school’s leaders regularly evaluate staff members on criteria designed to improve teaching and learning. 15. Our school’s leaders provide opportunities for stakeholders to be involved in the school. 31. In our school, a formal process is in place to support new staff members in their professional practice. 50. Our school ensures all staff members are trained in the evaluation, interpretation and use of data.
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{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 }
An increase in agreement and/or decrease in disagreement was observed for all questions. Noteworthy improvements were seen in Statement 27 (“In our school, related learning support services are provided for all students based on their needs”), Statement 5 (“Our school has a continuous improvement process based on data, goals, actions, and measures for growth”), and Statement 12 (“Our school’s leaders regularly evaluate staff members on criteria designed to improve teaching and learning”). In the free-text section, praise was expressed about the following: • The Administration • Christian environment • The culture • Supported from other faculty, administration, and board • Small class size In the free-text section, areas of concern and/or identified for improvement included: • Compensation • Facilities • Schedule • Increasing teacher responsibilities & workload • Protected instructional time Eagle Vision - 6
{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 } 2013 vs 2016 Secondary Student Survey The ACSI Secondary Student Survey consists of 32 questions, all phrased in such a way that agreement with the statement reflects positively on the school. In 2013, 261 secondary students submitted surveys and 244 secondary students responded in 2016. Sample Statements: 1. In my school, programs and services are available to help me succeed. 2. My school offers opportunities for my family to become involved in school activities and my learning. 15. My school provides learning services for me according to my needs. 31. My school considers students’ opinions when planning ways to improve the school.
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{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 } The findings from 2013 and 2016 reveal an increase in agreement and/or decrease in disagreement for all questions. Noteworthy improvements were seen in Statement 3 (“In my school, a high quality education is offered”), Statement 5 (“In my school, teachers work together to improve student learning”), Statement 12 (“My school motivates me to learn new things””), and Statement 26 (“In my school, computers are up-to-date and used by teachers to help me learn”). Statements showing substantial improvement but where additional focus is needed include Statement 17 (“All of my teachers change their teaching to meet my learning needs”), Statement 31 (“My school considers students’ opinions when planning ways to improve the school”), and Statement 27 (“In my school, students help each other even if they are not friends”). In the free-text section, areas of praise included the following: • Christian environment • Excellent teachers • Chapels • School spirit & sense of community • Preparation for college • Ability to participate in sports and extracurricular activities In the free-text section, areas of concern and/or identified for improvement included: • Homework • Dress code • Early start time / long day • Small school size • Variety of offerings • Limited involvement of students in decision-making 2013 vs 2016 Elementary Student Survey The ACSI Secondary Student Survey consists of 20 questions, all phrased in such a way that agreement with the statement reflects positively on the school. Only three response choices were offered to elementary students: I agree (green), I don’t agree (red), or I am not sure (grey). In 2013, 104 elementary students submitted surveys and 82 elementary students responded in 2016. Sample Statements: 1. In my school, my principal and teachers want every student to learn. 2. In my school I am learning new things that will help me. 12. My teachers tell my family how I am doing in school. 17. My school wants children in our school to help each other even if we are not friends.
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{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 }
The findings from the Elementary surveys did not show the same kind of improvements between 2013 and 2016 as were seen in the other three ACSI surveys. In fact, a decrease in agreement or an increase in disagreement (or “I’m not sure” responses) was observed for a surprising number of statements. The Regents came to the conclusion that the declining scores between 2013 and 2016 were attributable to Mrs. Huntsman’s reassignment in 2013 from Elementary Principal to Head of School. The loss of a full-time, dedicated elementary administrator had a negative impact on survey outcomes in 2016. Statements with notable decreases include Statement 18 (“My principal and teachers ask me what I think about school”), Statement 10 (“My teachers ask my family to come to school activities”), and Statement 19 (“My principal and teachers tell children when they do a good job”). In the free-text section, elementary students expressed enthusiasm about the following: • Friends • Learning • Teachers • God / the Bible • Recess • Specials Eagle Vision - 9
{ Regent Board Report 2015/2016 } In the free-text section, areas of concern were identified by elementary students as: • Recess too short • Bullies • Dress Code • Homework • Recess too short Areas of concern have been brought to the attention of Administration to ensure that additional improvements can be implemented. The recent hiring of Ryan Batson as Elementary Principal will allow us to reinstate a fulltime, dedicated elementary administrator, which we anticipate will allow us to address some shortcomings identified in the elementary survey. Other action plans will be developed.
Next Steps For the most part, the 2013-2016 survey trends are highly encouraging. However, survey outcomes as well as free-text comments will help us identify areas requiring further improvement. Administration will identify areas where faculty and staff, parents (including Parent Advisory teams, where appropriate) can assist in developing action plans to focus on areas where improvement is most needed. Further, our focus on achieving the PCA 20|20 strategic vision will help us make additional improvements in areas where shortcomings were identified in the 2016 ACSI survey including faculty compensation, facility improvements (including additional security measures), and increasing diversity in our student body and faulty/staff.
As a reminder, the 20|20 Strategic Vision appears below… Plymouth Christian Academy, as the educational ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is committed to pursuing the following strategic directions in the 2015-2020 timeframe: • Prepare Christian Servant Leaders • Develop Well-Rounded Students of Distinction • Value and Support Committed Faculty • Strengthen Foundational Education • Provide Signature Learning Opportunities • Implement Facility Improvements • Cultivate Ministry Partners
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{ from the superintendent } MISSION IN MOTION
“...that you might excel still more.” I Thessalonians 4:10 EXCEL “STILL MORE” The glorious days of summer are finally here! Your children and young people are settling into the routines of summer and hopefully they haven’t said, “I’m bored” yet! The end of the school year brings about many nostalgic feelings for me and I invite you to join me for a brief look back. When you arrived home on June 10, there were many different ways your family dealt with the past year. Some carefully took out final papers and award certificates and archived each one into memory books. Some of you are asking right now, “Was there an Awards Ceremony?” Some of you looked through your child’s folders and backpacks and found things in there from November! Some of you walked directly to the trash can and dumped it all out. Each one of these scenarios makes me smile. No matter how you handled this season, you can be grateful that you made it. Unlike any other time of year, it is during the year-end school events that we see our mission on display. I like to think of this as our “Mission in Motion”. It is then that I see our teachers and parents dig deep and commit their time and energy to help students as I Thessalonians 4:10 says, “still more”! EXCELexcel, "STILL MORE" Our mission to educate students from a biblical worldview and equip them The glorious days ofservice summerisare finally here!prevalent Your children for lifetime of leadership, learning and never more thanand young people are settling into the routines of summer and at our many graduations and celebrations. The end of the year is a time for hopefully they haven't said, "I'm bored" yet! The end of the celebration and reflection on the impact a Christ-centered education has made school year brings about many nostalgic feelings for me and I on each student. invite you to join me for a brief look back. When you arrived home on June 10, there were many different ways your family
dealt with of theapast Someat carefully tookSenior out final papers This year saw the introduction newyear. tradition PCA, The Walk. and award certificates and archived each one into memory Preschool and elementary students lined the halls and cheered as the Class books. Some of you are asking right now, "Was there an of 2016, dressed in their caps and gowns, took the final walk through their Awards Ceremony?" Some of you looked through your child's school. Middle schoolfolders and high students cheered the and school backpacks and found thingsasinthey thereentered from auditorium for their final chapel entitled “Legacy”. Our prayer is that this new November! Some of you walked directly to the trash can and dumped it all Each these scenarios makes metosmile. Nobig matter you handled tradition inspires our young students aimone for of graduation and beyond, dream andhow realize the workthis season, you can be grateful you our made it. that it takes to get there. The Senior Walk was that literally “Mission in Motion”. Unlike any other time of year, it is during the year-end school events that we see our mission on
ROADMAP FOR THEdisplay. JOURNEY I like to think of this as our “Mission in Motion”. It is then that I see our teachers and I’m thrilled to report that the dig Association Christian thestudents AdvancEd Accrediting parents deep andof commit their Schools, time and along energywith to help excel, as I Thessalonians 4:10 says, "still more"! Our missionChristian to educate students from worldview of and equip them Agency, has granted re-accreditation to Plymouth Academy. This a is biblical the culmination five years for lifetime of leadership, learning and service is never more prevalent than at our many of self-study, program development, and authoring and compiling over 6000 pages of documentation. graduations and celebrations. The end of the year is a time for celebration and reflection on the Accreditation has been granted for a five-year period, the longest period possible. The process was impact a Christ-centered education has made on each student. aggressive and we are deeply indebted to the those on the task force who provided input into our This year saw the introduction Plan, of a new at initiatives PCA, The Senior Walk. Preschool and self-study, the Continuous School Improvement andtradition strategic for the next five years. elementary students lined the halls and cheered as the Class of 2016, dressed in their The level of engagement from all involved was unparalleled! Thanks to all in the PCA community-caps staff,and gowns, took the final walk through their school. Middle school and high school students cheered faculty, parents and students-who were interviewed, provided necessary information, worked long hours as they entered the auditorium for their final chapel entitled “Legacy”. Our prayer is that this to compile reports, and graciously welcomed the accreditation to our campus. Although it wasbig anand new tradition inspires our young students to aimteam for graduation and beyond, to dream
Continued on page 12
realize the work that it takes to get there. The Senior Walk was literally our “Mission in Motion”.
I'm thrilled to report that the Association of Christian Schools, along with the AdvancEd Accrediting Agency, has granted re-accreditation to Plymouth Christian Academy. Eagle This is Vision the - 11 culmination of five years of self-study, program development, and authoring and compiling over
{ from the superintendent } arduous process, we met or exceeded all expectations and the site visit proved to be very beneficial. As leadership, we recognize our responsibility to continue to collaborate and educate ourselves in the continually changing educational landscape that is sweeping our country. We will be diligent to ensure that PCA will effectively prepare our students’ hearts and minds for what lies ahead. This strategic planning is critical to realizing the goal of providing an excellent education while exercising responsible stewardship of our resources. The numerous commendations, along with PCA’s 20/20 Vision, will provide for us a roadmap for the journey ahead. WELL DONE The end of the school brings many goodbyes, both with students and staff. This year we bid farewell to two amazing teachers who have provided decades of education, guidance and inspiration for our students. Wes Sherman has been a bedrock of knowledge and inspiration to PCA high school students for the past 33 years. Graduates share memories of how his biology classes prepared them for college and influenced their career choices. Staff, faculty and students have also been inspired by his work ethic. Everyone on campus knew that Mr. Sherman was there several hours before school began in the mornings, stayed late in the afternoon, and was frequently in his classroom on Saturdays. He is known for his steady instruction and biblical wisdom, and we recognize his unparalleled integration of Scripture into the world of science. Mr. Sherman will certainly be deeply missed. His legacy of spiritual and educational influence reached countless young people over the years. Mr. Sherman made a significant impact at PCA and helped us excel “still more”. From 1987-1989, Susan Aitken was a member of the PCA faculty, teaching both elementary and secondary art. In order for PCA to receive accreditation for the University of Michigan, the school needed a full-time art teacher and Mrs. Aitken filled that position. After raising her children, she returned to the position of Secondary Art Teacher in 2006. We have been blessed to have her amazing expertise and passion influence the lives of so many PCA students. Under Mrs. Aitken’s guidance, many PCA students have gone on to pursue careers in the field of art. In addition to her classroom work, she introduced the National Art Honor Society to PCA and has been a fabulous coordinator for the National Honor Society. Mrs. Aitken has helped us excel “still more” in so many areas at PCA. She is retiring to work on building a business with her personal art. Mrs. Aitken will be greatly missed at PCA, but we look forward to hearing about her successes in the future. We appreciate the difference they have made in the lives of untold numbers students and staff members. We are all better people for having known them and they will be greatly missed. We are sad to see them go and wish them God’s richest blessings!
Continued on page 13
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StepUP One of the most quoted and best presidents of all time is Abraham Lincoln. Consider the following quote
{ from the superintendent } from Lincoln, “A child is a person who is going to carry on what you started. A child is going to sit where you’re sitting, and when you’re gone, attend to those things which you think are important. You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they’ll be carried out depends on that child. He or she will assume control of your cities, states, and nations. The fate of humanity is in his or her hands.” In another frequently quoted piece, Lincoln stated, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” At PCA, we believe this is true and are working hard to produce We are richly blessed leaders that will positively impact their world. Because of this, we have to know that the adopted specific leadership initiatives. One of the tasks before us is to identify and develop leadership strengths within every student. The Class students sitting in of 2019 was the first class to participate in PCA’s new “Step Up” Leadership our classrooms today initiative. This exciting program will help us identify the top (5) strengths (leadership qualities) in every student. This is the leadership profile we will will be leading us use together to support students and families as they grow and develop tomorrow! throughout their years at PCA. This leadership profile will also help students discover and think about how or why they act certain ways in different situations. Knowing these strengths will also allow us to serve others more effectively as those strengths are sharpened. Consistent assessment and strategic activities over the next four years will provide us a more constructive and purposeful platform to help develop the leader in each student, as well as infuse a powerful level of confidence and purpose in each of them. Please pray for our professional Christian educators as they continue to strive for excellence “still more”. They are deeply influencing the next generation of leaders for Christ and they take that calling very seriously. With a biblical worldview permeating every subject, students see how the truth of God’s Word impacts all they do. PCA continues to be faithful to its promise to provide a Christ-centered education where students develop a heart for God, a mind for His truth, friends for life and an attitude of service for eternity. We are richly blessed to know that the students sitting in our classrooms today will be leading us tomorrow! I’m honored to be part of a place educating and equipping young people for a lifetime of learning, leadership and service. Have a blessed summer and I look forward to gathering with you in the fall as we partner together to excel “STILL MORE!” Educating for Eternity, Mrs. Caryn Huntsman, Superintendent
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Class of 2016 ... Congratulations! Kelly Nicole Abraham, Taylor University Nicklas Paul Andres, Northwood University Brittany Jade Breton, Eastern Michigan University Cai Yangshen, Northwood University Paul Joseph Chamberlain, University of Michigan William Thomas Crecelius, Michigan State University Elisemene Exavier, Schoolcraft College Austin James Greuber, University of Toledo Samuel Abraham Jose, College of Creative Studies Byeonghun Kim, Purdue University Andrew Joseph Kwang, University of Michigan Gareth Richard Thomas Matson, The Master’s College Kent Alexander Mickelson, Boise State University Bel-Ange Orleus, Schoolcraft College Nathan David Oweis, University of Michigan Melissa Paige Perkey, Grand Valley State University Jacob Eric Shook, Michigan State University Joshua Benjamin Slater, University of Michigan, Dearborn Samuel Charles Spada, Wayne State University Aaron Drew Wolak, Liberty University Brendan Scott Wright, Washtenaw Community College Luke Michael Yakuber, Northwood University
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{ academics } Congratulations to the following students from the Class of 2016 on their academic achievements and college scholarship awards! Kelly Abraham Taylor University Director Scholarship Nicklas Andres Northwood University Presidential Scholarship Brittany Breton Eastern Michigan University Emerald Scholarship Paul Chamberlain University of Michigan Regents Merit Scholarship Parkside Credit Union 2016 Academic All-Star Essay Scholarship Austin Greuber University of Toledo Pharmacy Excellence Scholarship and Presidential Merit Scholarship Samuel Jose College for Creative Studies Advanced Scholarship Gareth Matson The Master’s College Athletic Scholarship for Cross Country & Track Melissa Perkey Grand Valley State University Laker Scholarship Joshua Slater University of Michigan Dearborn Dean’s Scholarship Aaron Wolak Liberty University Champion Scholarship, Honors Program Scholarship and Academic Achievement Scholarship Luke Yakuber Northwood University Presidential Scholarship
The 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program
Over 1.5 million students entered the 2016 National Merit Program by taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test. One PCA senior, Paul Chamberlain, was among the 34,000 Commended Students nationwide. Paul’s performance on the qualifying test was outstanding. In addition to this honor, Paul was selected as an Observer & Eccentric Academic All-Star Student. Out of the group of 27 Academic All-Star Students, Paul was chosen to receive a $500 scholarship for college. This scholarship was based on his essay written about financial responsibility and was provided by Parkside Credit Union in Livonia. Paul also had the honor of appearing in the Channel 7 - 2016 Brightest and Best. Paul plans to double major in biochemistry and German, hoping to become a doctor, researcher or biomedical engineer. He is attending the University of Michigan in the fall and will be a member of the LS&A Honors College.
University of Michigan Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
PCA is pleased to announce that three 8th grade students, Danae Moriarty, Gloria Ravuri, and Isabel Mossel, were nominated and chosen to receive the U of M Wise Guys Scholarship (Women in Science and Engineering). Thousands of applications are submitted for this great scholarship that is designed to increase the number of girls and women pursing degrees and career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. PCA thanks Debbie Hope, PCA Middle School Science Teacher, for her role in nominating the girls and making a difference in their lives of our students! Eagle Vision - 15
{ academics}
Moving Up!
Preschool, Kindergarten, 6th and 8th Grade Graduations
Classes of 2020, 2022, 2028, and 2029!
Class of 2029
Class of 2028
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{ academics}
Class of 2022
Class of 2020
{ student life } 2015-2016 National Honor Society President: Nick Andres Vice-President: Jayne Harju Treasurer: Nathan Oweis Secretary: Paul Chamberlain
The PCA National Honor Society, led by Mrs. Susan Aitken and Mrs. Karen Baker, were able to accomplish many goals and assisted with many events this year.
• Welcome Back Picnic in September • Fall Auction Support in October •S occer Ball Collection for Costa Rican Senior Trip • Salvation Army Bell Ringers in December •“ Canuary” in January, with proceeds donated to Gleaners Food Bank in Detroit • Open House in February • American Red Cross Blood Drive in May • Miracle League Volunteers in May • National Honor Society After School Tutoring Program throughout the entire school year
They completed the 2015-16 school year with the induction of new members and election of new officers for the upcoming year. We look forward to the many ways they will impact the PCA community through their service and dedication this next year.
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{ student life } German National Honor Society PCA’s Chapter of Delta Epsilon Phi German National Honor Society, sponsored by Mrs. Emily Carlson, facilitated several events to celebrate and cultivate German culture in our community. • Hosting German Club table for school outreach at schedule pickup • October:German American Week (our chapter of Delta Epsilon Phi and German Club sponsored a week-long event inviting student body to share immigration stories from their own families) • October: Lunch with AATG Study Prize winner Paul Chamberlain (sharing photos and experiences in Kulmbach) • November: Filmabend (viewing “The Incredibles” in German) • December: German Christmas Cookie Baking Event • January: Filmabend (viewing “Der König von Narnia”) • February: Hosting informational table at PCA‘s Open House event • March: Dinner at Metzger’s German Restaurant • May: day trip to Frankemuth, Michigan • May: AATG National German Exam Awards ceremony at Wayne State University (5 Goldurkunden, 1 Silberurkunde, 2 Bronzeurkunden) At the end of May, after the induction of 10 new members to Delta Epsilon Phi, PCA’s German Club (led by Delta Epsilon Phi members) elected new officers and planned events for the 2016-2017 school year.
National Art Honor Society
The purpose of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is to support and encourage art students, to promote art awareness in the school community, and to serve using their God given artistic talents. The NAHS planned a variety of events and projects throughout this past school year to fulfill their purpose. Take a look at some of what they accomplished… • Telephone Canvas Project in which they each painted a portion of a painting and passed it on, completing it collaboratively • Two Crafty Kidz Workshops for elementary students • Participated in the City of Plymouth Christmas Tree Display in Kellogg Park. The PCA Christmas tree was decorated with ornaments hand-painted by the NAHS students and displaying the names of Jesus. The tree was also adorned with hand-painted fish-shaped ornaments bearing the names of all PCA high school students. • Volunteered at the PCA Welcome Back Picnic by providing face painting, set up the bi-annual art exhibits, and worked with the Fine & Performing Arts Booster Board’s fundraisers Thanks to this group of students, led by Co-Presidents Magalie Chapman & Divna Roi, and Secretary/Treasurer Elizabeth Manning, for their advancement of art appreciation at PCA. A very special thanks to Mrs. Susan Aitken, Secondary Art Teacher, for her passion behind this group of students and all the ways she has touched our lives with art!
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{ student life }
SHINING Bright in 2016 In just four days, 630 students, staff and parents from PCA volunteered at 22 local organizations as part of our 7th annual Project SHINE. Each Spring, our school community works to give back through Project SHINE. During SHINE, all students from preschool through 12th grade serve a variety of different organizations throughout metro Detroit. This both benefits the local community and teaches PCA students the importance of service. Project SHINE has become a key part of our mission to produce students who lead lives of learning, leadership, and service. Take a look at what was accomplished in just four days. • (202) Wrapped Presents for the Bottomless Toy Chest in Troy, 7th Grade • (60) Fleece Blankets for the Foster Care duffle bags at Northridge Church, 4th & 5th Grade • (60) Tie-dyed pillow cases for Big Family of Michigan, Preschool • (80) Placemats for Waltonwood Senior Center, Begindergarten & Kindergarten • (55) Teddy Bears for Mott Children’s Hospital, 5th Grade • (75) Busy Book Kits for the Ronald McDonald House, 1st Grade • (175) Loaves of Bread for the Salvation Army, 2nd Grade with the help of Busch’s Market, Plymouth • (85) Cans of Soup with $bills rubber-banded around the cans for Ronald McDonald House, 2nd Grade • 35) Parachutes for Voice of the Martyrs, Colombia, 7th & 8th Grade • (65) Teddy Bears for the Canton Fire Department to comfort children in rescue situations, 4th Grade • (8,250) pieces of mail stuffed for Penrickton Center for Blind Children, 6th Grade • (90) Blessing Bags on their way to Orphanages in Zambia, Africa by way of our own PCA Alum, Lauren Paulson. 3rd Grade • (42) Donation Houses for Bethania Kids Orphanage in India, 8th-12th grade served the following organizations: • Starfish Family Services, Livonia & Canton • ReStore Habitat for Humanity, Ann Arbor • Detroit Rescue Mission, Detroit • Vista Maria, Dearborn Heights • Gleaners Community Garden in Plymouth Township • New Life Community Recreation Center in Hamtramck • World Medical Relief, Southfield • Waltonwood Senior Center and Plymouth Senior Center One of the most encouraging things about Project SHINE is the feedback that PCA receives every year. Rhonda, the site leader at Plymouth/Canton Head Start had this to say about the students she worked with: “They were the best group of teens I have ever worked with; the teachers and the kids loved them. It was so great to see them interacting with the kids and truly enjoying themselves.” Eagle Vision - 20
{ student life }
{ student life } The Atoms Family Competes at the 2016 World Championship Plymouth Christian Academy High School Robotics Team, “The Atoms Family”, was one of 600 teams participating in the FIRST World Championship in St. Louis, Missouri this past April. The four-day event concluded on April 30th where students from 40 countries and 50 states competed in front of an audience of more than 40,000 people, as reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Each year the challenge is different. This year’s challenge, “FIRST Stronghold”, involved towers, ramparts and moats in a medieval-themed tournament. During the competition, the robots work as two alliances in teams of three to outmaneuver one another by hurling boulders through the window of the tower and attempting to scale their opponent’s tower while advancing through the obstacles.
Jessica Wash, PCA Robotics Director, being honored by Dr. CJ Chung at Lawrence Tech University for her five-year participation in Robofest
This was The Atoms Family’s second year attending the Championship. PCA began using the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) competition five years ago to help high school students discover interesting and rewarding careers in engineering, science and technology. This year the team has a full-sized shop located at the PARC in downtown Plymouth. The shop is equipped with the tools and machinery necessary to build a large robot, usually weighing around 100 pounds. It is also large enough to accommodate the growing team. PCA’s team consists of seventeen members and nine mentors. Mentors include Rhey Galang, Sam Oweis, Rich Lewthwaite, Doug Chubb, Mark Wash and Jodi Moore along with PCA Alumni Reuben Galang and Jeff Hess. The team is led by PCA Alumni Coach Keith Boruta and Robotics Director Jessica Wash. Team company sponsors include Ford, Roush, DTE Energy, Movimento, GenTherm and MichiganCat.
{ student life } Connect Groups Come to Life
We are extremely proud of our 6th graders as they led our student mentorship Connect Groups this year! They received training, scripts and spiritual goals to lead younger students through praise and prayer activities by breaking prayer down into easily recognizable pieces, (P-Praise, R-Repent, A-Ask, Y-Yield). The ultimate goal of the Prayer Focus Mentoring Program is to help students formulate a Christ-centered biblical worldview and allow them the opportunity for God to reveal Himself and His great love through the ever-open door of prayer. Our continued prayer is that students of all ages will give God their heart at an early age and live a life full of blessings, understanding that someday He will reward them in heaven. Students were provided with a prayer journal filled with pages they can use daily to journal their prayers, requests and Bible verse reflections. We are looking forward to next year’s Connect Groups and will be praying for God to prepare the hearts of our upcoming 6th grade class.
Scholastic Art & Writing Award
Congratulations to Mary Finch, PCA Junior, for winning a Silver Award for her pastel painting titled Cloth of Togetherness from the prestigious Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. This competition included students from counties throughout southeastern Michigan. An awards ceremony and exhibit will take place at the College for Creative Studies on February 9th, 2016. Well done, Mary!
Robotics on the move... elementary and middle school teams The PCA Robotics Club, consisting of students in 4th through 8th grade, has competed in the Robofest Legos Competition for the past five years. To enter Robofest, teams turn Legos into autonomous robots, encouraging students to have fun while learning principles of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and Computer Science. Since the year 2000, over 20,000 students worldwide have competed including teams from Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Egypt, England, France, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Mexico, Singapore, and South Africa. This year the elementary and middle school combined had a record number of 12 teams consisting of 42 students. Coached by parent mentor, Doug Chubb and led by Robotics Director, Jessica Wash, five of these 12 teams advanced to participate in the State of Championship at Lawrence Tech University. Thanks to all the parent coaches and mentors who made this possible!
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{ eagle country } Congratulations to Luke Yakuber and Paige Perkey, 2016 Athletic Booster Board Scholarship Recipients Each year, the PCA Booster Board selects two PCA senior students, one male and one female, as the recipients of the Booster Board Academic Athletic Scholarship. The student applicants submit a number of items including the application, their transcript, two reference letters and a personal letter to the Booster Board. The winners receive a $500 scholarship that is paid directly to the college or university that the student will be attending in the fall. When reviewing the scholarship applicants, the Booster Board voting committee considers the following guidelines when determining the recipient. 1. The student athlete must have demonstrated the utmost in Christian character along with good sportsmanship and servant leader qualities both on and off the playing field. 2. The scholarship is not an MVP award, however, athletic ability may be considered. The winners of this year’s Academic Athletic Scholarship are Luke Yakuber & Paige Perkey. Luke will be attending Northwood University and double majoring in Entrepreneurship and Finance. Paige will be attending Grand Valley State University and majoring in Nursing. Congratulations to Luke and Paige for your hard work, Christian character and servant leadership that you have demonstrated both on and off the field. We wish you the very best as you graduate and follow God’s leading in your life!
PCA “Sponsor a Child” Walk/Run October 14, 2016 Join us on October 14, 2016 when we work together with World Vision to support Eduar Ariel Rodriguez. Eduar, 6 years old, lives in the mountain region of Honduras with his mother. World Vision is doing a great work in his village to provide both spiritual, education and physical support. This race has provided yearly support for Eduar for the last 4 years. Help us make it 5 years! Additional funds or proceeds will go to support various ministries at PCA. 5:15pm- ½ mile run for children 12 and under 5:30pm- 5K (3.1 miles) walk/run- The race will be through the nature trails and fields of PCA’s campus. The Finish Line will be at mid-field of the soccer field prior to the beginning of the “Under the Lights” soccer game at 7:00pm
Walkers and Runners at all levels are welcome to come! Questions: Steve Bauslaugh at Eagle Vision - 24
{ eagle country } It was a fabulous winter and spring athletic season at PCA. We look forward to many great seasons ahead. Highlights... Varsity Boys Basketball Boys varsity basketball finished 11-11 on the season. A highlight of their season was beating Inter-City Baptist for the first time in eight years. They won two playoff games, but their season came to an end after losing the District Championship game. Honors: Matt Malcolm: 1st Team All-Conference Luke Yakuber: 2nd Team All-Conference Levi Yakuber: All-Conference Honorable Mention The Eagles finished overall as 5th Place All-State Academic Team Varsity Cheer Led by Coaches Elise Bommarito and Megan Barnard, varsity cheer added so much spirit to our boys basketball games during the 2016 season. The upcoming 2017 season will see the addition of MHSAA competitive cheer. We are thrilled to welcome competitive cheer back to PCA once again! Varsity Softball Although varsity softball had a difficult season with many first year players, they worked hard and improved throughout their season. We look forward to growth with this team in the years to come.
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{ eagle country } Mustang Cross Country and Track Signs Matson Reprinted from The Master’s College website
SANTA CLARITA, Calif. – The Master’s College cross country and track teams look to a strong future with the recent signing of Gareth Matson, a native of Canton, Michigan. “I chose to attend The Master’s College because of its strong Biblical foundation, and how both on and off the course its athletes live out their faith,” said Matson. “I was amazed at the God-honoring environment at TMC and I am looking forward to not just growing as a runner, but as a follower of Christ.” Matson enters his time as a Mustang with an impressive academic and athletic resume crafted at Plymouth Christian Academy, a member of the Michigan Independent Athletic Conference (MIAC). Based on his performance in the classroom, Matson was recognized on the Michigan High School Athletic Association Academic honor list his junior and senior years. In addition, Matson also earned a spot in the National Honor Society. Athletically, Matson was named All-MIAC second-team his sophomore and junior years, All-MIAC first-team his senior year, served as a captain on his cross country team his sophomore, junior, and senior years, and was also named captain for his school’s track team his junior and senior years. Already looking ahead to his time as a Mustang, Matson has his eyes fixed on achieving a number of admirable goals. “I hope to grow as a runner, bring my best to the team, and continue to run for the glory of God.” When not competing, Matson plans to major in Biblical Studies for a career in ministry. Commenting on Matson’s signing, TMC cross country and track head coach Zach Schroeder said, “We are thrilled to add Gareth to our roster. He has a heart that is sensitive to the Lord and is eager to learn what it means to follow Christ through athletics. Gareth’s evident love for people will certainly add to the spirit of our team.” Looking to another fruitful season, both teams will be graduating only two seniors and returning a handful of veterans.
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{ eagle country } Girls Varsity Basketball
PCA finished their season at 5-16, but the record doesn’t indicate how well we played. Most games were lost by a few points and the outcome was determined at the very end. The team and coaches are really looking forward to next year. Honors: • Academic All-State Team • Lydia Chapel: 1st Team All-Conference and Observer Honorable Mention • Robin Albert: 2nd Team All-Conference
Varsity Track
The 2016 spring track season was one with many honors. In addition to welcoming new coaches, Evan Horne and Rod Windle, the team set many personal bests by all its athletes. MIAC Conference Champion: Aaron Vicars in the 3200m Results from the 2016 State Meet: • The boys 4x800 meter relay team (Seth Windle., Aaron Vicars, Ian Hay and Gareth Matson) came in 19th by running a time of 8:48.03. • Nathan Oweis came in 14th out of 25 and Pr’d in his 110meter High Hurdles. • The girls 4x200 meter relay team (Jordan Reed, Allie Crecelius, Kennedy Horne, Paige Perkey) came in 20th and ran their second best race of the season with a near school record. • Freshman milers Sienna Ruiter and Aaron Vicars both PR’d in their races. Sienna came in 17th place and Aaron came in 13th place.
• Allie Crecelius ran both the 400 and the 800 and did very well in her races. She placed 15th in the 400 and 19th in the 800.
• Seth Windle and Sienna Ruiter, running the 2 mile, finished off the meet strong with their performances. Seth placed 22nd and Sienna 21st.
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{ eagle country } Varsity Baseball
The PCA varsity baseball team won the White Division of the MIAC with a 6-2 record. They had several memorable games down the stretch where they came back from a deficit in the 5th inning or after to win their last 4 regular season games. 1st Team All-Conference Honors: • Josh Slater • Nick Andres • Matt Cusumano 2nd Team All-Conference Honors: • Austin Andres • Phillip Morby • AJ Greuber All-District: Josh Slater All-District Academic team • Adam Albert • Matt Cusumano • Brendan Hess • Andrew Fernandes • AJ Greuber • Nick Andres • Josh Slater • Josh Mason
Varsity Soccer
Girls varsity soccer had a phenomenal season, making it all the way to the Regional Finals. They finished their conference play ranked 2nd in the MIAC. They went on to win the District Final. The team was small at the start of their season, with only 11 players on the team. Plagued by injuries, the team played often with only nine players on the field. Mid-season, they were joined by two other players, finally giving them some sub relief. Honors: Jessica Paulson: District MVP, 1st Team All-MIAC, 1st Team All-Regional, 1st Team All-District Allie Crecelius: 1st Team All-MIAC, 1st Team All-Regional, 1st Team All-District Crystal Bock: 1st Team All-Regional, 2nd Team All-MIAC, 1st Team All-District Hannah Liabenow: 1st Team All-District Taylor Mistele: 2nd Team All-District Mikki Mullett: 1st Team All-District Taylor Maxwell: 1st Team All-District Isabel Nunez: 1st Team All-District Alyssa Hood: 2nd Team All-District Natalie Shaffer: 2nd Team All-District Congratulations to our Varsity Soccer Coach, Annette Baker, who was honored as Coach of the Year! Golf PCA’s golf team played hard and had some successes this season. Congratulations to Jayme Fadden, who played well enough in the District Final to qualify for the Regional Final. We sincerely appreciate the passion of the golf team coach, Mr. Joe Belcher, and look forward to continued growth in this team next year.
A N NUAL GOLF OU TING 18-HOLE SCRAMBLE TOURNAMENT Individuals - $125 Foursomes - $500 Alumni & Staff - $100 8:00AM Shotgun Start
THE DAY INCLUDES 18 Holes of Golf with Cart Lunch • Course Contest & Door Prizes Prizes for 1st & 2n d Place Foursomes
more sponsorship info on the reverse side
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Please consider becoming a sponsor for the Golf Outing. It’s a great way to advertise your business and support our athletic program
Presenting Sponsor...................$3,000 Dinner Sponsor...........................$2,000 Golf Ball Sponsor........................$1,500 Golf Cart Sponsor........................$1,500 Golf Tee Sponsor.........................$1,250 Beverage Cart Sponsor.................$750 Breakfast Sponsor.........................$500 Driving Range Sponsor................$500 Contest Hole Sponsor...................$300 Tee Box / Green...............................$175 I WOULD LIKE TO BE AN OUTING SPONSOR
Northville Hills Golf Club 15565 Bay Hill Drive, Northville, MI 48168
For more information contact: Matt Windle 734-756-3060
I would like to reserve ________ playing spots @ $125 each
Go to the website at -
( Pay m e n t d u e by 0 8 .0 8 .1 6 )
P l ayer 1
P l ayer 2
Ad dre ss
C i t y, St ate. P h on e Ema il
to register online. l ayer 3 Zipfor full info about sponsorships Pand P l ayer 4 Thank you for your generosity and support - PCA is a 501(c)(3) organization *PLEASE DENOTE IF A PLAYER IS AN ALUMNUS OR STAFF MEMBER
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Mail Registration to: Plymouth Christian Academy Attn: Matt Windle, Golf Outing
{ fine arts } Amazing Performances on Stage in The Sound of Music The hills were alive with the sound of Plymouth Christian Academy’s production of The Sound of Music this spring . We are grateful to all students, staff and parents who generously sacrificed their time, and shared their gifts and talents to make this event a highlight of the year. One of the greatest challenges with The Sound of Music was to present the familiar and beloved musical in a way that felt fresh, alive and believable -- and that’s exactly what our students accomplished. Set in Austria, on the eve of World War II, this timeless story about love and family, about purpose and place, about culture and positions, about acceptance, and above all, about the discovery of one’s purpose, was lived out on stage at Plymouth Christian. It was a fabulous performance by all!
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{ fine arts } It was a Banner Year for the Fine and Performing Arts Booster Board
The Fine and Performing Arts Booster Board had a fabulous first year in action at PCA. The board (FAPA) provided much needed support and encouragement for all levels of fine and performing arts. There has been growth within both our students and the program this year. The FAPA was blessed to receive a grant from the Loiselle Family Foundation. This grant allowed us to provide experiences for the students that would normally be cost prohibitive. The following is a list of some of the experiences your students were able to enjoy because of this grant: • Secondary band and choir attended solo & ensemble festivals and choral/band festivals • Master classes for our secondary art, bands and choirs • 6th grade elementary art students enjoyed a field trip to the Detroit Parade Company • Elementary music department provided Classical Music Outreach for the 3rd and 4th grade students Reclaiming the Arts for Christ • Kindergarten theatre experiences Another huge event sponsored by the board was our first ever Fashion Show! In early March, we all gathered at the Italian-American Club in Livonia for an evening of shopping, dining, and just plain fun. The Clothing Cove was our shopping vendor. We were blessed to have a Mary Kay representative, PCA parent, Mrs. Gail Costello. Also joining us were two special guests-Robin Sullivan from WMUZ and Cheryl Phillips, a local author. Both of these ladies joined PCA parents and the senior girls as fashion show models. Please plan on joining us next year. We promise you a fabulous evening 6th grade visists the in support of the Arts at PCA! Detroit Parade Company
High school choir at choir festival, Washtenaw CC
Amazing Art, Amazing Teacher
Master class with professor of flute, Holly Clemans
PCA has been blessed by the presence of a fabulous fine arts teacher, Mrs. Susan Aitken. Mrs. Aitken, a qualified professional and wonderful artist in her own right, has been a part of our secondary staff for 13 years. Susan’s commitment to the students and their growth as artists has been inspiring. Susan brought the fine arts at PCA to a whole new level and she challenged students to explore and grow their artistic creativity. Mrs. Aitken introduced new classes and techniques and brought the National Art Honors Society to PCA, encompassing the passion and drive of a master teacher. She worked hard to improve her curriculum and showed a vested interest in preserving and growing the arts program at PCA. We wish her all the best as she retires to pursue her personal work as an artist. We look forward to seeing her work in art studios in the future!
{ fine arts } PCA Bands on the Grow
It’s been an exciting year in the PCA Band Department! Band Director, Mr. Michael Hejka, has brought incredible passion to the program. We have witnessed an increased number of students joining band and growth in individual abilities of band members. How has Mr. Hejka done this? There are many things he has done, but making band class fun is definitely at the top. The following is an example of what’s taking place when your students are in band class… The first ever PCA Band Olympics concluded on Thursday, June 9. Sixty-three students joined in the fun by dividing into diverse nations. Each nation wrote their own national anthem, designed their own flag, and designed their own mascot. Throughout the Olympics (May 24-June 9) students came together to develop their abilities and sent representatives to compete in a variety of band-related events, including: long tone, technical exercises, music memorization, musical relays, and broadest range. The most competitive events were the long tone competitions. Our 7-12 grade winner was Mac Gibson, who was able to successfully play a single uninterrupted note for 54 seconds! Similarly, our 5th/6th grade champion was John Harju, with a time of 41 seconds! Apart from our musical events, the Band Olympics also featured a drum head toss, drum head spin, drum stick toss, ninja tournament, a rock-paper-scissors tournament, the World’s Hardest Trivia Quiz, and - of course - musical chairs! Each event brought our students closer together and strengthened our love for music and the Lord. The PCA Bands will be continuing our festivities this summer during our first annual Band Boot Camp July 11-15. Best of all, it’s still not too late to join in on the fun; register today! Contact Michael Hejka at if you have any questions or would like to register for Band Boot Camp!
Always an Eagle PCA Alumni, this section is all about you. Take a moment to learn what your former classmates are doing and where they are. We sincerely enjoy hearing about the latest news in your life. No matter where you go or how long it has been since you graduated from Plymouth Christian, you are very important to us!
Mark Your Calendars!
• PCA Annual Golf Outing, Northville Hills Golf Club, Tuesday, August 16, 2016, 20% discount for alumni. Questions? Contact Matt Windle at • P CA 5k to Sponsor a Child through World Vision/PCA Under the Lights Soccer Event Friday, October 14, beginning at 5:15pm • Homecoming Weekend Friday and Saturday, February 3 & 4, 2017 Phillip Varney, Cass of 2000 Phillip Varney and his wife, Esther, welcomed their first child, Nora Joy, on April 21, 2015. Phillip is an Athletic Trainer for the Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey Team in Seattle, WA. He was also invited by the Canadian Hockey League to be the athletic trainer at their annual Top Prospects Hockey game in April 2016. Amber Wiard Luongo, Class of 2002 Congratulations to Amber and Josh Luongo (Deb Wiard’s daughter) on the birth of her second child, Declan Riley Luongo. Declan was born on May 10 weighing 7lb. 12oz, 22 inches long. Amber and Josh and their children reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Genevieve Hott Bowden, Class of 2003 Genevieve (Jen) Bowden is doing great work at Carmel Christian in Charlotte, NC. Mrs. Bowden is the STEM teacher working with students to send their science experiment into Space. She is also the daughter of our high school science teacher and elementary lab coordinator, Mrs. Karen Hott. nc/charlotte/news/2016/03/13/charlotte-high-schoolstudents-sending-science-experiment-into-space.html
Mark Varney, Class of 2003 Mark Varney and his wife, Kim, welcomed their second child, Ella Grace, on August 26, 2015. They also have a two-year-old son, Eli Carter. Mark is nearing completion of his Master’s degree in Homeland Security and Law Enforcement at Michigan State University and is a Lead Officer for the TSA. He was also a US Marine and served in Fallujah, Iraq. Amanda Hayes, Class of 2009 Amanda Hayes graduated from Cedarville University in May 2013 with a Bachelor’s degree in forensic science. She was accepted into the 2 year full-time, accredited graduate program in forensic science at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA) beginning in the fall of 2014. Amanda graduated on May 14, 2016 with a Master of Science degree in forensic science and was recognized for her research project “Direct Analysis in Real time (DART) Detection and Classification of Salon Quality Permanent Liquid Hair Dyes as a Forensic Investigative Technique”. Amanda specialized in the area of Physical and Trace Evidence at VCU and hopes to gain further training in document examination, blood spatter analysis and crime scene investigation as she pursues employment opportunities in the field. Amanda has already begun actively researching job opportunities and is traveling to Japan
Amanda Hayes ... continued in early July to visit one of her Cedarville friends who is currently living and studying in Tokyo. Amanda’s job search will include, but is not limited to Michigan. According to Amanda’s parents, Tom and Pam Hayes, “We will always be grateful to PCA for preparing our daughter with the foundation she needed to be a success in college and graduate school!”
Caleb Middleton, Class of 2009 Caleb Middleton & his wife, Naomi, accepted a job at Shelby Bible Church in Shelby Twp. MI. He will be leading their student ministries as well as being the youth pastor.
Maggie Slagenwhite, Class of 2010 Maggie Slagenwhite was recently engaged to Kyle Wardlow on May 17, 2016. They are planning an early summer 2017 wedding. Maggie will be graduating in April 2017 with a Master of Social Work. They plan to live in Muncie, Indiana following their wedding.
Natalie Smith, Class of 2010 Natalie Smith graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University in April 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She will be working in a critical care unit at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor beginning this July.
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Jonathan Slater, Class of 2011 Jonathan Slater graduated from Lawrence Technological University this past December with a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering. He will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall 2016 to pursue a Master’s degree in electrical engineering. Manabu Taketani, Class of 2011 Manabu Taketani was recently accepted to Taylor University where he will pursue a Master of Art in Higher Education and Student Development program during the fall of 2016. Manabu graduated from Calvin College in May 2015. Rachel Yerke, Class of 2011 Rachel Yerke graduated from Hillsdale in May 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in history and German. Rachel used 2015-16 as a gap year and in the fall of 2016, she will be going to Michigan State University to take part in their Museum Studies program. Her eventual goal is to be a curator, possibly abroad in Germany. She is currently working at The Henry Ford in Dearborn and teaching dance to children at Creative Characters in Allen Park.
Corinne Albrecht, Class of 2012 Corinne Albrecht graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on April 30, 2016. pic
Kristin Malcolm, Class of 2012 Kristin Malcolm graduated from Hillsdale College as a Salutatorian on May 14, 2016. She will be working in Maryland as an elementary teacher at a Christian school.
Joshua Middleton, Class of 2012 Joshua Middleton graduated from Eastern Michigan University on April 24, 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in athletic training. He is currently working at the University of Michigan MedSport as an Athletic Training Intern. Megan Powlus, Class of 2012 Megan Powlus graduated from Madonna University this May with high honors. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Megan and Eric Jipping, Class of 2012, will be getting married this August.
Daniel Slater & Jessica Rich, Class of 2012 Jessica Rich graduated this past May from the University of Michigan Dearborn with a Bachelor of Business Administration. She works at Michigan Financial Mortgage Company. On July 23, 2016, she and Daniel Slater will be married in Northville, Michigan. Daniel also works for Michigan Financial Mortgage Company. They will reside in Plymouth following their wedding.
Rachel Zandee, Class of 2012 Rachel Zandee graduated from Taylor University on May 21, 2016. She will be attending Belmont University in Nashville this fall to begin her work in their Doctoral Program in Occupational Therapy.
Amy Zinn, Class of 2012 Amy Zinn graduated this May from Calvin College Department of Nursing with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She has accepted a position at Mercy Health St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI., where she will be working as a RN on a cardiac, vascular, and kidney transplant unit starting in the fall. Calvin College has equipped me well for this next stage of my life. According to Amy, “I am so blessed, God is so good!” Abigail Aitken, Class of 2013 Abigail Aitken, a member of the Army ROTC at Michigan State University, was awarded the American Legion Military Excellence Award and the Association of the United States Army Medal-31 this past spring. Congratulations to Abigail on her tremendous accomplishments and many thanks for her service to the United States. Lauren Paulson, Class of 2013 Lauren Paulson just completed her junior year in the Indiana Wesleyan University School of Nursing. This May, Lauren traveled to Livingstone, Zambia with IWU Nursing. While there she learned about the Zambian healthcare system, provided medical teaching in four rural villages, two schools, a boys’ detention center, and worked in three different orphanages. In addition to medical training, they also provided many Sunday School lessons for children and ministered to the people of the villages. While there, she experienced the beauty of Victoria Falls and the amazing safari animals of Africa. Thanks so much to the PCA 3rd grade classes who provided wonderful care packages filled with dental and basic hygiene items and toys. Eagle Vision - 35
{ staff updates } 5 Years of Service ~ Kelly Finch
Gordie Gray
Jessica Wash
10 Years of Service Elise Bommarito ~ Emily Carlson ~ Ann Marie Chase ~ Tonya Mitchell ~ Jeff Schmidt ~ Nathan Yates
15 Years of Service
~ Heidi Moore
20 Years of Service
~ Sharon Hay
30 Years of Service
~ Sandy Brandel (PCA/CBC)
Carolyn Kedney
INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF: Ryan Batson, Elementary Principal Matt Windle, Athletic Director and Spiritual Life Director Nathan Yates, Secondary Assistant Principal
JUNE 2016 STAFF RETIRING Susan Aitken (13 years at PCA) Wes Sherman (33 years at PCA…36 years total)
Michael Hejka, Instrumental Music Teacher On Monday, April 4, 2016 at 3:45pm, the Lord granted Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Alisha Hejka their first child, Aiden James. Baby Aiden enjoys being held, eating, his swing, James Taylor, Tchaikovsky, bath time, making really loud noises while sleeping, watching Michigan football highlights, walks with mom, naps on dad’s chest, and riding in the car.
Elise Bommarito, Middle and High School Social Studies Teacher Elise and her husband Michael welcomed their 3rd daughter, Isla Grace, into the family on June 18, 2016. Isla weighed 7lbs and was 19 inches long. Big sisters, Isabelle and Emmeline are thrilled to have a baby sister.
She’s Top on our List! We are proud to say she’s on our team! Karen Hart, PCA Kindergarten Teacher, was nominated by a PCA parent for the Metro Parent Top Teacher award. The following is the submission which was featured in the Metro Parent Top Teacher Awards 2016: “Miss. Hart is one of the great teachers at PCA. She is a kindergarten teacher and what makes her stand out is her heart of gold. She is always very pleasant and excited about teaching. She has great patience and she wears a smile daily. I believe she is truly committed to building a strong foundation that will be strong enough for children to excel in their future educational endeavors.” – Ericka Thornton, Canton
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{ staff updates }
Patti Snyder, High School English and Speech Teacher Zac, Patti, and Caleb Snyder joyfully welcomed Zoe Pearl into their family. Zoe was born on December 24, 2015 and her adoption was finalized on June 8, 2016. The Snyders are overjoyed at the Lord’s goodness!
Eager to Serve
After serving as the president of the Parent Teacher Fellowship for 9 years, Peggy Paulson has stepped down from this position. She will be working in the Development Department at PCA, serving in the capacity as Social Media Specialist, Webmaster, Alumni Director, working alongside Beth Larabee for PCA advancement. Peggy will also remain involved with the PTF in a variety of ways. The PTF welcomes new leadership and is excited about the future as they serve the teachers and students of PCA. This past May, Andrea Shook was elected as PTF President and Gwen Brugger as PTF Vice-President. Andrea’s son, Aiden, is in the 1st grade at PCA. Andrea has supported PCA for the past few years, working with the PTF and Development Team in a number of ways. Gwen’s children, Rachel and Rebekah, are in the 8th and 4th grades respectively. Gwen has been very active at PCA, working at a substitute teacher and volunteering in a number of ways. Nancy Chapman will continue as the PTF Treasurer and Belinda Dotson as the PTF Secretary. We are grateful to these ladies as they serve the teachers and students of PCA and work to build a school community that we all enjoy! Mark your calendars now for the the PTF Welcome Picnic on Tuesday, August 30 from 4-7pm!
! ! e t PCA’s a D e h t Save 8th Annual School Picnic
Sponsored by the Parent Teacher Fellowship & Development Department WHEN: Tuesday, August 30, 4 -7 pm WHERE: PCA Grounds and Activity Center Please bring folding chairs or blankets to enjoy the picnic. WHY? Fun and fellowship with friends, both old and new! On the menu: Hotdogs, chips, watermelon, drinks and popcorn There is no charge to attend, but donations will be gladly accepted. Eagle Vision - 37
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{ staff updates }
Matt Windle - Position at PCA: Athletic Director/Spiritual Life Chaplain - F amily Information: I am the oldest of four by 1 minute! I have a twin named Tom, who is currently working towards his Doctorate at Wayne State, a younger sister Karen, who is finishing her undergraduate degree at Taylor University next year, and the youngest Windle is Seth. He will be a Junior this fall at PCA. - Where did you grow up? Plymouth, MI - W here did you go to college? I earned my undergraduate degree from Eastern Michigan University - What do you like most so far about PCA? I love that the people here are so passionate for Christ and so passionate for this school. It is contagious and encouraging to be a part of a place that looks to the Ultimate Example first in everything. I am excited to join in striving to imitate that Example every day with them all! - F avorite snack? Kettle Cooked BBQ Chips and anything with chocolate and peanut butter (both guilty pleasures!) - F avorite restaurant? Ironwood Grill in Downtown Plymouth has great pizza and burgers. I also love steak, so I would say Brann’s and Texas Roadhouse are great places too. - F avorite summer pastime? Soaking up the sun! Being on the beach, on a boat, or in the water. Surrounded by family and friends. - H obbies: Anything active. I am a part of Saturday morning football at Calvary in the fall, Wednesday night basketball with the church during the winter, and softball with the Calvary Cornerstone team in the spring. I enjoy golf, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, and any other sport or yard games there are! - F avorite Bible verse: “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” -1 Corinthians 16:13-14 - W hen you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Growing up like most kid athletes, I had dreams to be a professional athlete. In high school I had interest in being a special education teacher. And then my freshman year of college, I really had a passion and dream to be an Athletic Director. It is such a blessing to be able to really do my “dream job.” - W hat is the most interesting thing about yourself? Well, something that is very interesting about me is that I have never been on a plane. I am not scared of flying at all and would very much like to do it! I just have never been outside the country and any long destination I have been on has been reached by car.
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{ staff updates }
Ryan Batson - Position at PCA: Elementary Principal - F amily Information: I have been married to Sarah for almost 9 years; we have three children: Wyatt (7), Natalie (5) and Davis (3). Wyatt is in 2nd grade and Natalie is in Kindergarten. - Where did you grow up? Grosse Ile, MI - W here did you go to college? My undergrad was at Central Michigan and my graduate work has been at Wayne State. - W hat do you like most so far about PCA? The welcoming and friendly atmosphere has created a great transition into private Christian education. Coming from the public schools, it is amazing to be able to pray and speak about Christ in the workplace. I am so thankful! - Favorite snack? My wife loves to bake desserts, so anything she makes. I also love spicy snacks. - F avorite restaurant? Lately it has been the Burger Spot in downtown Plymouth (the Sriracha Burger is great) or the Golden Brown Bakery in South Haven. - F avorite summer pastime? My favorite pastime is going up north for the 4th of July or to the beach in South Haven. - H obbies: I love being outside, so anything outdoors. I enjoy going to Maybury State Park with my family, playing sports with my kids and hanging out with friends. I am also a lifelong learner and I get really excited about new teaching practices and strategies for teachers and students. - Favorite Bible verse: “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.� Philippians 4:13 - W hen you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Initially, I wanted to be an architect. I still love architecture. My favorite is midcentury modern design, specifically by Frank Lloyd Wright. - W hat is the most interesting thing about yourself? I have a pretty decent green thumb. I come from a long line of gardeners, so it rubbed off on me. It is really relaxing to be taking care of my yard, vegetables and flowers. My kids are great at helping me too. It is funny to see them get so much dirt on them, especially Natalie. I really enjoy it.
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Joy Comes in the Morning
Sometimes when we lose things it causes this, sort of, momentary panic that rises and falls in a mini tidal wave manner. Like when you’ve spent hours creating a lesson and your computer crashes....or maybe when you lose your camera with all your vacation pictures on it. The panic escalates, crests with some hand wringing and mind racing, and then slowly ebbs away. But sometimes a loss slices into your heart so deeply that it forever redefines who you are and how you think. It’s what has been referred to as “deep grief.” It’s the kind of sorrow that results in a chronic soul injury that never seems to heal. It isn’t a momentary detour, but takes up permanent residence in your life. You even wonder how God’s promises can stand up against the weight of such deep grief. This article takes on personal meaning for me. Just 16 months ago I stood behind a podium at my daughter’s funeral; daisies draped on her casket; family and friends assembled to say goodbye. How could I let go of her that cold winter day? When will I shed this deep grief? When will there be “joy in the morning”? When will my weeping turn into dancing? When? It’s “when” you find a keepsake of your loved one that you thought was lost, and realizing God did that just to comfort you. It takes discovering one day that the sun still shines on your face. It takes fervent prayer. It takes seeing a butterfly at her grave as a reminder that she is completely whole in the arms of her Savior where she is clothed in righteousness and free of pain. It takes God’s people. It’s “when” they send cards and flowers and butterfly bracelets.... and a painting. Yes, a painting! As I opened the door to my office the last day of school, I never anticipated the great comfort I would receive just a few hours later. Her heart burdened to do something for someone at PCA before she left, Art Teacher at Plymouth Christian for 13 years, Susan Aitken, kept hearing a name over and over... Amanda... Beth’s Amanda. In light of our loss, Susan beautifully painted a one-of-a-kind original of my precious girl, Amanda Joy, holding her dear daughter, Ava. With the help of Peggy Paulson and my sweet Bethany, Susan was sent a picture. This original painting, this gift, answered my “when”. It helped me discover, once again, “…weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning”. Psalm 30:5. Susan gave me the gift of joy that day. She is a gifted artist and her perspective resonated with strokes of comfort and hope as the years stretch out before us. We do not receive glimpses of what is ahead. No certainties to claim, except for God’s love that reaches to any depth we find ourselves in. Amanda suffered from Polycystic Kidney Disease that was approaching end stages during the final month of her life. We saw her suffer with pain every day and grow tired and weak, but we find utmost comfort in knowing she has taken up residence in heaven. Her stay here was brief, and when Amanda Joy stepped into heaven on January 3rd, all of her that lived inside the “tent” of her body went to be with Jesus. Her tender spirit lives on in her beautiful babies, Ava and Landon, and we have comfort in knowing that the hands that knit her together are the hands that are holding her now. Thank you for joining the voices that have been ascending before the throne, whispering our names. Thank you, Susan Aitken, for reminding me of His grand and faithful promise in Revelation 4 that says “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.”Psalm 30:11; “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him”. 1 Corinthians 2:9. Thank you, Susan! Submitted by Beth Larabee, In Memory of Amanda Joy White-Southerland, June 25, 1993-January 3, 2015 Eagle Vision - 40
On behalf of the students we serve, we offer a heartfelt thank you to the following generous persons and companies who have partnered with the PCA Development Department by providing a sponsorship gift to benefit the students of PCA. We were blessed by:
• Anonymous: “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40 • Baird Private Wealth Management, Dan Paulson CLU, ChFC • Lateral Solutions, Chris & Teresa Somercik • CertaPro Painters of Plymouth, Jim Zandee • Hock Family Dentistry, Ross Hock DDS • Stefanski Wealth Management, Danielle Holmes, CFP • Dr. Michael Petrouneas, DDS • John & Julie Schreck • Robert & Nancy Chapman • Dr. Hirut Dagnew, MD • Drs. Bookwalter, Fee & Wright Plymouth Orthodontists • Brad & Joyce Hovermale • Atchinson Ford, Craig & Medina Atchinson • Colonial Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Robert Hott • Paul Dexter Roofing & Construction • Timothy D. Andres, DDS, PC • Alisa Kwang, PLLC, Attorney & Counselor at Law • Loiselle & Associates CPA • Mike & Debby Joseph • House Family Foundation • OMSAA Norbert E. Fernandez DDS • Kirk & Julie Albert • Richard Reproductions, Richard Larabee • Jet’s Pizza, Joe & Sylvia Lavigne • The Joseph Family • Thrivent Investment Management, David N. Granner MBA, CFP, FIC •Matrix Engineering, Tim & Heather Sylvester • The Horrall Family • The House & White Families • Saline Lectronics • Michigan CAT • Douglas Abraham, Attorney & Counselor at Law • The Hovermale Family • Blackwell Ford, Plymouth • Karen Slater, Century 21, Town & Country, Northville Eagle Vision - 41
to benefit the students of PCA!
Unmask the Possibilities!
27th Annual Auction Gala Event
October 28, 2016 – 6:00pm Plymouth Christian Academy
Butler Gymnasium - 43065 Joy Road, Canton 734-459-3505 -
6pm - 8pm
Strolling Appetizers, Silent Auction, Catered Dinner ___________
8pm - 9:15pm
Live Auction Event & Entertainment
Eagle Vision - 9