www.pcaocr.org Editor
June 2014
Inside this issue
Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530
Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com 714-315-7977
Advertising Director
Cooper Boggs
The driving simulator at the Circle Gran Pris party was a huge hit!
(714) 505-3662
Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981
Technical Writer Lee Rice
Contributing Writers
Malamut Museums’s “smart cars”
Garey Cooper Bruce Herrington CL Jarusek Maryann Marks
7 Book Review: Porsche 911 9 Malamut Museum Tour 12 Porsches, Posies, and Garden Art 17 Gran Pris Party 26 AX Corner
Upcoming Events
2 Hearts & Garages 2 Calendar of Events 15 Shake, Rattle & Rally 23 Julian Tour 23 LA Concours 25 Where’s Pando? 31 AutoCross Events IBC Porsche Parade In Monterey
Contributing Photographers Garey Cooper Gerry Crews Michael Knudsen Gary Labb CL Jarusek Pete Lech John Ortiz
2 3 4 5 21 24 25 35 36
Goodie Store President’s Message Contacts Editor’s Corner Rice’s Ramblings Anniversaries /Membership Breakfast Club/Member Events Classified Ads List of Advertisers
AutoCross is still going fast and strong at El Toro
On the Cover: L to R: The Lelech’s hot yellow 911, Ronn Ruff & Toni Schmdt’s 2012 991 911 Carrera S with Porsche Spec Acid Green Calipers, and Peggy Huddleston’s cute canary yellow TT.
Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726
JUNE 2014
2013/14 OCR Calendar of Events* JUNE 2014
1 PCA-OCR 44th Annual White Glove Concours 7 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 7 Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show 8 San Clemente Car Show 12 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 15 PCA Porsche Parade in Monterey 21 Krispy Kreme Gathering 28 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 28 Ftn Vly Classic Car & Truck Show 29 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
JULY 2014 5 10 18 19 20 20 20 26 27
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Mammoth High-Alpine Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR Shake Rattle & Rally PCA-LAR Concours d’Elegance 28th Annual 356 Club Car Show Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
2 9 14 15 16 23 23 24
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR New Members Picnic Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Werks Reunion“A Porsche Gathering” Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido Hearts & Garage Tour PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro
SEPTEMBER 2014 6 7 11 20 21 27 27
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR Julian-Back Door Tour Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
NOVEMBER 2014 1 10 13 15 16 22
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR DE Event Streets of Willow Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
DECEMBER 2014 6 7 11 20 27
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido TBA Christmas Party TBA Toys For Tots Picnic
PCA-RR Timeline Lake Arrowhead
OCTOBER 2014 4 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 9 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 10/12 PCA-OCR Fall Tour 18 Krispy Kreme Gathering 19 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 25 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido
* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org. OCR Board Meetings: All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s. We thank them for their support.
The Rennlist A Request for updated emails!
SAVE THE DATE Saturday, August 23, 2014 The Hearts & Garages Tour The Foremost Charity Event for Sempi Fi ONE MORE GARAGE NEEDED
Contact: Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com
The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net
President’s Message By Greg Lush
Can you feel the energy? Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can you feel it? The buzz and energy is gaining momentum at club activities. It is really something and very exciting for all of us. If you were to wrap this into a tight description, what would that be? What came to my mind was that we are continuing to evolve and if I had to describe this esprit de corps, the phrase “sense of community” comes to mind. On the Internet, I found the following Wikipe-
dia descriptions of “sense of community”. These two descriptions describe many of my feelings about the aura around our club activities. • For Sarason, psychological sense of community is “the perception of similarity to others, an acknowledged interdependence with others, a willingness to maintain this interdependence by giving to or doing for others what one expects from them, and the feeling that one is part of a larger dependable and stable structure” (1974, p. 157). • McMillan & Chavis (1986) define sense of community as “a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together.” If you are looking at this and saying, “what the heck is he rambling on about?” It’s a sign that additional engagement should
JUNE 2014
be considered. Keep up the good work. Certainly the common thread for all of us is our love of Porsches; however, while that love is important, the desire to be connected with one another trumps everything. Our community can sustain and foster lifelong relationships. Communities become stronger as passive participants become active participants. The PCA OCR website has a great tool that makes it easy for members to contribute their thoughts and ideas. As you have likely seen from the meeting agendas and board meeting notes, we are very “open kimono” and sincerely value your feedback. Please take a moment to let us know how you feel and provide us with any thoughts on things we can do to make your “PCA OCR Experience” the best in all Porsche Clubs (use the “contact us” function, upper right; http:// pcaocr.com)!
Contact Information
OCR Executive Board
Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com
President - Greg Lush ocrtours@live.com
Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com
Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com
Vice President - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com
Membership Director - Sandy Schwartz mr997s@gmail.com
Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com
OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Don Chapman PorscheDon@mail.com Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com Concours Chair Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net
Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com
Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org
Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the
information to this email also.
Owen Cudney Brittney Dunham
(949) 244.2823
le Val
73 SUITE 109A
28162 Camino Capistrano, Suite 109A Laguna Niguel, Ca 92677
Camino Capistrano
Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com
Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson fast.freddy@verizon.net
Camino Capistrano
Secretary - Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com
Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper Hot summer days, as we hasten along our ways. Will the weekend ever be here? We feel the need to shift a gear, get out on the highway, find a new byway. Is it possible to smile for one whole day? A hot time in the old town Well my own biggest news has got to be getting home from the OCR-PCA Central Coast Tour and being greeted by the biggest season of wild fires in some years, at least down here in San Diego. Mrs. Cooper and I were in the evacuation queue leaving our little vale of Santaluz along with many other local residents. Our escape was by Panamera (BESS) so that the trail wasn’t that much of travail. But, I did feel some kindred spirit with so many refugees over so many years of human experience. As indeed we were running, but where to? Quo Vadis? I will cherish forever the offers of overnight accommodations that we received. And I will remember to offer my
own in turn, should that ever be necessary. It is important to let all of our readers know that when one faces troubles even the wishes of luck and prayers offered take on a special meaning. You can see a short video I did of our evacuation if you wish. I posted it to my “Facebook” account… it is interesting for me to watch it now as I can plainly hear the stress in my voice as I narrate our activity. Okay, what’s important to you? I mean what’s REALLY IMPORTANT to you? Given 20 minutes or so to evacuate concentrates your focus as to the important things that you want to take along. My first thought was to take both of our Porsches, the GT3 and the Panamera. However with the initial stirrings of chaos, I did not want to be separated from Mrs. Cooper and then end up trying to locate her in some community shelter. I’ve seen too many movies for that! So, Blanche Bickerson (the GT3) was left behind, into the hands of fate. I know you Porsche or car nut people
will understand, but as I said one concentrates powerfully in moments of extremes. And as Max and Garey sharing a latte love of this writing while the fires continue around us we are back in the house and well and whole for the moment. And back to our regular programming Porsche has delivered 55,000 vehicles to customers in the first quarter of 2014. If you do the math, you will end up with the potential for 220,000 deliveries in 2014. And this is before the Macan! That’s truly remarkable, as they taught us to say in Business School. The announced goal of Porsche (post Macan introduction) was to grow to 250,000 deliveries per year. It looks like they are very close (Continued on Page 29)
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JUNE 2014
Book Review:
PORSCHE 924, 944, 968 A COLLECTOR’S GUIDE By Michael Cotton, Published by MRP Publishing LTD, Croydon, England
Review by Bruce Herrington The name Michael Cotton should be familiar to Panorama readers. His column European Windows has been a Panorama feature for many years. This book is an old book, first published in 1990, then revised and expanded in 2000. By being old, it is not out of date, but rather current to its subject matter. And if you are at all interested in the subjects with which it deals, it is a must-have book. It is not a shop manual, but rather a documentary of the design and development of these, the first of the Porsche water-pumpers. This book makes clear that these cars are indeed Porsches through and through, despite their unique, front-engine, water-cooled character. There are many pictures with extensive captions, but unlike most books where the captions support the pictures, here the pictures serve to support the comprehensive and informative captions. The author provides a great deal of detail, including tables of specifications, and describes variants that this 924 enthusiast had never heard of before, such as the special series of 924s prepared in the late ‘70s to run on methanol, as part of German government’s alternative fuels program. There is even discussion of the ramifications of the Turbo route to more power for the 924 – turbo boost required stronger crank, rods and pistons, adding weight to the front. But extra power required a stronger gearbox at the rear – but the stronger Porsche box was lighter than the Audi box, reducing weight at the rear. These changes upset the balance of the car, necessitating changes in suspension.... Another interesting story came out of the analysis of why the 924 Turbo did so outstandingly in tens of thousands of miles of factory supported testing, and had so many problems after sale – this time it was the d*@n Doctors, not the d*@n Lawyers, who were responsible. And who would have thought that in the 1981 Le Mans race,
the award for the finisher that spent the least time in the pits went to the 924! The 924S, so prevalent in Southern California, (compared to 924s), is barely treated as a footnote to the 924 story. That may be appropriate, considering worldwide production numbers, but production numbers are not specifically included. This is after all, a “Collector’s Guide” a role it fills very well, with detailed narrative descriptions of model/year changes and how they came about. It is more about the design history of the cars, than their performance. Even the chapter on racing tells more about the modifications made, their rationale and effects, that about results in specific races. There are appendices that give technical specs and performance figures, but the specs are presented in more of a narrative form than traditional tables of specifications. Some may remember that the Speedster was created in response to American influence. Interestingly, the 944 body (as distinct from that of the 924) was strictly a result of American influence, albeit of a different kind. Despite the American predilection for front-engine water pumpers (in V-8 form at least) the 944 was always a bastard stepchild of a Porsche in American
JUNE 2014
eyes. Yet, after 18 years of 911 production, the 944 was the fastest selling Porsche ever, during its introduction year of 1982. PORSCHE 924, 944, 968 is an old book, and it looks old, with an ‘archaic’ typeface, and the many pictures and illustrations are black & white. But the information is current and timely to the vehicles described, and provides an immense amount of fascinating detail about these unique cars. With 144 7-1/4 by 9-1/2 inch pages, 7 Chapters (including one on Buying a used four-cylinder [water cooled] Porsche), this is a book every 924-968 owner should have. If not yet fascinated by the history of this special branch of the Porsche family tree, this book will make you so.
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2014 Malamut Museum Tour Story by CL Jarusek
Canyon Rd and headed up to Mulholland Canyon Rd. This is a very scenic and windy road with speeds probably not exceeding 30 MPH, but the very twisties exercise the tires and steering wheels of your favorite marquee. Decker Canyon heads up over the Santa Monica Mountains into the backside of Thousand Oaks. It’s about 30 miles or so, with only an occasional bicyclist. We enPete & Judy Lech present Mike & Barbara Malamut with a joyed a view of Lake Sherwood plaque and flowers. and then the rolling hills of Westlake before finally getting into the suburban A Nice Spring Day, a Porsche, a Great area of Thousand Oaks and Newbury Park. Drive and a Fantastic Collection We were to be at the nondescript inOne of the reasons that we own our Porsches dustrial-area building at 11 am, and with the and enjoy the benefits of our Porsche Club lead of Pete and Judy we arrived about 10 is the tours/event that are put on regularly. minutes early. Sitting in front of the building Such a tour was the drive to Thousand Oaks were two Studebaker Avantis, and with the to view one of the best car collections that I addition of all the Porsches from the differhave seen. And I have been to many collecent clubs there was quite an assortment of tions, including museums. vehicles. Walking in the front door was our April 12th was slightly overcast at 9 next adventure. am as the crowd gathered at Krispy Kremes, Upon entering, the aroma of fresh a frequent starting point for our tours. This baked chocolate chip cookies filled the air. one was put on by Pete and Judy Lech. We They were baked by Barbara Malamut, wife had been invited to join the 356 Club, the R of the owner Mike Malamut, in the 50s era Gruppe Club and the 912 Club to tour the kitchen complete with stove and oven. it Malamut collection of autos and memorawas located in the area near the front door. bilia from the 40s and 50s. Along with many The Malamuts also provided other snacks others, I had never heard of this collection. and drinks for us to enjoy during our selfThe 61 members and guests of OCR guided tours of the large warehouse and headed out the 22 Freeway to the 405 Freeyard to the rear. As is needed after a long way to the westbound 10 Freeway. There drive, we went to the restrooms and they was surprisingly very little traffic and the had avocado green toilets and sinks. Some further we drove towards Los Angeles, the of you younger members might not know more the overcast cleared, making it a perwhat I mean. Furnishings in the seating arfect driving day. This helped the 33 cars to eas were also late 40s or 50s and this décor stay in fairly close proximity while on the accented the whole experience. freeways. Ending at PCH in Santa Monica, They had many VW vans, VW bugs the group headed north on the famous roadand of course, Porsches in the collection. way. Again, it was easy-going traffic and However, some of the unusual ones were we drove approximately 30 miles along the worth the drive to Ventura County. There Pacific Ocean Coast, by this time our cars were 1958 Messerschmitts, BMW Isettas, beautifully glowing in the sun. So much for the city driving of South(Continued on Page 11) ern California, as we turned onto Decker
JUNE 2014
Top to bottom: A rare Woodie and matching canoe; Three Fiat Multiplas, 1950s era Messerschmidts and Isettas. The original “smart cars”, MB Convertible, an original Gull Wing and a Toyota 2000GT
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and Trojans, all of which are three wheeled autos; two wheels in front, one in the rear. I wonder how they would do in an Autocross? There were original Fiat station wagons, predecessors to the new Fiats. Mark Johnson pointed out that there were four Fiat Duplexes and he had only seen one before in his life. I was unfamiliar with it, a small four-passenger van-type of vehicle. There were also two 1950s era Solytos, which I had never seen. It’s a small van-type vehicle, three wheeled (one in front, two in the rear). Also pointed out were a 50s era Audi van, similar to the old VW vans, and the Member who pointed it out said he had heard of them, but had never seen one. A Helm’s Bakery truck, some beautiful Corvettes, some Citroens and many other very
rare collectible were not to be missed. A real complement to the display were all of the collectable signs, and other items from the 40s and 50s. These brought back many memories to some of us older members. At the conclusion of the event, Mike Malamut gave us a little history about himself. He grew up not having much money in his family, so he began working on cars. His neighbor had a 1956 Porsche, which he loved and later purchased. This same neighbor worked for Bob Smith VW/Porsche in Hollywood. Mike’s love for Porsches and VWs progressed. He got into the auto sales business, and after succeeding for many years, he started AutoLand. Many of you know this was used by credit unions to assist their Members with good deals on
JUNE 2014
autos. When he sold AutoLand, he started collecting more cars. One of his prized cars was purchased at a high-end auction. He bid so high that many of his friends called him an idiot. He bought that car, a Toyota 2000GT, for $627,000 and 6 months later it was worth over $1.2 million. His friends now call him a smart idiot. Mike scored a lot of points with me for his assistance to one of his favorite charities, the Humane Society. His great-looking German Shepherd, Barney, was a rescue like my GSD. Mike and Barbara were presented with a plaque and a bouquet of flowers by Pete, Judy and me . They are to be thanked for their hospitality and inviting us to a great experience. If you are ever given this rare opportunity, take the drive and enjoy.
Porsches, Posies and Garden Art Story by Maryann Marks & Toni Schmidt Photos by Maryann Marks
This years garden tour proved to be quite the adventure, with a new 192 911 at the helm.. Remember, if you veer from your printed directions, be sure you know how to work the GPS! The first garden was truly a spectacle to behold and, as we learned from the hardscape designer and creator, it was featured on a Huel Howser episode. The owner described it this way: “This strictly fantasy-themed garden is evidence of what happens when the gardener decides to cut his Prozac in half… A scaled Hobbit village in the front garden of this Spanish-style turned Danish country manor greets visitors. The gardener, who has no sense of humus, is assisted by several topiary ‘workers’. A favorite variety of salvias accompany the water wheel, and an arbor is covered with a Black-Eyed Susan vine reaching for the sun. Notice the wizard overlooking the balcony on the west? Look for the topiary goat, who can’t seem to sell his lemonade, so his cart has been planted with sun-loving annuals. Collected antique
Top left to bottom : Mike & Bonnie LeLesch, Monica Wallers, Toni Schmidt, and Peggy Huddleston at the first incredulous stop, Great garden art from the Model T Club of San Diego.
stained glass windows adorn the patio, which is surrounded by three water features.” The reamining eight (8) gardens we visited were each speccial in their own wat, from the zen experince where one left all of their daily concerns behind as they walked through the zen arch to the deceptively large corner yard with the Model -T “garden art” on the front lawn. Each garden’s uniqueness was a tribute to the time and effort that goes into the preparation for this tour. It is akin to the prep it takes to get one’s porsche prepared for the concours judging!
Clockwise from Top Left: Water wheel was life size and stunning in H.B., Succulent blooms unusual in May, The hobbit village is a must see in Cerritoes. It garnered a visit from Huel Howser. Garden art graces every available spot!
(Images Continued on Page 15
JUNE 2014
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Clockwise from Top Left: The 1913 991 gear adjustments proved helpful when passing plodding strangers who misunderstood the way porsche drivers own the road, A Zen experience, more vehicle garden art impresses and an exquisite passion flower.
PCA – OCR Presents SHAKE RATTLE & RALLY* A GIMMICK CAR RALLY Sunday, July 20, 2014 *A Circuitous Wandering About North Orange County that will ask you to ID Photo Objects and to decide if you are ODD or EVEN.* Registration & Start: Krispy Kremes, Block of Orange @ Chapman & City Drive, Orange Time: Registration: 8:30 AM; 1st Car Out: 9:00 AM Cost: $10 / car Finish: BJ’s restaurant, southeast end, Block of Orange Please RSVP to Larry Moore: lbm993@cox.net before Friday, July 18.
JUNE 2014
Top left to bottom: Maryann & Peggy joined Circle’s own Michelle Larsosn at the Circle Gran Pris Pre-party; Bob Scheussler and his son Kris rallied with Scott Huddleston and Toni Schmidt; Denny & Monica Asbury reminisced about his old racing days next to this pretty spectacular 919; Team GTLM class drivers, Bryan Sellers & Wolf Henzler, posed with the latest 2014 911 RSR. The only Porsche customer team in North America, they have earned 4 victories with 1 first place so far!
Long Beach Gran Pris - Circle’s Send Off Photos by Maryann Marks
Kris Scheussler with Porsche factory Driver Patrick Long
Scott Huddleston tested his racing ability on the driving simulator they had set up for everyone’s enjoyment. Rumor was, it was pretty humbling.
JUNE 2014
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Rice’s Ramblings:
KNOWN PROBLEMS Story by Lee Rice Lee’s Key Fobs
First off, a correction: I stated in the MAY 2014 Ramblings, “the battery power is identified as Terminal Nr. 30.” That is correct. However, I stated that, “Key ON” power is terminal Nr. 50.” That’s WRONG! “KEY ON” Power is terminal Nr. 15 also identified from the IGNITION SWITCH wiring as Rd-Bk (RED/black) wire. Also, in regard to having a wad of keys on you Porsche key set: A long time ago I had a Corvette key case – car identity key fobs and cases were one of the in things ‘to have’ back in the day. My Corvette key case, which was a small leather envelope type with fired enamel Corvette Crest and a snap lock to keep 3-4 keys snug and secure in my pocket. I still have that key case, but I bought another one in 1971 for my Porsche 911. I fortunately found a small, fired enamel Porsche Crest with a loop to secure it to my new key case. So then I had a “Porsche Key case”. When the leather wore out, I could not find any key cases or fobs anywhere. Not in style any longer? So, for over 30 years I have been making my own. l bought some leather working tools, leather pieces, leather dye and snap fasteners, and have been making my own key fob cases ever since. I think I am now on number 5? However even though my original Enameled Porsche Crest is very well worn, it still works for me. And I have never had an unintended or accidental KEY OFF situation with them – ever. THE GRAND PRIX The 24 HOURS of LeMans may be history as you read this, but it will be memo-
rable –for sure. The new factory werks 919 is as fast, as mean as it looks! Like the 917 in 1969’70 Grand prix, Formula-1 drivers are wringing everything they can from the 919 and most reports I read, even in SAE technical journals, quote drivers as having almost endless potential within the 919 and it is only the beginning. In many ways this is very much like the 917 of 1970. It’s de-ja-vu –all over again! MY OPINION You are welcome to reply. I only hope Porsche will build a 991GT2 and run them against the Corvettes, Vipers, Ferraris and BMWs. Can you believe shoe box “Beemer” sedans running with 911s! I think we need to see Porsche, once again, make the ultimate 911. The GT3 has proven it’s worth every year since 2002, but what about the 996-997 GT2? That’s the one they brag so much about it’s past glory. Many of us would love to see Porsche come out and actually run a new Turbo 911, a new 991-GT2 and race with the top dogs to prove once again it can race. The last time was 1998 when the AIR-COOLED 993GT2 Evo blew all the real cars away! I think the 991 turbo (a 991 GT2) could be built if Porsche was not so head-over-heels in love with automatic transmissions. Yeah, you would have to put another pedal in it! But, building a production 991 GT2 that will match any racer out there would leave no doubts that Porsche can race and win with what THEY SELL. Sixteen long years ago Porsche did that. How about now? How about making the Porsche 911 turbo a winner instead of just a past glory show boat! Are you getting this Weissach? EXCELLENCE The June 2014, Excellence has something every 1999-2014 911, 986 (Boxster) and Cayman owner or want-to-be-an-owner needs to be aware of. There is another com-
JUNE 2014
prehensive technical article with a further explanation and it’s a well-written article as well. Unfortunately it’s regarding the M96 and M97 engine problems. I am not trying to beat-up on the water cooled Porsche 911, Boxster and Cayman, as we old timers had our share of air-cooled 911 problems and got through them. Just so you know I understand the 911 problems of today. In the old days, 911s had Sole carburetors that would not idle worth a darn. They always belched black fuel rich exhausts. Then Weber Carburetor came along and fixed most of that problem and later Mechanical Fuel Injection eliminated all of it. That street car upgrade came right from their race cars! Then we had chain tensioner failures and before Porsche installed breakable rocker arms the failed tensioner allowed the chain to loosen, cam timing moved, valves hit pistons and in the early days the rocker arm did not break. They drove the valve through the piston, sometimes bending a connecting rod or two, and some, even slightly but measurably, bent the crankshaft! Not fun. My tensioner failure had breakable rocker arms. Thank Heavens for that. Before CDI ignition came along in 1969, if you allowed a 911 to idle more than 15 minutes you would likely have to replace all the spark plugs… I know! Additionally, clutch cables stretched and wore out to soon. The clutch tube broke their weld to the body, under the transmission mount. Then we had clutch fork break(Continued on Page 33)
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JUNE 2014
OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]
45 Years
Malcolm & Dianne Macondray 38 Years
Jeffrey & Marce Lewis
13 Years
Armand & Nan Gastelo Don & Gregory Hinshaw Gary Moeller & Tyler Gaines 12 Years
35 Years
John Collins 29 Years
Bill Peterson 28 Years
Kenneth Fish 27 Years
Jim Dawson Bob & Tiffany Malone Raymond & Connie Way 10 Years
John Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Abusco James Buck & Brittany Dunham Richard & Jane Douglass Peter Hansel & Patricia Scanlon Quincy & Evan Wang
Gerry Kokoszka & Elinor Remar William Vaughn & Laurie Saporito 9 Years Gary & Jaquelyn Akin 25 Years Stephen & Carol Bennett David & Jacob Baum Burnie & Carmen Dunlap Dennis Hall & Mindy Lutman 24 Years Richard Sartor Jim & Teresa Poste Jim & Brennan Slavik Eric & Veronica Taylor 22 Years Jay & Marjorie Warren Greg Moegling 8 Years 21 Years
Gordon & Jeanne Gray
Bruce & Terri Sargeant Bo Svendsbo
19 Years
7 Years
Ken & Grace Fredrickson William & Leilani Hasenplough 17 Years
Steven & Analyn Nogy Doug & Peggy Shannon Christian & Janie Van Heet 16 Years
Dwain Dement & Nick Emens
Gloria Alkire & Maureen Mc Carthey Jerry & Dianne Dotson Stuart & Kerry Ferguson Alan & Gail Hall Ted & Toshiko Hisada Richard & Linda Lantello Charles Richardson Chris Robertson 6 Years
Eric & Becky Budai 15 Years David & Marsha Carthey Christopher Brown & Jenny Parsons Peter & Lorelei Jungwirth Paul & Adrienne Le Pante Brad & Michaela Wakeman
New Members Malcolm & Sylvia Baca Laguna Beach/2011 Turbo S
Kevin & Jessica Pao Alhambra/2008 Boxster
Nalia Brewster San Clemente/1999 Boxster
Daren & Dahma Rhoades Laguna Hills/ 1989 Carrera
Dale Capnehurst Westminster/1981 911 SC John & Cheryl Carlson Redlands/2012 Panamera Norannsy Chieuchin Tustin/2004 911 Michael Connors Anaheim/ 2002 Boxster S
Bob Stahl & Klaus Forsberg Huntington Beach/1971 911 T James Thomas Laguna Niguel/ 2011 911 Seth & Cindy Trostler Cypress/ 2014 Cayman
Brian Dawson Irvine/1978 930
Johnny Tsao Irvine/2013 911 S
Edward Findley Temecula/2007 Carrera 4
Lawrence Wach San Clemente/ 1973 914
Jeffrey Ganz Newport Bch/ 2014 Boxster S
Kaldesh & Viktorija Gohill Anaheim/ 2006 Cayman S
John & Cheryl Carlson Redlands/ 2012 Panamera Transfer from Cal Inland (CAI)
Danny & Natalie Hart San Juan Capistrano/2011 911 Turbo Art Haynie Marina del Rey/ 2005 Cayenne Gordon Henry Newport Beach/ 1969 912 Robert & Scott Hohenstein Anaheim/1967 912 Lawrence & Joey Hudack Corona/1998 993 Steven Johnson Newport Bch/2014 Cayman S Roger &Garrett Kraemer Brea/2007 911 Geoffrey &Brian Lau Lake Forest/2014 991
Steve Flannery Newport Bch/ 2000 911 Carrera & 2006 Cayenne S Transfer from Los Angeles (LA) Max & Heather Gokhman Newport Beach/2006 Cayman S Transfer from Golden Gate (GG) Seth & Cindy Trostler Cypress/ 2014 Cayman Transfer from Los Angeles (LA) Johnny Tsao Irvine/ 2013 911 Transfer from Los Angeles (LA)
Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Gerry Crews
Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members pictures for May are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.
New Member Rob Meyers with his 1987 White Carrera 3.2
New Member Alan Osako with his black 2008 Turbo
New Members Tom & Cheryl MacDonald with their 2005 Carrera
New Member Rich Wilbur with his gray 2011 Carrera
Where’s PANDO? Keith Clark took PANDO to the Nevada Railway Museum! Looking Good Keith!
JUNE 2014
JUNE 2014
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Editor’s Notes:
(Continued from Page 5)
to that pinnacle without the new mini-SUV. In this case, I wouldn’t bet against them hitting the target. And the Panamera leads part of this charge with an increase of 17% of yearover-year deliveries. Of course, the line was just “face lifted” as the saying goes, so this spikes purchaser interest and gets traffic to the showrooms. I want to make a special note that the V8 has vanished from the Panamera line-up, excepting the boosted Turbo and the very special “GTS” variant. More on future motors from Porsche in a moment. In place of the V8, Porsche is using a turbocharged V6 in the Panamera, which, although smaller and more fuel-efficient than the outgoing V8, will have more horsepower and torque. I have not had a chance to drive or ride in one of these but I’m really looking forward to the experience. I’d like to see how the driving dynamic is with this new design. You don’t always get what you want I personally am disappointed that Porsche will not build a sub-Boxster roadster. There was research and a rumor of an “entry level” Porsche Boxster with a flat four motor that was to have been a “Miata fighter” and it would have served to attract newer and younger customers to the brand. Latest stories are that this was scuttled as it would have been too far of a reach down, and that it might irritate the 911 Turbo S buyer who at $big bucks (not to mention the $918) didn’t want some hip hop playing dude in a sub $50K car waving to him/her. Too bad, because in the beginning, Porsche was known for compact cars that extracted reliable high performance from relatively small motors, many of them flat fours.
But wait it’s alive! Then, Porsche CEO Matthias Muller is reported to have said that indeed there will be four cylinder flat fours and that they are going into the Boxster/Cayman chassis. This continues the downsizing of cylinders and displacement that is going on in the industry in general and at , as noted on the Panamera above. These newer, smaller motors are going to be more fuel efficient and return power figures that surpass those of the current crop of larger displacement motors. In many cases these will be turbocharged to increase the output to match the outgoing larger capacity motors. Additionally Porsche has seemed to become a leader in the hybrid power packages that are undoubtedly in our future. Witness the 918, which has to be one of the most powerful hybrids on the market and their new Le Man contender. Both with cleverly designed battery powered motors to augment the internal combustion main power unit. They brought this first to the Cayenne, and now it is available on the Panamera including a “plugin” version. Again, I’ve not had a chance to sample these sophisticated systems but I’m looking forward to the chance to do so. It seems to me that the special challenge for Porsche will be to keep the brand distinctive and the driving experience uniquely “Porsche like” through the range as it grows. And, I wonder if they have qualitatively and quantitatively defined “Porsche like” so they don’t lose the focus through things like Diesel and hybrid power packages. What an interesting time to watch our favorite brand and what profound changes we’ve seen over the past 10 years or so. More to come! Let me know what YOU think about all of this. If the “Porsche Purists” weren’t keen on water-cooling or four doors,
JUNE 2014
what do they make of burring oil or electricity for motive power? The BIG race For the sports car world the big race is, of course, Le Mans. And it happens on June 14 & 15, which is just around the corner. The Porsche 919, previously mentioned, is coming from a 4th place finish at Spa, not bad but not first either. There are some strong teams entered and the Audi team, from within the same corporate family, has to be one of the strongest that Porsche will face. I am excited that the overall management will let both Audi and Porsche contest the top class, but a little curious at the same time. The expense of having two teams must be enormous and one wonders for which brand is the identity of Le Mans the strongest? I’d have to say Porsche, but garnering the publicity and the technical knowledge has certainly not hurt Audi. “Run what you brung” the old drag racers used to say. So the match up at Le Mans is particularly interesting for us Porsche fans this year. Cabriolet Sauvignon I began this whole column noting that we had just returned from the tour to Paso Robles with our Orange Coast Region as led by Mr. Keith Clark. We thoroughly enjoyed the time, area, and of course, the wine. This time, as we were bringing golf clubs for an optional stop at the Ojai Valley Inn and Mrs. Cooper’s suitcase, we drove the Panamera. BESS handled the luggage with relative ease and proved an amusing canyon runner. Nothing of course beats a real sports car for the curves but it was still an enjoyable drive and Bess does have enough of that Porsche DNA to keep it fun. But be sure to watch for any trek the Clarks lead, as my hat is off to them for doing a wonderful job.
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JUNE 2014
Rice’s Ramblings:
(Continued from Page 21)
age. Then clutch Fork ball stud shearing off! Lovely. Throttle rod connector breaking and you driving home with a shoe shoved under the Weber Carborator throttle was not fun either! Then we had, and still have today, the infamous CIS air box explosions! Today, you still cannot buy a new 1974-1983 911 CIS air box with a back-fire valve on it. This one simple modification saved fortunes every year in repair bills, but the dealers don’t sell them, Officially anyway. However, Einmalig, Ecklers and Pelican sell them. A MUST HAVE. One of the things that really bugs me about Porsche is that it seems not to accept that ‘hotrod-engineers’ have conquered factory problems, often with a good, simple, quality fix/up-grade. Is it ego? Pride? Politics? I don’t know. It seems Porsche should have embraced these clever up-grades a long time ago and incorporated them into their own assembly system. But they don’t. So we have to wait or make our own fixes. Fortunately, smart enterprising after market shops make and sell them. 911, Boxster & Cayman problems 1. IMS failure: So many good articles have been written explaining what an owner can do to take charge of thier Porsche. The single most important three steps are having your oil and filter thoroughly inspected for any traces of metal. Once you see metal particle in your oil and in the filter element you are done! You then need a complete engine overhaul AND every oil line flushed clean and the oil/coolant radiator sonic cleaned and certified clean! I strongly suggest you install a metal “chip” detector in your Porsche. These are much like aircraft engine and helicopter transmission metal detectors. They can prevent a problem before it destroys the whole engine (or transmission). Your service shop can install them. Some dealers are likely to disapprove of it, as it isn’t factory, but ask them anyway! Also replace your oil filter with a metal case throw-a-way cartridge oil filter and install one of those after market magnetic straps around the filter element. This will collect magnetic debris inside the metal filter housing and when you change your oil, you or your mechanic can cut open the filter (there are special ‘can opener’ tools for
GT with Muffler 0301-14 2.5 in-out DM Super Turbo
this) inspect your filter element and look for metal inside the filter housing. Many street and racing air-cooled 911s use these. Replace the old troublesome single row IMS Bearing with an aftermarket I.M.S. double row ball bearing. With the engine removed and on a work stand you can check your clutch for wear, replace the RMS (Rear Main Seal), and upgrade those known to be troublesome water tube leaks by TiG welding them, not re-gluing them! I would also suggest having a Valve Job done as that will insure a long lasting Porsche and peace of mind. This will eliminate the worry about oil emissions and OBD II issues from that known problem. Then you will know. This repair and upgrade BEFORE a problem arises equals - VALUE! Value for KNOWING you have checked things, and knowing that now potential issues can be easily monitored and future driving reliability is more assured. Last but not least: great resale value. It is better to know everything is OK than just hope it’s ok… 2. Cracked cylinder heads. 3. Water leaks from glued on coolant tubes into castings. Even Mezger motor GT3 and GT2s have this problem! 4. Oil-Air Separator failures. 5. Rod bolt/nut failure on GT3 RS. Reported as a “fire problem”. Not exactly. It is now known to be a rod nut-bolt, failure leading to the connecting rod egression through the engine crankcase and the ensuing fire. These are just some of the current, known issues. Now it is up to you. Only you can truly stay ahead of your Porsche’s health. Like a good doctor or technician-mechanic-engineer, they all need your help and input to diagnosis your health and the health of your Porsche by recognizing the first signs of a problem before it turns catastrophic.
JUNE 2014
GT with K29-27 Flash on Compressor view
GARRETT GT35R My new GARRETT GT35R turbocharger is running great. My first impressions are that it noticeably spools much faster than the plain bushing KKK turbos of old. The ballbearing turbocharger idles around 20,000 rpm, as with ball bearings there is almost no drag from bearing and oil film. This enables Garrett to use a much more aggressive compressor that ‘grabs’ more air with every turn. I notice the GT35R on my built 3.6 Turbo engine pulls at low rpm, with a push I once had with the hybrid turbo on a smaller engines. The GT35R makes full boost around 3,200-3,500 depending on air temp and as the engine comes up “on the cam”, it pulls even harder! More to come later GODSPEED LESLIE RICE Technical Director-Writer riceturbos@sbcglobal.net We appreciate your comments, suggestions or differing opinions Call at reasonable hours 714 539-1042
Classified Ads FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ‘88 911 Turbo Cabriolet, Guards Red/Red & Black lthr interior, 26.9K miles. A rare “DP Motorsport 935” Stage II Edition. The real deal. Numbers matching, 4spd manual, no accidents. $89,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘88 911 Turbo Coupe, Ferrari Yellow. This is a very rare CUSTOM PAINT TO SAMPLE car from the Porsche Factory. Delivered new to Brumos Porsche in Atlanta, Ga. with complete service records and ownership records from new. The car is 100% original and recently serviced including all new tires. Was shown at the PCA Concours in Atlanta and Milwaukee and has been a show car ever since. Numerous First in Class Concours Awards with PCA. Blaupunkt Reno radio, 4 spd, LSD, alarm system, electric sunroof, US Standard Emissions. $165,000.00 OBO. David 305/582-9723; more photos at www.DJMConsultants.net GGR (1)
FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993-986-996-997-991 ’98 Boxster, Black/Tan lther, 94.7K mi. 2.5L/flat 6 cyl eng/rear wheel drive. 5-spd manual. Antera Rims/BF Goodrich 225 40 ZR18 front/ 265 35 18 rear, ABS brakes. Airbags. A/C, AM/FM/CD player. Power convertible roof, seats, windows, side mirrors, door locks. Runs great, handles very well. Always garaged, runs on regular gas, non-smoker. $8,800 OBO. Ray Pascua 949/370-4841 (cell). OCR (1)
climate control, Bose sound, bi-xenon headlights, wind deflector. All keys and manuals. New Michelin Pilot SS tires December 2013. Always garaged, immaculate condition. $37,000. Greg Mitchell, 714/ 685-1115; gkmitchell64@hotmail.com. OCR (1)
2006 997 Carrera S Coupe, Seal Grey Metallic/Sand Beige lthr, 9,650 original miles. SoCal owners from new. Sport Chrono Package Plus, 6-spd. Late 2006 build date. No IMS issues. No accidents, never tracked, non-smoker. $49,990.00 Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (1). 2008 997 Carrera S Coupe, Basalt Black Metallic/Black lthr, 28.6K miles. Sport Chrono Package, 6-spd, Adaptive sport seats. No accidents, original paint, never tracked, non-smoker. 1 SoCal owner from new, PCA member owned. $50,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).
FOR SALE: 911--1970s ‘73 911E Coupe, Emerald Green 3838 (Viper/Kelly)/Tan lthr interior, 109,400 original chassis miles. Two engines: #’s matching original and Hot Rod 3.0L. Less than 1,000 miles on rebuilt original engine (built to 2.7 L Twin Plug engine. 5 spd 915 trans, 2 gearboxes including original, both rebuilt. LSD, Sport Seats, A/C. Certificate of Authenticity, PCA/R Gruppe member owned. $124,990.00 for car with extra engine/gearbox. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘75 Porsche 3.0 RSR Tribute car. White with Beverly Porsche Audi Livery. Ex-Jim Busby/Vasek Polak Racing. Over $200,000 invested. Less than 10 hours on current engine. Custom 915 5-speed manual transmission. Car is signed by Jim Busby. $89,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).
cage; 100 liter Fuel Safe fuel cell; Guard Transmission limited slip; race geared Porsche 915 5-speed; Wevo shifter; fire system; cool suit; coil over suspension, etc. POC V3 car. Approx. 225 rear wheel horsepower and approx. 2200 lbs. Maintained and race prepped by Aase Motors, Fullerton. Comes with (2) sets of wheels & tires Fikse and Kinesis, 245/70 17 and 275/40 17 Kumhos and some extras, the original front fenders, as well as front and rear bumper covers that go with the stock fender configuration; stainless steel targa bar. Car is well sorted, very well balanced. The full oversize roll cage makes this car as solid as any coupe and as a targa, this car has more weight lower in the car compared to a coupe. $33,000.00 or trade for street Porsche. Brad 714/308-5225; bpierce@ piercefirm.com. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 914-6/914 ‘76 914 2.0L, Black/Black int. 4,500 miles on newly rebuilt engine. Also new brakes, shocks, springs, clutch and others. Very clean little or no rust. Many factory extras. Complete set of Factory workshop manuals, parts and tools. See www.surfcityracing.com for details, be sure to look at both pages of photos. $10,000 OBO. brad@surfcityracing.com. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 924-928-944968-986 ‘84 944 Spec Racecar: 0 miles on fully rebuilt engine; Race livery, 5 spd. Owned by POC and PCA member. CA car. No accidents. $11,990.00. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (2).
2007 Boxster S, Arctic Silver/Black interior/black top. 7500 miles!. Original owner. 6 spd, 18” Cayman S whls w/colored crests. CD changer, heated seats, automatic
FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘82 911SC Race Car: 3.0L high compression CIS engine; 1973 wide-body; full roll
‘86 944 Turbo Coupe, Guards Red/ Black/Tan interior, 111,000 chassis miles. 2 owners from new. 3.0L 16V 550hp engine w/A/C. Less than 3,000 miles on new engine. 5-spd manual. Street legal. (Continued on Page 36)
JUNE 2014
Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com
Classifieds Contd: Over $84,000 invested. $19,990.00. Paul 714/335-4911;paul@autokennel.com. ‘88 944/951 Turbo S Coupe, Maraschino Red Metallic/Light Grey leatherette w/ Porsche cloth inserts, 39.1K mi. Rare M030 Sport Package/1-Year Only Production!!!. 5-spd manual. Original paint/no accidents. Only 718 produced for U.S. Market/1 of 51 in this color combination. 2-owner car, COA. $32,990.00. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). ‘93 928 GTS Coupe, Zermatt Silver Metallic / Classic Grey lthr with Magenta carpet, 56,200 original miles. Paint to sample. Less than 2,000 miles since top-end engine rebuild, 5-spd manual. PCA member owned; 2 owners. No accidents; Certificate of Authenticity. Featured in Porsche TV commercial. $104,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (1).
FOR SALE: 356 ‘57 356 T1 Speedster, Reutter coach builder for Porsche AG. Signal Red/Black interior. Car has recently received a bare tub rotisserie restoration to concours condition by Porsche 356 specialist Jim Shuh. The original “032” stamped hood, doors and engine lid remain fitted to the car. The metal work, body and paint are show quality executed showing no defects simply spotlighting this rare original panel example. The wheels are all properly date stamped. The transmission is original to the car and the engine in the car presently is approximately 100 engine numbers from the original unit. It is a factory correct 1957 Speedster motor. all restoration receipts, Factory Kardex, tool kit, jack, date coded spare wheel, tonneau cover and Speedster side curtains. $365,000.00. . David 305/582-9723; more photos at www. DJMConsultants.net GGR (2)
Index of Advertisers American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 34 Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 20 AutoKennel----------------------------------------------11 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 24 Bill Brewster Automotive---------------------------- 34 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 28 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Class Auto Cente--------------------------------------- 14 Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 32 David Piper, CPA -------------------------------------- 29 Doorshield---------------------------------------------- 8 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 10 European Collision Center---------------------------- 3 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fast Lane Travel--------------------------------------- 22 Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 28 Global Motorsports Group----------------------------- 6 Haus of Performance------------------------------------ 2
Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 10 Integrity Motorcars------------------------------------ 30 James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisors--------------- 8 Kargo Sled---------------------------------------------- 16 Law Offices of Joe Nedza----------------------------- 8 M. Scott Huddleston - Newcastle Financial---------- 5 OC Factory----------------------------------------------- 4 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 16 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 14 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 31 Spectrum Collision------------------------------------ 23 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 34 TC’s Garage---------------------------------------------- 8 The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 29 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 14 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19
Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com
FOR SALE: PANAMERA, CAYENNE & CAYMAN 2010 Cayenne S Transsyberia. Stunning Black with Silver Accents. Black Alcantara interior with Silver seat belts and trim. White gauges. 51K Miles. Porsche Certified Pre-Owned, Factory Warranty. Loaded with PCM Navigation, Back Up Camera, Roof Lights, iPod Connector, Bose Surround Sound, Offroad Technology Package, XM Radio, Carbon Fiber Gear Selector, Towing Package, Bi-Xenon, Bluetooth, BFG Tires, etc. Email or call for more information and photos. A rare beauty. $46,800.00 Randy Wong, 949-718-4420, randesigns007@hotmail.com. OCR (2)
COILOVER KIT: KW Variant-3 kit for 997C2/C2S. Excellent condition, almost brand new! No track time, 100 miles of road testing only. Original box, all adjustment wrenches & tools, complete paperwork, decals, etc. Unbeatable (wholesale) price. $2,580.00 James 805.236.2250; jcern@ juno.com. OCR (2).
FOR SALE: ARTS-911-930993-986-996-997 996 TURBO MUFFLER: 2001 Porsche 911 996 Twin Turbo stock muffler w/ tips. $600.00 James 949-697-3517; jnavales@ chambersgroupinc.com. OCR (1)
Factory showroom brochures in very good, excellent or pristine condition. Please email/ call for price; “finishing touch” when showing your Porsche! 1. 1996 993 52 page showroom brochure. Pristine 2. 2003 Boxster “Art of Escape” Pristine 3. 2002 “The 911” approximately 100 pages Pristine 4. 1998 The 911, The Boxster, foldout Excellent 5. 2008 RS 60 foldout brochure Excellent 6. 1988 “Special Edition Models” 911 Commemorative Edition, Ferry Porsche Signature Edition 911, 944 Special Edition Pkg. 924S Special Edition. Very Rare! Excellent 7. 1990 Full Line “Red Brochure” 3 of these all in VG-Ex 8. 1987 Full Line “Silver Brochure” 2 of these Very Good 9. 1984 Full Line “Silver Blue Brochure”
Jim Thomas 562/221-0187; drivingaroundmc@gmail.com. OCR (2) 36
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