3 minute read
Rod Hersberger
Did you know the Santa Barbara region will be 60 years old next year? The anniversary celebration will be held on July 20, 2024. It will begin at Porsche Santa Barbara, followed by a backroads drive and brunch at the beautiful Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The 60th anniversary planning committee held its first meeting on April 1 to map out the assignments for a successful day. Past-president Nicolas Liakas is chair and leads the planning effort along with past presidents Doreen Pankow and Dave Stone.

In celebration of another important anniversary, I learned recently that PCNA has instructed all its dealers to celebrate Porsche’s 75th anniversary
Board of Directors Meetings
SBR’s Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every odd-numbered month beginning at 6:30 p.m. At this time, the meetings are held online via Zoom. Member attendance and participation are encouraged. Contact SBR president Rod Hersberger ( rodhersberger@gmail.com ) to receive the Zoom link for each meeting. Board meeting minutes are posted on the SBR website as well: www.pcasb.org/#club_news.
on June 10. When I am advised of our two dealers’ specific plans, I will email them to all members and have them posted on Facebook, Instagram, and the club’s website. Stay tuned. And to stay connected beyond these two major celebrations, check our website https://sba.pca.org/ for all upcoming driving events and how to register. Also, there is a Cars & Coffee open house at the Finish Line in Westlake Village on May 7; it’s a must see. Millions of dollars worth of very special cars are housed in the owners’ various car condos and most of these owners are on hand to share stories.
I regularly prowl around YouTube looking for interesting car videos.
Magnus Walker has several and you can tour Bruce Meyer’s collection online, much like we did in person on January 15. I also discovered a video of Singer Vehicle Design’s new, much larger facility. If you have streaming services on your TV, you will want to watch there rather than on handhelds for the bigger picture.
Finally, try to attend one of our two Cars & Coffees in Camarillo and Santa Barbara to meet interesting people and enjoy the variety of Porsches in our region. Many of us have breakfast with fellow members at the nearby cafes as well. These gatherings are always friendly and rewarding.

Organize an Event, The Santa Barbara Region is well known for the excellent drives we put on. Being blessed with magnificent scenery and many great backroads does not hurt either! Yet there are new roads to travel and places to explore. We want to expand our cadre of tour leaders to tap some new ideas. It is time for an SUV-only drive in places comfortable for four-wheel-drive vehicles. I am also thinking about an air-cooled-only drive of 1977 cars and earlier—any model in the time frame. If you are interested in organizing one of these, or something else, contact co-Activities Chair Lionel Neff at zuma13@msn.com. Good advice and assistance based on past experience are available.