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New Member Recognition Event

SBR’s 2023 Drive, Lunch, and Celebration


Every two years we hold a special event to recognize our newest members, those who joined the Santa Barbara Region over the past 24 months. The 2023 occasion was held on July 22.

Starting at the Porsche Santa Barbara dealership, we talked with friends and had time to meet many new members while enjoying delicious pastries, fruit bowls, and coffee, courtesy of the dealership. After the drivers meeting, we returned to our cars ready for the day’s adventure.

Sixty-five members driving 38 Porsches headed out with joy in their hearts, delighted to be driving their favorite car over some of southern California’s best back roads—on a beautiful summer day as well. Our route took us over San Marcos Pass and into the Santa Ynez Valley where we turned onto Foxen Canyon and Alisos Canyon roads to test our skills driving the scenic twisties through wine country. We continued west through Los Alamos on CA-135 and then north on CA-1, where we reached the Monarch Club, nestled among new homes and golf courses just west of the town of Nipomo.

At the Monarch Club, a delicious buffet awaited us with something for everyone, including salmon, filet mignon, and assorted side dishes. There was also delicious New York cheesecake drizzled with raspberry sauce to top off our scrumptious meal. At our tables, we caught up with old friends and enjoyed meeting more of the newer members, finding out more about their interests and what model of Porsche they’re driving now and others they have owned.

Following lunch, SBR President Rod Hersberger started the program to recognize our 19 newest members in attendance. The Santa Barbara Region officially became a PCA Region in June 1964 with 35 charter members. Our Region has now grown to over 1,200 primary members and affiliates.

After the introductions, President Rod and Advertising Chair Bob Clarke distributed an assortment of door prizes. (A few of the new members are shown on the following page.) Rod also acknowledged and thanked Henry and Paula Hinck, proprietors of Schneider Autohaus, and Rene Verbrugge, General Manager of Porsche Santa Barbara, for their support and donations for this event. Bob and Pat Howard from the PCA Central California Coast Region, and who are also members of the Monarch Club, were acknowledged for their help in securing the venue at a lower rate.

We all left that afternoon delighted to have met so many new members and looking forward to becoming closer friends. The drive back to Santa Barbara added to an all-around great day.

Doreen Pankow has been a member of PCA since 1997. She is past president of SBR and past Activities Chair, and remains active in club events. Doreen drives a 1995 Carrera in Midnight Blue.

LEFT COLUMN, TOP TO BOTTOM: On the road, by Gary Krueger. Rod Hersberger and Bob Clarke with Craig Stevens and Brigitte Trapp; Cris “Tina” Muller and Eric Muller; and Roger Johnson and Ulli Sievers, all photos by Randy Fishwick.

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