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Letter from Your Chamber Rep

The holidays are cheerful, but they can also be a busy time of year for many, with crowded schedules, shopping, and stress. That doesn’t mean you have to lose the giving spirit! True gifts of Christmas are Peace, Joy, and Love!

The best gifts often aren’t material ones. Small acts of kindness that show you’re thinking of someone can mean more and cost less than a physical item. Here are a couple of tips to spread Beach Chamber love:

Don’t do more – do less. It’s almost ironic to have the first Christmas reminder be a suggestion to do less. I know, that idea goes against every well-intended plan for a festive and memorable season, but doing less leaves more time for the real meaning of Christmas.

Thank volunteers. If you’re unable to make a volunteer commitment this season, make sure to thank those who can.

Mind your manners. When you’re out and about this holiday season, small acts of kindness can make a world of difference. Say thank you, let someone go in front of you in the crowded line or merely smile at someone.

Buy or bake a little extra. Another way to spread Beach Chamber love without breaking the bank or your schedule is by doing a little extra of something you were already planning. Baking Christmas cookies? Make an extra batch for the local nursing home. Cooking up a big meal? Drop some off at the homeless shelter. Tis Better to Donate Than Accumulate.

Make the holidays more meaningful by finding a charity to donate to, taking your gently used items to a local thrift store, or finding a worthy cause to support. “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” Send Santa a list of what you have, not what you want. Our lives are so full of abundance that often gets taken for granted. Switching our mindset to be about what we have rather than what we want is a great way to bring the true spirit of Christmas into our homes.

Be a friend. The holidays may not be full of joy for everyone. It can be a lonely time for some that don’t have nearby friends and/ or family. If you know someone who finds the holidays tough, make sure to include them. Invite them to your gatherings, or just spend some extra time with them one-on-one.

Simplify your gift-giving. There is no bigger downer than being overwhelmed at Christmas. The crowds, lines, and traffic are enough to send me to live with the Grinch. Try sticking with the 3 M’s – Minimize, Meaning, and Memories.

Visit a Senior. Did you know that more than 50% of senior citizens in nursing homes never get visitors? Bring a sense of family to someone who doesn’t have one.

We consider our members to be more than just a name or number. Each and every one of you is part of our family, so get out and let’s spread some Beach Chamber love this season!!!

Shannon Richmond

Shannon Richmond shannon@pcbeach.org (850) 890-8069

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