PCC IntraTech
Computer Science – Engineering – Industrial Technology Cross-‐func<onal STEM Experimental Course Summer 2012
17 Feb 2012
What is PCC IntraTech?
Technology Jobs Technical Skills People Skills PCC’s CET and Transfer programs address the need for these combined skills requiring a mix of technical coursework and humani<es. HOWEVER… Modern workforce jobs also require employees to engage in cross-‐func<onal technical teams to realize complex products. Today, engineering design, computer programming, and prototype fabrica<on are all essen<al employee skills.
In response to the observed gap between industry needs and current program offerings, PCC IntraTech is being launched as an explora<on into the possibili<es of integrated technical learning.
PCC IntraTech Plan
In order to collabora<vely engage engineering, computer science, and industrial technology students and faculty, we needed to come up with project– one that would be fun, challenging, and impressive. a concept Yet more importantly, this project’s intent is to flush out the details necessary to establish a long-‐term working rela<onship between these departments, hence the name PCC IntraTech. A\er considering several project op<ons, we struck on the idea of inven<ng and building a cu]ng edge telepresence robot; one which will (at least hypothe<cally) enable remote students to par<cipate in on-‐ campus classroom ac<vi<es. The code name of our project robot is iVatar: internet-controllable avatar
iVatar’s basic func<onality can be seen in the video below created by Johnny Chung Lee, a Google engineer/futurist who built this low-‐cost robot to keep in touch with his family in Seaele while he worked in Silicon Valley. iVatar’s stretch goal func<onali<es include: • Robo<c manipula<on arm
• Onboard screen projec<on system
• Full-‐rota<on auxiliary camera • Autonomous naviga<on
Ø I Planning– Winter 2012 q q q q q q q q
Ascertain Project Funding Select demonstra<on project Assemble project team Order materials and demonstrate proof-‐of-‐concept Generate department faculty and student interest Explore op<ons for course logis<cs including CCOG dra\ List op<ons for long-‐term PCC IntraTech ac<vi<es Obtain finalized project sponsor approval
Ø I Status Update 2-‐18-‐2012
Ø II Prototyping– Spring 2012 q q q q q q q q q
Document Summer 2012 course syllabus Document iVatar project specifica<ons Iden<fy possible compe<<on events Request Advisory Board feedback (where applicable) Select student volunteers & complete beta build Procure all project material Iden<fy auxiliary student reading requirements Finalize course loca<on and instructor(s) Adver<se course offering to aeract enrollment
Ø III Execu?ng– Summer 2012 q q q q q q q
Build iVatars Publish results Complete course logis<cs (eg grade submieals) Hold compe<<ons Demonstrate results to PCC administra<on Collect student feedback Assemble faculty notes and recommenda<ons
Ø IV Assessing– Fall 2012 q q q
Analize student and faculty feedback Generate long-‐term plan (IntraTech Cer<ficate?) Request future funding
Ø I Status Update 2-‐17-‐12 ü Select demonstra<on project iVatar has been selected as our telepresence class project. A second robot, eVatar is being considered as a companion robot and together they will evolve into fully func<onal telepresence robots with added features as <me and skills permit.
ü Assemble project team Sponsors Dieterich Steinmetz – Science and Engineering Charmagne Ehrenhaus – Computer Science Dan Findley – Industrial Technology Faculty Leads Gregg Meyer Li Ling Pat Kra\ ü Order materials
– Engineering ( Project Manager) – Computer Science – Industrial Technology
The following items have been ordered and received: • iCreate robot plakorm from Turtlebot (1 base-‐ only and 1 full kit with computer) • Robo<c Arm to aeach to iVatar’s torso • Kinects X-‐box vision system • Foscam IP Camera
Ø I Status Update 2-‐17-‐12 (cont.) q Demonstrate Proof-‐of-‐Concept Faculty leads are in the process of unboxing, assembling, and striving towards basic func<onality of subsystem.
q Generate Department Faculty and Student Interest Just beginning to happen now. More will follow as we get hardware and so\ware opera<onal and have “show and tell” material (~ Mar 1st) q Explore Op<ons for Course Logis<cs Not started q Create List of Ideas for Long-‐term PCC IntraTech Educa<on How can we maintain our momentum? • Look for exis<ng intra-‐department programs within the community college network • Is an IntraTech cer<ficate viable? We could require students to complete introductory classes in CS, ENGR, and MC, then finish the cer<ficate with a capstone class similar to what we’ll offer this summer. • Could we create guest lectures where an ENGR faculty member tailors two 2 hour sessions aimed at Industrial Technology students and CS students? (plus reciprocal arrangements from other faculty) q Obtain Finalized Project Sponsor Approval End of Winter Term