The Hyperness of Joe

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By: Julian Quetgles Mrs. Kissell and Mrs. Dearman 1-10-13

It all started when Joe a seven year old boy went to a chocolate factory and bought a chocolate fountain‌.

Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell rang. “Recess time!” Mr. Burger said. Joe ran outside and swung on the swings by the other kids. “The wheels on the bus go round and round!” Joe sang. All of the kids walked away. Joe was befuddled.

Joe and his classmates came back inside the classroom. Mr. Burger left. Joe got on the table. “Ha! Ha! Ha! Mr. Burger, that’s such a funny name!” Joe giggled. Mr. Burger came back and saw Joe. Mr. Burger told Joe that he was going to the principal’s office.

“I’m worried I wonder what you are doing to get in so much trouble”. Joe’s mom said. “Go to your room and no TV”. Joe went to his room and slammed his head on the wall and thought to his self. “What am I doing”? Joe went to his bed and punched his pillow. Joe got a sip of his chocolate and went to bed.

The next day Joe went to school. “Good morning class” Mr. Burger said. “We have a visitor today his name is Austin”. Austin sat down next to Joe. Joe got up and was dancing around Austin. Austin got annoyed by Joe’s hyperness. He wanted it to stop! After school Joe invited Austin to his house to play. Austin didn’t really want to go to Joe’s house but he did. Austin went to Joe’s room and saw Joe drink chocolate from Joe’s chocolate fountain. Austin thought if that was why Joe was so hyper. Austin told Joe to put his chocolate fountain away to stop his hyperness. Joe tried it out and one day he went to school and was acting very normal. Joe was very happy that he was acting that way and Austin became Joe’s best friend.

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