14 minute read
Star Lord Appears
1910 $2.50 Indian Head Gold, PCGS PO01. Image courtesy of PCGS.
hype will have worn off and the promoters will have exited.” Among the rebuttals was this one from another member: “Nonsense, the appeal of worn coins will always exist within this hobby. It harkens [sic] back to collecting as kids for those old worn coins in change.”
Some low ball sets have taken multiple decades to complete. Picture anyone viewing one MS67/MS68 Morgan Dollar after another within the fi nest PCGS Registry Set displayed online. Each example is almost as perfect as the next, which is quite an accomplishment in numismatics and anyone would be in awe looking at these near-perfect examples in a single set. Th e price tag to assemble a collection of such superlative coinage may be daunting for the average collector. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the diff erence.” Th is snippet of a poem titled “Th e Road Not Taken,” written by Robert Frost, may potentially resonate with the low ball collector.
Th e barriers to entry for low ball sets are lower than establishing the fi nest high-grade sets, as these sets are the polar opposite of trying to fi nd the highest-graded examples to collect and fi nding the best of the worst may prove to be a lifelong challenge. Collectors don’t necessarily have to embrace perfection within coin collecting all the time. What really is “perfect” in this world? Maybe a slice of piping-hot thin, foldable New York City pizza? Or perhaps a hefty, cheesy Chicago deep-dish slice? To each their own!
If one were to Google the phrase “science and charity,” one of the fi rst entries returned is a painting by Pablo Picasso. Th is is a work by him that is classifi ed under the category of “realism.” At some point in Picasso’s career, he possibly got bored with the norm for the sake of crafting the fi nest imitation that he could produce. In the early 1900s, Picasso is known for being one of the pioneers of a technique known as “Cubism.” Th is new movement was a deviation from the norm and participants within the fi rst PCGS low ball sets listed are similar in some ways. Th ese new collectors helped build the PCGS Set Registry into what it is today, among them the 2,800+ (and counting) low ball Registry Sets built by our fervent members. We thank you! Collect whatever you want to collect, and remember – there’s a set for almost anyone to build at PCGS! Happy Collecting!
Sanjay Gandhi is a senior content manager at PCGS. His knowledge base consists of a wide variety of world coinage, and he has a great appreciation for toned coins that display vibrant colors. In addition to contributing content to PCGS Rare Coin Market Report, he also assists collectors with the PCGS Set Registry.
By Peter Anthony
An ancie ancien nt t ca cas sh h coin coin from from the the Northe Norther rn n Son Song g Dynast Dynasty y (left) (lef t) an and d a a 1991990 0 10 10 Yua Yuan n, , .999 .999-silv silve er r Vau Vaul lt t Protector Protector coin coin (rig (righ ht).t). Courtesy of Peter Anthony.
A thousand years ago a court clerk in China, or rather an ex-clerk, watched the goings on in a village through a thicket of bamboo. Th e minutes crawled by for Song Jiang, the ex-clerk nicknamed “Timely Rain” for his helpfulness to those in need. Others called him, “fi lial and righteous third son.” Loyal to his family he proves to be in the book Outlaws of the Marsh. For Song Jiang to be caught here would mean certain execution.
Outlaws of the Marsh, attributed to the writer Shi Nai'an, is considered to be one of the four great classics of Chinese literature. It follows the events of a rebellion against the Northern Song Dynasty empire (960 A.D. -1160 A.D.). Th e Song government encouraged the growth of arts and literature among the educated but was severely hard on the common folk. Some Western readers have compared Song Jiang’s band of outlaws and rebels to Robin Hood. Or, maybe, another fi ctional revolt that begins, “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”
How this well-intentioned former civil servant could fi nd himself hunted like a deer in the forest is a bit complicated. Th e best explanation may be human nature. People typically assume that others will act like they would in like circumstances. Th at was the sticking point, so to speak, that stumped Song’s would-be blackmailer. She knew he had been off ered 30 gold coins as thanks for helping someone. A letter she found revealed that. What she couldn’t believe, or accept, is that he turned down the off er — inconceivable!
What would the coins have looked like? During the Song Dynasty (no relation to clerk Song’s family) most Chinese coins were cast into round discs from molten bronze poured into molds. A distinctive square hole is in the center. Th e term for them today is “cash coins.” Several modern Chinese coins mimic this distinctive shape. One example is the 1990 10 Yuan Vault Protector. It is struck in one ounce of .999 silver and is 40 millimeters in diameter. Th e story leaves unsaid the details of the 30 gold coins — they could even be foreign coins
that arrived in China via the Silk Road trade.
What might Song Jiang have looked like? His “image” is on one coin. In 2009, a 150 Yuan proof .999-fi ne gold coin that is 23 millimeters in diameter and weighs in at one-third of an ounce was struck by the People’s Republic of China. Th e coin is colorized and Song is shown wearing a red cape and holding a pennant. Behind him are the kind of boats the rebels would have used as they hid from the military in a marsh. Its stated mintage is 30,000.
A 2009 2,000 Yuan 5-ounce .999-gold Outlaws of the Marsh series, “Th e Clever Capturing of the Royal Birthday Gifts.” Courtesy of Peter Anthony.
Song Jiang and his blackmailer – a concubine forced on him by her impoverished mother after he pays for her father’s funeral out of charity – trade loud threats. Unwanted and ignored by Song Jiang, she needs the money to run away with her boyfriend. A knife is drawn. Now, as Song frets and lurks among the bamboo trees the ill-fated blackmailer lies dead. By Song Dynasty law if one member of a family cannot be punished for a crime then a close relative must serve the sentence instead. Song Jiang rightfully fears for his father’s and brother’s safety.
Under cover of night Song Jiang sidles up to the back entrance of his old home. He knocks softly. A curtain opens and his brother Song Jing stares out at him, astonished. “Why did you come here?” Jing whispers. “Th e county sends two constables every day to hang around and watch us. We’re not allowed to leave. As soon as the documents arrive, they’re going to arrest father and me and put us in jail until you’re captured. Th ere are nearly 200 soldiers patrolling the neighborhood day and night. Get out of here! You have no time to waste.”
Th e fugitive slips back into the shadows. Th e Moon is hazy and there is little light. He retreats along a seldom-used path until, suddenly, there are shouts, “Stand where you are, Song Jiang.” Immediately, the wanted man turns and runs. Yells and whistles fi ll the night behind him. He crests a hill and spies another village. “Oh no! It is Circular Road Village,” he groans. Th is remote town, surrounded by mountains and water, has only one road in and out. Song Jiang is cornered!
A grove of trees in the town beckons. Within it, Song fi nds an ancient temple closed behind iron gates. Too panicked to care about noise, he pushes them open and runs inside. He can hear the posse outside. A policeman’s voice that he recognizes declares, “He must be in the temple. Look there.”
Dozens of men jam through the temple entrance. “Search every where. I know he is here!” With no time to spare the desperado pushes aside a heavy fabric covering and slips into the temple shrine. Inside, Song wedges himself behind an idol and curls up.
“I’m a dead duck. Please, oh please, spirits protect me,” Song silently prays. At fi rst all the men pass the shrine by, but one of the policemen walks up to it. He raises the curtain with his spear tip and thrusts a torch forward.
Instantly, the fi rebrand fl ares and an ember fl ies into the constable’s eye. He drops the torch, which promptly goes black. Th e policeman hobbles outside and announces, “He’s not in there. Where could he be?”
“We will fi nd him in the morning. He can’t get out of this village even if he grows wings,” replies the second offi cer.
At that moment a soldier appears to announce, “Th e rat must be in here. We found his handprints on the dusty gate!”
“O.K. Let’s search again and don’t miss anything.”
Once more the group carefully combs the building’s interior. Finally, one constable says, “He’s in the shrine. He has to be.” Half a dozen soldiers follow him over to it, but just as he lifts the fabric to peer inside a gust of wind puff s out and extinguishes all the torches.
“Th is place is haunted, let’s go,” the soldiers nod in the now pitch-black room.
One constable, though, has not had quite enough. “Let’s just poke around a little with our spears before we leave?” he says.
At this point in the story, I picture Song Jiang waving his hand and telling the stubborn policeman, “Th is is not the shrine you are looking for.”
What actually happens is that no sooner do the lawmen step toward the shrine then a howling, biting black cloud of sand and gravel grit blows in from the rear of the hall. Th e entire building shakes under its fury. All the men’s hairs stand on end. Panicked, one yells, “Run — the temple god is angry!”
Inside his shelter Song Jiang chuckles.
Th e frantic soldiers fl ee and some fall. “Save us,” they cry. One of the policemen turns back. Several of the men’s uniforms are tangled up in tree roots and they cannot break
Here is the 2010 10 Yuan, 1-ounce .999-fi ne silver Outlaws of the Marsh series “Yong Shi selling his saber.” Th ere is also the 2011 10 Yuan 1-ounce .999-fi ne silver Outlaws of the Marsh series “Hua Rong shoots a wild goose on Mt. Liangshan.” Courtesy of Peter Anthony.
loose. Th e constable cuts them loose and all gather together in the street.
“We woke up a powerful spirit in there. Let’s get back to the village. We will get that rascal when it’s light!”
After the men leave Song Jiang comes out from the shrine. Grateful to be free, he still has no idea how to escape the village. At that moment two boys dressed in green walk up to him. “Star Lord, our queen wishes to meet with you,” they announce.
Song is puzzled. Star Lord? Who is this Star Lord?
Th e boys urge him to hurry; the queen is waiting.
Speechless, he is more surprised when two girls, also dressed in green, step out from the shrine he was just hiding in. He recognizes them as Earth Fairies. “Star Lord Song, you must come along,” they announce as bird songs fl oat like music through the air.
Song tries to explain he is just an ordinary person, but the fairies address him again as Star Lord. “Th e Queen invites you to her palace.”
Th ey all leave through a door at the rear of the temple. Outside there is a broad garden. Th e night is no longer gloomy. Stars twinkle in the sky. “I should have hidden back here,” thinks Song Jiang.
Th e group follows a smooth road that winds ever higher. A bridge of blue stones arches over a babbling brook that sparkles in the moonlight like silver. Trees and fl owers unknown to Song surround them.
At the palace door there are dragon and phoenix designs carved into the fl agstones. Song falls to his knees, and kowtows as he softly declares, “Please forgive this commoner, your Celestial Highness. I beg your Heavenly mercy and forgiveness.”
Led inside, his audience with the Mystic Queen is not lengthy. Th e fairy maidens bring him sweet dates and wine. Awkward, he eats three and then hides the date pits in his hand. After three cups of wine, Song Jiang tells the Lady that he cannot drink more. Understanding, she orders that “Th e Th ree Heavenly Books” be presented to Star Lord. At last, Song Jiang realizes who he is and that he has existed before.
A young man brings the books out on a jade tray. Th ey are quite small, miniatures really, so Song Jiang tucks them inside his sleeve. Th en the queen explains his mission and that he is to never show the books to anyone except another divinity. She concludes with, “Complete your mission and you can return
In 2010 there was issued a 2,000 Yuan, 5-ounce .999-fi ne gold Outlaws of the Marsh series “Th ird Attack on the Zhu Family Manor” piece. Courtesy of Peter Anthony.
to Heaven’s Purple Palace. Fail and you will be condemned to where I cannot save you. For now, you are still a mortal, and we cannot remain together, so farewell.”
Th e fairies walk Song out as far as the blue stone bridge. Th en one remarks, “Tomorrow you will escape your pursuers. Do not be afraid. Oh, look Star Lord, two dragons play together.” Song leans over to see this when the girls suddenly push him over the side.
He wakes up in the shrine. “Ah! It was but a dream,” he sighs as he stares up at the Moon through a window. Just then he notices that something is in his clenched hand; three date pits. Song reaches into his sleeve and, sure enough, pulls out three small books wrapped in silk.
Since at least the early 1500s Outlaws of the Marsh has been one of the most-read books in China. Every chapter ends with a cliff hanger, and, besides Song Jiang, the book presents readers with a cast of dozens of memorable heroes and villains. In 2009, when China Gold Coin issued a coin with Song Jiang on it, it also released four more coins that feature other characters, all colorized.
For 2009, besides the round third-ounce Song Jiang gold coin, there is a fi ve-ounce rectangular gold coin (mintage 800), a fi ve-ounce rectangular silver coin (mintage 10,000), and two one-ounce 40-millimeter round silver coins (mintage 60,000 each).
For 2010 the same format: a fi ve-ounce rectangular gold coin (mintage 900), a fi ve-ounce rectangular silver coin (mintage 12,000), a third-ounce round gold coin (mintage 35,000), and two one-ounce round silver coins (mintage 70,000 each). 2011 is the fi nal year of this short series. It fi nishes with a pair of spectacular coins: a 1-kilogram gold coin that is 90 millimeters in diameter (mintage 200) and a 1-kilogram silver coin that is 100 millimeters in diameter (mintage 10,000). Both are titled, “Great Gathering at the Hall of Loyalty and Righteousness.” As in prior years there are also a fi ve-ounce rectangular gold coin (mintage 900), a fi ve-ounce rectangular silver coin (mintage 12,000), a third-ounce round gold coin (mintage 35,000), and two one-ounce round silver coins (mintage 70,000 each).
Amazing it is, but there is something that separates Song Jiang from Yoda, or Luke Skywalker, or even Robin Hood: Song Jiang really lived! Outlaws of the Marsh is based on an actual revolution. Th e offi cial History of the Song states, “Song Jiang, a bandit from Huainan, led a military attack on government forces in Huaiyang. Th e Emperor sent troops to put down the uprising as well as apprehend the bandit leader. Song Jiang then attacked the region just east of the capital and Hebei before moving to the borders of Chu and Haizhou. Th e Emperor ordered Zhang Shuye, the Prefect of Haizhou, to off er Song amnesty.”
And that is how the book concludes, with Song Jiang and his followers laying down their weapons. Today, we can relive their adventures through books, fi lms, and 17 outstanding modern Chinese coins.
Peter Anthony is a PCGS consultant on modern Chinese coins and is the author of Th e Gold and Silver Panda Coin Buyer's Guide 3, a two-time Numismatic Literary Guild winner. He is also the publisher of China Pricepedia, a monthly journal and price guide for modern Chinese coinage.