The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Construction: AC4006
Nodes and Connections : Philip Cheung Long Chan
Contents Introduction
Brief The Concept Precedent Precedent - Kengo Kuma Precedent - Liyuan Library Precedent - Details -
Initial Investigation
Stick Construction without Node - Type 1 Stick Construction without Node - Type 2 Stick Construction without Node - Type 3
Development Stick and Node Construction
3D Printing Node CNC Node CNC Node Revision Development of Node Silicon Mould Wax Node Copper Node - Investment Casting
Adaptive System Addition of Panels
Curtain Wall System Physical Model
Conclusion Reflections
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Brief The brief for this project was to create a system that could be simply constructed by the users, forming spaces and even the furnishing of a project. Also providing a system which could be easily manufactured and reproduced on a large scale. The report will show the steps taking to the final design solution which ultimately was the study of the node and connections involved with such systems. The analysis will be demonstrated through the use of sketches, 3D Models and photographs.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
The Concept The initial concept was to have a system of construction that once built up could result in a number of uses i.e. from a simple connection or toy to furniture and finally to a fully working building type. Therefore the multiplication of the simple connections and nodes could create a series of different functions depending on the users need and requirements.
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Precedent The first system that was explored was the traditional Japanese toys known as Chidori which comprises of a series of interlocking wooden sticks. The ‘puzzle’ like toy provided an opportunity where it would be possible to create a system based on purely sticks without the need of a node, the advantage of this would then mean that the system would have one less component thus simplifying the build-ability to just one element of construction the ‘stick’.
Chidori Toy
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Kengo Kuma’s Chidori Furniture
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Precedent - Kengo Kuma The research of the traditional Japanese chidori toy, lead to Kengo Kuma’s work and his Chidori furniture. Kengo Kuma takest the same principles of the traditional Japanese toy and creates a series of components that are brought together to then create items such as furniture as shown in the diagram below. The following diagrams shows Kengo Kuma’s assembly sequence of the chidori furniture;
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
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Precedent - Liyuan Library Another precedent that was examined was the Liyuan Library by Li Xiaodong. The precedent was chosen as it had many similar characteristic to Chidori system further developed by Kengo Kuma and his research. The timber finishing as shown in the pictures below provide areas for the books to be stored. The steps leading up the higher proportion of the space also provide seating adjacent to the steps, effectively creating larger steps for seating areas, this holistic approach to the design is what this report and study aims to achieve.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Introduction Liyuan Library by Li Xiaodong
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Precedent - Details The detail drawings of the library shown below, gives some indication of how the construction of such stick like system could be created whilst addressing crucial construction problems such as cold bridging.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
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Initial Investigation
Stick Construction Without Node - Type 1 The first studies taking where to consider a system without any nodes, which would minimise on the number of component. The photographs below show two different types of sticks that would come together to make the connections which wouold comprise of 2 x Stick A and Stick B.
Stick A
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Stick A
Stick B
Initial Investigation
Stick A
Stick A
Stick B
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Initial Investigation
Stick Construction Without Node - Type 2== The first problem found with the previous system was that sticks A + A + B could not be assemble simultaneously therefore the system did not work. For the system to work it stick B had to constructed via the use of a dowel joint therefor introduction stick C +D=B
Stick A
Step 1 The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Stick A
Step 2
Step 3
Initial Investigation
Stick C
Step 4
Stick C + D
Step 5 Page 17
Initial Investigation
Stick Construction Without Node - Type 3 The second study was to look at a option that would bring the system back to using only 3 stick unlike the previous option where 4 different sticks were used to create the junction. As the initial project brief was to provide a simple system that could be easily assembled then it was important to minimise there number of components involved in the construction process. The introduction of stick E allows this to happen as the connection point is now rounded to allow for it to rotate.
Stick A
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Stick A
Stick E
Initial Investigation
Stick A
Stick A
Stick E
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Initial Investigation
Stick Construction Without Node - Type 3 The series of image show how the sticks A + A + E is assembled together. A key connection is stick E rotating in place. However the rotation of stick E causes some practice and structural issues, even though it does fit into place.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 5
Step 6
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Initial Investigation
Step 3
Step 4
Step 7
Step 8 Page 21
Stick and Node Construction After the initial studies of the purely stick system it was concluded that the sticks system and its connections actually made the entire system as a whole even more complicated to construct, with points of rotation etc it was actually much more complex than it seemed.
Node Type 1
Node T
This node was designed in order to not visually see the node.
This node exposed the co projected fro the node.
However the dowels of the system meant the nodes adjacent had to be equivalent in order for it to fit.
However the sticks would ha in-place.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Therefore a node was developed to simplify the construction process, it also minimised the number of components involved in the construction of the system.
Type 2
onnections i.e. the flanges
ave to rely on friction to stay
Node Type 3 This node was developed from Type 2 node, where it provides some pin joints in order for the sticks to stay in position. Page 23
Stick and Node Construction
3D Printing Node The studies of the node was the produced at a 1:1 scale using the 3D printing system. The use of the 3D printing system lead to the idea where by the user of this construction could easily print the required components themselves, further simplify the constructibility of the system
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Another method used to create the node was the use of the CNC machine, however during the machining of the node the vibration caused by the drill resulted in the damaging of the laminated timber as shown in the image below
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CNC Node
CNC Node Revision The failure of the previous CNC node lead to development of the revised CNC node as shown in the photographs below. One important factor that lead to the failure of the previous node was due to the laminated aspect of the timber therefore the revised node was machined from a single piece of timber. Another important aspect that was not considered in the previous CNC node was that the CNC machine only works on a X and Y axis, and does not work on a the Z axis. Therefore for this revised node, the node would be constructedt in two halves in order to be able to create all the sections for the sticks. Where as the previous CNC node could only cut the side connection and not the top or bottom sections.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
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Development of the Node The node was then explored with various materials and methods of creating the nodes. The initial idea of exploring various nodes was that different node could be used in different situation e.g. copper or metal node for exterior purposes and a 3D printed node for internal lightweight use.
Resin Node
3D Printed Type 2 Node
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
3D Printed Type 3 Node
3D Printed Higher Density
Wax Node
Copper Node
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Silicon Mould In order to cast the node in copper a wax node is required. To create an accurate wax mould a silicon mould of the 3D printed node was required.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
3D Printed Node
Silicon Mould
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Silicon Mould • The 3D printed node is propped up by plasticine (the pour hole for wax/copper). • The Node is then sealed within a sheet of plastic. • Further more plasticine is added at the base to prevent any leakages. • The silicon and catalyst are mixed together. • The mix is then poured into the plastic to create the mould. • The silicon mould is then left to set for approximately 24 hours.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
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Silicon Mould The result of the silicon mould, as seen from the second photograph a hole has been left at the bottom of the mould i.e. the pour hole for the wax node.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
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Wax Node • As mentioned previously a wax node is required for the investment casting procedure of the copper. • Therefore wax pellets are melted down and poured into the silicon mould. • The wax is left to set leaving the wax node required to create the copper node. • The extra pour hole waxed area is then cut off and with a scalpel.
Wax Pellets
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Heated & Poured
Wax Node
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Copper Node - Investment Casting • To create the copper node the wax mould is the placed into a flask. • The flask is then filled with a ceramic slurry. • Approximately 300g of molten copper is then poured into flask. • The copper then displaces the wax and a copper mould is left in place of the wax. • The oxidation left from the process is then washed off and the pour hole area --of the node is cut off.
Wax Node
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Investment Casting
Copper P Cut &Fla
Pipping attend
Copper Node
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Adaptive System
Addition of Panels The system is to be further developed into a fully functioning system through the use of panels and glazing unit as shown below. The panels are kept to a simple square with a notch cut out in order to fit the stick and node system. The panels are can either be shelving units or wall system that is easily attached providing a simple means of construction.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Adpative System Glazing Panels Wall Panels Seating Panels Shelving Panels
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Adaptive System
Curtain Walling System A curtain wall system could be implemented for external glazing with another node which would hold the glass in place. This glazing node would then be inserted into the existing node.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Adpative System If another stick is required beyond the glazing unit.
The Glazing unit with glazing node.
The Glazing unit as a series of system.
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Adaptive System
Physical Model A physical model was then produced at scale 1:2 in order to test the system and it’s constructibility, including the use of the panels which fit in to the system by cutting a notch into the corners of the panels as described previously. One of the flaws found in the physical model was the fixing of the vertical panels, the panels were only held in by friction however in a real situation the panels affixed vertically would require some sort of adhesive or even a mechanism to fix it in place.
Acrylic Top Panel
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
Timber To
Adpative System
Top Panel
Timber Top & Side Panel
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Reflections To conclude there were a few issue upon the reflection of this study. One area that could enhance the practicality of the project would have been to test the strength of the different types of nodes or even varying the flange sizes of the node to increase the strength etc. Another aspect of the proposal that could have enhanced the study would have been to build a full scale model to test the full capability of the system, from comfort for furnishing to the water tightness for a building envelope. From the development process its has been understood that a node and stick system is much more efficient and provides for a much simpler system of construction in comparison to a system which concentrates on purely sticks. The idea of the 3D printed system for node also pushes new boundaries where by the user have the ability to print the required components depending on the use.
The Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Design & Technology Scott Sutherland School - Stage 6 - Philip Chan 0803539
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