Rtc composed case study

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pcl case study

Composed Risk Type Richard is an Armed Police Officer. His composed approach to situations is obviously a huge benefit in his job. In fact, it is probably a major reason why he is in that job. Armed Police Officers need to respond calmly and unemotionally to situations that may change rapidly and they need to be able to adapt and to make quick decisions. Richard describes the need to be composed most of the time in his job. For example, he might have a dangerous situation unfolding spontaneously before him and he will be concentrating on resolving the situation as soon as possible before it escalates. He realizes he is optimistic, more so than most, and that he has confidence in his decision-making. He is also aware that he is very different in his approach to the local police.


The Composed Type is cool headed, calm and optimistic, but at the extreme may seem almost oblivious to risk and unaware of its effect on others. They take everything confidently in their stride, seem quite imperturbable and manage stress well. At the root of this Risk Type are high levels of poise, self-belief, optimism and resilience. The most extreme examples may seem aloof, unemotional and quite imperturbable. Although others may be unsettled or close to panic, this type remains steady and patient and shows little sign of anxiety. An oasis of calm and apparently almost oblivious to risk, they seem self-contained, unreceptive to criticism or restraint and unappreciative of the alarm that others may experience in that situation. At a more general level, this type will always be relatively untroubled, and more even- tempered than most. They seem to take whatever life throws at them and maintain a positive outlook. Even when things go wrong, they don’t dwell on regrets, harbour grudges or bear resentments. The Composed Type manages stress well, rides out any turbulence and stays on-task. Not reckless, but not averse to risk either, this type keep its nerve and sees things through.

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