2023 PCOM Georgia Commencement Program

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Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine welcomes you to the GeorgiaCommencement Ceremony honoring the Classes of 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

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Classes of 2023

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Pharmacy

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

Master of Science in Health SciencesPhysician Assistant Studies

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..........................................................................................................Classes of 2023
PCOM Georgia R Br yan Ginn, Jr
Anthem ...................................................................................Ruth Pierre, PharmD ’22
Invocation Chief Campus Officer,
Vice President Kenneth J Veit,
.............................................................................Thomas J. Gravina
Welcome Provost and Senior
DO, MBA President and Chief Executive Officer
S. Feldstein, DO Chairman, Board
Mayor of Suwanee
Honorable James
Burnette, Jr.
Feldstein Conferring of the Degree ..........................................................................................Mr. Gravina D O C TO R O F H u m A N e l e T T e R S, H O N O R I S C Au S A J u l I e G I N N m O R e T Z C H I e F e X Pe R I e N C e O F F I C e R, AV P, PAT I e N T A N D FA m I lY C e N T e R e D C A R e Au G u S TA u N I V e R S I T Y H e A lT H S Y S T e m Au G u S TA, G A Address .........................................................................................................................Dr. Moretz Audience please rise if you are able * * *
Presentation of Commencement Speaker for Honorar
Degree Dr

Dean’s Remarks

Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program

Dean and Chief Academic Officer, School of Pharmacy

Dean, School of Health Science

Presentation of Candidates for Degrees in Course College of Osteopathic Medicine

Mann, DO, FAAP

Spencer, PhD, RPh

y McDonald, DO


Conferring of the Degrees

Feldstein College of Osteopathic Medicine School of Pharmacy School of Health Sciences


Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Pharmacy

Doctor of Health Sciences

Closing Remarks and Benediction

President, PCOM Alumni Association



Lapoint, DO

Lucas-O’Dennis, MS Recessional

Vice President, PCOM Alumni Association

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Mann School of Pharmacy
Spencer School of Health Sciences
Dr Spencer
............................................................................................................Classes of
Audience please rise if you are able *

PCOM Georgia Overview

Established in 2005, PCOM Georgia is a private, not-for-profit, accredited institute of higher education dedicated to the healthcare professions. e Suwanee, Georgia, campus is affiliated with Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, a premier osteopathic medical school with a storied history.

PCOM Georgia offers doctoral degrees in osteopathic medicine, pharmacy and physical therapy and graduate degrees in biomedical sciences, medical laboratory science, and physician assistant studies. Emphasizing “ a whole person approach to care, ” the Suwanee campus focuses on educational excellence, interpro fessional education and service to the wider community.

PCOM extended its commitment to the Southeast in 2019 by establishing PCOM South Georgia, an additional teaching location in Moultrie, Georgia is campus offers a full four-year medical program leading to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences.

e College is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, which has recognized PCOM Georgia as a branch campus since 2004. e campus is authorized by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission as a branch campus of PCOM. Middle States Commission on Higher Education accredits the College, its branch campus, and its additional location. In addition, PCOM Georgia’s programs hold specialized accreditations through the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation, the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, the Commission on Accreditation in Physical erapy Education, and the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant.

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Commencement Speaker

Julie Moretz recently rejoined Augusta University Health in Augusta, GA, as Chief Experience

Officer/assistant Vice President, Patient- and Family-Centered Care, bringing her career full circle. Inspired by her son ’ s battle with heart disease his multiple heart surgeries and heart transplant Julie has spent the better part of her career as a family leader improving health care for patients and families. Early on, Julie recognized that she and her husband must be key players on Daniel’s health care team for continuity of care and best possible outcomes.

As the first volunteer chair of the Patient/Family Advisor y Council, Julie partnered with AU Health leaders to develop a nationally recognized patient- and family-centered program is work led to a newly created position as a hospital Director at AU Health for 11 years In this role, she implemented programs supporting adult and pediatric ser vices, created patient/family advisor y councils, and developed the Patient/Family Faculty program to incorporate patient- and family-centered concepts in medical education After wards, she worked with the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC), based in Bethesda, MD, for nearly seven years and continues to ser ve as Faculty. In this role, she oversaw a variety of projects to develop partnerships among health care professionals, patients, and families and traveled across the U.S., Canada, and Saudi Arabia to bring this practice to life.

Julie was associate Vice Chancellor for Patient- and Family-Centered Care at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) for four years where she had overall institutional leadership responsibility for developing clinical and academic programs related to PFCC before coming back home to Georgia.

Some highlights of Julie’s career include ser ving on the national Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute’s (PCORI) Advisor y Panel and as a PCORI grant reviewer. She is the first public patient/community member named to the Board of Directors for the Association of Departments of Family Medicine (ADFM), bringing a unique voice among the physician Chairs of Family Medicine Departments within academic medical institutions. She also ser ves on several committees with the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society of Health Systems, bringing a different perspective to this work Julie currently ser ves on the Boards of Directors for the International DAISY Foundation, SAFEHOMES of Augusta, and Ronald McDonald House

Julie is a recipient of the Woman of Excellence in Health Care Award, the American Heart Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and was honored in DC with the National Healthcare Industr y Access Initiative ‘Make A Difference’ Award She and her family were featured in the PBS Remaking American Medicine series, Hand-in-Hand, where she was named a “Champion of Change.”

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J u l I e G I N N m O R e T Z C H I e F e X Pe R I e N C e O F F I C e R AV P, PAT I e N T - A N D FA m I lY - C e N T e R e D C A R e Au G u S TA u N I V e R S I T Y H e A lT H S Y S T e m / Au G u S TA, G e O RG I A
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D o c t o r o f O s t e o p a t h i c M e d i c i n e

D o c t o r o f P h a r m a c y

D o c t o r o f P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y

M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e i n B i o m e d i c a l S c i e n c e s

M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e i n H e a l t h S c i e n c e s

P h y s i c i a n A s s i s t a n t S t u d i e s

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Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.




Presented to the member of the graduating class who has demonstrated exceptional ser vice to the community and to the College

Kelsey martin


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who attained the highest scholastic average.

Kevin Nguyen


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who, by personal and professional conduct and by contributions to student affairs and to the general program of PCOM Georgia, has been deemed worthy of special citation as recipient of the Dean’s Award.

Salvatore Richard Caleb Jerris


Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has been selected as most proficient in family medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology.

David Pascual Rongo

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Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated excellence in surger y, specialty internal medicine, emergency medicine, neurology, pathology and radiology.

William Frederick littlefield


Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has shown exceptional interest and ability in the field of surger y.

William Frederick littlefield


Awarded to a graduate who has been selected for a Georgia Family Medicine Residency Program and who demonstrates leadership abilities and participation in school and community activities.

Shiori ucheya


Awarded by the Alumni Association of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine to the member of the graduating class who has been selected because of the high caliber of performance of professional duties in hospital and outpatient ser vices and academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences

Nishant Gogna


Awarded to a member of the graduating class for exceptional ser vice to the community or to the College

emma mar y little


Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has shown academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences and who has participated in and contributed to one of the College’s organized sports programs.

Kathr yn DiVincenzo

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Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Awards

PAu l eVA N S, D O ’79 A N D m R S. ROX A N N e eVA N S

F O u N D I N G D e A N e N D OW e D CO m m e N C e m e N T AWA R D

Awarded at commencement to an outstanding member of the graduating class who was a non-traditional student (spent at least two years working, doing research, and/or ser ving in the militar y before entering medical school)

Prasiddha Ramachandran



Awarded to the student recognized as an outstanding graduate upon recommendation of the faculty and administration of PCOM Georgia in consultation with the Georgia Osteopathic Medical Association.

Taha Ali Siddiqui

P R e S I D e N T ’S l e A D e R S H I P A N D D I V e R S I T Y AWA R D

Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto

emerson West


In recognition of the class member who demonstrated exceptional leadership by establishing student organizations and representing the student body in the College and the community

Prakshal Jain

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School of Pharmacy Awards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.



m e RC K AC A D e m I C e XC e l l e N C e AWA R D

Awarded to a graduating student who has displayed superior scholastic and professional achievement, desirable qualities of professional, leadership and ethical conduct.

Sara Hernandez mai Quyen Dang

V I AT R I S PH A R m AC e u T I C A l S e XC e l l e N C e PH A R m AC Y AWA R D

Awarded to a graduating student in the top 25% of their class who demonstrates high personal motivation and possess an unique ability to communicate drug information

Phu Duong

WO lT e R S K lu W e R H e A lT H AWA R D I N e XC e l l e N C e I N

C l I N I C A l CO m m u N I C AT I O N S

Awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated academic excellence (top 25% of class academically) as well as superior verbal and written communication skills.

Zachar y michael Powell

P CO m G e O RG I A PH A R m AC Y S T u D e N T AWA R D

Awarded to the graduate who has attained the highest scholastic average

Kristina Danielle Hodge

A P Pe S T u D e N T O F T H e Y e A R

Awarded to the graduate who is recognized by preceptors and faculty for demonstrating excellence during advanced pharmacy practice experiences

Alexandrea Brianna Coleman

School of Pharmacy Awards

PH A R m AC e u T I C A l S C I e N C e S R e S e A RC H AWA R D

Awarded to the graduate who is recognized for excellence in research in the area of pharmaceutical sciences.

erica Wong

PH A R m AC Y P R AC T I C e R e S e A RC H AWA R D

Awarded to the graduate who is recognized for excellence in research in the area of pharmacy practice.

Julie lu

J O H N C. K e R m O D e AWA R D

Awarded to the student who best demonstrates genuine sincerity, compassion, positive attitude and willingness to help and motivate others.

Julie lu

D e A N’S C I T I Z e N S H I P AWA R D

Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated exemplar y ser vice and engagement as a citizen of PCOM.

matthew Javed Watson

l e A D e R S H I P AWA R D

Awarded to the graduate who has exemplified leadership qualities within PCOM and the profession.

Dion Blocker Jr.

P RO F e S S I O N A l I S m AWA R D

Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated the most professional conduct or professional contributions to the profession.

etim Nkereuwem

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School of Pharmacy Awards

CO m m u N I T Y S e RV I C e AWA R D

Awarded to the graduate who has demonstrated exemplar y engagement, time engagement, time donations and ser vice to the broader external community, locally or nationally.

Breann Carmel Prophete

u N I T e D S TAT e S P u B l I C H e A lT H S e RV I C e AWA R D

Awarded to recognize pharmacy students that make significant contributions to public health.

erica Wong

P R e S I D e N T ’S l e A D e R S H I P A N D D I V e R S I T Y AWA R D

Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto.

Arthur Ivey Few

m O S T I m P ROV e D AWA R D

Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated the most improved academic performance.

Samantha Jo Conklin

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School of Health SciencesAwards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.




Awarded to a member of the graduating class who attained the highest scholastic average.

Cameron Aver y Ragland

e XC e l l e N C e I N R e S e A RC H AWA R D

Awarded to the graduate who excelled in a graduate research project or scholarly activity in the area of physical therapy.

emily Ann Hulsey

Viktor Jelici

e XC e l l e N C e I N leADeRSHIP & PROFeSSIONAlISm

Awarded to a student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities and demonstrates professionalism as defined and described by the American Physical Therapy Association.

Austin Ker win Pack


Awarded to a student who has made outstanding contributions to the community through volunteerism while enrolled in the doctoral program in physical therapy

Zelma Angelique estrada Womack

P R e S I D e N T ’S l e A D e R S H I P A N D D I V e R S I T Y AWA R D

Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto.

Donald Chinedum Onyeanula

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School of Health SciencesAwards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.




Awarded to a member of the graduating class who attained the highest scholastic average.


Awarded to a graduate in the thesis track who is recognized by the faculty for outstanding academic achievement and who represents the highest ideals of the graduate program.


Awarded to the graduate in the non-thesis track who is recognized by the faculty for outstanding academic achievement and who represents the highest ideals of the graduate program.


This award recognizes a graduate who has demonstrated exceptional leadership, high academic achievement, and the ability to effectively represent the class in college and community affairs.


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto


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School of Health SciencesAwards

We congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and ser vice to the College and community.




Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contributions to the field of study and profession.

Bailey Hartwig


Awarded to a graduate who, while on rotations, consistently showed eagerness to learn clinical medicine while maintaining respect for patients, preceptors, fellow healthcare workers and other students.

emma marino Pontalti

S A R A S O m e R S Ru Pe RT H u m A N I TA R I A N AWA R D

Awarded to a physician assistant graduate who has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to those in need. The recipient exemplifies the philosophy of health care ser vice and compassion above self.

Tamia Camille Wayne


Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto.


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Degrees in Course

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mariam Ahmed

Gopal Dhirubhai Amin

Yusra Asif

erin A. Baker

Shekinah Baron

elizabeth James Bautista-Whitaker

Selamawiet Teshome Belay

Jordan Bradshaw

Rex Austin Burch

Noah Simmons Carlisle

Steven eugene Carter Jr.

Nicole Castro

Kiran Sai Chamarti

Angelo William Changas

Jordan Clear

Kathr yn DiVincenzo

Avina Duong

Brea michelle echard

Tyler Feltham

mingli Feng

mahreen Nizarali Gilani

Nishant Gogna

Aric Richard Gonter

michael Phillip Goodall

Degrees in Course


Gerard C. Griesser

Kiyana elizabeth Harris

Nicholas Alexander Heisler

Debbie Hoang

madison Hoover

Patrick Ryan Houlihan

linh Kha Nguyen Huynh

Prakshal Jain

Shideh Javadi

Salvatore Richard Caleb Jerris

Roshen John

William Harrison Jones

Pallav Joshi

Hussain Kachwalla

Aarushi Kalra

moon Kang

Palna Kapadia

Alexandra Kershteyn

Suria Sheela Khurana

David Paul Kim

Do Kim

So Yeon Kim

Heather Kiskel

malte Johannes Krapp

eunice Chaeyoon lee

Jean lee

Kristen michelle lee

moon Young lee

Sara lezcano

emma mar y little

William Frederick littlefield

Joy C. maduka

Viraj makavana

Andrew manhan

Zahra manji

Fahad marmarchi

Kelsey martin

Cherita Sylvon moore

Andrew Ronald morrissey

Andrew Na

Abdel-Rahman Naser

Abed elrahman Saleh Naser

Kevin Nguyen

Sophia Nguyen

Tapan Patel

Ioana Raluca Pencea

Dawn Catherine Penney

P 25

Sofia Fransheska Perez Perez

Austin James Priaulx

Prasiddha Ramachandran

maha Raslan

Kelsey Alexandra Rice

Tyler Richie

lanerica Jamese Rogers

Robert Tyler Rollins

David Pascual Rongo

Sydney Rotman

David milton Sandy

Degrees in Course

Bhakti Sanghani

Jerativat Satayarekha

Ja’Davia Schafer

Raman Shrestha

Hamzah Shroof

Taha Ali Siddiqui

Hayley Ann Silverstein

Abhiram Srivatsa

Christopher Austin Staley

Suvarsha Reddy Sura

Basanta apa

Cindy Tung

Ashley Sierra Turek

Shiori ucheya omas Jeffrey Wallace

laurel Dana Wartenberg

Sabrina Jaclyn melo Weeks

emerson West

William Zachar y Woolfolk

Anastasiya Yashchuk

mar yam Zoabi

P 26

Olufisayo Simisola Akinwande

Nicoleta Alexandru

Naza Chimdi Anens

Ganiat Omobolanle Asuni

Alex Awuah

liliana Bent

Dion Blocker Jr.

Alexis Dominique Blount

monica Ashraf Boulis

Barr y Allen Brown Jr.

Chelsea Bruce

lorena Fabiola Buitrago

Shandela Carson

eun Ji Choi

Christopher Sigmund Claudius

Alexandrea Brianna Coleman

Samantha Jo Conklin

leah Creech

mai Quyen Dang

Harshini Desai

Phu Duong

Donya Fakhar zadeh

Arthur Ivey Few

Tania Nannette Gonzalez Serrano

Hazhir HajiAlilou

Degrees in Course


Sara michelle Hernandez

Amanda Rae Herndon

William Rhett Hickox

Kristina Danielle Hodge

Andrea lowe Jones

Jessica Ann Kim

Yeunju lisa Kim

Alex Kwan

Tom Ho le

Joomi lee

Jung lee

Kathleen Anne Andres leonardo

Brittany monique lowder

Julie lu

Summer miller

Sung eun mo

Jorie-Anne Ijeoma morris

Vy Nguyen

etim Nkereuwem

Felix uchenna Nkwocha Jr.

Brooke Ashley Nusall

Nefmarie Pacheco-Segarra

Bhumi Patel

Krishna Rajesh Patel

Naitre Patel

Zachar y michael Powell

Breann Carmel Prophete

Husna Rahim

Jenny Jin Ro

Fabiola Itzel Rojas

louisa Amouzoua Sale

Kwabena Tuffour Sarfo

Sherly Savarimuthu

evan Schultz

Karan Shah

Courtney Briana Smith

Jaya Shenise Smith

megan Ann Stalvey

Tamar Tatai

Devon Tousignant

landr y Walter Toussi

Catherine Hong Tran

Alan Truong

Rachel Tuhlei

Cindy uy Voong

matthew Javed Watson

michael Whitaker

erica Wong

emma Nana Yeboah

P 27

Rachael marie Broom

Alyson Burch

emma elizabeth Burch

Narah marie Bush

Christian Storm Cafici-Rivera

Andres Alberto De Rojas

Nicholas edwards

Zelma Angelique estrada-Womack

Reema B. Gandhi

Amber Nicole Haire

erikka Hardrick

madison marie Herman

Jennifer Huh


emily Ann Hulsey

Viktor Jelici

Danielle Kershner

Kim Khong

Sean Koller

Jacob michael Kostelec

Haley langston

Tasneem Kayam madan

Valentine Kene mba

Hunter James mcDermott

Jay Stanley miller Jr.

Christopher Tu Nguyen

Donald Chinedum Onyeanula

Austin Pack

Junmin Park

Shayla Smith Powell

Cameron Aver y Ragland

Tristan Shelnutt Sayre

marco lorenzo Silva

linda Tran

Vineshia marie Washington

Kelly Whetham

Alisha Danielle White

Jhamel Ameleo Williams

Raven Darice Wood

P 28
Degrees in Course


Kianna Anderson

erek Arsiniega

Christopher Andrew Brown

Courtney Shea Curtis

melvet Brian Dangerfield

Klai’shon latrice Fambrough

Dinah Brionna Gibson

Katherine Carrie Grant

Kristina Dora Grant

Jonathan Andrew Griffin

Judson Hendr y

Alisa Frances Hicks

Tiffani elizabeth Holness

Jeff John

Farmaan Judge

Joseph Salvador lozano

morgan manson

Timmy Nguyen

Onachukwu Chisom Nwolisa

Peter Nnamdi Ogoh

Darlene Okafor

Janki Patel

Shamaza Neqella Rivers-Johnson

mierra Robinson

Rajat Sharma

Jenna Taha

Shaterria Walker

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Degrees in Course


Courtney Burkley

ures Sarmiento

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Degrees in Course

Kylie Bobertz


Hailey Handerhan

Neil Patel

Adriana Booker-Rojas

Bailey Hartwig

Vanessa Peter

Andrea Burkle

Alaina Choiniere

maegan Jewson

emma marino Pontalti

Jia lee

maira Ramirez

Sorin George Circa

Kelly le-Pham

Nataly Rincón

Ryan Crane

mariana Carolina liquidano

Kayleigh Alexandra Roper

Stephany Daniel lopez

Courtney i Nguyen

Soumi Saha

Abigail elizabeth Fitler

Ha Nguyen

Alessia Primavera Severino

Vanessa Josephine Frans

Sarah Danielle Nugent

Tamia Wayne

Daniel Sultan Haider

Hiral Patel

Amy Rae Wise

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Class of 2023

Post-Graduate Training

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P 34

mariam Ahmed Morehouse School of Medicine Atlanta, GA Internal Medicine

micaela Alcala WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Smyrna, GA Internal Medicine

Gopal Dhirubhai Amin Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Psychiatr y

Yusra Asif WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Smyrna, GA Family Medicine

erin Baker University of Florida COM Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL Emergency Medicine

Shekinah Baron St Louis University SOM St. Louis, MO Pathology

elizabeth James Bautista-Whitaker Carolinas Medical Center Charlotte, NC Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Selamawiet Teshome Belay Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Transitional Year

Jordan Bradshaw Floyd Medical Center Rome, GA Family Medicine

Caleb Ryan Brown Grand Strand Regional Medical Center Myrtle Beach, SC Internal Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Rex Burch Orange Park Medical Center Orange Park, FL Transitional Year

Noah Simmons Carlisle Brooke Army Medical Center San Antonio, T X Psychiatr y

Steven eugene Carter Jr. University of Florida COMShands Hospital Gainesville, FL Neurology

Nicole Castro Geisinger Health System Danville, PA Pediatrics

Kiran Sai Chamarti Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals Southampton, NY Internal Medicine

Angelo William Changas Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Transitional Year

Jordan Clear Orlando Health Orlando, FL Internal Medicine

Kathr yn DiVincenzo Lakeland Regional Health Lakeland, FL Emergency Medicine

Avina Duong HCA Healthcare/ USF Morsani GME-Oak Hill Brooksville, FL Family Medicine

Brea michelle echard Emor y University SOM Atlanta, GA Pathology

Tyler Feltham OhioHealth - Doctors Hospital Columbus, OH Emergency Medicine

mingli Feng Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Internal Medicine

mahreen Nizarali Gilani Clarion Hospital Clarion, PA Transitional Year

Nishant Gogna University of Florida COM-Shands Hospital Gainesville, FL Emergency Medicine

Aric Richard Gonter Geisinger Health System Danville, PA Internal Medicine

michael Phillip Goodall Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Pathology

Gerard C. Griesser Temple University Hospital Philadelphia, PA Anesthesiology

Shideh Javadi Mercy Health - St Rita’s Medical Center Lima, OH Emergency Medcine

Kiyana elizabeth Harris Morehouse School of Medicine Atlanta, GA Psychiatr y

Nicholas Alexander Heisler Walter Reed Medical Center Bethesda, MD Internal Medicine

P 35

Debbie Hoang AnMed Health Anderson, SC Family Medicine

madison Hoover Tidelands Health Myrtle Beach, SC Family Medicine

Patrick Ryan Houlihan Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Internal Medicine

linh Kha Nguyen Huynh Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Pediatrics

Prakshal Jain McLeod Regional Medical Center Florence, SC Family Medicine

Salvatore Richard Caleb Jerris Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, PA Surger y-Preliminar y

Roshen John Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education Rochester, MN Psychiatr y

William Harrison Jones Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Anesthesiology

Pallav Joshi

Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Emergency Medicine

Hussain Kachwalla

Mercy Health-St Rita’s Medical Center Lima, OH Internal Medicine

Aarushi Kalra

Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Internal Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

moon Kang University at Buffalo SOM Buffalo, NY Emergency Medicine

Palna Kapadia Albert Einstein Healthcare Network East Norriton, PA Emergency Medicine

Alexandra Kershteyn Piedmont Athens Regional Athens, GA Transitional Year

Suria Sheela Khurana University of Arkansas COM Little Rock, AR Internal Medicine

David Paul Kim Crozer-Chester Medical Center Upland, PA Family Medicine

Do Kim WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Marietta, GA Internal Medicine

So Kim Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Emergency Medicine

Heather Kiskel Tower Health Redding Hospital West Redding, PA Internal Medicine - Osteopathic

malte Johannes Krapp Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA Transitional Year

eunice Chaeyoon lee Floyd Medical Center Rome, GA Family Medicine

Jean lee Emor y University SOM Atlanta, GA Inter ventional Radiology

Kristen michelle lee Houston Healthcare Warner Robins, GA Family Medicine

moon Young lee Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Psychiatr y

Sara lezcano Broward Health Medical Center Fort Lauderdale, FL Internal Medicine

emma mar y little Nellis/UNLV Las Vegas, NV Emergency Medicine

William Frederick littlefield UPMC Harrisburg Harrisburg, PA Orthopaedic Surger y

Joy maduka Waco Family Medicne Institute Waco, T X Family Medicine

Viraj makavana LewisGale Medical Center Pulaski, VA Family Medicine

Andrew manhan University of Florida COM-Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL Surger y-General

Zahra manji Christiana Care Newark, DE Internal Medicine

Fahad marmarchi Northside Hospital Gwinnett Lawerenceville, GA Internal Medicine

Kelsey martin Jefferson Health New Jersey Stratford, NJ

Orthopaedic Surger y

P 36

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Cherita Sylvon moore NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital Brooklyn, NY Obstetrics - Gynecology

Andrew Ronald morrissey Baylor S&W All Saints Medical Center Fort Worth, T X Internal Medicine

Andrew Na WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Marietta, GA Emergency Medicine

Abdel-Rahman Naser University of Florida COM-Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL Surger y-General

Abed elrahman Saleh Naser University of Central FL/ HCA Healthcare GME Orlando, FL Internal Medicine

Kevin Nguyen WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Marietta, GA

Internal Medicine

Sophia Nguyen Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA Surger y-General

Tapan Kumar Patel Los Robles Health System ousand Oaks, CA Anesthesiology

Ioana Raluca Pencea Trident Medical Center North Charleston, SC Surger y-Preliminar y

Dawn Catherine Penney Cook County Health and Hospitals System Chicago, IL Emergency Medicine

Sofia Fransheska Perez Perez Beebe Healthcare Lewes, DE Family Medicine

Austin James Priaulx Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Family Medicine

Prasiddha Ramachandran Darnell Army Medical Center Fort Hood, T X Family Medicine

maha Raslan East Alabama Medical Center Opelika, AL Internal Medicine

Kelsey Alexandra Rice Heritage Valley Beaver Beaver Falls, PA Family Medicine

Tyler Richie Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Radiology-Diagnostic

lanerica Jamese Rogers St. Louis University SOM St Louis, MO Internal Medicine

Robert Tyler Rollins University of Florida COM-Shands Hospital Gainesville, FL Emergency Medicine

David Pascual Rongo St. Christopher’s Childrens Hospital Philadelphia, PA Pediatrics

Sydney Rotman Lower Bucks Hospital Bristol, PA Family Medicine

David milton Sandy LewisGale Medical Center Pulaski, VA

Transitional Year

Bhakti Sanghani University of Texas Southwestern Medical School-Dallas Dallas, T X Emergency Medicine

Jerativat Satayarekha University of Central FL/ HCA Healthcare GME Orlando, FL Internal Medicine

Ja’Davia Schafer Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Emergency Medicine

Raman Shrestha Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Neurology

Hamzah Shroof Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Psychiatr y

Taha Ali Siddiqui Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland, OH Anesthesiology

Hayley Ann Silverstein Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Psychiatr y

Abhiram Srivatsa Gateway Behavioral Health Community Ser vices Savannah, GA Psychiatr y

Christopher Austin Staley Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Surger y-General

Suvarsha Reddy Sura McLaren Health Care Corp Lansing, MI Obstetrics - Gynecology

Basanta apa St Luke’s Hospital-Anderson Easton, PA Transitional Year

P 37

Cindy Tung Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Pediatrics

Ashley Sierra Turek Northside Hospital Gwinnett Lawerenceville, GA Internal Medicine

Shiori ucheya Emor y University SOM Atlanta, GA Family Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

omas Jeffrey Wallace Lexington Medical Center West Columbia, SC Family Medicine

laurel Dana Wartenberg Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA Family Medicine

Sabrina Jaclyn melo Weeks Piedmont Macon Medical Center Macon, GA Psychiatr y

emerson West LSUHSC-Shreveport Shreveport, LA Radiology-Diagnostic

William Zachar y Woolfolk Geisinger Health System Danville, PA Pediatrics

Anastasiya Yashchuk Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital Madison Heights, MI Neurology

mar yam Zoabi Carolinas Medical Center Charlotte, NC Internal Medicine

P 38

Dion Blocker Wellstar Cobb Hospital

Austell, GA Pharmacy

Barr y Brown Jr. Emor y Decatur Hospital

Decatur, GA Pharmacy

Alexandrea Coleman Northside Hospital Atlanta, GA Pharmacy

mai Quyen Dang VA-Augusta, GA-Charlie Nor wood VA Medical Center

Augusta, GA Pharmacy

Phu Duong Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown Columbus, GA Pharmacy - General

Doctor of Pharmacy

Arthur Few Wellstar Cobb Hospital/ Wellstar Health System Austell, GA Pharmacy - Health System Administration & Leadership

Sara Hernandez VA-Dublin, GA - Carl Vinson VA Medical Center Dublin, GA Pharmacy

Amanda Herndon AdventHealth Redmond Rome, GA Pharmacy

Alex Kwan AU Medical Center Augusta, GA Pharmacy - Health System Admin & Leadership/Masters

Julie lu

Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown Columbus, GA Pharmacy - General

Zachar y Powell WellStar North Fulton/ PCOM School of Pharmacy Suwanee, GA Pharmacy

Breann Prophete Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy New Orleans, LA Pharmacy - Ambulator y Care

Devon Tousignant AdventHealth Redmond Rome, GA Pharmacy

Catherine Tran WellStar North Fulton/ PCOM School of Pharmacy Suwanee, GA Pharmacy

P 39
P 40

P h i l a d e l p h i a C o l l e g e o f

O s t e o p a t h i c M e d i c i n e

B o a r d o f T r u s t e e s

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n

P 41
P 42

Board of Trustees

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine Foundation and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine – Officers

Chairman of the Board Thomas J Gravina

Vice Chairman

John B Bulger, DO ’95, MBA

Vice Chairman Jerel A Hopkins, Esquire

Vice Chairman A. Scott McNeal, DO ’88

President and Chief Executive Officer Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81

Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Vice President for Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Kenneth J Veit, DO ’76, MBA, FACOFP

Peter Doulis, CPA

Chief Legal Affairs Officer and Assistant Secretar y David F. Simon, JD

Chief Advancement and Strategic Carrie Collins, JD, PhD Planning Officer

Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer Marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD

Chief Campus Officer – PCOM Georgia R Br yan Ginn, Jr *

Executive Assistant to the President and Secretar y Lynn A Kush, BSBA

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine Foundation and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine

James H. Black, DO ’62, LLD (Hon.)

John B Bulger, DO ’95, MBA

Timothy P. Burgess

Joseph A Dieterle, DO ’70

elma Dye-Holmes, PhD

Matthew O Elkes

Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81

Marla D Golden, DO ’88, MS, FACEP**

omas J. Gravina

*Officer of the PCOM Board only

**Faculty Representative

***Alumni Representative

Jerel A. Hopkins, Esquire

John P Kearney

Vincent Lobo, DO ’65

R David McCleskey

A. Scott McNeal, DO ’88

Wayne T Sikes

Virginia A. Stallings, MD

Wiliam B Swallow, DO ’79, MS/FM ’20, FACOFP***

Kenneth J. Veit, DO ’76, MBA, FACOFP

P 43
P 44

Jay S. Feldstein, DO President and Chief Executive Officer

Kenneth J. Veit, DO, mBA

Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean

Peter Doulis, CPA Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer

David Simon, JD

Chief Legal Affairs Officer

R. Bryan Ginn, Jr. Chief Campus Officer, PCOM Georgia

Carrie Collins, JD, PhD Chief Advancement Officer and Strategic Planning Officer

marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer

linda R. Adkison, PhD, mS Associate Provost, Accreditation, Growth and Development

Robert DiTomasso, PhD, ABPP

Dean, School of Professional and Applied Psychology, PCOM

Stephanie H. Felgoise, PhD, ABPP

Interim Dean, School of Professional and Appled Psychology, PCOM

Associate Dean for Academic Integration of the School of Professional and Applied Psychology

Chair, Department of Clinical Psychology

Robert J. lloyd, DO, mSmed, FACOS Interim Dean, PCOM South Georgia Osteopathic Medical Program

Andrea mann, DO, FAAP

Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM Georgia

Gregory mcDonald, DO

Dean, School of Health Sciences

Shawn Spencer, PharmD

Dean and Chief Academic Officer, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Arthur Sesso, DO

Interim Dean of Osteopathic Medical Program

Curricular Innovation and Oversight and Chair, Surgery, PCOM

David Kuo, DO

Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Director of Medical Education

Nikita mirajkar, PhD

Associate Dean, Curricular Execution Osteopathic Medicine Program

Naushad m. Khan Ghilzai, PhD, BPharm

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

michael Becker, DO, mS

Associate Dean of Clinical Education, PCOM

marla Golden, DO

Associate Dean of Clinical Education

PCOM Georgia, PCOM South Georgia

michael lee, PhD

Assistant Dean, PCOM Georgia

Assistant Dean, Assessment & Program Quality, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Sara Reece, PharmD, CDCeS, BC-ADm, BCACP, FADCeS

Interim Assistant Dean of Professional and Student Affairs

School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Julie Wickman, PharmD

Assistant Dean, Clinical and Experiential Affairs

School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Sue Hingley, PhD

Interim Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, PCOM

Jeffrey Branch, edD

Chair, Department of Organizational Development & Leadership

elizabeth A. Gosch, PhD, ABPP

Chair, Department of Counseling, PCOM

Jessica Glass Kendorski, PhD, NCSP , BCBA-D

Chair, Department School Psychology, PCOM

laura levy, DHSc, PA-C

Chair, Physician Assistant Studies PCOM and PCOM Georgia

Ruth Maher, PT, PhD, DPT

Chair, Physical erapy, PCOM Georgia

Avadhesh C. Sharma, PharmD, PhD

Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Jennifer Shaw, PhD

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences

PCOM South Georgia

P 45

John Tovar, PharmD

Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Richard White, PhD, FAHA

Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, PCOM Georgia

Oliver Chen, PhD Chief Library Services Officer

Jane Z. Dumsha, PhD Chief Research Operations Officer

mindy George-Weinstein, PhD Chief Research and Science Officer

Joanne Jones, mBA Chief of Campus Operations for PCOM South Georgia

erik langenau, DO, mS

Chief Academic Technologies Officer

Brian mann, mA, PA-C Chief Simulation Operations Officer

Patience mason, med Chief Student Affairs Officer

Samuel A. matheny, med, mA Chief Student Services Officer, Offices of Financial Aid and Registrar

maureen O’mara Carver Registrar

P 46 Administration (continued)

Philadelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association

The PCOm Alumni Association Board of Directors

2023 Council members

executive Council

Paul LaPoint, DO ’90, President

Shanda Lucas O’Dennis, MS/ODL ’09 Vice President

Michael Becker, DO ’87, President-Elect

William Swallow, DO ’79, MS/FM ’20, Past President

Ruark Lanham, MS/ODL’ 07, Awards Committee Chair

Jessica Masser, DO ’07, Nominating Committee Chair

Jennifer Dwyer, DO ’08, School of Osteopathic Medicine Chair

Jennifer Alvarado, MS/FM ’08, School of Health Sciences Chair

Krystal Carter, MS/CCHP ’10, School of Professional and Applied Psychology Chair

members at large

Christopher Brown, MS/CCHP ’11

Ashara Cashaw, PsyD ’13

Dipan Desai, DO ’02

Elisa Giusto, DO ’18

Gretta Gross, DO ’97

William Pesce, DO ’89

Preston Williams, MS/PA ’07, PA-C, DHSC Student Representatives

Matthew Peterman (DO ’25)

PCOM South Georgia

Sagar Darira (DO ’25)

PCOM Georgia

Joseph Tran (MS/Biomed ’22)


Alumni Association Board Representative to PCOm Board of Trustees

William Swallow, DO ’79, MS/FM ’20

PCOm President & CeO

Jay S Feldstein, DO ’81

Chief Development & Alumni engagement Officer

Necie Liggeons, MS/ODL ’20

P 47
P 48

P h i l a d e l p h i a C o l l e g e o f

O s t e o p a t h i c M e d i c i n e

T h e C o l l e g e S e a l

T h e M a c e a n d B a t o n

T h e A c a d e m i c C o s t u m e

T h e O a t h s

M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t s

P 50

The College Seal

The College seal first appeared in 1925 embossed on the cover of The Synapsis, the College’s first yearbook. Volume One of The Synapsis was published by the junior class of Philadelphia College of Osteopathy in honor of the graduating class of 1925. The first seal incorporated the College motto mens et manus, “mind and hand.” The seal’s origin is unknown, as is its designer.

In 1938, Edgar O Holden, DO ’22, dean of the College from 1924 to 1943, and Russell C Erb, PhD, associate dean from 1937 to 1943, proposed and designed a coat of arms. The coat of arms appeared for the first time in the 1938 alumni magazine and featured a heraldic design that applies to the osteopathic profession. The three triangles are symbolic of the three segments of the vertebral column, which has a significant part in the science of osteopathic medicine The hand emerges from a noble crown indicative of the regal aspect and dignity, as well as the healing powers of the human hand when applied to the art and science of osteopathic medicine. The College motto was retained, and the coat of arms was utilized as the College seal in various motifs through the mid-1980s

An adaptation of the first College seal was re-introduced in 1986. Today’s College seal, similar to the original, was adopted following the College’s Centennial Celebration in 1999.

The seal features a centrally placed shield within which are shown a scroll and a flaming torch of knowledge Immediately above is the College motto, reflecting the College’s osteopathic origin Uppermost and arranged in a radial pattern are streaks of solar brilliance. Separated from either side of the shield are branches of laurel joined and bound together at the center, close to the base of the shield. These components exemplify teaching, learning and the attainment of knowledge leading to successful careers in the healthcare professions The name of the College and the year of its founding encircle the seal.

P 51


Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Georgia Campus academic processions are led by the bearer of the College mace who precedes or accompanies the president of the College. The bearers of the mace and baton serve as marshals of faculty.

The medieval mace was first a protective device for the clergy who were not allowed to carr y swords. Later, maces became ceremonial and are carried today in the Houses of Parliament in England and also in the United States House of Representatives where, when in position to the right of the Speaker of the House, it is a symbol of his or her authority.

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s original mace and baton were designed by Paul T. Lloyd, DO ’23, and created by William F. J. Ryan of New York, a member of the International Academy of Heraldr y. The mace and baton were presented to the College by the Alumni Association in 1972 Faculty marshals in all academic processions since that time have carried them.

The mace and baton were replicated for PCOM Georgia by Henr y Hopkins, III, a silversmith of Baltimore, Mar yland They were formally presented to President Matthew Schure on May 14, 2009, by Paul Evans, DO ’79; H. William Craver, III, DO ’87; Gar y H. Watson, PhD; and the Alumni Association of PCOM, whose generous contributions made the replication of the mace and baton possible.

A sphere with a golden crown tops the mahogany staff heralding sovereign authority of the College to grant academic degrees by virtue of the powers given it by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Engraved on the sphere is the caduceus, the symbol of medicine. The caduceus represents the staff of Aescsulapius, the Latin name for Askelepios, the Greek god of medicine, son of Apollo and the nymph, Coronis. A snake is entwined on the staff ’ s branch because the serpent was held sacred to the gods and was an early symbol of medicine

Three coats of arms appear on the upper of the two hexagonal modes: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (directly beneath the caduceus), the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia (the locale of the College since its founding in 1899). PCOM’s coat of arms is engraved on the top of the marshal’s baton, a symbol of authority in keeping with the title and office held by the marshal.

The metallic elements of the mace, to wit the hexagonal modes and the globe, are bronze-based with heavily-plated rhodium. The coronet is gold-plated and the staff is South American mahogany.

P 52
Mace and the Baton

The Academic Costume

The academic costume originated in medieval times and stems from the early days of the oldest universities. It is thought that long gowns were first worn for warmth in the cold lecture halls And hoods may have covered the tonsured heads (shorn crowns) of priests and monks who made up the faculty One university insisted on the tonsure for scholars The hoods were replaced by the skull cap, which in turn was displaced by a headgear somewhat like that worn today.

The faculty and students of European universities still wear a diversity of academic regalia. However, in 1893, a United States intercollegiate commission dictated a uniform code, which has been accepted by most American colleges and universities.

The commission devised three types of gowns and three types of hoods for the bachelor’s, the master ’ s and the doctorate degree. All gowns are black except for the associate in arts degree, which is gray

The bachelor’s gown features pointed sleeves and is worn closed; the master ’ s gown has an oblong sleeve and may be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctorate degree has bellshaped sleeves slashed with three velvet bars. The front of the gown is faced with velvet and is worn either open or closed

The colorful hoods are lined with silk in the color or colors of the institution granting the degree (PCOM’s colors are maroon and gray). In addition, the hood is trimmed with velvet facing representing the academic discipline in which the degree has been granted: white for arts, letters or humanities; golden-yellow for science; purple for law; lemon-yellow for librar y science; sapphire-blue for commerce or business; light blue for education; brown for fine arts; dark blue for philosophy; green for medicine the color of life and growth (Fellows of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons wear hoods trimmed with crimson). The length of the hood varies according to the degree: short for the associate and bachelor’s degree, medium for the master ’ s and long for the doctorate.

Mor tarboards are generally recommended for caps, although soft, square-topped caps are permissible. Tassels may be black or gold and are usually gold for the doctorate degree. While there is no r ule for the position of the tassel, many colleges and universities (including PCOM) request the candidates to wear the tassel on the right side and to shift it to the left at the moment the degree is awarded.

P 53
P 54

Osteopathic Oath

“I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter. I will be mindful always of my great responsibility to preser ve the health and the life of my patients, to retain their confidence and respect both as a physician and a friend who will guard their secrets with scrupulous honor and fidelity, to perform faithfully my professional duties, to employ only those recognized methods of treatment consistent with good judgment and with my skill and ability, keeping in mind always nature ’ s laws and the body’s inherent capacity for recover y

I will be ever vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community, sustaining its laws and institutions, not engaging in those practices which will in any way bring shame or discredit upon myself or my profession. I will give no drugs for deadly purposes to any person, though it be asked of me.

I will endeavor to work in accord with my colleagues in a spirit of progressive cooperation and never by word or by act cast imputations upon them or their rightful practices.

I will look with respect and esteem upon all those who have taught me my art To my college I will be loyal and strive always for its best interests and for the interests of the students who will come after me I will be ever alert to further the application of basic biologic truths to the healing arts and to develop the principles of osteopathy which were first enunciated by Andrew Taylor Still.”

P 55 P

Oath of a Pharmacist

“I promise to devote myself to a lifetime of ser vice to others through the profession of pharmacy. In fulfilling this vow:

I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primar y concerns.

I will promote inclusion, embrace diversity, and advocate for justice to advance health equity.

I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes for all patients.

I will respect and protect all personal and health information entrusted to me.

I will accept the responsibility to improve my professional knowledge, expertise, and self-awareness.

I will hold myself and my colleagues to the highest principles of our profession’s moral, ethical and legal conduct.

I will embrace and advocate changes that improve patient care.

I will utilize my knowledge, skills, experiences, and values to prepare the next generation of pharmacists.

I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.”

P 56

Oath of a Physical Therapist

“As a physical therapist dedicated to providing the highest quality care and ser vices, I solemnly pledge I will:

Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals who seek my ser vices or with whom I work.

Act in a compassionate and trustworthy manner in all aspects of my ser vices.

Exercise sound professional judgment while abiding by legal and ethical requirements,

Demonstrate integrity during interactions with colleagues, other health care providers, students, faculty, researchers, the public, and payers for the enhancement of patient care and the advancement of the profession;

Enhance my practice through life-long acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and professional behavior.

Participate in efforts to meet physical therapy and health care needs of local, national, and global communities.

us, with this oath, I accept the duties and responsibilities that embody the physical therapy profession.”

P 57
P 58

“ We, the class of 2023, pledge to provide holistic, patient-centered care through knowledge, compassion and dedication.

By exercising our learned skills and through a collaborative team effort, we will ser ve our present and future communities with innovation and research. We will practice inclusivity, equality, and integrity to support our communities in ever y facet of health and wellness.”

“ We, the pharmacy class of 2023, promise to transcend the expected values of future pharmacists. Through our experience, ser vice and education we will advocate for our patients in any situation.

As a diverse group, we will step out of the realm of conformity, to educate, innovate and collaborate with our community ”

P 59
D O C TO R O F O S T e O PAT H I C m e D I C I N e
Class of 2023 Mission Statements
P 60

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