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School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards
DoCtor of PSyCHology IN S C H o o l PSyCHology
ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe
e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession
Jessica Brooke Savaiano
is award is presented in recognition of the graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for children and youth within school settings and the community and to promoting fair and equitable educational and mental health ser vices for all children and adolescents, especially the underser ved
Aleida Silva-garcia
eDuCAtIoNAl SPeCIAlISt IN SCHool of PSyCHology
ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe
e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession.
Alivia Alyse Plevyak
ADvoCACy, leADerSHIP AND ServICe AWArD kathr yn robinson
is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for children and youth within school settings and the community and to promoting fair and equitable mental health ser vices for all children and adolescents, especially the underser ved.
Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon
Alexander m. Albanese