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School of Professional and Applied Psychology Awards
mASter of SCIeNCe IN A P P l I e D B e H Av I o r A l A N A ly S I S
ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe
e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession
Sophia leah raff mASter of SCIeNCe IN A P P l I e D P o S I t I v e P S yC H o lo g y
ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe
e Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession katelyn marie Dor y
is award is presented in recognition of a graduate who truly exemplifies the commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for leading change by fostering and enhancing collaboration, ser vice, and community engagement and to promoting wellness among all individuals, groups, and organizations.
Nicole Parisi mASter of SCIeNCe IN meNtAl HeAltH CouNSelINg
ProvoSt ’S AWArD for ACADemIC eXCelleNCe the Provost’s Award recognizes academic excellence and potential for contribution to the field of study and profession
Abigail malyn obenski
ADvoCACy, leADerSHIP AND ServICe AWArD this award is presented in recognition of a graduate who most truly exemplifies the leadership and commitment to being an exceptionally strong advocate for those coping with behavioral health problems and to promoting fair and equitable mental health ser vices and recover y for all individuals, especially the underser ved kara marie Schwartz