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Degrees in Course of PHIloSoPHy IN eDuCAtIoNAl PSyCHology DoCtorAl grADuAteS AND tHeIr reSeArCH

molly Blew

“Critical Literacy: Meeting Twenty-First Centur y Literacy Demands for Adolescent Learners” kelly Ann larson

“Adopting a Growth Mindset Approach to Inter ventions for Self-Regulation”

DoCtor of PSyCHology IN ClINICAl PSyCHology tHe DoCtorAl grADuAteS AND tHeIr reSeArCH mallor y Justine Christman

“Assessing the Quality of Life in Spousal Caregivers of Kidney Dialysis Patients”

Adam David Christmann

“e Clinical Utility of a Short Form Version for the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) in Identifying Visual Memor y Impairments with Older Adults”

Carly gerbi

“e Relationship Between ADHD-Specific Cognitive Distortions and Adult ADHD After Accounting for Clinical Syndromes and Personality Pathology” marisa Anett gretz

“Examining the Relationship between Social Media Use, Connectedness, and Depression in Graduate Students” kristen elizabeth Hawk-Purcell

“e Association Between Trauma Histor y and Body Image, Depression, Posttraumatic Stress, and Relationship Satisfaction in Postpartum Women” kelsey lee Jones

“e Inventor y of Cognitive Distortions - Youth Version: e Development and Validation of a Psychometric Test for the Measurement of Cognitive Distortions in Youth”

Patrick mullen

“Mental Health Professionals’ Perception of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder” tamar yael runyan

“Demographic and Neurocognitive Predictive Factors Impacting on Expressed Vocational Interests” lindsey Ann Salerno

“e Impact of Trauma on Exposure and Response Prevention (EX/RP)

Treatment Outcomes for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder”

Sally Sanchez

“Exploring Psychological Impacts, Coping and Conflict Resolution of Transnationalism on Parent-Child Relationships”

Simone Jackee' Sims-riley

“A Qualitative Examination of Relationship Satisfaction and Social Support in Postoperative Weight-loss Surger y Patients and their Significant Others”

Portia elizabeth Womer

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