This Week: November 26, 2016

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births October 30, 2016

• Bear Samuel Ridley, son of Davis & Chelsea Ridley (CC#16) on October 25, 2016. • Davis Scott Baker, son of Brent & Alison Baker (CC#03) on November 7, 2016. • Benjamin James Garoutte, son of Brian & Jessie Garoutte (CC#03) on November 14, 2016. • John Harper Higginbottom, son of Robby & Ann Higginbottom (CC#03) on November 17, 2016. Hannah Havens Ball

Christina Ann Diehl

Henry Reece Diehl

Olivia Grace Hagstrom

Henry Thomas Kath

Eden Grace Kent

Luke Buchanan Lipscomb

Caden Zane McClure

Mark Allan Nilson

Murphy Victor Paul

Kathryn Elizabeth Peterson

Mason Hanna Prather

Daniel Norris Richardson

Kathryn Collins Richardson

Julia Jacqueline Smartt


Paul Allen Flowers

• Bill & Louisa Harrington (CC#05) on the loss of his mother; Will, Tanner, Preston, Anna & Lillie Harrington (CC#05) on the loss of their grandmother, Dot Harrington, on October 14, 2016. • Ron & Paula Williams (CC#22) on the loss of his mother; Randy Williams (CC#22) on the loss of his grandmother; Max & Henry Williams (CC#22) on the loss of their great-grandmother, Pearl “Liz” Williams, on November 17, 2016.

URBAN cans for boxes of blessing

Bring canned and other non-perishable food items November 7–28 for our Christmas Boxes of Blessing packing day taking place on Saturday, December 3. Donation boxes may be picked up at locations around the church and dropped off in the Main Hallway. or 214-224-2501

boxes of blessing

Mark your calendar for our 10th annual Boxes of Blessing Packing Day, Saturday, December 3, 9:00 am–12:30 pm! Bring your family, small group, and best friends to help us extend the Kingdom of Christ to our city by filling 10,000 boxes of food. These boxes are a wonderful gift to our ministry partners that allows them to minister to their communities in a unique way. or 214-224-2501

pcpc@work december luncheon

PCPC@WORK is bringing Makoto Fujimura to PCPC to speak on our cultural engagement Wednesday, December 7, 12:15–1:30 pm, in Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided, donations accepted. Please register at or 214-224-2744

SERVE PCPC memorial service ushers needed

Are you looking for a way to serve the body of Christ? We are in need of men who are available during the week days to serve as ushers for Memorial Services at PCPC. If this is something you feel called to do, please contact Deacon John Mayfield, 972-841-6223, or Wilma Morgan, 214-224-2742 to sign up.

job openings

Full-time Organist and Associate Director of Music, Full-time Ministry Leader to High School and Fulltime Ministry Leader of Preschool. View full job descriptions at and email questions or your resumé (with desired position specified) to

general fund

Addiemae Rebecca Turner

Alexandra Kate Weinmeister

Albert Beckwith West



esl needs christmas help!

advent celebration for children

Please join us on Friday December 16, 7:00-9:00 pm, in the PCPC Fellowship Hall to celebrate Christmas with our ESL families. We need volunteers to bring a main dish to the potluck, donate a gift, or to help at the party. or 214-224-2528

WOMEN advent prayer

Join us for a time of prayer and worship of Christ our King. As we set the tone for the season, we will be reminded yet again of the hope that is ours in Christ. Thursday, December 1, 7:00–8:30 pm, 3814 Potomac. or 214-224-2722

circle 5

PCPC Children's Ministry invites you to celebrate the Advent season as a family! On Sunday, December 4, 4:30 pm, we will host an evening of fellowship, fun, and worship geared for the whole family! At 4:30 pm, we will have a special, family-friendly interactive service in the Sanctuary to explain the meaning, symbols, and traditions of Advent. The service is followed by dinner at 5:15 pm, fellowship, and crafts in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is at no-cost to families. RSVP at or 214-224-2556.

fall song & story

Join the Children’s Ministry for Fall Song & Story December 9, 10:30–11:30 am! The program is suitable for ages toddler through kindergarten. We will sing songs, listen to stories, and have an exciting time! Iced tea and water will be provided to parents and grandparents; lunch will not be served. No RSVP. or 214-224-2502


July 1—November 13, 2016 budget


July 1—November 13, 2016 giving


Budget variance

Madeline Claire Tiffany

Circle 5 will meet at the home of Margaret Madden, 6814 Joyce Way, on Tuesday, December 20, 10:00 am, for their Christmas Bible study. Call Peggy 214361-4704 with any questions.


2016/2017 operating budget

Hattie Thayer Speicher


“Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it.” — A.W. Tozer

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WORSHIP & MUSIC gloria christmas concert

There is now a wait list for both concerts. To join the wait list, visit the Eventbrite site via For those who join the wait list and need childcare, email If you are not able to us your reserved tickets, please contact us so we can pass them on to those on the wait list. We also need a large number of volunteers to help with assorted concert roles. Volunteers will receive a ticket to the concert of their choice and reserved seating! If you are able to help serve, please contact us. Thank you! or 214-224-2631

EVERYONE sojourn sermon reflections

Check out our pastors' weekly sermon reflections at

poinsettia time is here... online!

We are offering a new, convenient way to order poinsettias for our Sanctuary during the Christmas season. Each Christmas season we offer PCPC members the opportunity to purchase a poinsettia ($8.00 each) in memory of or in honor of a friend or loved one. They will be in the Sanctuary Sunday, December 18, with a bulletin insert listing the names of the donor and the recipient. Our chancel area will be wreathed in these beautiful plants for our worship services on December 18, Christmas Eve services, 5:00 and 10:00 pm, and worship services on December 25. You may take your plant with you after the Christmas Eve evening service if you wish. Purchase plants at Monday, October 24–Friday, December 4. or 214-224-27632

advent memorial vespers service

This service replaces our usual Vespers service in the Chapel on Wednesday, December 14, 5:30–6:30 pm, and offers an opportunity for those grieving the loss of loved ones to remember them while worshipping through prayer, song, and the reading of God’s Word. We welcome you to come between 5:00 and 5:30 pm to have the name of your loved one printed on a card to bring forward during the service and light a candle in his or her memory. margaret.doria@ or 214-224-2638.


VOL. XXVII, NO. 24 | NOVEMBER 26, 2016


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