This Week: September 12, 2020

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Our Fall Daily Prayer Guide theme is “Looking to Jesus”, and it will run from September 6 – November 28. Join us as we read through the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and John. The daily Psalm readings pick up where our Summer Prayer Guide left off. We've made this Prayer Guide available through the PCPC app (download via Apple App Store or Google Play Store for free), so you can have access wherever you are throughout the day. We will not have physical books for this guide. We are continuing to assess the safety of our worshippers on a week to week basis. We are still REQUIRING all attendees to wear masks or cloth face coverings over the nose and mouth while in the church building. If you are uncomfortable with this, we understand and ask that you attend worship online. To help ensure we hold our worship services safely, we ask that you reserve a seat for you and your family online at If you or anyone in your party have had any of the following in the past 7 days, we ask that you please worship online with us at • Fever Over 100 • Cough or Sore Throat • Shortness of Breath • Contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 (in the past 14 days) VOL. XXXI, NO .18| SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 PARK CITIES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TRICIA COTHRAN, EDITOR 4124 OAK LAWN AVENUE DALLAS, TX 75219-3152


Keep an eye on this page for updated resources on race, love, and justic so that we might extend the Kingdom of Christ against the evils of racism and all forms of injustice. As you read, remember that all truth is God’s truth. Read with a spirit of humility and love, anchored in the Word of God.


While the PCPC Library is still boxed up, the Bookstore is OPEN for business in the first two rooms on your right after you enter by the lower Wycliff ramp entrance. Masks required. You’re welcome to come in and browse. If you’re looking for a specific item, call us at 214-224-2673 or search our inventory online at


We have two opportunities to learn more about some of the wonderful people that we work with around the world. Join us Wednesday, September 23, 7:30 p.m. as we feature the work with Global Refugees. Then we feature our friends Sarah, Graham and others from Russia live on Zoom on Sunday, September 27, 4:00 p.m. Learn more about missions, what God is doing there, and how YOU can be involved.






VOL. XXXI, NO. 18 | SEPTEMBER 12, 2020

Please visit our response team page to get updates on how we're continuing to respond to the crisis. If you’d like to contribute to our ongoing projects through the COVID-19 & Disaster Relief fund, you can donate online at pcpc. org/give/ or write a check to Park Cities Presbyterian Church with “COVID-19 & Disaster Relief” in the memo line. As always, if you or anyone you know has physical, material, or spiritual needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us by emailing or by filling out the online form and someone from our diaconate or women’s team will follow up with you.


And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” - Mark 7:37



All meetings are virtual unless otherwise noted online. More information and registration —

• Crystal Szoelloeski (CC#03) on the loss of her father, Guyula Szoelloeski, on August 12, 2020.


• Corrie & Eliot Kerlin Jr., (CC#06) on the loss of his mother; Davis, Mercer, Eli, & Lulu Kerlin (CC#06) on the loss of their grandmother, Fran Kerlin, on August 18, 2020.

9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services (in-person & live-streamed) Sunday Morning Communities (

Fall Bible Studies Men's: Tuesdays, September 15 – November 17, 7 a.m. Women's: Wednesdays, September 16 – November 18, 10 a.m.

When was the last time you were astonished? In our modern world, the unfortunate truth is that many people go through life with very little astonishment. They tend to live according to schedule, finding solace in what is predictable and comfort in what they can control. Others are more astonished now than they have ever been. In the midst of a global pandemic and national unrest, it seems that every new crisis is accompanied by a different kind of astonishment - the astonishment that comes with the fear of uncertainty. The word “astonished” means to be “greatly surprised or amazed.” And it is a word that appears over and over again in the Gospel of Mark. In one such instance, Jesus heals a man who was both deaf and mute. As Mark describes the scene, he writes that the people who witnessed this miracle “were astonished beyond measure.” What is so incredible about this kind of astonishment is that is was not driven by uncertainty or fear. The astonishment that Mark describes is born out of a deep sense of awe and wonder. After all that they saw Jesus do and hear Jesus say, they could not help but be amazed. This is the kind of astonishment that can only come from seeing and hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This fall, we invite you to be astonished by Jesus. Join us on Sundays either online or in person as we gather for worship and study the Gospel of Mark together. Each week we will provide helpful resources designed to help children, youth, and families participate in corporate worship, and we will generate discussion questions for home groups to take the sermon deeper. In addition, as a complement to our sermon series, all of our Men’s, Women’s, and Couples Bible Studies will be focusing on the miracles of Jesus throughout the week. As we enter into a season of ministry unlike any other at Park Cities Presbyterian Church, it is our prayer that we would see and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though there is much to be uncertain about the days ahead, we can be certain of this: Jesus Christ came “to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45), and there is nothing more astonishing. — Paul Goebel, Associate Pastor

Couple's: Wednesdays, September 16 – November 18, 7 p.m. Preschool Program (supplements our Women's Study)

Youth Middle & High School Small Groups and One-on-One time throughout the week Contact to get connected


• Danielle Kimberly Digeralamo and Austin Thompson Reynolds on June 20, 2020.


• Kevin & Julie Weber (CC#8) on the loss of her mother; Cassie, Alex, Julie, Teddy Weber (CC#06) & Topher Hilling (CC#08) on the loss of their grandmother, Julie Miller, on August 23, 2020. • Stephen & Carolyne Nielson (CC#05) on the loss of her brother; Caroline Nielson (Out-of-town member) and Christiana Nielson (CC#03) on the loss of their uncle, Bob Crismier, on August 24, 2020. • Heidi Hill (CC#22) on the loss of her grandfather, Homer Hill, on August 26, 2020. • Kyle & Karla Rotenberry (CC#03) on the loss of his father; Hallie, Sadie, Paul, and Luci Rotenberry (CC#03) on the loss of their grandfather, Bobby Rotenberry, on August 29, 2020. Care Clusters – GENERAL FUND

COVID-19 Response Opportunities


Zoom calls with missionaries and city mission partners

2020/2021 operating budget July 1—August 30, 2020 budget July 1—August 30, 2020 giving Budget Variance

RUF-I Thanksgiving Dinner in November

Care & Counseling DivorceCare: Wednesdays, September 16 – December 9, 7 p.m.

Marriage Union: Pre-Marriage Class re|engage: Marriage Enrichment Class Contact to get connected

Young Adults Alpha: Explore Life and the Christian Faith Sunday Morning Community Contact to get connected

$13,500,000 $1,548,184 $1,369,594 –$178,590

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