WITNESS: November 1, 2009

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Presbyterian Church in America

Vol. XX, No. 4 • P ark

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” —Daniel 2:20-22 Rearranging our Sunday morning priorities


Going to jail again and again


Tough times bring out sibling support


New crew revs Elementary action


HPPC and PCPC youth jointly re:New 8 She called me "Teacher!" 10 A hands-and-feet theology of poverty


Men of action, courage, and a heart for God


The business of Kingdom work


Managing all entrusted to our care


Dads date daughters and even talk


Surrogate pastor doctors the soul


Women revisit Monterrey 18 Flu can't stop flow of love in Hong Kong


Cities P resbyterian Church •NOVEMBER 2009

Red Army invades UK


“So, it’s a choir tour?” my coworker, Brian, asked after he learned he would be covering my projects. “Well, no, it’s a mission trip,” I said. “Aren’t you supposed to go to the jungles on mission trips, where people speak in clicks and clacks and thump your Bibles? Aren’t the English already Christian?” I wish I could say that Brian’s definition of missions was the only one that needed broadening. MTW missionary Bill Schweitzer, serving in Newcastle, in a letter to J. Marty Cope wrote, “England and Scotland are relatively neglected in terms of the amount of US-sent missions.” Aware of possible misgivings (my own included), Choir Director J. Marty Cope, Music Director Colin Howland, and the PCPC Missions Committee spurred the

Chancel Choir forward, casting a vision for the trip. Meanwhile, we trusted that the looming figure down in front wielding the baton had heard from God and plunged into preparations, musically, prayerfully, and financially. In 2008 the choir began fundraising efforts. God surpassed all expectations in the the way He met the mission trip goals. Approximately 650 households contributed to the trip, and one-third of the choir was able to self-support a portion of their way. Finally, all of the financial goals were met by their set dates and the choir was bound for the United Kingdom. July 25, just under two decades since the United Kingdom outlasted one red army, a second army landed in Heathrow Airport and staggered bleary-eyed into border control queues. The following morning the choir hopped on the Tube, red robes in tow, to All Souls Church for Sunday

morning worship. As 75 singers crammed into the subway cars, crimson locusts devouring car space and chattering on in our American accents, we were slightly noticeable to the sparse and sleepy passengers aboard. One asked, “Who are you people?” This lead to “What are you doing?” Finally, after several questions, one passenger screwed up her face and asked, “You are spending your vacation doing this? What in God’s name motivated you to come halfway across the world with 89 people?” We were a great big, red, American eyesore; we could not hide. It was not the way we had anticipated God would open the door, but it became the most common. Joy at All Souls The congregation of All Souls Church, Langham Place, represents over 70 nationalities. To worship at All Souls is to worship with the world. One choir member remarked that it was as if we had bottled a PCPC worship service with trumpet fanfare, strings, organ, and 75-person choir and uncorked it there in All Souls. In the UK, beyond a few churches continued on page 2 Terry Warner, left, shares his faith with a Muslim man.

Red Army continued from page 1 like All Souls, the combination of good musicality and strong orthodox theology driving worship is a rarity. We enjoy both at PCPC by the grace of God. Mutual encouragement of the saints took place as we saw the congregation's excitement as we sang together “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Next, the choir traveled to York to sing at York Minster for three evensong services and a mini-concert. The largest gothic cathedral in Northern Europe, York has roots that go back to the mid-seventh century A.D. Our participation in worship bound us to believers from over the past 1,000 years. The Minster, built for a culture that could not read, employs its architecture and decoration for proclaiming the gospel. As time has drifted and so the culture, many have become illiterate to the Minster’s symbols. People from all over the world flock to it as a historical site. Yet the gospel still whispers through the art that remains on her stained glass and vaulted ceilings. The Chancel Choir prayerfully honed that whisper to a lofty shout by declaring in song the glory of the Triune God. Tired travelers keep moving After York, one flat tire and 90 worn poly-blend coach seats later, the choir arrived at Durham Cathedral for the first full concert of the trip. Exhausting


most of the pieces in our repertoire, we sang to raise funds for Aquila Way, a charity for homeless young people. Jennifer Baker conveyed it best when she wrote in her journal, “God’s people were blessed that evening … not by our efforts, but by His.” It was said of the choir that beyond musicality, our faces conveyed the message of sincerity, which is the best compliment and may only be attributed to the work of the Holy Spirit. On to the Promised Land The end of the trip was spent in the “Other Promised Land,” as one seasoned Scotsman brogued to Brian

Marquis. Saturday evening, one week after our arrival, the choir overflowed the small stage of Inverness East Church and performed a full concert in order to raise support for Blythwood Care, a large Christian charity. The following morning the choir split in two: half was sent to Inverness East Church and the other to the Nairn Free Church in a neighboring town. The choir enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of the Highlands and received open invitations to return. Looking back, I am not sure when our preconceptions concerning mission trips were crushed by God. From Speaker’s Corner to Brian Piper’s jazz outreach concert, the reality of the Kingdom advanced, not only in the walls of York Minster, but in our own hearts. Our trip fulfilled PCPC’s mission to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world—and perhaps even Scotland, the “Other Promised Land,” as well. —Ian Call

The trip wasn't just about singing. Right, Sara Call and Lynnora Ratliff paint at a mission center in East London. Below, excited choir members wait in Terminal D for their flight to be called.



Collective energy builds in Sunday Morning Communities

“I thought I was lucky because my parents didn’t make me go to Sunday school,” Mark Davis says. Mr. Watson, a man who lived three houses down from the Davises, had walked Mark to church every Sunday from the time he was six to the time he was nine. “I loved the fellowship, friends, and the stories of Jesus,” Mark says. “But in middle school, I opted again for freedom.” While other kids were dressed up and uncomfortable, he was out riding his bike. Mark says he often wonders what he would have learned if he had been in Sunday school during those years. Unfortunately many of us, because of our busy schedules, opt for freedom just like a middle school kid. Even as adults, Mark says, “we don’t recognize that the choices we make might stunt our growth.” “We need you” Mark hopes that everyone at PCPC will participate in a Sunday Morning Community. He has listened to the reasons people have for not participating. Many of us say we’re too busy to be in one. But Mark says we need to carefully consider our priorities. “Good things keep us from the great,” he says. Another reason people don’t attend Sunday Morning Communities is because they find community in other places. Mark guesses that about 80% of our regularly attending members probably participate in a small group of some kind. However, he still thinks it’s important for those people to be active in a Sunday Morning Community for the sake of other people. “We need you,” Mark says, “because other people don’t have that.” Mark Fulmer, who has taught on Sunday mornings for 13 years, shares that view. “I love to present the Word in a way that captivates people in the context of a community of people who love each other in the Lord,” he says. NOVEMBER 2009

Mark Davis calls us to consider our priorities

“Our community is like a little family, a little congregation… We bear one another’s burdens. I long for that for everybody in our church.”

coordinated by different leaders will include prayer, care, welcome, communications, social events, service, and small groups.

Bill Lamberth, in his role as Pastor of Families and Community, is now overseeing a serious overhaul of Sunday Morning Communities. A commission including Mark Fulmer and several other men will help provide structure and accountability, encouraging teachers to participate in open communication about their teaching and other practices. “We want to have the same philosophy running through each class,” Mark Davis summarizes. “This is one massive movement of encouraging our people.”

With such intentional practices, each class will be able to keep track of its members—welcoming them, encouraging them, and following up with their needs. Bill and his staff will receive consistent feedback from teachers and lay leaders; likewise, those leaders will receive regular updates to guide them in their own roles.

The purpose of Sunday Morning Communities is to help people know and live the Word of God (one of our church's five statements of identity). Teaching and fellowship are two of the important benefits these communities provide. They also provide a venue for sharing stories of rescue. Mark Fulmer describes what is happening as a renewed emphasis on communities of fellowship and study on Sunday mornings, and a renewed emphasis on the foundational teachings of our church. Pointing out that there are a million things to do with other PCPC members the rest of the week, he distinguishes Sunday mornings as a special opportunity. “When you’re already at the church house, that is a time to worship God and study the Word together,” he says. “We’re going to stay with it” For those who fear this will become yet another of PCPC’s grand initiatives that begin with fanfare and then quietly die away, Mark Davis says, “Our session eagerly supports this philosophy of Sunday Morning Communities and we’re going to stay with it.” Each Sunday Morning Community will offer leadership positions where people can serve using their unique gifts. Areas

Mark Fulmer hopes that growth will lead to the formation of new communities. Up until now, he says, “You could move Hannibal’s elephants easier than you could birth a new Sunday school class.” “The best classes are not dependent solely on teaching but have consistent practices and philosophies for building community.”

The strengthened approach to Sunday Morning Communities will also help prevent classes losing strength when a dynamic teacher leaves. Mark Davis says the best classes are not dependent solely on teaching but have consistent practices and philosophies for building community. Is our church going to be different as a result of this? “Strong Sunday Morning Communities will result in deeper relationships where the gospel will be brought to bear in people’s lives,” Mark Fulmer says. “It is unavoidable that groups like that will be sent out to do the work of the gospel.” PCPC members and visitors are encouraged to check out the class offerings at www.pcpc.org or in the literature racks at the church. Classes are always open to new members, no matter what time of year. —Stephanie Byrd PCPC WITNESS • 3

Proclaiming liberty to the captives PCPC women nd joy at the God Pod


I first went to jail in September, 2008. A few months earlier I had heard about PCPC’s new women’s prison ministry at the Dawson State Jail in downtown Dallas. At first I had declined to participate because of other commitments, but God continued to tap on my heart. I agreed to attend two free trial visits to see what was happening, and I was unprepared for what would I would see and hear that first morning. I was admittedly fearful about entering the jail building itself, and the security procedures and series of locked doors and corridors did nothing to relieve my fears. However, as our group of approximately a dozen volunteers entered the eighth floor (affectionately called the “God Pod” because of the spiritual influence in that unit), I found 54 women who greeted us with excitement and hugs. They were especially thrilled to see our leader Selby Harrison, who had begun to teach and disciple them the previous spring. We began the morning with singing, complete with Amy Grant on the iPod and live tambourines. The ladies were singing and dancing enthusiastically, and suddenly the female guard behind the glass partition took off her coat and began to clap along with us. For several minutes I alternately laughed aloud and cried tears of emotion, 4 4• •PCPC PCPCWITNESS WITNESS

fueled by the awe of worshiping the Lord with 54 inmates. I realized that only God Himself could put together such a worship service, and I felt so privileged to be a part of it! As we proceeded on to the lesson and small group Bible study that morning, I was touched by the receptivity of these women, all of whom are hungry for spiritual encouragement and personal discipling.

PCPC women outside the Dawson State Jail one recent Friday morning

During my first few visits, I made friends with “Sylvia” (name changed for privacy reasons) who was extremely concerned that her teenage daughter was being raised by a single dad during her incarceration. Sylvia grieved that she could not be there for her daughter’s teenage questions or first boyfriend. Last fall their trailer home in south Texas was in the path of Hurricane Ike, and Sylvia and I cried together and prayed that her husband would get their daughter

out of danger in time. My mother’s heart was pierced with the love these ladies have for their children and the helplessness they feel when they cannot be with them. The Dawson jail has allowed Prison Fellowship (the ministry started by Chuck Colson) to operate the daily programming for this eighth floor unit. This idea is being piloted in several American jails and prisons, and the results are amazing—both now and for eternity! Seventeen different options are offered during each week, including Bible studies, AA, Celebrate Recovery, GED classes, and computer skills classes. The women must apply to live on the floor and must commit to complete homework in certain classes, including the one taught by the PCPC group. Many of the women are Christians or have come from a church background, and most are trying to make positive changes in their lifestyle, parenting, and spiritual growth. However, we have found that very few have ever had a discipling or mentoring relationship in their lives, and they cherish their relationships with our volunteers. Because of this important need in the inmates’ lives, our ministry needs more volunteers to come alongside these precious ladies. You may visit twice with no commitment, training, or screening. After that, our NOVEMBER2009 2009 NOVEMBER

Sisters in the Lord Lending a hand to a sibling congregation


Town North Presbyterian Church (TNPC) in Richardson and PCPC are sister churches in the North Texas Presbytery of our denomination. I find it interesting that we often use the feminine terminology (sisters rather than brothers) when talking about our collegial churches, given that we reside in a denomination known for its emphasis on male leadership in church government. Undoubtedly, this usage stems from the way Christ and his church are often spoken of in the New Testament as the bride of Christ. So TNPC and PCPC are both brides awaiting that day when their Bridegroom, Christ the Lord, comes to take them both to their eternal home in the new heavens and the new earth. How are these two sisters to support one another until that great day comes? Early in the last decade when PCPC was having its own birth as a church, TNPC came alongside as a midwife to help shepherd the new congregation into the PCA. TNPC’s senior pastor at the time, David Clelland, worked closely with members of the new PCPC session to make the transition into the PCA as easy as possible. Now almost 20 years later, PCPC has come forward to graciously offer support to TNPC as it undergoes a pastoral and leadership transition.

That support has taken a number of forms. Initially, PCPC generously offered members of its pastoral staff to fill TNPC’s pulpit week after week, including Tim Tinsley (all of April), and Jeff White, Ron Williams, and intern Ben Wheeler. At the same time Ruling Elder Harry Hargrave became an advisory member of TNPC’s session, as the presbytery took an active role in reorganizing the church’s leadership structure. Finally, Pete Deison stepped forward with the support of the PCPC session and staff to offer himself as an interim pastor at TNPC on a part time basis. This offer was readily accepted by the TNPC session, and Pete joined Pastor John Rantal—newly arrived from California—as interim co-pastor of TNPC. The partnership between Pete and John has been a remarkable success. They have complemented one another and shared pastoral duties in preaching, pastoral care, teaching, and leadership training. Pete has initiated several activities in the area of men’s leadership that we are confident the Lord will use in our future as He rebuilds our ministries. Approximately 25 TNPC men attended a men’s leadership retreat held at PCPC on September 11 and 12. Pete focused our attention on the process of mak-

volunteers complete a one-evening "For I was hungry and you gave me food, training class through the Texas I was thirsty and you gave me drink, Department of Corrections, which is required for multiple visits. Our Bible I was a stranger and you welcomed me, study meets twice a month on Friday I was naked and you clothed me, mornings, and once you have been I was sick and you visited me, trained, you may attend whenever I was in prison and you came to me... you choose. No advance preparation Truly I say to you, is required; in fact, Selby Harrison as you did it to one of provides the lesson’s questions and answers to the volunteers as we enter the least of these my brothers, the room! The only requirements are you did it to Me. a willing heart, a listening ear, a word —Matthew 25: 35-36, 40 of encouragement, and an overflow NOVEMBER NOVEMBER2009 2009

ing disciples, using the book Simple Church as a guide. In addition Stephen Nielson led the men in a wonderful time of worship, singing, and prayer. This retreat marked a turning point for men’s leadership at TNPC. On September 13 TNPC elected a pulpit committee to begin the search for a new senior pastor. Here again Pete has provided leadership as he has worked with the committee in its startup phase—and arranged for PCPC member Boots Nowlin to speak to the committee about the recent experience of PCPC’s pulpit committee. At the same time Pete has begun a training course for past, current, and prospective officers to teach them not only the fundamentals of our doctrinal standards, but also what it means to be a shepherd of God’s flock as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission. The session and congregation of TNPC expresses its profound thanks to its big sister, PCPC, for all her generous gifts to us, and joins with you in praising our Lord for the incalculable bonds of love that he has created between us by his sacrificial life and death on our behalf. Maranatha! —John Dishman Ruling Elder, Town North Presbyterian Church

of God’s redeeming love to pour out upon the inmates. God uses our presence, united with His powerful Word, to show forth Christ to those who desperately need Him. In return, we leave through the locked and guarded doors of a jail each week with the unspeakable joys of “proclaiming liberty to the captives” and making a difference in their future lives. For more information, please contact Selby Harrison, 214-526-5635 or csharrison@sbcglobal.net. —Ready Bateman PCPC WITNESS PCPC WITNESS • 5• 5

Middle schoolers renewed at


The evening of September 11 was marked by the din of roughly 130 students, packed into buses and vans, winding their way through beautiful east Texas. The PCPC Middle School fall retreat—better known as RE:New ’09—began with the inclination of its title. The nuances of the trip were obvious. Not only were PCPC youth and adult leaders spending the weekend at Sky Ranch, we were sharing the thrills, depth, and excitement with Highland Park Presbyterian Church’s junior high youth as well! We prayerfully sought their partnership for this event as a rebuilding of relationship and fellowship throughout the Dallas community. Obviously, both churches were ecstatic to do the Lord’s work together, and the enthusiasm was contagious as we passed through the gates of Sky Ranch. Another new aspect of RE:New ‘09 was the torrential downpour we experienced for the next two and a half days! There were a few of those wise parents who packed essential rain gear in their children's bags. The rest of us, however, began to wear the “wet look” with style and inevitable ease. I will not forget the profound words of one insightful girl who observed, “The rain this weekend says everything about what we studied in the Bible. God renews this world with His rain, and renews our hearts with His love.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. After finding our cabins on Friday night, HPPC and PCPC gathered as one to worship and celebrate. We found ourselves in an enormous gym with the Adam Cappa band, which brought a sense of elation and spontaneity to glorifying our Savior with electric guitar, drums, and voices raised to the Lord, Throughout our worship, I caught the glowing smiles and awestruck eyes of our students. Seventh and eighth graders linked arms and swayed to the music, stood on chairs, and encouraged one another to be

Daniel LaFayette

Hamill Williams


close. The combination of camaraderie and loving Christ permeated our worship time. And of course, it also got pretty loud and pretty crazy!

Adrenaline looking for a place to go

Despite the persistent wet, we played game upon game! Newspaper projects, basketball, four-square, dodge ball tournaments, haiku wars, and water fights (of course) were just some of the activities that absorbed our adrenaline! Sky Ranch is full of wondrous things—zip lines, water slides, canoeing, and a trapeze swing (for starters). Our students ran from event to event during their free time and also spent great time with one another. Digging into gutter ice cream s With both PCPC and HPPC leaders, there were enough of us to spend good time with students in fellowship.

Pearson Feagans NOVEMBER 2009

joint retreat Renewing hearts and minds

Each night, after the “wild” had been officially extinguished from the tired bodies of kids and youth leaders, we sat together and discussed all that our amazing speaker, Tim Tinsley, had said. The heartbeat of our retreat was from Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Tim encouraged us to consider our sin and repent of it. The renewing of Christ comes from a clean heart—one that desires righteousness and a relationship with God. As we sat around our devotional circle each night, I heard the testimonies of those who struggle with friendships, pressure from school, pressure from parents, and the challenge of wrapping their hearts around Jesus Christ. To say the least, I was profoundly encouraged.

The end of RE:New ’09 on September 13 was only the beginning. There is much ahead for the PCPC middle school ministry, and I am strangely reminded of it whenever it rains. We are always in need of renewing our hearts and our minds for Christ. The ministry leaders, Ben Leonard, Charlie Matter, and I, are blessed to take these sundaes kinds of retreats with your children. Be encouraged! The Lord is always at work and we are eager to be a part of that harvest! —Mary K. Haberkorn

“The rain this weekend says everything about what we studied in the Bible— God renews this world with His rain, and renews our hearts with His love.” —a middle schooler

Elizabeth Hearne, Maggie Fersing Elise Wilson Martha Bateman



First graders get big-kid Bibles Cooper Gidden

“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” —Deuteronomy 11:18-19


I can remember a special moment from my childhood. As usual, on Christmas Eve, we were allowed to open one gift from a family member, and I always chose my mom’s gift because she spoiled me like a rotten egg. I tore into the paper without regard to its artistic wonder and found a brand new, leather-bound, gold-paged Bible with my name on it. The excitement to open it and feel it and read it was overwhelming. I felt as though I had t s i r h s Gilc i aged ten years in but x e l A one fleeting moment of "Bible-awe." I began reading the book of Genesis that very night, laying in my flannel pajamas on the top bunk, struggling with words such as vegetation, dominion, bdellium, and onyx—not to mention names that even a seasoned Hebrew student might struggle pronouncing. But as soon as I received that Bible on Christmas Eve, I felt a new phase of life had begun. I was so excited about having my own big-boy Bible to read. Our young first graders are also eager to learn how to read. As they begin to make sense of letters on a page, what better gift for them to receive than a copy of God’s Word. On Sunday morning, October 4, the Elementary Ministry and parents presented each first grader with a genuine, leatherbound, big-kid version of the Bible. Shortly thereafter they were presented before the congregation for acknowledgement, prayer, and a short kids’ sermon from Pastor Mark Davis. He very clearly explained the importance of keeping their eyes on Christ by keeping their eyes on God’s Word. 8 • PCPC WITNESS

Subsequently we heard one of our first graders, Charles Wilson, wonderfully and sincerely read the Call to Worship for the entire congregation. As I walked the elementary wing halls on Sunday morning, I was thrilled to see children gripping their Bibles as if their lives were wrapped up in their arms. Their faces shone with what my heart felt vividly that Christmas Eve. A new phase has begun: the first graders are learning to read, and we pray that by the grace of God their book of choice will be none other than God’s Word. Our hope is that they might know and enjoy the Lord through the reading of His Word for years and years to come. —Brent Baker Right, Leo the Lion presents learning through fun games such as Leopardy, Puzzle Monkey, and Egg Scrambler. Left, look who knows the answers!

Leo the Lion (Brent Baker)

Laying up the words in his he

Charles was thrilled, nervous, boisterous, and a little confused when he first learned of being asked to read the Call to Worship on Sunday morning, October 4, when the first graders were presented with their Bibles. When the dust and chaos finally settled, Charles set out with great determination to learn a string of big words Charles that he had never seen before in a short amount of time. He kept asking us if we would listen to him practice, and when it seemed he was stumbling over a difficult word, he wouldn't l him. What great determination! He is so proud of his new Bib now challenges us to races to find various books in the Bibl wants us to read it to him each night (especially the red wo if we can only figure out how to get him this interested in ho —Jeff and La NOVEMBER 2009

Ready! Set! Hut! Kids For Christ! It was a touchdown-filled night as third and fourth grade elementary boys and girls came together for the second annual Friday Night Lights! KFCers donned their favorite teams' colors and huddled up for a sports-themed movie and pillow wars, or what we would commonly refer to as fellowship. Before the start of the movie, the kids indulged in pizza and enjoyed popcorn at intermission. At the movie's end, the pillow wars began as parents arrived to claim their sportsmen. Upon leaving, each child was given a fortune cookie favor that contained a Bible verse and a KFC magnet to take home, all packaged in a Chinese takeout box. At the end of the evening, KFC's second annual Friday Night Lights was a winner! —John and Pixi Bercier



New face around the kids' place


Please welcome Renea Conser to the staff as our new part-time Elementary Program Coordinator. She is joining our team to develop and implement dynamic, fun Sunday morning programs for elementary-age children that will nurture their spiritual growth and equip them to be lifelong followers of Renea Jesus Christ. She will also assist in building effective teams of passionate adults and parents who will put the vision of the elementary ministry into action.

let us help ble that he le, and he ords). Now omework! aura Wilson

Renea and her husband Jon have been active members of PCPC since 1998. Their son Brister is eight and their daughter Caroline is six. Renea has taught elementary Sunday school since they became members and has led VBS for the past two years. She is committed and excited about the work God has called her to here and covets your prayers as the elementary ministry team prays and works together in the coming months for the glory of God and the joy of children! —Brent Baker NOVEMBER 2009

Hill Washburn

Joseph Wood

Charlie Story

Rachel Lupton

Sundaes on Friday


Extreme ice cream in a 10-foot house gutter, a giant game of hide-and-seek, and a special surprise for those who could recite Psalm 100 or their first 15 catechism questions! What more could a first or second grader ask for on a Friday afternoon? My Ella, who is six, had just received her new Bible from PCPC the Sunday before, and she was ready to dive in! She reads it aloud, keeps it on her bedside table, and studies it! When we heard about Sundaes on Friday coming up on October 9, Ella turned to Psalm 100 and started to memorize the verse because she really wanted to be a part of the special surprise at the ice cream party. And it worked! Ella did her best to recite the verses. Her efforts were reinforced at the party, where children were taught to hide the Word of God in their hearts, and to seek it with all of their strength.


Ella brought her friend Grace to the event, where some of the time was spent in the Hangout in fellowship with about 30 other first and second graders. To sum up the fun, Grace asked me to bring her back next Friday to PCPC's Hangout! She hoped we did this every week! Thank you Darian, Brent, and all the volunteers for providing extreme fun and fellowship for our young ones. —Ann Henson



My nickname is “Debby” Then panic began to set in. I said to my son, “What was I thinking? I am not a teacher!”; to which my wise son replied, “Mom, you know the language—they don't. They want you to tell them what you know, and that's it.” I showed up the first day to teach my intermediate class and thought, “How in the world will I do this? These are adults, not children! Where do I start? What do I say? And how on earth am I going to fill an hour and a half when I have pretty much never ever stood at a podium before?

“Lord, help me!” I decided as good a place as any to start might be to explain what we do with our names in English. I began by writing my name on the whiteboard: Deborah Phyllis Massie Lacy. I then pointed to each component and said: An ESL student and his daughter wait for class. ESL also offers a children's program.

“Deborah is my first name. My nick-


name is Debby. My middle name is Phyllis, so my middle initial is P. My maiden (my name before I was married) was Massie. My husband's name is Lacy, so, now my last name is Lacy. You may call me by my nickname, Debby.”

For several years, I have been thinking about teaching English as a Second Language somewhere around town. The thought flitted through my mind, “Hmmm, I might be a blessing to someone.” And that's right about where it ended. It reappeared a little later: “Gee...that would be a good thing to do. OK, what's on TV tonight?”

Hands went up. I looked at one of the students and said, “Yes?” And then a most interesting and wonderful thing happened. A woman looked at me and said, “Teacher, please explain again, nickname.”

On Sunday mornings I would sit Amanda Rideout explains a in my spot in the pew and listen phrase to students. to Kingdom Moment announceShe called me TEACHER? She called ME ments about PCPC ministries and think, “Gee, I should teacher! That was it for me. At 1:00 in the morning after help out with that. OK, let's see, what hymn do we sing the class, I was still wide awake planning what to teach next?” them next. One September Sunday morning, Carol Baker and Pat Sargent announced that they needed people to teach English as a second language right here at our church. I thought, “Oh boy, God, please don't hit me with that brick You've got aimed at my head—I hear You.”

God must be smiling at me and shaking His head. Every time I set out to be a blessing, I am blessed a thousand times over. Then it hit me—that was the brick! And then I thanked God for His aim. —Deborah "Debby" Massie Lacy

I signed up.




Helping, not hurting, the poor


One of my favorite movies is Grapes of Wrath, based on the book by John Steinbeck. In an exceptional way, this film captures the desperate state of those who suffered during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The gospel writer Luke goes even further to present the destitute condition of mankind by making 10 references to the poor, and then he tells us Jesus went about preaching Good News to them. Who are the poor in scripture? Technically, they were those who were impoverished or considered of insufficient value, or homeless beggars who wandered about in great misery. But Luke gives detailed snapshots of how Jesus went about touching people as He preached the Good News to them. They were real, valuable, loved. Sadly, unlike Luke’s depiction, we tend to view poor people in the abstract. In his book, Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development, Bryant L. Myers notes that whenever this occurs, the poor “become nameless, and this invites us to treat them as objects of our compassion.” As God’s people, we have been called to be the hands and feet of Christ, our Sovereign Head, and as such, emulate His ministry to those in need. Myers warns that our tendencies often


directly contribute to adding to their poverty. He states: “When the poor accept their distorted sense of vocation as normative and immutable, their poverty is complete. It is also permanent unless this issue is addressed and they are helped to recover their identity as… made in God’s image.” Hundreds of PCPC members give dignity to those whom they serve. Recently, one of our ministry partners, Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center, reported that through transformative relationships, more than 124 abortions were averted, and 58 young men and women gave their lives to Christ in humble repentance. Praise the Lord! In a note from one of our high school students who volunteers with a reading program at Voice of Hope, she writes: “Our goal is to show God’s love for [the kids] through our own love and willingness to be their friends, if only for a couple of hours each week. It is awesome to see how easily friendships are formed and how barriers are forgotten as we have fun together.” Urban Ministries is grateful for all of you who serve— for those who mentor young men and women at Mercy Street, for those men who meet each week with men with names in West Dallas, for those who work closely with the homeless through Union Gospel Mission and Center of Hope, and those who are in and coming out of prisons. Thank you for taking the time to get to know so many who desperately need to hear the Good News. As Jesus did, we urgently need to give great distinction to the people whom the Lord has called us to serve. Come, join our efforts through Urban Ministries as we seek to make a difference in someone’s life as well as talk to them about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the one thing all of us need more than anything else. —Julian Russell Top, Christiana Russell shelves books at the Voice of Hope library. Above, Anita Thomas (left) and some of her Pinkston High School Young Life girls PCPC WITNESS • 11 PCPC WITNESS • 11

MACH 2 men challenged to break sound barriers


Pete Deison started off with laying the foundations for breaking barriers on September 14 in Fellowship Hall at 6:40 am with a hot breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits. But it wasn’t the food the men came for; it was the desire to understand more about the authenticity of God-created manhood that drove them to be there. Why MACH 2 for the continuation of Men’s Fraternity? A Mach number refers to the speed of an object moving through air or fluid divided by the speed of sound. It is a measurement developed by Ernst Mach. Mach 1 is the speed of sound—761.2 mph or 1,116 feet per second at sea level. Two phenomena occur when an aircraft exceeds Mach 1: a visual cloud and a sonic boom. The first man to fly at the speed of Mach 1 was Chuck Yeager in 1947. Scott Crossfield reached Mach 2 six years later. Milburn Apt reached the speed of 2,094 mph or Mach 3 in 1954. In 1961, Mach 4, 5, and 6 (4,094 mph) were achieved by Robert White. Finally in 1967, Pete Knight attained a speed of 4,520 mph, or Mach 6.7. And no man has been able to fly faster since. Unmanned vehicles have reached Mach 10 (9,000 mph) at high altitudes. Most of us live at our lowest limits, most often not breaking through the barriers that hold us back. Men’s Fraternity was chosen to move us toward Mach 1. MACH 2 has not been chosen as a symbol because of speed but because it moves us beyond barriers that keep us from fulfilling the call and command of Christ.


Why 6:40 am? Pete choose that time so that the men would have a weekly reference to Luke 6:40: “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Following that verse Jesus continues teaching that: 1) One cannot help another until he first sees his own lack of righteousness. 2) We are known by our fruit. 3) You speak of what you treasure in your heart. 4) If we call Christ Lord and act on His Word, we will have a strong foundation to weather storms. Why MACH? Simple: Men of Action with Courage and a Heart for God. Over the year the group will focus on three aspects of breaking the barriers: November–December: The barrier of personal clarity through mentoring January–February: The barrier of specific skills through coaching. Joe Gibbs will be speaking mid-January March–April: The barrier of spiritual focus through disciplemaking For more information regarding MACH 2 contact Lawan Andersen, 214-224-2739 or lawan.andersen@pcpc.org. Please join the men of PCPC as they engage with Pete Deison in MACH 2 every Monday at 6:40 am. —Lawan Andersen NOVEMBER2009 2009 NOVEMBER



If you are in business or work at a business, and if you care about bringing glory to God with your life, then the luncheon with Bill Job was an incredible opportunity to hear from one of the pioneers of international business. Three PCPC ministries (Workplace, Urban, and World Missions) gathered on September 29 with the CEO Global Network to bring Bill Job from China to Dallas to speak to those seeking to do Kingdom business. As Pastor Mark Davis opened with prayer, approximately 200 guests filled Fellowship Hall at the noon hour to ask the questions: Can I have a profitable business and serve God at the same time? Do my work and business have anything to do with God᾿s Kingdom? Bill Job answered the questions through the testimony of his past 30+ years of living, working, and testifying in China. Bill Job is the founder and CEO of Meixia International, one of the first solely foreign-owned businesses in China. He shared how including God in your business can be a distinct business advantage. More business leaders are finding that faith and the values that come with it can not only have a positive impact on the bottom line but can improve people᾿s lives as well.

Christ through your life.’ I thought he was the best speaker of all because he had done what he was talking about, not just speaking it.” Bill Job energetically mixed his presentation with many amusing but deep stories of the ministry that has filled his life in China. PCPC member sponsors for the event included Sammie Gatti of Navigation Financial, Tracy Taylor of Watson and Taylor, Bill Henry of McQueary Henry Bowles Troy, Gil Sheehan and David Gowdy of Barrington Group, Tom Sudyk of Global CEO Network, and Pretlow Riddick of Criterion Development Partners. Each guest was challenged to become involved in one of three places: 1) their work with Workplace Ministry, 2) their city with Urban Ministries and Pastor Julian Russell, or 3) their world with World Missions and Curt Dobbs.

Bill has won numerous awards, including Employer of the Year in the city of Xiamen several years running, and was recognized by The Wall Street Journal as a leader in his industry and Top, Pete Deison welcomes the large crowd. Above, Tracy Taylor, Bill Peel, speaker Bill Job, David as a “pioneer business spirit Gowdey, and Bill Petrini. and innovative artist.” Bill has also incubated several successThe Workplace Leaders Forum Breakfast, with encouragful businesses, including Barrington Group's manufacturing speakers from the business world, meets every first ing facility in China run by PCPC member Ben Briggs. Wednesday of the month in Fellowship Hall at 7:00 am. Hot breakfast is free, but you must RSVP by the previous Walking the walk Monday. If you are interested in joining us, contact Lawan Many of the guests were inspired by Bill’s authenticity and Andersen, lawan.andersen@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739. candor. One of the attendees commented refreshingly, “I —Lawan Andersen love the fact that he said ‘shut up and let them just see NOVEMBER 2009



Entrusted with all that is His


Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines stewardship as: the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.

Biblically speaking, who owns what? In Genesis 1 Adam and Eve are given authority over all of creation by God. While not its owners, they are the executive managers of earth. But we know what happens by Genesis 3. Sin comes and infects the way men and women manage, and even think about, all that is His from that time on. Yet the Lord in His grace continues to give us abundant resources to more than sustain ourselves on His earth, the greatest one being a Person, Jesus Christ. By His Holy Spirit, He calls and equips us to restore careful, responsible, gospel-centered management of what has been entrusted to our care.

five ts ssnnaapsshoots

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In our worship services on Sunday morning, October 11, Mark Davis spoke to the congregation about our stewardship as a church and individually as its members. He asked us to find the PCPC annual report brochure called “Five Snapshots” in the literature racks or online after the service. While not a comprehensive look at all God has been doing at PCPC during the past year, it does highlight many ministries seen through the lens of our five identity statements: PCPC people: long to worship God together know and live the Word of God pray boldly and dependently tell stories of rescue want to change the world Mark noted the financial report that is included in the brochure (see next page) and continued:

“You will see what we have done to be better stewards and reduce expenses, but we are still over $400,000 behind. We are working hard as a staff, elders, and deacons to be sure we are spending God’s money the 14 • PCPC WITNESS

way He wants us to spend it. We’re not perfect, but this year's budget is about the same as it was in 2004-2005, and we believe that because of the work that God has done, that more ministry is happening with those dollars as a result of how the Lord is leading us. Every one of you who are members of this church should be, be God's grace, giving something to this body. We encourage that. That is the number [individuals and families giving] we want to see increase. But you should also as a member wonder how your money is being spent. And that's fair. Certainly I will engage any of your questions at any time, as will our Executive Director Jeff Barber or any elder, because we want to be good stewards of all the money the Lord is given.

“Here’s why—the most urgent task in the world today is to make known the gospel of Jesus Christ. Period. That’s it. And we as His body have the privilege of doing it. So what I ask you to do is look at this [annual report] and pray—pray boldly that God will keep us seeking His face in the way in which we spend every dollar that we might bring Him glory. But I also want you to pray something else. I want you to ask God if there is any other way in which He longs for you to faithfully tithe—to faithfully give.”

Mark then shared the letter from eightyear-old Sarah which was recently received by our session (left). He exhorted the congregation to hear the heart of someone who loves this church and loves her King. He then concluded:

“At a young age, the Lord prompted her to do something, and she did it. That should be true of all of us. We should all be considering the ways the Lord has called us to ‘bake’ for His glory. I encourage you to do what this little girl has done. Ask the Lord, ‘How is it that you want us to give to this body that we might be truly faithful in extending the Kingdom that He has called us to?’” —Terri Speicher


Financial Report July 1, 2008–June 30, 2009 Income & Expense Summary* Contributions & Income Expenses Worship, Music, Arts Spiritual Life Outreach Support Ministries Officers, Leadership, PCA Other Total Gain (Loss)

Primary Cost Savings

Budget $12,250,000 709,817 2,904,665 2,914,437 4,284,946 1,113,935 322,200 $12,250,000

Actual $11,592,293 693,736 2,671,621 2,820,570 4,077,321 1,044,959 308,049 $11,616,256 ($23,963)


Personnel No salary increases were given for the year and 50% of retirement contributions for five months were eliminated, contributing to a savings of $239,763 or 37.8% of overall cost reductions.

Operating funds normally reserved for future church plants were not required. Other mission trip savings and unneeded Good Sam funds contributed to a reduction of $93,398.

Support Ministries Deferred planned technology upgrades and significantly reduced facilities costs totaled $150,844 in savings.

Spiritual Life Deferring planned special events in women’s, adult, spiritual formation, outreach events, and new member initiatives provided $90,142 in cost reductions.

Officers and Leadership

2009–2010 Budget

Variances from 2008–2009 Budget

Contributions & Income


Expenses Worship, Music, Arts Spiritual Life

718,466 2,927,809

Outreach 2,958,036 Support Ministries


Officers, Leadership, PCA


Other 210,194 Total


Reductions in session and staff-related planning and meeting expenses and other contingency spending lowered costs by $75,954.

The relocation of the church offices from Hampton Court to the church campus is expected to save $450,000 annually. In January, the Session approved the use of $600,000 in capital funds to be used for the project, so that operating funds would not be required for the relocation. The project was finished on time and on budget with capital funds utilized for space renovations, work stations for 37 staff members (who previously had private offices), required city building code improvements, related maintenance expenses, and significant enhancement of our children’s education space that includes an indoor playground.

An interesting note: The 2009–2010 budget is very close in size to PCPC’s 2004–05 budget, but we will accomplish, by God’s grace, much more ministry for the same amount five years later. *unaudited statement; annual audit to be completed in November, 2009 NOVEMBER2009 2009 NOVEMBER


“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” —Ephesians 6:1-4


Fathers can impart godly courage, wisdom, and hope to their daughters, or they can push them toward despair and rebellion. We dads really do want to connect with our daughters in meaningful ways, but sometimes we just don’t know how to get into deep heart discussions. Some dads lurk in the shadows of their teenaged daughters’ lives, emerging only to bark out criticisms or make sarcastic comments. As the winds of our culture blow hard against our daughters, they need the firm ground that a meaningful relationship with their daddies offers. Over the decades of counseling struggling marriages, I have found that girls who have poor relationships with their fathers tend to enter into marriage on unstable ground. They are insecure and wonder if anyone will really treasure them, and they often settle for less, even for abusive relationships. Many legitimate arguments and frustrations these wives have with their husbands are actually shadowboxing matches with their dads as they pound away at unresolved issues they brought into the marriage. On the other hand, girls who have meaningful relationships with their father tend to choose solid husbands and have deep authentic companionships with them. Every dad (and every parent) must ponder, “What

do I want my daughter to know and believe before she leaves home?” A few weeks ago, we set out to help—by 1) explaining our culture as it relates to the feminine mind, 2) forecasting what waits in the road ahead, and 3) teaching biblical principles that the dads and daughters can discuss “real time” over a sandwich. We meet at Texadelphia, a neutral turf where everyone feels welcome. (The owner, Tom Landis, closes down his restaurant each Wednesday evening for us and even gave us all free food on the first night!) The restaurant is packed with folks from all over Dallas—believers from a myriad of different churches and guys who don’t attend church but want to be better dads for their daughters and need some help in breaking the ice. So we tee up key heart issues each week, provide questions to be discussed, then turn the men loose to eat dinner and dialogue with their date. The girls are so thrilled to be there with their dads receiving his special interest in them.

Getting into the nitty gritty

We have made these four promises to the fathers and daughters: • You will have an opportunity to converse as father and daughter about heart issues. • You will have an understanding of the feminine mind. (This is a running joke with men throughout the ages, but we are offering

straightforward information about the heart of a woman and her deepest longings.) • You will have a compelling vision for your father-daughter relationship and for womanhood in the twenty-first century. The landscape of American femininity is shifting, but you can have a meaningful relationship as father and daughter as well as develop your own compelling vision for how you want to spend your life. • You will have some fun. The responsibility of being responsible can choke the fun out of life. We won't take your mind off of your responsibilities, but we'll also see the joys on the journey of life. So what do we talk about? Here are some of our topics so far: • The benefits of a meaningful relationship with one's father • The dangers of not having a meaningful relationship • Why one-third more females graduate from college than males • The implications for dads and daughters in a society morphing into a matriarchal structure • Girls who are not loved well by earthly fathers overcoming the difficulties of understanding the love of their heavenly Father. Check out our blog at dadsanddaughters.pcpc. org where you can view videos of these talks. In the winter we'll invite dads and teenaged sons to a similar series, setting the stage for meaningful conversations about being men. —Tim Tinsley Tim talks with his own daughters, Cassie Rawson and Sarah Tinsley



Kathleen’s Story

“My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.” —Proverbs 4:20-22


The door squeaked a little as it opened. I heard my voice crack as I announced my presence: “Clergy.” A quiet, yet generous reply came from somewhere in the room. “Please, come in.” I entered to a whiteboard on the wall tracking blood cell counts. There was an old burgundy Bible on the table which bore the marks of frequent use. A metal tree of liquidfilled bags and hoses stood off in the corner. Another machine stood by beeping intermittently. The smell of stale hospital food lingered in the air. Only moments before, a nurse had suddenly grabbed my arm. In a hushed voice, almost whispering, she said, “The lady in room 302 has really been looking forward to a visit with you.” She mistakenly thought I was the hospital chaplain. The puzzled look on my face made for an uncomfortable situation. She followed with a series of awkward apologies; but I assured her that ministers visit even those they don’t know, even nonmembers of their church. As we walked toward room 302, my heart beat a little faster and my hands got slightly clammy. This had never happened before. I was about to walk into the room of a woman who was not expecting me, who had not requested me. Uncertainty washed over me like a cold bath. Her name was Kathleen, a middleaged Baptist woman from Longview, Texas. She told me that Longview was a long way from Baylor Medical Center. Hence, it had been weeks since she had heard a sermon. Her church was between pastors so it had been even longer since a minister had prayed with her. Providence had led NOVEMBER 2009 2009 NOVEMBER

me to a woman fighting for her life and, in many respects, she and her family were fighting alone. That day, I became Kathleen’s surrogate minister and PCPC her surrogate church. She was placed on our hospital visitation list and ministers visited and prayed for her daily. My visits with her were especially poignant and meaningful for both of us. I must have seen her at least a dozen times. I watched as the chemo took its toll. I was there when she couldn’t eat, when she couldn’t sleep, and the day after she lost all of her hair. I came on good days and bad. I experienced her metamorphosis firsthand. She taught me what it means for a minister to suffer along with his people. But this was not all I learned from Kathleen. During the course of our visits, she taught me much about suffering and human spirituality. I learned that a minister of the gospel is also a doctor of the soul. Just as medical doctors diagnose the physical condition of patients and prescribe an individually tailored treatment, so also the gospel minister is to carefully probe the soul, diagnose its aliments, and appropriately apply the biblical medicine. There were days when Kathleen was so spiritually emaciated she could hardly talk as she struggled with doubt, spiritual depression, or fear. At times like these, Psalm 121, Psalm 103, and Matthew 6 are a soul physician’s best friends. She taught me to sit quietly, to have few answers, and let the biblical medicine do its work. At other times, the Heidelberg Catechism proved effective at fighting off spiritual sickness. Still other times, it seemed that spiritual starvation was the culprit. Thanks to our fine CD ministry, we were able to provide her

with a series of sermons during times she felt so poorly that all she could do was listen. On better days, she was able to read printed articles and PCPC devotionals. On good days, we sang hymns and read poems. I belly-laughed at my own jokes and prayed loud prayers of great joy. In short, I learned to practice medicine on her—spiritual medicine. I went to visit Kathleen for the last time several weeks ago. Providentially, I walked into her room 30 minutes before they released her. There was a crowd of people there that day all huddled in that small hospital room. Friends from Longview had come to celebrate her successful treatment. As I worked my way through the barrage of shoulders and elbows, I finally laid eyes on Kathleen. It was the first time I had seen her dressed in her own clothes. Upon noticing me, she hushed the crowd of people and explained to them who I was. Then, she turned to me with tears in her eyes and said, “I don’t think I would have made it through this without the ministry of your church.” I simply responded, “That’s what we do.” My visit was short that day, as it should’ve been. We gathered in a big circle and joined hands, tears flowing, heads bowed. Unable to resist, we prayed a loud prayer of great joy. As I was exiting the room, one couple stopped me. They said, “We have heard a lot of good things about your church. Next time we’re in town, I think we know where we will attend.” Experiences like this remind us that our God still works providentially in the lives of His people. We should be humbled to know that He is still pleased to use PCPC’s hospital ministry the way He does, humbled to realize that He has chosen us as instruments in the extension of His Kingdom. —Jaceson Jennings, pastoral intern PCPC WITNESS WITNESS •• 17 17 PCPC

Women's Ministries

Monterrey Memories


It was truly an honor and blessing to lead the third Women’s Ministries short-term mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico. The Lord brought together a wonderful team, each with different gifts that truly expressed the hands and feet of Christ. Everyone had a significant role in bringing the truth of God’s grace to the women in Monterrey. We ministered and counseled the women leaders and pastors’ wives of the PCA church plants in Monterrey and Saltillo. Monterrey’s culture is nominally Roman Catholic and mostly secular. It was such a blessing to be able to discuss with them about God’s grace, prayer, and the godly role of women in their marriages and in their church. We also had the opportunity to serve and teach in an orphanage. Annie and Jacque worked in the same orphanage last year. It meant so much to the children to see their friends return! Praise God! I had the opportunity to travel to Monterrey prior to our mission trip, and I met and built relationships with many of the women we were going to minister to and counsel. There was one woman named Dora I particularly clicked with, and I was so looking forward to seeing her again. Upon arriving at the church in Saltillo for our nightly dinner and meeting, I saw her smiling face. I couldn’t wait to get my food and go sit with her and catch up. As we settled in our seats and looked at each other, we realized something. I don’t speak Spanish and she speaks no English. Oh. I totally forgot! We quickly found someone who could translate for us, and we had an amazing reunion. It struck me how our sisterly relations in Christ transcend language. It was a warm reunion, indeed. Jacque Lacey gets some hugs. 18 • PCPC WITNESS

Team members Kari Stainback, Jacque Lacey, Melanie Cummins, Annie Roberson, Angela Thomas, and Susan White

She introduced me to her best friend, a relatively new believer who came to Christ through Dora's prayers and friendship. I was moved by the Holy Spirit to give her my Spanish/English Bible. She thankfully said to me, “Dora gave me my first Bible, and you gave me my first Bible as a believer. Thank you.” Thank you, Jesus. Called to a greater commitment God also left an excitement in the hearts of our teammates. Annie Roberson wrote: The Lord has impressed on my heart to learn Spanish. Communications is so important in our world, yet when we were on our missions trip, we were limited in communicating the excitement in our hearts to know the women and children better and to listen to their stories and to be in communion with them fully. Still, the mission opportunity was awesome as they demonstrated their love to us in worship, fellowship, food, touch, smiles, and games. We stumbled in trying to use the limited Spanish that we knew, like hola or buenos dias! I left with a desire to live and to serve in Monterrey for six months to a year and to be immersed with the people and the language so that I can be at least conversational in my future engagement in the culture there and at home. To this end, please pray for an open door for God’s glory—also to keep my current job! We praise God for how He has allowed us to build sustaining relationships that impact the Kingdom. Thank you, Jesus. —Melanie Cummins NOVEMBER 2009

ICE ambassadors get warm welcome


Flu alters plans of International Cultural Exchange but not God's purposes

Most young boys are reading mysteries, sci-fi, or general fiction like Freddy the Pig, but Calvin said, “I am reading a book on why Jesus is only a great man [and not divine].” Thus began my conversation about Jesus’ deity with a 10-year old boy from Hong Kong. Calvin and I shared different points, and then the Lord gave me an illustration. I said, “If I saw you in the street and pushed you out of the way of a bus, sacrificing my life for yours, then you would be safe physically. But no matter how good I am, there is nothing I can do to restore your broken relationship with God. Jesus died as a sacrifice for our sins, and a good man cannot do that.” Calvin remained silent as he was prosecuting my argument for the deity of Jesus. Then he looked at me and said, “Okay. I believe you. It must be true.” Then he saw one of his classmates and hopped up to go play. Calvin was one of the over 160 Hong Kong students that our team of 27 from Dallas worked with when we partnered with more than a dozen other expats and


with six local Hong Kong churches to run English camps.

headed back to the city. We still had three more days of English camp, a great time to follow up on some of the deci-

Our days were pretty rigorous as our team split up to take public transit to various teaching sites across the city. We usually taught until lunchtime and often continued spending time with the students, assistants, and church leaders. Halfway through our visit, everybody (students, church leaders, etc.) loaded onto buses and headed to a Christian campground. We were all together for two nights. While most of our time at the camp was with our assigned church, the second night we gathered in the auditorium where a pastor shared the gospel in Cantonese. We broke out by church group and then into smaller groups for followup. That’s when we had the chance to share with students like Calvin, and the others.

continued on next page

Right, Randy McDonald gives a friend a ride. Below, leaders Ben Leonard, Rebecca Morgan, Amy Westervelt, Carrie Jussely, Tommy Obenchain, (front) Corey and Jessica Young

The next day we packed up our bags and



continued from page 19

sions and conversations of the weekend. After a day to rest, we headed to the airport to leave for home. Like so many mission trips, the funds and prayers did far more than help with plane tickets and safe travel. Here are a couple more stories of how some of our students witnessed God at work.

Grace Mueller This past summer, I witnessed the presence of God’s power in breaking down any and all language barriers. The saying that “love knows no language” became reality to Caroline Nielson and me as we faced a classroom of puzzled faces on our first day of teaching. We did not know Mandarin or Cantonese and our students did not know English—we prayed for guidance. As the days passed by, the puzzled looks became faces filled with joy. The awkward silences became moments of giggles, laughter, and love. Through daily lessons, mask-making, and an occasional serenade from their American teachers, I felt Christ’s presence holding us up and working through our team. .“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 1:13).

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Vol. XX, No. 4 •NOVEMBER 2009 Park Cities Presbyterian Church 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 www.pcpc.org

Michael Moore When I first arrived in Hong Kong, I was astounded by its size. It seemed more than a city. And yet, as the two weeks wore on, God demonstrated His power to me. He told me, “I’m bigger than you, and I’m bigger than this city.” I saw this through His presence in our classrooms as we taught in local churches on the book of Acts. Despite the many hardships that our group faced on this trip, we always saw God work through the troubles and continue to bless us. God’s power and majesty was revealed in a beautiful way during our two-day gospel camp with the kids. On our Gospel Night, the students heard a gospel message in their native tongue, and sang gospel songs in Cantonese. Though I understood nothing, I saw that God’s gospel knows no bounds. I know that if God was able to use me, a broken and sinful person, in an unfamiliar environment half a world away to further His Kingdom, how much more does He

intend for us in our own communities. If you seek God you will find Him, and if you trust in Him, nothing will be able to stand against you.

A final note PCPC has sent a youth team each summer to East Asia since 2004. These trips worked with a well-esteemed foreign language school. In 2008, the trip was cancelled due to a major earthquake, among other reasons. This year, the H1N1 flu outbreak caused the school to cancel again; however, God brought about this opportunity to work with the churches in Hong Kong utilizing a similar ministry. PCPC World Missions and Youth Ministries witnessed an abundance of grace, patience, and flexibility from the team, parents, staff, and supporters. Without a doubt, this year’s mission trip to Hong Kong was not a “replacement trip,” but rather God’s providence to send us where we needed to be. —Corey Young

Hong Kong at night

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