Presbyterian Church in America
Vol. XIX, No. 4 • Park Cities Presbyterian Church • NOVEMBER 2008
"From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides You, who acts for those who wait for Him. You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember You in Your ways." —Isaiah 64:4-5b
Mentor mix needed
A musical journey from dark to dawn 4 Redefining pastors’ roles at PCPC
Mission in the marketplace
Prisons of our own making
Conversation on a bus 9 UK ‘09 concerts begin 10 Koinonia Class adopts Exodus Ministries 12 Coffees highlight urban outreach
Reponding to our cultural clutter
Lausanne Congress planned at PCPC
God and our vote
Lay your gifts at His feet this Christmas
Balm for the pain
What do you get when you combine Dickey’s Barbecue, three bounce houses, a cake walk, and more than 100 volunteers? You get PCPC’s first (and only) Markapalooza on Sunday, September, 7, at Oak Lawn West. Most members agree that we had needed a churchwide party for a long time, and Mark Davis’s selection and installation as our senior pastor was just the right excuse. So even though the party was a little late—four months after Mark’s installation—we finally got around to celebrating Mark, Kristina, and their four kids. And what a celebration it was! Based on the amount of brisket, sausage, and turkey eaten, approximately 1,200 PCPC members of all ages eschewed the
Right, Porter DeLuca examines her new hand-painted tattoo. Below, the crowd enjoys the unauthorized biography of Mark’s life staged by the PCPC youth staff.
Cowboys game in order to attend—and enjoy—the party. More like a carnival than a party
Markapalooza had something for everybody. In addition to the bounce houses and cake walk, where folks had chances to win one of 60 cakes provided by PCPC members, a variety of carnival games awaited. Kids and adults alike lined up to try their skills at a basketball shoot and a football throw, where they could win miniature basketballs and footballs. There were also face painting, temporary Markapalooza tattoos, contests to guess the numbers of beans and candy in large jars, and more. The longest lines were for the dunking booth. The Youth Ministry took nominations for the people to be dunked. Colin Howland, Doug Horn, continued on page 2
continued from page one
Mark Fulmer, Brian Bessellieu, Kit Case, Brent Baker, and others all took their turns sitting on the perch in the dunking booth. Each spent ample time in the water, as one kid after another hit the target.
When the party was over, there was no food left—not because PCPC members ate it all—but because the remaining food was given to Union Gospel Mission to provide dinner for its clientele the following night.
Our little ones swarmed Betsy Curnes, who wandered around the party wearing a large apron with many pockets. In each pocket was a toy or prize, and any child could walk up to her, point at a pocket, and receive the prize inside that pocket.
There’s no palooza like a Markapalooza
No one left hungry
Over 300 salads, vegetables, and desserts were prepared by PCPC members. Getting over a thousand people fed means serving them very efficiently, so elders and their wives manned the serving lines to keep things moving. Other elders and wives were busy pouring tea, water, or lemonade and bussing tables to make sure everybody had plenty to drink and a clean place to eat.
The celebration ran from 5:00 to 8:00 pm, but it could have gone a lot longer as folks ate, played, and fellowshipped together from start to end. Continuous festive music ran
the spectrum from Cab Calloway and Johnny Cash to the Beatles and Queen—not to mention Stephen Nielson, Robby Higginbottom, and Adam and Lauren Bell. Markapalooza culminated with a rather loose, unauthorized biography of Mark’s life, interpreted in a way that probably had Mark cringing. After three hours crammed with festivities, Kristina Davis pretty much summarized the event when she told Mark she was “palooza’ed out.”
Left, Kristina and Mark gather their girls, (l to r) Esther Kate, Kara, and Maddie. Son Cayden is not to be found at the moment. Below left, Stephen Burgher waits to see if he’s about to go under. Below right, Becca Mighell and Flora Neuhof ponder the number of beans in the jar. To see all the photos from the party, go to
In need of a friend
Mixing in seasoning to young women’s lives
A friend recently lamented to me many of the young women that have younger women can communicate about the struggles in her life and expressed the desire to have this kind their desire to spend time with the her desire to have a seasoned woman of relationship have been part of that older. It is a team effort that requires step in to encourage her through effort. While we know that many sensitivity, willingness, vulnerability, these times. For the past two years, young women have found great enand open communication. she has attended several church-recouragement and mentoring through lated events in hopes that an “older” our efforts, the question that haunts Since God’s Word is meant to convict woman would reach out and convince us, I am encourand seek to build a relaaged by Paul’s words which tionship with her. But it provide us with a solution. I has not happened yet, and told my friend not to give up, she is discouraged and but instead to go to an older ready to give up on her woman who she would like hope of building this kind to know better and simply of friendship. I hurt for ask to spend time with her. In her because I know what the same way, I ask you, my it is like to feel alone in sisters and friends, to look your struggles and long around and seek out someone for a woman of greater to encourage or by whom to maturity to offer biblical be encouraged. Do you have a encouragement, perspectalent that you could teach to tive, and friendship. I have someone younger (or older!)? had similar conversations Are you in need of encouragewith several other young ment and wise counsel from women who struggle a woman of greater maturity? with family issues, job You do not need a ministry Barbara Adams and Michelle Fail are both participants security, financial stress, or church to help you do this. in one of many venues at PCPC for establishing Titus 2 friendships, marital isThere are women in the varirelationships—A Mother’s Heart, a Tuesday Bible study. sues, health, faith, time ous Bible studies, clubs, and constraints, and singleness. They us is, why has it worked for some but not groups of which you are a part who would each love the opportunity to for others? are willing and ready. Finally, and spend time with a woman who has As we sought the answer, we began most importantly, remember to pray had more life experience than they, with the scripture on which many that God will open your eyes to these but they are not sure how to go about mentoring ministries are based, women and give you the courage and making that hope a reality. Titus 2:3. Here, we are told that older boldness to reach out. I promise it women are to teach and encourage will be worth it! Titus 2 relationships younger ones. Not only is it a desire I shared about these conversations of our hearts to relate to women of Stay tuned with a wise woman in our church different ages, but it is a command in PCPC Women’s Ministries is thankful who has a heart for mentoring. She scripture! for the motivation to start considering thought that if older women only more creative ways to bring women knew how the younger ones felt, they However, the catch is that you can of different ages together (in addiwould not hesitate to reach out and lead a horse to water, but you can’t tion to the already existing ministry make themselves more available, make him drink. The church can procalled The Bridge), and will soon be being bold to ask younger women to vide various and wonderful venues launching breakfast clubs and various spend time with them. While the anwhere women can meet women of trade-focused gatherings for women swer seems obvious, we still wrestled different ages and stages of life, but in to continue carrying out this vision. If with whether it was more complithe end each is individually responsiyou would like to know more, watch cated than it seemed. The fact is that ble to do it. It is freeing to realize this for updates at www.pcpcwomen. for the past two and a half years our responsibility does not rest on one org, or you can contact Ashley Boone, church has focused on reaching out to age group; it rests on all! Just as older 214-212-5821 or ashleyevansboone@ young women in order to help them women can reach out to the younger connect with the older ones—and and make themselves available, —Ashley Boone NOVEMBER 2008
GROWING UP IN AMERICA PCPC’s High School Director produces CD
PCPC’s High School Director, Robby Higginbottom, has been writing songs and leading music for our teens for several years, and his lyrics reflect a deep understanding of the gospel in fresh and thoughtful ways. Now a CD of his work has been produced, and PCPC WITNESS asked Robby to tell us more about the musical and spiritual journey behind it.
Growing up in America is a beautiful and devastating experience. We don’t all think about it, but I think we all know it. I wanted to make an album that told the story, and I wanted to be honest. The 13 songs on Growing Up In America have grown up with me the last few years. Though I wrote the songs all alone in my bedroom, many of them have found their way out in our community of high school students. The songs have grown out of studying God’s Word, reading books, and reflecting on life and conversations with Mark Davis, the youth staff, and students. When you have some songs and want to record, the question becomes: how do you get this done? Over the last few years I put together a home studio so that I could record in my spare time. I played guitar, mandolin, piano, 4 • PCPC WITNESS
and keyboard parts to put together an acoustic recording that seemed to fit this collection of songs. Then a couple friends—and even a couple students—helped me by playing bass, piano, and djembe on a few songs. “Hands” is one example of a song that grew out of personal devotion and everyday ministry. A few years ago, about a week before Good Friday, I was wrestling with my sluggish heart, struggling to grasp the power and wonder, the beauty and horror of the cross. The song is my attempt to grapple with the mysteries of Jesus being fully man and fully God—and the wondrous love that we see in His sacrifice. Here are the first two verses and the chorus (with images taken from Isaiah 53). Your hands, working in the shop as a child with Your father Hands, when You hammered nails did You ever bother Hands, thinking of a day when Yours would not be free Hands, You could stop the pain but You chose the rugged tree Your face, looking in the eyes of our Creator’s Face, beaten to a pulp by those You made Your face, word made flesh but we rejected Face, nothing like the one that we expected NOVEMBER 2008
You were despised, we looked into Your eyes And didn’t see what we liked We had gone astray, sheep to our own way On You our sins were laid The song goes on to talk about Jesus’ mouth, feet, back, and heart. Days after writing it, I shared this song with students on Good Friday. The students’ response was so encouraging, and we have been singing it joyfully for the last few years. Now “Hands” is just one song in a rich collection of hymns and praise choruses that we sing as we worship the Lord together through song. Night and day By design, the album tells a story. If the first half of Growing Up In America is different shades of night, the second half is the hope of dawn to the full light of day. If the first half paints the picture of the mess we’ve made of this place, the second half paints the picture of God’s rescue in Jesus. If the first half declares, “We are more messed up than we could ever imagine,” the second half screams, “We are more loved than we could ever dream.” If the first half is our need, the second half is God’s provision—the gospel. The first song of the album opens with a question: “What if I told the truth?” The final song is a hymn about heaven that closes with a prayer: “Amen, Jesus, please come soon.” In between is the story of God’s redemption. In the midst of all our toughest questions and our glorious hopes, what we need most is the gospel of God’s grace. Though our individual stories are different, we all are sinners in need of redemption. We all know the destruction of sin that these songs describe. From idolatry to lust to greed to hypocrisy, the reality and consequences of our fall are staggering. But our salvation in Jesus Christ is even NOVEMBER 2008
more staggering. From our anticipation to His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, the Lord has written a beautiful and shocking story of redemption that even angels long to understand (1 Peter 1:12). If you listen to these songs, I hope you’ll find that, even though the darkness can seem overwhelming, the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Now that the album is finished and out of my hands, I enjoy hearing how people are responding to it. Sometimes people say things that I never considered. After listening to the album with an old mentor and friend, I asked him, “What should my highest hopes be for this project?” He responded, “That God would be glorified and that people would repent and believe.” Repent and believe. They are some of Jesus’ first words as he starts his ministry (Mark 3:15). They are three beautiful and devastating words still speaking to us today. God’s grace calls us away from trusting in ourselves and what we can do. He calls us to rely on Him and put all our hope in who He is and what He has done for us in Christ. I pray that the Lord will take what I’ve seen and heard and use it to encourage people. I invite you to listen to these songs and the story they tell. But please listen all the way through! If you only hear the first half, you might be overwhelmed by the devastation of sin and end up in despair. If you only hear the second half, you might not realize why we desperately need its message of hope—and why our hope in Jesus is so beautiful. Note: Robby’s prayer printed inside the CD flyer says this: “Jesus, as I’ve tried to tell some of my story here, I’m grateful that, by Your grace, You are the theme of my life and these songs. From the darkest corner of my heart to the most glorious hope of my future, You are perfectly faithful and unimaginably gracious. The world will try to tell me what I need, but only You can satisfy me.” For more information about the album, visit The CD is also available at our bookstore. PCPC WITNESS • 5
Life and doctrine
Pastors charged to nurture minds and hearts of PCPC body
For the last two years or so, the leadership of PCPC has been devising ways to enhance our staff’s support of the communal life of our church body. Mark Davis became Pastor of Spiritual Life in 2008, but shortly after that the Pastoral Search Committee called him as Senior Pastor. Now, Bill Lamberth and Patrick Lafferty are taking on new roles as the latest step in a series of changes based on this long-term vision of building community at PCPC. Patrick Lafferty, formerly Pastor to the 20+ Community, is assuming the position of Pastor of Spiritual Formation. In his new role, Patrick takes Paul’s mandate to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:16—“Watch your life and doctrine closely”— as his own.
Pastors Bill Lamberth and Patrick Lafferty
In a large church with so many classes and programs, it is no small job to keep our biblical teaching consistent. Patrick will review curriculum, respond to church members’ questions about doctrine, collaborate with Bill in overseeing Sunday school teachers, supplement Mark’s preaching with devotional e-mails, and oversee Vespers. A Christian Education Committee will soon be formed to work with Patrick in his new endeavors. Bill Lamberth, formerly Pastor to Families, has become Pastor to Families and Communities. He considers it a natural transition from what he’s already been doing— applying the principles so successful in the Young Families Ministry across a broader platform in the church. 6 • PCPC WITNESS
His experience in creating communities for families will help him find ways to welcome every kind of person who enters the church property, eventually creating a home for them at PCPC.
Collaborating and complementing
Bill’s and Patrick’s positions will collaborate in a parallel fashion. Bill will concentrate on facilitating fellowship or “body life”; Patrick will focus on teaching. “You can’t have one without the other,” says Patrick. Every healthy Sunday school community, for example, should be providing both teaching and fellowship. “Community is a place where you know one another and are known,” Patrick says. “You are depended on and you depend on others. It’s a shared life with a theological framework guiding how you live and what you live for.” Bill refers to Colossians 3 as a biblical description of community: “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” To ensure that people find PCPC such a welcoming and accepting place, Bill will oversee new member classes, baptisms, children’s ministries, youth ministries, ministries to parents, and churchwide events like Markapalooza. He will think about things like building structure, meeting spaces, and technology, as well as methods of greeting people, helping them meet church members, helping people become involved in the life of the church, and fostering intimacy and accountability within the body. Bill stresses that his new position still includes working with the families he’s served for the last three years. ″I came back to the church because I love families,” Bill says (he spent a few years working in commercial real estate NOVEMBER 2008
Called to the workplace God redefines the mission field for PCPC elder Over the years I’ve heard many testimonies of how God has called a businessperson to ministry, but rarely have I heard of a person on the mission field tell how God called him to business. At the October PCPC Workplace Ministry breakfast, we heard Jack Denman describe just that. In high school, God gave Jack a heart for the poor and the ordinary worker, a passion that led him to spend 18 months in Africa after college. Upon returning to Dallas, he wrestled with what he should do with his life. Finally, convinced that God had called him to business as his ministry, he enrolled in an MBA program. A few years after graduation he realized his dream of owning his own company.
like a nightmare than a dream. His company struggled on the knife-edge of failure for four years. This struggle was not wasted on Jack, however. God used this time to solidify his identity; Jack learned that his business and financial success did not define him. He realized that if his business failed, this didn’t make him a failure.
Although Jack was now where he knew God had called him, the circumstances at first seemed more
When Jack’s company finally gained stability, he was able to spend more time on what he was in business for—not just making money, but ministering to people. To do this, Jack treated his workers with respect and fairness, created a safe working environment, and gave his employees an opportunity for success. He created an environment for the gospel to be seen first,
Life and doctrine
between his last tenure on staff and his current one). In this new role, Bill will still be spending a significant portion of his time nurturing couples and families.
A Pastor to Children position has been approved by the Session, and a search committee has been formed. Brent Baker—known and adored by the children as “Leo the Lion”—is currently serving in this position on a parttime, temporary basis. Bill describes this position as the “voice and presence” of children’s ministry—someone who is down in the children’s area on Sundays, available to children and families. The three main parts of the ministry to families are being amply provided for, with elementary children’s ministry in the capable hands of Brent, preschool in Lauren Bell’s, nursery in Gale Emerson’s, youth ministry steered by Don Admire, and parents cared for by Bill himself. Although Patrick continues to teach the 20+ class on Sunday mornings, he plans at some point to begin building a NOVEMBER 2008
and then heard. Jack wanted every employee to have the opportunity to hear the good news and had the privilege of seeing a number of employees trust Christ, including several he hired fresh out of prison who were living in a halfway house across the street from his business. Jack had two take-home challenges for those of us present: Walk closely with Christ and pray for your employees and/or colleagues by name. He reminded us that if we don’t walk with Christ, we will make decisions out of fear, not faith. This last year Jack sold his business—but not to retire. He believes he doesn’t have that option. He is called to business as his ministry. —Bill Peel
Jack Denman
new Sunday school community open to people of all ages and descriptions. Aaron Cave, who has worked with the Tuesday evening Bible study this past year, is serving as Interim Ministry Leader for Single Adults. He intends to begin seminary as soon as possible (his wife, Bess Cave, Assistant to the Senior Minister, is expecting their first child in December or January). Aaron is “approachable, teachable, winsome, and kind,” says Patrick, who prizes Aaron’s enthusiasm for young adults, his devotion to their training in the faith, and his desire to extend Christ’s love to this city through acts of service. As Bill and Patrick look forward to their new roles, they express great anticipation. Jeff Barber, for his part, sees these changes as the fulfillment of a dream. For the last two years the leadership of the church has intended to build strong pastoral roles that focused on the life of our church body. “How wonderful it is to see this finally happen,” he says. —Stephanie Byrd PCPC WITNESS • 7
Inside Prison 16
Last July my parents, my three brothers and I went on the mission trip to Novokuznetsk, Siberia, led by Charles and Dawna Debter. On our second day we went to two prisons. I was in the group that went to Prison 16. I had no idea what to expect. I was very nervous going in, having never been near a prison. The area surrounding the prison was very desolate, and as we got off the bus I saw two buildings, guard towers, and fences topped with razor wire. While setting up for our presentation I noticed prisoners watching us from the windows in the buildings and from the yard. The inmates began to come outside. More and more prisoners came out, forming three long rows, one behind the other. They stood behind their line. We stood behind ours. The prisoners clapped and cheered as we were introduced. Dawna said a few words with the aid of an interpreter, and we sang some songs. Then we presented a pantomime drama in which a girl meets Jesus. The things of the world capture her 8 • PCPC WITNESS
Left, Several hundred prisoners watch the drama group perform in Prison #12: (l to r) Emily McClure, Ada Denn, Aaron Denn, Andrew Denn (behind speaker), Abraham Denn, Connor Thompson, Kirk Beltle, Andrew Debter, and Jeremy Reed. Hundreds more watched from windows around the prison yard. Below, these boys have just received their carepacks of supplies, with a Bible included.
attention and she tries drugs, alcohol, and smoking only to realize they leave her feeling empty and alone. As the drama unfolds the girl contemplates suicide, until she finally realizes that all she had been looking for, all that she needed, was Jesus. She runs to Him only to be pushed back by the characters who represent sin, until Jesus steps in, obtaining the victory. The response of the prisoners was amazing as they cheered and applauded enthusiastically. They listened with rapt attention as we gave our testimonies and presented the gospel. I sat there taking a good look at the 250 prisoners, dressed in black wool from head to toe, who, by choice, stood in the direct sunlight on black
asphalt for three hours and listened intently to the gospel. I realized as I looked at these criminals that they were just like me. They were simply people in need of Christ. I wondered what these men were in prison for? Did it really matter? No. Was I afraid of them? Again the answer was no. As we left the prison I was struck by my change in thinking. But would I be able to look past the crime and see the person, hurting and in need here in America? And then, I realized, were it not for the grace of God we would all be in a prison. —Ada Denn
mission trips
Translating the gift
Right, the marriage and family seminars held in Kiev. Below, George Jackson adds a touch of the USA at the barbecue.
Imagine yourself sitting on a crowded bus in a foreign city in 90-degree heat with no air conditioning, but the windows are tightly closed (because tradition there believes that drafts make you sick). The thought that people on this bus probably know your language but you don’t know theirs is a little troubling. Words like stranger and minority are taking on a whole new meaning.
tells you something that sounds like, “Ee-yoo-rist,” and you realize you still have some learning to do. But God works with what you have, and you need to reach this guy somehow, so you point to your “Easy” English-Russian Dictionary and let him find his word in his half of the book. He shows you the translation: lawyer. “Oh, yeah! Yurist means lawyer, like the jurist!”
As the bus fills up, you see an empty seat next to a young man who is probably 18 or 20 years old. You sense the Lord burdening you for this stranger and take the seat beside him. “Lord, help me. How am I going to get this conversation going?” A few ideas and even fewer Russian words come to mind, but time is limited. So you say in his language, “Are you a student?” The familiar “Da” is his reply. Well, that’s a start. “What are you learning?” (You are clueless how to say “studying.”) He
At this point you’re both grinning—he, because he is getting to speak with a real-live American, and you—because the Lord is building this bridge in spite of you. All around you people are listening (and probably grinning). The team is also praying.
Your stop is coming up, so you turn to your Ukrainian host and say, with some haste, “Alex, how do you say gift?” Alex replies, “Podarok.” “OK, thanks.” Then you hold out a Ukrai-
nian tract and say, “A gift for you.” Your student friend is shocked“For me?” Now it’s your turn to say, “Da.” This summer, PCPC sent Mary and George Jackson, Randy Wood, and me to Ukraine to assist the Solomensky Presbyterian Reformed Church (SPRC) in Kiev. At the request of SPRC’s Family Center, we developed three marriage and family seminars for singles and married couples. The first, “Great Expectations,” dealt with unrealistic expectations in marriage. The second, “Great Conflicts,” focused on money, children, and parents. Finally, “Great Intimacy” dealt with physical intimacy in marriage. At the end of the week we hosted a real Texas BBQ for this group of singles and married couples. If you would like to be part of the next trip, then we would love to have you. The tentative trip dates are July 8-18. If people are interested, they can e-mail me at or call me at 214 342-9547 evenings and weekends. —Mark Casey PCPC WITNESS • 9
Enthusiastic audience greets missio
ons’ kickoff concert
On Sunday, October 12, duo-pianists Nielson & Young helped begin the year of preparation for the Chancel Choir’s mission trip to the United Kingdom next summer. Joining them was the High School Ensemble, the Covenant Choir, and a chamber orchestra. Enthused supporters enjoyed the singing and playing, but most importantly, added their voices in a massive wave of Godward song. UK ‘09 is a unique collaboration between the Chancel Choir and the World Missions Ministry of PCPC. The choir isn’t being sent with the faulty premise of promoting itself. We go with the humble and simple desire to benefit others and celebrate the exciting reality of the gospel. We will partner with local ministries to equip them in their service and to come alongside and support them. Ultimately, the goals are straightforward: pray with and for the people we encounter, get to know them and their particular stories, invest in them through friendship and service, share and revel in the beauty of the diverse language of music, and seek purposeful interactions in order to dialogue about the hope of Christ. October 12 was a night of seeking awareness and support for this upcoming venture. Whether we go or send, we all participate. It is a large undertaking, but by God’s grace, it will succeed and be profitable for His kingdom. ”Oh, do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger men! Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks! Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle. But you shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come in you by the grace of God.” —Phillips Brooks —J. Marty Cope
Praying and working for the peace of
Group impact
In late 2007 the Urban Ministries Committee cast the vision for PCPC members to gather and serve together as a community. A plan was developed to challenge Sunday school communities to join together in pursuing the peace of the city, for Jeremiah 29:7 admonishes us to pursue and pray for the transforming presence of God in the city where He has sent us. Over the past year, several communities have decided to accept this challenge. As a result, the Lord is doing great things in and through PCPC. It all started this past summer at the Urban Ministry Expo, where our 11 ministry partners visited with mem-
with our ministry partners, but I soon realized that the question was not about where they could serve but rather where they could make an impact. They also wanted to spend more time developing fellowship within PCPC. These were exactly the reasons that the Urban Ministries Committee launched the challenge for Sunday school communities to adopt a ministry. Nort and Sue Stuart and Mary Miller were excited about the opportunity for their class to get involved. The Koinonia Community wanted to make a difference and decided to make service a focus of their class. It chose to help Exodus Ministries, a transitional
apart by incarceration. Currently, government assistance programs do not approve the purchase of items like soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, paper goods, and diapers. The class decided to collect these items to help meet some of the needs of these families. After the collection, several class members drove to Exodus in a Sub-
Members of the Koinonia Community find joy in gathering both around the Word and in service to Exodus Ministries.
bers at exhibits highlighting their ministries. As they exited, several members asked me where God could use them in the city. I was shocked initially, as they had just finished visiting 12 • PCPC WITNESS
ministry that works to reunite women with their children after their release from prison. This ministry is one of the few in the country that works to bring restoration to families torn
urban filled with supplies. They were greeted by June Groom, Executive Director, and Shelia, a new client. It was wonderful to see bag after bag of items being delivered. As class members NOVEMBER 2008
f the city
Urban Ministries branching out asked Shelia about her children, her face would light up. Shelia shared that she now believes that there is life after prison because Christ is at work in her life. So a few weeks of gathering items for those in need turned into an opportunity for the class to see the transforming presence of God at work among the women at Exodus Ministries. If you want to find out more about how your class can get involved contact me at PCPC, 214-224-2520 or —Christina Spruill
Foundation, and West Dallas Community School. We learned how each ministry is committed to excellence in leadership development among its clients—mainly young people with a need for some encouragement. On October 2, the Nixons hosted Interfaith Housing Coalition and Voice of Hope. The theme of demonstrating God’s redemptive
Above, Trulah Monroe (standing) teaches new volunteer Shannon Saundes at the UGM library Left, Shelby Stone and Amanda Owen help out at the Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center
Beyond awareness
Thanks to Ray and Denise Nixon and many volunteers, PCPC’s Urban Ministries was able to host all of PCPC’s ministry partners in the informal setting of their lovely and hospitable home at a series of four coffees. In this inviting atmosphere, these ministries informed our members how the Lord is extending His transforming presence through our partnership with them, and the meetings evolved into times of great encouragement for all in attendance. On September 26, we hosted Trey Hill and Jerry Porter, from Mercy Street and ROD/ARM respectively. Our audience was given vivid reminders of how we serve the Lord out of a sense of God’s redemptive plan for His people. On September 29, we hosted Exodus Ministries, Dallas Leadership NOVEMBER 2008
sion. It was a great reminder of the source of our help in life.
love to a community of people desperately in need of hope ran through their presentations. The following Thursday, Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center and the Union Gospel Mission closed out this fall series of evening coffees. Kathleen, a disciple at Center of Hope, shared how she lost everything and ended up at the women’s shelter with her two daughters. This was not where she wanted to be, but it proved to be exactly what God desired. During the last year, she has come to know her Savior and has begun to experience His love for the first time. She now knows that she is not alone and all she has is by His provi-
It was exciting to see that each person who represented a ministry is a member of PCPC—one of many who have boldly embraced this church’s vision to extend the transforming presence of God’s Kingdom outside the walls of our common place of worship. It is so enriching to see how the Lord is growing His people beyond awareness to involvement in His plans for this region, then giving each one His courage, boldness, and wisdom in taking personal initiatives to extend His transforming Presence in their own lives. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the upcoming events this spring as we look to see what God is doing in the city of Dallas. —Julian Russell PCPC WITNESS • 13
Pornography in our culture, our community, our church, our families
t least one reason Jesus refers to sin as an enslaving thing (John 8:34) is that it hides a destructive thing in an alluring thing. It teaches us to love what we know to be unholy, and thereby we find ourselves unable to slake the desire for it. Sin takes a good and beautiful thing and subtly reorients our way of seeing what it is and what it is for. Subtly and insidiously has sin repeated that same process when it comes to sexuality.
On August 17, Brent Baker and I collaborated in a presentation on the increasingly pervasive and destructive problem of internet pornography. Our primary task was to address the issue of how to protect our children from the virtual onslaught of pornographic material. But the material had relevance to all present, young or old, single or married, male or female. We had four goals for all who attended: 1) to inform them of the extent of the problem, 2) to exhort us all both to preemptive action and properly responsive action, 3) to remind us of how the gospel speaks to the issue, and 4) to supply everyone with helpful resources. Brent first shared astonishing data about the degree to which the porn industry had manifested
such a presence on the internet; ubiquitous is an understatement. The industry’s total net income even in 2006 exceeded the income of the eight top grossing companies combined. Brent’s own experience in shepherding students for years only confirmed the industry’s reach into youth culture. Most sobering to him was the youth culture’s perception of pornography. Gone were the days when they might consider exposure to such material scandalous. Now, pornography has become a commonplace feature of life and their thinking about sex. Those present then heard how destructive this pervasive influence had become. The objectification of women, the addictive power it was wielding over men and women alike, the destruction of marriages and families—the increasing accessibility of pornography had left these cultural trends in its wake. Even Naomi Wolf, in her essay “The Porn Myth,” observed that pornography had actually diluted the very drive it had ostensibly sought to energize; the mysterious sacredness of sex had been lost through its reckless, sensationalized exhibition in pornography. Why so much destruction had been wrought in so little time boiled down to a paradox: pornography has both overvalued sexuality by portraying it as the very pinnacle of human existence and undervalued sexuality by dislocating it from its original context—as one of the panoply of gifts God has given His people. To even begin to address how to protect our children and ourselves from pornography’s pervasive destructiveness required a basic
theology of sexuality. Therefore, we sought to remind listeners how sex, having been created by God for His good purposes, is necessarily a good thing. But the capacity to experience its goodness demands respecting the context it was designed for: an humble, committed, monogamous marital relationship. Scripture does not hide its praise of marital love. It does not blush at human regard for sex. Scripture even points to marital intimacy as an analogue for the kind of committed love God has for His people. But without a respect for sexuality in the full sense scripture articulates it, we risk turning it into something less than it is. Brent and I therefore called parents to champion that view of sexuality for our children and to preach it to ourselves. For it’s with that theology of sex that we see its nature and purposes; it’s the gospel of grace found in Christ that helps us know how to respond to our failure to treat sex with proper regard. It’s in the gospel that we know there is for-
giveness. It’s through the gospel we know there is hope for renewal of our sexual lives. It’s from within the community of the gospel, the church, that we find the support, encouragement, and accountability to leave a destructive, offensive sexual past behind.
Both Brent and I also wanted to speak delicately but candidly about our own struggles with this entangling sin so that others may know they’re not alone. More importantly though, we spoke openly to let those who struggle also know that there’s hope for renewal. For all the sobering
reminders of how far this entangling sin has reached into our culture and community, there is even more abundant hope for disentangling ourselves by His Word and Spirit. We concluded our presentation by pointing the audience to a number of resources that had shown good success in reducing access to objectionable material online, in providing effective accountability for those who use the internet, and in charting a path out of obsession with pornography. While the Spirit seeks to build in us hearts whose view of sexuality aligns with the Lord’s call to “hold marriage in regard... and keep the marriage bed pure” (Hebrews 13:4a), the best thing to do in the short-term is to increase accountability, while, if necessary, also reducing accessibility. If you’d like to see the presentation in full, just go to the PCPC Families with Children website: —Patrick Lafferty
Resources on Pornography and Healthy Sexuality recommended by PCPC Pastors Patrick Lafferty, Bill Lamberth, and Jeff White Purity and Passion: Authentic Male Sexuality, James Childerston and Rick Ghent Sexual Intimacy in Marriage; Sexuality and Reproductive Technologies, William Cutrer Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction, Mark Laaser A Celebration of Sex, Douglas Rosenau Real Sex, Lauren Winner False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction, Harry Schaumburg Sexual Sanity: Breaking Free from Uncontrolled Habits, Earl Wilson
Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time, Stephen Arterburn Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel, Edward Welch No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Sham, Marnie C. Ferree On-line Resources: an online series of messages designed to aid one in escaping the pull of pornography (fee charged) an accountability software program—the software sends periodic updates of your internet usage (fee charged) a customizable filter of internet sites as well as an accountability feature that sends periodic updates of your internet usage to friends you select (fee charged) (xxxchurch is the distributor of another accountability software program (both free and paid versions) a newly established forum for PCPC parents who’d like to stay in touch with one another about protecting their kids from pornography; and offer insights, share resources, solicit prayers (no charge, just enroll at the site)
Pastors gather at PCPC to plan Lausanne Congress The Lausanne Movement started through the vision of Dr. Billy Graham and his desire to “unite all evangelicals in the common task of the total evangelization of the world.” The first Lausanne Congress was held in July, 1974 in Lausanne, Switzerland. A second Lausanne gathering followed in July, 1989. The fast pace of change in every sphere of the world—from technol-
ogy to communication and transportation— calls for a new Lausanne Congress to equip the church for the next decade.
with us? Does the American church have the humility to learn from us, to work together in authentic partnership?’ We answered several of those questions during the week.” While North American missions have done a lot of good in spreading the gospel throughout the globe in the last 100 years, several speakers said that the time has come for a change. Theological educator and evangelist Dr. Peter Kuzmic of Croatia said that U.S. Christians
when America acts “un-Christianly,” it reflects poorly on the gospel. Asian Christians want to work shoulder to shoulder with U.S. Christians and to feel that they have been given an equal listening ear. A high point for many of the attendees was Tim Keller’s discussion (via webcast) on Christianity in America today, and the tension between evangelism and social justice issues. He suggested that Christians can neither try to change culture through social activism, withdraw from the culture, nor try to accommodate themselves to culture to the extent that their own values are compromised. He said evangelism must remain the priority, and that only hearts that are truly changed will lead to cultural transformation. The solution, he said, is “gracious, truthful presence in culture.”
In late September, PCPC hosted 125 U.S. pastors for the purpose of discussing the changing role of the North American church in world evangelization. SpeakFollowing each ers came from Africa, presentation, the Asia, Eastern Europe, pastors discussed and Latin America—the in roundtables parts of the world what their “take experiencing the most away” should be. growth in Christianity. The group conThis gathering is one of sensus was that several similar meetthe role of WestDoug Birdsall, Chairman of the Lausanne Committee ings planned around the ern Christians in for World Evangelization world, leading up to the the increasingly third Lausanne Congress on World must stop acting as if “salvation is in ‘glocal’ (simultaneously global and Evangelization to be held in Cape the hands of Americans.” He said that local) world is changing dramatically. Town, South Africa, October 16-25, Western Christians have, along with Partnership will be key to establishing 2010. the good, also done damage to the stronger, mutually supportive links. image of Christ around the world. Dr. Doug Birdsall, the current executive Patrick Fung, a physician and theolochair of the Lausanne Committee for gian from China and general director Compiled from an Oct. 1, 2008 press World Evangelization, is a long-time of OMF International (formerly the release on Pastors’ Consultation (A. Larry missionary and friend of PCPC. Doug Overseas Missionary Fellowship), adRoss Communications) and “The History shared that “in recent years, many dressed Asian perceptions of Ameriand Heritage of the Lausanne Movement” international church leaders have been can missions, saying that America is published by the Lausanne Committee for asking, ‘is the American church still still perceived as a Christian nation, so World Evangelization. 16 • PCPC WITNESS
On October 9, the Covenant Community hosted a free dinner and presentation, “What’s God got to do with my vote?” With a crowd of 200 people in Fellowship Hall, awardwinning author D. Michael Lindsay spoke candidly about the power of evangelical Christians in the country and especially in Washington, D.C. Lindsay treated both the current Republican and Democrat candidates with fair, but scrupulous words, citing mostly historical patterns and social research that he conducted while finishing his dissertation at the Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies at Princeton University. In his research for his book Faith in the Halls of Power, Lindsay looked deeper than just the surface and challenged the audience to consider 10 things before voting: 1) Be informed. Be engaged in the political conversations of today.
What’s God got to do with my vote? D. Michael Lindsay speaks at PCPC tion in schools beginning as low as third grade. Gary Bauer, Reagan’s chief domestic policy advisor, strongly disagreed with Koop and desired to publicly stress that sin was the route of the disease. The party split on the issue. 4) Evangelical Christians make the greatest policy advances when not in power. Evangelicals have made huge strides in the workplace regarding their freedom to show their Christianity freely. Lindsay told the audience that “however the Federal workplace goes—so goes corporate America.” 5) Watch the State Department. Religious freedoms are guided by this office and are tested on the world’s fronts. The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, signed into law by President Bill Clinton, promoted religious freedom as a U.S. foreign policy and advocated for individuals persecuted in foreign countries on account of religion.
2) Don’t get caught up with faithbased initiatives. They “were settled 50 years ago, “ states Lindsay, “and they will still be being discussed 50 years from now.” The concept is here to stay. Lindsay pointed to the examples of food distribution to the world’s hungry through such organizations as Catholic Charities and Red Cross. “The only true question that remains with faith-based initiatives,“ added Lindsay, “is the one regarding employment. Will companies be 6) Watch foreign affairs. It is in this allowed to hire only faith-sharing arena that the priorities and emphaindividuals and still receive federal sis of a president will usually lay. A funds?” But Lindsay feels that this president’s ideological influencers question will not be answered in this are expressed on the foreign affairs election or the next presidential term. front because that So look for this is where the press issue to rebound covers it. “Evangelical again in 2012.
Christians make 7) Watch the econ3) Do not presume omy. Wall Street rethat the Christian the greatest verberates on Main right is unified. policy advances Street. Dr. Lindsay Lindsay reminded the crowd of when not in power.” strongly stated that the current economy President Ronald would drive the Reagan’s celebrity 2008 elections. He sees only two evangelical surgeon general, C. Evthings that would bring the country erett Koop, and the AIDS crisis in the out quickly enough from its situation: 1980s. Koop wanted to be straightfora major national security threat or the ward with the public in handling the capture of Osama bin Laden, neither matter, even to the point of sex educaNOVEMBER NOVEMBER2008 2008
of which he expected to happen in the next month. And judging from the chuckled reaction of the crowd, few others did. 8) Watch advisors and members of the inner circles. They will be running the company if their man is elected. For Obama, Lindsay stated it would be Michele Obama and David Axelrod, his chief strategist. For McCain, count on many of the old D.C. insiders that this candidate has known for many decades. 9) Know that politics is downstream from culture. Here Dr. Lindsay revealed his sociological bent (he is a professor of sociology at Rice University). In everything, Lindsay firmly stated, “Politics is just a validation of public opinion. What you see in Washington, D.C., today existed in the academies 30 years ago and could be viewed in the popular culture (i.e. cinema and music) a mere 20 years ago.” The audience was strongly encouraged at this point to begin (if not already) supporting Christian artists, musicians, actors, and movie producers. The need now is for more Christian professors in our universities and Christians being applauded in the arts, media, and entertainment. This support would make a difference, if not in 2008, then in the politics of the future. 10) The Kingdom of God does not come riding in on Air Force One. It never has; it never will. Dr. Lindsay urged everyone to approach politics using the Apostle John as an example. People were drawn to him for his gracious demeanor. And he reminded everyone to remember that it is more important for us to be known for our faith than our party affiliation. —Lawan Andersen PCPC WITNESS • 17 PCPC WITNESS • 17
n Matthew we are told that some time after the birth of Jesus Christ—perhaps as much as two years after the event—wise men from the East came to worship Him. This simple story has always figured largely in most celebrations of Christmas, in this and other countries. Because it is an event upon which the imagination may easily take hold, it has been embellished widely both in literature and art. From the Bible story we know very little about the wise men. Millions of Christmas cards show three kings presenting gifts to a tiny child in a manger. People sing “We Three Kings of Orient Are.” But we do not know that there were three wise men who brought the gifts. We are not told that they were kings, or even when they arrived in Bethelehem. It is likely, actually, in view of their long journey and of Herod’s command that all children under two years of age be killed, that they arrived when the infant Jesus had already become a young child. The fact that so little information is given about the wise men clearly shows that Matthew’s interest was not focused upon the wise men themselves. Rather, he was interested in the fact that Gentiles came to worship the Jewish Messiah, and in the gifts they bore. A literary critic would draw special attention to the gifts, for they occur at the end of the story after the child has been found and thus occupy a place of prominence.
It is easy to see why gold is an appropriate gift for Jesus Christ. Gold is the metal of kings. When gold was presented to Jesus, it acknowledged His right to rule. It has often been pointed out that when the wise men brought 18 • PCPC WITNESS
Gifts of
Faith James Montgomery Boice
“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him...” And going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:1-2, 11
gold to the infant Jesus they were being used by God to provide the funds necessary for Joseph to take the young child and his mother to Egypt to escape Herod’s attempt on his life. That is probably true; but although it is true, it is far overshadowed by the significance of the gift itself. Jesus was a king, as the wise men knew. He was the King of kings. The wise men pointed to His kingship with their gold.
It is also easy to see why incense was a significant gift. Incense was used in the temple worship. It was mixed with the oil that was used to anount the priests of Israel. It was part of the meal offerings that were offerings of thanksgiving and praise to God. In presenting this gift the wise men pointed to Christ as our great High Priest, the One whose life was acceptable and well pleasing to His Father. It is interesting that incense was never mixed with sin offerings. The meat and wine offerings were offerings for sin, and those were not to have incense mixed with them. Only the meal offerings, which were not for sin, were to receive the
incense. When we discover that, we think naturally of Jesus, to whom the incense was given. He was without sin. When His enemies came to Him on one occasion, He challenged them with the question, “Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?” (John 8:46). They were speechless. Earlier He had said of His Father, “I always do what pleases Him” (John 8:29). None of us can say that. Since only the Lord Jesus Christ was sinless, it was extremely fitting that incense should have been offered to Him. NOVEMBER 2008
offered to Him He did receive it. What was the difference? The differJust as gold speaks of Christ’s kingence was that in the first case myrrh, ship and incense speaks of the perfecwhich helped to deaden pain, was tion of His life, so does myrrh speak mixed with the wine. Since of His death. Myrrh was used in Jesus wished to bear embalming. By any human measure it all that would be odd, if not offensive, to pressufent to the infant Christ a spice used for fering embalming. But is was not offensive and in this case, nor was it odd. It was a death gift of faith. We do not know precisely could what the wise men may have known bring or guessed about Christ’s ministry, but to Him, we do know that the Old Testament when He again and again foretold His suffering. had tasted Psalm 22 describes His death by cruthe myrrh He cifixion; it was a verse from this psalm turned away. that Jesus quoted when He cried out Later, in order on the cross, “My God, My God, why to fulfill Psalm have You forsaken Me?” (Psalm 22:1; 69:21, which Matthew 27:46). says, “They...gave Isaiah 53:4-5 says, “Surely He took me vinegar for My up our infirmities and carried our sorthirst,” He called rows, yet we considered Him stricken by for something and God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. But drank what was ofHe was pierced for our transgressions, He fered. was crushed for our iniquities; the punishThere is a sense in which by faith ment that brought us peace was upon we too may present our gifts of gold, Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” incense, and myrrh. Christ was to suffer, to die for sin. It Begin with your myrrh. Myrrh was myrrh that symbolized this is not only a symbol of aspect of His ministry. Christ’s death, but There were a also of the spiriMyrrh was used few other uses tual death that of myrrh in in embalming. By any should come the ancient to you for world, one human measure it would be odd, if your sin. of which Lay it at is parnot offensive, to present to the infant Christ’s ticularly feet, sayChrist a spice used for embalming. important ing, “Lord here. In But is was not offensive in this case, Jesus Mark 15:23 Christ, I we read nor was it odd. It was know that I that, when am less perfect Jesus was crucia gift of faith. than you are and fied, the soldiers am a sinner. I know who performed the that I should receive the crucifixion offered Him wine consequence of my sin, which is to be mixed with myrrh and that He did not barred from Your presence forever. receive it. In John 19:30 we are told But You took my sin, dying in my that later when some wine was again
place. I believe that. Now I ask You to accept me as Your child forever.” After you have done that, come with your incense, acknowledging that your life is as impure as the life of the Lord Jesus Christ is sinless. The Bible teaches that there is not good in man that is not mixed with evil. But it also teaches that Christ comes to live in the believer so that the good deeds produced in his or her life may become in their turn “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God” (Phil. 4:18). Finally, come with your gold. God symbolizes royalty. So when you come with your gold you acknowledge the right of Christ to rule your life. You say, “I am Your servant; You are my Master. Direct my life and lead me in it so that I might grow up spiritually to honor and to serve You accordingly.” If you have come believing in all that the myrrh, incense, and gold signify, you have embarked on a path of great spiritual joy and blessings. For those are the gifts of faith. They are the only things we can offer to the One who by His grace has given all things to us. This essay is one of a collection of Advent devotionals from Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Experienceing the Peace and Promise of Christmas, edited by Nancy Guthrie. Other authors in this new book include John Piper, Francis Schaeffer, J.I. Packer, Tim Keller, Martin Luther, and our own Skip Ryan. It is available in the PCPC Bookstore. Reprinted by permission of Crossway Books, ©2008, excerpted from The Christ of Christmas, by James Montgomery Boice, Moody Press, 1983. PCPC WITNESS • 19
Healing the Layers of Hurt Finding a future after divorce He walked downstairs with a garbage bag slung over his shoulder and kissed me on the forehead. As he turned to leave, he said, “I’ll be back tomorrow for more of my things.” It was a Saturday at noon, exactly 21 1/2 years to the day, to the hour, that we
had married. Thirty years ago I had fallen in love with him in geometry class at age 15. He taught me how to drive a car; we built a life together, a home, a family, even a business. We had two great kids. What would I tell them? Why would he leave me.... them... now? What happened? Every cell of my body screamed with gutwrenching pain. I was a crumpled ball of never-ending tears—depressed, embarrassed, lonely, angry, humiliated, scared, fearful of being forever lonely with no money, fearful of being eternally sad. Divorce is awkward and messy. I noticed people avoiding me; probably because they just did not know what to say. Before we had a Care and Counseling ministry at PCPC, it was difficult for me to find the help that I needed at church. There were counselors that I could have seen. In retrospect, what I really needed was a godly friend, or even better, a community of godly friends that could come around me and offer support. Post-divorce, I made every bad choice one could possibly make. A friend invited me to the DivorceCare class at her church. I wish I could tell you I
went, and it helped, but I didn’t. The mistakes I made are still with me. But God is good. I am now a facilitator in PCPC’s DivorceCare class. We call it God’s emergency room for hurting souls. I have been the most blessed because I am healing! Sitting in a circle of no more than 15 other souls each Wednesday night, we discuss the practicalities of divorce: What is happening to me? What does the Bible say about divorce? How do I face anger, depression, and loneliness? What about financial survival? What about my children? Why is forgiveness so important? And even reconciliation? Real healing comes only
NOVEMBER 2008 • Vol. XIX, No. 4 Park Cities Presbyterian Church 4124 Oak Lawn Dallas, Texas 75219
through Jesus Christ. I have watched God heal those who simply show up each week to listen, learn, and absorb the truth of God’s healing Word. The layers and layers of suppressed pain and unforgiveness eventually exploded their infection on our family. I have learned through DivorceCare what happens when I don’t grieve properly, when I don’t forgive—how it can lead to bitterness and bring devastating destruction to those I love. Each week in DivorceCare we laugh, love, listen, and learn to heal. “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31). —Brenda Bogart DivorceCare meets Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30 pm, in the Oak Lawn East Youth Hangout (just south of the Sanctuary). For more information, contact Barbara Kidd, 214-224-2742 or Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas