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Doctor’s Orders: Prepare Mentally, Physically for Dallas Marathon
Dr. Logan Sherman is looking forward to running the BMW Dallas Marathon again in December.
(214) 630-7751
By Dillon Wyatt
People Newspapers
The journey to winning the BMW Dallas Marathon Festival in 2015 began with a father’s example.
Dr. Logan Sherman remembers his father running the Dallas Marathon and then finding a similar passion in middle school.
The sports chiropractor has since developed a training regimen that has allowed him to win three half-marathons in addition to that 2015 race.
“It’s a transformative experience,” Sherman said. “The one thing that I believe puts the Dallas Marathon ahead of other races is that we aim to create a 100% satisfaction of our guest experience. We want everyone to walk away talking about how much fun they had during our race.”
Before the fun comes hard work.
“When I was training for a marathon, I would carry a base of 100 plus miles per week,” Sherman said.
He recommends beginning training for a half-marathon 14 weeks prior and a full marathon 16 weeks prior. With each grueling week, it is necessary to keep the body healthy.
He’s a fan of using foam rollers, a performance and recovery deep tissue massaging tool, before and after running. He also advocates strength training to avoid injuries.
“As a sports chiropractor, I find that most of my clients who come in for an injury are not performing strength exercises outside of running,” he said. “When I was training, I would carve out three to five days for lifting weights. I credit strength training to my relatively healthy career.”
While physical training is key to recording a

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Powell IV of Fort Worth, Texas, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Colleen Ellen Powell, to Ryan Patrick Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Patrick Brennan of Highland Park. The bride and groom are 2020 graduates of Texas Christian University.
The bride is a 2016 graduate of Saint Thomas More Catholic High School in Lafayette, Louisiana. At TCU, Colleen received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism. Colleen resides in Dallas, where she is a Senior Campus Recruiting Coordinator for Deloitte & Touche.
The groom is a 2016 graduate of The Episcopal School of Dallas. While at TCU, Ryan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance with Real Estate Concentration. Ryan remains in Dallas as an Acquisitions Manager for Ferocity Assets LLC. good time, mentally preparing for a 26.6-milelong course is just as important.
“The training in and of itself helps people mentally prepare for it,” Sherman said. “The excitement of the race day and the spectators cheering you on in the middle of the course really takes your mind off of what you might be going through at the moment.”
Sherman still thinks back on a pro-tip he received when he first started.
“My favorite piece of advice that I was givW hole Earth Provision C o. en prior to my first marathon, the 2009 Dallas Marathon, was from the ‘96 Dallas Marathon champion, Dr. William Moore,” Sherman said. “He told me through an email the night before the race, ‘patience, patience, patience.’ You should be very comfortable in the early stages of the race and your pace should be almost conversational.”

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1. Get fitted for great equipment. Your shoes are the most important item you will purchase so find a store that will assess your gait and put you into the right one.
2. Start slow and build while allowing for recovery phases. My rule was to build mileage over the course of 2-3 weeks and take a recovery week. During that recovery week I would run approximately 75% of my average mileage.
3. Find a group to make it social. Groups help to keep us motivated.
4. Take the time to take care of your body. Make sure you start a good program of stretching, foam rolling, and performing strength exercises before starting your program so you have a good routine. SOURCE: Dr. Logan Sherman