4 minute read
Neighbors unhappy about new zoning for former Walnut Hill school site
By Bethany Erickson
Until Oct. 19, 2019, the neighborhoods around Walnut Hill Elementary enjoyed their award-winning, small school in a building with years of history.
But in one night, an EF3 tornado damaged that school badly as it cut its destructive swath across North Dallas.
Almost two years later, Dallas ISD is proposing a school designed to help high school students learn a trade for that site. The new building would incorporate the old Walnut Hill Elementary facade.
Neighbors have been arguing — including at a September city council meeting — that the proposed building is too big and inappropriate for the quiet neighborhood.

“Ninety percent of those who live within 500 feet … are opposed to putting in a Costco-sized building on a toosmall lot,” said one neighbor during public comment. “We need the city council’s help to protect our neighborhood.”
Several district staffers also spoke, explaining that only staff would park there because school busses would bring students to and from their respective high schools at specific times.
Walnut Hill, they said, was the ideal site over Tom Field. It lets the district comply with state restrictions by keeping commute times for students attending from Thomas Jefferson, Hillcrest, W.T. White, and Conrad high schools down to 20 minutes.
The site sits in council member Gay Donnell Willis’s district.
After hearing the speakers, Donnell Willis moved that the council approve
The North Dallas Career Institute planned for the site that housed Walnut Hill Elementary until a 2019 EF3 tornado, would train students
in a variety of careers — but many neighbors feel it’s too big for its location. (PHOTO: BETHANY ERICKSON) (RENDERINGS: WRA ARCHITECTS)

the request — with some changes designed to reduce disruption. Those include noise dampening, screens to hide equipment, specific lighting requirements, and more.
Donnell Willis also said that before any new amendments or applications for a zoning change, the district would notify property owners in the notification area 30 days before applying and submit proof they did so with the zoning application.
“Nobody imagined that one of our beloved and highly-honored and respected neighborhood elementary schools could almost disappear due to an EF3 tornado on a horrible Sunday night,” Donnell Willis said. “Walnut Hill Elementary was a symbol of pride and history and neighborhood involvement — and then it just wasn’t.”
“The neighbors of this school are being asked to go from a sweet little elementary to a new building that — even though it is preserving the Spanish facade of the old school — will have a bigger footprint,” she added.
The council ultimately voted in favor of the zoning change by more than a ¾ majority.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean the issue is done. Neighbors are talking about hiring a lawyer.
Barring legal intervention, the district said, construction on the North Dallas Career Institute is pending permit approval, which could come by Nov. 8.

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