4 minute read
6. The warm current in the South Pacific which has a significant effect on the world’s climate is called what?
7. Selhurst Park Stadium is the home ground of which Premier League football club?
8. What is the fifth planet from the Sun?
9. In the 2022 psychological drama film Tár, Cate Blanchett’s character has what profession?
10. Which narrow inlet connects both Israel and Jordan to the Red Sea?
Place the four signs (add, subtract, multiply, divide) one in each circle so that the total of each across and down line is the same. Perform before addition and subtraction.
1. One who takes goods of others along the way (10)
7. Shirt to iron out in the opening (5)
8. TV personality at home with Italian composer (7)
10. New plan made despite being the subject of an incendiary attack (8)
11. Some moralists have spoken (4)
13. Not shrinking from some garment material (6)
15. Learned man sat outside vehicle (6)
17. Dora altered the route (4)
18. Stupid person arranged roses for the taxman perhaps (8)
21. Contestant hurried into another tent (7)
22. A huge shipping order (5)
23. Not stressed how cafe is often written (10)
1. Excited, the man is found next to sheep (3,2)
2. Cultivate heather while making animal noises (8)
3. Tax haven for lower form of life! (6)
4. Many deposit money (4)
5. In November it really can be hot in Africa (7)
6. Play softly then loudly on an instrument (10)
9. I will say it again to the uneducated (10)
12. Parent (Ma) disguised in title role (4,4)
14. Punish Charles X (7)
16. Set out twice to fly (6)
19. Said to have remained sedate (5)
20. Brandy for Scotsman right to be included (4)
1234567 R 89 V 10111213
Each number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares.
As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.
Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box.
6. Long-necked waterbird (4)
8. Be in debt (3)
9. Oral exam (4,4)
10. Grazing animal (4)
12. Ceiling hanger (5)
14. Clasp (anag.) (5)
17. Rotational centre (4)
18. Spanish estate (8)
(8) 24. Small hollow (4) 25. Turn of phrase (5) 26. Fortune-teller (5) 29. Flightless bird (4) cere; cerise; coir; cope; coper; copier; copper; copse; core; corps; corpse; corse; cosier; creep; crêpe; cripes; crisp; crop; epic; episcope; pericope; PERISCOPE; piece; piecer; pierce; precis; precise; price; recipe; rice; scope; score; scree; scrip; sice; spec; specie; spice.
S 1 J 2 B 3 Y 4 D 5 K 6 M 7 R 8 H 9 V 10 L 11 P 12 A 13 Q 14 C 15 Z 16 W 17 T 18 F 19 E 20 U 21 G 22 O 23 X 24 N 25 I 26
3. Braids (6)
4. Bath sponge (6)
5. Verse form (4)
6. Deuces (anag.) (6)
7. Ancient (3-3)
11. Desert plants (5)
12. Biblical mountain (5)
(5) 14. Wicked act (3) 15. Heavenly messenger (5) 16. Celebration (5) 19. Expression of hesitation (3) 21. Fringing (6)
How many words of four letters or more can you make from this Nonagram? Each word must use the central letter, and each letter may be used only once. At least one word using all nine letters can be found.
9 21 36 5 2 619 4 8 7 9 531 9 6 23 6 3 5 2 8 173 54 164 5 8
Any word found in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Tenth Edition) is eligible with the following exceptions: proper nouns; plural nouns, pronouns and possessives; third person singular verbs; hyphenated words; contractions and abbreviations; vulgar slang words; variant spellings of the same word (where another variant is also eligible).
Down – 2 Loin; 3 Plaits; 4 Loofah; 5 Poem; 6 Seduce; 7 Age-
Ogre; 33 Marooned.
Dent; 25 Idiom; 26 Sibyl; 29 Kiwi; 30 Reheated; 31 Lea; 32
Across – 1 Flip-flop; 6 Swan; 8 Owe; 9 Viva voce; 10 Deer; 12 Strap; 14 Scalp; 17 Axis; 18 Hacienda; 20 Teammate; 24
3 6 2 14 76 2 8 5 DOWN
Taika Waititi ; 6 El Niño; 7 Crystal Palace; 8 Jupiter; 9 Conductor; 10 Gulf of Aqaba.
QUIZ CHALLENGE: 1 Leicestershire; 2 Tea; 3 The year in which the wine was made; 4 Horse; 5
Angel; 16 Party; 19 Hmm; 21 Edging; 22 Mobile; 23 Either; 24 Dynamo; 27 Dram; 28 Fete. Across – 1 Highjacker; 7 Intro; 8 Rossini; 10 Napalmed; 11 Oral; 13 Facing; 15 Savant; 17 Road; 18 Assessor; 21 Entrant; 22 Avast; 23 Unaccented. Down – 1 Het up; 2 Growling; 3 Jersey; 4 Cash; 5 Eritrea; 6 Pianoforte; 9 Illiterate; 12 Name part; 14 Chasten; 16 Tsetse; 19 Staid; 20 Marc. (1) (2) Across – Arabs; Route; Weeds. Down – Arrow; Acute; Steps. Across – These; Stair; Sulky. Down – Tasks; Email; Early. 4978 215 36 8537 641 29 6219 354 87 1 6 8 5 7 2 9 4 3 5341 897 62 9723 468 15 3 4 5 2 9 8 6 7 1 2896 173 54 7164 532 98 6713 549 82 2358 694 71 8942 175 63 4 2 7 5 9 8 3 1 6 9861 237 54 1537 462 98 3 4 9 6 8 5 1 2 7 5184 726 39 7629 318 45 EASY SUDOKU HARD SUDOKU CROSS CODE FIVE ALIVE: NONAGRAM: