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Artists showcase their


By PHIL CREIGHTON news@rdg.today


ARTISTS enjoyed showcasing their creations during a special trail last weekend –and there is another chance for people to catch their work this weekend.

The annual Caversham Arts Trail (CAT) runs over two weekends, giving people the chance to explore the area as well as discovering great art.

CHANCE TO SEE: Reading Abbey gateway tours are being organised by Reading Museum Picture: Phil Creighton

Museum offers rooftop tour of Abbey Gateway

READING Museum is offering a rooftop tour of the Abbey Gateway.

It will take visitors inside the building to learn about its fascinating history and its role in the Abbey Quarter.

Visitors will also have the chance to access the rooftop for an aerial view of the Forbury Gardens and Abbey Ruins.

The tour is £15 per person and lasts for 45 minutes to an hour. Tours are limited to 15 people per tour, so booking is essential.

The Abbey Gateway is a Grade I listed building that was built in the 14th century.

It was originally part of the Reading Abbey, which was one of the largest and most important abbeys in England. n To book a ticket, visit the Reading Museum website or call 0118 937 5950.

The Abbey was dissolved in the 16th century, but the Abbey Gateway survived and was used for a variety of purposes over the years.

In the 19th century, it was used as a police station and a fire station.

The Abbey Gateway was restored in 2022 and is now open to the public.

The tour will give visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the history of this important building and to see some of the best views in Reading.

The tour is available on Saturday, May 27, and Saturday, July 15, at 2pm.

Free arts workshops ahead of Whitley Carnival

FAMILIES are being encouraged to get creative at free workshops held across Whitley in the coming weeks.

Organised in tandem with this summer’s inaugural Whitley Carnival, seven sessions will take place at three venues to help people make costumes and props, which will be showcased in the event’s parades.

Hexham Road Community Centre will host after-school costume-making workshops from 3.30pm-6pm on May 23 and June 6, as well as half term ‘Make a Giant’ sessions from 10am-3pm on June 1 and 2.

Further costume making workshops will take place from n For more information and bookings, search: Whitley Carnival on www. eventbrite.co.uk

3.30pm-6pm on May 24 and June 7, at Whitley Wood Community Centre, as well as at South Reading Leisure Centre from 11am-4pm on June 4.

Events are also being run at all schools in Whitley.

Partners who are involved in the provision of workshops include: Annual Daydream Harvest, Berzerk Productions, CultureMix Arts, Jelly, Limpopo Groove, Make/ Sense Theatre, MERL, Readipop, Reading Rep, RISC and Rock Academy.

Those interested in getting involved should book their spots online.

Reading Guides charity book sale on Saturday

READING Scout and Guide Headquarters will be hosting the 9th Reading Guides Monthly Charity Book Sale on Saturday, May 20. from 10am to noon.

The event, organised by Kim Prior, will raise money for both local and national charities.

Attendees are welcome to donate pre-loved books, and there will be delicious refreshments on offer.

The venue is located at Northcourt Avenue, Reading, RG2 7HG. Anyone can attend, and admission is free.

The event takes place in a range of venues, including studios and homes, and reduces the barriers between creators and viewers.

Many of the pieces from the 33 artists on show in 13 venues were available to purchase.

Julie Simmonds, one of the trail’s organisers, was thrilled with how the opening weekend had gone.

“I have visited many of the venues and I have been so impressed by the quality of the work on show, the warm welcome and, as organiser, it is so lovely to see CAT artists talking to visitors and spending time explaining their work, process and the ideas behind it.”

She continued: “This year we have reinstated the much loved demonstrations during the Trail with more to come next weekend. One visitor loved the demonstration so much they bought the work: how wonderful.

“I believe the demonstrations really help visitors understand the processes behind the work and I wholeheartedly believe in demystifying the nature of art and craft to make it accessible to all.

“Anyone can be creative, you’ve just got to try and not worry.”

While most venues are open from 11am to 5pm, for some artists they had to be up with the lark: “Sunday morning was an early start for two of our artists as they were taking part in the Caversham Farmers and Artisan market in Caversham for the first time, and will be there next Sunday 10am-3pm.”

And this week gives an opportunity for artists to replenish their supplies, as Ms Simmonds explained: “I know that most of the artists, like myself, will be in their studios frantically making new work in readiness for Saturday as they have sold so much over the weekend, a sure sign of a successful Trail.” n For more details, and a map of the venues taking part, log on to: cavershamartstrail.co.uk

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