1 minute read

From the Chamber

Cllr Rob White

Poland, Korea, Lithuania, Rumania, and Italy, scoring one goal and assisting on two others.


He has the opportunity next season to rub shoulders with players from the NHL in the World Championship proper and possibly Winter Olympics.

Congratulations to Josh and all of Team GB!

Simon Wise, via email

Make Every Vote Count:

I am writing to express my frustration at the failure of the Labour and Conservative leadership to support electoral reform in the UK.

It is outrageous that, in this day and age, we are still using an outdated and undemocratic firstpast-the-post system that fails to accurately represent the diversity of our society.

At the recent local elections in Reading, Labour candidates were elected in 62.5% (10) of the contests but only received 47.3% of the votes cast whereas Conservative candidates received 21.3% of the votes cast but were elected in only 12.5% of the contests. Results elsewhere, including in Bracknell Forest, were even more unrepresentative.

The current system leads to millions of votes being wasted and allows parties to gain power with only a minority of the popular vote. This is not democratic, and it is time for a change.

As part of the Sort The System Westminster lobby event on 24 May (https://sortthesystem. uk/), I hope to meet with our MP for Reading East, Matt Rodda, to demand that he commits to supporting electoral reform.

The Labour and Conservative leadership must wake up and recognise the need for proportional representation. .

Andrew Taylor, via email Moaning and groaning

Everyone to-day is moaning and groaning about the state of our affairs but they seem to forget that the troubles are World Wide. They forget that it was our Tory Government that gave us the first Covid injections FREE nearly all have had five, they help keep Companies afloat during the first lock down and helped with our Gas and Electricity Bills.

With all these trouble we are having are the like of the Lords – Labour –Lib Dem- Welby and Lineker are they willing to pay for the Boat People upkeep out of their own pockets, as it seems we are paying out for ones that are not honest Asylum seekers. They have no idea how to settle the problem.

The Rail Unions are not concerned about the people that have spent money on tickets and rail fares that are not cheap, if passenger number falls less trains are needed.

These are facts not political.

Alan Phillips, Berkshire

Party made a record 200 gains – the highest ever growth in the party’s 50 year history.

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