2754-2785ISSN 9772754278509 37 SPECIAL TRIBUTE EDITION TO HER MAJESTY No. 47 90pWednesday, September 14, 2022

The longest-reigning British monarch, she has been Queen since 1952, and much-loved by Reading residents.
On the outbreak of the Second World War, a decision was made that the Royal Family would stay in Britain, rather than be evacuated to North America or Canada.
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The then Princess Elizabeth grew up not expecting to be Queen, but when she was 10, her uncle, Edward VIII, abdicated and the crown switched to her father, George VI.
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She was in Buckingham Palace when it was bombed by the Nazis in September 1940, but moved to Windsor Castle for much of the war.
Remembering the Queen and her connections to Reading
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inspected a military regiment at a parade at Windsor Castle, and when she was 18, she joined the ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) – the women’s branch of the British Army, where she trained as a mechanic.
She was born on April 21, 1926 in Mayfair, and Christened in May at Buckingham Palace.
Queen Elizabeth II visits The MeERL as part of the University of Reading centenary celebrations in 1992. Picture: R Bridgen / University of Reading

HER MAJESTY the Queen has died. She was 96.
By THE EDITOR news@rdg.today

As a child, she was a Girl Guide and also a Sea Ranger.A teenager when the war started, she played her part in maintaining morale recording messages for BBC Radio’s Children’s Hour, and encouraging the Dig For Victory campaign.When she was 16, she
This was based at the ATS
training section in nearby Camberley.OnVEDay, dressed in her ATS uniform, the princess slipped into the crowds gathered in London to celebrate with others.In1985, she told the BBC that
The Queen handed out Maundy Money at a special ceremony in Christ Church Oxford, among the recipients were people who live in the region Picture: Phil Creighton

Her coronation took place a year later, on June 2, 1953, and was televised, making a key moment in our country’s calendar as neighbours gathered round small screens to watch the event before holding street parties, for many, in downpours.TheQueen has made many visits to Reading both during her reign and before she became Queen.
She went on to have two more children, Prince Andrew in 1960, and Prince Edward in 1964.Life was to change when her father, King George VI, died on February 6, 1952, following a prolonged illness.
At the time, she was staying in a remote part of Kenya on a tour, which was abandoned so she could return home.
she pulled her cap over her eyes as she was terrified of being recognised.“Itwas one of the most memorable nights of my life,” sheThissaid. was typical of the Queen’s attitude to life. On her 21st birthday in Cape Town, she made a speech to the Commonwealth where she promised: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.”
Her first born, Prince Charles, was born in 1948, and Anne, the Princess Royal, in 1950.
In 1968, she opened the
In recent years, she has remained fit and active, still carrying out visits and chairing meetings.She contracted covid in February 2022, but recovered, and the town was able to celebrate her platinum jubilee in June with beacon lighting ceremonies, thanksgiving services, street parties and celebrations.Now,the nation – and the borough – gives thanks to the country’s most faithful servant.
On March 22, 1957, she visited Reading for a civic reception.Reading Museum has a souvenir programme on its website, revealing details. She came into Reading from the Wokingham Road, making their way to the town hall. They also visited the University of Reading.Footage from Pathe shows the Queen at the university, with people wearing mortar boards and gowns, while she is pictured holding a posy and unveiling a plaque.
To mark the occasion, Reading’s Simonds Brewery created Old Berks Strong Ale.
cousins. Typical of the Queen, this was a modest affair as Britain was still recovering from the war. Her dress sewn from material collected by saving clothing coupons from her ration book.
And in February 2022, in a letter to the nation and Commonwealth to mark the 70th anniversary of her ascension to the throne, she signed off the letter as ‘Your servant’.In1947, she married Prince Philip. They had met in 1934 at the wedding of one of his
The Royal Berkshire Hospital welcomed her in 2006 to celebrate the merging of the Battle Hospital with the main buildings.TheQueen opened Reading Station twice. In April 1989, she opened a new main entrance, which includes the Brunel Walk shops.
One of the first was in April 1946, when she attended the circus which had pitched up in Hill’s Meadow for Easter. The visit was kept a secret from both performers and spectators, and they had a ringside seat for theAshow.drive through from Badminton in Gloucestershire to Windsor Castle saw the Queen take the Wokingham
Her most recent visit was in 2014, when she opened the revamped Reading railway station, posing for a famous photo of her in a turquoise blue outfit, surrounded by Network Rail worked in orange fluorescent uniforms.
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Ministry’s Social Securities new computer centre in Queen’s RoadShe returned to Reading in May 1978, to open its new Civic Centre. Crowds lined the streets to see the special visitor, who toured facilities including The Hexagon.In1982, she opened the Shire Hall complex in Shinfield, joined by Prince Philip. More than 5,000 children are reported to have been in the crowds, and played a fanfare in her honour.
Road through the town. It is thought she had been watching horse trials earlier in the day. This took place in 1953, and two years later the trials were moved to Windsor at the Queen’s invitation.
Thatgenerations.”historyisstill to be written, and I hope and pray that the leaders of today, here in our own country and across the world, will heed the Queen’s wise words.
“Her high regard for local government was also truly reflective in her focus and appreciation of councils’ work and determination in her annual Queen’s Speeches.”
Bishop of Oxford leadstributes from Diocese
the chance to rise above the politics of the moment, and achieve true statesmanship.
“She has been our example and a rock for the nation and commonwealth.“Herdevoted service has given stability to the nation throughout this Elizabethan age. Her deep, personal Christian faith has been an inspiration to many, including me.“The whole nation will be united in mourning for our beloved Queen in the coming days. We will need
THE CHAIR of the Local Government Association praised the Queen for her dedication to ‘every one of us’.
We all know that the Queen and the royal family have championed many causes, and one of those is protecting our environment and planet. The Queen was sadly not able to attend COP26 in person as she had intended, but she was kind enough to share a message with world leaders, acknowledging her pride in the leading role played by Prince Philip, Prince Charles— now our King—and Prince William in encouraging people to protect our precious planet.Ending her remarks, she said: “I, for one, hope that this conference will be one of those rare occasions where everyone will have
He said: “Her Majesty the Queen has been a cherished presence in all of our lives and for the whole of our lives.
The Queen was a comforting constant through our lifetimes. She was indeed a unique beacon of wisdom, grace, kindness and courage at the head of our country and the Commonwealth for seven decades. She was the rock we turned to as a nation, in times of uncertainty and sadness, and when we celebrated occasions of national joy.
her car sped past. We only got a fleeting glimpse of Her Majesty, but we talked excitedly about the occasion for days afterwards. Such was the reaction she inspired, in world leaders and school children alike.
He added: “This United Kingdom has deep foundations in Christian faith.“A key part of our faith is the distinctive hope of resurrection from the dead: that our life in Christ endures beyond death and for eternity.“Aswe grieve and pray, we also look forward together in hope to that new and eternal life with God.
“These arrangements will include the opening of both public and virtual books of condolence, ensuring flags are flown at half mast, and overseeing arrangements for the laying of flowers in public areas.”
He continued: “Her Majesty’s dedication to every one of us, alongside her continuous hard work
had a unique ability to make one feel at ease.
“I have today written to The King following the news.
THE BISHOP of Oxford said the Queen has been a cherished presence, a rock for the nation, and gave devoted service during her reign.Her Majesty died on Thursday, September 8, in Balmoral, a place that she loved. She was 96.
“We have prayed through all of our lives: God save the Queen.
I can tell you, Madam Deputy Speaker, I felt the same schoolboy excitement of 37 years earlier at the prospect of meeting Her Majesty. And this time I got to shake her hand. I will always cherish that moment, and a photograph of that occasion— of the Queen smiling that famous radiant smile—is nestled among photographs of my family in our home. Other Members have already described the trepidation that is felt during the ceremony in which a Member joins the Privy Council and collects the seal of office as a Secretary of State—the worry about kneeling on those pesky footstools! But her Majesty would always be a kind, calming influence, and she
“It is the hope of many that the legacy of this summit— written in the history books yet to be printed—will describe you as the leaders who did not pass up the opportunity; and that you answered the call of those future
and loyalty to her United Kingdom, was clear to see throughout her life.
“We now entrust Her Majesty to her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and commit ourselves afresh to his service and to God’s eternal kingdom.”
The Local Government Association represents more than 350 councils in England and Wales, including Wokingham Borough and Reading Borough.
The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft

Alok Sharma speaking in parliament during the tributes to the Queen
“The will be putting into place local arrangements to support the public in expressing their own sympathies,” he explained.
time to grieve and to share our grief with“Weothers.pray at this time for the Queen’s family and especially for Charles as he prepares to become King.“This will be a season for deep reflection in the life of our nation as we look back in thanksgiving and forward in hope.”
ThechurchesQueen was dedicated to every one of us saysLocal Government chair
The first time I got to meet the Queen properly was in 2014, when she came to open formally the magnificently rebuilt Reading train station.
Now, of course, we have a new monarch, King Charles III, a long-standing leader in the fight against climate change.Through my work over the past few years on the COP26 agenda, I have had the privilege of supporting the work of King Charles’s sustainable markets initiative.Heis a great man, and he will be a great monarch, with the same instinctive understanding of his people and what matters to them as hisGodmother.save the King.
The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft led tributes from churches across the Diocese, which includes Reading and Wokingham borough.
The first time I saw the Queen in person was as an excited 10-year-old, lined-up with others along the Bath Road in Reading during the silver jubilee celebrations, all of us clutching and waving our miniature Union flags as
Now our great Queen has gone, leaving a void in all our lives. As we mourn, our hearts go out to her family, as they grieve in their profound loss.
MP Alok’s speech to the House of Commons

Other Members have already described the trepidation that is felt during the ceremony in which a Member joins the Privy Council and collects the seal of office as a Secretary of State— the worry about kneeling on those pesky footstools. But her Majesty would always be a kind, calming influence, and she had a unique ability to make one feel at ease.
I rise to pay tribute on behalf of my constituents and myself to our late, great Queen Elizabeth.
By ALOK SHARMA House of Commons
He said: “On behalf of all councils across England and Wales, I’d like to express our sincere condolences to the whole Royal Family on the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
QUEEN ELIZABETH II 4 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Cllr Jamieson said that council were proud to serve the Queen during her reign, and now face one final service for her.
Cllr James Jamieson was paying tribute to Her Majesty following her death on Thursday, September 8.
The Queen’s was, by any measure, the most extraordinary of lives. She touched the lives of countless other people across the world.
She kept that promise over more than 70 years as our Queen, during a lifetime dedicated to our country and to theSheCommonwealth.ledbyexample in good times and in bad, through her kindness, humility, quiet determination and her dry sense of humour.HerMajesty was both our head of state and the head of the Commonwealth, but we also felt a deep personal connection to her, one which is difficult to put into words.She was a mother, a
Cllr Clarence Mitchell, the Conservative Group Leader on Reading Borough Council, also wanted to pay tribute.
In a statement issued following her death on Thursday, September 8, John Campbell said it was with great sorrow that he was sharing the force’s condolences.“TheQueen has ruled for longer than any other Monarch in British history and Thames Valley Police has had the privilege of protecting The Queen while in residence at Windsor Castle,” he said.“Moreover the Force has a long and proud history of policing Royal events from the annual Windsor Garter Ceremony, The Queen’s 90th birthday, Jubilee celebrations, and the funeral of His Royal Highness Prince Philip.

“On behalf of the whole of Thames Valley Police, I offer our deepest condolences to all of the Royal Family and members of the Royal Household.
READING politicians are paying tribute to the Queen, who has died at the age of 96.
THE Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police said it had been a privilege to protect the Queen while she was at Windsor Castle.
“As a mark of respect during the period of national mourning, all Conservative Party campaigning activities in Reading and across the country are now suspended until further notice.”
‘It has been the force’s honour to serve Her Majesty’
Thames Valley Police has protected the Queen in Windsor
IT is an honour to speak today, and to pay tribute to Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II personally and on behalf of my constituents in ReadingQueenEast.Elizabeth was our longest-serving and arguably greatest ever monarch.
She was deeply loved and admired, and we all feel a profound sense of personal sadness and a great loss at this difficult time.
As a young woman, during the war, she made a solemn vow to serve her people as long as she lived.
And Cllr White said: “I thank the Queen for 70 years of tireless work and send my deepest condolences to the Royal family following the sad news of the death of the Queen.”
Like many of us, I am still trying to take in the events of the last few days. We all knew that this day would come, but part of us somehow felt that the Queen would always be there, because she had been there throughout our lives.She was truly a constant for all of us in a rapidly changing world. Her reign covered a period of unprecedented social and technological
“We respectfully ask that anyone wishing to lay flowers in tribute, should do so outside of Reading Town Hall and by the Queen Victoria Statue.”CllrRob White, the leader of the opposition of Reading Borough Council, and Green party councillor for Park ward, joined his national party in sharing sympathy for the monarch.Inastatement, the national party’s co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: “This is a moment of great sadness for our “Thenation.Queen served this country tirelessly over her 70-year reign, bearing witness to the fall of the Berlin Wall, invention of the internet and the first man on the moon.
Reading East MP Matt Rodda pays tribute to the Queen
“When political leaders seem come and go in the blink of an eye, she has stood out as touchstone –linking past, present and, through her family, future. In these times of rapid change, she has been a constant, reliable presence in our nation, reigning always with dignity and grace. I know I speak for many in our town when I say that I shall miss her kindly face and twinkling eyes.”
“It has been the Force’s honour to serve Her Majesty.”
Lib Dem leader Cllr Meri O’Connell said: “Here in Reading, across the country and beyond, people are absorbing the news that Queen Elizabeth II has passed. Although we all knew that this day would come, the sadness it brings has caught many of us by surprise.
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I can vividly remember the sheer joy and enthusiasm of children, families and older people at a local platinum jubilee street party that I attended—people of all backgrounds, all faiths and none, celebrating their Queen. It was a more than fitting tribute to Her late Majesty and the Elizabethan age. May the Queen rest in peace.Godsave the King.
“At this extremely sad time, on behalf of both the Reading East and Reading West Conservative
Politicians pay tribute: ‘This is a moment of greatsadness’
change, yet she also linked the modern world to the wartime generation.TheQueen’s life was defined by service.
“We send strength and compassion to the Royal family at this difficult time.”
grandmother and a greatgrandmother, and we sometimes felt that she was like a grandmother to all of us in this country and in the Commonwealth.Locally,there is a deep and abiding love and respect for the late Queen across our community.Shevisited several times during her long reign, including opening the new Reading station in 2014.
The Mayor of Reading and Leader of the Council issued a joint statement: “It is with great sadness that Reading Borough Council and the people of Reading have learned this evening of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

associations, our members and our Officers, we express our deepest condolences to the Royal Family and we give thanks for the life and devoted commitment to public service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,” he said.
“We join the rest of the United Kingdom in extending our deepest sympathies to The Royal Family. Our thoughts are with them at this time.
“Reflecting on Her Majesty’s own words after her mother’s passing - which apply equally today - Her Majesty had a zest for living, for her subjects and for dedicated service to the Nations of the United Kingdom and the wider Commonwealth family.”Hecontinued: “The world is a much poorer place for her passing and our thoughts and deepest condolences are with the Royal Family at this saddest of times.
“After more than 70 years as Sovereign, one held in such high esteem, her loss will be felt deeply by millions of people around the world.
“We join the rest of the United Kingdom in extending our
Churches will also be opening for prayer and reflection. They will have their own books for people to sign.
Flags across Reading will fly at half mast until the day after the Queen’s funeral.

READING Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin is open to the public for private prayers and tributes to Her Majesty The Queen.
Minster open for prayerand reflection
The Revd Sonya Wratten said: “We’re open for people to come to the church to light candles, to take some time of reflection and quiet prayer, and to give thanks for the life of Her Majesty,
By JAKE CLOTHIER jclothier@rdg.today
THE MAYOR has lead Reading’s tributes to the Queen by laying a tirbute on Friday morning.

“We also have one of the official condolence books here at Reading Minster, and we also have a prayer tree so that people can write their thoughts and prayers.”Shesaid also that the church was open for those wishing to reflect on the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

“We’re here for people to want to come and talk as well because sometimes in these times of collective grief, “It evokes emotions, feelings, and memories, recent or in the past, and reminds us of our personal losses as well.“Wevery much want to be there for everybody in Reading who wants to come and see us and spend some time here.”
By PHIL CREIGHTON news@wokingham.today
Ms Wratten said: “This is a huge occasion for us. “We’re saddened by the loss of her, but we are really giving thanks for her service and for her life, and giving thanks for public
“Publicservice.service was part and parcel of her faith, her Christian faith which she exemplified, and spoke of often in her life, and in her service to others.
As the head of the church, the death of Her Majesty The Queen means that the role now passes to His Majesty King Charles III.
“She gave an incredible public service to those of other faiths and no faith – she encapsulated being a leader who was inclusive of all and wanting to serve the public, whoever they are.”
The church is accepting visitors to pay their respects to the late monarch after the announcement of her Visitorsdeath.are welcome to make tributes and light candles in her honour.Anofficial book of condolence will be made available for members of the public to sign at the church.
Mayor lays floral tribute to the Queen
Cllr Rachel Eden visited the statue of Queen Victoria in Blagrave Street to leave her floral offering.Ina joint statement with the leader of the council, Cllr Jason Brock, she said: “It is with great sadness that Reading Borough Council and the people of Reading have learnt of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

Reading Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin is open to members of the public until 9pm on Friday, September 3, for tributes. Picture: Jake Clothier
deepest sympathies to The Royal Family.“Our thoughts are with them at thisReadingtime.” Borough Council has organised a number of ways in which people can pay tribute to the Queen.Books of condolence are open in a number of sites across the town. They include Reading Town Hall and Reading Minster Church.
QUEEN ELIZABETH II 6 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
NEWS | QUEEN ELIZABETH II To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 7

“I looked at her, she looked at me, and she just smiled and the cheese remained on the table.
“Like so many, until last evening, I have never known another monarch.”
This includes on motorways such as the M25, M11, M3, M4, and M23.Additionally, all other closures on the motorway network nationally will be postponed for the duration of the extended bank holidayExistingweekend.roadworks will also be removed where possible, with cones and temporary signals withdrawn from 6am on Friday, September 16, and not put back in place until Tuesday, September 20.
“Our traffic officer patrols will be out on the network to help anyone who might get into difficulty, but it’s important people remember to check their vehicle before setting off.“The last thing anybody wants on the way to their destination is to have a vehicle breakdown.”
Ms May addressed members gathering to pay respects, saying: “Queen Elizabeth II was quite simply the most remarkable person I have everHermet.”address continued: “I am sometimes asked among all the world leaders I met, who was the most impressive and I have no hesitation in saying that from all the heads of state and government, the most impressive person I met was her late Majesty.
For more information, visit: nationalhighways.co.uk.
“What made those audiences so special was the understanding the Queen had of issues which came from the work she put into her red boxes, combined with her years of experience.”Sheadded: “I remember one picnic at Balmoral, which was taking place in one of the boxes on the estate. The hampers came from the castle that we all looked into, put the food and drink out on the table. I picked up some cheese put it on a plate and was transferring it to the table. The cheese fell on the floor.
“I had split second decision to make. I picked up the cheese, and I put it on the plate, and put it on the table. I turned around to see that my every move was being watched very carefully by Her Majesty.
“She gave a lifetime of service as she promised to do when she was 21 – her selfless devotion to duty was an inspiration to example to us all.
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The Queen opens the revamped Reading Station in 2014 Pictures: Sarah Gregory
Greeting her was thethen Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire, the Hon Mary Bayliss, and dignitaries including then transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin, and Reading MP Alok Sharma and Rob Wilson.Shewas presented with a bouquet of flowers by Andchildren.theQueen unveiled a plaque, as well as naming a train, before posing for a famous photograph with engineers who worked on the project, her turquoise blue dress and hat constrasting with the hi-vis orange uniform of theCrowdsstaff. flocked to meet the royal visitor, including reader Sarah Gregory, who kindly shared her photos of this historic occasion.
“This is indeed a sad day but it is also a day of celebration of a life well spent in the service of others.”
FORMER Prime Minister Theresa May, MP for Maidenhead, has paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in parliament on Friday, September 9.
National Highways postpones planned closures of major routes
All closures for roadworks on motorways in and out of London will be paused from the start of this week until after the state funeral on Monday, September 19.
“And that love respect and admiration was born not out of her position but because of the person she wants, a woman of dignity and grace, of compassion and warmth, of mystery, and joy, of wisdom and experience and who had a deep understanding of people.
“She was a constant throughout our lives always there for us, uniting us at times of difficulty, and as others have said most recently during code when she gave us hope that we would want some more come together.
He said: “We expect the roads to be busy with people looking to travel into the capital and to other royal residences over the weekend.
“Her passing marks a generational change, not just because of the length of her service, but because of what she lived“Whenthrough.wemarked the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings in 2019, She was with the world leaders not just as Queen, but as someone who had worn uniform during the Second World War and experience which, quite apart from anything else, had taught her how to strip an engine.
“The Queen was always interested
John McNeill, National Highways head of service delivery in the east of England, is urging people to check their vehicles before setting off.
“She was respected and loved, not just here in the United Kingdom, and in other realms in the Commonwealth, but across the world.”
“The moment she walked through the door, the atmosphere in the room changed. You felt the love and respect of the people there for her.
The postponement of roadwork closures – both through the week and over the bank holiday weekend – will specifically apply to motorways.Workson A-roads will be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on their impact.
When ReadingtheQueentheopenedrevampedStation
in people when she walked into a room the faces of those present lit up, including during what was one of her last, if not the last appearance, she made in public when she came to hospice in my constituency in July.
THE QUEEN was a regular visitor to Reading and her most recent formal engagement was the opening of Reading’s revamped railway station in 2014.Thestation had five new platforms, two new entrances, a new link bridge and additional shops.Itwas a £897 million project and now links up with the Elizabeth Line, the new route that puts Reading on the tube map.

QUEEN ELIZABETH II Theresa May pays tribute with picnic recollection

“And as she spoke to staff and patients, she exuded a warmth and humanity which puts people at their use.“Of course, for those of us who had the honour to serve as one of her prime ministers, those meetings were more frequent with the weekly audiences.“Thesewere not meetings with a high and mighty monarch, but a conversation with a woman of experience and knowledge and immense wisdom. They were also the one meeting I went to which I knew would not be briefed out.”
PLANNED closures of major routes in and out of London will be postponed to reduce congestion as people travel for ceremonial and commemorative events following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The visit was the second time that the Queen had visited to open Reading station – she was present following a previous revamp in 1989.She arrived at the station by train, seeing the service at first hand herself.

On Monday, September 12, Cllr Janet Sartorel, Woodley town mayor, addressed members of the public to proclaim the accession of King Charles III to the throne, making a statement on the centre stage in the townCllrcentre.Sartorel was joined by the town crier, Tony Roper, the deputy leader of Woodley Town Council, Cllr Shandi Brindley and hundreds of residents.

The second is they are easier to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way once the period of mourning has ended - they can be composted and used to help create new trees and flowers in a lasting tribute to the Queen.
FLASHBACK: Queen Elizabeth II enjoys Diamond Jubilee celebrations on the River Thames at Henley in a visit to the University of Reading’s Greenlands campus. Picture: David Hartley

“By the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of his other realms and territories King, head of the Commonwealth, defender of the faith, to which we do acknowledge all faith and obedience with humble affection.
Woodley comes together for ceremonyproclamation
QUEEN ELIZABETH II To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 9
A COMMITTAL ceremony for the Queen will take place in Windsor following her funeral in London.Apublic holiday has been declared for Monday, September 19, to allow the nation to pay their respects to our monarch.
ACROSS the nation, people are leaving floral tributes to the Queen, as the nation mourns.Siteshave been set up in both Reading and Wokingham for those wishing to pay their respects, but organisers are asking people to make one small change that will have a big impact and help create a lasting legacy for the Queen. Flowers are being left by
condolence are available for people to Flowerssign.can also be left near the pond at Wokingham Borough Council’s Shute End offices.Wokingham Town Council said that it will remove on a daily basis any soft toys left out, and these will then be given to charities to share. But they are also asking people who leave flowers to remove the cellophane
wrapping.Thereare two reasons for doingTheso.first is simply because they look better.
On the first occasion, in 1957, she opened the Faculty of Letters Building at Whiteknights, which is now known as the Edith Morley Building.Shewas accompanied by her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who served as Honorary President of Reading University Students’ Union, from 1957-58, and became honorary life member.
Valley Police Assistant Chief Constable Tim De Meyer, strategic commander for the force’s response to Her late Majesty’s death, said: “During this very sad time we understand that a lot of people will want to come to Windsor to pay their respects to Her late Majesty, especially as we get closer to the day of her funeral and committal ceremony.“Thames Valley Police has a long history of policing substantial royal events, including in recent years the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the funeral of His late Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.“Visitorsto Windsor will see a larger police presence than normal in the town as we work to ensure that everyone can pay their respects safely and a variety of security measures are in place.“Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please talk to officers in Windsor who will endeavour to help you as much as possible.
More than 30 boats including a Viking boat crewed by the University of Reading rowers featured in the pageant showcasing all aspects of the River, which took place at the university’s Greenlands campus in Henley.
The ceremony does not create a new King.It is an announcement of the accession which took place immediately upon the death of the reigning monarch.
“Our thoughts remain with the Royal Family.”
“Given at St James’s Palace this 10th day of September, in the year of our Lord 2022.“God save the King.”
In addition to this there are a large number of security measures in place which people will not be able to Thamessee.
Cllr Janet Sartorel
The proclamation of the new Sovereign is an old tradition which can be traced back over many centuries.
part of the university’s centenary celebrations.Herfinalvisit occurred in 2012, on the invite of the university’s Henley Business School for a garden party to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.
Tony TownRoperCrier BlackhamDanielPictures:
The town crier then led the crowd to give three cheers for the new King.
FOLLOWING the news of the death of the Queen, the University of Reading has reflected on three occasions she visited, writes James Aldridge, local democracy reporter
In that visit, a river pageant was held marking the role and impact of the River Thames on the Thames Valley region for more than 1,000 years.
Queen’s visits to Universityrecalled
WOODLEY has come together to proclaim the accession of His Majesty King Charles III.
Leaving a floral tribute to the Queen? Here’s one thing you shouldn’t do
In her address, Cllr Sartorel said: “Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy, our late sovereign, Lady Queen Elizabeth II, of blessing and glorious memory, by whose deceased, the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George.
“Beseeching God, by whom kings and queens do reign to bless His Majesty with long and happy years to reign over us.
Following the speech, the crowd joined together for a passionate rendition of God Save the King.
Cllr Shadi Brindley
Thames Valley Police expands presence ahead of committal ceremony
“Do now hereby, with one voice and
consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that the Prince Charles Philip Arthur, George, is now, by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and rightful liege lord Charles the Third.
During this period of national mourning, people in and around Windsor will see an increased police presence and a broad range of security measures in place in the town.Many of these measures are visible, including its Mounted Section, armed officers, street searches involving our dog unit, an
The funeral will take place at 11am at Westminster Abbey, and will be the first state funeral since the death of Sir Winston Church in 1965.Afterwards, the Royal Family will head to Windsor Castle’s St George’s Chapel for the committal. The Queen will then be buried in the grounds along with former monarchs.Thames Valley Police said that in the days leading up to the ceremony, it is expected that large numbers of people will come to the town to pay their respects and leave floral tributes at Cambridge Gate on the Long Walk.
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@rdg.today
the statue of Queen Victoria in Reading’s Blagrave Street.
The second visit occurred in 1992, when she was invited to The Museum of English Rural Life as
“We, therefore the Lord’s spiritual and temporal of this realm, and members of the House of Commons, together with other members of her late Majesty’s Privy Council, and representatives of the realms and territories, Alderman and citizens of London, and others.
extensive network of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology and Close Circuit Television (CCTV).
There is also an online book of condolences where people can pay tribute to Her late Majesty if they wish to do so.
The mayor of Reading, Cllr Rachel Eden, was the first to do so at a short ceremony held at 10am on Friday, SeptemberLikewise,9.space has been created outside Wokingham’s town hall for people to do the same.Both sites are within walking distance of their town halls, where books of

By JAKE CLOTHIER jclothier@rdg.today
On Sunday, September 11, the High Sheriff of the Royal County of Berkshire, Alka Kharbanda, addressed members of the public to proclaim the accession of King Charless III to the throne. She made this statement outside the Town Hall at 1pm.

Gurkhas were among those watching the ceremony

All creatures great and small were welcomed sign the condolence book

THE COUNTY of Berkshire and the town of Reading have proclaimed the accession of His Majesty King Charles III.
“The accession council also made an order requiring High Sheriffs to cause the proclamation to be read in the areas of their jurisdiction.
Crowds turned out for the historic ceremonies

“The accession council also made an order requiring high sheriffs to cause the proclamation to be read in the areas of their jurisdiction.
The mayor walks in Floral tributes are left for the Queen

“It is that task which is High Sheriff of the Royal county of Berkshire and, in my humble duty, I will in a few moments discharged here“Aftertoday.Ihave read the proclamation, the mayors and chairman of boroughs and districts within this county will be asked to read the proclamation in their own communities.”Theaddress was followed by the proclamation, followed by a chorus of God Save the King, and three cheers.Anhour later, at 2pm, the mayor of Reading, Cllr Rachel Eden, also gave the proclamation of the accession of the King to the residents of Reading.Shewas joined by, among others, Cllr Jason Brock, and former mayor of Reading, Robert Dimmick.
“The flags, which had flown at half mast since the Queen’s death, were raised briefly to their full height to mark the start of His Majesty’s reign.
Cllr Rachel Eden reads the proclamtion outside Reading Minster Church
Irene Lindsay was one of those watching
“The proclamation of the new
“Today, this ceremony is instead an opportunity for our community to come together for the first time and reflect on this moment in our nation’s“Whenhistory.thereign of our loved monarch came to an end, and our new sovereign succeeded with a Monarch visits Reading our mace which is the symbol of male authority is inverted in recognition of the authority of the crown.
She was joined by a number of councillors and politicians, including the mayor of Reading, Cllr Rachel Eden; Reading West MP, Alok Sharma; Reading East MP, Matt Rodda; and Thames Valley Police’s Chief Constable, Sir John Campbell.Inheraddress, High Sheriff, Alka Kharbanda, said: “On Saturday, the accession council met at St James’s Palace to proclaim our new sovereign.

This took place outside Reading Minster Church in Chain Street.
“As I read this proclamation therefore, as you will see, the mace
“We, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this realm, and members of the House of Commons, together with other members of Her late Majesty’s Privy Council, and representatives of the realms and territories, Alderman and citizens of London, and others, do now hereby with one voice and consent of tongue and
“Ladies and gentlemen, the proclamation of the accession: whereas it has pleased Almighty God, to call to his mercy, our late sovereign, the Lady Queen Elizabeth, the second of blessing and glorious memory, by whose decease, the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George.
10 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
“The High Sheriff of Berkshire discharged that duty earlier today and now it is my solemn duty to bring the words of the proclamation to the citizens of Reading.
High Sheriff and hasthebothmayorproclaimcountryanewking
In the proclamation, the mayor said: “On Saturday, the accession council met at St. James’s Palace to proclaim our new sovereign.

sovereign is a very old tradition, which can be traced back over many“Thiscenturies.ceremony does not create a new King – I will be making a formal announcement of the accession which took place immediately on the death of the reigning“Historicallymonarch.this proclamation would have been the means by which people learned for the first time that they had a new monarch.
bearer has inverted the mace as a sign of recognition that the Crown has passed from our late sovereign to her successor and we recognise the sovereigns authority.
Proclamations in
There was a big crowd
death, were raised briefly to their full height to mark the start of His Majesty’s reign.
A youngster watched on
James Puxley
heart, publish and proclaim that the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George is now by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and rightful liege Lord, Charles the Third, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of his other realms and territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, defender of the faith, to whom we do not acknowledge all faith and obedience with humble affection.“Beseeching God, by whom kings and queens do reign, to bless His Majesty with long and happy years to reign over us,
The High Sheriff, Alka Kharbanda

Mayor Rachel Eden during Proclamation at The Minster church

“God save the King.”

The event included some pomp and circumstance –it was the first ceremony of its kind for 70 years

Singing the national anthem, now God Save The King Clergy were part of the event

James Puxley Lord Lieutenant of playsBerkshirehispart in the wellbeenQueenTributesceremonytothehaveleftbywishers

Cllr Rachel Eden
Floral tributes were left

Speaking after the address, Cllr Eden said that she felt a level of personal shock after the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

“Like many people, and probably almost everyone, I felt an initial sense of shock and sadness on Thursday evening, just on a personal level.

“But I knew the outline what my duties would be, though I found out more because I expected this and I felt really it was important to come together as a community, and of course, it’s an official duty.
“We wanted to allow as many people as possible to be part of it, because people wanted to express a sense of community and come together
Members of the public

“And that’s what I felt – a great sense of unity, standing
out on that stage and seeing all the faces I felt we’d come together, and I thought that was reallyCllrimportant.”JasonBrock said of the proclamation: “One’s aware of the fact we haven’t had to run an event of this sort for 70 years.“So it’s a peculiar thing, with no institutional memory of it. So, but ultimately, it’s just very peculiar thing to be grieving the passing of our last monarch while still celebrating the accession of a new one, on a day for sombre reflection.“There’s a very long established protocol around these things that allows for the continuation of regular governments, so we will continue continue on as we ordinarily would do whilst of course being respectful of a period of grieving.”
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 11
The flags, which had flown at half mast since the Queen’s
“The proclamation is as given at St. James’s Palace, on the 10th day of September, and the year of our Lord 2022.
A moment of reflection
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THE CROWNE Plaza is set to host a new live music event, featuring blues, soul, and folk, on Thursday, September 22.
Hotel to launch live music event
Kong, English, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Saudia Arabian, Moroccan, Algerian, African communities.“Ourguests enjoyed various traditional treats with tea and cakes, and they also enjoyed talks and performances from the Mosque Muslim community.
covid vaccine when invited to do so, as well as your annual flu jab, to ensure you have maximum protection.”
Gulfraz Iqbal informed guests of his work with the One Nation project
“Our guests were from various backgrounds and nationalities, and we were so happy to have individuals from the Hong
A record 3,100 sites are expected to be part of the rollout, including GP practices and precisionPritchardexecutivetheprogrammejoiningwithpharmacies,communitynewsitesthealltime.NHSchiefAmandasaid:“Theandspeed of the NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme allowed us to get back to a pre-pandemic way of life and doing the things that we“Whilelove. we know that this winter will be challenging with a likely resurgence in both covid and flu for the first time since before the pandemic, the best way to protect yourselves and your loved ones from serious illness is to get the newly approved, next generation
FOUR MILLION people will receive a covid boost jab from this year as the NHS launches the next phase of its vaccination programme.

Singer and guitarist Tom Martin will be joined by James Newman and Paul Glover in his debut show with the full lineup of the Tom Martin Trio. Together they will cover a number of popular covers, featuring a special guest performance by blues and folk singer/songwriter One Eyed Man.Guests are advised that the dress code is billed as smart casual, with the event taking place outdoors unless there is adverse weather.
guidance set out by the JCVI. The NHS says it will contact people when it is their turn to book in.
Live music will begin at 7pm in its Riverside Restaurant.
For more information, call: 0118 967 1344.
WARM Attendees displaying hijabs and kufis at the event. Pictures: Steve Smyth
The autumn booster rollout starts with 1.6 million care home residents and staff, and those who are housebound. The aim is to reach the most vulnerable ahead of winter.
Those who are over 75s, or have a weakened immune system, will also be eligible to book a vaccine, with the first appointments available next week.Around 26 million people across England will be eligible for an autumn booster over the comings weeks, which includes over 50s, those with a weakened immune system, health and social care workers and care home residents and housebound people, in line with
Shazia Fazal and Salma Khan with some of the items used for religious practises at the Mosque

“We received a really positive feedback and request from our guests to do more of these, so we will be looking into doing these events on a regular basis.”
The event included traditional henna art for guests. Picture: Shazia
The process will take place across September and October.
classes and Mosque-goerstalks. provided refreshments, including pakoras, somosas, and cakes, as well as showcasing Arabic calligraphy classes and traditional henna art.
A READING Islamic centre welcomed people through its doors earlier this month, thanks to an openTheday.Abu Bakr Islamic Centre on Oxford Road was one of many mosques across the country who invited members of their communities to visit and get a taste of what the mosque is used for and the people who attend.
The centre invited guests to see how prayer was conducted, as well as take part in Islamic
The eyes down bingo sessions take place at 8pm on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Mosque welcomes all for open day

NHS director of vaccinations and screening Steve Russell said: “NHS staff are gearing up once again to deliver these vaccines at speed rolling out jabs at more than 3,000 sites across England in order to provide the maximum protection ahead of winter.”
WHITLEY residents interested in a spot of light competition are invited to attend a biweekly bingoHeldnight.atChrist the King, Northumberland Avenue, the sessions offer a chance for visitors to catch up with their friends and family, and also meet new people.
Full houses wanted
Masjid Mosque’s minaret
The autumn booster campaign is among a package of NHS measures to prepare for winter as the health service continues to face record demand on its urgent and emergency care services, including by ramping up bed capacity, increasing the number of 999 and NHS 111 staff, and working with colleagues in social care to ensure patients can be discharged in a timely manner.
PartyNightPackageat£54.95perperson Proseccoonarrival,threecoursefestive dinnerfollowedbydiscountilmidnight ChristmasMenuat£34.95perperson Threecoursefestivemealsarealso availablethroughoutDecember *TermsandConditionsApply Tobookyourplace,pleasecalluson 01189029960 oremail sales@sandmartins.com and quote XMASWT San d Martin s Gol f Clu b Ltd , Finchampstea d Road, Wokingham , Berkshire , RG4 0 3RQ Pleaseviewourwebsitewww.sandmartins.com foravailabledates.Privatepartiesarealso availableonrequest–minimumnumbersapply. Finduson c @eventssmgc AllThatGlitters ChristmasParty2022 To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 13

NHS invites more than four million for covid booster jab
By PHIL CREIGHTON news@rdg.today

Teas and coffees will be served for residents to enjoy during games.
Shazia Fazal said: “Visit My Mosque was very successful – we had a really fantastic turnout, with approximately 200 guests.
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Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the university and students’ union (RUSU)’s community activity and raise concerns.
Activities include soft play, crafts, toys, singing, story time and snacks. There will be tea and coffee provided for adults.
n For more information, visit: www.reading.ac.uk
First community forum since pandemic
the university will use space on campus to deliver community events.Visitors are welcome to listen and raise issues in each of the breakout sessions, and are also invited to pop into different rooms.
Duringalone.2020 and 2021, Hong Lin was involved in two major breakthroughs: The first cannabinoid-derived medicine to become fully available to the NHS and a Covid-19 therapy which uses antibodies produced in llamas at the university’s farm.The technician boasts expertise in techniques such as radio-ligand binding, immunostaining and western blot, and is also passionate about the visibility of those in the same role, particularly those from underrepresented groups.
Prof Paul Williams and Hong Lin have been nominated for the Research Project of the Year: Stem and Outstanding Technician of the Year awards respectively.Deputyvice-chancellor of the University of Reading, Prof Parveen Yaqoob, said: “Congratulations to Paul and Hong. We are delighted to have been nominated in the THE Awards, once again, and whether or not we win an award this year, it is an opportunity to celebrate the excellent work and achievements of our colleagues.
THE UNIVERSITY OF READING has been shortlisted in two categories for this year’s Times Higher Education (THE) Awards.
The three discussions will be based on students living in the local community, sustainability and climate change, and how
THE UNIVERSITY OF READING is inviting residents onto campus for its first community forum since the pandemic.
“The University of Reading seeks to bring about positive change in the world. Both Paul and Hong have made significant contributions in that respect and should be justly proud of themselves.“Theirwork sits in the context of an active, lively, and successful research community, here at the University of Reading.”Alongside Prof Nancy Nichols and PhD student Cathie Wells, Prof Williams has worked on reducing aircraft emissions by improving transatlantic flightTheroutes.team used a mathematical algorithm to calculate optimum routes between European and American destinations. They found that traditional routes were up to 16.2% longer than the optimised routes.
University TimesshortlistedstaffforAwardsByJI-MINLEE


THREE men have been sentenced in connection with the murder of Reece Heffernan on Monday, September 12.
Thompson-Hordle was also found guilty by unanimous jury verdict of one count of conspiring to pervert the course of justice and conspiracy to supply a class B controlled

The trial at Reading Crown Court lasted for five weeks, concluding on Wednesday, Augustg 24.
gives visitors the chance to hear from service providers and learn what they have to offer children and families in Reading.Visitors are welcome to drop in at any time between 9.30am-4.30pm on Thursday, September 29.
Those arriving by car must request a parking permit by emailing the address listed below.For more information, contact: brighterfuturesforchildren.orgonereading@

Sessions take place at St Agnes Church, Northumberland Avenue.
Visitors who plan to arrive before 5pm will need to use pay and display car park next to the SportsPark.
Fonseca was also convicted by unanimous jury verdict of one count of conspiracy to s upply a class B controlled drug, and pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to pervert the course of justice at an earlier
Attendees will also have the chance to take part in a tour of the university’s new health and life sciences building between 5pm-6pm.Thosetravelling to the event by car can use any car park on the campus for free after 5pm.
PRACTITIONERS in Reading are invited to attend an event to hear from organisations supporting young people in the town.The services marketplace is organised by Brighter Futures for Children and the ONE Reading Children and Young People’s Partnership.
week and more.
The university is expecting around 80-100 visitors at the event.
The University of Reading is inviting members of the community onto campus to help shape its community engagement strategy. Picture: Chris Wood

Those who attend will be treated to a free hot buffet dinner and climate stripes mug. Cup holders will be able to redeem discounted hot drinks on campus all year round.
For more information, contact: 0118 937 3894
Vice chancellor, Prof Robert Van de Noort, is set to host the event and discuss plans to improve community engagement, with feedback received on the day being taken into account.
Messy play for under 1s in Whitley
At around 10.40pm on Sunday, October 31, 2021, officers were called to Romany Lane, Tilehurst, following reports of a stabbing.MrHeffernan, who was 22, was located, but died at the scene. Two men and a woman, who were convicted of other offences in relation to the incident are due to be sentenced at Reading Crown Court on October 21.
The free to attend event
n For more information, www.readinggateway.churchvisit:
Groups return
14 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Lynch was found guilty by unanimous jury verdict of one
Community relations manager, Molli Cleaver, said: “We’re really excited for this event. It’s a great way for us to assess our community engagement, our approach and what we can do better.“There will be proposals shared at the forum and those attending will have the chance to help shape what they look like.“We looked to modernise the format this year and have breakout rooms to discuss different topics.”
A parents and toddler group meets on Wednesday mornings from 10am-11.30am. It provides attendees with a welcoming Babies and toddlers are invited to attend with parents, grandparents or carers.
Three men sentenced in connection with murder of Reece Heffernan
It will be held at the University of Reading’s Meadow Suite.
The event takes place at Eat At The Square on the Whiteknights campus between 5.45pm-8.30pm on Tuesday, September 27.
Carlos Daniel Capitao Mor da Fonseca, aged 24, Tuviah Thompson-Hordle, aged 18, and Charles Lynch, aged 18, were all found guilty by unanimous jury verdict of murder.
A READING church is welcoming visitors back for its weekly programme of children’s crafts,willbetweenhave5-11groupsreintroducedbreak,Followingactivities.thesummerReadingGatewayChurchitstwoyouthlastweek.MondayKidsClubisforagestospendtimetogether,funandbuildfriendships4pm-5pm.Inthesesessions,childrentakepartinlargegames,afaiththoughtforthe
This resulted in 6.7 million kilograms of unnecessary carbon dioxide emissions over a three month period in 2019 and 2020 for flights between London Heathrow and New York JFK
count of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and plead guilty to a count of conspiracy to supply a class be controlled drug earlier in theWhiletrial. he was 17 at the time of his conviction, he has since turned 18 and is, as such, able to be named.Lynch was sentenced to be detained with a minimum term of 20 Fonsecayears. was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 27 years, while ThompsonHordle was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 24 years.
SOUTH READING babies will have the chance to enjoy messy play sessions at Whitley Children’s Centre, freeFuturesAvenue.NorthumberlandOrganisedbyBrighterforChildren,theweeklysessionsare open to children under the age of 12 Youngstersmonths. will be introduced to different sensory skills, exploring different textures and materials in a safe and friendly environment.
The sessions are part of the centre’s September to December winter programme of children’s activities.Messyplay takes place from 1-2pm on ParentsWednesdays.orguardians are required to book places in advance.
n For more information about Thames Water’s action on river health, visit: www.thameswater. co.uk.
Leading journalist to give lecture
n For more information, visit: www.whitley.goreading.org
after heavy rain to prevent flooding.CllrCresswell continued: “It is utterly shameful that water bosses are taking home millions of pounds of pay and bonuses a year while their companies lay siege to our natural environment by dumping raw sewage into our waterways.
enhancing all our rivers and the communities who love them and want to make these discharges unnecessary as quickly as possible.
The 2022 Wolfenden Lecture is titled In Conversation with Tufayel Ahmed, an awardwinning journalist, author and lecturer.Heiscurrently the entertainment editor at Insider and has written for publications such as CNN, Newsweek, the Independent and The Big Issue.
LGBT+ publication. The event is named in honour of the report written by The Wolfenden Committee, chaired by Lord Wolfenden in 1957, the chairhostedcriminalprivatebetweenthatLGBT+proved1950vice-chancelloruniversity’sbetweenand1964.ThereportpivotalintheUK’shistory,recommending‘homosexualbehaviourconsentingadultsinshouldnolongerbeaoffence’.TheconversationwillbebyDrRuviZiegler,oftheuniversity’sLGBT+
n For more information or to book a place, diversity@reading.ac.ukcontact:
staff network, and Dr Allan Laville, dean for diversity and inclusion, with support from Nozomi Tolworthy, diversity and inclusion advisor.
The school club meets every Wednesday from 11am to 2pm and features lunch, bingo, quizzes and guest speakers. Admission costs £2.
The council is looking to extend its current pilot project which helps ex-offenders to find and keep rented accommodation, as well as roughsummerAwardsAwardsLocalHousingHousingbeenprovisions.accommodationemergencyThecouncilhasrecentlyshortlistedfortheandBestSocialcategoriesattheGovernmentChronicleandMunicipalJournalrespectivelyduringtheforitsworktocombatsleeping.
Housing First is an approach to providing housing and support which prioritises access to stable accommodation.
READING Borough Council has secured £2.8m to combat rough sleeping.Thefunding is the result of a successful bid to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities, which is allocating funds from the national Rough Sleeping Initiative.Thecouncil will use the funding to supplement its support for those sleeping rough through services such as Housing First.
It will also contribute to an increase in expert assistance, such as tenancy sustainment support services, an interventions co-ordinator, and specialist support for those with specific needs.
Reading council secures £2.8m to combat rough sleeping
Call for water firm to clean up act over stream sewage
This was a result of the initiative which saw 40 selfcontained modular homes installed in the town centre to combat homelessness from JulyCllr2021.Ellie Emberson, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Member for Housing, said: “I’m delighted that Reading’s submission for funding was successful.“Wehave already shown a serious commitment to tackling rough sleeping, and this award will help us continue the momentum to support those in need further.

It was estimated that sewage had flown into the streams for around 30 hours in that incident.Between 2017 and 2021, Thames Water accrued £32.4 million of fines over 11 separate incidents.Thames Water recently launched their commitments to river health, which it says include “a 50% reduction in the total annual duration of spills across London and the Thames Valley by 2030, and within that an 80% reduction in sensitive catchments”.“Wehave a long way to go –and we certainly can’t do it on our own – but the ambition is clear.”
‘FISH NOT FAECES’: Foundry Brook, where untreated sewage is reported to have been let out due to flooding. Picture: Graham Horn via Wikimedia
Collapsed pipes on Armour Hill literacyComputersessions
Works are expected to continue until around Monday, September 19.
SOUTH READING residents interested in becoming more tech-savvy will have the chance to hone their skills at bimonthly sessions.GetOnline Whitley & Whitley Wood and South Reading Over 50s Social Club have teamed up to offer users computer tuition and support.Theclasses take place twice a month.
All are welcome to attend the free sessions at Whitley Wood Community Centre, Swallowfield Drive, with no pre-booking required.Thenext session takes place between 10am-11.30am on Wednesday, September 21.
Thames Water says on its website that putting untreated sewage into rivers is “unacceptable to us, to our customers, and the environment.”Despitethis, it says also that it is “sometimes necessary”
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 15
The event takes place from 5.30pm-7.30pm.

THE UNIVERSITY OF READING is set to host a ‘flagship event’ at Henley Business School on Friday, September 22.
A Thames Water spokesperson said: “We are undertaking urgent sewer repairs due to collapsed pipework at Armour Hill in Tilehurst.
In 2018, Mr Ahmed joined PinkNews, the world’s largest
“We need more action from Thames Water to tackle the dumping of raw sewage into our rivers in Reading and across the country – we want fish not faeces.”The Foundry Brook discharges into the River Kennet, and the Kennet and Avon Canal as a result.
“We agree that the Foundry Brook and River Kennet should run with clean water at all times.“We regard all discharges of untreated sewage as unacceptable and will work with the government, Ofwat and the Environment Agency to accelerate work to stop them being necessary and are determined to be transparent.”
Armour Hill, Tilehurst, has been closed between Wardle Avenue and Oak Tree Road while repair works are undertaken at the site, with traffic diverted via Oak Tree Road and Kentwood Hill.
THAMES Water has begun works on a road in Tilehurst after sewage pipework “collapsed” at the site on Wednesday, September 7.
A COUNCILLOR has accused Thames Water of allowing sewage to flow into Foundry Brook multiple times during 2021.

A report from the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs released back in November 2021 showed that The Environment Agency launched a major investigation into sewage treatment works in the UK, working with the utilities regulator Ofwat.
Green councillor for Katesgrove, Doug Cresswell, said he was concerned about Reading Sewage Works, run by Thames Water, dumping untreated sewage into the brook for a total of 50 hours during 2021, on six separate occasions.“Wehave had residents on Elgar Road, which backs onto the River Kennet, complaining about the smell in the river behind their houses.
This followed a £4 million fine issued to Thames Water in the same month for discharging an estimated half a million litres of raw sewage into streams in Oxford back in 2016.
The lecture is organised by the university’s LGBT+ staff network.Itisopen to the university’s staff, students and local community. Tickets are free, but bookings must be made.
“Thames Water needs to invest more money to eliminate raw sewage overflowing into ourArivers.”
“Unfortunately a road closure will remain in place whilst we undertake this crucial repair work.“Our engineers are working hard and aim to complete the work and re-open the road by the 19 of September – we apologise for any inconvenience caused to local people during this time.”
“It is testimony to our proven track record that we’ve been entrusted with this funding, enabling us to deliver continued and enhanced protection and support for those sleeping rough.”
Thames Water spokesperson said: “We are committed to protecting and
By JAKE CLOTHIER jclothier@rdg.today
HELP: Eva, from Reading, has benefitted from
Madejski Academy, Ashmead boasted a strong sports department, often taking on nearby schools such as Leighton Park School in football andFootballcricket.fever would have been sweeping the nation, after seeing Bobby Moore lift the Jules Rimet World Cup trophy at Wembley, inspiring a generation of youngsters to pick up the sport.
A READING woman says an online mental wellbeing support package helped her manage perinatal anxiety.
Eva mentioned she was struggling during a regular check-up with her midwife, who then recommended therapy. Her GP sent her to SilverCloud, a digital CBT website.
At the time, in the UK trainers were the preserve of young people, or of people playing sport.The same pair would be used for basketball, squash, tennis, table tennis, five-a-side football, running, walking, going out, and everything else.
PRIDE OF READING NOMINATIONS Manu’s nominatedcampaignanti-bullyingseeshimasalocal hero
Ma’am of your reign The grieving starts with broken Withheartssadness, loss and pain
Admittedly nothing else that we witnessed was quite as impressive as the off-duty fishmonger sucking thoughtfully on his pipe with a handlebar moustache, a beret and a magnificent pair of clogs.
With over 4,600 followers on Facebook, the Whitley Community Museum is an accessible online and in-person resource.
“One resident stated she married one of the team and had been together 63 years.”
The museum held a Whitley Way Back When event at the Community Cafe on Northumberland Avenue earlier this year to showcase its photographs and exhibits inperson.
Through the therapy-based programme, Eva was able to

Majesty our Queen The world just missed a beat Our hearts stood still with a sudden chill To hear that your life’s complete
I do not believe that many people felt deprived about only having a single pair of trainers.
My wife then pointed out that almost everyone else seemed to be wearing trainers.
Reading mumonline mental health
David Turner, curator of the Whitley Community Museum, said the photo garnered strong interaction on the museum’s Facebook page.
the museum’s Facebook page,” Mr Turner“Theexplained.comments mentioned and confirmed most of the lads’ names including the teacher’s names.
By PHIL CREIGHTON news@rdg.today
The then Berkshire NHS Trust rolled out SilverCloud’s Space for Perinatal programme to support parents and

says its support package is approved by the NHS, whom it partners with to provide online mental health programmes for a wide range of needs.
Old and young, rich and poor, the stylish as well as those people seeking function over form. everyone was wearing trainers.
The programme provides free, whole-school bullying support, with a focus on children and young people with special educational needs, and targets of faith-based or racist abuse. It also seeks to tackle sexual, homophobic, and transphobic abuse in young people.
The group serves as a platform for residents past and present to share memories through photographs and comments.
“I’m in a much better place with managing my anxiety these days, but when I feel it coming on I can easily and quickly access SilverCloud’s programmes from the comfort of my own home at any time of the day or night,” she SilverCloudsays.says that up to 20% of new mothers, and up to 10% of new fathers, develop a mental health problem within pregnancy or the first year following giving birth.
They helped her to manage her anxiety, and find the words so Ms Smith could share how she had been feeling following a pregnancy after a miscarriage.Thecompany
It provides online access to resources, auditing tools, and tailored resources to support individual circumstances.MrDhaumya says: “Me and my partner run the charity, I’ve been doing it for about seven-odd years.
Those who met you ma’am Loved you, come what may From an early age you took centre to your dying day
During the summer, I spent a day with two octogenarian uncles – one in black trainers, the other in white trainers. It did not appear to be in any way strange or unusual.
Now the end has come Your work on earth is done Your Prince awaits at the pearly Yougatesaretogether again as one.
“It also helped in terms of my relationship with my partner. It gave me the words I needed to explain to him how I was feeling following pregnancy after miscarriage, how I wasn’t coping, and it helped him understand that this was something that happened not only to me, but to other women too.”
It also allows group members to reconnect, with members reacquainting themselves with friends and schoolmates from decades ago.
Shoes trainers?or
viewAnother Neil Coupe
Once we had spotted that, we could not take our eyes off people’s footwear.
We celebrate your life ma’am You gave pure and selfless love led by pure example peace from up above
years or so ago I remember being astonished hearing something on the lines of average Americans owning three pairs of sneakers, or as we call them, trainers.
The brand well-known for three stripes sells a range known as ‘Superstar Crib’ with six different sizes, enabling three-month-old babies, still in their crib, to be proudly wearing similar footwear to the many generations preceding them.
These items are described as ‘Active Gaming Footwear’.So,for£80 it is possible to buy footwear for, well, sitting inside a house, in front of a screen, for hours on end. Obviously, they cannot be worn outside the house, and nor is it obvious what these items can do that other garments, such as socks, can achieve, in terms of being ‘quite comfortable’ around the house.
POETRY CORNER printing your selection every
“But we do it for the community, and we do it for the kids who nowadays go through a lot, “They’re getting into vaping and stuff like that and if they don’t dress up the right way at school, these can lead to bullying, so it’s tough.”
Students pose for a snap ahead of match day fun
poetry. Email submissions to news@rdg.today and we’ll print a
AS YOU WERE: Ashmead School under 13s pose for a photo with their teacher. The school is now known as John Madejski Academy. Picture courtesy of Whitley Community Museum WHITLEY WAY BACK WHEN

We have just spent the weekend away in a city with a major café culture that lent itself to one of our favourite pastimes, that of people watching.
From our vantage point, there seemed to be more shops selling trainers than selling shoes, and unlike the shoe shops, there were no closing down sales.
Even in the world of politics, during the recent Conservative Leadership election, there was a brief furore around the fact that Mr Sunak had been wearing a very stylish pair of trainers, which in itself was probably A Good Thing, but as they cost £335, this was A BadTheThing.Leader of the Opposition was also guilty of this misdemeanour by being photographed getting into a car, while also wearing an expensive pair of trainers, albeit costing a mere £200 instead of £335.Looking at the website of a major supplier, there is a mind-boggling array of options, for sports such as handball, tennis, golf, skateboarding, mountain biking, hiking etc, as well as whether the customer requires a heritage style.
Perhaps those innovative Germans have just reinvented the slipper.
We love
In this picture, submitted to Whitley Community Museum, Ashmead School’s under 13s football squad have their team photo taken alongside teacher BrianNowSkidmore.theJohn
Each week, Mr Turner sets a theme for pictures posted onto the group; last week it was sport.
“This photograph created the most interest, with over 70 hits on
God save the Queen | NEWS16 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Manu Dhaumya has been running United Against Bullying in Reading for seven years.
He says that despite the hard work,
you’re irreplaceable After 70 years
“Using SilverCloud really helped me,” she says.
In 2016, she had a traumatic miscarriage.Afterattending talking and group therapy, she and her partner felt mentally ready to try again for a baby. However, after falling pregnant again in 2020 during the pandemic, she found fear overtook her.
A READING resident has been nominated for the Local Hero Award, sponsored by Green Park, for their work to combat bullying in Reading.
TAKING a dive into the 60s and 70s, students from a South Reading school pose for a snap.
manage her anxiety.
Perfectly reasonably there are different types of running shoes depending on an individual’s running style, in other words, when a runner needs to have shoes to compensate for his or her pronation.Among the 1,830 options in my size, perhaps more surprisingly, shoes are now available for people participating in esports.
Eva, a 39-year-old mother of two, tapped into support devised by SilverClouth Health.
Eva says she was introduced to the Space from Perinatal Anxiety programme from SilverCloud Health when she needed it most.
Alongside a lack of certainty if her child was going to make it full term, lockdown meant that the support group Eva had previously relied on during her first pregnancy were unable to meet.Shefelt completely isolated and unable to talk to her husband.
Such is the community spirit within the group, one member was able to jog their memory, making a decent attempt at naming all thirteen players and coach.
She is one of more than a million people across the globe who have access the firm’s services.
online mental health support WINE IS MORE EXPENSIVE IN READING THAN THE NATIONAL AVERAGE NEWS | Reader travel 033 numbers are free within inclusive minutes packages otherwise standard rates apply. For more information, or to book, please call Operated by Just Go Holidays Ltd. Coach package holidays and short breaks are subject to Just Go! Holidays terms and conditions. Your booking is protected by Bonded Coach Holidays (BCH) and the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT); this is a government approved consumer protection scheme. Tours offered subject to availability and government guidelines. Errors and omissions excepted. Prices per person, based on two people sharing a double/twin room. Calls to 033 numbers are free within inclusive minutes packages otherwise standard rates apply.
n Pride of Reading nominations have now closed, but you can view the nominees at www.porawards.co.uk

With three nights in the Edwardian seaside resort of Folkestone, we take a hassle-free jaunt over the Channel to the enchanting Bruges Christmas Market, along with an additional excursion to Canterbury, which dazzles with its twinkling lights and decorations.
Nick is aiming to smash the current best and has set himself a target of 550,000kg.
“The positive impact of SilverCloud for these one million active users is immense, and that impact is also felt by
caregivers during pregnancy and the first year following birth.
“The demand for mental health services is now greater than ever; this milestone is just the beginning for us and reflects our passion and vision to democratize mental health care for all.
The goal was to increase mental health awareness across universities, particularly in men, as well as launch their online mental health platform, Chat with Charlie, which is funded by donations.
A COACH from a Winnersh gym is set to take on a Guinness World Record attempt later this month for charity.Nick Riding, of Move HQ at Winnersh Triangle, will be attempting to deadlift the most cumulative weight in 24 hours on Friday, September 23, and Saturday, September 24.

This breaks down to 8,209 repetitions of 67kg in 24 hours or less.Nick will be motivated by more than just the honour of a new world record, as he is raising money for the Charlie Watkins Foundation.
World record attempt taking place in Winnersh
Pricey plonk! Reading among most expensive places for a bottle of wine
Christmas Market Weekend
“The emails and messages I get from parents thanking me for the help and advice, just one thank you does it.
Your break includes Return coach travel from Reading 3 nights at the Grand Burstin Hotel, Folkestone with breakfast plus 2 dinners 2 for 1 bar (6pm-9pm) on selected drinks Entertainment every evening Excursions to Bruges Christmas Market & Canterbury Fri 23 Dec ‘22

London and Leeds came joint third for price of a supermarket vintage. The average bottle costs £8 – 93p more expensive than the National average.
In the Ding, the average bottle of wine costs £7.86, placing it as the fourth most expensive, and 79p more expensive than the National average.Bristol ranks just below, with the average costing Bournemouth£7.76.isthe cheapest place in the UK for a bottle of wine with a cost of £5.93 – £1.14 lower than the national average.
n To learn more about its programmes, log on to: www.silvercloudhealth.com/uk
Your break includes Return coach travel from Reading 4 nights at a selected hotel in the North West area with dinner & breakfast. Christmas Day includes breakfast, a traditional Christmas lunch, Christmas cake and a light evening buffet Welcome drink After-dinner tea and coffee Light entertainment every evening Pantomime ticket for Peter Pan at the Manchester Opera House Scenic Cheshire Villages drive (Times can vary, depending on Hotel location) Excursion to Chester
these one million active users’ families, workplaces, and communities,” said Ken Cahill, the firm’s CEO.
Norwich is the most expensive UK city, with the average bottle costingCambridge£8.11. was second at £8.08.
The current record was achieved by Sam Murphy in November 2020, when he lifted 520,072kg (1,146,562 l) throughout the day.
4 Days by Coach only £169 5 Days by Coach only £319 ChristmasinCheshire_D.pdf Single Supplement £45 Single Supplement £120 WPR_2022-09-12_ReadingToday_33x2 (1)_Just Go or visit justgoholidays.com/WPR 03332 342 527 Quote WPR To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 25
READING might be famous for beer, but it also has a new accolade for wine – it’s among the most expensive places in the country for a glass.New
PICTURE: Victor Freitas via Unsplash
CHRISTMAS in Cheshire
benefits fromhealth support
Discover the best the North West of England has to offer at this festive time of year on this delightful getaway. We explore Cheshire’s historic capital of Chester and also enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch plus a fun-filled pantomime performance!

research by wine cooler experts elitefridges.co.uk analysed data from Numbeo to discover the cheapest and most expensive city in the UK for a bottle of wine.
The rollout ensured that mums using the service had access 24 hours a day to iCBT, allowing for immediate support whenever it was required, which fits in more easily with the sleep, eat, change, repeat routine of a newborn.Interms of usage, figures show that each patient accesses the programme 17 times spending approximately 14 minutes online for each session.

The mental health charity was set up by Harry Watkins after his twin brother, Charlie, took his life in March 2017.
“If I can help one kid, then I sleep better.”
“We look forward to offering even more scalable and accessible solutions that provide care for patients in need and improve outcomes while ultimately driving healthcare costs down.”
hearing that he has made a difference keeps Manu going.
A spokesperson for elitefridges. co.uk said: “Wine is a staple in many homes up and down the UK and this study offers a fascinating insight into the difference in the cost of a bottle of wine, particularly as we face rising costs for everyday items due to the cost-of-living crisis.”

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The2022cohortareheadingofftotop universitiesacrosstheUKincluding Oxford,Edinburgh,NottinghamandKing’s CollegeLondontostudyawidevarietyof subjectssuchasMedicine,Law,Sport ScienceandHistory.Somestudentsare headingtotheU.S.afterbeingaccepted intoPrincetonUniversity,Boston UniversityandParsonsFineArtsinNew York,whilstothersbegingapyearsand degreeapprenticeshipprogrammes.

Justlastweek,theschool’syear11 studentscollectedtheirGCSEresultswhich sawasuperb64%ofresultsat9-7(A*-A). Theschool’sEnglishDepartmentare celebratingexceptionalresultswith44%of EnglishLanguagestudentsand43%of EnglishLiteraturestudentsachievinggrade 9(A*).Head,ElainePurvescommented, “Ourstudentshaveshowndedication, determinationandenthusiasmthroughout theirGCSEsandIlookforwardtoseeing themflourishintheirALevelsandbeyond.”

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The Wokingham Word OCTOBER 2022
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DolphinSchool HeadmasterofDolphinSchool,Adam Hurst,isdelightedtoannouncethatthe HeatherBroughPavilionopeneditsdoors topupilsthisterm!Itisamodern,ecofriendlybuilding,withlight,airyand inspiringlearningspaces.Takinga prominentpositionatthefrontofschool,it isawonderfulnewdevelopment,enjoyed bypupils,staffandparentsalike.

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Ourapproachistosupportstudentsto succeedasthemselves,withthebreadthand depthtothriveinlifeaswellasintheacademic arena.Ouraimistonurtureourstudent’s talents,whatevertheymightbe,withacademic achievementtheconsequenceofourapproach ratherthantheobject.STEAM,Musicand EthicalChangemakersprogrammesare particularstrengthsoftheschool.
LeightonParkwasfoundedin1890andisa dayandboardingschoolforgirlsandboysaged 11-18setin65acresofbeautifulparklandin Readingorjust30minutesfromCentral London.WinneroftheBestCo-educational School2021,SouthEastEngland,theSchoolhas beenfullyco-edsince1993andhasa50:50ratio ofgirlstoboysatitsYear7entrypoint.
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Thismeansprovidingexceptionalsingle-sex opportunitiesacrossthewidestspectrumof curricularandco-curricularactivities.Ourjobis tofind,encourageandbroadeneachindividual’s talentsandinterests.Thereforeitisaprivilege towitnessourstudents’livelinessofmindand helpthattodevelopastheybecomeresilient youngpeoplewiththeenthusiasmandtenacity tomakeadifference.
TheUKGovernment’slatestSixthForm leaguetablesrevealLeightonParktobethebest performingSchoolinBerkshire.OurALevel studentsachieved72%A*/Alastyear.The IndependentSchoolInspectorate(ISI)awarded

TheAbbeyisaremarkableall-girls communityoflearningandscholarship.Itisa placeofcuriosity,adventurousspirits,andthe excitementofdiscovery.Wefosteran atmosphereofwarmthandsupport,fulloffun andlaughter.Asaresultwedevelopthe assuranceforstudentstotakerisks,explore interestsandpassions,andengagegenerously withtheworldinourgirls-onlyenvironment.
Wehaveplayedaleadingroleinall-girls educationforover130years.Duringthattime wehaveadaptedandinnovated,preparing studentsforthealways-changingworldthatlies aheadofthem.Thatistruenowmorethanever. Weseektoequipgirlstofacethefutureontheir ownterms,drivenbycourage,honestyand kindnessaboveall.
Ouroutlookisinternationally-mindedand collaborative.Ourgoalistopreparestudentsto livewithconfidence,purpose,andjoy.To supportthisphilosophyweofferInternational BaccalaureateprogrammesatourJuniorSchool andSixthForm.
Thecaféstylediningareahasalsobeen amassivehit;gonearethedaysofthe quintessentialschooldininghallandwe havethestreet-stylefoodtomatch.Add tothisamodernlibrarywithcollaborative spacesandaperformancespacecomplete witha7ftbankofTVscreensandonecan seewhystudents,staffandparentsalike havelovedtheexperienceprovidedby thisspecialbuilding.”

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CrosfieldsSchoolhasbeenawarded ‘BuildingProjectoftheYearunder£10m’ bytheConstructionExcellenceAwards fortheirnewSeniorSchoolBuilding.They havereceivedtwofurthershortlisting nominationsbytheBritishConstruction IndustryAwardstobeannouncedin October.Thefocusoninvestmentto providestudentswithexceptionalspace toflourishisevidentwiththisaward.

AdamMallins,DeputyHeadofthe SeniorSchool(Pastoral)commented, “Studentsandstaffhavebenefitedfrom thespaciousclassroomswithfulllength windowsandstate-of-the-arttechnology. Thereisacalmandinspiringfeelandthe studentshavecommentedthattheyfeel liketheyareintheHeadquartersofa Cool,ratherthanaschool;theyfeel inspiredtolearn.


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25mSportEnglandrecommendedpool,five badmintoncourts,netball&basketballcourts, astropitchandindoorcricketnets.Thereisa mountainbiketrackwithinthegroundsand bothPre-Prep&Prephavetheirown woodlandadventureplaygrounds
With 40 years’ experience teaching girls at A level, Reading Blue Coat School is excited to extend its Co-Ed provision to welcome girls into Year 7 from September 2023. Open Morning: Saturday 8 October 2022 An Independent Day School for Boys and Girls 11 18 Register your attendance at: rbcs.org.uk Welcoming girls in Year 7 from 2023 Wokingham Today.indd 1 08/09/2022 14:25:46 30 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Theyaimtoprovidetheverybest opportunitiesforyourchildwithagood balanceofacademics,theoutside,and outstandingpastoralcareallmixedupwitha healthydoseoffunandlaughter.Allpupils fromaged2(3forswimming)havespecialist teachingformusic,ForestSchool,tennis, Frenchandswimming.FromYear3this increasestoincludeart,science&outdoor learningandfromYear5upwardsallsubjects aretaughtbyspecialistteachers.
Weareveryexcitedtoannouncethat fromSeptember2023,ReadingBluecoat willbeextendingitsco-educationprovision towelcomegirlsintoYear7.
StNeot'soffersco-educationforchildren aged2-13.Theywelcomeyoutovisitthe schoolatoneoftheirupcomingOpenDays: Wednesday21stSeptember6pmandFriday 30thSeptember9am

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Theyenthuseeachchildtodiscoverallof theirtalentsandtodevelopapassionto pursuethem.Theymotivatechildrento embracechallenge,thinkcreatively,develop self-confidenceandtofosterempathy towardsothers,preparingthemboth intellectuallyandemotionallyforsuccessin themodernworld.
RatiosarelowwithTAssupportingclass teachersandamaximumof18childrenper classinPre-Prepanda20perclassinPrep. Thefacilitiesaresecondtononewitha
WewarmlyinviteyoutoourOpen MorningonSaturday8thOctoberandhope youfindReadingBlueCoattobeagemofa siteaswellasawonderfullyhappyand progressiveschool.Weknowthatstrong
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Tobekindandengagediswhatwe expectofeverymemberofourcommunity. Kindtooneanotherandtoourselves,and engagedwithlearningandthewealthof opportunitiesthatcanbeenjoyedinand awayfromtheclassroom.
academicresultsopendoors,butmorethan everourchildrenneedencouragementto gaintheconfidenceandindependenceto walkthroughthem.

SOUTH Reading residents can have their say on changes they want to see regarding facilities in their council’swalkaboutconsultation.initiativescouncil’sMonday,replacementinandtotemporaryfacilitiesinitiativequestionnairehasReadingneighbourhood.BoroughCouncillaunchedanonlineaspartofitstoprovidenewinWhitleyWood.Itissettoinvestinanewcommunitycentre,provideahomeforclubssocialevents,andwillbeplaceuntilapermanentcanbebuilt.ThesurveyclosesonOctober17.RobertStirling,theneighbourhoodofficer,isleadingtheHeconducteda‘successful’alongsidetheanti-socialbehaviour
“If you’re living in a lower socioeconomic group, you don’t have the same access to education, you haven’t got the same opportunities in life, you don’tDiversityfeel is an important part of the project’s provision and the community it serves, but it is also apparent in the specialisms of the team of volunteers.MsHerring said: “We’ve got Cherry [Antonio] who does elderly care and dementia, Justina [Bangura] has expertise in diabetes, Sarah [Lupai] specialises in gastro, I’m cardiac, Natasha [Allen] is maternity and Karen [O’Leary]
“We’ve got all different people who can offer specific information. People ask for all different types of things so it’s quite good that we can solve them.”Lead midwife Natasha Allen said the success of the programme was largely down to building trust with users, especially those who might not ordinarily reach out for support.Volunteers don’t wear uniforms when taking part, instead choosing to don their blue MEET PEET T-shirts.
A CHARITY is hosting a special community event to celebrate its 175th birthday.

Other services include alternative learning workshops for young people who experience difficulties in the traditional classroom setting, Parkside Pre-School and Parkside Cafe.
community cafe] and so rather than doing something different, we can build a relationship with the community together.”
By JI-MIN LEE jlee@rdg.today
NHS staff bring free health checks to community with Meet Peet

YMCA Reading has been active since 1846, making it one of the oldest YMCAs in the world.
“It’s flipping it on its head; we have this fantastic resource [the
Picture: Ji-Min Lee
Mr Stirling said: “Although focused on the community centre, we’re hoping to hear people’s views about the whole area.“Once we’ve spoken to the residents, we’ll be looking to see what gaps have been identified and we’ll be looking to see what we can introduce to address them.”
n For more information or to complete the survey, visit: community-centre-consultation/consult.reading.gov.uk/dens/www.
The fun day takes place from 10am-3pm on Saturday, September 24.
He said: “The walkabout was a bit of preliminary work for a wider piece of work the council are going to be carrying out in Whitley
because they trust us.
“We’reWood.looking at the various services and groups that currently operate in the Whitley Wood area.”
“They know we’ll give them the time, they haven’t got an appointment which lasts 10 minutes, and they’re out the door.“You can have a chat with them in the cafe and start the conversation over a cup of tea to get kick-started.”
FROM LEFT: Justina Bangura, Karen Centre.CommunityatWednesdaysWellbeingconductingofMEETmakeSarahKikiCherrySharonNatashaO’Leary,Allen,Herring,Antonio,KontraandLupaiupthePEETteamvolunteersWhitley
Karen O’Leary, care lead at Royal Berkshire Hospital, said: “People don’t always have the confidence to realise they are
A TEAM of NHS volunteers are helping Whitley residents keep on top of their health through a new project.
Council survey for Whitley Wood
YMCA Reading will mark the occasion by inviting residents to attend a free family fun day at its building in Parkside Road.
is the carer lead.
n Tickets start from £12.50, available via: www. whatsonreading.com
Ms Allen said: “You’d be surprised by the amount of things people will tell us
Mr Stirling said he would be attending a few of the drop-in
There will be something for visitors of all ages, with activities including face painting, circus workshop and a bouncy castle.
“We’re taking our services to communities which have this reputation of being hard to reach, but actually aren’t, they’re just seldom heard.
The organisers have identified potential barriers preventing members of the community from receiving healthcare they are entitled to.
DOUBLE Barrelled Brewery is bringing comedy to its Taproom on Sunday, September 25.Mates Rates Comedy has teamed up with the brewery to bring TV names and up-andcoming acts, led by MC Carl Richard.Stand-up star Slim will be September6.30pm-8.30pmBrewery,takesWilliamson.KatharynKevinprofilesupportedHackneytours,Palladiumhisandexperiencewinningbringingheadlining,hismulti-award20yearsoftothestage,isfreshfromrecordinglatestspecialLiveatthelastyear.HehassoldoutseveralincludingtheEmpire,andanumberofhigh-USacts,includingHart.HewillbejoinedbyHensonandBurtComedyattheTaproomplaceatDouble-BarrelledStadiumWay,fromonSunday,25.
By the very nature of the project, it inevitably relieves pressure off of GPs and A & Es and also helps signpost visitors to appropriate support, which may not necessarily be in the form of a doctor.
Adults will have the opportunity to try their hand at zumba and circuit training tasters, and also take part in pre-school tours.
things and integrate with the local community.
and housing officers and Thames Valley Police.
entitled to access healthcare.
These sessions will give visitors the opportunity to discuss the things they’re enjoying in their community and what they want to see changed.Ofthis stage of the process,
YMCA fun day to celebrate 175 years
The charity looks to bring together young people, give them new opportunities to try new
n To book spaces, email: info@ymcareading.org
033 numbers are free within inclusive minutes packages otherwise standard rates apply. For more information, or to book, please call Reader travel justgoholsJGTravelGroup Operated by Just Go Holidays Ltd. Coach package holidays and short breaks are subject to Just Go! Holidays terms and conditions. Your booking is protected by Bonded Coach Holidays (BCH) and the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT); this is a government approved consumer protection scheme. Tours offered subject to availability and government guidelines. Errors and omissions excepted. Prices per person, based on two people sharing a double/twin room. Calls to 033 numbers are free within inclusive minutes packages otherwise standard rates apply. LIVERPOOL’S River of Light CORNISH WEEKEND Turkey & Tinsel Departing Sat 5 Nov ‘22 Your break includes Return coach travel from Reading Overnight stay at a selected 3 or 4-star hotel in the North West area with breakfast Free excursion to Liverpool’s River of Light Trail Free time in Liverpool Departing Fri 18 Nov ‘22 Your break includes Return coach travel from Reading 3 nights at the Pentire Hotel, Newquay with dinner & breakfast (includes traditional ‘Christmas’ dinner with complimentary glass of wine) Mulled wine reception on first evening Afternoon tea and Christmas cake on ‘Boxing Day’ Entertainment every evening Excursion to Padstow Optional excursion to Falmouth (£8pp) WPR_2022-09-12_ReadingToday_16x4 (1)_Just Go 2 Days by Coach only £89 4 Days by Coach only £169 CornishWeekendTurkey&Tinsel_F.pdfLiverpoolsRiverofLight_F.pdf Single Supplement £35 Single Supplement £45 or visit us online at justgoholidays.com/WPR 03332 342 527 Quote WPR To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 31
Attendees may simply turn up but are encouraged to book places by emailing the address listed below as spaces are limited.
The Royal Berkshire Hospital’s patient experience engagement team (MEET PEET) and Whitley Community Development Association (WCDA) have come together for an initiative called Wellbeing Wednesdays.Thewalk-in programme, which piloted in July, sees South Reading residents receive free monthly health checks and medical advice at the Whitley Community Centre on Northumberland Road.
This allows visitors to avoid the hassle of booking appointments and waiting times.Moving forward, the team is looking forward to supporting new visitors, but also assessing those returning for a second time. That way, they can gain feedback on how their recommendations have helped users.As well as regular events such as Wellbeing Wednesdays, MEET PEET is proactive in bringing their services to oneoffTheevents.team were present at recent events such as Reading Pride, Reading Mela and the Kenyan Family Funday to offer free on-site health checks and advice.
Its primary work is to provide quality supported accommodation to 40 of Reading’s most vulnerable 16-25 year-olds who would otherwise be homeless.
The participating officers made suggestions about various support groups and networks that may be of use to residents.Thenext steps involve the council hearing the views of residents through the consultation survey, which can be accessed online or picked up from the community centre.
Wellbeing Wednesdays bring healthcare to the people on a monthly basis, through its team of trusted and qualified volunteers.Sessions also offer support to carers tasked with looking after those with disabilities.
meetings himself to chat with residents face-to-face.
Its remit is to bring healthcare to communities where access and uptake is limited for one reason or another, empowering people and giving them the confidence to take ownership of theirProjecthealth.lead Sharon Herring said: “There’s lots of barriers that come into play, whether it’s language, culture or trust.
As the second largest party on Reading Borough Council your seven Green Party councillors will keep working hard for a fairer, greener and cleaner town. Get involved and help us make a difference: 923org.uk/get-involvedreading.greenparty.orcall:07985938.
On Sunday, September 18, at 2pm, the Council is holding a Civic Memorial Service at the Minster Church.Everyone is, naturally, welcome to attend.
There is a peculiar juxtaposition at present in also needing to acknowledge and mark the accession of a new monarch.
And no matter how grand and glorious they were she seemed to outshine them all, with a quiet spirit of humility and politeness. There were times of happiness and times of sadness, and there were comedies and tragedies, not only for herself and her family, but also for the nation she loved and Throughoutserved.them all, she played her role with calm composure and assurance, and If all this had been Hollywood, I have often wondered how many Oscars would she have won?
The Queen served this country tirelessly over her 70 year reign, was witness to the fall of the Berlin Wall, invention of the Internet and the first man on theWemoon.send strength and compassion to the Royal family at this difficult time.
How Reading has been mourning the Queen
The UK Wide Cycle Ride challenge runs throughout October – and it is the perfect opportunity for people to take their fitness up a gear, while raising money for Diabetes UK along the Challengersway. can pick from one of three virtual distances, or they can select their own target. They can then connect their
You can cycle the miles however you wish over the 31 days of October, by embracing the outdoors or staying at home and using an exercise bike. Or you can do a bit of both.
Green councillor Rob White, Leader of the main opposition group on Reading Borough Council

Greens are working for a fairer, greener and cleaner town
The monarchy is a peculiar feature of our constitution and also, therefore, of the United Kingdom’s political and public life. I am proud and pleased that in the past few days Reading has shown, yet again, its collective spirit and civic pride in response to the Queen’s passing.
In spite of its serious limitations it was a grand and glorious occasion, and starred a beautiful princess and a handsome prince but, by the end of the programme, she was no longer a princess, but a crowned queen.
As the nation mourns the death of Her Majesty the Queen, the RAF Benevolent Fund would like to celebrate her life, and unwavering dedication to the country following a historic 70 years on the throne.
Phaedra Perry, Head of South West and South Central, Diabetes UK
Cresswell is standing up for our rivers
first television programme I ever saw was when I was 10, on June 2, 1953.
In 1897, Queen Victoria sent one of these badges to every Mayor in England to commemorate her Diamond Jubilee.
Warm spaces are going to be necessary until this government changes or is changed for the better.Other councils are joining together council buildings such as libraries with religious spaces and community centres to make sure that there is always somewhere warm for people in need to go.
Every Christmas message she reaffirmed that commitment.
The Queen set an example to us all
Winter is coming and we must help anyone who is slipping into fuel poverty. Warmth, shelter, and
We would like to invite members of the public to celebrate the life of Her Majesty the Queen by sharing your memories of her in our online open book of condolence rememberingthequeenhttps://rafbf.dedicationpage.org/at
An Oscar for the Queen
So please sign up to the UK Wide Cycle Ride at cycle. diabetes.org.uk and get pedalling to make every mile count. Your support can change lives.
Letters We love to hear from you! Send us your views on issues relating to the borough (in 250 words or less) to Reading Today, Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS or email: news@rdg.today We reserve the right to edit letters Views expressed in this section are not necessarily those of the paperSend your thoughts to news@rdg.today 32 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The proclamation of His Majesty King Charles III at two separate events held in Reading last Sunday was a historic occasion.
New Katesgrove Green councillor Doug Cresswell is off to a running start highlighting that Reading Sewage Works run by Thames Water dumped raw sewage into the Foundry Brook six times in 2021 for a total of 50 hours.Doug highlighted that it is utterly shameful that water bosses are taking home millions of pounds of pay and bonuses a year while their companies lay siege to our natural environment by dumping raw sewage into our waterways.
And that humility and composure, fuelled by her faith in Christ, gave her a quiet authority which inspired many.
It must also be a time of commemoration, and of showing gratitude for the late Queen’s lifetime of public service to our country and people.
Green councillor Doug
LIKE much of the world, we are united in our sadness over the death of our muchloved monarch, the Queen.
The Queen showed an inspirational sense of duty during her reign and, as the RAF Benevolent Fund’s Patron from 1952 until her death, provided endless support for those who served her country, including the RAF publicduringsunTheThompsonFundbirthday,totheChelseaRAFLossiemouthAirplayvisitingMemorialFund’sincludingdecadessupportedHerFamily.DG9KaVuc.jpegMajestytirelesslytheFund’sworkfor–withsomehighlightstheunveilingoftheBomberCommandinGreenPark,London;childrenattheFund’syouthclubatRAFin2014;viewingtheBenevolentFundGardenatFlowerShow2022;andPatron’sLunchontheMallcelebrateTheQueen’s90thwhichRAFBenevolentAmbassadorJacquiattendedandsaidofQueen’sappearance:“Thecameoutforherandshined.”TheQueendemonstratedherreignthetruespiritofserviceandintegrity,and

Sign up to UK Wide Cycle Ride challenge
I am sure that residents from across our town will join me and the Council in sending condolences to the Royal Family.
Sign Green campaigner Kate Nikulina’s petition for warm spaces at: www.bit.ly/ warmspaces
The badge should have been returned the next year, but Reading neglected to do so (which sounds a very typically Reading story). When Queen Elizabeth II visited our town to open the old Civic Centre, Prince Philip noticed the badge and asked why we still had it.
Cllr Jason Brock is the leader of Reading Borough Council and ward memberSouthcotefor

Green campaigner Kate Nikulina is working hard for warm spaces this winter – sign our petition
Michael Penny, Chair of Churches Together in Reading and Berkshire
She had no real power and could not even vote, yet prime-ministers, and leaders from many other lands, sought her advice for she gained a wealth of experience having been in that role longer than many of those leaders had lived.
We need services, support, and warmth this winter.
When she became Queen in 1952, she vowed to live life as a servant to the nation and the Commonwealth.
Cllr Rob White
Condolences from Green Party councillors From Chamberthe
Cllr Jason Brock
This special tribute issues touches on just some of her many visits to Reading, and it is a privilege to share these stories withOveryou.the

In our prayers we thank God for her and her life and her example, and ask that He will hold her family in His everlasting and ever-loving arms, and give them comfort and peace.
But let us also, in our prayers, remember especially Prince Charles, who will now be King Charles. May he have learnt much from his dear mother’s example.
She was an example to us all, both great and small, of how the famous and the celebrity and the powerful should conduct themselves.
Since the last proclamations were back in 1952, there was no institutional memory of holding such occasions, but I am grateful to everyone involved in their organisation and execution, including all those residents and others whoFollowingattended.the proclamations, attention turns back towards remembering the late Queen.
From Leaderthe
THIS is a moment of great sadness for our nation.
coming days, the town will continue to mourn, and mourn a life well lived. Thank you Ma’am, rest in peace.
We also have books of condolence open at the Town Hall, the Minster Church and our Library Branches for members of the public to sign and are facilitating the management of floral tributes laid at the Queen Victoria statue on Friar Street.Finally, and having spent so much of the last week in the presence of the Mayoral Chain of office, I was reminded of a peculiar story about it. Reading’s Chain is the only one in the country to carry a badge with the Royal Arms.
the significance of the military service.AsHer Majesty poignantly once said: “I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else – I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.”
We had just moved from Pontypool to Tredegar and, like the majority of people, we had no However,television.there was one family on the estate which befriended us new arrivals and we, along with about a dozen or more others – children sitting on the floor and adults on chairs or standing – crowded into their front room to look at this 12in black and white TV screen.
As county town, we hosted both the Berkshire proclamation, led by the High Sheriff of Royal Berkshire, and the succeeding town proclamation, led by the Mayor of Reading.
An inspirational sense of duty throughout her reign
She will be greatly missed, not only by her family but by many people … not only in this country and the commonwealth, but also throughout this world.
Luckily, the Queen subsequently granted permission for us to keep it. I find it a quirky and amusing little story – and it charms me that Reading has this unique Royal distinction.
And that is exactly what she has done, throughout her reign.
The death of a sovereign, and quite especially when she was the only monarch most of us have ever known, is inevitably a time for reflection.
Whatever else one may think, it is hard to deny that her 70 years of dedicated work to our nation is a remarkable achievement and more than worthy of our collective respect.
INCE last Thursday we have been amid a period of national mourning for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Strava to easily track their distance and will have the entire month of October to reach the chosenCyclingtarget.isa fantastic way to help you get fit and healthy, to have fun and set yourself a goal. This challenge is perfect for experienced cyclists, or anyone looking to saddle up and give it cycling a try.
Air Vice-Marshal Chris Elliot, Controller, RAF Benevolent Fund
community are basic needs, and our council can help.
This was the first of her many magnificent performances, featuring many dignitaries – kings and queens and rulers from all over the world.
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@rdg.today
Blandy & Blandy, based on Friar Street in Reading, has welcomed 11 new faces to its team across multipleTraineedepartments.solicitorsAmber
The move will see Ms Allen working alongside the senior management team on planned strategic growth.
The solution will allow agile workplaces and hybrid workers to print from multiple locations using Kyocera’s Print and Follow software and scan directly to the cloud.
including printing while also increasing security risks.
and look forward to utilising both my expertise and passion to extend the team’s Solicitoroffering.”JeanneKoua has joined the corporate and commercial team and will advise commercial and charity clients having completed her training at Age UK and Farrer & Co in MsLondon.Kouasaid: “I am thrilled to be joining Blandy & Blandy and such a welcoming and professional corporate and commercial team.
n For more information, kyoceradocumentsolutions.co.ukvisit:
“I am delighted to be a part of the growing commercial property team
She said: “I am pleased to have joined Blandy & Blandy, recognised as one of the leading planning law firms nationally and as a top tier firm in the Thames Valley.
Kyocera heads to the clouds
The shift to hybrid working has meant employees are often spread across a number of different locations, which has increased general costs
Ms Allen said: “I am very excited about the future potential of the business and look forward to developing ambitious marketing plans and initiatives to raise the company’s profile and further strengthen its position in the market.”
Blandy & Blandy has also welcomed Sabah Siddiq as an associate solicitor in its planning and environmental law division.

Pocock, Ben Cowdry and Emily Boorman have begun two year training contacts, while Louise Low, Sophie Stone and Natasha Hood have all joined permanently following the completion of their training contracts.Partner Debbie Brett, responsible for the training contracts programme, said: “Amber, Ben and Emily all impressed us at our trainee assessment day earlier this year and it is a pleasure to now welcome them to Blandy & Blandy, where they have already made an excellent start to their training contracts.“Welook forward to working with them and to watching them
Steph Gentle, marketing director at IWS Group, Beaverswood’s parent company, said: “Lizzie will be a great addition to the team as we continue to develop our activity across all markets.
Key responsibilities include marketing planning, new product launches and integrated digital communications for the company’s range of safety, visual communication and waste management solutions for industrial and office.
Graham Foxwell, product marketing manager at Kyocera Document Solutions UK, said: “In this new age of the agile and workplace,hybridthere is a need for cloud-based printing and scanning that is not only costeffective, but flexible, secure and accessible across the enterprise.“Asoffices are becoming increasingly de-centralised, there is a growing need for print infrastructure which supports employees in handling document tasks from different locations.”
business park that is changing
“I hope to make a valuable contribution to the planning and environmental team and look forward to working with colleagues andFinally,clients.”the wills, probate tax and trusts division has also been strengthened with the arrivals of solicitor Joshua Rowlands and legal assistant Timothy Odell.

The solution also increases security through user authentication by the administrator, access control and data Businessesencryption.willalso be able to print from, or scan to, third-party cloud storage such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box and SharePoint.

BUSINESS | BUSINESSTODAY Got a business story? Email news@wokingham.today In association with Winnersh Triangle

Blandy & Blandy welcomes 11 new faces as it expands
Key features include, printing and scanning from multiple locations and the ability to centrally manage printing costs within an organisation by tracking print volume and setting limits.
develop as they gain experience in different practice areas across the firm.”Inthe commercial property team, Harjinder Brah has arrived from a company in the West Midlands.Harjinder Brah said: “Blandy & Blandy is a prestigious law firm, renowned for consistently delivering a high quality service.
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 33
Ms Siddiq has more than a decade’s experience of working in two local authorities in the Thames Valley, with insight into how they operate and make decisions.
“We are committed to hiring the best industry talent to support our growth and ambitions, so with her strong experience and track record in marketing and content creation, it’s fantastic to have her on board.”
Ms Allen will also be involved in developing Beaverswood’s profile and reach across Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where the company is expanding its reseller network operations.
A THAMES VALLEY law firm is continuing to grow its operation.
A READING technology company has announced a new remote cloud-based print and scanEarliersolution.this month, Kyocera Document Solutions UK, based at Eldon Court, confirmed the launch of the new Kyocera Cloud Print and Scan (KCPS).

A WOKINGHAM-BASED workplace safety specialist has appointed a new marketing manager.Beaverswood, based in Toutley Road, has welcomed Lizzie Allen to oversee its brand development and product marketing.
FUTURE: Kyocera has launched a new Cloud Print and Scan service Picture Andreas160578 via Pixabay
“I am also pleased to be part of one of the leading charity teams in the Thames Valley and I look forward to contributing and assisting colleagues and clients.”
Reading soon added another and this time it was Matt Daw who scored his second try under the posts finishing off a move started by Tom Sharp who had quickly pounced when a Shipston move broke down in the Reading 22. Tom Sharp converted to make the score 42-3.

up their game this season after losing the Championship title to Oxfordshire last year.
But he was adamant when he came in that he wanted to do things his way and he wanted us to play a certain brand of cricket and we have all bought into it.
more than 100 goals during his 12-year spell at Arsenal after he joined the Gunners as a 16-year-old. He also scored eight times in 47 caps for WalcottEngland.rejoined Southampton, where he started his career, in 2020 on an initial loan deal from Everton before joining permanently the next summer but has fallen out of favour and played just nine Premier League games last season.
“I spoke to him, had a good conversation.“He’sgota year left at Southampton and we couldn’t make the figures work which was disappointing because the boy wanted to come.”
“The ones we have brought in have done really, really well.
He revealed that Berks had to
“We had to work harder to catch Oxfordshire,” he said.
“We knew we had to do certain things, replace certain people and find a new way of doing things.
It is their professionalismall-roundthathas been largely responsible for making Berkshire the most successful side in the country below the first-class game.

Ince’s team are third in the Championship table heading into their midweek clash with the Black Cats having won all four of their league matches at the Select Car Leasing Stadium this season.
The head coach has guided Berks to two more honours in recent weeks, the NCCA Trophy and the NCCA Championship, making it a remarkable 10 final wins in a sixseasonSpeakingperiod.after his side had beaten Lincolnshire on first innings totals (310 against 176) in a four-day final severely hit by rain at West Bromwich D artmouth last week, Lambert said: “We need to do it again next year.
Reading FC boss Paul Ince Picture: Luke Adams

READING dismissed their early season blues with a fine win over Shipston running in eight tries to their opponents two.
“In some ways, it has reinvigorated me as a coach because I have had to do things slightly differently and we have had to have a different way of how we go about things – how we warm up in a morning for example.”
Reading took the lead after five minutes when from a scrum the ball was worked quickly to Matt Daw on the wing who ran outside his marker and showed a good turn of speed to out strip the covering defence and cross for an unconverted try.
“I’m happy with my first 14 or 15 but I’d like to get some more senior
The Royals face Sunderland at home on Wednesday evening (report online at rdg.today) before they travel to face Wigan Athletic on “ShaneSaturday.(Long) has got a problem, it looks like he’s going to be out,” said“HeInce.has an issue and we will get more detail on that.
following the incredible success the county enjoyed under the leadership of James Morris and then his brother Richard, but he certainly chose the right player in Dan differentworldbringsoutitplayercaptainBolton.interviewoutaroundwasn’tbutcurrentwithleaguehasclassforhadTheLincoln.wicketkeeper/battertwoyearsplayingT20cricketMiddlesex,appearedinafirst-matchforKentlastyearandalsoplayedhigh-levelnon-footballasagoalkeeperDorkingWanderersbeinghisclub.“Hewasalwaysagoodplayerhewasaplayerthat,ifitnecessarilyfocusedhim,wedidn’tgetthebestofhim,”saidLambertinanwiththeNCCA’sPaul“Sothefocusonmakinghimwas:heisthemosttalentedIhaveeverseen,ifwemakeabouthim,wewillgetthebestofhim.“HethinksoutsidetheboxandthingsfromoutsideourofNationalCountiesfromtheprofessionalworldshehas
Reading soon added another try this time through Gavin Egan. Playing at number eight, after Ben Cunningham was injured in the warm up, he controlled the ball well as the Reading pack pushed their opponent’s scrum over the line.Reading extended their lead just prior to the break. The versatile Will Proctor-Searle, this week playing at flanker, took a quick penalty on the Shipston 22 and passed to impressive debutant Nathan Wheeler who showed speed and strength to beat the covering defence and score an unconverted try in the corner.
OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY 34 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Steve King forced his way over for a try converted by Tom Sharp and directly from the kick off, Robbie Webster beat his man to run clear for an unconverted try to make the score 30-3 in Reading’s favour.
played in – football and also sharing dressing rooms with some international players.”Woodley resident Lambert continued: “We have worked really well“Sometimestogether. I have to temper some of his ideas because they are not necessarily what are needed at our level and sometimes you just let him run with it.”
Ince also provided an injury update prior to Reading’s postponed match against Watford.
Finbar O’Regan opened a gap in the Shipston defensive line that Tom Sharp gratefully charged through to score an unconverted try.
Berks CCC
Ince admitted that the club are still looking at the free agents market to possibly add to the squad.Hecontinued: “So it’s now a case of who is out there on a free.“But it can take four or five weeks to get them (free agents) up to scratch and get them to do what I want them to do.
By PETER CHIDGEY sport@wokingham.today
players in because we’ve still got kids on the bench so we’re restricted and it only takes a couple of injuries for things to go “Whatwrong.we managed to get is players who want to fight for the team. Who have desire and want to fight to keep this team in the league.”Walcott is now 33, and has a wealth of experience having scored
The former England international, who is currently at Southampton, was keen on joining the Royals, but the clubs were unable to strike a deal in the final days of the summer transfer window.“Wewere close to getting a deal for Theo Walcott,” said Ince.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.today
“We need to push on with this side.“Other teams need to catch us and they will have to work harder to catch us.”
“That way has won us two trophies and we have got to go again.”Lambert came up trumps in his appointment of a new captain forIt2022.was never going to be easy
READING FC boss Paul Ince revealed that the club were close to sealing a deal to bring Theo Walcott to the club.
Tom Lambert has challenged his side to ‘go again’ next year after they became the most successful side in National/Minor Counties cricket history.
Shipston came back towards the end of the game and scored two late tries one from a line out close to the line and one from a penalty also close to the line which was converted. In between, Reading added a good individual try from Robbie Webster who picked up the ball in his own half and beat four defenders to make theTheline.foundation of this win was a strong scrum which was certainly much better for the return of Smith and Nicol. The lineouts also went well with Egan winning some good possession The backline was equally impressive and made good use of the ball with some strong running and slick passing especially by the two wingers.
“Yak (Yakou Meite) is back training, maybe it is too early to start but he should be back in contention either this week on Wednesday.“Naby(Sarr) will be another couple of weeks, he won’t be back before Wigan I wouldn’t have thought.“Ovie (Ejaria) is back in the gym doing some stuff and was on the grass today, but not doing too much.“So I’m hoping after the international break he will be “Scottback. (Dann) is out until next year. It will be another two months if we are lucky.”
Berks CCC
Bracknell Maidenheadv AndrewPicture: Batt
BERKSHIRE CCC won the National Counties Championship for the ninth time in their history by virtue of their first innings lead, writes Dave Wright.
It was Berkshire’s fifth Championship title in six seasons.
RESULTS Friday, September 9 RUGBY NationalUNIONDivision One Chinnor 30-46 Rams Saturday, September 10 RUGBY UNION London & SE Division Regional 1 South BracknellCentral14-29 Maidenhead South West Division Bracknell Stags 45-3 Thatcham South West Division Regional 2 Reading 47-15 Shipston on Stour South West Division Counties 2 Rams III 29-5 Reading II FIXTURES SeptemberWednesday,14 ChampionshipFOOTBALL Reading v Sunderland Saturday, September 17 ChampionshipFOOTBALL Wigan Athletic v Reading Women’s Super League Manchester United v Reading FA Cup second qualifying round Binfield v Tonbridge Combined Counties Premier North Reading City v Edgware & Kingsbury Sumas v Windsor Wembley v Ascot United Combined Counties Division One Brook House v Woodley United Eversley & California v British Airways Rayners Lane v Sandhurst Town Rising Ballers Kensington v Berks County Thames Valley Premier League Finchampstead v Reading YMCA Maidenhead Town v Burghfield Marlow United v Wargrave Wraysbury Village v Reading City U23’s Thames Valley Division One Tadley Calleva Reserves v Woodley United Royals RUGBY UNION National Division One Rams v Hull London & SE Regional 1 South Central Banbury v Bracknell South West Division Regional 2 Stow on the Wold v Reading Sunday, September 18 SouthernFOOTBALLRegion Women’s Premier Division Ascot United v Maidenhead United Southern Region Women’s North Division Carterton v Caversham United Kidlington Youth v Eversley & California FA Women’s Cup Brentford v Woodley United Thames Valley Women’s Division One Banbury United v Ascot United Reserves Berks & CountyBucksCup Taplow United v Tilehurst Panthers Wallingford & Crowmarsh v Wargrave S4K Berks County v Burghfield Caversham AFC v Stanford in the Vale OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY Rams Rugby, Old Bath Road, Sonning, Berkshire RG4 6TQ © RAMSRUGBY 2022 1st XV v HULL RUFC 160mmx8 columns (265mm) Hull RUFC Home -17thSept - Wokingham and Reading Paper 07-08.09.22.indd 1 05/09/2022 15:22:25 To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 35

In a soggy drawn four-day final against Lincolnshire at West Bromwich Dartmouth, Berks took the title once again to continue their domination in the competition.Withmore than two-thirds of the match lost to rain, the title was decided on the first innings totals with Berkshire, who passed Lincolnshire’s 176 on the third evening, eventually extending their lead to 134 before they were dismissed for 310 on the final morning.EuanWoods made an outstanding 129 off 181 balls after occupying the crease for nearly four hours. He and Dan O’Driscoll (57) added 117 for the seventh wicket.Earlier, young Middlesex wicketkeeper O’Driscoll had snapped up four catches behind the stumps.Henley skipper Tom Nugent, who had taken 6-66 in the first innings,
Berkshire CCC take National Counties Championship title

struck early in Lincolnshire’s second innings when he had Joe Kendall caught behind in the third over.The Eastern Division champions reached 65-1 from 15 overs before another downpour during the lunch interval brought a rain-ravaged match to a watery end.
Rams won away at Chinnor on Friday night

“Both sets of players enjoy playing in them, they put every ounce of effort in and it just produces great quality National One rugby.“There was some excellent attack on show from both sides and I thought our defence play was really, really good and muchimproved from last week.
Rams kick at the posts
Rams hunt down a kick
Chinnor v Rams Pictures: Paul Clark
time through a converted Mark Darlington try.
Seers converted for 39-23, but again the home side rallied, Dean Hammond over before Price maintained his perfect record from the tee.
Seers applied the coup de grace with the conversion before full time was blown at the end of what was yet again an outstanding advert for National One rugby.

However, Rams showed their quality in the final 10 minutes, camping in their opponents’ 22 before Hayman completed his double and Seers struck another roaringReflectingconversion.onarip-affair,Director of
Chinnor came out of the blocks stronger and two Tom Price penalties edged them 6-0 up.
SEB REYNOLDS was delighted to see his Rams side seal a bonus-point success following a ‘quality National One derby’ win at Chinnor, the visitors running out 46-30 victors in a Kingsey Road cracker.
Replacement hooker Reece Marshall touched down at the back of a maul for Chinnor, Price again on target, to keep the game alive, before an Ellis Jones interception freed Rossiter for his 60th Rams’ try.
“Our physicality in the contact was great because Chinnor have some very big boys who try and drive a battering ram through the middle of you. That’s how they build momentum for (scrum-half) Luke Carter to play off, so you have to stop it at source because if you don’t you’re in for a tough ride, but I thought our guys were really good.”

SEVEN-TRY Rams won a barnstorming derby 46-30 at Chinnor to make it back-to-back bonus-point successes.
the better side early on, but Reynolds admitted the resolve his side showed was pleasing.“Wehad to ride the start out when our discipline wasn’t great and the penalty count was 5-0 against us and we were on a final warning, but we just felt we could come back,” he said.
By RICHARD ASHTON sport@wokingham.today
Chinnor were certainly
By RICHARD ASHTON sport@wokingham.today
Another try for the visitors
With Seers making no mistake the advantage was back to 16 points, but again Chinnor stuck to their guns and kept the game alive when wing Dean Hammond crossed on the left, Price with the conversion.Hayman smashed his way over from close range for his second score of the evening.
The three players who came into the side – two-try Rossiter and back row men James McRae and Josh Collis – were outstanding, and Reynolds said: “They made a huge impact coming in. Jak’s got four tries in two weeks, and it’s good when you’ve got a balance of your front row and your outside backs scoring.”
OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY 36 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The visitors hit back with their first trip to the opposition 22, Ant Marris burrowing over from close range before Alex Seers added the extras.Things got even better shortly afterwards as Max Hayman crashed over at the back of another powerful surge, Seers on target, and the bonus-point was secured before the break as the evergreen Baker blasted over for his first try in almost three years.
“Every time we entered their 22 in the first half we scored, and while it was a little sloppy to not kick the ball out at the end of the half – it cost us a try and a yellow card – we got the result.”
Rams celebrate after scoring a try
Rams, though, grabbed the first points of the second period as Jak Rossiter finished brilliantly on the right, and a Seers threepointer made it 32-16.
Chinnor v Rams Pictures: Paul Clark
Two Tom Price penalties put the hosts ahead, but Rams rallied in power-packed fashion as Ant Marris, James McRae, Max Hayman and James Baker all crossed in the second quarter, Alex Seers converting two of thosePriceefforts.hadslotted a third penalty to make it 9-7 to the hosts before they fell 15 points behind, albeit they hit back on the stroke of half-
Rugby Reynolds said: “The lights must do something to the players because they produce outstanding games.
Chinnor grabbed a first try of their own – shortly after Connor Stapley had also been carded for Rams – when Mark Darlington touched down at the back of their ownPriceset-piece.converted for a half-time score of 24-16.
After a minute’s silence was held in memory of the Queen, both sides produced some terrific rugby in front of a crowd of 814.

pre-season to get minutes in my legs.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.today
Having lost their opening league fixture away at Salisbury with a 46-7 loss, Reading recovered strongly in their first home game of theReadingseason.
Bracknell on the attackThe
‘It was like coming back home’ Rahman opens up on return BRACKNELLWIN,BEATEN
The defender gave his thoughts on the new system that has been trialled for much of this season as Paul Ince has switched to a back five for the majority of Reading’s games, having played four for most of last season.
BRACKNELL suffered their first league loss of the season at the hands of BracknellMaidenhead.scoredtwo tries but lost out 29-14 at home to Maidenhead.Bracknellsit in sixth place in the table on five points after the opening two matches.
Rahmah currently has 44 caps for Ghana and will be hoping to be alongside his club mate, and Reading club captain, Andy Yiadom, at the World Cup.
The teams compete to win the lineout
hosts look to touch down for a try
“It was frustrating because I wanted to get out and have a proper
BRACKNELL II earned a thumping victory over Thatcham to open their league season.
READING FC defender Baba Rahman said that returning to the Royals felt like ‘coming home’.
“You have less defending to do and that can be nice.”
“So far so good as we had a win last weekend (against Stoke),” said Rahman.“Iwas happy to see the lads and I’m happy to be here.
from the fans, but I’m happy they liked it. Hopefully I can do similar tweets.“Itwas always a possibility to come back here and I was in touch with the gaffer all throughout pre-season.
Bracknell retain the ball
“I don’t really mind, this is football and you have to adapt to the set ups. I’ve played both systems.
They ensured they maintained their 100% winning record by beating Chinnor II Falcons 27-21 away from home.
Bracknell conceded just three points in the entire match and amassed 45 points to take them to a convincing success.
stormed their way to earning a bonus point success with a 47-15 win.
“It was basically the two clubs trying to sort out the transfer issue which was frustrating.
Rams put more points on the board after their 29-5 success.
“I know most of the lads and the management so it was like coming backRahmanhome.”will be hoping that his Championship performances will be enough to impress his international bosses to get a call up to represent Ghana at this winter’s
2022 World Cup at Qatar.
“I watched three games of the pre-season and kept in touch so it was always a possibility.
The win puts Reading in sixth place on five points after two matches.
Baba Rahman in action against Barnsley Pictures: Steve Smyth

South West Division Regional 2 South Central
READING RUGBY CLUB earned their first victory of the new campaign with a handsome victory over Shipston on Stour.

RAMS TITANS made it two wins
from two to get off to the perfect start to the new season.
The win puts them top of the table after two matches on 10 points, leading the way over Tadley with a superior points difference.
South West Division Counties Southern North
“I’ve had a good relationship with Yids (Andy Yiadom) since 2017 and we’ve carried that on when I came here.”The left-back become a popular figure among fans in his loan spell last years for his social media presence as long as his performances on the “Whenpitch.Iput out that tweet I didn’t expect to get this momentum
“I don’t know how they are going to manage it but it will be strange for us to have a break in November to play the World Cup.
London & SE Division Regional 1 South Central
OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 37
Bracknell v Maidenhead Pictures: Andrew Batt
He continued: “It’s always an honour to represent my country and I’m looking forward to the games coming up.
RAMS III took the win in their league match against READING II WANDERERS
HABLRO Raging Bull Shield
Titans are in fourth place, level on points with the three teams above them in the table, after the opening two matches in the division.
South West Division Counties 2 South Central
“It has been a brilliant and amazing start to the season so I hope we can keep this “Cominggoing.back to Reading was like coming back home.
The Royals secured Rahman on a loan deal from Chelsea for the second consecutive season to fill the void of recruiting a left-back.
When asked about the possibility of making his move permanent next summer, Rahman said: “If the possibility comes up then why not, I would take it. It’s two clubs that have to deal and for me I’m feeling at home here and love it here.”
Rahman playing away at Derby County
They are second on the table on five points, behind Bicester who have played an extra game.

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It’sgoodnewsfor everyone PUBLICNOTICES Please recycleme! THE ROLES HAVE A SALARY, COMMISSION, BONUSES & PENSION). M E D I A S A L E S P E O P L E For an informal discussion, call David Riley on 07860 462 882 or email at driley@wokingham.today > I wish I could choose what days I work. (You can!) > I wish I could choose my hours (You can!) > I wish I could choose if/when to go to the office (You can!) > I wish I could choose the home/office/patch split. (You can!) > I wish I could have a job where I’m in control. (You can!) > I wish I could have a job where I’m paid properly for my results (You can!) WE ARE GROWING THE TEAM IN READING Maybe you have caring responsibilities and need to fit the job around them or maybe you have simply had enough of the 5 day week If you have some media sales experience and want CHOICE & FLEXIBILITY in your working life, call, WhatsApp or email me for a discreet discussion T h e W o k i n g h a m P a p e r L t d C r o w n H o u s e , 2 3 1 K i n g s R o a d , R e a d i n g R G 1 4 L S | 0 1 1 8 3 2 7 2 6 6 2 w w w w o k i n g h a m t o d a y | w w w r d g t o d a y Havingaclearout?Whynotturnyourtreasureintocashwithourfreeadverts?Sell youritemswithoutanyfeewiththeaidofthiscoupon.Items* valuedatupto£250can besoldinthesecolumnsforfree!Simplysendusthe details–maximumof30words–andpostoremailitandwe’lldotherest Category: Writeyouradvertintheboxbelow,onewordperbox.Maximum30words. SendyourformtoFreeads,ReadingToday,231KingsRoad,ReadingRG14LS Sellyourgoodswithafree advertforitemsunder£250 YourName: PhoneNumber: Sellyouritemsforfree PASSIONATE ABOUT FOOD & DRINK? LOOKING FOR A PERMANENT PART TIME OPPORTUNITY IN A UNIQUE ROLE? RESPONSIBILITIES: Working individually and w thin a team to evaluate food drink & persona care products ranging such as chocolate, alcohol, meat, shampoo, skin care or electrica toothbrush products You will be taught how to describe accurately any products as a group (relat ng to taste, appearance, texture and smell) and then individually assess them REQUIREMENTS: • You must not have any d etary restrictions ( e g vegetarian) and be happy to evaluate alcohol products when required • You must not have any food intolerances/allergies You should have the ability to follow deta led instruct ons and complete routine tasks quickly and accurately • You have the ability to articulate yourselves in fluent Engl sh n front of others If you are interested in applying, please email j mccall@mmrresearch com Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview/screening session which will take place in our facilities Classifieds Get your business seen! Email: advertising@rdg.today READING TODAY Forthelatest newsvisit

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His first Reading goal came in a 3-2 away win at Swansea City and his second came in a 2-1 defeat at Middlesbrough.Afterhiscontract expired, he
Mukandi also has great experience at international level and has made 67 caps for Scotland, scoring seven goals.
READING FC Women have appointed Emma Mukandi as the club’s new captain.
Carroll joined the Royals last
Known for his excellent aerial presence and physical dominance, Carroll burst onto the scene with Newcastle United where he captured the attention of several clubs after netting 17 in 2009 to help the Magpies to the Championship title.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.today
“We’veout.got a great bunch of girls here, and we will all have an important role to play throughout the season, and I can’t wait to walk out on Sunday infront of the Thefans.”Royals are scheduled to play Manchester United away from home on Saturday to begin the new WSL season.
Mukandi, formerly known as Mitchell, will take over the club captaincy for the upcoming campaign after former skipper Natasha Harding departed the Royals in the summer.Shehas been in Berkshire since July 2020 after a seven year spell at Arsenal.Aftercoming through the ranks at St Johnstone, Mukandi made 35 appearances for Glasgow City between 2008-2012 before a move to German Club SGS
Essen.Aone year stint in Germany was followed by seven years at Arsenal where Mukandi made 74 league appearances for the Gunners, winning a Women’s Super League title, two FA Cups and three WSL Cups.She joined Kelly Chambers’ side in 2020/21 and played 14 league games that campaign.
The 33-year-old is a free agent after departing West Bromwich Albion in the summer and is due to begin his second spell in Berkshire.
ANDY Carroll is reportedly on the verge of making a return to Reading FC on a free transfer.

“It’s an honour to have asked to be captain of the team,” said Mukandi.“Having just returned from having a baby, I was of course shocked when Kelly (Chambers) sat me down to give me the news, but to be asked by the coaches means they’ve clearly seen something in me that they trust me to do the job and lead the team
joined West Brom for the remainder of the season where he scored three league goals in 15 matches.
He made a big money move to Liverpool in January 2010 after the Reds spent £35million to make him the record transfer for a British player at the time.

year on a short-term contract under VeljkoThePaunovic.strikermade a positive impression despite his short stay, where he made eight Championship appearances and scored two goals.
He is now set for a second spell at the Select Car Leasing Stadium after Royals boss Paul Ince confirmed last week that the club are still actively pursuing the free agents market to bolster their team.
reason.“It’snot an optimistic or pessimistic thing, it’s a realistic thing, where you kind of just have to have the right attitude.“Ithink my problem in life right now is I’m a bit of a dreamer.
“This is me on my own terms, loose in the world, and I’ve been on a bit of a journey in the last few years.
‘Is everything gonna be alright?’
“Because it’s not real people in front of you, none of it seems to stick, “You’ve just keyboard warriors saying the craziest thing they can get away with on a Facebook group – and you’re just trying to sell a tricycle or something.”
“I open up about my mental health, about when I came out as gay, and I have some spicy opinions about controversial topics.
“I look around and think ‘is everything going to be alright?’
He says that this came to define his experiences online: “I always felt like, is this real, does anything I’m doing matter?“Isee all these likes on a post but what does it mean – for several years I just I really failed to appreciate what was going on.”
“If I ever said something and people were like ‘that is offensive to the people of Wokingham’, I’d have to say ‘oh my god, well, I guess I don’t want to do that again.“Ihave something to say and if you don’t like it then I’ll feel very bad about it, but I’ll just deal with it – I think that’s how we will have to go through life.”His new show is called We’re All Doomed, and he says that the title wasn’t necessarily for entirely thematic reasons.“When they put the letters up
“It made me go wow, my existence is actually doing something.”
His UK tour through September and his massive tour of the USA at the end of the year will be the second set of shows he’s performed live.
n For tickets or more information, visit: www.ticketmaster.co.uk
Howell has had a dynamic career, with the medium of his work continuing to evolve.
“I think that most people that complain about their freedom of speech being attacked are people that are just racist and don’t like that people dislike that.
“I think about this every day, I wake up in these nervous sweats scared to look at my phone, so I figured I actually I want to do a standup comedy show about all of the worst things in the entire world.”
Daniel has a considerable YouTube following as a result of his channel, DanIsNotOnFire.Hesaysthatonline fame can be a struggle, saying: “social media is weird.
Reading Today speaks to Daniel Howell ahead of his live show tour

While he is glib about the title, he says it’s also something that concerns him.“But also the times we’re living in are stressful and the world is falling apart – and not just the natural stuff, but the people in society that we’re sharing this place with.
“I spend a lot of time looking around and going, ‘Wow, I am just obsessed with how terrible everything is’ instead of maybe whether it’s terrible or not.”
“It’s only when I went on tour for the first time and I met a person backstage who said they came to the show and had a good night.
After considerable fame online, now he’s seeking something more tangible.
LEISURETODAY guide to what’s on across Reading and Wokingham
Daniel says that it can be hard to look at the world and think that everything will be okay, and for good
“I’ve heard from people that they’re almost slightly scared to imagine what I’m going to talk about, but I think that’s in a nice way.”
When it comes to controversy and ‘cancel’ culture, however, Daniel says that he’s not worried.
Daniel Howell’s show We’re All Doomed will be performed at the London Palladium on Friday, September 23.
14.09.22 Your
His latest show, We’re All Doomed, he says, has a completely fresh agenda.
for a show on the theatre outside, I just thought it’d be really funny to see ‘we’re all doomed’, and I started working back from there.”
Doors open at 8pm and tickets cost £18
The event takes place on Friday, September 16.
I told you I was ill
Jazz night will make good Progress
–The Watermill 01635www.watermill.org.uk46044 Othello. Fri 16-Sat Oct 15. Reading –South Street 0118www.whatsonreading.com9606060 Andy Parsons: Work in Progress. Thurs 15. Kiri Pritchard McLean: Home Truths. Fri 16. Colin Hoult: The Death of Anna Mann. Sat 17. Robin Hitchcock. Wed 21. Jayde Adams: Men, I Can Save You. Thurs 22. Jen Brister: The Optimist. Fri 23. Rob Newman Live On Stage. Sat 24. Reading – Hexagon 0118www.whatsonreading.com9606060 Bye Bye Baby. Sat 17. Ministry of Science. Sun 18. Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls. Wed 21. Michael: The Magic of Michael Jackson. Thurs 22. Dick and Dom In Da Bungalow Live. Sat 24. Talon. Sun 25. Reading –Concert Hall 0118www.whatsonreading.com9606060 NEXT SHOW: Grace Petrie. Oct 20. Reading – Progress www.progresstheatre.co.uk 0118 384 2195 Jonny Mansfield Quartet. Fri 16. The Pride. Oct 10-15. Reading – Reading Rep Theatre 0118www.readingrep.com3702620 NEXT SHOW: Jekyll and Hyde. Oct 10-29. Shinfield – Shinfield Players www.shinfieldplayers.org.uk 0118 975 8880 NEXT SHOW: Our House. Fri Sept 30-Sat Oct 1, Thurs Oct 6-Sat Oct 8. Sonning – The Mill 0118www.millatsonning.com9698000
MAIDENHEAD Music Society presents the classic fairy tale of Cinderella, as told by Rossini.Thiseffervescent comedy La Cenerentola gives the tale an operatic twist.Itis delivered by newly emerging singers, in Italian, with English subtitles.
VIBRAPHONE is the lead instrument in a night of Award-winningjazz. percussionist Jonny Mansfield is accompanied by piano, bass andThedrums.quartet plays contemporary compositions that have been described as beautiful and strikingly original.
Who’s bad?
He is known for his reporting on Test
This powerful and bold new adaptation tells the story of ambitious and respected military man, Othello.
Performances are on Monday to Saturday evenings at 7.30pm
n For tickets and information visit: www.watermill.org.uk/ or call the box office: 01635 46044
Woodley – Theatre
The play runs from Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 24.
Newbury – The Corn
Wokingham –Wokingham Theatre 0118www.wokinghamtheatre.org.uk9785363
His particular interest in cricket has led him to author eight books on the subject.Hecomes to Guildford to treat his audience to an evening of fun and games.
Tickets cost from £31.50 to £36.50, concessions cost £12.
For a big laugh, join Sofie at the Corn Exchange in Newbury.
NEXT SHOW: Teechers. Sept 27-Oct 1.
Expect lively and upbeat dancing with freylekhs, horas, and bulgars to get people moving.
Sat 24.
Catch the Jonny Marsfield Quartet at Reading’s Progress Theatre.
HENRY Blofeld, OBE, nickname Blowers,is an English retired sports journalist and broadcaster.
A Bunch of Amateurs. Until Sat 17.
All tickets cost £29.50 (the show is appropriate for 12 years and upwards).
Enjoy some new year festivities at ceilidh
Wed 21. Blind Ambition. Wed 21-Thurs 22. It Snows In Benidorm. Thurs 22. Rich Hall, Shot From Cannons. Fri 23.
Doors open at 7.30pm.
IAN Hislop and NIck Newman’s play Spike! is an absurd and funny drama that delves into the inner workings of one of our most brilliantly irreverent comic minds, that of Spike Milligan.
Set in 1950s austerity Britain, the nation scrambles to hear the next instalment of The Goon Show.
EDINBURGH comedy award winner Sophie Hagen brings her plus-sized humour to Newbury.
The performance is on Thursday, September 22.
n For tickets and information log onto: whatsonreading.com or call the box office: 0118 960 6060
n For tickets and information log on to: cornexchangenew.com/ or call the box office on: 0845 521 8218.
A first week special price of £5 off applies to performances from September 16 to September 19.
Saturday matinées start at 2.30pm Thursday matinées on September 22 and October 1 start at 2.30pm
The audience can expect a showcase of Jackson’s greatest hits, including Beat It, Thriller, and The Man In The Mirror.
MICHAEL Jackson performer Ben Bowman invites his audience to celebrate the iconic Rediscoversinger.the man, his music and the magic that surrounded him.
Exchange 0845www.cornexchangenew.com5218218
Magic of Motown. Sat Lives of Clay and Bonded. Sofie Hagen: Fat Jokes.
Michael Starring Ben, takes place at Reading’s Hexagon Theatre.
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 01483 440000.
at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, in Guildford.
The event takes place on Sunday, September 18. Doors open at 5.30pm.Tickets cost £25, multi-buy discounts are available.
Doors open at 7.30pm.
Tickets cost £18 for adults, £16 for concessions, and £9 for under 16 years. Wheelchair carers enter free of charge.
But while other Goons cope with overnight celebrity status, Spike struggles to behave, pushing the boundaries of comedy and the patience of the BBC, to their limits.
Tickets cost £15.
It contains strong language, strobe lighting, loud bangs, guns and references to suicide.CatchSpike!
She published her debut book, Happy Fat, in 2019, and co-hosts podcasts on BBC radio.
n For tickets and information log on to: norden.farm or call the box office on: 01628 788977.
The Klezmer ceilidh will take place in an atmospheric 18th century barn.
The Chalk Garden. Fri 16-Sat 30. Theatre tours. Sat 17.
It runs from Friday, September 16 to Saturday, October 15.
A post show talk by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman takes place after the evening show on Tuesday, September 20.
SHANA tova! the Hebrew for good year, is all the invitation you need to join in new year festivities in Maidenhead.
n For tickets and information log onto: progresstheatre/www.ticketsource.co.uk/
Backed by film and pictures, he shares his extraordinary life, with tales of Johnners, Arlott and other larger than lifeAncharacters.Eveningwith Henry Blofeld, My Dear Old Things, takes place at The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.
The war against Hitler may be over but the war with Aunty Beeb has only just
Funny Money. Until Nov 5. The 80s Show With The Zoots. Sun 18. Magic Night. Mon 19. The Sound of Springteen. Sun 25.
SHAKESPEARE’S dramatic tale of love destroyed is performed by The Watermill Ensemble.Adapted by Karla Marie Sweet, the production is interwoven with music.
18 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Newly married and leading his unit against an invasion, his life is steadily eroded by a plot founded on pain, betrayal and deceit.
Maidenhead –Norden Farm 01628www.nordenfarm.org788997
n For tickets and information log on to: norden.farm or call the box office on: 01628 788977.
Match Special, and on BBC Radios 4 and 5 Live Sports Extra.
Jonny has toured worldwide with international jazz artists, has won awards and wrote a duo for vibraphone and trombone for the London Symphony Orchestra.
With live music, and a caller to guide everyone through the dances, it promises to be an evening of fun and laughter.
Fresh from the West End, Ben has honed his show so carefully that he claims audiences have believed that they are watching Michael Jackson himself.
Great Dane to bring comedy to Newbury
Magic of Motown. Sat 17. Life of Clay and Bonded. Sun 18. Sofie hagan: Fat Jokes. Wed 21. Rich Hall: Shot From Cannons. 23. Kerry Godliman: Bosh.
If the shoe fits, wear it
Barefoot Opera performs this fully staged production in the Courtyard Theatre, at Norden Farm Arts Centre, Maidenhead.Itwilltake place on Thursday, September 22.
No previous experience, nor a partner, necessaryTheceilid dancing takes place at Norden Farm Arts Centre’s Long Barn.
Windsor –Theatre Royal 01753www.theatreroyalwindsor.co.uk853888
Thebegun.play stars Robert Wilfort (Gavin and Stacey), Patrick Warner (The Crown) and Jeremy Lloyd (Trial by Laughter).
Wokingham – The Whitty Theatre 0118www.thewhittytheatre.org9743247
Blowers returns
Jealousy, hatred and deep-rooted tensions will change everything for the soldier and his new wife, Desdemona. The play is performed at Newbury’s (Bagnor) Watermill Theatre.

| LEISURE Bracknell – South Hill Park 01344www.southhillpark.org.uk484123 Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear. Until Fri 16. Boogie Music Inferno. Sat 17. Hay Fever. Wed 21-Sat 24. FILMS: The Gray Man. Thurs 15. Where The Crawdads Sing. Fri 16-Sun18, Wed 21. Eiffel. Mon 19-Tues 20. Bullet Train. Fri 23-Sat 24. Where Is Anne Frank. Sat 24-Sun 25. Much Ado About Nothing. Sun 25. Camberley – Theatre 01276www.camberleytheatre.biz707600 Al Murray: Gig For Victory. Fri 16. Robert Temple: The Hypnotist. Sat 17. Luke Kempner: Macho Macho Man. Wed 21. The Rockabilly Big Band. Thurs 22. Desi Central. Fri 23. Ibiza Nights. Fri 23. Showstopper. Sat 24. The Real Magic Show. Sat 24. I Spy With My Little Eye. Sun 25. Guildford – Yvonne Arnaud 01483www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk440000 An Evening With Henry Blofeld. Sun 18. Spike. Tues 20-Sat 24. High Wycombe –Wycombe Swan 01494www.wycombeswan.co.uk512000 Hellfire Comedy Club. Thurs 15. Illegal Eagles. Fri 16. Castle Street Dance Studios: Arbian Nights. Sat 17. Frankie: The Concert. Sun 18. The Temperance Seven. Thurs 22. Sun Records: The Concert. Sun 25. Henley – Kenton www.kentontheatre.co.uk 01491 525050 Back to Black: The Music of Amy Winehouse. Fri 16. Ghost Lights. Sat 17. Jazz at the Kenton: Rob Luft and Dave O’Higgins. Wed 21. Seann Walsh, Jake Lambert, Amy Matthews. Thurs 22. Lilies on the Land. Fri 23. Mary Blandy: A Retrial. Fri 23-Sat 24. Vrazy Diamond: A Tribute to the Music of Pink Floyd. Sat 24.
Tuesday matinées on September 27, October 6, and October 11 start at 1pmTickets range from £15 to £40, with concessions and group discounts available.
The London-based Danish comedian, writer, podcaster and influencer has a large social media following.
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 0148 344 0000
Sun 18.
Doors open at 8pm.
Sofie Hagen: Fat Jokes can be seen on Wednesday, September 21.
Attenders should turn up on Thursday, September 22.
Evening performances on each day start at Matinées7.30pmon Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, start at 2.30pm.
With a live band, and dazzling costumes the show will also incorporate the singer’s now famous hallmark dance routines.
Featuring some familiar faces and others making their Mill debut, the cast work together with incredible energy.
The OGR Burger features grass-fed Hereford beef, smoked cheese, the house relish and salad, while the Hell’s Kitchen Burger features jalapeno and Padron salsa, smoked sriracha sauce, and smoked cheese.There are options for vegans and vegetarians, and there are optional upgrades for an additional fee, such as adding bacon, doubling up and adding a cheese skirt.
for ages three upwards, the show is 50 minutes, with a 15-minute meet and greet with the dinosaurs afterwards.

journey to the airport.
It is one of only two branches of the Street Burger brand outside of London - the other is in Woking - and last month gave its dishes a refresh.
n For more details, log on to: burger/readinggordonramsayrestaurants.com/street-https://www.
“In my opinion, our service sets us
Below: Street Spritz Cocktail with olives Pictures: Dijana Capan at DVision Images

The Mill at Sonning 0118 969 Millatsonning.com8000
Gordon Ramsey’s Street Burger in The Oracle is a bit different from the usual fast food experience.
The menu proposition is simple: burger, fries and a bottomless soft drink, Ramsay style, for £16.

The interactive show brings to life some of the most impressive dinosaurs going.The family-friend event welcomes on stage dinos such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a Triceratops, Giraffatitan, Microraptor and Segnosaurus.Andforthe truly brave, there is a meet and greet event after the show, ensuring young explorers have the
and tensions run high as Harry struggles to remain in control.
Gordon Ramsey’s Street Burger
Will Harry and Jean ever make it to Barcelona? Will the taxi driver ever get his fare?
n For more details, or to book, call the box office on 0118 960 6060, or log on to whatsonreading.com or dinosaurworldlive.com

The branch’s assistant manager, Joel Chalmers, said: “Our new menu launched in August.“Wedo have more exciting new menu items coming soon … but I can’t say what
Think Basil Fawlty mixed in with Rene Artois and just a little of Compo.Verbaland visual gags abound as these larger-than-life characters get carried away by the absurdity of the situation.
The play starts with Harry Perkins (Steven Pinder) arriving home in a state of great excitement.Afterpicking up the wrong briefcase on the tube he discovers he is now the owner of £1.5 million in cash and tries to persuade his wife, Jean, (Natasha Gray) that they should fly away and start a new life before the owner of the cash catches up with them.Asimple plan, no?

farceCooneyisalways a popular item on the programme of The Mill and this is arguably one of his best.
You’ll just have to come and find out.
The show is performed on Friday, September 30, through to Sunday, October 2. Tickets cost £14, groups of 10 upwards are £9.50 each, with one in 10 tickets free.
HOT STUFF: Hotter Than Hell Dirty Fries Starter at Gordon Ramsay Street Burger in Reading.
apart - more so than other restaurants,” he explained.“Wehave received extensive training in ensuring the guest’s perspective is of Ramsay standard at all times, and it’s something that we push very heavily in the team.”The branch is open seven days a week, from 11.30am-11pm Monday to Thursday, until midnight on Friday and Saturday, and from noon to 10pm on Sundays.
DespiteNo. his best efforts he is thwarted at every turn, firstly by the arrival of a policeman (Eric Carte) who may or may not have come about the briefcase.Thena very patient taxi driver (Charlie Parker-Swift) who may or may not eventually make the
Thankfully, this Jurassic park features lifelike costumes, no dinosaur DNA was recreated in the making of theSuitableshow.
WHAT’S GOOD TO DO FRI 30 SEP – SUN 2 OCT 0118 960 6060 whatsonreading.com
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 19
chance to make a new dinosaur friend.
Picture: Andreas Lambis
The land of the dinosaurs is coming to The Hexagon

Then throw into the mix the couple’s friends, Vic and Betty, (Harry Gostelow and Elizabeth Elvin) who have simply come for dinner but who end up assuming any number of different identities to help Harry execute his Finallyplan. add a detective (Stuart Neal) who brings disturbing news and you have the recipe for a brilliantMisunderstandingsfarce. and mistaken identities abound
Laughter at the Mill at Sonning? It’s an open and shut briefcase
If soft drinks don’t cut the mustard, cocktails, beers and wine are on the menu.
Funny Money Until November 5
justAndyet.”if the food being up to Gordon Ramsay’s standards isn’t enough, there’s another reason why Joel and his team are proud of their offering.
THEY said it couldn’t be done, they even made a film to warn people about how dangerous it is, but it’s now live, on stage and totally Dinosaurroarsome.WorldLive is coming to The Hexagon this month, bringing with it some of the most ferocious beasts to have ever walked the earth.

WORD on the street is that a burger restaurant has a new menu.
The Oracle Riverside Reading RG1 2AG 020 7352 gordonramsayrestaurants.com9558
We’re in the funny money, thanks to The Mill at Sonning
A fresh new burger menu from Gordon Ramsey
The programme features music specially composed for flute ensemble, as well as

Mr Tyler spent 28 years in army music, before setting up his own music school for children up to upper primary age.
“Every concert for me is a celebration of my time with the talented musicians that make up the great Trinity Concert Band.
Tickets for the anniversary event cost £13 for adults, £7 for students and are free for under 16s and newcomers.
CELEBRATION: Trinity Concert Band will be taking to the University of Reading’s Great Hall to play a selection of well-known classics, Julie Giroux’s To Walk with Wings and a world premiere of Len Tyler’s ‘Trinity Suite’. Picture: Trinity Concert Band

READING Drag royalty Big Jay is celebrating the first anniversary of their drag with a show at Bar 77 on Saturday, September 17.
Trinity show to mark its 21st anniversary
Meadows, said: “It’s been a journey of diversity, drag, jam, student nights, DJs, cocktails, comedy, and more drag.
Trinity Concert Band will take to the University of Reading’s Great Hall on Saturday, September 24, to commemorate the landmark occasion.
“We are lucky to have experienced players throughout all sections of the band, which adds real strength and depth to the overall sound they produce.
The group launched in 2019, and this is only their second public performance – covid lockdowns have prevented a more regular schedule.
Big Jay’s Drag Anniversary Show will take place at Bar 77, downstairs in The Outlook, King’s Road, from 8pm on Saturday, September 17.
He said: “I am fortunate to have been Trinity Concert Band’s musical director for nearly ten years now and have followed on from some fine conductors.
She said: “It’s been six years since I last exercised my performance muscle on the Wilde Theatre stage, so I thought I’d attempt to get it moving again and I’m thrilled to be playing the ultimate ‘Drama Queen’ Judith Bliss.”But it’s a different experience for James Warriner–Gallyer, playing Sandy Tyrell.
Composed by Len Tyler, the three-movement Trinity Suite is based on some of the group’s favourite venues in Berkshire.
In just their first year of performing, Big Jay has taken up a residence at the venue at which they host Reading’s Got Drag, as well as a number of other shows.

The Washington Post, Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks and Eric Whitacre’s Lux Aurumque will feature.Trinity Concert Band is a community wind band based in Earley, which was founded in 2001.Its 45 members range in ability, from talented amateurs to professional musicians.

Bar manager at Bar 77, Corey
arrangements of other pieces from Bernstein’s Overture to Candide to You’ve got a Friend in Me. It will be performed on regular flutes as well as more specialist piccolo, alto and bass flutes.
Big Jay said: “Bar 77 is more than just a lovely bar in the basement of a classic pub, it’s a place that welcomes everyone, and that is thanks to the hard working, open-minded and superfriendly staff.
The concert will kick off at 7pm, finishing at around 9pm. n For more information or to book tickets, visit: www. trinityband.co.uk
THE LEAVES might be turning brown, there’s an autumnal nip in the air, but a Brackbell-based theatre wants you to have hay fever.Not just any hay fever, but one devised by that master of wit, NoelSouthCoward.HillPark’s Studio Theatre Company will present a new staging of the classic play Hay Fever between Wednesday, September 21, and Saturday, September 24.
“I have massive gratitude for Corey, for the opportunities he’s given me, the Reading drag scene, and the LGBTQIA+ community.
music group will celebrate its 21st anniversary by performing a selection of classics, while also premiering a new composition.
Please note that the event is billed as 18+, and tickets begin at £8.
n For more information, or to book tickets, visit: www.outsavvy. com
033 numbers are free within inclusive minutes packages otherwise standard rates apply. For more information, or to book, please call Reader travel justgoholsJGTravelGroup Operated by Just Go Holidays Ltd. Coach package holidays and short breaks are subject to Just Go! Holidays terms and conditions. Your booking is protected by Bonded Coach Holidays (BCH) and the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT); this is a government approved consumer protection scheme. Tours offered subject to availability and government guidelines. Errors and omissions excepted. Prices per person, based on two people sharing a double/twin room. Calls to 033 numbers are free within inclusive minutes packages otherwise standard rates apply. FOLKESTONE & France Weekend ISLE OF WIGHT House Party Departing Fri 28 Oct ‘22 Your break includes Return coach travel and ferry crossings from Slough 3 nights at the Grand Burstin Hotel, Folkestone with dinner & breakfast Entertainment every evening Excursion to Boulogne-sur-Mer & Canterbury Departing Fri 2 Dec ‘22 Your break includes Return coach travel and ferry crossings from Crawley 3 nights at the Shanklin Beach Hotel, Shanklin with dinner & breakfast Happy hour (for 2 hours before dinner every evening) Entertainment every evening Movie afternoon with tea, coffee & biscuits Excursion to Newport & Ryde Optional excursion to Cowes, Yarmouth & Ventnor (£11pp) WPR_2022-09-12_TheWokinghamPaper_16x4 (1)_Just Go 4 Days by Coach only £174.99 4 Days by Coach only £159 Folkestone&FranceWeekend_F.pdfIsleofWightHouseParty_F.pdf Single Supplement £45 Single Supplement £45 or visit us online at justgoholidays.com/WPR 03332 342 527 Quote WPR 20 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
n Tickets cost £16, or £14 for members. For more details, or to book, log on to: www. southhillpark.org.uk
Ensemble prepares for concert date
The setlist will also feature female composers in an attempt to address their lack of representation in classical music.According to the band, only five percent of pieces scheduled in the genre’s concerts are written by women.
Big Jay celebrates a year of drag
that only serve to underscore an unspoken but universal fact: there is no such thing as a normal family.Hay Fever is one of Noel Coward’s most famous plays, written nearly 100 years ago but it still maintains that special feeling of what it’s like to have invited but yet uninvited guests taking over your house for a weekend.Theplay is sometimes charming and sometimes leaves audiences feeling very uncomfortable as the characters attempt small talk and loyalties and allegiances change throughout.Whatisguaranteed is a hilarious night at the theatre as you enjoy the quintessentially British nature of this classic piece of theatre.Auriole Wells play Judith Bliss.
Tickets cost £7 for adults, £3 for under 18s and will be available to buy on the door. The concert starts at 3pm, and proceeds will help the upkeep of the Anglican church.
They performed at Reading Pride Festival, and co-hosted Reading’s first Trans Pride afterparty on Saturday, September 3.
out by Xena Morph, Cairo Ali, and Lujane Oud, along with guest appearances by Duac, Anita Oui, and Mess-Her Morgan.
Paul Speed, will also be celebrating a decade as the band’s music director.
They will be joined by fellow Reading Pride performer Grace Anatomy, and fellow Trans Pride after-party performer Sheer Obsession.Theline-up will be rounded
“I do hope you’ll join us for this exciting anniversary concert.”Theband has commissioned a piece which will make its world premiere at the Great Hall.
“We’ve given a platform to local musicians and performers, and we’re excited for what Bar 77’s second year brings.”
Julie Giroux’s To Walk with Wings is set to dazzle, a piece commissioned by the United States Air Force Academy Band.Inaddition, well-known works such as Sousa’s rousing march
Set in a country house on the River Thames, Hay Fever blends hi-jinks, satire and a comedy of manners to present a unique portrait of a wacky and endearing EnglishEachfamily.ofthe four members of the Bliss family has invited a guest to stay at the family estate for the Thisweekend.setsthestage for a series of raucous misunderstandings
“This is my first performance with the Studio Theatre Company, first time at the Wilde Theatre and come to think of it my first Noel Coward play too,” he said.“Ihave had a brilliant time with the team, and it’s been great fun delving into the Blisses’ bonkers little world.”
Eighteen talented musicians comprise the Fairwater Flute Ensemble, and they will be performing on Saturday, October 1, at St Mary’s The Virgin in Church Close.
A GROUP of flautists will be holding their latest concert early next month in Winnersh.

Big Jay. Picture: Dijana Capan/ DVision Images
“I’m proud to be the resident drag artist there – here’s to another year, and many more.”
The perfect family gathering?

Wednesday, September 21
Here’s their latest single which was released in the summer. It’s a good slice of melodic indie pop rock as are their other releases so far such as their Elucidate EP. The band released a remastered version of that EP earlier this year - https://linktr.ee/ ElucidateUK
Sunday, September 25
They are a favourite at Wokingham Music Club and Wokingham Festival and in August they returned to the festival. It was great to see this crowd pleaser getting the crowd going - https:// www.flutatious.co.uk/
Tuesday, September 20
To advertise in this section,call Claire on 0118 327 2662
CROWTHORNE – Royal British Legion, Wellington Road RG45 7LJ. Paul Tino. Details: 01344 772161.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Found Native. Details: 0118 959 7196
It’s an eclectic mix of stuff that will help you discover something new. All you have to do is find it on ToSpotify.hear this week’s selection, simply head to https://bit.ly/rawsoundstoday and enjoy the music.
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Storm in a Teacup presents Buds, Missing the Scene, Forgotten Names, As Loud as a Mouse, The Bourbon Massive. Details: 0118 959 5500.
RaW TodaySounds
READING – The Facebar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Strictly Roots Revival with Jah Lion Movement. Details: 0118 956 8188.
There is also a Facebook page and group chat that bands and music fans can tap into. You can search for RaW Sounds Today and it will come up.
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. !DAFT!. Details: 01344 303333.
READING – Community Hall, Watlington House, Watlington Street RG1 4RJ. Readifolk presents: Singers Night. Details: www.readifolk.org.uk
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. The Strats. Details: 01344 303333.
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. The Zoots 80s show. Details: 0118 969 8000.
READING – Crowne Plaza Hotel, Richfield Avenue. Live & Love Music soul and blues night: Tom Martin, Paul Glover and James Newman, plus One Eyed Man. Details: www.liveandlovemusic. com
OSP – Iyah
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. PsychoPomp: In Humanity’s Last Days launch show. Details: 0118
Sunday, September 18
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk. Talon. Details: 0118 960 6060.
The latest single from this Reading/London-based band who create infectious catchy indie pop.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Scarlet Vixens Purple Peepshow. Details: 0118 959 7196.
BINFIELD – The Victoria Arms, Terrace Road North RG42 5JA. Pink Fish. Details: 01344 483856.
This is taken from The Room’s 2019 album, Caught by the Machine, which we added few weeks ago in tribute to the brilliant guitarist from the band, Eric Bouillette, who sadly passed away recentlyhttps://theroom.band/
STOKE ROW – Crooked Billet RG9 5PU. Nine Below Zero. Details: 01491 681048.
READING – Salisbury Conservative Club, Kings Road RG1 4HX. Paddington. Details: 0118 926 5804.
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more. Details: 0118 958 0473.
The RaW Sounds Today playlist is on a mission to champion and showcase great music from acts that have a connection to Reading and Wokingham (that’s the RaW in our Sounds Today name).
James Hollingsworth – Faster than Light
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. Dance Cult 10 DC10. Details: 01344 303333.
WOODLEY – The Good Companions, Loddon Bridge Road RG5 4AG. The Echo. Details: 0118 969 3325.
EARLEY – Harley-Davidson, Wokingham Road RG6 8HN. Bottle Kids. Details: 0118 334 4300.
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk. Michael: starring Ben. Details: 0118 960 6060.
DUNSDEN – Dunsden Green Farm, Church Lane RG4 9QD. LoddFest 2022: Third Lung, Elucidate, lee John Blackmore, Louis and the Shakes, Loveless, Mellor, Pylons, Reliant, The Bible Code Sundays, The Nova Hawks, Bex Ruth, Dakorra, Ilani, Nicky Booty, The Wave Machine. Details: www. loddonbrwery.com
EARLEY – Earley Home Guard Social Club, Pitts Lane RG6 1BT. Late Night Boogie. Details: 0118 926 5936.
NETTLEBED – Village Club, High Street RG9 5DD. Nettlebed Folk Club presents: The Jackie Oates Trio. Details: www.nettlebedfolkclub.co.uk
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Rev John H and the Revelations. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more.
Details: 0118 958 0473.
It’s split across two stages: The Tapyard Stage showcases nine exciting and inspirational indie bands on the rise, while The Brewhouse Stage will host six intimate performances from Artists ranging from electronic chill-out to singer songwriter folk.
Aaron has a connection to Spriggan Mist. He’s the son of Baz and Maxine Cilia from the band! He’s also sound engineer on the WMC Stage at Wokingham Festival and played his own set there - https://www. facebook.com/AaronCiliaArtist
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more. Details: 0118 958 0473.
READING – The Apollo Club, Mount Pleasant. Ma Bessie. From 2pm.
READING – Zerodegrees, Bridge Street RG1 2LR. Friday night live, from 6pm. Details: 0118 959 7959.
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Limpopo Groove. Details: 0118 959 5500.
One of the success stories of Wokingham Festival was OSP, who stepped in at last minute to cover for a cancellation, and got the crowd moving with an excellent set. Here’s Iyah, their most recent singlehttps://www.facebook.com/ospmusicuk
READING – The Facebar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Rammlied. Details: 0118 956 8188.
Talking of Loddfest, here’s a band that will be thereElucidatetoo. are an alt-rock band from Reading that we have been hearing good things about.
READING – South Street arts centre. Heavy Pop: Robin Hitchcock and Jessica Lee Morgan. Details: 0118 960 6060.
BINFIELD – The Binfield Club, Terrace Road RG42 4HP. Discover. Details: 01344 420690.
WOODLEY – Bull and Chequers, Woodley Green RG5 4QP. Paddington. Details: 0118 969 9756.
READING – Grosvenor Casino Reading, Rose Kiln Lane RG2 0SN. Rudie Rich. Details: 0118 402 7800.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live Details: 0118 959 5746.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Inair, Red Tape Resistance, Neverendings and Support. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Skinner and T’witch. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
BURGHFIELD – The Hatch Gate, Reading Road RG30 3TH. Now and Then. Details: 0118 983 2059.
Monday, September 19
Friday, September 23
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more. Details: 0118 958 0473.
Spriggan Mist – Lair of Isambard
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Found Native. BBC Introducing presents: MIYA MIYA, Mumbai, Emily Craig. Details: 0118 959 7196
On August 26, he released this new single, another of his self-penned joyous uplifting songs.Aday later he was opening the main Trademark Windows Stage at Wokingham Festival with a wonderful set that perfectly suited the occasion as the sun shone down.
BRACKNELL - The Bridge, Wokingham Road RG42 1PP. Utter Madness Duo. Details: 01344 862912.
READING – Salisbury Conservative Club, Kings Road RG1 4HX. Neon Daze. Details: 0118 926 5804.
To celebrate, our two new entries are bands that will be there. Look out for Third Lung as well.
Chris Venuessoundstodaybit.ly/rawHillmanmaycancel
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. House party: vinyl DJs from 4pm: Andy Trafferd, Craig Harris, Andrew Townsend, Peter Creegan, Jon Paul, Buz Musial, Dave Crowley. Details: 0118 977 3706.
Here’s the latest single from That Joe Payne who headlined the Wokingham Music Club Stage at Wokingham Festival and showed what an incredible voice he has and what a brilliant performer he ishttps://www.thatjoepayne.com/

Saturday, September 24
READING - Hope and Bear, London Road RG1 5DE. Hannah Doorman. Details: 0118 935 4095
Elucidate – Crossroads
READING – Queens Head, Christchurch Road RG2 7AZ. Northern Soul Social Sunday. 2pm-5pm. Details: 0118 931 0232.
READING - Lola Lo, Friar Street. Skint Thursdays: Skint Rock, pop punk and classic rock, plus house and techo. Details: Twitter @skintmondays
READING - Lola Lo, Friar Street. Skint Thursdays: Skint Rock, pop punk and classic rock, plus house and techo. Details: Twitter @skintmondays
James is a singer-songwriter from South West England who performed a wonderful set at the festival for the first time a few weeks ago. This is from his ‘Thirteen Moons’ album - https://www. jameshollingsworth.com/
Aaron Cilia – The Illusion
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Punk night: Echo Chambers, Dead Eyed Smiles. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING – The Retreat, St John’s Street RG1 4EH. Jazz with Stuart Henderson, Simon Price and guests. 3.30pm. Details: 0118 376 9159.
WOKINGHAM – The Whitty Theatre, Luckley House School, Luckley Road RG40 3EU. Wokingham Music Club presents The Korgis featuring James Warren. 7.30pm. £25. wokinghammusicclub.co.ukDetails:www.

READING – The Retreat, St John’s Street RG1 4EH. Jackie Doe and the Uncertainty of Passion. Details: 0118 376 9159.
READING – The Facebar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Club Reckless free pizza party alternative club night. Details: 0118 956 8188.
READING – Progress Theatre, The Mount RG1 5HL. Jazz at Progress presents Evan Parker. Details: www. jazzinreading.com
READING - O’Neill’s, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Live music Fridays: Mirror Effect. Details: 0118 960 6580.
This Bracknell-based band are a local favourite and this year their fame has been spreading as they have wowed crowds at festivals around the country including Wokingham - www.sprigganmist.com/
Following radio interviews to promote the single, Angus is live this Saturday at Loddfest.That’slooking like a great eventhttps://linktr.ee/thewavemachine
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Box Set. Details: 0118 958 0473.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Reggae Sundays. Details: 0118 959 7196.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Live rock music with the Dead Revival and Bacchanal. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING - The Corn Stores, Forbury Road RG1 1SB. Tequila!!. Details: 0118 324 6768.
Friday, September 16
READING – The Rising Sun, Silver Street RG1 2ST. Mississippi MacDonald. Details: 0118 986 6788.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. New Music Tuesday. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Request night. Details: 0118 959 5746.
CAVERSHAM PARK – Caversham Park Village Social Club, Milestone Centre, Northbrook Road. Dave Collinson’s Roy Orbison tribute. Details: www. cpva.org.uk
Flutatious – Wendel the Witch (Mitchell Mix)
due to the death of the Queen – check before heading out to
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. DJ night. Details: 0118 977 3706.
The Wave Machine – So Far So Good
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Open mic. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Turks, London Road RG1 5BJ. Band Substance. Details: 0118 957 6930.
Saturday, September 17
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. The Sound of Springsteen. Details: 0118 969 8000.
Thursday,disappointmentavoidSeptember 15
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 21
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Reggae Sundays. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Freshers house Party. Details: 0118 959 5395.
READING – The Moderation, Caversham Road RG1 8BB. Dirtbag. Details: 0118 959 5577.
We haven’t seen them live before, hopefully we can rectify that at Loddfest on Saturday.
Phantom Booth – Apparatus
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Strictly UB40. Details: 0118 959 5395.
Thursday, September 22
READING - Wild Lime, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Open mic: spoken word, music and vibes. From 6.30pm.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Request night. Details: 0118 959 5746.
SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON – The Four Horseshoes. Beer festival. Details: 01256 882296.
The Room – Vanished
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Adore Delano: Party Your World. Details: 0118 959 5395.
BURGHFIELD – Burghfield Spices, Reading Road RG30 3TH. Clem Johnson. Details: 0118 983 4040.
Angus Trott aka The Wave Machine has been having a busy few weeks.
READING – Zerodegrees, Bridge Street RG1 2LR. Friday night live, from 6pm. Details: 0118 959 7959.
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk, Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls. Details: 0118 960 6060.
After the overwhelming success of its sell-out festival last year, LoddFest 22 will once again showcase the best local bands with 10 hours of back-to-back performances.
Loddfest is taking place in Dunsden Green.
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. Full Flavour Band. Details: 0118 977 3706.
READING – Community Hall, Watlington House, Watlington Street RG1 4RJ. Readifolk presents: Damien Barber and Mike Wilson. Details: www.readifolk. org.uk
READING - O’Neill’s, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Live music Fridays. Details: 0118 960 6580.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live Details: 0118 959 5746.
959 7196.
READING – The Hexagon, Queen’s Walk. Bye Bye Baby. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – Queens Head, Christchurch Road RG2 7AZ. Northern Soul Social Sunday. 2pm-5pm. Details: 0118 931 0232.
SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON – The Four Horseshoes. Beer festival. Details: 01256 882296
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. Ragamuffins and Fleet Country Club reunion. Details: 01344 303333.
That Joe Payne – Live the Dream
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Billy Liberaton. Details: 0118 959 7196.
The Wave Machine at Wokingham Festival Picture: Andrew Merritt
BRACKNELL – The Silver Birch, Liscombe RG12 7DE. Blue Hayz. Details: 01344 457318.
They will be at Heavy Pop’s Roseate Sessions in Reading with Bethia on Thursday, September 29thephantomboothhttps://www.facebook.com/
TILEHURST – The Royal British Legion Club, Downing Road RG31 5BB. Red. Details: 0118 942 9606.
CAVERSHAM - Christchurch Meadows RG4 8BY. Reading Cycle Festival: stunts, learn to unicycle, try and ebike, music, green food, Kidicalmass ride and more. 11am-4pm. readingcyclefestival.co.ukDetails:
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details and advance booking: matilda.katrust.org.uk
READING – Phantom Brewing, Meadow Road RG1 8LB. Brewery tour and tasting. Noon. Booking essential. Details: www. phantombrew.com
FINCHAMPSTEAD – FBC Centre Cafe, Gorse Ride North RG40 4ES. Friendship table. 10amnoon. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
Pinewood Minature Railway
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church Parish Rooms, Reading Road RG41 1EH. Coffee and Chat: a warm welcome, a listening ear and refreshments. 2pm-4pm. Details: 0118 979 2122 or church.office@spauls.co.uk.
SeptemberFriday, 16
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Saturday market. 9am-3pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
TILEHURST – Double Barelled Brewery, Stadium Way RG30 6BX. Double Barrelled Brewery and Mates Rates Comedy Club presents Comedy at the Taproom: Slim, Katharyn Henson, Burt Williamson, Carl Richards and others. £15. 6.30pm. doublebarrelled.co.ukDetails:
READING - Milk, Merchants Place RG1 1DT. Comedy club featuring four acts, including Matt Richardson. Doors 6pm, comedy 7pm. £7. laughtercraftcomedy.comDetails:
WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. 12.30pm2.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Across borough. Wokingham Arts Trail 2022. Details: wokinghamartstrail.co.ukwww.
BINFIELD – Newbold Church RG42 4AN. Arts Society Wokingham: Learn about the Ghent Altarpiece: its early history and its later finding by the Monuments Men in 1945, an illustrated talk by Paula Nuttall. AGM 7.30pm, talk 7.45pm. Details: org.ukTheArtsSocietyWokingham.www.
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. CLASP Wokingham cafe with Friendship table. 10amnoon. Every third and fourth Tuesday of the month. Details: linkvisiting.org
Comedy Club presents Leo Kearse. Details: 0118 959 7196.
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. Cafe Mosiac lunch club with Friendship table. Noon-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
SeptemberSaturday, 17
Due to the Queen’s funeral, today is a public holiday and events may be cancelled. Check before going out ARBORFIELD – Royal British Legion, Eversley Road RG2 9PR. Friendship table. 9.30am11.30am. Details: linkvisiting. org
WOKINGHAM – Across borough. Wokingham Arts Trail 2022. Details: wokinghamartstrail.co.ukwww.
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents car boot sale. 8am-1pm. Cars £10, vans £15. Details: 07861 654674 or woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
EMMBROOK – Emmbrook School, Emmbrook Road RG41 1JP.
READING – The Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square RG1
READING – Town Hall, Blagrave Street RG1 1QH. Reading Vintage Second Life Fashion Pop-Up. Details: www.weare. shop
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am4pm.Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Turbine House, Riverside Museum, Kenavon Drive RG1 3DH. Reading Guild of Artists Small Works exhibition. 10am-6pm. Free. Details: www.rga-artists. org.uk
EARLEY – Earley Crescent Resource Centre, Warbler Drive RG6 4HB. MS weekly drop-in. 10.30am-1.30pm Details: 0118 921 0555.
READING – The Biscuit Factory, Queens Walk RG1 7QE. Happy Retirement Mr Pickering, a short film followed by a question and answer session with director Keshav Shree. readingbiscuitfactory.co.ukDetails:
Wokingham Choral Society open evening for new singers. 7.30pm-9.45pm. Details: org.ukwokingham-choral-society.www.
SPENCERS WOOD – Spencers Wood Pavilion, Clares Green Road RG7 1DY. Social Seniors Tea and Coffee with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Town Hall, Market Place RG40 1AS. Town mayor’s charity quiz night in aid of Kaleidoscopic UK. £15 per person. 7pm. Details: Search Eventbrite.co.uk for Town Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night
FINCHAMPSTEAD – Siren Craft Brew, Marino Way. Brewery tours. 1pm-2.30pm. com/https://www.sirencraftbrew.Details:
READING – Reading School, Erleigh Road RG1 5LW. Reading Climate Festival youth fair. 10am-4pm. Details: readingcan. org.uk
READING – YMCA, Parkside Road RG30 2DD. YMCA Reading free family fun day. 10am-3pm. Facpainting, bouncy castle, circus workship, zumba class taster, free refreshments and more.
CAVERSHAM - Waitrose Car Park, off Gosbrook Road. Caversham Artisan & Farmers Market. 10am-3pm.
CAVERSHAM - Waitrose Car Park, off Gosbrook Road. Caversham Artisan & Farmers Market. 10am-3pm.
WOKINGHAM – Elms Field. Mindset Unlimited: The Wokingham Wellbeing Festival. 10am-6pm.
running. £1.50 per ride, four rides £5. 1.30pm-4pm. Under threes free. Now accepts card payments. Details: www. pinewoodrailway.co.uk
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Mates Rates
READING – The Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square RG1 3BQ. Family History Advice Clinic. Organised by the Berkshire Family History Society. 11am, free, drop-=in. Details: 0118 950 9553.
READING - Market House, Market Place RG1 2EQ. Reading Vegan Festival 2022. 11am-4pm Details: 0118 216 1750.
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church, Reading Road. Wokingham Horticultural Association autumn show. 2pm-4pm.
DUNSDEN – Dunsden Green Farm, Church Lane RG4 9QD. LoddFest 2022: Third Lung, Elucidate, lee John Blackmore, Louis and the Shakes, Loveless, Mellor, Pylons, Reliant, The Bible Code Sundays, The Nova Hawks, Bex Ruth, Dakorra, Ilani, Nicky Booty, The Wave Machine. £15, £15 children. 11am-11pm. Street food, craft beer and more. Details: www. loddonbrwery.com
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Artisan market. 9am-2pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
EARLEY – Trinity Church, Chalfont Close RG6 5HZ. Re:Fresh with Friendship Table. 2pm-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Great Hall, University of Reading, London Road RG1 5AQ. Trinity Concert Band 21st anniversary concert. 7pm. £13, £7 students. Details: 0118 449
WOKINGHAM – The Cornerstone, All Saints Church, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE. Wokingham and East Berkshire Camera Club meeting: informal competition. 7.30pm. Details: www.webcc.org.uk.
SeptemberSunday, 25
READING – The Biscuit Factory, Queens Walk RG1 7QE. The Ants and the Grasshopper screening followed by a question and answer session. Details: readingbiscuitfactory. co.uk
READING – Turbine House, Riverside Museum, Kenavon Drive RG1 3DH. Reading Guild of Artists Small Works exhibition. 10am-6pm. Free. Details: www.rga-artists.org.uk
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details and advance booking: matilda. katrust.org.uk
READING – Open Hand Open Space Ltd, 571 Oxford Road, RG30 1HL. Heritage Open Day: discover the history for Brock Keep. 11am-4pm. Free.
Cafe Mosiac lunch club with Friendship table. Noon-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Reading Old Cemetery (Cemetery Junction), London Road RG1 4LS.
Heritage open days: discover historic pots, and learn about the invention of the printing press and its role in sharing the Bible. 10am-2pm.
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. Cafe Mosiac with Friendship table. 11am-noon. Details: linkvisiting. org
WOKINGHAM – The Cornerstone, All Saints Church, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE. Wokingham and East Berkshire Camera Club meeting: talk by Scottish photographer Dougue Wallace. 7.30pm. Details: www.webcc.org.uk
READING – St. Marys Church, Castle Street, RG1 7RD.
READING - Town Hall, Blagrave Street RG1 1QH. Meet The Father Willis Organ, an astounding invention. With Organ Curator, Dr William McVicker, organist David Pether and other members of the Berkshire Organists’ Association. Noon, 1.30pm. Free.
WOKINGHAM – Main hall, Baptist Church, Milton Road, RG40 1DE. Wokingham Literary Society: Doug Irvine willl be speaking about Transport, Travellers and Literature. 7.30pm. Annual Subscription is £15. Non-members, £2 per meeting. org.ukwokinghamliterarysociety.Details:
LOWER EARLEY – Library, Chalfont Close, Chalfont Way RG6 5HZ. 40th Anniversary of u3a: Amblers, Town Study, Birdwatching, Photography, German, Italian, Current Affairs and Art groups and there will be a demonstration by our Tai Chi group at around 10.30am. Details: readingu3a.org.uk WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. 12.30pm2.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org WOODLEY – Woodley Baptist Church, Hurricane Way RG5 4UX. Four Seasons cafe Friendship Table. 1.30pm3.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
to events@wokinghampaper.co.uk |
22 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today READINGTODAY.ONLINE Wednesday, September 14, 2022
READING – Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square. History of Reading Society meeting: Spencer Slingsby Stallwood: centenary reflections. 7pm for 7.30pm. £2, free members. yahoo.comhistoryofreadingsociety@Details:
2099 or trinityband.co.uk
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. An Evening with Jeremy Irons and Simon Williams, in aid of The George Hatfield Theatrical Arts Foundation. £38. Bar from 6.30pm. Details: 0118 969 8000.
READING - Battle Library, Oxford Road. Board games club for teenagers upwards. Noon-2pm. Free. Details: 0118 937 5103.
READING – Changing Room, Thames Lido, Napier Road RG1 8FR. Reading Civic Society presents So what do you know about Reading’s great motor car industry? An illustrated presentation about Derek Buckler, his Cars and Karts from the 1940s to the 1960s. 6pm. Free, booking essential.
READING – Rising Sun Arts Centre, Silver Street RG1 2ST.
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details and advance booking: matilda. katrust.org.uk
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS.
READING – Cattle Market, Great Knollys Street RG1 7HU. Reading Farmers Market. 8.15am-noon. Details: co.ukthamesvalleyfarmersmarket.www.
BEECH HILL – Trunkwell House, Beech Hill Road RG7 2AT. Wedding fair. 11am-3pm. Free entry. Details: berkshireweddingfairs.co.ukwww.
WOKINGHAM – The Whitty Theatre, Luckley House School, Luckley Road RG40 3EU. Wokingham Film Society presents: After Love (12a). £6.50, £4 members. 7.30pm. Details: wokinghamfilmsociety. com
READING – South Street Arts Centre. Poets Cafe online. 1pm. Details: 0118 960 6060.
WOODLEY – Bulmershe School, Chequers Way RG5 3EU. Thames Valley Chorus free singing course for men. 7.30pm9pm. Free. Details: www. tvchorus.co.uk
READING – Turbine House, Riverside Museum, Kenavon Drive RG1 3DH. Reading Guild of Artists Small Works exhibition. 10am-6pm. Free. Details: www.rga-artists.org.uk THEALE - Library, Church Street RG7 5BZ. Play bridge. Suitable for beginners and experienced players. 10.45am-12.45pm. No booking required. Free. Details: 0118 930 3207, thealelibrary@westberks.gov.ukor:
EARLEY – Earley CResCent Resource Centre, Warbler Drive RG6 4HB. Friendship table. 2pm-3pm. Details: linkvisiting.org.
WOOSEHILL – Acorn Community Centre, Fernlea Drive RG41 3DR. Acorn Cafe with Friendship table. 10.30am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
SeptemberTuesday, 20
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Rose Street. Wokingham
READING - Bar 77, Kings Road RG1 3BJ. Big Jay’s Drag anniversary show. 8pm.
SeptemberThursday, 22
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church Parish Rooms, Reading Road RG41 1EH. Coffee and Chat: a warm welcome, a listening ear and refreshments. 2pm-4pm. Details: 0118 979 2122 or church.office@spauls.co.uk.
READING – Reading Hackspace rLab, Unit C1, Weldale Street RG1 7BX. Reading Repair Cafe: “if it’s broken, bring it along and we are sure to have a go or at least provide some advice about what your best course of action might be”. 12.30pm-4pm. Free, donations welcome.
EARLEY – St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue RG6 7JN. Re:Fresh cafe with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOOSEHILL – Woosehill Church, Chestnut Avenue RG41 3RS. Sip and Share with friendship table. 11am-noon, every second Saturday. Details: linkvisiting. org
Holding community event? your listings
READING – Reading Museum, Blagrave Street RG1 1QH.
WOOSEHILL – Acorn Community Centre, Fernlea Drive RG41 3DR. Acorn Cafe with Friendship table. 10.30am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Fobney Water Treatment Works, Next to lock 105 on the Kennet and Avon Canal, Island Road, RG2 0RP. Fobney Fun Day with Nature Nurture and Thames Water. 11.30am-3pm.
SeptemberSunday, 18
READING - Battle Library, Oxford Road. Board games club for teenagers upwards. Noon-2pm. Free. Details: 0118 937 5103.
READING – Open Hand Open Space Ltd, 571 Oxford Road, RG30 1HL. Heritage Open Day: discover the history for Brock Keep. 11am-4pm. Free.
Reading’s role in the history of photography - an exhibition at Junction Arch. 10am-5pm. Free. Just turn up.
EARLEY – Trinity Church, Chalfont Close RG6 5HZ. Re:Fresh with Friendship Table. 2pm-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Saturday market. 9am-3pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
READING – St. Marys Church, Castle Street, RG1 7RD. Heritage open days: discover historic pots, and learn about the invention of the printing press and its role in sharing the Bible. 10am-2pm.
WOOLHAMPTON – Douai Abbey RG7 5TQ. Reading Phoenix Choir presents Sing for Refugees. 7.30pm. £10, under 16s free. Details: rpchoir.com/ douai-abbey22
Methodist Transport Group presents: Stuart Hicks: A lecture on the Southern Electric system from Weymouth to Ramsgate. The line to Wokingham was electrified in 1939, and Wokingham station still had a sign advertising the Southern Electric brand in 1971. 7.45pm. Details: 0118 977 1754.
DUNSDEN GREEN – Village Hall RG4 9QG. English Country dancing evening: beginners welcome. £4, first session free. 8pm. Details: 07714 226723. EARLEY – Brookside Church, Brookside Close RG6 7HG. Open Door cafe with Friendship Table. 2pm-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
TILEHURST – St. Michael’s Church, New Lane Hill RG30 4JX. A Celebration of Church Bell Ringing. Have a go, see crafts, and explore church’s stained glass windows. 10am-4pm. Free. Details: www.stmichaeltilehurst. org.uk
The Finches social club for people with or without autism. 7pm-9pm. Drinks and snacks available to buy. Music, and friendship. Details: kingwood. org.uk
SeptemberThursday, 15
Heritage open days: discover historic pots, and learn about the invention of the printing
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – St. Marys Church, Castle Street, RG1 7RD.
READING – Outside Marks & Spencer, Broad Street, RG1 2BH. Celebration for University of the Third Age’s 40th anniversary. 10am-4pm. Details: www.readingu3a.org.uk
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Minature Railway, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ.
SPENCERS WOOD – Spencers Wood Pavilion, Clares Green Road RG7 1DY. Social Seniors Tea and Coffee with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Cumberland Road/ Amity Road cut through, Newtown. up.project:CommunityNewtownGardenrewildingNextdoorNaturemeet11am-2pm.
SeptemberFriday, 23
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. 12.30pm2.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details and advance booking: matilda.katrust.org.uk
press and its role in sharing the Bible. 9.30am-5.30pm.
THEALE - Library, Church Street RG7 5BZ. Play bridge. Suitable for beginners and experienced players. 10.45am-12.45pm. No booking required. Free. Details: 0118 930 3207, thealelibrary@westberks.gov.ukor:
SeptemberSaturday, 24
SeptemberMonday, 19
EARLEY – St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue RG6 7JN. Re:Fresh cafe with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
Bayeux in Britain at Reading Museum study day. www.andantetravels.co.ukDetails:
3BQ. Southcote and its Manor, an online talk by Mike Cooper. 2pm-3.15pm. Organised by the Berkshire Family History Society. £5, £4 members. Prebooking essential. Details: 0118 950 9553.
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents car boot sale. 8am-1pm. Cars £10, vans £15. Details: 07861 654674 or www. woodleytowncentre.co.uk
13. Hint of dark colouring on fish (7)
1. Prohibition on drink in cafe? (4,3)
NONAGRAM line which
7. Professor Robert Langdon is a fictional character played by Tom Hanks on screen and created by which thriller writer?
1. Synthetic topless garment (4)
2. The French ram will become less persistent (3,2)
E V W H A A E T S F C R E T O Using all 16 letters of the phrase above, form four words each of four letters which will fit in the grid to form a magic square in which the words can be read both horizontally and vertically. ONE COIN, HENCE MEMO WORD PYRAMID MAGIC SQUARE Here are crossword.tolettersworkYoubeenlettersgridusingcrosswordssquareminiaturetwofive-thesame–butthehavemixedup.havetooutwhichbelongwhichSH AW BA RI TM KO SU OR LI NA DP UL ET EL GI NO YR IE EC LU RD FIVE ALIVE No. 5431 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678910 P 1112 M 13 141516171819202122 E 23242526 R O T E H S D H L 25 Good; 30 Very Good; 35 Excellent. X 1 D 2 O 3 V 4 N 5 T 6 G 7 H 8 Q 9 L 10 P 11 K 12 M 13 S 14 J 15 F 16 U 17 Z 18 R 19 C 20 B 21 Y 22 E 23 A 24 W 25 I 26 QUIZCHALLENGE:1Theyareallvarietiesofapple;2Crocodile(Rock);3Lacticacid;4Belize;5Wimbledon;6Flywheel;7DanBrown;8 Theminers’strike;9Sn;10EdwardVII. dhol;dhole;dosh;ethos;held;helot; herd;herl;hero;hest;hoed;hoer; hold;holder;hole;holed;holster;holt; horde;horse;horsed;horst;hose; hosed;hosel;host;hosted;hostel; hostler;hotel;loth;other;reshot; shed;sherd;shod;shoe;shore; shored;short;shorted;shot;shote; shred;sloth;thole;tholed;thresh; THRESHOLD;tosh. EQUALISER: Clockwisefromtop left–divide;subtract;multiply;add.Total:6. 952684137 174968253 421536978 127469835 635897421 847359612 951284673 783142596 369721845 647123859 758316492 396487125 243951678 983651247 172869534 654713892 239574618 814295376 WORDPYRAMID: Thecrestofawave. MAGICSQUARE: omen;mice;echo; neon. CRYPTICCROSSWORD: QUICKCROSSWORD: Across–1Pumice;4Sketch;8Runoff;10Ribbon;11Fumes;12 Leaves;14Severe;16Care;17Trot;19Fuss;22Fake;26Unreal; 27Lean-to;28Lower;29Output;30Airgun;31Geyser;32 Cleave. Down–1Purple;2Maniac;3Coffer;5Kaiser;6Tablet;7Hanker; 9Fuse;10Rest;13Value;15Vodka;18Dugong;19Frothy;20 Salute;21Slot;22Flea;23Aerial;24Enigma;25Pounce. Across–1Milkbar;5Aztec;8Catty;9Prairie;10Spinalcolumn; 12Opiate;14Mashie;17Takethefield;21Noisome;22Array;23
19. Renal disorder in Northern Ireland (5) Rex’s girl in Norfolk (4)
once. At
says you should always perform division and multiplication before addition and subtraction. 10 4 8 5 2 5 3 9 3 2 1 2 EQUALISER
5. Italian tennis player Matteo Berrettini was forced to pull out of which 2022 Grand Slam event after contracting COVID-19?
12. Work by one at Exmouth is inducing sleep (6)
7. Detergent washes with hesitation (8)
5. A city doctor finds outpost the US defended (5)
15. I get at a recipe and stir violently (7)
8. The 2022 TV drama series Sherwood is set against the backdrop of which industrial struggle in the 1980s?
10. Newspaper article that has some backbone? (6,6)
Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box.Easy Hard
Spell out a 15-letter word or phrase by moving from one chamber to another within the pyramid. You may only enter each of the chambers once and may only proceed through openings in the walls. The first letter may appear in any chamber. Ergot;24Therein. –1Mock;2Letup;3Bayonet;Ripple; Through;7Cleanser;Continue;Inkling; Select;18Trout;19Larne;Lynn.
21. Nasty denial is nothing to me (7)
1 8 11 12 17 21 23 10 10 2 13 11 17 21 3 18 15 4 9 16 24 4 13 14 16 5 15 22 6 19 7 20
11. Carry on and study tune I composed (8)
ACROSS DOWN 1 8 12 18 26 29 31 21 2 16 19 13 3 11 20 28 9 21 25 4 8 10 14 17 22 22 27 30 32 5 23 15 6 24 26 7 25 QUICK CROSSWORD 89 64 39 5 3 4 17 5 86 2 9 3 1 6 8 5 36 1 47 26 83 46 69 5 2 5 7 41 589 7 84 3 6 4 5 596 8 1845 92 6 2 16261923237 15 1123143 24 26 1932413 13 241962614623 20 1132313 6 24 2531223 24 9 211017196 19 1 1031741923 13171420246 23 24 3 5 8 19 624213314 11261924623 6 10 23192620 19 13 23252314 17 10 232723 24 82419133522 26 317183 20 6 235422 10 1110232414232 23 Each number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.
How many words of four letters or more can you make from must use the central letter, and each letter may be used only least word using nine letters

8. Like Tom perhaps – spiteful (5)
17. How the bowling side will begin warlike operations? (4,3,5)
first and ignore the mathematical law
18. It swims right up then away (5)
2. What C is a large semi-aquatic reptile that appears in the title of an Elton John song?
4. Belmopan is the capital city of which Central American country?
5. Street atlas used by detective in hunt for Mexican? (5)
Your weekly puzzle challenge CROSS CODE CRYPTIC CROSSWORD SUDOKU ACROSS 1. Abrasive stone (6) 4. Drawing (6) 8. Decamp (3,3) 10. tapeDecorative(6) 11. Waste gases (5) 12. Foliage (6) 14. Strict (6) 16. Feel concern (4) 17. Horse’s gait (4) 19. Ado (4) 22. Bogus (4) 26. Imaginary (6) 27. Adjoining shed (4-2) 28. Let down (5) 29. Yield (6) 30. Weapon (6) 31. Hot springwater(6) 32. Split (6) DOWN 1. Imperial colour (6) 2. violentUncontrollablyperson (6) 3. Strong chest (6) 5. sovereignGerman (6) 6. Pill (6) 7. Yearn (6) 9. Merge (4) 10. Repose (4) 13. Worth (5) 15. Russian spirit (5) 18. mammalMarine (6) 19. Bubbly (6) 20. Military greeting (6) 21. Hole for coin (4) 22. Parasitic insect (4) 23. Antenna (6) 24. Mystery (6) 25. Swoop (6) This puzzle page is supplied by Sirius Media Services Ltd. To try our new puzzle, Zygolex, go to www.zygolex.com © Sirius Media Services Ltd PZ1P5431 To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Wednesday, September 14, 2022 READINGTODAY.ONLINE 23

24. In that place neither moved (7)
3. Weapon fitted to a light bulb? (7)
9. What is the chemical symbol for tin?
10. Who was the only British monarch of the house of Saxe-CoburgGotha?
23. In summer got a disease on cereal plants (5)
can be found. Guidelines:
3. During physical exertion, which acid is produced in muscles?
9. Plain oyster perhaps (7)
22. Impressive display by a boy, it is reported (5)
Place the four signs (add, subtract, multiply, divide) one in each circle so that the total of each across and down line is the same. Perform the first calculation in each
6. Which simple mechanical device maintains the momentum of a drive shaft?
(2)(1)Across–Swarm;Input;Recur. Down–Skier;Aspic;Motor. Across–Habit;Ladle;Yield. Down–Holly;Budge;Trend.
Any word found in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Tenth Edition) is eligible with the following exceptions: proper nouns; plural nouns, pronouns and possessives; third person singular verbs; hyphenated words; contractions and abbreviations; vulgar slang words; variant spellings of the same word (where another variant is also eligible).
6. Having completed a boring job (7)
16. Choose to include the Spanish in group (6)
14. Mother, she accepts one club (6)
Quiz Challenge
Nonagram?thisEach word
1. What do Lord Derby, James Grieve and Charles Ross have in common?
4. Effect caused by wave (6)
STRESSFUL PURCHASE: Buying a house can be difficult - here’s a guide to help make it easier Picture: Alexandr Podvalny from Pixabay
You will be building an incredible connection and impact once placed on our programmes.Thesubjects will vary from Maths, English, Science and more.
n National Childbirth Trust is one of the UK’s leading charities for parents, they’re here to make sure parents-to-be and new parents feel connected and supported.
“In truth, however, it’s actually one of the most straightforward parts of the buying process, which says a lot for how complex the journey can be. We hope Merge and its 12-step plan can help overwhelmed buyers get a clearer idea of what needs to be done and when.”
You do not have to be an expert, just that you are confident in coaching in that subject.
The seller might be keen to get the deal done quickly, or might be struggling to attract any other offers so you could end up with a great deal.
n Additional info from Homeowners Alliance, Unbiased, Aster, and Pettyson
Understand your financial position
The actual process of submitting an offer should always be done through an estate agent, not directly to the seller and it’s worth knowing that agents are legally obliged to pass on each and every offer they receive. It’s always best to confirm your offer in writing so that you’re not misheard or misunderstood.
There are two main types of cholesterol, LDL, sometimes termed ‘bad’ cholesterol, and HDL, sometimes termed as ‘good cholesterol’.
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The reality is that we do need some of both types of cholesterol, but the incorrect balance can be harmful.When cholesterolLDLbuilds up in the arteries, it can contribute to plaque formation, whilst HDL cholesterol removes harmful cholesterol from the goodwhichpresencecholesterolhavetheythroughBeforebloodstream.womengothemenopausecannaturallyahigherHDLduetotheofoestrogenseemstoboostcholesterol.
This guide is all about making an offer and getting it accepted.
Make sure your paperwork and life circumstances are in order to allow for the smoothest possible transition of ownership. Sellers will appreciate this and are, therefore, more likely to accept your Christinaoffer.Melling, CEO of Stipendium, said: “In today’s hot housing market, the process of submitting an offer is a delicate balancing act. You don’t want to overpay, but you also don’t want to lose out to a competitor. Understand your position, trust your agent and be prepared to walk away if the seller demands too much.
This is a classic example of where head must rule over heart.
It has broken down the homebuying process into 12 essential steps via their first and will be releasing a series of essential guides to help the nation’s homebuyers based on these 12 steps:

Healthy Heart Tip Cholesterol
How to make an offer on a house and make sure that it’s accepted Know your numbers
might even consider it offensive.
Five top tips for getting your offer accepted
Understand the local market
They are looking for current University students in the local area to join CoachBright as a volunteer Coach for this upcoming academic year.
n To help keep your heart healthy, why not
n Take a look at our brand new Reading Volunteer Connect platform for details of these and many more opportunities to volunteer via our website, www.rgneeds.me. Want to get in touch? Drop us an email at volunteering@rva.org.uk or call 0118 937 2273.
try out some of our Healthy Heart recipes from our uk-recipes-2/.org.uk/heart-research-https://heartresearch.website:
Blood Pressure
n For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for our weekly healthy tips at healthy-tips.heartresearch.org.uk/www.
Blind Aid Society was formed in 1883 and then changed to Reading Association for the Blind in 1926 and has supported the sight impaired people of Reading ever since.
This is the most important thingmake sure you are absolutely clear on how much you can afford to spend and
However, it’s far more likely that you’ll have to raise your offer to match the asking price which, if you’ve budgeted properly, shouldn’t be a problem.Things can get complicated when other buyers become your competitors and, to fend them off, you have to raise your offer above the askingNeverprice.go higher than you can
This would be a perfect opportunity for caring volunteers that happen to be creative.These Social Clubs are held at Walford Hall and provide a safe, much-needed social environment for their members.
n CoachBright is a social mobility charity on a mission to support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to become independent and resilient learners so they can lead the lives they want.
Sellers often want to sell quickly and without unnecessary complication. If, therefore, you are a first-time buyer, or are not linked to a chain, or can afford to buy in cash, make sure the seller knows this. If they receive two identical offers, they will choose the one that allows for the fastest, easiest path to completion.
pressure or cholesterol is high is to have it checked. Checks are quick and easy, and it could be pressureaimyearsAdultslifesaving.aged40orovershouldtohavetheirbloodcheckedat
Submitting your offer
your local pharmacy or gym.You could also consider investing in a home blood pressure monitor to keep track of your numbers.

They currently need helpers at their Social Club.They have arts and crafts activities where volunteers help members participate.
To get an idea of how much you should offer, analyse the local market looking at both asking prices and sold prices.This will help ensure that you’re not offering more than you should. It’s best to concentrate on similar sized and styled properties in the area you are hoping to live.
Reading Voluntary Action

Blood pressure is the measure of the force that your heart uses to pump blood around your body. It is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and is given as 2 figures: 1) Systolic pressure – the pressure when your heart pumps blood out, 2) Diastolic pressure – the pressure when your heart is at rest, between pumps. Systolic pressure is always shown on top, and diastolic pressure is always shown on the bottom. A simple lifestyle step like reducing your salt intake can help reduce your blood pressure.
Looking for a volunteer opportunity where you can meet new people but also have the flexibility to decide when and where you volunteer?Theyare looking for a volunteer to help produce the local NCT newsletter for an audience of local members, parents and other relevant people by gathering articles, editing and laying out the newsletter.Newsletter volunteers play a significant role in letting parents know what’s going on in their local area, helping them feel part of/aware of NCT and also keeping them informed and entertained.
Deciding on your initial offer
If the seller is adamant they want more than you can afford, walk away.
As part of the campaign, people are encouraged to take ownership of their heart health numbers.
absolutely afford. Never let emotion rule the day.
n Play your position
Trust the advice of your agent. They are a professional who knows the local market like the back of their hand. They know better than you how to get an offer accepted. You can rely on them to do what’s in your best interests.
do not, under any circumstances, be tempted to go over this amount.
n Have everything in order
n Be realistic
n Trust your agent
n Or have a look through our Healthy Heart cookbook filled with recipes from top chefs, celebrities and food bloggers: cookbook/.heart-research-uk-heartresearch.org.uk/https://
Your initial offer should be below the asking price while remaining reasonable. A good estate agent will be able to help you strike this balance. In some cases, you might get lucky.
The only way to know if your blood
When you’ve identified the home you want to buy, be swift and get your offer in sooner rather than later. On today’s market, homes sell very quickly and if you dilly-dally, your offer might arrive too late.
Cholesterol levels and blood pressure are two key markers to understanding your risk of heart disease.
If you can’t find any exact matches, look for sold prices on properties in the same region with the same features, such as the number of bedrooms and garden size.
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n Be swift
Don’t make your offer unreasonably low. While you want a good deal, so does the seller. A silly offer is likely to frustrate them; they
See our previous healthy tip for ways to reduce bad cholesterol.
When you have found the home you want to buy, you have to submit an offer. This will, of course, be guided by the asking price, but the asking price is not set in stone. You might be able to buy the house for less, or you might have to buy it for more.
STIPENDIUM, a platform that aims to simplify life’s complex events, has compiled a guide on what to expect when it comes making an offer on a property and the best, most reliable ways of ensuring that your offer is accepted.
least every five years. You can ask your GP to check your blood pressure, or you may be able to have your blood pressure checked with