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Reading Today
THE owners of a café in Reading train station have won permission to sell alcohol despite fears over binge drinking on the platform.
Select Service Partner (SSP) Ltd announced intentions to convert the Delice de France bakery located at platforms 8 and 9 into a Café Local.
As part of the makeover, SSP submitted a licensing application to sell alcohol from the unit on and off the premises from 6am to 11pm, seven days a week.
But a commuter objected, raising fears that people drinking on the platform would lead to anti-social behaviour.
“I have travelled frequently to London for over 14 years by train,” they wrote. “Alcohol consumption at the station is dangerous due to the trains and crowded platforms.
“The consumption on trains is unsocial including people relieving themselves on the platforms, train seats and carriages, especially at night. At night in particular it can be intimidating for passengers.
“Slipping on platforms is always a safety issue this will make it worse.
TIME FOR CHANGE: The Delice de France between platforms 8/9 of Reading train station, set to become a Café Local. Picture: Local Democracy Reporting Service
“The cafe is near escalators, which poses an additional danger.”
They suggested that if alcohol is sold, it must be in plastic bottles or cans rather than glass to minimise the risk posed by the smashed glass.
Reading Borough Council’s licensing committee considered the application.
During the meeting, Simon Hilton, operations manager of SSP said Café Local will have a mixed product offering of food, alcoholic and soft drinks, phone chargers, electric items, umbrellas and toiletries.
Sharon Scott, general manager of SSP said no issues had been raised at the other SSP sites that sell alcohol in the station – the Pumpkin Café on platform 7 and Caffè Ritazza on platform 10.
Mr Hilton added that only individual cans and bottles of alcohol will be sold, clarifying that no multi-packs will be sold, saying: “We see ourselves as a take-out option.”
Cllr Paul Woodward (Labour, Church) chair of the committee, said he was satisfied that the firm was not looking to be “an extension of The Three Guineas”, the pub at the front of the station.
Ms Scott said the price points for alcohol would be from £3.49 to £4.79, with the product range including beer, cider, mixer cans, and small bottles of wine.
The licensing committee granted the licence for Café Local subject to conditions, which lay out a CCTV operation regime, a Challenge 25 age verification policy, and a staff training regime with refreshers every 12 months.
The decision was made on Thursday, April 13 by Cllr Woodward, Cllr Sue Kitchingham (Labour, Caversham Heights) and Cllr Louise Keane (Green, Katesgrove).
Key Stage Team Leaders
MPS/UPS plus TLR2a/b
Required for September 2023
We wish to appoint dynamic, strategic thinking phase leaders who have the energy and drive to work with our leadership team across the Federation. The persons appointed will be part of the Leadership Team and will also lead a core curriculum area dependent on candidate’s strengths. Further information and an application form can be found on the school websites https://www.wilsonprimary.co.uk/index.asp or https://oxfordroad.reading.sch.uk/
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FS, KS1 or KS2 teachers
Part time positions considered
Required for September 2023
Our happy, creative and child centred schools are looking for talented teachers to work as part of our dedicated teams.
The roles would suit ECT or experienced teachers. Further information and an application form can be found on the school websites https://www.wilsonprimary.co.uk/index.asp or https://oxfordroad.reading.sch.uk/
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Reading Borough Council has made an Order in accordance with Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road. The effect of the Order will be to temporarily suspend the disabled parking bays in the following lengths of road:
• St Marys Butts outside number 66 to a point approximately 10 meters north, from: 24 April 2023 – 22 May 2023 between 0800hrs – 1400hrs daily.
• St Marys Butts directly outside number 66, from 22 May 2023 – 11 August 2023 between 0800hrs – 1400hrs daily.
If made, the Order will come into operation on the dates above but should the works take longer than expected, the Order will remain in operation until the works are complete for up to 18 months, whichever is sooner. The Order is necessary for the removal and replacement of dangerous and non-compliant cladding.
DATED: 20 April 2023
Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Reading Borough Council intend to make an Order in accordance with Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of which will be to temporarily close 209 Surley Row for an approximate distance of 100ft/30m and introduction of no parking, stopping or waiting at any time at that point. If made, the Order will come into force on to 9 to 11 May. Should the works take longer than expected the restriction will remain in force until the works are completed with a maximum order duration of 18 months. The Order is required for reasons of safety to allow Thames Water to complete repairs on a mains within the carriageway outside 209 Surley Row. A signed diversion route will be in place.
DATED: 20 April 2023
Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Reading Borough Council proposes to make an Order in accordance with Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road. The effect of the Order will be to temporarily suspend the parking bays and introduce a no waiting and/or no loading at any time on Erleigh Road from its junction with Donnington Road to a point approximately 40 meters west. If made, the Order will come into operation on 11 May 2023 but should the works take longer than expected, the Order will remain in operation until the works are complete for up to 18 months, whichever is sooner. The Order is necessary to complete tree works.
DATED: 20 April 2023
Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Reading Borough Council proposes to make an Order in accordance with Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road. The effect of the Order will be to temporarily suspend the parking bays and introduce a no waiting and/or no loading at any time on Addison Road outside numbers 22 - 38. If made, the Order will come into operation on 0930hrs – 1530hrs on 9 May 2023 but should the works take longer than expected, the Order will remain in operation until the works are complete for up to 18 months, whichever is sooner. The Order is necessary for non-excavation sewer cleaning.
DATED: 20 April 2023
Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Reading Borough Council intend to make an Order in accordance with Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of which will be to temporarily close the section of Highdown Hill Road – outside number 42. If made, the Order will come into force on to 8 – 10 May. Should the works take longer than expected the restriction will remain in force until the works are completed with a maximum order duration of 18 months. The Order is necessary to enable repair works to leaking water mains. A signed diversion route will be in place.
DATED: 20 April 2023
Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Reading Borough Council proposes to make an Order in accordance with Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of which will be to temporarily suspend the parking bays outside properties 15-23 New Road and also 30-42 New Road inclusive and temporary introduce a no stopping or waiting at any time. If made, the Order will come into force on 2 May 2023. Should the works take longer than expected the restriction will remain in force until the works are completed with a maximum order duration of 18 months.
The Order is necessary for sewer cleansing works.
DATED: 20 April 2023
Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Reading Borough Council
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
Order 2015 Notice of applications for planning permission under Article 15 of the Order
All comments must be received within 7 days and will go on public view.
230007 & 230008: 42 Bath Road, Reading, RG1 6PG - Removal and replacement of existing set of double doors which are situated within the grade II listed part of the building. Refurbishment of the whole 69 bedroom care home, including decoration, new floor finishes, furniture and sanitary ware.
230202: 13-15 Station Road, Reading, RG1 1LG - Change of use from office (Class E) to 7 residential units (Class C3) at part-basement floor, part-ground floor and first to fourth floor levels, cycle storage facilities at rear ground floor level and replacement rooftop mechanical plant.
230203: 13-15 Station Road, Reading, RG1 1LG - Various internal and external works associated with the change of use from office (Class E) to 7 residential units (Class C3) at part- basement floor, part-ground floor and first to fourth floor levels, including secondary glazing, internal layout alterations, cycle storage facilities at rear ground floor level and replacement rooftop mechanical plant.
230310 & 230311: 90 London Street, Reading, RG1 4SJ - Proposed change of use of from Class E to create six self contained studio flats (C3) and to maintain office space on ground floor with associated works.
230381: St Marys Church Yard, St Marys Butts, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 2HXErection of a new half brick wall and railings fence and gates in St. Mary’s Service Yard, within the curtilage of St. Mary’s Church.
These applications can be viewed online http://planning.reading.gov.uk/fastweb_PL/welcome.asp
Anyone wishing to make representations can submit comments online or write, quoting the application number, to Planning, Reading Borough Council, Civic Centre, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU.