2 minute read
Listening to residents
SHINFIELD Parish Council’s consultation exercise should be applauded.
They asked questions, residents responded, now they’ll listen.
It is a good model of local democracy in action – grown-up politics without the politics, if you like.
There are many concerns that affect the lives of residents, including speeding, traffic, housing and developments.
Trying to navigate appropriate ways forward is never easy – if it was, we’d all be standing to be leader of the council.
However, there is always merit in asking people for their views and opinions, particularly when some local knowledge can go a long way.
Shinfield parish wanted to know how traffic could be calmed in the village, especially now the relief road available for motorists to use.
Chicanes similar to those used around Arborfield were roundly rejected. And anyone who has driven through Arborfield will understand why – installed badly they are a hindrance to safe motoring, let along bad driving.
Alternative ideas are now being worked on, and that is a positive, despite causing some delays.
Yes, delays are frustrating – local plan, we’re looking at you – but done well, and for the right reasons, a better result lies at the end of it.
Shinfield Parish Council’s exercise will prove fruitful for the future.
CHURCH NOTES Why are we waiting?
THE run-up to Easter is a significant time for us as Christians. There is much to anticipate, to have hope in and to delight in.
But this season is also significant for us as we wait, in this period of Lent; we wait in the knowledge that there is more to life than we know and experience, and Easter shows us a glimpse of the glory of things to come.
Or, perhaps more trivially, you are waiting for Easter to arrive so that you can leave behind the abstinence of chocolate.
Personally, I find this is a time when I am drawn back to my own journey of faith and I recall how many occasions God has called me to return back to Him.
I like to think of this season as a moment of realignment in my heart, body and mind.
To realign ourselves, we may need to adopt new rhythms and practices, or strive for selflessness or self-discipline, or perhaps re-learn Sabbath rest.
And maybe this is a time to remind yourself of the Holy call God has placed on your life. I wonder what might it look like for you to realign your faith and return back to God today?
If this is the first time of drawing near to God, the invitation is there for you, and I encourage you to dwell in his comforting embrace and know that you are loved.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you (James 4:8).
Savannah Bell is a member of Wokingham Baptist Church, writing on behalf of Churches Together Wokingham