By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.todayWOKINGHAM Borough Council is among the Berkshire authorities bidding for more than £50 million of funding from the government’s levelling up fund.

The £4.8 billion pot is designed to invest in infrastructure that improves everyday life across the UK.
This includes supporting town centre and high street regeneration, local transport projects, and cultural and heritage assets.
Alison Webster, chief executive of Berkshire LEP said, “These levelling up bids are much-needed to help unlock the economic potential in Berkshire so that our area can continue to contribute to the government’s Global Britain ambitions.”
Wokingham Borough Council’s bid is for a 1.4km off-road walking and cycling route between Twyford Station and Charvil via Charvil Meadows which will provide off-road active travel access to the station.

This forms a key element of the LCWIP route which connects Twyford Station and town centre to housing, schools and facilities in both Charvil and Woodley. The LCWIP route continues through Woodley and then into Reading.
The Woodley to Reading Section is currently being designed and has £3 million funding from Active Travel England.
The scheme is traffic free and complements the borough’s Greenways Project and its aspirations for a Loddon Long Distance Path which travels past Twyford Town and will use part of this link to cross the river and continue northbound.

Along with these greenways, this route will deliver a series of traffic free routes for pedestrians and cyclists away from main roads.
Ms Webster believes transport improvements alongside enhanced culture, leisure and learning opportunities are “major contributors” to thriving town centres.
She added: “Berkshire LEP is pleased to support our local authority partners and we continue to work collaboratively to deliver strong and vibrant town centres for the people and businesses of Berkshire.”

‘You can’t see what you’re giving way to’

By JI-MIN LEE jlee@wokingham.todayMOTORISTS have described a new give way sign on a busy Wokingham road as ‘ridiculous’ and ‘dangerous’.
The sign has been installed on Reading Road to reduce speeds, with vehicles heading towards Arborfield required to yield to oncoming traffic.
However, drivers say there is limited visibility due to the sign’s location on a bend.
Shinfield resident, Rob Boreham-Fish, said: “Why would anybody think it was a good idea to spend thousands of pounds sticking a signpost literally in the middle of the road on bends, forcing you into oncoming traffic?

“The signs tell you to give way, but you can’t see what you are or aren’t giving way to.
“At night, there are no lights, just reflective bollards. These installations need removing as soon as possible before the council has a fatality on their hands.”

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Fun run marks
By Daniel Blackham dblackham@wokingham.todayMORE than 300 Twyford residents came together for one of the village’s favourite annual events last weekend.
The Twyford Together charity 5k and fun run, celebrating its tenth anniversary, took place at the Piggott School on Sunday, October 9.

The bragging rights were awarded to Longfield Road, Jarvis Drive and Kibblewhite Crescent who won the fastest street competition.
This year saw four races split according to school year groups.

The 100 metre pre-school toddle, a one kilometre run for reception and Years 1 and 2 and a one-kilometre course for Years 3 and 4.
Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed the two kilometre course and there was a chip-timed, multi-terrain 5K for those aged 11 and over.
Ellie Barnes, who helped organise the event, said: “It was an amazing day and the weather helped as always. The sun always seems to shine on that event.
“It was really great to see loads of kids and adults taking part in the various distances that we had on offer throughout the morning.”
Among the hundreds participating, there were plenty doing it for the first time.
10th birthday
Ms Barnes added: “When I asked them on the start line ‘who’s ever taken part in a running event before and got a medal’, there were a lot of hands that didn’t go up.

“So there’s a lot of kids doing it for the first time.
“A couple of families said to me afterwards they’ve lived in the village for five plus years and never been, but this will be an annual
thing for them now because they loved it so much.”
All proceeds from the event will support Twyford Charities Together.
The group was formed in 2011 to give local charities, often lacking their own fundraising team, a helping hand.

n For more information, visit: twyfordtogether.org
Children’s book festival returns this wekeend
A CELEBRATION of children’s literature will take place in Wokingham town centre this weekend.
The event will give young reqaders a chance to meet authors and illustrators and learn more about their work.
The fun talks will take place in person in Wokingham, with some sessions also being streamed online.
This year there are 16 guest speakers, including Manjeet Mann: writer, actress, playwright, screenwriter and director, Amanda Quartey: illustrator, and graphic designer, Christopher Edge: children’s writer, and Dapo Adeola: children’s author and illustrator.
Also speaking will be Holly Webb: children’s writer, Jane Elson: actress, comedy improviser, writer and playwright, Louie Stowell: science writer, now children’s writer, and Michael Catchpool: former primary school headteacher, now children’s author.
Joining them will be Nizrana Farook: children’s writer inspired by Sri Lanka, Ross Welford: journalist and TV producer, now fulltime writer, Sean Taylor: children’s picture book writer, and Sophy Henn: children’s author and illustrator.
And finally, Steve Antony: author and illustrator, Sufiya Ahmed: previously in advertising, now full-time author, Tim Tilley: illustrator and teacher of illustration, and Yijing LI: graphic designer and illustrator.
On Saturday, talks will be located in the Town Hall, while on Sunday, there will be events in the town hall and the new Carnival Hub library.
On Sunday, October 16, events will take place in the Town Hall.

Tickets for all live events cost £3 per seat, streamed sessions costs £3 per household. Books can be purchased at the event, or online.
The event is run by Wokingham Town Council, Wokingham Borough Council’s Library Service, Love Wokingham, and Wokingham MoreArts.
For more information and to book a session visit: www.wokingham-tc.gov.uk/bookfest/ call: 0118 974 0889 (8.30am to 5pm), or email artsandculture@ wokingham-tc-gov.uk
Pictures: Steve SmythWin £10k for a good cause at Tesco this weekend
SHOPPERS at a supermarket in Wokingham could secure a £10,000 Golden Grant for a good cause this weekend.
Between noon and 1pm on Saturday, October 15, shoppers at the Finchampstead Road Tesco will have the chance to take part in a lucky dip to find a golden token worth £10,000.
The finder will then be able to choose which of the three causes in the Wokingham store’s current vote will receive a £10,000 grant, as well as receiving a Tesco voucher as a thank you for taking part.
This is part of a national scheme which will see 100 Tesco’s nationwide donating £1 million this weekend.
Jason Tarry, Tesco and ROI CEO, said: “We have never donated to so many communities in just a single day.
“£10,000 can make a huge difference to local groups and help them weather the current rises in costs.
“We’re giving customers who visit the stores, taking part, a chance to help a good cause that’s doing amazing work on their doorstep.”
There is also one ‘digital’ golden token which customers can win by nominating a charity through the Tesco Golden Grants competition, which will be running on the @Tesco Twitter.
The £1 million donation marks £100 million in community grants being given to more than 50,000 good causes since they were launched in 2016.
Organisations that have benefited include breakfast clubs, food banks, playgrounds, green spaces, counselling and support services for young people and children’s sports teams.
Fines of up to £1,000 for antisocial car meets in Wokingham
By GRANT WILLIAMS Local democracy reporterNUISANCE drivers participating in car meets could now be fined up to £1,000.
Wokingham Borough Council have passed a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which aims to reduce the misery residents have felt from anti-social vehicle use in car parks and other public spaces.
The PSPO gives officers new powers to hand out fixed penalty notices (PCN’s) of up to £100, or a summary offence fine of up to £1,000, to those who fail to comply with the conditions.
Signage totalling £2,000 will be implemented in the areas so the order can be legally enforced.

Cllr Ian Shenton, executive member for environment, sport and leisure, said the implementation is necessary due to the volume of complaints from residents.
“Typically, it features engine revving, wheel spinning, aggressive driving, noise from horns, backfiring and loud music. A lot of it occurs quite late into the night,” said Cllr Shenton.
It was deemed the number and regularity of the incidents
has had a detrimental effect on the quality of life for residents in the vicinity, so meets the statutory test for a PSPO.
Between January 2021 and January 2022, 82 incidents were reported to the council, predominantly in the Carnival Hub car park, the Mereoak Park and Ride near Three Mile Cross and supermarket car parks across the borough.
The council set up a new crime prevention team in April, designed to offer a visible
presence and crack down on anti-social behaviour, but the representative for Bulmershe and Whitegates wards, Cllr Shirley Boyt, said incidents were still happening with “alarming regularity”.
Wokingham and Bracknell boroughs have both been plagued with incidents of car meets in recent times, sparking interventions from residents, the council and local MPs.
In January, residents protested the regular

occurrences at The Carnival Pool car park on Wellington Road, with Cllr Maria Gee claiming children had been hiding under their beds because the noise sounded like gunshots.
Wokingham Borough Council said cases had reduced following the installation of CCTV.
Incidents at the Sainsbury’s on Bagshot Road in Bracknell prompted an intervention in parliament by the borough’s MP,
James Sunderland. Mr Sunderland urged the supermarket to shut its parking area while the store is closed, after residents complained of up to 100 cars showing up regularly for “dangerous” and “noisy” car meets.
A public consultation by Wokingham Borough Council on the proposed PSPO, carried out between June and July of this year, revealed 75% of respondents were in favour of implementing it.
Live music in aid of FND Hope UK CLASP focus on hate crime
A CHARITY live music night is coming to Sonning this month.
The event is in aid of FND Hope UK and will take place at Reading Rugby Club, Holme Park on Friday, October 28.
Two bands, Pistol Broke and Trupa, will perform a number of well-known songs and there will be a bar serving a range of drinks.
Doors open at 6.30pm and admission is £3, with a couples ticket costing £5.
A family ticket is available for a family of up to five people for £8.
All proceeds will support FND Hope UK, a charity supporting those with Functional Neurological Disorder.
For more information, visit: eventbrite.co.uk https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/livemusic-night-in-aid-of-fnd-hope-uk-tickets406214156477?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
CLASP is a self-advocacy group for people with learning disabilities in the Wokingham Borough.
It is user-led and run by its members, and are supported to have their say about how local services are developed.
The also receive one-to-one support, information, advice and signposting.
The group recently produced a video with Thames Valley Police, that highlights hate crime.
Members are currently focusing on this issue in their Take Notice sessions, its campaigning forum that meets every Friday at the Bradbury Centre from 10am to noon.
Topics include a Hate and Mate Crime Workshop with Thames Valley Police, and a review of the guide for adult social care and how it can
better support members.
As well as discussions, members enjoy activities together throughout the week.
CLASP runs a weekly Coffee Shop, Café Mosaic, at The Bradbury Centre from Tuesday to Friday each week.
It’s open to the general public from 10am to noon, with free Wi-Fi.
Lunch is served on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from noon to 2pm.
At Café Mosaic, people can meet group members and find out more about CLASP.
Health and wellbeing is important to the organisation, with a Happy And Healthy Club every Wednesday
Free sessions, from 10.30am to 11.30am, include activities such as seated pilates, mindfulness and creative arts.
Listen To Us, is CLASP’s training group that aims to raise awareness of what it is like to have a learning disability.
It provides training for support workers, and courses for people with learning disabilities, on safeguarding, and hate crime awareness.
The group’s choir meets at the Bradbury Centre every other Friday from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.
Those interested should email: admin@claspwokingham.org
Other activities enjoyed by CLASP include active outdoors events and film nights.
Most, but not all, events take place at the Methodist Church, Bradbury Centre, in Peach Place, Wokingham.n n For information about all the group’s activities visit: www.claspwokingham. org
Still time to book a place on Wokingham Walk
GET YOUR hiking boots ready as there is still time to register for the Wokingham Walk.
Organised by the Wokingham Lions Club, the event has been so popular that it has expanded from its May date to include an October one as well.
This months event will be held at Elms Field on Sunday, October 16.
Revellers can choose from four routes: five, 10, and 15 miles, with an accessible five mile route also available.
There will also be a range of
activities for children.
Wokingham Lion, Andy Slay, organiser of The Wokingham Walk, said: “This is a great opportunity to discover the beautiful countryside around Wokingham.

“All monies raised from entry fees to The Wokingham Walk will be distributed to local charities and good causes by Wokingham Lions Club.”
To take part, it costs £15, or £5 for those aged 12 to 17.
Under 11s take part for free.
n Full details can be found at wokinghamwalk.co.uk
ACTION: Protesters gathered in Carnival Car Park in January calling on the council to Stop Car Meets in Wokingham Picture: Dijana Capan/DVIsion ImagesProtestors take to university to oppose 4,500-home development
By JI-MIN LEE jlee@wokingham.todaySCORES of demonstrators took to the University of Reading to voice concerns over its plans to sell 580 hectares of agricultural land.

Members of Save Our Loddon Valley Environment (SOLVE) Hall Farm were campaigning against the plans, which could see the development of 4,500 houses in Arborfield.
The protest took place as prospective students attended the university’s first autumn open day on Saturday.
SOLVE member Andy Bailey believes the university’s actions are not consistent with its messaging.
He said: “If they are all about ethical approach, sustainability and developing solutions to help the planet moving forwards, then how on earth does concreting 580 hectares align [with that]?
“To me, it just looks like they’re taking profit. That’s what I see it as.

“There’s an awful lot of money at stake here. Sadly, I think that it’s treated as a business university, I appreciate it has to be treated as a business to balance the books, but I think this is just a step too far.”
Members of SOLVE stationed
themselves at the university’s Shinfield Road entrance from 8.30am, before marching through the Whiteknights campus in the afternoon.
They brought banners and placards, one of which read: ‘R U green or R U greedy’.
Paul Stevens, a representative for the group, explained: “We’re not kicking up a fuss, we’re raising awareness. We’re talking to people and seeing if people are interested in signing our petition or finding out more about what we’re campaigning about.”
He added he was supportive of the university’s educational provision and attitude towards sustainability.
Hall Farm is currently home to a commercial herd of 550 Holstein dairy cows, which produces over 11,000 litres of milk per cow per annum.
The majority of the site is owned by the university and is shared with the Centre for Dairy Research (CEDAR), which conducts research in combating hunger, poverty and climate change.
Demonstrators speculated

CEDAR could relocate, a decision they believe does not make sense given the longevity of its stay at Hall Farm.
The group also highlighted the importance of selfsufficiency, particularly considering the impact Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had on energy prices.
They also raised concerns over the distribution of housing developments across Wokingham borough.
At the end of September, SOLVE member Colin Watts penned an open letter addressed

to the university, laying out the group’s concerns.
Besides the impact on the area’s infrastructure, it highlighted adverse effects on biodiversity and part of the site standing on a flood plain.
A spokesperson for the University of Reading said: “It was great to welcome members of the SOLVE group to our Whiteknights campus on Saturday.
“The group behaved impeccably throughout the day, and made their message clear to people on campus with banners and placards.
“Debate and protest are fundamental principles of university life, and it is heartening to see our neighbours putting these values into action on issues that are important to us all.
“We were pleased that members of the group were able to chat with university students and staff, including the Vice-Chancellor, Robert Van de Noort.
“Prof Van de Noort has asked for a follow-up meeting to understand some of the group’s specific concerns in more detail. We look forward to continuing conversations with our neighbours about this, and any issue that we can work together on.”
First Days to host half-term pumpkin trail
A CHARITY is hosting its own pumpkin trail this month in Finchampstead.
The First Days Pumpkin Trail will take place at California Country Park between Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 30.
Visitors can collect a map from Jackson’s California Lake cafe for a suggested minimum donation of £3, and then follow the trail around the lake and through the woodland.
Once revellers have found the letters that spell out the secret answer, head back to the cafe to be rewarded with a treat.
All money raised goes towards supporting local children and their families who are living with a low income or are experiencing financial hardship.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “We’re so excited to share details of our new family event at October halfterm, the First Days Pumpkin Trail.
“Huge thanks to Starfish Accounting and Clifton Ingram for sponsoring the handmade treats from Rosie’s Chocolate Factory.”
n For more information, visit: firstdays.net/pumpkin-trail
PROTEST: SOLVE Hall Farm were at the university on Saturday, October 8, protesting plans to build 4,500 houses at Hall Farm. Picture: Ji-Min Lee

Gardeners have golden fingers
By PHIL CREIGHTON news@wokingham.todayWOKINGHAM town is celebrating after scooping top honours in the Thames and Chiltern In Bloom awards.
The green-fingered efforts of residents and businesses has seen it receive a gold award in the large town category. And several projects such as the Langborough Wildlife Garden were singled out by judges for being outstanding.
Wokingham was the regional winner for Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire in the awards, which are part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom contest.
The awards didn’t stop there. Several the projects that made up the Wokingham in Bloom entry received awards of their own with high praise from the judges.
Judges awarded:
n Gold – Large Town Category
n Regional Winners (Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire)
n Langborough Wildlife Garden – Outstanding / Level 5
n The Link to Nature Project –Outstanding / Level 5 n Cockpit Path Community Garden – Thriving / Level 4 n Library – Thriving / Level 4 n Garden share – Thriving / Level 4
n Howard Palmer Gardens –Advancing / Level 3
n The Community Fire Station – Advancing / Level 3 PARKS CATEGORY: n Holt Copse & Joel Park – Gold n Elms Field – Silver Gilt
n Within the Regional Winners Award, Wokingham in Bloom also received the Pride of Place Award and additionally the Community Involvement Award.

Wokingham in Bloom works in several areas around the town and has supported the development of many projects within the community, from transforming unloved green spaces, enhancing the town through flower beds, and hanging baskets, creating wildlife stepping – stones and corridors to community gardens plus mental health and wellbeing initiatives.
Cllr Morag Malvern, chair of the Wokingham in Bloom committee, said it was an outstanding achievement for all involved in Wokingham in Bloom.
“While financed and run by the Town Council, in addition to sponsorship from local companies, donations in cash and kind, Wokingham in
Bloom is really a testament to community spirit and involvement,” she said.
“Our local volunteers, which include individuals, community groups, businesses and charities have developed and created new projects over the last 10 years, all of which make a positive difference to the town we live in, not just visually but in prioritising pollinators and other wildlife and creating beautiful spaces for residents.”
And Cllr Malvern pointed out the importance that gardening had to support mental and physical health and wellbeing.
“Wokingham in Bloom, through its various projects has managed to create spaces where residents can get involved or use for relaxation and enjoyment,” she said.
There are currently 122 volunteers who have clocked up 5,932 hours between them this year alone. The oldest, Keith, is 83. He has been a driver in improving Howard Palmer Gardens.
“New volunteers are always welcome however much or little time they have,” Cllr Malvern said. “We can always find a project for new volunteers or help develop one.
“Plans are already afoot for next year so do come and join us.”
The good news was also welcomed by the Wokingham Horticultural Association.
A spokesperson for the group said: “We are delighted to be part of Wokingham in Bloom.
“We have enjoyed working with other Bloom groups, sharing plants and advice, and developing innovative ideas to improve our local environment and benefit the community. We are delighted with the result; it reflects years of consistent
effort by many people.”
The judges for Thames and Chiltern in Bloom said: “All the hard work instigated by Wokingham in Bloom over the last few years, as the town has been re-developed, has finally come to fruition.
“The support of the Town Council has been critical in ensuring this happens, based on their four principles of sustainability, distinctiveness, inclusivity, and service.
“There may be several individual projects, but the ethos associated with a united team comes across strongly. The benefits of this approach, with its investment in time and people, are clear to see; the outcome includes a high level of support for both the local community, environment, and wildlife. Careful consideration has been given to every action and how it will support the In Bloom agenda. The exciting thing is that there are more ideas and plans in the pipeline. Congratulations to all concerned and we look forward to seeing how you progress even further.”
They added: “The Award for Community Involvement goes to Wokingham Thames and Chilterns in Bloom Regional Awards 2022 due to the wide outreach across the Town, Groups include The Link to Nature scheme, which has used plants and gardening to help the vulnerable overcome loneliness and isolation, especially during the pandemic.
“The Wokingham Horticultural Association along with other community volunteers have become ‘plug plant foster parents’in order to bring about the growing, sharing and distribution of plants; the promptings of a local resident have brought about major change to a
run-down, “no-go” area in the middle of Wokingham – now a garden where people can sit, eat their lunch in peace or participate in Park Yoga.
“And for Pride of Place: It was not just that Wokingham looked extremely clean and cared for, it is the value that is
placed on investing in time and people, thereby demonstrating the pride that the In Bloom team, encouraged by the local Council, has in the town.
“The local community, the environment and wildlife, all benefit from this approach. A large mural map of Wokingham has been painted on a wall that previously attracted graffiti.
“The Wokingham Civic Society oversees local history with blue plaques identifying places of interest.”

Thank you to volunteers
Wokingham in Bloom would like to thank the many volunteers who have helped make the gold award possible and thank the organisations and charities who have donated funds, volunteers and/or resources to the many projects across the town: Blooming Station Approach Group; Cockpit Path Community Garden; Cross Street and Rose Street Working Group; rFiends of Elms Field; Friends of Howard Palmer Gardens; Friends of Wokingham Library; Graffiti Heroes; Holt Copse Conservation Volunteers; Langborough Wildlife Garden; Link to Nature; Maya Refillables; Newbury Building Society; Plug Plant Foster Parents; Share Wokingham; Tesco; Tivoli; Urbaser; WADE; Wokingham 41 Club; Wokingham Borough Council; Wokingham Community Fire Station; Wokingham Garden Share; Wokingham Horticultural Association; Wokingham Lions; Wokingham Rotary Club

AN ART group will open its doors to the public this weekend.
The Woodley and Earley Arts Group holds its Autumn Art Exhibition.
Members will display pictures and craft items.
There will also be raffle prizes, and artists to watch and meet.

The event takes place at the Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley.
It runs on Friday and Saturday, doors open from 10am to 5pm on both days.
Entry is free.
n For information visit: www. weag.art or contact the group via Facebook.
Lights work
WOKINGHAM motorists may be required to reroute their journeys in the coming days due to emergency works.
Multi-way lights will be in operation on Finchampstead Road, in the section between Barkham Ride and Nine Mile Ride.

The restrictions will allow SEW to renew a leaking communication pipe.
The works are set to take place between 9.30am4pm from Monday, October 17, to Wednesday, October 19.
n For more information, visit: www.wokingham.gov.uk
Plan to knock down town shops to create 60 homes
By GRANT WILLIAMS Local democracy reporterA PROPOSAL is being made to knock down two shops in Wokingham town’s Market Place, and building 60 new homes.
The land, which currently houses Robert Dyas and Lloyds Bank, is being mooted for the redevelopment, which would also include four retail units.

To create the space, the buildings at 19-20 Market Place would go, and there would be a partial demolition of neighbouring 21.
The site currently comprises a two-storey contemporary building, with set-back third storey, at 19-20 Market Place, with a Robert Dyas and a Lloyds Bank occupying the retail units on the ground floor.
Number 21 is a three-storey Georgian style building, with The Edinburgh Woollen Mill located on the ground floor and office spaces above.
Property developers Devonshire Metro Limited are behind the project and have submitted a request for a formal screening opinion to determine whether the site will need an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), ahead of the filing of a full application.
The proposed 60 new homes would be comprise one-, twoand three-bedroom units.
This would be 20 onebedroom homes suitable for two people, 22 two-bedroom
homes for three people, 14 twobedroom homes for four people, four three-bedroom homes for five people, and one threebedroom home for six people.
Those on the ground floor would be accessed externally, while the upper floor units would be accessed from three different internal lobby areas.
The plan proposes 37 car parking spaces for residents, comprising 31 in a covered area under a raised level and a further six spaces, including a car club space, located within Howard Close.
Residents would be able to access a private residential courtyard at the podium level and it is planned that “most dwellings” would have a private balcony or terrace too.
Three communal bike stores situated across the residential development, a further four bike stands outside, and four spaces within another dedicated bike store for the commercial units would together provide 100 spaces for bicycles.
A new pedestrian footpath leading from Market Place through to Howard Road, via a retail arcade and through a new public square to the rear of the properties, would also be created.
The adjacent buildings at 2 Denmark Street and 22 Market Place are both Grade II Listed and the site lies within the Wokingham Town Centre Conservation Area.
As such, a Heritage Assessment has been compiled by Environmental consulting company RPS Group, with the applicant outlining that their assessment has “informed the design and form” of the proposals.
The council will now make a decision ahead of a possible formal planning application being submitted in due course.
It is not yet clear whether these businesses will be lost on a temporary or permanent basis while the work is completed.
The developer and the relevant businesses have been contacted for comment.
New guide makes train travel moreaccessible for all
A GROUP for people with learning disabilities in the Wokingham Borough has developed a guide to make it easier to get around the railway station.
CLASP’s new accessible station guide is for those who face barriers to train travel.

To celebrate its launch, CLASP was joined by Optalis, and the Wokingham Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB).
Champions from the groups and representatives from Ability Travel met to raise awareness of learning disabilities.
As well as using the guide, people can also access travel training support from Optalis Ability Travel team.
Donna Morgans, Optalis Head of Supported Employment says:

“We are delighted to be part of this partnership to encourage more people to explore train travel.
“We look forward to sharing our Ability Travel support with those who wish to learn to travel independently.
“The station guide developed by CLASP is a brilliant tool that will be so useful to many people.”

The guide is written in Easy Read, an accessible format with pictures to support those who do not read words.
Debs Morrison, of CLASP’s CEO, said: “The guide has been created using straightforward language, with photos taken with our members.
“It was an exciting project for us, and we hope to do more for
the station teams going forward.”
Ability Travel and Wokingham Learning Disability Partnership Board team will provide an ongoing presence at the station.
Michael Adlington, SWR’s Senior Accessibility Manager, said: “Travelling by train can be very challenging for anyone with disabilities, visible or non-visible.
“While it is positive that a growing number of disabled people are using the railway, too many still feel unable to do so.
“We’re delighted to support initiatives like CLASP’s station guide which can help us achieve that aim.”
The event was supported by deputy town mayor, councillor Sally Gurney, and members of Singhealthy Choir.

Sparks in the Park makes return
WOKINGHAM residents are gearing up for a popular Hallowe’en event.
Sparks in the Park, a community fireworks display, is set to enthral on Saturday, October 29.
Held at Swallowfield Showground, Farley Estate, visitors will also be able to enjoy live music in the build-up to the show.
There will be a bar serving mulled wine, soft drinks and beer, while hotdogs, burgers, hog roast, pizza and snacks will be available at various food stalls.
Tickets must be purchased
prior to

not be sold on the night.
Tickets cost £11 per adult and £6 per child, while those aged under two are admitted free of charge.
Family bundles can be bought for £26, covering admission for two adults and two children.
The event starts at 6pm. n For more information or to purchase tickets, visit: www. sparksinthepark.net
Spencers Wood farmers market returns
A COMMUNITY group will host its monthly farmers market on Sunday.
Visitors can enjoy 30 food and product stalls, serving up awardwinning pies, acrylic jewellery and much more.
Regional businesses and individuals will showcase their fresh produce for visitors to peruse and purchase.
The farmers market will be
Hallowe’en scarecrow trail
residents are set to enjoy a festive scarecrow trail this
Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross Hallowe’en Trail will see both villages transformed into a spooktacular wonderland between October 23-31.
This year, decorations will follow the theme of heroes and villains.
Registration is now open for households who wish to be a point on this year’s trail, with organisers asking those interested to reach out
hosting its first pet stall, with BB Dog Boutique making its debut.
Visitors are recommended to travel by foot as parking is limited. Taking place on the third Sunday of every month, with October’s market will take place from 10am1pm at Spencers Wood village hall.
For more information, search Spencers Wood Farmers Market on www.facebook.com
by Saturday, October 15.
There will be prizes awarded for the best scarecrows and decorations.
Participants will receive a trail card to be displayed at their address before the start date.
Those who live outside of Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross but would still like to make a scarecrow are asked to get in touch with the organisers to see if it can be displayed at an alternative location.
For more information, search: Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross Halloween Trail on www. facebook.com
SINGING FOR RAIL: Travel champions joined in with Singhealthy Choir at the event. Picture courtesy of CLASP‘A fatality on their hands’: Residents blast council for new traffic calming measure
n From front page
The instalment received backlash from residents, with a post on one Facebook group receiving over 130 comments, while there has been a similar reaction from Wokingham Today readers who have contacted us numerous times expressing their frustration at the scheme.
Many have raised concerns over the number of similar traffic calming measures across the borough.
Commenters mentioned give way signs on Church Road and another location on Reading Road as other potential problem areas.
One resident said: “I’m a driving instructor and, to be honest, if people pay attention and drive as they should, [the traffic calming measures] are safe.
“But they are also very inconvenient and I’ve absolutely no idea what problem they’re trying to solve with any of them.
“Usually traffic calming is needed where you have problem situations, crossings, schools, hidden junctions and turns. There’s nothing on any
of these roads so all they do is cause confusion and chaos.”
Others sought advice on how to lodge a formal complaint to Wokingham Borough Council.
Another resident commented: “[For] the island put in on Reading Road outside the car wash, the residents [who live] opposite are so exposed to danger merging out of their driveways.
“Ridiculously dangerous and
utterly pointless. Whom in the council do we petition to to have them removed please?”
Cllr Paul Fishwick, executive member for active travel, transport and highways on Wokingham Borough Council, responded by confirming the sign had complied with road safety checks.

He said: “We’d like to assure residents that this scheme had already passed the first two
stages of an independent Road Safety Audit before installation, which would have considered issues like the layout, road markings and positioning of signs as part of both the preliminary and detailed design phases.
“This also included two visits to the site, and examination of the existing layout, by members of the audit team.
“Now that the work has
substantially finished, we’re booking the third and final stage, in which an independent party will again visit both during the day and at night.
“They will be accompanied by a road safety trained police officer on one of these visits as well, and will suggest safety improvements afterwards if they are needed.”
n What do you think? Email: letters@wokingham.today

Church organises barn dance
AN AUTUMN barn dance will take place in Sandhurst later this month.
Crowthorne Baptist Church will host the event at Eagle House School on Saturday, October 29.
The dance will be led by Vox ‘n’ Box with Coal Black Crows.
There is no food or bar available but visitors are invited to bring their own.
The dance takes place between 7pm and 10pm.
Adult tickets cost £5, and children aged seven to 16 £3.
The event is not suitable for children under seven.
n For more information, visit: ticketsource.co.uk/crowthornebaptist-church
Harvest service
A WOKINGHAM church is inviting residents to attend a special service, which includes a free continental breakfast.
Shinfield Baptist Church’s Harvest Festival will be for the whole family.
During the service, there will be an opportunity to donate fresh food, tins and packets, which will go to food banks in the area. Cash donations will go to Tearfund, a global development charity.
The service takes place at Alder Grove School from 1011am on Sunday, October 23.
n For more information, www.. shinfieldbaptist.org.uk
Mayor reveals her favourite curry during tour of town restaurants
IF you’ve ever wondered what a Mayor’s favourite curry is then all was revealed at the Sultan restaurant in Wokingham town centre on Saturday.
During a visit to the restaurant as part of National Curry Week, Wokingham
Town Mayor Cllr Maria Gee said she liked milder curries –and her top two Indian dishes
were Tandoori chicken and dahl.
Cllr Gee was accompanied by Mayor’s consort and husband Chris when she dropped in to Sultan as part of a tour of Wokingham town’s Indian restaurants.

Vitoria Vidotti, from Sultan, said: “It was great to see the Mayor and her consort
supporting local Indian restaurants on Saturday.
“It was interesting to hear what her favourite dishes were, and her support for National Curry Week shows that our nation’s love of curry shows no sign of slowing down.”
n For more details, log on to: sultanindian.co.uk
WHAT’S AROUND THE CORNER?: The new give way sign is located on Reading Road, between Shinfield and Arborfield. Picture: Rob Boreham-Fish WELCOME: Vitoria Vidotti greets Wokingham Town Mayor Cllr Maria Gee and Mayor’s consort and Husband Chris at Sultan in Market PlaceFIT FOR BUSINESS:

The new Sweaty Betty is open in Wokingham. Runners and non-runners welcome.
Picture: roxana williams1920 via Pixabay
New active-wear store opens in Wokingham
A COMPANY that makes fitness clothing for women has launched its 65th store in the town.
Sweaty Betty sells women’s multi-sport wear, including items for running, yoga, training and hiking.

Caroline Scott, Sweaty Betty’s Senior Vice President of Global Retail said: “We are thrilled to open our latest shop in the historic market town of Wokingham.
“This new store is the perfect addition to the town’s boutique offering and will serve as a go-to destination for fitness and wellness enthusiasts.”
The Wokingham store is offering complimentary services as well as its active wear, with in-store workout classes, and community events being planned to start next month.
Store manager Samantha says: “We’ve been so busy, from the moment we opened.
“There was a queue up the road to get in on our opening day, with people saying that they had been looking for
something like this.
“We’re not only a shop for people doing high kicks though.
“We do sell outerwear as well, and everyone is welcome to come inside and have a look round.”
The Wokingham branch plans to run free fitness classes every Sunday for local people.
“We’ll be supporting local teachers by inviting them to come in to lead the sessions,” says Samantha.
People will be able to book a place for weekend work-outs, once they are up and running.
The new store also has plans to start a running club.
It will be for a mixed ability group, and will start outside the shop.
“Once our team has settled in we’ll be launching these community activities from November onwards.
“I’m a Wokingham girl, and community is what we like,” adds Samantha.
To register interest for the fitness classes or running club, people should tspeak to staff at the store, which is located on Peach Street.
Just incredible! Dad beats odds to complete 52 marathons in 52 weeks
By SUE CORCORAN news@wokingham.todayAN amazing dad has beaten all the odds to finish his 52nd marathon in 52 weeks.

Justin Malin of Twyford was left with a broken breastbone (sternum), whiplash injuries and bruising in a car smash just 36 hours before he was due to make his last run.
He called off the marathon on September 24.
Despite his aches and pains he still turned out that day to thank his supporters at Stanlake Meadow, Twyford and tell them the run was postponed.
Then, amazingly, just 12 days after the crash, he went off to finish his challenge.
“I wasn’t in a particularly great frame of mind after the crash, it was just 36 hours before I was due to complete the runs.
“To have that taken away from me... I couldn’t cope with the fact I’d got so close and could not do it,” said Justin, a pricing director.
“Twelve days later I decided I would do it. It was just three days before the end of the 52 weeks. I had back spasms and a barrel of bruises.
“I was so anxious the day before I did it, I couldn’t wait. It was such a heavy weight on me, I had to do it. It meant so much to get it done.”
He made two loops of Hurst, Dinton Pastures and Woodley from Twyford. One loop was with his daughter Eva who works for Make-A-Wish UK, the charity Justin’s year of runs has supported. The other loop was with his wife Lucy.
He praised his family’s support.
“When I finished the 26.2 miles I put out the news and had so many congratulations. The support from everyone has been fantastic,” he said.
“I’m not particularly well, but I did a fast walk.
“My wife was asking why we had to go so fast. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen, stopping at Tesco at Woodley to get an extra packet.
“My sternum doesn’t feel too bad. It’s like having a painful clamp round your chest. It’s permanently uncomfortable rather than really painful.”

Justin has raised more than £6,000 for Make-A-Wish. The total will be doubled by his employers Volante in London.
n You can donate using this link https://justgiving.com/ fundraising/Justin-Malin


Following the collision, Thames Valley Police said that Rupert Woodhouse, aged 47, of Glebe Lane, Sonning, was charged with one count of driving a motor vehicle while was above the limit for alcohol. He has been bailed to appear at Reading Magistrates’ Court on October 27. He suffered minor injuries.
Search on for Woodley’s community heroes
THE SEARCH is on for Woodley’s most outstanding citizens, thanks to its community heroes awards.
The new look awards now have set categories making it easier for people to nominate those champions who help make the town a better place.
They include awards for volunteers, climate champions, neighbours, and the young person of the year.
They are organised by Woodley Town Council.
The town mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, said: “We are very lucky in Woodley to have such kind and caring residents, thereby I’m sure we all know at least one Community Hero.
“Please nominate them for one of our awards and don’t forget the younger ones who also deserve recognition for helping, litter picking, fundraising and other acts of kindness in Woodley.”
The new categories are: Neighbour of the Year: Awarded to an individual who has, independently (ie not part of a wider charity organisation) provided exceptional care and support to a Woodley resident or residents within their local
Volunteer of the Year: Awarded to an individual who has, as part of a voluntary or charity organisation, provided exceptional support to the activities of the organisation, making a difference to residents of Woodley
Voluntary Group of the Year: Awarded to an organisation that has provided exceptional support and services to Woodley residents
Climate Champion of the Year: Awarded to an individual, organisation or group that has made a significant contribution to fighting climate change and/or climate initiatives within the area
Young Person of the Year: Awarded to an individual aged 19 or under who, through voluntary activities, has made an exceptional contribution to the Woodley community
Mayor’s Outstanding Contribution Award: Awarded by the Mayor to an individual or organisation who they feel have provided an outstanding contribution to the community
A nomination form is available from Woodley Town Council, or its website, woodley.gov.uk.
Submissions should be made by Wednesday, November 16.
Justin Malin on an earlier run at the Brighton MarathonHedging: ‘We’re copying what has been done at Windsor Great Park’
By SUE CORCORAN news@wokingham.todayA LANDOWNER has explained the reasons behind the destruction of eight metre wide swathes of woodland along two country roads.

Hurst and Twyford people have been asking why the woods have been stripped of their growth. Roadside hedging remains.
They’ve also complained that roads were left dangerous, covered by sawdust and chippings, that lorries were parked on blind corners and temporary traffic lights were not working.
A spokesman for the land owner, Haines Hill estate at Hurst, said: “I know it doesn’t look good at the moment … I get it that people are upset. But they shouldn’t be if they know the full story.”
He said the work was part of the estate’s woodland management plan. The government’s Forestry Commission requires a plan.
Part of it dealt with woodland on one side of both Hinton Road and the B3018 (parts of Waltham Road and The Straight Mile). Work at Broadcommon Lane was done some time ago.
The major reason for cutting was health and safety.
“We have been getting some very large storms in winter. Last winter was the final deciding factor for going ahead with this part of the plan,” he said.
A tree had fallen on the bonnet of a car travelling towards Wokingham. There was no sign of a driver who had apparently left in a hurry.
“There was no indication of anyone being hurt but they could have been. It’s the [land] owner’s responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen.
“We had already tackled ten dangerous trees which were either dead or leaning dangerously towards the road.
The tree which hit the car was perfectly healthy, but the storm ripped it out of the ground. It’s
our liability if a tree does any damage.”
It was not possible to judge which trees could be dangerous and remove just them.
Another reason for the clearance was that the trees deprived the roadside hedge of light, making it very tatty, thin and missing in places.
New hedging including blackthorn and a rose, would be planted to make a “very nice hedge”, he said. “We’re copying what they’ve done at Windsor Great Park.”
The Great Park has given Haines Hill 15 oak trees grown from acorns from the best oak trees in the royal ancient woodland.

Charvil woman Sandra Woodward is to complain to local MP Theresa May about the
Wokingham’s unsung heroes wanted: nominations open for civic awards

NOMINATIONS are now open for the Wokingham Town Council Civic Awards.
The awards celebrate organisations and people of all ages who have made an exceptional contribution.

The council is looking for those who have worked to make Wokingham welcoming and inclusive, provided exceptional service to their family or community and added to its cultural life.

This year the council is also searching for those who have found ways to make the town
more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
An official ceremony will take place on Friday, January 20, next year when Cllr Maria Gee, Wokingham town mayor, will present awards to the successful nominees.
Cllr Gee said: “I will be honoured to meet with those people who have been nominated to receive an award, I have met so many
people in Wokingham who undertake such valuable voluntary work.

“We would like your help to nominate these people so that Wokingham Town Council can thank them personally.”
The deadline for nominations is Friday, November 25.
n For full criteria, or to submit a nomination, visit: wokingham-tc.gov.uk/civic

tree felling.
“There are many other places with trees by the side of the road which haven’t been felled. If you drive from Wokingham to Hurst there are trees at Cantley Park by the road.
“The more I look, the more I see. How can they say they should be removed at Hurst? I was shocked to see the felling. I’m going to ask our MP what she thinks about it.
“Lots of people are commenting on this. It’s terrible to lose that habitat, bats for instance won’t be able to hibernate there. Did they do a bat survey?”
The roadside project was being handled by land agents Savills who had cleared it with the Forestry Commission. The Haines Hill spokesman said none of the trees involved had tree protection orders.

“We are concerned to let people know what is

happening. Anyone can call up the estate office about this,” he said. Letters to Hurst Parish Council and Wokingham Borough Council’s tree officers had explained the situation.
The estate was concerned about the destruction of carbon benefit of the removed trees and was planting a larger area of new woodland.
“The new planting covers an area of 4.8 hectares (approximately 11.5 acres). This planting has already started and comprises varieties agreed with the Forestry Commission, including 45% oak, 20% hornbeam, 10% wild cherry, 15% hazel, 10% holly. The planting density will be not less than 1,100 stems per hectare, equating to at least 5,000 new trees,” he said.
The new woodland would replace the loss of habitat for wildlife. “We will be better off,” he said.
SWALLOWFIELD Parish Council is inviting residents to come along for a weekly social.

Coffee Corner takes place every Wednesday from 10.30am-12.30pm.
The meet-ups provide an opportunity to catch up with friends and family over tea, coffee and a selection of cakes.
Visitors can also meet other residents who live nearby.

The events cost £2 to attend and are held in the Davies Room at Swallowfield Parish Hall.
All profits are donated to local charities.
n For more information, search Swallowfield Parish Council on www.facebook.com

WOKINGHAM motorists may be required to reroute their journeys in the coming days due to emergency works.
Multi-way lights will be in operation on Bearwood Road, Barkham, at the junction with Coombes Lane.
The restrictions will allow Wokingham Borough Council to resurface Coombes Lane.
The works are set to take place between 9.30am-4pm on Monday, October 17, and are expected to be completed on the day.
n For more information, visit: www.wokingham.gov.uk
Honest motherhood
Happy birthday, tweenager
THEday this column comes out will be my daughter’s ninth birthday. This feels rather surreal.
Each of her birthdays has felt somewhat surreal, perhaps because I can’t always fathom the fact I actually have a daughter. Let alone one turning seven/eight/… and now nine. Unfathomable.
Still a child, not yet a teenager, and yet conversations - or to be more accurate: conflictsover the last few months might suggest otherwise. They frequently result in me declaring that she is acting like a teenager and could she please go back to being eight and not 15.
This seems to tickle her. She smiles and refers to herself as a “tween.”
“A what?”
I loathe most new terminology, remembering how my Dad used to react whenever I used the world “cool” not referring to the temperature. It’s unsettling. It makes me feel old.
Google kindly provides this definition for the curious word: “A tween is a child between the ages of nine and 12. A tween is no longer a little child, but not quite a teenager. They are in between the two age groups and their behaviour and emotions reflect that.”
I quite agree.
This year, instead of a big party, Maia politely requested a sleepover and meal with four friends. Straightforward enough, and a far cry from the sweaty Monkey Mates parties she had three years running.
(Monkey Mates, a soft play centre in Wokingham with humble and affordable food where young children go to bounce around and parents go to sit and stare at their phones for an hour. They had strong Wi-Fi and loud but uplifting music so I never complained).
I have already been given strict instructions to make myself scarce during the sleepover.
“Can you just.. leave us alone…”
“Well yes... I mean I’m still going to be in the house...”
My daughter’s growing need for just-a-little-bitmore freedom has become increasingly apparent over the last few months. There’ve been a number of occasions where I’ve had to tell her to go back upstairs and change her clothes. Not because she’s come down in a mini-skirt and stilettos, but because she quite frequently dresses for the summer when it is jumper-weather.
“It’s non-uniform day but it’s still school Maia! I can see your stomach. You’ll catch a chill.”
“When I wore it last time you said it wasn’t okay because it was night time. Now it’s daytime. You haven’t actually said why I can’t wear it.”
“Because I can see your belly button.”
“So?” “It’s cold and that top is inappropriate for school.” “Why not?” “It’s just not. Now go upstairs and change please we are late.” “ARGHH FINE MUMMY.”
I can understand her frustrations. It’s just a belly button. We all have one.
The reasons and politics of why I would rather my nine-year-old daughter didn’t wear a top that exposed part of her midriff to school, I have not fully thought through yet. (Which became clear with my abrupt and non-explanatory response: “It’s inappropriate”.)
It’s something I’ve asked friends with daughters about, and an area I will continue to ponder. What is healthy self-expression through fashion and a bit of fun with make-up? And what is too much at this innocent age?
Tweendom. A whole new arena of parenting. Wish me luck.
How Ruth is policing Wokingham in new
By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.todayA WOKINGHAM author is to give an illustrated talk about her book.
Calling WPC Crockford is the first of a trio of books that author Ruth D’Alessandro has been commissioned to write.

Clive Tyldesley teams upwith Pokemon for futsal
A RENOWNED sports broadcaster has joined the drive to encourage children to take part in the 2022/23 Pokemon Futsal Youth Cup.
With registration now open, Clive Tyldesley is calling on teams to sign up through a masterclass video.
The nationwide tournament returns next month, and culminates in national finals in June.
Mr Tyldesley said: “Futsal is the perfect way to build your skills and prepare you for the traditional game.
“Focusing on accurate passing and strong ball control, futsal has been adopted by some of the world’s leading football nations because of the way it develops team play and individual skillsets.”

The collaboration sees the commentator team up with Pokemon and England Football to show what the sport of futsal is all about.
Mr Tyldesley uses his football knowledge and world-renowned voice to create an educational video that showcases the sport to prospective players and coaches.
Futsal is a dynamic format of football which focuses on technical skill in tight spaces.
Played using smaller, heavier balls and with fewer players than in regular 11-a-side football, it’s a fast and frenetic way to improve technique and control.
Last year, more than 900 teams from across the country took part in the 2021/22 Pokemon Futsal Youth Cup, 24 were from Berks and Bucks FA.
The competition is designed as a pathway for players to hone their skills for the traditional game in a fun and supportive environment. It’s open to boys and girls teams from under 10 up to under 16.
Louise Gear, head of development at the FA, said: “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to work with both Clive and Pokemon to highlight the development power that futsal possesses.
“We’re excited to see how the 2022/23 season of the Pokemon Futsal Youth Cup unfolds and encourage as many youth team coaches to register their teams for the national competition.”
Pokemon is the title partner of the FA’s Youth Futsal Programme, which aims to work with boys and girls aged eight to 16.
Peter Murphy, senior director of marketing at the Pokemon, said: “It has been great to work with Clive, one of the iconic commentators of the game, to raise awareness of this fantastic sport.
“His passion for the game is evident and we’re grateful to be given the opportunity to use this to educate children about futsal and how this season’s competition can improve their skills.”
They are all about her mother, Gwendolen, who served in the Berkshire Constabulary.
The stories follow her career as she worked her way up through police ranks during the 1950s.
Ruth’s memoir of her mother paints a picture of a pioneering female officer in the days before beat police had radios.
Set in a world of post-war austerity, the book reveals a society on the brink of enormous change.
It has been described as a love story to Wokingham, but it’s also the inspiring account of a bright and determined woman, who learns to navigate a man’s world, while helping others.

There is a colourful cast of characters, including fun-loving WPC Pattie Baxter, fearsome WPS Miss Robertshaw and probation officer Hilda Bloom.
Stories of burglaries and chasing escaped circus animals collide with darker child protection themes.
Ruth says: “My book is located in and around the town, and it’s full of references to real places, some of which still exist: Seaford Road, The Emmbrook, The Women’s Institute, The Ship Inn.
“It’s a picture of an atmospheric old market town, and it’s a place of ghost stories and history.
“I’m very much looking forward to giving the talk in Wokingham.
“I grew up in Shinfield, but we often came to the town to shop – it’s a special place for me.”
Calling WPC Crockford has been compared to Call The Midwife in style.
“It’s unashamedly like the television series,” she admits.
“I used to watch Call The Midwife, and think, there’s a parallel story here to be told about women police officers.”
Is the book a fiction, then, or based on fact?
“It’s based on my mother’s own memoirs and real stories from newspapers of the day,” she explains.
“I was first inspired to write about
A SHINFIELD monument is set to be raised to remind residents of its significance.
The RAF Flying Training Command Memorial in Shinfield Park is set to be positioned at a 45º angle, thanks to funding from developer Barratt Homes.
The plaque was installed 15 years ago, but, according to Parry Batth, councillor for North Shinfield, it is often bypassed as it lays flat on the ground.

Cllr Batth said: “Residents may not fully realise what it is and what it signifies.
“We’re going to raise it at an angle so it’s visible. The village can be proud to have such an important memorial on its doorstep.”
The monument marks the site where the Flying Training Command headquarters (HQFTC) was located from 1940 to 1968.
During the Second World War, it
was also the headquarters of RAF Technical Training Command.
It went on to become the Meteorological Office College in 1971, where British meteorologists were trained, as well as TV weather presenters from across Europe.
Seven years later, it turned into the European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts, which stands today.
The memorial can be visited at
THEY say if you can remember the 60s you weren’t really there, but that’s not strictly true, especially if you’re an England fan.
Events in the 1966 world cup are long in the memory of many older readers, and to celebrate November’s event, senior football fans are being offered the chance to win free food and drink in Greene King pubs.
The brewer has teamed up with Sir Geoff Hurst to find fans aged 66 or over who witnessed England’s historic triumph 56 years ago.
Sixty-six fans will be selected and appointed the official Lucky Fan in their local Greene King sports pub, receiving a £100 gift card to fuel them through the winter tournament.
And they will receive a framed certificate as a keepsake and celebration for their ongoing
support of the England team. Sir Geoff said: “The World Cup is so much more than a football tournament, it’s a moment that unites the country and brings together friends and families in support of our team.
“This competition is a special thank you to reward fans from 1966, letting them enjoy the 2022 World Cup in style at their local Greene King sports pub – plus they may just be the lucky charm we need to see us back to glory.”
Pubs taking part include Bull & Chequers and the Good Companions, both in Woodley, The Sportsman in Shinfield, The Victoria Cross in Whitley, and The White Horse in Emmer Green.
Chris Conchie, marketing controller for Greene King Sports, said: “The
GOTTA CATCH ‘EM ALL: Youth teams are invited to sign up for the Pokemon Futsal Youth Cup. Picture: Pascal SwierRAF memorial to be renovated and raised
or over could really enjoy the
policing 1950s new novel series
about police archives,” continues Ruth.
“Unfortunately, people were not at all careful about keeping these, and most of them had been thrown away.
“I contacted The British Library and searched historic newspapers and found all my mother’s stories in the articles.
“A few characters have been amalgamated for legal reasons, but much of the content is what actually happened.”
Both of Ruth’s parents were in the police force.
“My mum stopped working before she had me, but it was a case of ‘once a police officer, always a police officer’, she says.
“Mum had laser eyes, and she could spot me telling a fib a mile off.”
How does Ruth go about writing?
“I have to be very disciplined,” she explains.
“As well as writing my books, I’m a commercial copy writer.
“For two-and-a-half days each week I write technical articles about very modern topics such as A.I.
“Then I have to switch off and go back to the 1950s.
“I work best in the mornings, so I usually start writing at 7am or 8am, but sometimes if I’m really inspired, I can suddenly realise it’s two in the morning.
“It’s a compulsion, and I get twitchy if I don’t have a book on the go.”
How does Ruth feel about coming to Wokingham?
“I’m really excited.
“This is where it all started.”
my mother in 2017 on National Women’s Day.
“People were posting pictures of inspirational women and I thought, my mum’s something of a pioneer, so I posted her picture along with a bit about her career.”
A friend suggested that Ruth should write her mother’s memoires.
“I had all the stories she told me, but I needed more material, so I enquired
Ruth D’Alessandro’s talk is free and will take place in the new Wokingham Library at the Carnival Hub.
The event takes place on Saturday, October 22.
It runs from 2pm to 3.30pm.
Ruth will be available for book signing afterwards.
n For more details, or to book a place, log on to: www.wokingham.gov.uk/libraries or call (0118) 978 1368.
‘I was definitely happierthanks to divorce course’
Reader travel
CHRISTMAS CAROLS on the 92. Squadron Train
World Cup always brings excitement levels to fever pitch, and we can’t wait to welcome fans through our doors across the country to show their support for England.
“We wanted to give the longestserving England fans something to cheer about as we head towards the World Cup, sharing their first-hand
experiences of one of the greatest sporting moments in England’s history.”
n To nominate a worthy friend or relative, log on to: www.greenekingpubs.co.uk/worldcupcompetition/, selecting their local Greene King sports pub. The closing date is Monday, October 31.

A SEPARATED father of one is urging others to seek the support he had to help overcome the pain of his marriage break-up.

He’s keen to tell people about the benefits of going on a course run by UK charity Divorce Recovery Workshop. The next local course starts at Reading on Friday, November 11.
Emos, a data scientist, said: “DRW’s group setting meant I heard other people’s stories and perspectives. I realised others had gone through similar or worse things. I wasn’t the only one.
“It was a friendly environment where people talked confidentially. I was definitely happier as a result of the course. It altered the way I was looking at things and approaches I was taking.
“We talked about forgiving our former partner – and ourselves. It’s been a slow journey, but things make more sense now.”
He said he was now more confident when talking with his former partner. They were married for four years before they split up.
Emos, 40, says he learned a mindshift to resist his own pressure to get into a new relationship before he was ready.
Think of all the people
Not as fortunate as you
Some struggle to pay their way
When their bills are due
You turn up for a kick about
Feels like your heart’s not in it
Well from today please start to play
Then go on and win it
As role models you have a title
So please lead from the front
All our children in their schools
See you sometimes pulling stunts
The likes of Italy and Germany
As warm ups on our way
Italy 1- Nil a bitter pill
Are our kits starting to fray?
We are one proud nation
It’s where football began
“I learned to take my time,” he said.
The course members still support each other via their WhatsApp group and also meet ups.
He added: “Guys often don’t open up to others, but I do recommend DRW to them and also to more people from minority groups. I’m of African descent.
“More diversity would help everyone learn more about others and themselves.”
DRW is for people at every stage of divorce or separation, no matter how long ago it was.
Course co-ordinator Seamus Jennings said: “You will be warmly greeted with a cup of tea or coffee.
“Please call me on 07887 800521 for a chat or email info@drw.org. uk. ”
The four-session DRW course is at Brookside Hall, Earley, on Friday evening of November 11, and Saturday daytime of November 12, and then again the following weekend.
The modest cost covers refreshments. n Details are at the website, www.drw.org.uk. The national helpline is: 0333 335 0489.
Pull your socks up to take the Cup Don’t settle as also-rans
England score a goal
So far it’s 2-1
At least a draw won’t leave us sore Our kids are now having fun
All of a sudden it’s 2-2 Saka’s on with Mount
If they play this way the score will sway
Every second counts
I feel they must have heard us
Their hearts pump in their chests
Harry Kane through sun and rain
Just proved that we’re the best
To this end I pray Our Lion Hearts can prevail....
Lift the Jules Rimay come final day
For our Queen we will not fail
We love receiving your poetry and print a selection every week. Email yours to news@wokingham.today

Departing Thu 1 Dec ‘22
Join us for an exclusive festive event in the company of the historic 92. Squadron, running on the heritage Nene Valley Railway exclusively for our customers on Friday 2nd December. There will be carol singers, mulled wine, mince pies and even a visit from Santa!
Your break includes
Return coach travel from Wokingham, Reading, Crawley & Slough
Overnight stay at a selected 3 or 4-star hotel with breakfast
Exclusive steam train journey with 92. Squadron on the heritage Nene Valley Railway, including mulled wine, mince pies, brass band, carol singers and a visit & gift from Santa

THURSFORD Christmas Spectacular

Departing Wed 7 Dec ‘22
The Thursford Christmas Spectacular is the biggest Christmas show of its kind in Europe! Set in a lavishly decorated auditorium, this celebration of the festive season delivers an extravaganza of non-stop singing, dancing, dazzling costumes, music and variety.

Your break includes
Return coach travel from Crawley
3 nights at a selected hotel with dinner & breakfast
Entertainment every evening at the Warner Corton and Gunton Hall (entertainment on one evening at the Carlton Hotel and the Waverley Hotel)
Entrance to the Thursford Christmas Spectacular
to Norwich
SUPPORT: Emos thanks leaders of a Divorce Recovery Workshop course for helping him cope after his relationship broke down has written Calling WPC Crockford, based on 1950s Wokingham GAME ON: Sir Geoff Hurst is backing Greene King’s search for England’s oldest fans so they can enjoy the World Cup in style Picture: Greene King‘Safety’ measures need a rethink
THE picture on page 9 says it all. A traffic calming measure on a bend is madness.
Residents have been, rightly, up in arms about the scheme in the Arborfield area.
It is a nice idea, but the wrong locations.
Speeding is an issue in this part of the borough, not least thanks to the new distributor road.
But here is an experimental scheme that doesn’t help.
The feedback from readers seems to be fairly united: these calming measures are making them angry.
Much like the so-called smart motorways, they solve a problem that exists, but in a way that doesn’t make things better.
It’s a relief this is an experiment – the council needs to ensure it is short-lived and never makes an encore.
Silent Prayer
TRUEsilence… is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment” (William Penn, 1699).
During our Meeting for Worship on Sundays at Wokingham Quaker Meeting House, we always sit for an hour, waiting for inspiration; potentially, in complete silence.
However, when the Spirit moves us, we minister to Friends; in spoken prayer, scriptural reading, personal insight or God-given wisdom.
Waiting in this context is not about anticipation, rather it involves sitting in awareness, bringing our experience to God. This includes awareness of our thoughts and feelings, which creates the opportunity to be free from the power of distractions such as day-dreaming or negative emotions.
That freedom enables a deeper receptivity to God’s presence, peace, love, teaching and joy. Jesus likens such a state of readiness to “servants waiting for their master to return… so that when he comes and knocks, they can immediately open the door for him” (Luke 12:36).
In Quaker Meetings, silence is a collective experience, for Jesus tells us that when we are gathered together in his name, he is with us (Matthew 18:20).
Collective silence can be a surprisingly powerful and intimate experience, and allows for mutual receptivity and empathy for others, in our openness to God. Indeed, Jesus tells us that nothing is more important than that “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength”, and that you shall “love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:30-31).
Some people find it difficult to sit in silence. The self-awareness that is enabled may be overwhelming, especially if someone habitually avoids difficult feelings. The Quaker experience of silence enables a sympathetic understanding of and support for those who are new to silent prayer.
Quakers also find that periods of silence through private prayer and meditation, are very beneficial and enjoyable.
Indeed, Jesus instructs us: “…when you pray, go into your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret” (Matthew 6:6). This is something we can all do, even if we don’t go to church. A short period of silence is still valuable; even one minute, a few times a day, can enable a transformational relationship with God.
Nicki Sutcliffe from Wokingham Quakers, writing on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham
Your letters
Record attendance at women’s game
I’m not quite sure why Peter Humphreys, (Letters, 29 September) felt the need to illustrate his point by making sexist assumptions about the numbers of spectators at women’s sporting events.
He may however be interested to know that the Lionesses’ friendly football match against world leaders, USA, at Wembley on Friday 7 October, was the fastest ever selling England game at the new Wembley with 65,000 tickets selling in under 24 hours.
Louise Timlin, Wokingham ResidentThings we want to know
Following the vote to increase car parking fees by an extortionate amount in Wokingham, may we be informed of the following:
a. Do any of the WBC Councillors who voted for the proposal benefit from free car parking within the Wokingham Borough Council area?
b. Do any of the WBC Councillors who voted for the proposal benefit from free parking in the Wokingham Borough Council area because they benefit from the Blue Badge Scheme?
c. Did any WBC Councillor who might benefit as in points a and b recuse themselves from the vote to raise car parking charges in Wokingham by an extortionate amount?
d. On what date will Cllr Sarah Kerr, executive member for climate emergency and the WBC Ad-Hoc Coalition start campaigning for King Charles to have only a three-bed semidetached house as his one and only dwelling and to use just one electric vehicle as transport.
This because King Charles, who along with others, lecture the poorer folks about the sacrifices that they must make because of the Climate Change “Emergency”, contributes mightily to the claimed “Emergency” by living in multiple dwellings, travels by jet a lot and uses gas guzzling
From the chamber Cllr Pauline Jorgensen
what Transparency?
We love to hear from you! Send us your views on issues relating to the borough (in 250 words or less) to Wokingham.Today, Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS or email: letters@wokingham.today
reserve the right to edit letters
this section are not necessarily those of the
The plain truth about council finances
As most of you will have heard, we at Wokingham Borough Council are having to make some very difficult decisions to protect our financial future.
There has been some misinformation going around about the reasons these decisions are necessary and residents deserve to understand the truth on this.
We are currently predicting a £2.2 million deficit in our revenue income, this year, rising to a predicted £4 million deficit, next year. This money is necessary to pay for the basic Council services that support everyone living in the Wokingham Borough Council area and we are doing everything we can to reduce this gap.
The first reason for this deficit is inflation - the increases in prices that all of us are suffering from in our daily lives hit local councils in just the same way, or worse, then they do everybody else. When domestic energy bills increase, ours do as well – in fact they increase more because ours are not capped at the same level as household bills
Secondly, this is about protecting services for vulnerable people – It may be a hard message to hear, but if we need to cut grass verges a bit less often in order to make sure people
vehicle regularly.
e. What plans have the WBC Ad-Hoc Coalition got in place in the event of a strike on the WBC area by a Weapon Of Mass Destruction? The weapon could be of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear type.
The WMD threat is real and immediate so I would expect a plan to be in place already.
Measures would include training, CBRN respirators, CBRN equipment and the medications necessary to counter CBRN symptoms for ALL WBC citizens.
Paul Clarke, Wokinghamwith physical disabilities and learning difficulties can be helped to lead as full and safe a life as possible, we will regrettably make that decision in favour of those with the greater needs.
It is worth pointing out that most of your Council Tax is needed for vital statutory care services. Around 80% of the Council’s revenue budget is spent on statutory services such as Adult Social Care and Children’s Services. Unlike the NHS, which is funded via indirect taxation by central government, social care is paid for by local taxpayers – you and me.
Of course, in an ideal world we would not have to make these choices, but I think we can all agree the world – and in particular the UK –are far from ideal at present.
The third cause is linked to decisions made in the past that we are having to deal with the consequences of. For many, many years, Wokingham Borough has been among the lowest funded councils in the country. This has left us almost completely dependent of council taxpayers for our services, unlike other authorities (including some of our near neighbours) who have remained significantly subsidised by the government.
Things we don’t want to know
Another week and another diatribe from the anti-democratic, anti-liberal, anti-woke, anti-freeze Paul Clark.
He keeps making crazy demands on politicians that they simply could not ever commit to.
Even if they felt the King should live in a bedsit and eat beans on toast there is no way they could make him, so why even call for it?
Just as bad are Mr Clark’s demands that the council should give everyone free moons on a stick.
The only way such a policy could be implemented is if the government of the day decided
This was excused by the argument that it would reduce waste thrown away, as if residents create waste to fill the blue bags issued. If the desire was to reduce non-recycled waste it would have been far more effective to increase the variety of recycling collected.
But there have also been local decisions that have contributed to the situation. No provision in the budget we inherited had made provision for the food waste liners and no provision had been made for inflationary increase in the cost of the blue waste bags. In both of these cases, we have had to stick with the previously set budget and the result is that the food waste liners can no longer be provided and we are cutting the number of blue waste bags.
The council has also previously decided not to increase car parking charges in line with inflation for the past five years. Again, this decision – or lack of decision – has forced us into a situation where this now needs to be rectified, which is why we have had to increase charges to pay for things such as necessary road maintenance.
I hope sets out the context for the difficult decision we are having to make. We will continue to be open and transparent as we undertake the difficult task of setting a balanced budget for next year while protecting those most vulnerable in our community.
Cllr Imogen Shepherd-DuBey, Executive member for Finance, Wokingham Borough Councilit was the way forward.
The council has limited resources and lots of pressures for a slice of the pie. It can’t grow it despite what Trussonomics suggests.
It doesn’t matter which party was running the council right now, they don’t have a magic money tree to wave over Mr Clarke’s pet projects, or anyone else’s for that matter.
Life is more complicated than Mr Clarke thinks it is.
Name and address supplied
Woke population
I moved to Wokingham 43 years ago, Rose Street and the Terrace
No thought again for the residents in small terraced houses who will have no choice but to store their wheelie bins on the road or on someone else’s garden.
again the Liberal/ Labour coalition drop another bombshell on the unsuspecting residents of Wokingham Borough.
Over the last few weeks we have seen them ignore the result of the residents’ consultation which was in favour of four yearly elections, so I suppose nothing should surprise us, but in each of the recent cases there has been no consultation at all.
First the Lib/Lab Councillors
decided to scrap food caddy liners, by their own admission putting at risk the targeted increase in food waste recycling and the £350,000 annual savings that went with it. This decision was made behind closed doors and did not follow Borough decision making rules so we are bringing it to scrutiny for review.
Then they slashed the number of blue bags allocated to households for residual waste, no consultation, no apparent thought for those with children or disabilities which result in extra nappies and sanitary waste.
Conservatives froze car parking charges to try and help hard pressed local business and residents in the aftermath of Covid. Then, having taken control, the Lib/Lab coalition doubled the car parking charges and imposed Sunday and evening charges, again no consultation at all.
Another decision which was made outside due process and called in to scrutiny.
Now having seemingly belatedly discovered the consultation tool they have launched a consultation to move to two- or three-weekly waste and wheelie bins, in this ‘consultation’ there isn’t even the option to maintain weekly waste and reject wheelie bins.
For more than 20 years Conservatives have maintained weekly waste collections because we understand the issues a move to collections only every two or three weeks will cause many people, each year we have managed to produce a balanced budget without this ‘saving’ and we did so again for 2022/23.
We have been clear that keeping weekly waste was our policy in our election manifesto.
Did people who voted for Lib Dems and Labour or Independents realise that massive increases to car parking costs and reduction in waste services was their policy, was this mentioned in any of their leaflets?
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen is the leader of Wokingham Conservatives, and ward member for Hillside

initially and now I live off Milton Road. The Town has changed over that time from a market town to a woke population with the Lib Dems in control.
The latest mad idea is to raise the car park charges. We should realise that the retail markets across the land are suffering. Although Wokingham would appear to be doing better than most the best way to kill the retail market is to up the car park charges.
We are also about to muck about with the roads, replacing the excellent Woosehill roundabout with traffic lights. The Council did that 30 years ago with the roundabout at the end of Shute End and Broad Street which is why today you have to queue to leave the Reading Road.
Talking about the Reading Road, it hasn’t been maintained between Shute End and Holt Lane for six years to my knowledge. The verges are overgrown in weeds and last years leaves. Given that we are regarded as a wealthy borough I think we could do better.
Something for the Lib Dems to concentrate on.
Finally, I would urge Sarah Kerr and residents to subscribe to the Global Warming Policy Foundation (thegwpf. org) where you will learn that we have no Climate Emergency, and hopefully the borough will adapt as the Government cancel the legislation banning petrol and diesel cars production which will come.
Good news for all.
Philip Houldsworth, WokinghamWasting time
The lacklustre response of Church of England bishops on abortion appalls me and I feel ashamed of this as a prolife Anglican.
Why do we waste so much Church time endlessly discussing same-sex relationships?
Heterosexual sex is arguably producing a hidden genocide, of huge financial and emotional (or spiritual) cost.
We need to share the wonderful conversion testimonies of abortion
the chamber
victims like Georgette Forney and Alveda King.
The latter is the niece of Martin Luther King Jr and views abortion as a major Civil Rights crisis of our time.
The internet allows this current generation of Anglicans to widely share pro-life material via email and social media. Please consider prayerfully sharing-’Anglicans for Life’and-’Silent No More’-campaign.
The Bible says: ‘Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain’.
J T Hardy, via email
NSPCC champions wanted
The NSPCC is searching across Berkshire for volunteers who are passionate about child protection to join us in our fight for every childhood.
In 2022 the NSPCC’s ‘Speak out. Stay safe.’ volunteers will be returning to primary schools in Berkshire, helping us to protect a generation of children from abuse and neglect. Volunteers will visit primary schools to deliver ‘Speak out. Stay safe.’ workshops to Year 5 and Year 6 children, that teach them about the different types of abuse and who to speak to if they need to.
Our workshops are ageappropriate and memorable and need an energetic and enthusiastic person to deliver them. You’ll work alongside other volunteers to make sure at the end of each session the children feel empowered and know who they can speak out to if they are worried. When you volunteer with us, you’ll get lots of initial training which includes practice sessions, home-study and multiple visits to schools to help you learn the workshop materials. When you start delivering the sessions, support will be on offer from both your supervisor and other experienced volunteers.
You’ll also get the opportunity to learn new skills, be a part of a friendly team of like-minded people and most importantly make a huge difference to children within your local area.
If you are interested in volunteering as a ‘Speak out. Stay safe.’ volunteer and want to find out
more about the role, the next step is to contact the Volunteer Recruitment Team at VolunteerRecruitment@ NSPCC.org.uk or visit https://join-us. nspcc.org.uk/volunteers/vacancy/ speak-out-stay-safe-volunteerinformation-meeting-london--southeast/6398/description/
For this role, we can only accept people over the age of 16. Volunteering takes place on weekdays during school hours and we ask for a minimum commitment of 2 school visits a month. We look forward to meeting you!
As a former head teacher and someone who has worked in primary schools across the county for over 20 years I know that some children really struggle to speak out about their worries and concerns, by taking on this role you could change that for lots of local children and make a huge difference to many young lives.
Richard Roades NSPCC Schools Area Coordinator for BerkshireJoin in Sue Ryder walk
As we leave behind the scorching heat of the summer and approach the turn of the season, we start to look forward to crisp autumnal walks with family and friends - taking in the incredible array of colour in our local outdoor spaces.
Walking in the fresh air is something that many of us appreciate - whether it is to break up our working day, get outside with the dog, or boost our mental and physical wellbeing.
In my role as a Head of Family Support at Sue Ryder, I have found that for many people who have experienced the loss of a loved one, walking can be a particular helpproviding much-needed time and space to talk, think and reflect.
That’s why I’m writing to encourage your readers to pull on their trainers this October and join us at Sue Ryder Starlight Hike Thames Valley.
Held in the beautiful grounds of Pangbourne College on the 22 October, the 5k walk under the stars
How can we help those who are priced out of the market? Over the last decades building more homes for sale on the open market has not reduced prices and increased affordability, so what can we do?
Reducing the housing quotas
THE borough council is seeking to reduce the new housing quota imposed on the borough by the government, which all parties on the council believe is unsustainably large.
You will probably have read of the council’s recent lobbying of MPs and government ministers to put the case for a lower number. Without a reduction in the allocation, we are fearful that valuable countryside will be lost and our already creaking infrastructure – with clogged roads and oversubscribed schools – simply will not cope.
But if we are all agreed that the number of new dwellings that Wokingham borough is expected to approve through the planning process is too great, we are also concerned that we need the right kind of new homes to meet local demand.
We live in an area of high property prices.
Many families and individuals in our community simply cannot afford market-priced housing.
Housing needs assessments undertaken by the council to suggest that up to half of the need in the borough is for less-expensive accommodation.
We need to make sure that a significant proportion of the new houses built are affordable with a capital A (that is, are delivered at below-market prices in discounted or shared-ownership schemes) or are Social-Rented properties (offered for below-market rents by the council itself or its partners in housing companies and housing associations).
The existing local plan for development in the borough has a requirement that 35% of all new housing should be in the Affordable or Social-Rental categories. We are now looking at increasing this proportion in the emerging local plan.
Exactly what figure we are able to include in the final version of the new local plan will not depend simply on our preferences; we will have to convince the local plan inspector, appointed by government to consider the suitability of the final version of the local plan, that any percentage higher than 35% is viable.
The viability test will take into account all the other contributions
is an opportunity to get together with hundreds of others in your local community to celebrate and remember the life of someone special, while also supporting Sue Ryder.
Last year Sue Ryder provided over 830,000 hours of care to thousands of families across the country, including from its Duchess of Kent Hospice in Reading, Palliative Care Hub South Oxfordshire, Palliative Care Hub Berkshire in Newbury and Sue Ryder Wokingham.
The funds raised from this special evening of celebration will help Sue Ryder to create a future where everyone has access to expert compassionate care and support at the end of their life or following a bereavement.
You can sign up online until midnight on Sunday 16th October at sueryder.org/thamesvalleystarlight. Tickets will also be available on the night.
Thank you, with your support we can continue to go the extra mile and be there when it matters.
Ken Blanton, Head of Family Support for Sue Ryder in the Thames ValleyGet Britain moving
To get Britain moving is my statement and the Tories have copied it.
They cannot get Britain moving if they are not able or big enough to settle every strike by talking to them and paying them inflation rate without shutting down ticket offices.
This would be cruel to elderly people and disabled – it makes no sense at all.
It is another dividing the knows and not the knows.
This country is bad enough with the haves and the have nots.
Victor, Human Justice & Rights, BracknellGive the Queen a sainthood
We think the late Queen should be bestowed with a sainthood for her Christian humanity and faultless dedication to duty.
Shirley, Woodleywe expect developers to make to mitigate the impact of new housing – such as new highways works, extra school capacity, and environmental improvement measures.
We are also working on inventive solutions to expand our Social-Rented stock outside the local plan process, including building ourselves (with new temporary accommodation units soon coming on stream at Grovelands in Winnersh and a major development to refurbish and expand our stock taking place at Gorse Ride, Finchampstead) and increasing our cooperation with the private rented sector to secure long-term leases on favourable terms.
Wokingham borough, then, faces two housing challenges, not one.
The first - the threat of unsustainably large housing development – is perhaps uppermost in the minds of most residents.
But the second – a critical shortage of truly affordable accommodation for members of our community priced out of the market – needs to be addressed with equal vigour and determination.
Cllr Stephen Conway is the Executive Member for Affordable and Social Housing and Deputy Leader of Wokingham Borough Council, and ward member for Twyford

From the leader
Cllr Clive Jones‘The handling of the economy isdisastrous for you and for thecouncil’
months ahead are going to very difficult for residents, businesses and for the borough council.
Liz Truss’s first budget as Prime Minister just three weeks ago has been a disaster and wasn’t greeted with any enthusiasm by the financial markets.
This week the Bank of England has warned of, “material risk”, to UK financial stability as a result of the budget.
The Conservatives handling of the economy under Liz Truss’s leadership is looking to be very poor indeed.
Inflation has risen to nearly 10%, up from 5% in February and forecast to be 18% during 2023.
Raging inflation means costs everywhere are going up, the costs of food, fuel, energy such as electricity and gas.
We can all see the effects of increases in inflation every day.
The council faces the same pressures of high levels of inflation. Everything it buys is also going up by the same huge levels of inflation.
The new Lib Dem administration will face up to these difficulties and will continue to take difficult decisions which the previous administration shied away from.
We know this won’t be easy, but we are determined to maintain services where we can, especially for vulnerable residents.
Interest rates are increasing.
In March they were 0.75%.
With four rises since then they now stand at 2.25%. They are predicted to reach 4% by the end of the year, rising to 5.5% by July 2023.
Increases in interest rates are also going to hurt many residents across the borough, especially those with mortgages.
Residents who are re-mortgaging in the coming weeks and months are facing increases of hundreds of pounds in their monthly mortgage costs.
These huge increases which for many will be over £500 a month will significantly reduce householders’ ability to buy food for their families, clothe them, heat their homes, and fill their cars with fuel.
Increases in the mortgage rate will also lead to an increase in rents for those renting in the private sector.
The handling of the economy by this Conservative government is disastrous for you as residents and for the council. They are hurting residents and hurting the council which provides you with daily services.
Cllr Clive Jones is the leader of Wokingham Borough Council and Lib Dem member for Hawkedon WardRomans appoints new director

A NEW director has been appointed to the Wokingham office of a property consultancy firm.
Leaders Romans Group has announced Martin Fillery will work within its Shared Ownership team, with a focus on working with housing association clients and expanding the firm’s work in this sector.
Mr Fillery is a member of the National Sales Group, a housing sector membership organisation which promotes shared ownership and housing providers among political and financial audiences, with the aim of ensuring that shared ownership is recognised as the fourth mainstream tenure.
He has previously worked as a sales negotiator/ sales manager for a number of housing associations, including L&Q, A2Dominion and Hyde New Homes. More recently, he built the shared ownership team at Currell alongside Adrian Plant.
Mr Plant said he is delighted to welcome him back into his team: “I’m very excited to be working with Martin again. We are both passionate about helping First Time Buyers realise their dreams of getting on the property ladder and have a great synergy.”
He said Mr Fillery joins the firm “at a pivotal point” for the Shared Ownership division.
“In the past four years we have been very successful in developing a name and a good reputation in the industry, and I’m confident that we can take that to the next level with Martin’s input,” he added.

Builders merchant Selco to offer cost of living payments to staff
By PHIL CREIGHTON news@rdg.todayA BUILDERS merchant with a branch in Reading has unveiled a £2.5m boost to its staff with the cost of living crisis.
Selco Builders Warehouse, will give 96% of its 3,000-strong workforce a payment of £750 spread over five months. The only people not to benefit are the senior management team.

The scheme will run from November until March, and has been implemented as a direct response to rising energy bills and general inflation.
It sees eligible employees receive £150 per month.
Howard Luft, chief executive of Selco Builders Warehouse, said: “We are living through an unprecedented cost of living crisis and it’s placing pressure on household budgets, from energy to food and fuel to mortgages, up and down the country.

“We wanted to do what we could
to provide additional support to colleagues who, day-in and day-out, give outstanding commitment, dedication and service to the ongoing growth and success of Selco.
“Everyone in the business,
apart from the most senior figures in management, will benefit from these payments which are structured in such a way that they can have a direct impact on the rising monthly bills during the winter months.”
Mr Luft said he hoped this support would aid the company’s workforce and he planned to explore other ways the company could help them.
This has included free breakfasts with locally sourced products every day across the Selco estate, and career development opportunities to its staff with several hundred benefitting from apprenticeship programmes, including the introduction of a Driver Academy to offer employees the chance to retrain to become HGV drivers.
“Our colleagues are undoubtedly the biggest asset of our business and we will continue to invest in them at every opportunity,” Mr Luft said.
As well as offering trade services, Selco also has a strong digital presence including Click & Deliver and Click & Collect services and a new app to make life as convenient as possible for tradespeople.
n For more information, log on to: www.selcobw.com
Charity quiz night raises more than £5,000 for hospital charities

A CHARITY quiz night has raised over £5,000 for health charities at Reading’s Royal Berkshire Hospital.
This year, law firm Blandy & Blandy is raising funds for Babies in Buscot Support (BIBS) and the Royal Berks Charity.
As part of its efforts, it hosted the quiz, complete with a raffle and a silent auction, with the star prize donated by Heckfield Place.
Teams came from across the Reading area and included Barclays, Barton Willmore Now Stantec, BDO, Beaufort Financial, Crowe,
Handelsbanken, Haslams
Chartered Surveyors, Hicks Baker, James Cowper Kreston, Kempton Carr Croft, KRE Corporate Recovery, Lichfields, NatWest, Nexus Planning, Quantuma, RSM, Savills, Vail Williams and Vale & West.

The winners were national accountancy and business advisory firm, BDO, who received bottles of English sparkling wine from Stanlake Park alongside their trophies.
Blandy & Blandy’s chairman and partner Nick Burrows said: “We were very pleased to be able to get together with
so many of our professional colleagues from the Thames Valley business community for a really enjoyable evening.
“We were also absolutely delighted that the evening raised over £5,000 for the two charities that we are currently supporting – the Royal Berks Charity and Babies in Buscot Support (BIBS).
“Our thanks go to all those who contributed by taking tables, buying raffle tickets and bidding in our silent auction.”
more details, log on to:

Charity that rescues abandoned horses seeks volunteers to help its work
By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.todayMOST fly-tipping involves the dumping of perhaps a broken freezer or an old mattress by the roadside.
But animals, too, can be abandoned by their owners, including horses.
Fly-grazing is the word given to describe the dumping of horses.
It is an acute problem, with numbers of animals left to fend for themselves, often without water, shelter or the required nutrition to keep them healthy.
Charity SAFE (Saving Abandoned Fly-grazing Equines) exists solely to rescue these abandoned horses.
With around 40 horses currently in its care, it is seeking more volunteers and sponsorship.
“We are unique because we don’t only rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abandoned horses,” explain Alison and Kate from the charity.
“We also provide support for the people who find the horses on their land.
“We help them take the appropriate steps to enable us to remove and care for the animals legally.”
This is achieved through The Control of Horses Act (2015), which transfers ownership of an unclaimed fly-grazed horse to the landowner.
Notices are put up on site, and if the animal is not claimed after four days, the landowner is then able to transfer the animal into SAFE’s care.
SAFE has helped to rescue many fly-grazed horses in this way from fields, waste-land, building sites and even car parks.
“After the rescue, we can advise people how to make their
land secure so that the problem isn’t repeated,” Alison adds.
The charity works with private landowners, with Highways England, and with local councils.
“Our main area is Berkshire and Surrey, but we have helped even as far away as Sunderland Council,” she continues.

SAFE was founded eight years ago, during the winter of 2014 when 38 horses and ponies were left abandoned in Binfield.
It is run by a small group of horse-loving volunteers from mainly the Wokingham area, who give up their time on a regular basis to help horses and ponies who have been abandoned or neglected.

The animals come with a range of health issues, and can be frightened and timid, having had little or no human contact.
The volunteers look after them, gain their trust over time and with the help of vets and
farriers, nurse them back to health.
“The majority of the horses we rescue are small and young, because it’s often mares and their foals that are abandoned,” says Kate.
“We had one case where the foal was very badly malnourished because its mother had nothing to eat and wasn’t producing milk to feed it.
“The animals were reliant on local people who were understandably upset, and were trying to feed them.”
Are people who abandon and neglect their horses punished?
“It is very frustrating but it is so difficult to prosecute anyone,” says Alison.
“In cases where we can’t work with a landowner, the only people who can seize a horse are the police, and local authorities, animal wardens, the RSPCA.
“But the police tend to regard
Mobile health clinic ready to do the rounds
A MOBILE clinic will bring health services right to people’s doorsteps this autumn.
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is launching its Health Bus to reach communities which typically see lower uptakes of healthcare.
It will be staffed by a team who will deliver immunisation services to school-aged children.
Karen Cridland, director of children services, said: “Immunisations are the cornerstone of public health and help to save lives. We know some communities do not access vaccination services in traditional ways.
“The Health Bus will enable us to reach children and
families who do not routinely access mainstream services and provide a high quality service close to home.”
The Health Bus will be a mobile health clinic, providing localised services within these communities and information on immunisations, particularly flu vaccines.
The vehicle itself features state-of-the-art facilities, adhering to infection control standards and health and safety requirements.
There is also a private curtained area for people wishing to speak to a clinician in confidence, as well as a ramp for wheelchair users and those with mobility issues.
At the rear, a couch, table and chairs are suitable for
consulting and treatment, but can easily convert to a sensory area to enable those experiencing anxiety to access services in a calming space.
Moving forward, the mobile clinic will complement its immunisation provision with promotion on a number of issues such as infant feeding, smoking cessation, healthy lifestyles, dental hygiene, mental health and sexual health education.
Through its service, participating staff will provide education on early identification of symptoms for conditions such as respiratory illness, breast cancer or bowel cancer, as they say early intervention can help reduce long term health costs.
fly-grazing as a civil case and will advise people to call the RSPCA.
“The RSPCA won’t help unless it is a welfare case of neglect, with seriously ill animals.
“And if locals, quite understandably, try to help the horses by providing them with food and water, they are
actually preventing the animals from falling into this category, so they are just left where they are.
“We know people will always take pity on the animals, so we feel sometimes that we are between a rock and a hard place, when it comes to rescuing them.”
SAFE aims to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home all the horses it takes on, and currently has around 40 animals in its care.
Its volunteers are determined to improve the lives of the animals in their care, but they also enjoy the fresh air and exercise, and the sense of wellbeing that arises from working with the horses.
“We are passionate, and we are exhausted, and there seems to be no end to this problem, but we love what we are doing,”says Kate.
“It’s such a big part of my life.
“I love it, being outside, doing good, spending time with horses that are such healing animals to work with.”
“Yes,” agrees Alison,”and we really are a community, a safe family, and we all pull together.”
SAFE needs volunteers and financial support.
“We’ve rescued, rehabilitated and re-homed literally hundreds
of horses,” explains Alison.
“With the drought this summer, and with very little grass, we have had to buy food.
“We actually owe £7,000 in hay at the moment.
“We rely on donations and we really need support if we are to continue and survive.”
When the horses are re-homed, new owners agree never to resell the animals, so that they can’t be returned to their former lives.
“It’s lovely to keep in touch with the new owners and to hear how the horses are doing,” says Kate.
“This is such great work – it takes time, a lot of care, and money, but it’s so rewarding.
“We’d love more volunteers to become a part of the SAFE family”.
Applicants should be over 18, with their own means of transport.
“It does help to have some experience of horses, or at least not to be frightened of them.”
“But people can also help us by holding fund raising events and supporting us financially, and we’d love to hear from them,” adds Alison.
To find out more about SAFE, enquire about volunteering or to support the charity log on to: www.safe-horses.co.uk
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Ofsted finds out-of-school club
‘compromised’ child safety
By GRANT WILLIAMS Local democracy reporterENFORCEMENT action may be taken against an out-of-school club after the latest Ofsted inspection found children’s safety and welfare is “compromised”.
The report found the service provided by Energy Kidz, which is run by Junior Adventures Group UK and operates from St Crispin’s Leisure Centre in Wokingham, “does not meet requirements” and, as a result, Ofsted intends to take action.

It found that attempts to make improvements “have not been fully effective” after an inspection carried out last year concluded that there were “significant weaknesses in safeguarding practice” and outlined a series of necessary actions.
Some staff, including the manager, are “not confident” about how to externally report child protection concerns and “do not understand the role of the local authority designated officer and the external referral process should concerns be raised about an adult at the setting”, the report states.
Jones, said children’s safety and enjoyment are their “number one priority” and he is “disappointed” with the results of the inspection, which took place on Thursday, September 8.
The report did note that induction procedures had improved since the last inspection.
However, Ofsted will be issuing a welfare notice requiring the provider to ensure all staff “develop a more robust knowledge” of all safeguarding policies and procedures, as well as “improving supervision and coaching” so they are effective in addressing the gaps.
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There'salsoafewthingstoletyouknowabout, comingupherelocallyasthere'ssomebigchanges happeningatboththeTapYardandourcountrypub, TheGeorgeandDragoninSwallowfield.
Firstly,theG&Dishavingitsfirstmajorrefurb underourownership,withtheinstallofabrandnew kitchen.It'sanexcitingdevelopmentforthepuband willallowustotweakandimprovethemenusonce more.Whilstthekitchenisbeingfitted,we'llhavea temporarilyever-so-slightlyreducedmenu,asthe chef'sworkfromatemporarykitchenspace.
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As supervision arrangements had not been successful in identifying those staff who are less confident in their safeguarding knowledge, “children’s safety and welfare remains compromised”.
Chief Child Experience Officer at Junior Adventures Group UK, Craig
Nearly new sale of baby equipment
A school is hosting a sale in aid of a charity for young parents.
Crosfields School, Shinfield Road, will be holding a nearly new sale, raising funds for NCT.
There will be bargains on offer for pre-loved, nearly new maternity, baby, toddler and young children’s clothes, toys, books and equipment.
The charity runs these sales to support local NCT community groups as well as national projects.
The sale takes place from 11.15am-12.30pm on Sunday. n For more information, visit: www. nct.org.uk

It said staff “clearly understand” what to do in case of a fire, as well as for food hygiene and behaviour management.
Staff also “work well as a team” and plan “a good range of activities” to enable children to relax and have fun after school.
Mr Jones said the company has taken immediate action to address the actions set out by Ofsted and pointed to “very positive” feedback that came off the back of a further unannounced visit on Saturday, September 29, claiming the inspector commented on the improvements to the supervision.
Fresh bid submitted to build two flats in Earley
A NEW application to build two flats in the garden of an existing home in Earley has been submitted to Wokingham Borough Council.
The plan proposes to develop a two-storey building to accommodate the two onebedroom flats in the side garden of 25 Henley Wood Road.
The flats would be split over two floors with two entrances on either side, to appear as a semi-detached residential house.
Parking and turning space for two cars is also outlined, as well as each unit having refuse and secure
MPs consider options for future of Royal Berks
Lastly,fromthe10thOctobertheTapYardwill nowbeopen7DAYSAWEEKsoyoucanswingbyto collectorders,buytakeawaysorsitinforsomebeers andabitetoeatwheneveryouwant.We'reopen from10amthroughouttheweekforcoffeesaswell.
BERKSHIRE’S MPs have visited the Royal Berkshire Hospital to consider its long-term future
The special briefing, hosted by The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, discussed the three options for redevelopment of the hospital.
The MPs were Matt Rodda, Labour MP for Reading East, and Conservative’s Theresa May, MP for Maidenhead, James Sunderland, MP for Bracknell and Laura Farris, MP for Newbury.
Alok Sharma, Reading West MP, Sir John Redwood, MP for Wokingham and a representative for John Howell, MP for Henley,
attended remotely.
The three options being considered for its future are; a full rebuild on its current site; a partial rebuild with new facilities for vital services; and an entirely new hospital built on a separate location, either in South Reading or Shinfield.
MPs could visit some of the clinical areas, meeting staff to hear first-hand the issues and challenges in delivering modern health care in an ageing facility.
Steve McManus, chief executive of the Trust, said: “A new hospital is vital for the health and care needs of the local population but
cycle storage.
The site, which is currently brownfield, has been the subject of a number of failed planning applications in the past – specifically in relation to insufficient off-street parking, inappropriate scale and excessive height.
The latest plan, submitted on behalf of the applicant by Colony Architects Ltd, claims to have alleviated these concerns by lowering the height of the new building and increasing the number of car parking spaces.
these needs can’t be met without significant investment.
“We are delighted that our MPs are so positive about their visit and supportive of our ambition to modernise our hospital and services.”
Mr Rodda is calling for more investment in the NHS and believes improving the hospital facilities is an important part of this.
He said: “There is a strong case for rebuilding the hospital, either on the existing site or in a new one and I am working with other local MPs to urge the Department of Health to increase spending on the RBH.
“I also believe residents, patients and NHS staff should be involved in discussing the hospital’s future and that services should be accessible.”
Mr Rodda also expressed his
“With a follow up inspection now due at St Cripsin’s Leisure Centre within six months, we eagerly await the opportunity to deliver the impact of our robust action plans that will ensure we reinstate the high-quality standards of childcare that we expect from every Energy Kidz service,” he added.
There are currently three members of staff working at Energy Kidz, including the manager.
It serves children from Westende Junior School on weekdays from 7.30am to 9am and from 3pm to 6pm during term time.
Soccer sessions
A CHARITY is inviting youngsters to take part in fun football activities to promote positive mental wellbeing.
Sport in Mind will be holding free, weekly sessions on Mondays during term-time at the astroturf pitches at Palmer Park.
Children aged from nine to 12 are welcome to attend.
The get-togethers serve as an ideal opportunity for young people to exercise while making new friends.
The opportunity is part of the charity’s youth activities.
Sessions take place 5pm-6pm. n For more information, contact: 0118 947 9762.
desire for the hospital to remain in Reading and, if on the same site, the facade kept.
He added: “There would need to be a full consultation, and transport links and accessibility would need to be considered carefully.”
A preferred option for the redevelopment, officially named Building Berkshire Together, has not yet been decided.
A consultation is taking place, where comments can be submitted on the Building Berkshire Together website.
The Trust has moved to the next stage of planning which involves submitting an Outline Business Case to the government, due in the coming months.
VENUE: Energy Kidz used St Crispin’s Leisure Centre for outof-school club for its activities Archive picture: Phil CreightonNew home care service launched by long-standing NHS specialist
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.todayA NEW home care service has been launched to serve Wokingham and Bracknell.
Based at Indigo House on the Mulberry Business Estate in Wokingham, Good Oaks Home Care Wokingham and Bracknell, has recently received its accreditation from the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England and is also responsible for reporting on standards in home care.
The company was founded by Shweta Mahadik, a NHS physiotherapy specialist, and is now providing care for the borough’s residents.
Ms Mahadik said: “I was a physiotherapist working with the NHS for 20 years in elderly care mainly.

“That gives you a real appreciation for the care sector and the importance of good quality tailored care.”
Good Oaks provides live-in and visiting care to help people live safely and comfortably.

Working as a specialist in Parkinson’s and dementia care, Ms Mahadik said one of the most important things she
wanted to achieve was to help families
the changes their relatives
be experiencing.
She said: “It’s important to educate people to ensure they understand the importance of good care and to ensure their care is tailored to them.
“With my background, especially in fall prevention and elderly care, I think it gives me a unique skill set.
“It is something I am really able to use to help our clients.”
When carrying out a care assessment, Ms Mahadik also considers any potential additional help or support people may need day to day.
She added: “It’s a very rewarding job to be able to help people. I live locally too, so it’s good to know you are helping your community.”
Live-in and visiting carers can help with a variety of jobs to make life easier.
This includes cooking, cleaning, laundry, personal care and helping get people up in the morning or to bed at night.
They also provide respite and care for those being discharged from hospital.
n For more information call 0118 907 7777 or visit: goodoakshomecare.co.uk/ wokingham-bracknell
Crumbs! Cafe’s comedy night
A NEW comedy night is to launch in a Woodley cafe later this month.
Crumbs, in Library Parade and close to the town’s Lidl, is to host the event featuring four comics who have all appeared on television.
Headlining is Andrew Bird, who has appeared on Russell Howard’s Good News, and provided support to Michael McIntyre, and John Bishop.
Pauline Eyre has supported Shaparak Khorsandi on her tour, while Mike Cox has supported Clinton Baptiste.
The evening is compered by Jonathan Elston.
The show takes place from 7pm on Wednesday, October 26. Tickets cost £12. Crumbs will be serving cocktails.
n For details, log on to: wegottickets.com/ event/554272
NEW CARE: Good Oaks was founded by Shweta Mahadik, a NHS physiotherapy specialist, and is now providing care for the borough’s residentsRelay carries young people’s message
By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.todayA BATON travelling from Glasgow to Egypt passed through the borough last week, on its way to the home of a climate emergency conference.
Carried by runners, cyclists and sailors, it bears a message from young people to the decision makers at this year’s COP27, which will take place in Sharm el Sheikh next month.
And it comes with a warning: we are running out of time.
The baton’s journey, part of the Running Out of Time project, started in Glasgow, where COP 26 took place last year.
From there, it will pass through 732 stages, and travel over 7,500 kilometers, person to person.
It will cross seas, mountain ranges, glaciers and deserts, visiting schools, at-risk locations, and climate change projects along the way.
Relay runners took a week to bring the baton to Berkshire.
Stages locally were at Reading Hydro, The University of Reading, and St Paul’s Church in Wokingham.
Professor Ed Hawkins MBE, creator of the warming stripes image, carried the baton from
the community hydro power plant located next to Caversham Weir.
Joined by 18 other runners, he passed it to Professor Peter Miskell of Reading University’s Henley Business School.

An official hand-over event took place at the university’s Atmospheric Observatory, attended by the vice chancellor, students and staff, local councillors and MPs.
Peter Miskell took the baton to St Paul’s Church in Wokingham, joined by Hugh Shields, Liz Bentley, Cat Bicknell, Franco Gonzales and Nick Hatton.
Prof Miskell said: “I love running, and I’ve done it for most of my adult life, so I was very happy to be asked to do this, and said yes straight away.
“I looked into the event afterwards, and only then realised what I’d signed up for, and just how fantastic it is.
“As a university we have departments dedicated to the

climate and the environment, so it’s absolutely right for us to contribute to an event like this.”
At St Paul’s Church the baton was passed to Samantha Gibbins.
She said: “I’m very aware of the climate crisis, and the implications of not acting.
“It doesn’t feel as though we’re acting soon enough, so I’ve been looking for ways to get involved.
“This was advertised through my workplace, and I was pleased to sign up.”

Baton bearers are being sponsored to raise funds for charities, Carbon Copy, and the Foundation for Environmental Education’s Global Forest Fund.
The baton and its message will arrive in Egypt in time for Global Schools Day on Thursday, November 3, when up to a million of the world’s pupils will meet.
For more information about the relay visit: www.running-out-oftime.com
Salvation Army celebrates 140 yearsand raises best china to its new hub
MEMBERS of a Lower Earleybased church raised their best china to a new coffee hub, built to mark its 140th anniversary.
Originally based on Reading’s Kings Road, and known as the Reading East Salvation Army, the church relocated to purpose-built premises in 1994, close to the Chalfont Way centre that houses Asda and a number of other shops.
The new coffee hub will be open weekdays from 10am to 4pm, and is part of the Army’s support to the community, including toddler groups and Messy Church.

The coffee hub offers fairtrade coffee, cakes and other hot and cold drinks at set prices. The coffee grounds are recycled into the church’s garden.

Customers can also ‘buyforward’ hot drinks for those who may not be able to afford a hot drink, with the Rotary Club of Reading Maiden Erlegh, also supporting some funding for those needing assistance to pay for hot drinks.
During the opening weekend, held over September 24 and 25, the church held a thanksgiving service to mark its 140 years, including displays of historic pictures, memorabilia and news clippings, including historic Salvation Army uniforms.

And there was a barbecue in its garden – another cause for celebration as it was the recipient of a Royal Horticultural Society’s It’s your neighbourhood award.
The new hub was opened by the Central South Divisional
leaders, Majors Mike and Lisa Lloyd-Jones.
Leader of Reading Lower Earley Salvation Army, Lieutenant Jacqueline Coates said: “There are many needs in the community spanning all generations, our prayer is for the coffee hub to be a place for all to meet, make new friends and build relationships.
“We want to create a space that is warm and welcoming, a place where people can come and be themselves and be with others.
“All too often, people live in isolation and we want to offer a place that brings people together.”
n For more details about its weekly, log on to: www. salvationarmy.org.uk/readinglower-earley or email: Lower. earley@salvationarmy.org.uk

Half-term active camps for children
CHILDREN aged five to 12 can sign up for Power Up Kids Activity Camps during the October half-term holiday.
A wide range of sports will be available, including football, swimming, dance, badminton and soft play.
There will also be basketball, children’s yoga, rounders, and dodgeball.
The camps will take place at Loddon Valley Leisure Centre in Lower Earley from 9am to 5pm, between Monday, October 24 to Friday, October 28.
Morning drop-off is from 9am to 9.30am, with evening pick-up from 4.30pm to 5pm.
Places cost from £30 per day, and there is a 10% discount for siblings when bookings are

made for two or more children.
All bookings must be made online two days before the start of the camp date.
n To book a place, register or login to: www. wokinghamboroughcouncil. magicbooking.co.uk.
n For more information, email: sport@wokingham.gov.uk or call: 0118 974 3728.
CELEBRATION: Lower Earley Salvation Army marked its 140th anniversary with displays looking at its history READY TO SERVE: The new coffee hub at the Lower Earley Salvation Army is ready to welcome visitorsClassifieds
WokinghamBoroughCouncilisseekingviewsontheFinchampsteadNeighbourhood DevelopmentPlan.
FinchampsteadParishCouncil,asthequalifyingbody,havepreparedaneighbourhood developmentplan,entitled‘FinchampsteadNeighbourhoodPlan2022–2038’.The planaimstomanagethedevelopmentcomingforwardintheareatobetterreflectthe wishesofthecommunityandtakegreateraccountofwhatmakestheareaspecialto them.Theplan,ifadopted,willbeusedtohelpdetermineplanningapplicationswithin theparish.
Thepreparationoftheplanhasinvolvedconsultationwithresidents,community groups,statutoryorganisationsandothergroups.
Theconsultationontheplanandsupportingdocumentsrunsfrom Wednesday12 October2022to5pmWednesday23November2022 andyourcommentsare invited.Duringtheconsultationperiod,theplanandsupportingdocumentscanbe viewed:
•Onthecouncil’swebsiteat https://www.wokingham.gov.uk/planning-policy/ planning-policy-information/neighbourhood-planning/
•Onthecouncil’sonlineengagementplatform(Engage)at https:// engage.wokingham.gov.uk/en-GB/
Pleasesubmityourcommentsusingtheresponseformavailableat: https:// www.wokingham.gov.uk/planning-policy/planning-policy-information/neighbourhoodplanning/
•Post:Growth&DeliveryTeam,WokinghamBoroughCouncil,CivicOffices, ShuteEnd,Wokingham,RG401WR
Followingtheendoftheconsultationperiod,allcommentswillbepassedtoan independentexaminerwhowillconsiderwhethertheplanmeetsthenational requirements.
Aspartofyourcomments,youmayrequesttobenotifiedontheWokingham Borough’sdecisiontoadopt(make)theplan.
WokinghamBoroughCouncilisseekingviewsontheTwyfordNeighbourhood DevelopmentPlan.
NOTICEISHEREBYgiventhatonthe6thOctober 2022WokinghamBoroughCouncilasTrafficAuthority madeanOrderunderSection14(1)(a)oftheRoad TrafficRegulationAct1984theeffectofwhichisto prohibitanyvehiclefromproceedingalong:
B3430NineMileRide,Wokinghambetweenits junctionswithA321LowerWokinghamRoadandNew WokinghamRoad.
Thealternativerouteforallvehiclesaffectedbythis restrictionshallbeviaNewWokinghamRoad,B3348 DukesRideandA321LowerWokinghamRoadorby thisrouteinreverse.
Worksrequiringthisrestrictionwilltakeplace between17thOctoberand21stOctober2022.
ThereasonfortheseprohibitionsistoallowFulcrum contractorstolaynewgasandelectricmainsfornew housingdevelopmentinsafety.
Accessforresidentsandbusinesseswithinthe boundariesoftheserestrictionswillbemaintainedat alltimes.
TherestrictionimposedbytheOrdershallonlyapply duringthoseperiodswhentrafficsignscomplyingwith theTrafficSignsRegulationsandGeneralDirections 2016arelawfullydisplayed.
TherestrictionscontainedintheOrdershallcomeinto operationonthe17thOctober2022andshallcontinue inforceforaperiodnotexceeding18monthsoruntil theworkshavebeencompleted,whicheveristhe earlier.
ShuteEnd Wokingham
NOTICEISHEREBYgiventhatonthe6thOctober2022WokinghamBoroughCouncil asTrafficAuthoritymadeanOrderunderSection14(1)(a)oftheRoadTraffic RegulationAct1984theeffectofwhichistoprohibitanyvehiclefromproceeding along:
WescottRoad,WokinghambetweenitsjunctionswithEasthampsteadRoadand SchoolRoad.
Thealternativerouteforallvehiclesaffectedbythisrestrictionshallbevia EasthampsteadRoad,GoodchildRoadandSeafordRoadorbythisrouteinreverse. Worksrequiringthisrestrictionwilltakeplacebetween17thOctoberand28th October2022.

ThereasonforthisprohibitionistoallowThamesWatercontractorstoundertake sewerrepairsrelatingtodamagedpipeworkinsafety.
Accessforresidentsandbusinesseswithintheboundariesoftheserestrictionswillbe maintainedatalltimes.
TherestrictionimposedbytheOrdershallonlyapplyduringthoseperiodswhentraffic signscomplyingwiththeTrafficSignsRegulationsandGeneralDirections2016are lawfullydisplayed.
TherestrictionscontainedintheOrdershallcomeintooperationonthe17thOctober 2022andshallcontinueinforceforaperiodnotexceeding18monthsoruntilthe workshavebeencompleted,whicheveristheearlier.
AssistantDirector–HighwaysandTransport WokinghamBoroughCouncil
ShuteEnd Wokingham BerkshireRG401WL
NOTICEISHEREBYgiventhatWokinghamBoroughCouncilasTrafficAuthority proposestomakeanOrderunderSection14(1)(a)oftheRoadTrafficRegulationAct 1984theeffectofwhichistoprohibitanyvehiclefromproceedingalong EastheathAvenuebetweenitsjunctionswithMollyMillarsLaneandReevesWay.
ThealternativerouteforallvehiclesaffectedbythisrestrictionshallbeviaA321 FinchampsteadRoadandMollyMillarsLaneorbythisrouteinreverse.
ThereasonfortheseprohibitionsistoallowLTSTrafficManagementcontractorsto undertaketelecomworksinsafety.
TheTownandCountryPlanning(DevelopmentManagementProcedure)(England)Order 2015 AND/OR Planning(ListedBuildingsandConservationAreas)Regulations1990


222817 TheRedLodge, ChurchRoad, Swallowfield
Workstoalisted building
a)prohibitanyvehiclefromproceedingalongB3348TheRidges,Finchampstead betweenitsjunctionswithB3348JubileeRoadandB3348WellingtoniaAvenue.

Fullapplicationfortheinstallationofgatesanda postboxbetweenthepillarsoftheexistingwall. (Retrospective).
222869 LandToTheWest OfTrowesLane, Swallowfield
Thealternativerouteforalltrafficaffectedbytherestrictionshallbebyproceeding viaB3348JubileeRoad,B3016FinchampsteadRoad,B3430NineMileRide,A321 LowerWokinghamRoadandB3348WellingtoniaAvenueorbythisrouteinreverse.
b)prohibitanytrafficincludingpedestriansfromproceedingalongB3348The Ridges,FinchampsteadbetweenitsjunctionwithB3348JubileeRoadandDellRoad.
TherestrictionsarenecessarytoenableWokinghamBoroughCouncilcontractorsto undertakerepairsduetoroadsubsidenceinsafety.
Accessforresidentsandbusinesseswithintheboundariesoftheserestrictionswillbe maintainedatalltimes.
Applicationtovarycondition3ofplanningconsent 220354fortheapprovalofreservedmatters pursuanttooutlineplanningconsent181130forthe proposederectionof20dwellingswithassociated access,parking,openspaceandlandscaping.Details ofLayout,Appearance,LandscapingandScaletobe determined.Condition3referstoapprovedplansand thevariationistomakeamendmentstodesignsand housetypesof10plots.Plots1,2,3,4,5,16,17,18, 19&20
222951 FarleyCastle,East Wing,CastleHill, FarleyHill
Workstoalisted building
TherestrictionsimposedbytheOrdershallonlyapplyduringthoseperiodswhen trafficsignscomplyingwiththeTrafficSignsRegulationsandGeneralDirections2016 arelawfullydisplayed.
Householderapplicationfortheproposedinstallation of19no.solarPVpanelsonthemainroof.
222978 GroundFloor, 6MarketPlace, Wokingham
Workstoalisted building
TherestrictionscontainedintheOrdercameintooperationonthe22ndSeptember 2022.
Inconsiderationofsection15(2)thetime-limitofeighteen(18)monthsspecifiedin subsection15(1)oftheActshallnotapplytotheOrderfortheCouncilaresatisfied thattheexecutionoftheworksinquestionwilltakelonger.Therestrictionsinthe Ordershallcontinueinforceuntiltheworkshavebeencompletedandoncompletion oftheworkstheOrdershallberevoked.
ApplicationforListedBuildingconsentforthe proposedremovalofbanknamesignageand1no. hangingsignfromfrontelevationandanysubsequent repairandrepaintingtomakegood.
Theapplicationisavailabletoview onlineatwokingham.gov.uk � Planning � Searchplanningapplicationsand typingintheapplicationnumberabove. Commentsontheapplicationcanbemade onlinefromthiswebpage. Anycommentsmustarriveonorbeforethe3rdNovember2022. Anycommentsmadearenotconfidentialandcan beseenbyanyoneastheyformpartofthepublicrecord.Thecomments,unlessoffensive,discriminatoryand/orracist, willappearontheCouncil’swebsitewithin24hoursand
AssistantDirector–HighwaysandTransport WokinghamBoroughCouncil
CivicOffices ShuteEnd Wokingham BerkshireRG401WL

Nick wonders What Have We Become?
Next week, Nick Helm is coming to Norden Farm as part of his latest tour. BEN WILLIAMS finds out more

‘Highoctane.’ ‘Explosively funny.’
That’s just some of the words used to describe Nick Helm’s stand-up shows over the last decade and a half.
Over that time, he has established himself as one of the most thrilling, original and funniest comedians in the country, combining fist-pumping songs with delicate poems and in-ya-face stand-up.
In his new show, What Have We Become?, the panel show regular and star of BBC Three’s Uncle is showing his more sensitive side; tackling lifechanging topics like the pandemic, uncle-hood and Pepsi Max Cherry.
“It’s a really funny show, filled with stuff that I’ve thought about over the pandemic,” Nick says.
“It’s partly a story about personal growth and finding happiness. And partly a love letter to all my fans and audiences in general about how much I’ve missed them and how much we as comedians need them, in case anyone was feeling undervalued.”
What Have We Become? is quite a different show to your previous solo offerings. Did you consciously want the show to have a different tone?
“Yes. In the past my shows have been high-octane mish-mashes of songs, poems, one-liners and stand-up. And although they’re really fun to do, I wanted to do a more streamlined show.
“I wanted to challenge myself and focus more on stand-up, and audiences have been more than happy to go on that journey with me. It’s been liberating, educational, exciting and reinvigorating for me.”
The show focuses on the pandemic. How did lockdown affect you?
“I spent the first year thinking I was fine, but by the end of the year I realised I had fallen into a cycle of bad habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
“I was drinking too much, smoking again, eating too much, not exercising –all terrible habits, but I was kidding myself that I was on top of everything.
“Now I’m trying to focus on making my life as happy and good as possible. I’m trying to rebuild myself and leave my bad habits behind.
“I’ve battled with depression for years and it’s not good enough anymore. I’m trying to make my life into
something that I’m comfortable with living.”
The new show comes with a positive message. How do you keep things light when talking about the last two years?
“The last two years have been terrible in many, many ways and everyone has had their own personal version of hell play out. But to only look at the negatives would be a disservice. On a personal level my family have become closer, I’ve had time to deal with my mental health a bit, and have become more energised over my work.
“I feel like politically certain groups, parties and individuals have been exposed even more so for who they truly are, were and always have been and we as a society are finally able to come together again and heal.”
Can comedy help that healing process?
“Stand-up comedy is a big part in doing that. I love people, I love making things work and navigating issues to help people get along better and just going out and meeting people and performing and making people laugh is an incredibly positive thing. How could it not be?
“My intent is to give people a fun, good night out and there’s no need to tear people down to do that. I think I’m trying to describe compassion.”
You tackle politics for the first time in this show. Why did you feel now was the time to share your political opinions?
“I’m not a particularly political comedian, I always try and have some sort of social message or explore the human condition in some way, but politically I don’t feel like I’m enough of an expert to throw my hat in the ring.
“However, some of what’s happened over the last few years is just wrong and has affected everyone.
“I’m really just trying to vocalise how I and a lot of other people have been feeling.”
You’re on screen as yourself in addition to the sitcom roles. What’s been your favourite to do?
“Aside from getting to serenade Susie Dent on Cats Does Countdown, my favourite thing was my own show Heavy Entertainment on BBC Three. I loved doing it and would obviously welcome doing anything like that again.” n Nick will appear at Maidenhead’s Norden Farm on Tuesday, October 18, tickets cost £15. For more details, or to book, log on to norden.farm, or call the box office on: 01628 788997
Catch The Vortex
THERE’S an opportunity to see an unusual dance performance.
Award winning choreographer Russell Maliphant’s creation, Vortex, is coming to Bracknell.
Maliphant uses his dancers to ‘paint’ a visually rich journey, using movement, light and shadow.
Influenced by the work Jackson Pollock and abstract expressionism, the dance involves a large steel structure.
The event is at South Hill Park Arts Centre.
It can be seen on Tuesday, October 18.
Doors open at 7.45pm.
Tickets cost £16.50 full price, £14.50 for members, and school groups of over 10 cost £9.
n For tickets and information log on to: www.southhillpark.org.uk or call the box office on: 01344 484123.
Congratulations, it’s (almost) Cliff
FANS of Cliff Richard will enjoy a trip down memory lane.
Simon Goodall and the Bourne Again Shadows tribute band takes its audience on a musical journey to the 1950s and 60s when Cliff and The Shadows dominated the British pop charts.
The programme includes Cliff’s classics and The Shadows’ instrumental hits.
It takes place at South Hill Park Arts Centre in Bracknell.
The event is on Wednesday, October 19.
Doors open at 7.45pm.
Tickets cost £21, or £19 for members.
n For tickets and information log on to: www.southhillpark.org.uk or call the box office on: 01344 484123
ELO experience show rock and roll is king
THE Electric Light Orchestra
Experience recreates the legacy of the band that between 1972 and 1986 achieved more combined UK and US Top 40 hits than any other.
With a string section, light show and large screen projection, the show promises to transport its audience.
The programme will include many of ELO’s greatest hits, and spans 45 years of music.
The event is at The Hexagon Theatre, Reading.
Bracknell –South Hill Park www.southhillpark.org.uk 01344
The band plays on Wednesday, October 19. Doors open at 7.30pm, and tickets cost £27.
n For more details or to book, visit: whatsonreading.com or call the box office: 0118 960 6060
All four seasons in a single evening
A PERFORMANCE that combines acrobatics, martial arts and classical dance comes to Guildford.
To music based on Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, the event describes the passing year in relation to the stages of the universe.
Choreographed and performed by James Wilton and Sarah Jane Taylor, the production promises a kaleidoscopic visual feast.
It can be seen at The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.
It plays on Tuesday, October 18, from 7.30pm. Tickets cost £20.
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 01483 440000
Join Mark at the halfway point
PONDERING about the fragility of existence, stand-up comedian Mark Watson has bought a life expectancy calculator app for £1.49.
At 41, he’s apparently half way through.
This Can’t Be It is described as an evening of pathological overthinking. where ‘spiritual enquiry meets highoctane observational comedy.’
Audiences should head to Guildford’s
THE Handlebards bring their bicycle-powered comedy production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night to Maidenhead.

Described as an exceptional touring production, the show promises drunkenness, frivolity and cross-dressing a plenty.
Duke Orsino is in love with Lady Olivia, who’s not interested.
Shipwrecked Viola thinks her twin brother Sebastian’s dead.
And a bunch of servants plot to make a fool of the butler, Malvolio.
To see the show, audiences should head to Norden Farm Arts Centre.
It takes place at the Courtyard Theatre on Thursday, October 20.
The performance starts at 7.30pm.
Tickets cost £16.
n For tickets and information log on to: norden.farm or call the box office on: 01628 788977.
Mark Watson is there on Friday, October 21. The show starts at 7.30pm, with seats costing £23.
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 01483 440000
Hungry, hungry for children’s theatre
VERY young children can enjoy a show that brings to life four of Eric Carle’s stories.
In The Very Hungry Puppet show, children will recognise favourite characters from Carle’s books.
A menagerie of 75 puppets from The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Brown Bear, Brown Bear; 10 Little Rubber Ducks; and The Very Lonely Firefly, will bring the stories to life.
The production for ages one and upwards comes to Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.
It plays on Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 23.
Performances on both days are at 2pm and 4.30pm.
Tickets cost £18 for adults, £15.50 for children, or £62 for a family of four that includes one adult.
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 01483 440000
Enjoy the wuthering heights of this Bush
KATE Bush-Ka takes the audience on an immersive journey of performance, with live versions of Kate Bush’s greatest hits as well as her lesser known album tracks.
Lead singer, Kate Smith, bears an uncanny resemblance to the highly original singer, who began her career in 1975.
Smith performs her songs with the addition of authentic costumes and choreography, in a show that is described as a must for Kate Bush fans.
It can be seen at Norden Farm Arts Centre’s Courtyard Theatre, in Maidenhead.
The event is on Friday, October 21, and starts at 8pm. Tickets cost £22.50 n For tickets and information log on to: norden.farm or call the box office on: 01628 788977.
Enjoy Schubert’s Swan Song
AS PART of the Conservatoire International Concert Series, AngloScottish baritone Thomas Humphreys and pianist Pavel Timofejevsky perform Schubert’s Swan Song.
The concert is focused on the composer’s final offering to the song world he richly populated.
The Schwanengesang, or Swan Song is a collection of 14 songs that demonstrate Schubert’s genius for melody.
The concert can be heard at Bracknell’s South Hill Park Arts Centre.
The event is on Friday, October 14.
It starts at 7.30pm.
Tickets cost £16.50, £14.50 for members, and £5.50 for under 18s. n For tickets and information log on to: www.southhillpark.org.uk or call the box office on: 01344 484123
The Cavern Beatles. Fri 14.
Mercury: The Ultimate Queen Tribute. Sat 15. North Ascot Academy of Performing Arts. Sun 16. Ronnie Scott’s All Stars. Thurs 20. Mum’s The Word. Fri 21. Rise and Fall. Sat 22. Jason Bryne: Unblocked. Sun 23.
Guildford –Yvonne Arnaud www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk 01483 440000
Destiny. Thurs
Until Sat 15. Hellfire Comedy Club. Thurs 13. 10CC.
Worsley. Wed 19. Steeleye Span. Thurs 20. King of Pop. Thurs 20. A Country Night in Nashville. Fri 21. The Black Blues Brothers. Sat 22. Dinosaur Adventure Live. Sun 23.
Henley – Kenton www.kentontheatre.co.uk 01491 525050 Pippin. Until Sat 15. Ladies In Lavender. Wed 19-Sat 22. Jazz at the Kenton: Huw Warren plays Brazilian Jazz featuring The Max Wright Trio. Sun 23.
15. Nick Helm: What Have We Become? Tues 18. National Theatre Live: Jack Absolute Flies Again. Wed 19, Sat 22. The Handlebards Twelfth Night. Thurs 20. Kate Bush-Ka. Fri 21. Jo Harrop and Friends. Fri 21. Women In Rock. Sat 22.
Newbury –
The Corn Exchange www.cornexchangenew.com 0845 5218
Seann Walsh - Back From
Camberley – Theatre www.camberleytheatre.biz
High Wycombe –Wycombe Swan www.wycombeswan.co.uk 01494
Maidenhead –Norden Farm www.nordenfarm.org 01628 788997 It Snows in Benidorm (15). Thurs 13, Fri 14. Royal Opera House: Aida. Thurs 13. Strictly Movie Musicals. Thurs 13. Underwater. Sat 15. Windsor and Eton Opera present A Great Night at the Opera. Sat
Newbury –
The Watermill www.watermill.org.uk 01635
Reading – South St www.whatsonreading.com 0118
Reading –Progress Theatre
Windsor –Theatre Royal www.theatreroyalwindsor.co.uk
Reading –The Hexagon
Concert Hall
Reading Rep Theatre
Shinfield Players
Wokingham – Theatre www.wokinghamtheatre.org.uk
Wokingham – The Whitty Theatre
Sonning – The Mill
Woodley – Theatre www.woodleytheatre.org
The Martin Hart
with Stuart Henderson.
Enjoy a night out at The Dog & Duck in Emmbrook
Agatha Raisin was a joyful whodunit
IFyou’re a big fan of welcoming watering holes filled to the brim with ravishing refreshments and fantastic flavour-filled fare then the Dog & Duck will be just up your street.
Situated in Emmbrook, the traditional red brick pub and restaurant is bursting at the seams with character, from the herringbone flooring to the oak beamed ceilings.
New landlord and landlady Wesley and Victoria Tunstead took over in April and is now a family-run pub and restaurant.
As soon as you set foot through the porch entrance to the pub you are immediately greeted with a friendly warm welcome.
As well as a stunning and relaxed interior, with a separate dining area, the Dog & Duck has a beautiful beer garden, adorned with fairy lights.
Dogs are welcome and parking spaces are plentiful.
Now that the nights are drawing in and there is a chill in the air, it seemed like the perfect night to enjoy the new autumn/winter menu.
After being shown to our table and seated in the light and airy conservatory area, we couldn’t help noticing the stylish decor, with a quirky, but homely feel.
The Dog & Duck prides themselves on great quality pub food, well done, Victoria says.
“All of our food is of a high quality, fresh, seasonal and locally sourced.”
The drinks menu looked equally impressive, more than 21 speciality gins or you could choose a Brakspear brew or a glass of vino from elegant Rose to crisp dry whites or aromatic deep reds.
For starters, we decided to share.
First up were the Chicken
Wings, coated in sauce of your choice of Barbecue, Piri Piri or Korean, served with celery, £5.95.

It was a good size starter portion of chicken and the piri piri sauce kicked a punch.
Next was the Pan Seared Scallops with Black Pudding and Minted Pea Puree, £7.95.
Hats off to the chef, the scallops were cooked to perfection, the black pudding and mint sauce were the perfect accompaniment.
We also chose the Garlic Bread, smothered in garlic butter, £5.95. The round flat bread was enormous, enough for four to share.
For his main course, my husband chose pie of the day, steamed steak and kidney pie served with chips, seasonal vegetables and gravy, £16.25.
The steak pieces was tender and succulent and served in a rich gravy, encased in a suet pastry. It came with perfectly cooked vegetables while the mash was smooth and creamy.
I opted for the Sicillian
King Prawn Linguine tossed with garlic, anchovies, saffron chilli and lemon, £14.95. I was impressed at the number of king prawns in the dish.
The saltiness of the anchovies with the sweet floral flavour of saffron was a perfect combo. The linguine was “al dente”, just the way I liked it.
Our son chose the 10oz Rump steak with chunky chips, grilled tomatoes, peas, onion rings and a peppercorn sauce, £19.95.

The portion size was definitely big enough to satisfy his appetite. The steak was juicy and tender, the chips chunky and crispy and piping hot.
The presentation was perfect, his plate was totally cleared.
And our daughter tried the Dog & Duck’s Margherita Pizza, £11.25. This was a large, thin sourdough base, hand-stretched, and topped with Mozzarella, sun-dried
tomatoes and baked in a traditional pizza oven.
My husband and myself were too full for dessert. Our children however always seem to have that little bit of space left.
Our son chose the Strawberry Daiquiri Cheesecake, £5.95. It was soft and light on top, however the middle was semi frozen, almost like a strawberry ice cream with a sweet biscuit base, raspberry coulis, strawberries and fresh cream.

It was very much enjoyed.
Our daughter chose a beautifully presented Honeycomb Charlotte, £5.95, an indulgent treat for dessert lovers.
Overall our experience at the Dog & Duck was excellent.
The food was of great quality and fairly priced as were the drinks.
The service was brilliant and the ambience was just perfect.
We will definitely be returning.
Standing: Jane Rhodes rehearsing as Agatha Crusty. Jane had to stand down at the last moment due to unforeseen circumstances. Director Beth Reynolds stepped in to take the part from the dress rehearsal. As the amateur detective she played it with notebook in hand “taking notes” - when in fact she had the script there for easy reference. She was praised for her performance. Seated from
Jo Davis as Alice, Christine Duggan as Maisie and Emma Cianchi as Eleanor
Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall Murders
Presented by Twyford Drama October 6-8 Loddon Hall
WHOdoesn’t enjoy a Saturday night whodunit with a nod to one of our favourite authors? Although in this case, it was more Agatha Raisin than Christie.
Agatha Crusty (Beth Reynolds, also the director) is a well-known crime fiction author and has come to stay with her sister-in-law Alice (Joanne Davis).
She arrives in the best Miss Marple tradition just as a murder has been discovered by the inconspicuous village hall cleaner Maisie (Christine Duggan).
The police have been summoned.
It appears that Agatha has previously had dealings with Inspector Twigg, ably portrayed by Peter King, and has been somewhat underwhelmed by his detecting abilities.
We learn that there have been a number of recent deaths of committee members which have been deemed accidental… but is a pattern emerging?
The latest fatality is definitely not an accident and with the help of Agatha, the bumbling Inspector Twigg sets about trying to unravel the mystery as only the incompetent can.
On the list of suspects is jobsworth caretaker Harry, played with just the right amount of nonchalance by Mike Higgins.

His characterisation bore a striking resemblance to Ronnie Barker’s Arkwright from Open All Hours,
complete with a brown overall. Sheer genius.
The main suspects are, of course, the other committee, and staff at the village hall.
Once the interviews commence, with Agatha deftly observing and keeping the Inspector on track, we are introduced over the next few scenes to the chair of the committee, Eleanor (Emma Cianchi), the archetypal village spinster with a keen sense of propriety comically illustrated when Mandy (Liz Martin) arrives as the model for a life drawing class which she promptly cancels.
Toby, the simpering vicar (Marc Reid) and the object of Eleanor’s desire, Olivia and Oliver, brother and sister, with both parts played expertly by Caroline Rose-Newport who slipped seamlessly from one role to the other, and Isabella (Pauline Rampton) constitute the others who may be in peril - or have they committed the crime?
PC Lockett (Jac Rampton) provides wet behind the ears support to the Inspector throughout.
So it was a joy to sit back and be swept along by the puns, rhymes, alliteration and good humour, rather like sitting down to a much loved classic episode of Acorn Antiques or The Two Ronnies.
The whole cast provided us with a panoply of well mixed dough which, when gently baked, morphed into a wonderful Agatha Crusty loaf as we tried to determine whodunit?
The team behind the show are now hard at work rehearsing for The Pied Piper of Hamelin, their annual panto. It will be performed at Loddon Hall from January 13-15. Tickets are already on sale. For more information, log on to: www.twyrusdrama.org.uk

Russell Howard’s Hexagon date
COMEDIAN Russell Howard is bringing his live show to Reading.
His UK tour in 2023 begins on Thursday, March 16, at The Hexagon, starting a three-month run of shows.
Howard has been hailed as “one of the world’s top comedians” by the Sunday Times, and is currently presenting the sixth series of his TV show, The Russell Howard Hour.
Tickets go on sale at 10am on Friday, October 7, priced at £32 each.
Tickets are restricted to 6 per customer, and the show is billed as PG for parental guidance.
n For more information, or to book tickets, visit: www. whatsonreading.com
Concert singers will be hot stuff
A CHAMBER choir is preparing for their autumn concert with a programme filled with fire.
Tamesis will be performing at Queen Anne’s School on Sunday, October 16.
The concert, called Fire Songs and Bright Sparks, will include pieces such as Will Todd’s Fire of Love, Ben Parry’s Flame, and The Bangles’ Eternal Flame.
It takes place from 4pm at the Caversham school and tickets cost £12, £5 for concessions.
n For more details or to book, log on to: www.tamesischamberchoir. co.uk.
Explore Jessica’s identity at South St
Sainsbury Singers prepare for industrial action

THE SAINSBURY SINGERS are preparing to go on strike, and they’re hoping you’ll see them do it.
Everybody Out, Sorry I Love You, and Same Old Story.
The show will be performed by the Sainsbury Singers from Tuesday, October 25, through to Saturday, October 29, at the Leighton Park School theatre.
night that explores sexy and private things is coming to South Street this weekend.
Jessica Fostekew’s Wench is an exploration of identity, with plenty of laughs.
She describes it as a show about sexy things (awkward), private things (oh no) and a woman trying to sit on the face of time to keep it still (hot, right?).
The comic has been on a host
of shows such as Live at the Apollo, QI and on Harry Hill’s Clubnite, and Richard Osman’s House Of Games.
She’s a regular co-host of The Guilty Feminist Podcast, the host and creator of The Hoovering Podcast and also guests regularly on BBC Radio 4’s News Quiz and The Now Show.
Her previous show, Hench, won Best Show and Best Breakthrough Act in the Chortle Awards 2020.

Later this year, she will appear in Real Friends, a Sky show she has co-written and stars in. while a new BBC Radio 4 series, Strong Girls Club, will be broadcast next year.
But for now, audiences can enjoy her show Wench, at South Street in Reading on Friday, October 14, from 8pm. n Tickets cost £16, and can be ordered by calling the box office on 0118 960 6060, or logging on to: www.whatsonreading.com
The amateur group are to stage the British musical comedy show Made In Dagenham, based on the movie, which in turn takes its cues from a moment in history.
Set in Essex in 1968, the show focuses on Rita O’Grady.
She works in the stitching room of car maker Ford’s Dagenham car plant.
When she learns that her pay grade is being dropped to ‘unskilled’, bringing with it a pay cut, Rita leaps into action.
With her friends, they battle against the car maker, and the unions, in a bid to get equal pay.

Songs include Busy Woman,
It’s the latest in a number of productions the group has performed in recent years, including Chess, Sweeney Todd, Guys and Dolls and Little Shop of Horrors.

Tickets cost £22, £19 for concessions. There is a special four tickets for the price of three on Tuesdays, and a 10% discount for groups of 10 or more.
n For more details, or to book, log on to: sainsburysingers.org.uk/ madeindagenham/
The show must go on for Faustus
AN EVENING of folk music taking place next week will be a poignant tribute to a much-loved musician.
Nettlebed Folk Club had been planning to welcome Paul Sartin with his bandmates in Faustus. But on September 14, he collapsed suddenly shortly before he was due to appear at an event in Oxford.
He was 51.
The band will make an appearance at the folk club on
Monday, October 17, giving audiences an opportunity to remember the talented musician.
Joining Benji Kirkpatrick and Saul Rose will be Joe Sartin, Paul’s youngest son. The 19-year-old will be a support act before joining in a couple of songs at the end for an emotional finale.
The band say Joe is a superb singer and guitarist, and a competent performer, and has performed with them over the years.
A spokesperson for the folk club said: “He wishes to do this to honour his father, and we’re sure he will have plenty of support from family and friends.”
The Nettlebed Folk Club meets from 7.45pm at The Village Club, in Nettlebed’s High Street.
n For more details, or to book tickets, call the box office on: 01628 636620 between 10am and 8pm, or log on to: www. nettlebedfolkclub.co.uk
High Voltage concert for re:Charge
A Twyford choir is staging a concert this weekend to help families and others who are facing hard times.
The High Voltage Singers’ big evening, under the banner October Rendezvous, is this Saturday (October 15) at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church, Furze Platt, Maidenhead SL6 7QU.

The singers will be joined by Sarah and Dave France on flute and piano, and The Young Ones on guitar. There will also be opportunities for audiences to join in.
The singers’ director Jacky Crossman said: “It’s going to be a fabulous evening with High Voltage and our High Voltage band of drums, bass and acoustic guitars and keyboard.
“Plus we have an excellent flautist doing some cracking tunes; The Young Ones, our
University of the Third Age guitar group; and
of singing for the audience.
“What’s not to
of things they need.
charity we’re supporting is
She continued:
“It will be lovely to see everyone who can make it. Please feel free to share details with your friends, it will be a fantastic night.”
which provides
and other people
The suggestion donation on the door is
There will be refreshments and a
COMEDY NIGHT: Jessica Fostekew’s Wench is an exploration of identity, with plenty of laughsRaW Sounds Today Chris Hillman bit.ly/raw sounds today
WEEK, we have two new entries from some of our favourites.
Rising stars Third Lung head up the hit parade with No Names. We heard them at the resent Loddfest, and boy, are they good.
Also returning is Lonely Robot, released in August and features a very special guest appearance in the video.
The RaW Sounds Today playlist is on a mission to champion and showcase great music from acts that have a connection to Reading and Wokingham (that’s the RaW in our Sounds Today name).
It’s an eclectic mix of stuff that will help you discover something new. All you have to do is find it on Spotify.
To hear this week’s selection, simply head to https://bit.ly/rawsoundstoday and enjoy the music.
There is also a Facebook page and group chat that bands and music fans can tap into. You can search for RaW Sounds Today and it will come up.
Third Lung – No Names
Third Lung played some great live shows in the summer including at Lakefest, Wokingham Festival and the band’s own sold out Loddfest.
Now, we have a new single from their forthcoming debut album, Gameplay. As we have come to expect, it’s another melodic anthem.
Thursday, October 13
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Call of Sirens, Alpha Line. Details: www.theacousticcouch. co.uk
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Request night. Details: 0118 959 5746.
READING – The Face bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. HeavyPop presents Courting and Deep Tan. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live. Details: 0118 959 5746.
READING – The Face Bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Sham 69.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Found Native. Details: 0118 959 7196
READING - Wild Lime, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Open mic: spoken word, music and vibes. From 6.30pm.
Friday, October 14
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. The Fleetwood Mac Songbook. Details: www. theacousticcouch.co.uk
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. All About You. Details: 01344 303333.
GORING - Goring Community Centre, The Old School, Station Road RG8 9HB. Goring Community Jazz Club presents Sarah Jane Eveleigh with Nick Hill, Howard King, Mike Goff. Details www. ticketsource.co.uk/goring-communityjazz-club
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Open mic night. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live. Details: 0118 959 5746.
READING – The Face bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Away With The Seas. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Face bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Wicked Boy Friday: Crooked Shapes, Twenty 06, Atlas Rise, Bacc
beat combined with Kate Herridge’s powerful vocals. You can see Dakorra live on Friday, October 28, supporting LoneLady, at South Street Arts Centre –https://www.facebook.com/dakorraband
Lilac – Losing Myself (In You)
Lilac are a Reading-based three-piece band comprising Beth on vocals and guitar, Lewis on keyboards, guitar and backing vocals and Olly on Drums. They describe their sound as floral indie which is a great description – https://lilacband.co.uk

Rila’s Edge – Someone New
This is the latest single, released in July, by this Wokingham-based band who recently packed out The Redan. One of our fave releases of the last few months – https://www.rilasedge.com/
Dandy Man – Flat Earth Society
We’ve been lucky enough to hear the full album and can confirm that every track is a killer! We can’t wait until the album launch show at Reading’s Sub 89 on November 10. What a night that’s going to be – http://thirdlungband.com
Lonely Robot – Digital God Machine
Created by the multi-talented John Mitchell in his own Outhouse Studio, Lonely Robot is now on its fifth album.
A Model Life was released in late August and is full of great personal-themed songs recorded with John’s brilliant musicianship, vocals and production.
This song, which was a recent single from the album, is about those sad individuals that go online and troll musicians with insults. Check out the video.
Watch out for the writer of this article acting as
Hanal. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Fisherman’s Cottage, Kennetside RG1 3DW. BOHO Showcase: The Live Looper, Hattie Taylor and more.
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk. The Puppini Sisters. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – Lola Lo, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Waiola Fridays.
READING - O’Neill’s, Friar Street RG1 1DB. The Strats. Details: 0118 960 6580.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Bruce Juice. Details: 0118 959 5395.
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. Chestnuts. Details: 0118 977 3706.
YATELEY – White Lion, Reading Road GU46 7RX. Je’Zell. Details: 01252 890840.
Saturday, October 15
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Foxpalmer and Majanin. Details: www. theacousticcouch.co.uk
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. The Double Shots. Details: 01344 303333.
BRACKNELL – The Royal Oak, London Road RG12 2NN. Solace. Details: 01344 422622.
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Swallow. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Davey Dodds. Details: 0118 958 0473.
READING – The Face bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Fools Gold and Success. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – Grosvenor Casino Reading, Rose Kiln Lane RG2 0SN. Johny 2 Bad. Details: 0118 402 7800.
READING – The Lyndhurst, Queen’s Road RG1 4DG. Live at the Lyndhurst. Details: 0118 950 3888
READING – The Palmer Tavern, Wokingham Road RG6 1JL. The Skavengers. Details: 0118 935 1009.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. The Scarlet Vixens: The Pinktober Cabaret. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – Q Club, Friar StreetRG1 1DB. Social Saturdays with meet and greet Love Island’s Adam Collard. Details: 0118 957 4705.
READING – The Retreat, St John’s Street RG1 4EH. Hugh Turner Trio. Details: 0118 376 9159.
READING – South Street Arts Centre. Readiophonics. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Craig Charles Funk and Soul Club. Details: 0118 959 5395.
READING – The Turks, London Road RG1 5BJ. The Lord John Band. Details: 0118 957 6930.
WOKINGHAM - Bond Brews, South Barns, Gardeners Green Farm, Heathlands Road. Bon Brew Tap Yard party. Noon-6pm. Details: bondbrews. co.uk
WOODLEY – Oakwood Centre, Headley Road RG6 4JZ. Woodley Theatre presents100 Years of Jazz from Buddyt Bolden to Miles Davies and beyond with the Martin Hart Trio. Details: 0748 833 7838.
Sunday, October 16
READING – Community Hall, Watlington House, Watlington Street RG1 4RJ. Readifolk presents: Tom McConville. Details: www.readifolk.org.uk
READING – The Face bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Club Velocity and New Minds present The Virginmarys and The Pink Diamond Review. Details: www. wegottickets.com/event/545865
READING – Lola Lo, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Loop Presents Volume 1.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Reggae Sundays. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – Queens Head, Christchurch Road RG2 7AZ. Northern Soul Social Sunday. 2pm-5pm. Details: 0118 931 0232.
one of those trolls. – https://johnmitchellhq.com
Louis and the Shakes – TRAILBLAZR
This band from London played a great set at Third Lung’s Loddfest event in Reading last month and we hear they may be playing a Wokingham gig later this year. – https://www.louisandtheshakes.com
Courting – Jumper
This is a band that plays, or played, depending on when you read this, at Reading’s Facebar on Thursday, October 13. Courting are from Liverpool and have just released their debut album, the excellent Guitar Music – https://courtingband.com
Dakorra – Elevate Me
Here are some guitar riffs over a pulsing electro
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. The Swinging Big Band. Details: 0118 969 8000.
Monday, October 17
NETTLEBED – Village Club, High Street RG9 5DD. Nettlebed Folk Club presents: Faustus. Details: www. nettlebedfolkclub.co.uk
WOKINGHAM – Hope and Anchor, Station Road RG40 2AD. Acoustic Cafe. Details: 0118 977 0918.
Tuesday, October 18
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. New Music Tuesday. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
Wednesday, October 19
BRACKNELL – South Hill Park, Ringmead RG12 7PA. Simon Goodall and the Bourne Again Shadows. Details: 01344 484123.

READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk. The ELO Experience. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Found Native. Details: 0118 959 7196
Thursday, October 20
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Request night. Details: 0118 959 5746.
READING – Concert Hall, Blagrave Street. Grace Petrie. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – The Outlook, Kings Road. Jam Night.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Blancmange. Details: 0118 959 5395.
Friday, October 21
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. Whitney Houston Tribute. Details: 01344 303333.
BRACKNELL – South Hill Park, Ringmead RG12 7PA. China Crisis. Details: 01344 484123.
BRACKNELL – The Royal Oak, London Road RG12 2NN. Solace. Details:
01344 422622.
Here’s Reading-based alt-indie/folk rockers, Dandy Man, with their new single which was recorded at Pyramid Studios in Hurst and is from their forthcoming debut album, Something I Have To Say – https://dandymanmusic.com/
The Wave Machine – So Far So Good
Angus Trott aka The Wave Machine has recently performed at both Wokingham Festival and Loddfest and here’s his new single which is another of his self-penned joyous uplifting songs – https:// linktr.ee/thewavemachine
Elucidate – Crossroads
Elucidate are an alt-rock band from Reading, and this is their latest single which was released in the summer. It’s a good slice of melodic indie pop rock as are their other releases – https://linktr.ee/ ElucidateUK
BRACKNELL – The Silver Birch, Liscombe RG12 7DE. Soultrax Live with Anna Nightingale. Details: 01344 457318.
EMMBROOK – Emmbrook Sports & Social, Lowther Road RG41 1JB. Wokingham Music Club presents Never 42. Details: www. wokinghammusicclub.co.uk
PLAYHATCH – The Flowing Spring, Henley Road RG4 9RB. Wild Willy Barrett’s Roaring Touring. Details: 0118 969 98978.
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Wardour Street. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live. Details: 0118 959 5746.
READING – Lola Lo, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Waiola Fridays.
READING - O’Neill’s, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Live music. Details: 0118 960 6580.
READING – Progress Theatre, The Mount RG1 5HL. Jazz at Progress presents The Power of Three. Details: www. jazzinreading.com
READING – The Rising Sun, Silver Street RG1 2ST. Nothing Will Change IVMasquerader, S0DDS, The Bourbon Massive. Details: 0118 986 6788.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. The James Taylor Quartet. Details: 0118 959 5395.
READING – Wild Lime, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Ripple Effect. Details: 0118 959 8950.
SHURLOCK ROW – The Shurlock Inn, The Street RG10 0PS. Steve Murano. Details: 0118 230 8315.
WINNERSH – The Pheasant, Reading Road RG41 4LR. The Grafters. Details: 0118 978 4529
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. Live music. Details: 0118 977 3706.
Saturday, October 22
BINFIELD – The Binfield Club, Terrace Road RG42 4HP. The Silver Searchers.
Details: 01344 420690.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Spriggan Mist Ghostly Tales. Details: www.theacousticcouch. co.uk
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. Hustler. Details: 01344 303333.
READING – The Face bar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Crazy Cowboy Festival 8 from noon. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Retreat, St John’s Street RG1 4EH. PIG. Details: 0118 376 9159.
READING – The Turks, London Road RG1 5BJ. The Echo. Details: 0118 957 6930.
READING – Salisbury Conservative Club, Kings Road RG1 4HX. The Skavengers. Details: 0118 926 5804.
TILEHURST – The Royal British Legion Club, Downing Road RG31 5BB. Straight Eight. Details: 0118 942 9606.
WOKINGHAM – Hope and Anchor, Station Road RG40 2AD. Indie City. Details: 0118 977 0918.
WOODLEY – The Good Companions, Loddon Bridge Road RG5 4AG. Arachna. Details: 0118 969 3325.
YATELEY - The Dog and Partridge, Reading Road GU46 7LR. Sound Interiors. Details: 01252 870648.
YATELEY - The Royal Oak, Reading Road, GU46 7UG. Soul’d Out. Details: 01252 872459.
Sunday, October 23
READING – Community Hall, Watlington House, Watlington Street RG1 4RJ. Readifolk presents: Singers night. Details: www.readifolk.org.uk
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Reggae Sundays. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – Queens Head, Christchurch Road RG2 7AZ. Northern Soul Social Sunday. 2pm-5pm. Details: 0118 931 0232.
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. Motown’s Greatest Hits: How Sweet It Is. Details: 0118 969 8000.
Thurs, October 13
BRACKNELL – Garth Hill College, Bull Lane RG42
2AD. Bracknell Cobras Walking Basketball session.
All ages and abilities welcome. 7pm-8pm. £7. Details: 07760 293729.
EARLEY – Trinity Church, Chalfont Close RG6 5HZ.
Re:Fresh with Friendship Table. 2pm-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Bar 77, Kings Road RG1 3BJ. A Nightmare on 77th Street: A drag show by Draven including quiz and prizes for best dressed. From 7.30pm.
READING – Progress Theatre, The Mount RG1 5HL. Progress Theatre presents The Pride. 7.45pm. £14, concessions £11. Details: www.progresstheatre. co.uk.
READING – The Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square RG1 3BQ.
The Influence of Victorian Mourning on Reading Cemetery, a talk organised by the Berkshire Family History Society. 2pm3.30pm. £5, £4 members. Details: 0118 950 9553.
SPENCERS WOOD – Spencers Wood Pavilion, Clares Green Road RG7 1DY.
Social Seniors Tea and Coffee with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
TILEHURST – Double Barelled Brewery, Stadium Way RG30 6BX. Double Barrelled Brewery Mark and Gary’s quiz night in aid of Launchpad. 6.30pm. Dark Beer Celebration. Details: doublebarrelled. co.uk
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. Cafe Mosiac lunch club with Friendship table. Noon-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – The Cornerstone, All Saints Church, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE. Wokingham and East Berkshire Camera Club meeting: Macro group and portrait group feedback events. 7.30pm. Details: www.webcc.org.uk.
WOKINGHAM – The Whitty Theatre, Luckley House School, Luckley Road RG40 3EU. Wokingham Film Society presents: The Duke (12a). £6.50, £4 members. 7.30pm. Details: wokinghamfilmsociety.com
Friday, October 14
EARLEY – St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue RG6 7JN. Re:Fresh cafe with Friendship Table. 10amnoon. Details: linkvisiting. org
READING – New Hope Community Church, York Road. Bell Tower Community Association and Left Foot Forward present community ceilidh. 7.30pm. £5, under 18s £2.50. In aid of association funds.
The Mount RG1 5HL. Progress Theatre presents The Pride. 7.45pm. £14, concessions £11. Details: www.progresstheatre. co.uk.
READING – South Street Arts Centre. Poets Cafe. 8.30pm. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – Central Library, Abbey Square. Extraordinary Life of Charles Ignatius Sancho with Paterson Joseph, a live stream from The British Library. Part of Black History Month. 7pm. Free, booking essential. Details: info@readinglibraries. org.uk
TILEHURST – Double Barelled Brewery, Stadium Way RG30 6BX. Dark Beer Celebration. Details: doublebarrelled.co.uk
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. 12.30pm-2.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church Parish Rooms, Reading Road RG41 1EH. Coffee and Chat: a warm welcome, a listening ear and refreshments. 2pm4pm. Details: 0118 979 2122 or church.office@ spauls.co.uk.
WOOSEHILL – Acorn Community Centre, Fernlea Drive RG41 3DR. Acorn Cafe with Friendship table. 10.30am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
Saturday, Oct 15
CLIVEDEN – Cliveden House, Taplow, SL6 0JF. Cliveden Literary Festival 2022. ‘Probably the world’s best small literary festival.’ Ian McEwen. For tickets and information visit: https:// clivedenliteraryfestival.org
CROWTHORNE – Royal British Legion, Wellington Road RG45 7LJ. Colin’s Club Auction. 7pm. Details: 01344 772161.
EMMBROOK – Sports and Social Club, Lowther Road RG41 1JB. Comedy night with Matt Richardson, Dinesh Nathan, Josh Baulf, Jonathan Elston. £12. Doors 7pm. Details: laughtercraftcomedy.com .
MAIDENHEAD – St Peter’s Church, St Peter’s Road SL6 7QU. Twyford High Voltage Singers October Rendezvous. 7.30pm. Entry by donation, suggested £7. Details: 07780 580598.
READING - Battle Library, Oxford Road. Board games club for teenagers upwards. Noon-2pm. Free. Details: 0118 937 5103.
READING – Cattle Market, Great Knollys Street RG1 7HU. Reading Farmers Market. 8.15amnoon. Details: www. thamesvalleyfarmers market.co.uk
READING – Great Hall, university of Reading London Road RG1 5AQ. Gin and Rum festival.
12.30pm-5pm or 6.30pm11pm. £15 and booking fee. Over 18s only. Details: ginandrumfestival.com
READING – Kings Meadow, Napier Road RG1 8EJ. Reading Diwali Festival. Noon-6pm. Free entry.
READING - IKEA, Pincents Kiln Industrial Park, Pincent Lane RG31 7SD. Balloon artist and face painter for children. 11am5pm. Free. Details: www. ikea.com
READING – Phantom Brewing, Meadow Road RG1 8LB. Brewery tour and tasting. Noon. Booking essential. Details: www. phantombrew.com
READING – Prospect Park, Liebenrood Road RG30 2ND. Carter Steam Fair final destination. Noon10pm. Details: www. carterssteamfair.co.uk
READING – Progress Theatre, The Mount RG1 5HL. Progress Theatre presents The Pride. 7.45pm. £14, concessions £11. Details: progresstheatre.co.uk.
TILEHURST – Double Barelled Brewery, Stadium Way RG30 6BX. Dark Beer Celebration. Details: doublebarrelled.co.uk
WOKINGHAM - Bond Brews, South Barns, Gardeners Green Farm, Heathlands Road. Bond Brew Tap Yard party. Noon-6pm. Details: bondbrews.co.uk
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOOSEHILL – Woosehill Church, Chestnut Avenue RG41 3RS. Sip and Share with friendship table. 11am-noon, every second Saturday. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Saturday market. 9am3pm. Details: www. woodleytowncentre.co.uk
Sunday, October 16
CAVERSHAM - Waitrose Car Park, off Gosbrook Road. Caversham Artisan & Farmers Market. 10am3pm.
CAVERSHAM – Queen Anne’s School, Henley Road RG4 6DX. Tamesis Chamber Choir: Fire Songs and Bright Sparks. 4pm-6pm. £12, £5 children and students. Details: www. tamesischamberchoir.co.uk
CLIVEDEN – Cliveden House, Taplow, SL6 0JF. Cliveden Literary Festival 2022.
‘Probably the world’s best small literary festival.’ Ian McEwen. For tickets and information visit: https:// clivedenliteraryfestival.org
READING – Dance Studio Reading, Lovelock Road RG30 1DZ. Indoor table top sale in aid of 19-monthold Lola who has PTCD. £7 per table, 50p entry, under 16s free. 9am-2pm. Details: 07710 408473.
READING – Central Library, Abbey Square RG1 3BQ. Railway Records for Family Historians workshop with Richard Marks. 11am-1pm. £10, includes tea and coffee. Details: berksfhs. org
READING – Prospect Park,
Liebenrood Road RG30 2ND. Carter Steam Fair final destination. Noon-8pm. Details: www. carterssteamfair.co.uk
READING – RISC, London Road. Reading Repair Cafe: “if it’s broken, bring it along and we are sure to have a go or at least provide some advice about what your best course of action might be”. 12.30pm-4pm. Free, donations welcome.
SHINFIELD – Crosfields School, Shinfield Road. NCT Reading nearly new sale: baby, children and maternity clothes and equipment. 11.15am12.30pm.
TILEHURST – Double Barelled Brewery, Stadium Way RG30 6BX. Dark Beer Celebration. Details: doublebarrelled.co.uk
WOKINGHAM – From Elms Field. Wokingham Lions Club presents autumn Wokingham Walk: 5-, 10-, and 15-mile routes. From 9am. Details: www. wokinghamwalk.co.uk
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT – Pinewood Minature Railway, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Pinewood Minature Railway running. £1.50 per ride, four rides £5. 1.30pm-4pm. Under threes free. Now accepts card payments. Details: www. pinewoodrailway.co.uk
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents car boot sale. 8am-1pm. Cars £10, vans £15. Details: 07861 654674 or www. woodleytowncentre.co.uk
WOODLEY – Willow Bank School, Duffield Road RG5 4RL. Car boot sale in aid of school funds. 11am-1pm. Sellers 10am, £7 per vehicle. 50p buyers.
Monday, October 17
ARBORFIELD – Royal British Legion, Eversley Road RG2 9PR. Friendship table. 9.30am-11.30am. Details: linkvisiting.org
CROWTHORNE – Royal British Legion, Wellington Road RG45 7LJ. Bingo night. From 7pm. Free entry members, nonmembers £1. £1.25 per book. Details: 01344 772161.
BINFIELD – Moor Close, Newbold College, RG42 4AN. Arts Society Wokingham presents An illustrated talk on the women patrons of Renaissance art by Nicole Mezey. 7.45pm. Details: www.TheArts SocietyWokingham.org.uk
WOKINGHAM – Holme Grange School, Heathlands Road RG40 3AL. Wokingham Rock Choir free taster session. 7.30pm. Booking essential. Details: https://www. rockchoir.com/join/ Wokingham_Late_Session
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. 12.30pm-2.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOODLEY – Woodley Baptist Church, Hurricane Way RG5 4UX. Four Seasons cafe Friendship Table. 1.30pm-3.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
Tue, October 18
EARLEY – Earley St Peter’s Church Hall, Church Road RG6 1EY. East Reading Horticultural Society meeting: The Age of the Pyramids with Paulo Scremin. 7.45pm for 8pm. Details: www.erhs.org.uk
EARLEY – Earley CResCent Resource Centre, Warbler Drive RG6 4HB. Friendship table. 2pm-3pm. Details: linkvisiting.org.
FINCHAMPSTEAD – FBC Centre Cafe, Gorse Ride North RG40 4ES. Friendship table. 10amnoon. linkvisiting.org
READING – The Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square RG1 3BQ. Family History Advice Clinic for family and social historians. 11am. Free. Details: 0118 950 9553.
READING - Milk, Merchants Place RG1 1DT. Comedy Club. Headliner: Carey Marx. £8. 7pm. Details: milkreading.com
READING – Rising Sun Arts Centre, Silver Street RG1 2ST. The Finches social club for people with or without autism. 7pm-9pm. Drinks and snacks available to buy. Music, and friendship. Details: kingwood.org.uk
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. CLASP Wokingham cafe with Friendship table. 10am-noon. Every third and fourth Tuesday of the month. Details: linkvisiting. org
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
Wednesday, October 19
DUNSDEN GREEN – Village Hall RG4 9QG. English Country dancing evening: beginners welcome. £4, first session free. 8pm. Details: 07714 226723.
EARLEY – Brookside Church, Brookside Close RG6 7HG. Open Door cafe with Friendship Table. 2pm4pm. Details: linkvisiting. org
READING – Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square. History of Reading Society presents Sail Making in Reading, a talk by Evelyn Williams and Richard Stainthorp. 7pm. £2 non-members. Details: Historyofreadingsociety. org.uk
READING – Blue Collar Dining, Hosier Street RG1 7JL. Last Night A DJ Saved My Life: Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton Q&A. From 6pm. Details: www. linktr.ee/blue.collar
READING – The Corn Stores. Thames Valley Wine School presents Whiskey and Chocolate tasting class. 7pm. Details: https:// www.localwineschool.com/ thames-valley/
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road RG41 1EH. Wokingham Rock Choir taster sessions. 12.15pm. Booking essential. Free. Details: www.rockchoir. com/join/Wokingham_ Morning_Session
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. Cafe Mosiac with Friendship table. 11am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOODLEY – Oakwood Centre RG5 4JZ. Starmaker Theatre Company presents Into The Woods Jr. 7.30pm. £14, £12 concessions. Details: www.starmaker. org.uk/intothewoods
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Artisan market. 9am2pm. Details: www. woodleytowncentre.co.uk
Thurs, October 20
EARLEY – Trinity Church, Chalfont Close RG6 5HZ. Re:Fresh with Friendship Table. 2pm-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – The Biscuit Factory, Queens Walk RG1 7QE. Stand and Deliver comedy club. Over 18s only. £8. 7pm Details: readingbiscuitfactory.co.uk
READING – Venue to be confirmed on booking. Terry’s - Halloween Reading’s ‘Ghosts & Strange Goings On’ Walkabout: maximum 16 people. £5, child over 10 £1. In aid of PACT and Royal Berks Charity. 5.45pm. Details: www.facebook.com/ terrysreadingwalkabouts
SPENCERS WOOD –Spencers Wood Pavilion, Clares Green Road RG7 1DY. Social Seniors Tea and Coffee with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Wokingham Methodist Church, Rose Street RG40 1XS. Cafe Mosiac lunch club with Friendship table. Noon-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – The Cornerstone, All Saints Church, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE. Wokingham and East Berkshire Camera Club meeting: talk by Simon Roberts. 7.30pm. Details: www.webcc.org.uk.
WOKINGHAM – Main hall, Baptist Church, Milton Road, RG40 1DE. Wokingham Literary Society: The subject will be Diarists: Dorothy Wordsworth and Bridget Jones to name two. 7.30pm. Annual Subscription is £15. Non-members, £2 per meeting. Details: wokinghamliterarysociety. org.uk
£14, £12 concessions.
Details: www.starmaker. org.uk/intothewoods
Friday, October 21
EARLEY – St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue RG6 7JN. Re:Fresh cafe with Friendship Table. 10amnoon. linkvisiting.org
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Mates Rates Comedy presents Comedy at the Turtle with Dani Johns, Carl Richard, and Yuriko Kotani. Details: 0118 959 7196
READING – South Street Arts Centre. Poets Cafe online. 1pm. Details: 0118 960 6060.
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. 12.30pm-2.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church Parish Rooms, Reading Road RG41 1EH. Coffee and Chat: a warm welcome, a listening ear and refreshments. 2pm4pm. Details: 0118 979 2122 or church.office@ spauls.co.uk.
WOOSEHILL – Acorn Community Centre, Fernlea Drive RG41 3DR. Acorn Cafe with Friendship table. 10.30am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOODLEY – Oakwood Centre RG5 4JZ. Starmaker Theatre Company presents Into The Woods Jr. 7.30pm. £14, £12 concessions. Details: www.starmaker. org.uk/intothewoods
Sat, October 22
CAVERSHAM – St Andrew’s Church, Albert Road RG4 7PL. Concerts in Caversham autumn festival: Jazz Trio with Sarah Gillespie. 7.30pm. Tickets £22, over 60s £20, and £16 for 16-25s. Under 16s free. Details: 0118 948 3220 or concertsincaversham.co.uk
FINCHAMPSTEAD –California Country Park, Nine Mile Ride RG40 4HU. First Days Pumpkin Trail. Maps £3 from Jackson’s California Lake cafe. Details: 0118 934 2016.
READING - Battle Library, Oxford Road. Board games club for teenagers upwards. Noon-2pm. Free. Details: 0118 937 5103.
READING – All Saints Church, Downshire Square RG1 6NP. Reading Male Voice Choir in concert. 7.30pm. £10. Details: mvc.net
READING – Prospect Park, Liebenrood Road RG30 2ND. Carter Steam Fair final destination. Noon10pm. Details: www. carterssteamfair.co.uk
READING - IKEA, Pincents Kiln Industrial Park, Pincent Lane RG31 7SD. Balloon artist and face painter for children. 11am5pm. Free. Details: www. ikea.com
HalloWellyWeen: activities between 10am and 4pm, including Wooky Willow Show Tent, Not-So Spooky Show Tent, The Lost Jungle, The Pumpkin Patch, Pop-up Play Village, The Train, Junk Jodie. Details: wellingtoncountrypark. co.uk
SOUTHCOTE - Community Hub, Coronation Square RG3 3QP. Spooky crafts for ages 4-10. 10.30am11.30am. £1. Details: 0118 937 5109.
WOKINGHAM – The Whitty Theatre, Luckley House School, Luckley Road RG40 3EU. An Evening of Entertainment 2022 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support including Selina and the Howlin Dogs, Saxcelerate and Iszi Lawrence. Doors 6pm, show 7pm. £15, £8 children, under fives free. Details: www.ticketsource. co.uk/emmamacedo
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Saturday market. 9am-3pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.uk
WOODLEY – Oakwood Centre RG5 4JZ. Starmaker Theatre Company presents Into The Woods Jr. 3pm and 7.30pm. £14, £12 concessions. Details: www.starmaker.org.uk/ intothewoods
WOOSEHILL – Woosehill Church, Chestnut Avenue RG41 3RS. Sip and Share with friendship table. 11am-noon, every second Saturday. Details: linkvisiting.org
Sunday, October 23
CAVERSHAM – St Andrew’s Church, Albert Road RG4 7PL. Concerts in Caversham autumn festival: Ariel Lanyi, International Concert Pianist. 6pm. Tickets £22, over 60s £20, and £16 for 16-25s. Under 16s free. Details: 0118 948 3220 or concertsincaversham.co.uk
CAVERSHAM - Waitrose Car Park, off Gosbrook Road. Artisan & Farmers Market. 10am-3pm.
FINCHAMPSTEAD –California Country Park, Nine Mile Ride RG40 4HU. First Days Pumpkin Trail. Maps £3 from Jackson’s California Lake cafe. Details: 0118 934 2016.
RISELEY – Wellington Country Park, Odiham Road RG7 1SP. Wellington Country Park HalloWellyWeen. Details: wellingtoncountrypark. co.uk
READING – Prospect Park, Liebenrood Road RG30 2ND. Carter Steam Fair final destination. Noon-8pm. Details: www. carterssteamfair.co.uk
WOODLEY – Oakwood Centre RG5 4JZ. Starmaker Theatre Company presents Into The Woods
RISELEY – Wellington Country Park, Odiham Road RG7 1SP. Wellington Country Park
SPENCERS WOOD – Across village and Three Mile Cross. Hallowe’en trail in aid of The Willows Support Group. Maps from Budgens Three Mile Cross and Robyn’s Nest, Shinfield. Details: www. justgiving.com/page/ halloweentrail2022
What name is given to the point above the origin of an
Who was the first BBC Radio 1 disc jockey to go on air?
Which European country had a secret police force called the Stasi?
Which of the characters in The Wizard
Suffering from cold but otherwise well, although presumably not with this (9,3)
How can anything be left out of this container? (7)
Some will love gannet for not eating meat (5)
the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.
letters of the phrase
How many words of four letters or more can you make from this Nonagram? Each word must use the central letter, and each letter may be used only once. At least one word using all nine letters can be found.

Any word found in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Tenth Edition) is eligible with the following exceptions: proper nouns; plural nouns, pronouns and possessives; third person singular verbs; hyphenated words; contractions and abbreviations; vulgar slang words; variant spellings of the same word (where another variant is also eligible).
Contractually bound to big deal-maker (9)

Permit an obstruction (3)
£1 for the breadwinner, a novice (7)
Staunch ally somehow could accept nothing (5)
Be left to make the noise of oxen – or of bulls (6)
10 Across a marine first have the small band (6)
Pierce headless fish (5)
Hit the drink in harmony (7)
Tower of strength on the water (3)
One existing by the water in the city (9)
Siesta until midnight? (4,2,3,3)
Dress again to go to bed (6)
Having little lumps when our land is cultivated (7)
Insect around the Italian horse (5)
Bird is let out to reveal secrets in gossip (6-6)
He works with the enemy arranging to collar boar (12)
Shakespearean character to return greeting (7)
Noel or a crazy girl (7)
Creditor putting a tax on neckwear (6)
Scottish cattle man (5)
Intrinsically according to most of the group (3,2)
Nutrition and menopause
Healthy heart tip outdoors
THEmenopause is a natural time in a
woman’s life usually occurring between the ages of 45-55 and can last a few months to several years.
During this time changes in hormone levels result in the stopping of menstruation.

Women may also experience a variety of other symptoms such as weight gain, hot flushes, night sweats and poor concentration. Here we outline some nutrition and lifestyle ideas to support you during this phase of life.
Prioritise calciumrich foods
Loss of calcium from the bones is accelerated during menopause, due to the reduction in the hormone oestrogen. Calcium is a mineral associated with healthy bones and teeth.
Aim to eat two to three portions of calcium-rich foods daily to support your bones and protect against osteoporosis. Examples include low-fat milk and yoghurt, fortified plantbased milks, cheese, kale and small fish (including the bones).
Spend time
David LamontVitamin D is also important for bone health. Getting outside in sunlight for 20 minutes daily between the months of April and October will provide you with lots of vitamin D. If you don’t spend very much time outdoors and are rarely exposed to the sun, speak to your GP about a supplement.
Consume hearthealthy fats
Your risk of cardiovascular disease increases as a result of the menopause, again due to lower levels of oestrogen. Support your cardiovascular system by consuming heart-healthy fats from unsalted nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocado and oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout.
The menopause can be an emotional time for some women, as
changes in hormones can result in mood changes.
Remember to be kind to yourself and get plenty of rest.
Doing relaxing activities like walking in nature can be helpful to ease stress. Try to maintain the recommended 150
minutes of physical activity per week by doing something you enjoy such as swimming, cycling or dancing.
n For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for our weekly healthy tips at www. heartresearch.org.uk/ healthy-tips
n To help keep your heart healthy, why not try out some of our
Healthy Heart recipes from our website: https://heartresearch. org.uk/heart-researchuk-recipes-2/

n Or have a look through our Healthy Heart cookbook filled with recipes from top chefs, celebrities and food bloggers: https:// heartresearch.org.uk/ heart-research-ukcookbook
Going green this Hallowe’en
Scary stuff
This time last year we appeared on a local BBC radio station talking about the environmental impact of Hallowe’en.
For example, in the UK alone, Hallowe’en costumes and accessories are responsible for 2,000 tonnes of plastic waste, equivalent to 83 million plastic bottles.
And, shockingly, 90% of the Hallowe’en costumes we buy contain plastic, while half are only worn once.
Now that is frightening.
Here are a few tips for a more environmentally friendly Hallowe’en… Trick or retreat?
First of all, do you really need to pace the streets in search of treats or can you mark Hallowe’en in a different way? Given the situation, not everyone may want spluttering children at their front door in any case.
Enjoy a scary family film with some homemade popcorn or snacks, plan a Hallowe’en-themed day out (many attractions now offer them), get crafting or play some party games?
You could bob for apples and throw in some toffee, share ghost stories, make paper spider’s webs or glass jam jar lanterns and enjoy some quality time together.
When the doorbell rings
If you can, try to hand out chocolate or sweets that aren’t wrapped in plastic or at least aim to cut back on the packaging involved.
The majority of big brand offerings are unfortunately wrapped in plastic, sometimes several times over,
meaning that we use millions of plastic bags and wrappers during Hallowe’en.
Look for plastic-free and Fairtrade/ slave-free options from the likes of Divine or Tony’s Chocolonely, or foil wrapped characters, balls or coins.
Remember to save your foil until you have a tennis ball-sized amount that can be scrunched together to make it more easily recyclable.
Swap chocolate for a piece of fruit or plastic-free, fruit-based snacks from the likes of Freddie’s Farm.
Or buy a large plastic-free box of pick n’ mix and fill individual (ideally recycled) paper bags to hand out.
You might even be able to come up with some good ideas for alternative giveaways – think about what your kids and their friends enjoy… Maybe something useful and plastic-free like a pencil, bookmark or wooden yoyo.
Dressing up
If you’re hell-bent (no pun intended) on buying Hallowe’en costumes, accessories or decorations, aim to buy ones that you can reuse time and time again.
Or, better still, consider hiring outfits from a local fancy dress shop, or whether you can swap costumes with friends and family members?
Buying second-hand is an option as well.
Alternatively, have some fun making costumes with the kids. Use an old bed sheet, raid your wardrobe for unwanted items or check out a local charity shop.
You could even skip the outfits entirely and simply have fun painting each other’s faces?
The pumpkin
Volunteer Corner Helena Badger
First Days we give choice, restore dignity and empower families who are living with a low income or are experiencing financial hardship.
We are looking to take on more volunteers to help us support more people in need across Wokingham Borough.
Firstly, we are looking for Donations Assistants to help us improve the speed in which we provide support packages to families, by checking the quality of donations received and ensuring that departments within the warehouse/shop are fully stocked with items ready to be picked.
This will be based at our warehouse and main site at Molly Millars Lane in Wokingham.
We are also looking for volunteers to assist the fundraising team in raising money to fund services by giving practical support at the Glow Walk being held on Saturday, November 26.
The Glow Walk is around Dinton Pastures lake, with participants there to donate as well as support our charity.
There will be light displays while walking around and lots of merchandise to buy including glow sticks, neon jewellery and face paints.
We also need Toy Library Volunteer to help at our Toy Library based in Woodley.
The role is to provide excellent customer service to families to enable them access to toys and games and give them a wide range of choice.
If you are interested in finding out more about any of these roles, please get in touch.
n Do you want to direct change in local health and social care services for all residents in Wokingham Borough?
Sixty per cent of Britons who carve a pumpkin at Hallowe’en admit to not eating its inners – obviously, a tremendous waste considering that we get through nearly ten million of them at this time of year.

That results in a potential 28 million tonnes of easily avoidable and unnecessary food waste.
Instead, why not turn your pumpkin into a delicious soup, roast it or make a tasty pie… and only then, pop any leftovers in your food waste collection.
Avoid leaving the leftovers out in your garden or local woods for wildlife to finish off as Pumpkin can be harmful to some animals (for example hedgehogs) and also upset the natural balance.
You can instead dig a big hole and cover it over, leaving the worms to enjoy it.
Or just give the pumpkin a miss altogether.
Healthwatch Wokingham Borough are an independent champion for all residents that use local health and social care services.

We listen to what residents have to say about these services to understand their needs, experiences, and concerns.
We then share this information with those with the power locally to make change happen, and with Healthwatch England, the national body, to help improve the quality of services across the UK.
Healthwatch is looking for voluntary Advisory Group Members to join our Advisory Group. Previous experience is not essential.
As a volunteer group member, you will guide, support and challenge the Healthwatch team on their work, projects and future plans. You will monitor its quality, impact and progress.
You will also represent Healthwatch and the voice of local people at strategic meetings with health and care partners. We value and promote equality, diversity and inclusion, and would like our Advisory Group to reflect Wokingham Borough communities which include groups who are often under-represented and/or have lived experience of using or being involved in the delivery of, health and social care services.
This includes people from ethnic communities, all sections of the LGBTQ+ community, women and the under 30s.
Although not essential, if you have a passion, lived experience and/or knowledge of one of the following special interest groups, this would be beneficial; children and young people, ethnic communities, health services, (including GP practices, dentistry, hospitals), LGBTQ+ communities, maternity and mental health.
n Created in 2018 by blogger and voluntary hack David Lamont, Plastic Free Home is an online community with more than 32,000 followers that aims to seek and share ideas on how we can all live more sustainably.

Visit www.theplasticfreehome. com or www.facebook.com/ plasticfreehomeuk
You will need drive, energy, enthusiasm, good communication skills, and the ability to play a leading role in maintaining our vision.
n If you would like to find out more about volunteering in your local area, please visit our website www.volunteerwokinghamborough.org.
uk Alternatively, to speak to someone in more detail, please contact our Volunteer Services Manager, Helena Badger on 0118 977 0749 or email volunteer@wok-vol.org.uk
TRICK: Hallowe’en is a time of excess waste Picture: Andreas Lischka from PixabayINCE WARNS TEAM: ‘WE’VE GOT TO GO AGAIN’
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.todayREADING FC manager Paul Ince has challenged his team to ‘regroup’ when they face West Bromwich Albion this Saturday.

Ince labelled Reading’s defeat
at Queens Park Rangers on Friday evening as ‘frustrating’ after the Royals missed out on taking a point from Loftus Road after conceding an 84th minute penalty which was converted by Lyndon Dykes.
After the weekend’s action Reading have dropped two places to
fifth in the Championship.
“It would have been nice for them (the fans) to go back with some points. They were unbelievable,” said Ince
“I’m frustrated more than anything and now we’ve got to go again.
“Luckily we’ve got eight days off to regroup.”
The Baggies are on the hunt for a new manager after sacking Steve Bruce on Monday due to a poor start, that has seen them win just one league game this season.
Royals report and news on page

FC goalkeeper Sean Woodward marked his 250th appearance for the Sumas on Saturday.
Woodward, who joined the Sumas at the age of 11 in the youth section, performed superbly for the Sumas in their Combined Counties Premier North clash against Ascot United at Lowther Road on Saturday, despite falling to late defeat.

Woodward won several league and cup titles for the club before progress to the Allied Counties team where he enjoyed success in the league and county cup.
Since making the step up to the first-team he has helped the team to two promotions and two Reading Senior Cup triumphs.
Director of football and former first-team manager Dan Bateman said: “Woody is an exceptional shot stopper and without question one of the best keepers around.
“I always used to say Woody was worth 10 points a season and to be honest I think it was probably more.
“Some of the saves I have seen him make in games and in training have been incredible and I’ve lost track of the number of times opponent managers used to bemoan ‘that keeper.’
“On top of his unquestionable ability, Woody is also one of the nicest guys you could hope to meet and a manager’s dream.
“His loyalty to the Sumas despite numerous offers has been exceptional and, even on the very rare occasion he has found himself out of the first-team, he has jumped at the opportunity to play for the ressies which is a true measure of the man.”
A late flurry of goals saw Ascot United take three points at Lowther Road as they turned the game around to beat Wokingham & Emmbrook.

The Sumas took the lead through Gethin-Barkway after an hour, but the Yellamen levelled up with 20 minutes to go from Harry Grant.
With the game all square heading into the 90th minute, Ascot ensured they took maximum points with late strikes from Ollie Harris and Keaton August.
The hosts had the first cutting edge chance of the game when a sublime through ball from Marcus Whittaker put GethinBarkway through on goal, but Ascot goalkeeper, and former Reading and Portsmouth player, Jamie Ashdown called on his experience to rush off his line and make a smart stop.
Wokingham continued to create when positive work down the right byline from Jack Sharman saw him slide
in an inviting cross, but there was no one in an Orange shirt to meet it.
Ascot responded with some chances of their own and forced goalkeeper Sean Woodward, who marked his 250th appearance for the Sumas, into an excellent reaction save as he flew to his left to keep out Dan Bailey’s header.

Woodward then bettered that save when he again flew to his left to turn behind Walter’s shot for a corner which meant that the teams went in goalless at the break.
Ascot started the second-half strongly when Walters powered into the box and came close when Woodward’s initial save was almost turned in on the

Wokingham thought they had taken the lead when a fierce shot from Whittaker was tipped onto the post by Ashdown and Sharman pounced on the follow up only to be denied by the offside flag.
But just a few minutes later the Sumas did break the deadlock when Whittaker looped the ball over Ashdown and GethinBarkway was on hand to finish with a header.
Ascot levelled up with 20 minutes to go when Grant reacted quickest from Woodward’s save to tap the ball into the empty net.
With both teams searching to find a winner, it was Ascot who made the incisive breakthrough in the 89th minute when Harris was in the right place at the back post to convert from a floated cross.
Ascot then caught the Sumas on the counter in stoppage time when they broke quickly and August looped the ball cleverly over Woodward to seal the points.
By RICHARD ASHTON sport@wokingham.todayRAMS vice-captain Drew Humberstone believes Saturday’s National One game with Cambridge (3pm) is one supporters can view as particularly exciting as the joint table-toppers arrive at Old Bath Road with two unbeaten records on the line.

“Cambridge are doing really well at the moment and each year they’ve got better,” said Humberstone.
“They’re a very good side and their forwards especially are excellent – they’ve got a good lineout and maul and it’s another new challenge we’ve got to face.
“A bit like us they’ve retained a lot of players and built on their squad in recent years, and it’s going
to be a huge test.”
“There was a huge effort throughout pre-season and we’re also looking to build on what we’ve done in the previous seasons, and it’s paying dividends.
“Every game bar Esher we’ve scored 40 points so the attacking side of our game is really stepping up and improving, but defensively we’re also questioning some of the points leaked and that’s a good sign there are still things to work on.”
The Oxford University Blue has been returned to his favoured role at inside centre this year having done a sterling job at both fly-half and full-back since RAMS reached National One, but Humberstone modestly stated: “With the quality of the team, I’m always happy to be involved wherever I’m asked and I’d take any position on the pitch.”

A FORMER Royals star made a surprise appearance on a grassroots pitch in Lower Earley, much to the delight of budding young footballers.
Fara Williams, a pivotal part of the England squad, paid a visit to Laurel Park FC to see how girls have been inspired to take up football after the Lionesses were crowned European Champions.

Since the summer Laurel Park has been running Lionesses Legacy sessions to offer girls who have been inspired by the Lionesses the chance to play football for the first time for free in a fun and pressure-free environment.
The visit to the youngsters was part of M&S Food’s Eat Well, Play Well campaign, which looks to inspire grassroots players to make healthier choices with their
The scheme is run in partnership with The FA and uses the power of football to help families make healthier eating choices.
Ms Williams was delighted to be taking part.
“The grassroots is where every footballer’s love of the game starts so it was brilliant to visit Laurel Park with
M&S, and see first-hand how the Lionesses are inspiring the next generation to take up the game,” she said.
“It was really interesting speaking to the young players and hearing how the Euros had made them want to play football for the first time.”
She added: “I’m so proud to be supporting the M&S

Eat Well, Play Well campaign which is turn is helping kids and their families make healthier choices.
“Nutrition is so important in football, because if you don’t eat well, you can’t play well.”
Williams had a glittering playing career before she retired in 2021.
Williams has enjoyed a storied career that has spanned 20 years, including making an incredible 172 appearances for England at international level, with 40 goals to her name, first making her debut in 2001.

Williams then transferred to Reading in 2017 and has become a pivotal part of Kelly Chambers’ side. She has made 67 league appearances for the Royals, scoring 25 goals.
For more information about the Eat Well, Play Well campaign, go to marksandspencer.com/football
Retired Stradivarius to parade at QIPCO British Champions
THE legendary Stradivarius will be paraded in front of the crowds at QIPCO British Champions Day at Ascot on Saturday after his retirement was announced last week.
The parade will take place after the QIPCO British Champions Sprint Stakes (2pm) and will give fans the opportunity to show their appreciation to the eight-year-old, who will stand at the National Stud from 2023.
Trained by John and Thady Gosden, Stradivarius had a remarkable career on the track that included winning the QIPCO British Champions Long Distance Cup at QIPCO British Champions Day in 2018.
He retires with the most QIPCO British Champions Series wins in its history with 16 (next best Frankel with nine).
Anna Kerr, chief executive of the National Stud, said: “We are delighted to have a racehorse of the calibre of Stradivarius joining the roster at the National Stud.
“Parading at QIPCO British Champions Day provides the perfect opportunity for racing fans
to say farewell to a true icon of our sport.”
Stradivarius’ owner & breeder Bjorn Nielsen said: “He has been a joy to own. He turned up and ran his race every time with marvellous consistency..”
Stradivarius won’t be the only retired superstar racehorse on display at QIPCO British Champions Day, with spectators also having the chance to meet two Retraining of Racehorse all-stars in Side Glance and Trip To Paris.
Each now retired and enjoying a second career in showing and dressage, the two all-stars will be based throughout the day on the Motivator Lawn at Ascot – receiving visitors from the public.

By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.todayFA Trophy third qualifying round
BINFIELD continued their journey in the FA Trophy with a penalty shootout with at Hendon.

After a tense goalless battle after 90 minutes, the tie had to be decided via the penalty spot.
With the score locked at 4-4 in the shootout after five penalties each, Moles keeper
Chris Grace made a vital save to give Liam Gavin the chance to put Binfield through with the next penalty in sudden death.
Gavin stepped up to the spot, sent the goalkeeper the wrong way and rolled the ball down the middle to put the Moles through.
Combined Counties Premier North
READING CITY’S 100% record in the league came to an end, but they remain unbeaten after their draw at home to
Egham Town.
The Cityzens picked up a clean sheet as the contest ended goalless which means that Reading and Egham are level on points in the table.
City are in fourth position with 16 points from six matches after their superb start to the season.
Cityzens manager Simon Johnson said: “Another point closer to our points target. On another day we score three or four. but to dominate a fixture against a good Egham side,

who comfortably beat us last season, shows how far we’ve come as a group.”
Combined Counties Division One
SANDHURST TOWN are top of the table after their 4-1 win away at Penn & Tylers Green.

Goals from Maison Slade, Josh Smith, James Vass and Ralph Vigrass ensured that the Fizzers soared to the top of the table with 27 points from 11 matches.
EVERSLEY & CALIFORNIA got back to winning ways at home against FC Deportivo Galicia.

Troy Baker opened the scoring after 24 minutes, while James Clark ensured he marked his Boars debut with a goal to double the advantage.
Just five minutes after the restart Eversley were three goals in front when Paras Gill scored.
The visitors pulled a goal back, but the Boars took the point with a 3-1 success.
Eversley manager Matty Angell said: “Great results for the first and reserve sides. First team battled hard against a tough AFC Aldermaston side, good to see James Clark get a debut goal.”
BERKS COUNTY took a point on the road with a stalemate at Molesey.

After a Swords penalty was saved early on, County took the lead only for the game to be levelled up by the hosts before half-time.
County restored their lead
From the middle Dick Sawdon-Smith
Love your referee
I read an article entitled ‘Why we should love our referees’, written by Craig Fowler who was writing about Scottish referees.

He wrote, ‘If only our national team was as terrible as our referees, we’d be a much more successful football country’.
He was referring to the fact that Scottish referees are regularly appointed to international games by UEFA or FIFA but the Scottish football team, seldom plays in them.
What attracted me, however, was the sub headline ‘ The football rule book is extremely vague when it comes to fouls’.
He wrote, ‘the Laws of the Game tell a referee it’s a foul if a player ’trips, kicks, jumps at, charges. strikes, pushes, or tackles an opponent in a manner which is careless, reckless or uses excessive force’.
You could scarcely get more ambiguous. A group of referees could look at the same incident and have a 50/50 split on whether it constitutes a foul’.
I’ve been at many referees’ meetings where a video of an incident is shown, and there is seldom a unanimous decision among the referees present.
from the penalty spot when Les converted, but the points were shared when Molesey pulled a goal back just after the hour mark.
Berks are in fifth position with 21 points from their opening 12 matches.
WOODLEY UNITED lost out against at Westside in a match that saw them reduced to nine players.
The Kestrels found themselves two goals down at the break and two players down after Jahson and Reuel were both dismissed.
Two more goals from the hosts in the second-half saw them take the points with a 4-0 win.
Woodley are in eighth place with
19 points from 11 games. Southern Region Women’s Premier Division
ASCOT UNITED fell to their first loss of the season away at Eastleigh.
The game was decided by one goal to give Eastleigh the points as Ascot dropped down to third.
Southern Region Women’s Division One North
EVERSLEY & CALIFORNIA collected their first three points of the season with an impressive victory over Carterton.
Lauren Broadhurst netted a firsthalf brace to give the Boars a halftime lead and Rebekah Pantony added two more in the second-half to help Eversley to a 4-0 win.
CAVERSHAM UNITED were involved in their first draw of the season in a goalless contest away at Long Crendon.
Thames Valley Women’s Premier Division
WARGRAVE stormed to an emphatic win over Banbury United. Wargrave smashed 10 past their
opponents to earn a 10-1 win.
ASCOT UNITED RESERVES made it four wins from four with a home success over Haddenham.

Mya Bowler, Amy Cogdon and Darcey Young scored to see Ascot to a 3-0 win.
Thames Valley Women’s Division Two
S4K BERKS COUNTY lost out for the second time this season with a 5-1 defeat away at Barton United.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.todayThames Valley Premier League
FINCHAMPSTEAD climbed up to third in the table with an empathic win at READING CITY U23’s.
Goals from James Payne, Nick Payne, Joel Day saw Finch collect the points with a 4-0 win.
Berks & Bucks Charles Twelftrees Trophy
BURGHFIELD made progress in
the cup after they smashed 10 past AFC READING.
A hat-trick from Lewis Butcher and strikes from Rhys Iremonger, Josh Cook, Josh Howell, Elliott Telford, Ollie Brown and Jordan Cox completed the 10-1 triumph.
Reading & District Sunday League
County Cup: Burghfield 6-2 Tilehurst YM, Central Berkshire 1-3 Paggies Bar, FC
Showcase 1-5 FC BAPCO, Mortimer 7-0
Emmer Green, Tilehurst El Partons 1-6 FC
Division One: Barton Rovers 0-6 TRBL, Berkshire Dons 0-4 Wayback Wanderers,

Caversham United 3-2 Goring United, GC United 3-2 Burghfield Reserves, Loxwood Park 1-1 Englefield Eagles, Twyford Comets 0-4 Arborfield
Division Two: AFC Pangbourne 0-3 Zone RG, Berkshire Royals 4-2 Give Back Reserves, Burghfield A 2-0 Reading Kites, Hurst 0-5 Barton Rovers Reserves, RDG Athletic 0-2 Rose & Thistle, Westwood Wanderers Development 1-2 Reading United
Division Three: Brothers United 5-0 New England, Farley Hill 3-1 Burghfield B, RE United 5-2 Core, Sanctuary Strikers 2-5 FC Woodley, Southbank 3-4 Caversham AFC, Woodley Saints 3-2 Hype Train
Division Four: 116 Exiles Reserves 3-1 Arbor Athletic, Barton Rovers A 1-10 Richfield Vets, Calcot 2-4 Whitley Wood, Caversham United Reserves 5-4 Allied Community, FC Kensington 1-13 South Reading
Bracknell Sunday League
County Cup: Crowthorne Inn 3-1 Diamond, Datchet 0-3 Bracknell Rangers, FC Showcase 1-5 FC BAPCO, Maidenhead Rangers 0-1 Raglan, Prestige 4-5 AFC Dukes, Wokingham & Emmbrook TMW 1-2 Chalfont
Division One: Ashridge Park Royals 3-1 Bracknell Royals, Bracknell Spartan Vets 5-3 Panthers, Braybrooke Athletic 0-3 SF7, Winnersh Rangers 4-2 Bracknell Athletic
Division Two: 3M 11-0 Silver Birch, Bracknell Bisons 0-2 Harts of Bracknell, Bracknell Cavaliers 3-2 Ashirdge Park, Woodley Saints Tigers 2-5 Crowthorne Division Three AFC Dukes Reserves 5-0 Bracknell Cavaliers Res, Bracknell St-Germain 1-9 Berks United, Harts 4-1 Wanderers, Hope & anchor 2-1 Finch Athletic Reserves, Silver Birch A 2-4 FC Bracknell Saints
I’ve often said in this column that many decisions are subjective and perhaps Craig Fowler has found the real reason.
There are a lot of the Laws which are not spelt out, so it has to come down to the training referees receive.
Let’s take one point Craig makes ‘There isn’t any mention in the Laws of the Game about “playing the ball”, which is one of the most common phrases at all levels of football’.
As an FA referee tutor, I physically illustrated this by acting as a player coming in from the side of an opponent running with the ball. If I played the ball and then the opponent fell over my leg, that would be perfectly fair.
If, however, I made contact with the opponents’ legs before playing the ball, it was a foul.
So was the opponent falling over an outstretched leg after the ball had been played, or was he brought down?
That’s my interpretation of the Law but I’ve never seen it written anywhere, so other tutors may have their own interpretation.
Similarly, I always taught a charge as referring to a shoulder charge, and to be fair it must be shoulder to shoulder and not into the back or chest.
Also, if one of the players lifts an arm it becomes pushing.
But am I right?
None of this is written down, so as Craig Fowler said, there’s always likely to be subjective decisions at fouls.
How they rated
Joe LumleyDemonstrated his shot-stopping ability to deny Roberts twice.
Largely succeeded in finding Carroll and Joao from goal-kicks.
Started at wing-back before moving to the right. Steady performance from the skipper, who will not have been 100% fit.
Sam HutchinsonFortunate not to concede a penalty after the ball clearly struck his outstretched arm. Received a booking for a poorly timed tackle.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.todayREADING FC dropped into fifth after a double from Lyndon Dykes saw them defeated by Queens Park Rangers at Loftus Road.

Allowed Dykes to get the wrong side of him for QPR’s equaliser. Was strong in the air, dealing with most of the balls put into his area.
Tom McIntyreDid not do enough to avert the threat of Roberts cutting in from the right. Went about his work diligently.
Fantastic once again. Our best outfield player on the night. Showed attacking intent, which allowed Kakay freedom down QPR’s right.
Jeff HendrickThe pick of the midfield three. Showed discipline out of possession and constantly looked to receive the ball from the defenders.
Tom Holmes Mamadou LoumSeemed off the pace in the first half. Improved in the second half, but will be disappointed to give away QPR’s penalty.
Struggled to assert himself on the game. Could easily have cost his side a goal when he got dispossessed on the halfway line in the first half.
Andy Yiadom Nesta Guinness-Walker Lucas JoaoDid well to win the penalty to put the Royals ahead, but struggled to get the ball to stick.
Andy CarrollDominated the aerial duels once again and was clearly up for the fight. Fortunate not to see red after flying in on Roberts late in the first half.
Hoilett8 5 4
5 7 4
The Royals went in front when Andy Carroll netted from the penalty spot with his first goal since returning to the club.
Dykes levelled up quickly and despite an improved second-half display from Reading, it was in vain as the Rangers forward netted his brace from the penalty spot after Mamadou Loum fouled Tim Iroegbunam in the box.
6 4
4 6 6
Nesta Guiness-Walker’s throw into the QPR box caused some problems before they managed to block two efforts from Andy Yiadom.
The home team responded with a chance of their own when Illias Chair sprinted at the Reading defence, had options right and left, but opted to shoot as he scuffed a shot wide.
The first big chance of the game came Rangers’ way in the 12th minute when some sloppy defending allowed Tyler Roberts the chance to drive a low effort at goal that was excellently stopped by Joe Lumley.
With Reading on the back foot for the first 30 minutes, Tom Holmes got his body in the way of Roberts’ effort.
There was a huge shout for a QPR penalty when Tim Iroegbunam’s header struck the arm of Sam Hutchinson, but the referee pointed for a corner rather than a penalty.
Hutchinson picked up the first yellow card of the game for a rash
Match stats
QPR: Dieng, Laird, Johanse, Dunne, Paal, ClarkeSalter, Field, Iroegbunam, Roberts, Chair, Dykes
SUBS: Archer, Kayak, Dickie, Amos, Dozzell, Shopido, Adomah
READING: Lumley, Hutchinson, Holmes, McIntyre, Yiadom (c), Guinness-Walker, Loum, Fornah, Hendrick, Carroll, Lucas Joao
SUBS: Ince, Meite, Ejaria, Bouzanis, Hoilett, Mbengue, Abbey
GOALS: Carroll 30’ (pen), Dykes 33’, 84’ (pen)
tackle on the halfway line.
After a disappointing start to the game, Reading took the lead against the run of play when they were awarded a penalty.
Lucas Joao and Tyrese Fornah traded passes and Joao feinted to shoot before his trailing leg was caught by a poor tackle from Ireogbunan, leaving the referee no choice but to point to the spot.
Andy Carroll stepped up to take the penalty and slammed the ball beyond Dieng despite the keeper

diving the right way to score his first goal since returning to the club.
Michael Beale’s team hit back with a quick equaliser when Lydon Dykes stooped down to direct Osman Kaka’s cross low into the corner past Lumley.
Ince was forced to shuffle the pack when Hutchison went off injured and was replaced by Junior Hoilett. Yiadom dropped into the back three, while Hoilett went to right wing-back.
The half could have ended
Paul Ince left ‘frustrated’ after Reading concede late in QPR loss
READING FC manager Paul Ince has challenged his team to regroup and ‘go again’ after their defeat to QPR.

The Royals lost out after Lyndon Dykes slotted a late penalty to put QPR above Reading in the table.

“It wasn’t a game too far when we concede in the 87th minute. I don’t think in the first half we believed we could have won it,” said Ince.
“I don’t know if that was fatigue or tiredness. I wasn’t best pleased and they were told that at half-time.
“Second half we came out and looked like a better team. It’s tough with three games in six days, QPR had the same thing. It’s brutal.
“Lucas [Joao] got it and usually he’s the penalty taker, so whether
they agreed before I don’t know. I just thought if he was taking it, make sure he doesn’t miss it.
“He is so important for us, his fighting spirit. We didn’t have that in the first half, we were very passive.
“Carroll gives us so much so it’s important to keep him fit. It’s always nice as a striker to score and I’m sure he’ll score plenty more for us.
“We’re short as a squad so to play three games in six days is tough, we’re not bloody robots. Klopp said the other day ‘less is more’ because you get better quality. The EFL don’t give a monkeys and neither do Sky and we’ve got to do it again in two weeks time.”
Ince was praising of Joe Lumley
who made some magnificent saves to keep Reading in the game, but was frustrated to lose the game late on.
He continued: “The game wasn’t going anywhere. Joe made some really good saves but I was just disappointed with the penalty.
“The geezer is running 100mph and waiting for contact. We made silly decisions, Junior dives in, Mama dives in. In those games you have to make the right decision.
“We’re normally good at keeping a goal lead, but Nesta doesn’t stop the cross and Holmes got beat and it’s 1-1.
“The fans were unbelievable. Considering the rail strikes, the atmosphere was incredible. It would have been nice for them to go back with some points. I’m frustrated more than anything.
“Hutch was a calf injury, I think it’s the sixth this season. He doesn’t come off for anything, he’s tough.
“Luckily we’ve got eight days off to regroup.”
‘There’s plenty to be positive about’
READING FC vice captain Tom Holmes believes there were plenty of positives for the team to take in their late defeat at Queens Park Rangers.

The Royals had the chance to go top of the table with a win but they fell to two Lyndon Dykes goals after Andy Carroll had put them ahead.
“We came here, we silenced the crowd for large spells and there is plenty to be positive about,” said Holmes.
“I thought it was a really good game of football, full of ups and downs.
“Both teams had spells of domination and at the end of the day it was a penalty that decided it when it could have gone either way.
“It’s a tough one to take but nothing to keep our heads too low too long about.”
Holmes had an individually impressive game as he continues to become a pivotal part of Reading’s defence which has seen Paul Ince switch to a three at the back system for much of this season.
Holmes continued: “I didn’t think they threatened too much, other than their goal, in the first-half.
“Then in the second half if they didn’t get the penalty, I didn’t see them scoring and a draw would have been a fair reflection.
“In my opinion it wasn’t a penalty, it was just a coming together, he’s just lent into him, and he has gone down fairly easily which is annoying but over the course of a season we will get given a few of them.
“I think it has been a really positive week, we have had a bit of everything.
in disaster for Reading when Carroll flew into a sliding tackle on Roberts, chopping the winger down. The referee acted quickly to give the Royals forward a yellow card despite the protests from the home crowd and players for him to dismiss Carroll.
Reading started brighter after the restart when Guiness-Walker showed nice footwork on the left to win a free-kick, but the chance was wasted with a poor delivery straight into the clutches of Dieng.
Reading were awarded another free-kick in a promising position when Joao was chopped down by Jake Clarke-Salter, but Carroll
blasted a low effort at the wall.
Lumley was required to make another important stop when a floated cross looked goal bound when Roberts nodded towards goal, but the keeper got down low to make the save.
Rangers countered as Reading were left short at the back, Chair drove at goal and fired a shot looking to pick out the top corner, but Lumley got a hand to it to push it behind for a corner.
Ince made his second switch of the game with a little over 20 minutes remaining which saw Ovie Ejaria replace Fornah.

Reading asserted far more
control in the second-half and went in search of a winner, while Tom Ince replaced Joao with 15 minutes left.
With just seven minutes left to play, QPR were awarded a spot kick when Loum was judged to have fouled Iroegunam.
Dykes tucked the penalty away into the corner to notch his second goal of the game.
Ince forced a decent save from Dieng with a free-kick before the Royals won two corners in quick succession.
Rangers managed their way through four minutes of added time to take the points.
READING FC will hope to get their form back on track when they host struggling West Bromwich Albion on Saturday.
The Royals had the chance to soar to the top of the Championship on Friday night against Queens Park Rangers.

Despite going ahead after Andy Carroll’s penalty, two goals from Lyndon Dykes ensured that QPR took the points which saw Reading drop down to fifth in the Championship table.

Meanwhile, Saturday’s opponents have had a shocking start to the season and are
currently in the relegation places after 13 matches.
With increasding pressure building with disappointing results,West Brom sacked manager Steve Bruce on Monday with the club struggling in 22nd position
With an already talented squad, West Brom added more quality in the summer with the arrivals of Jed Wallace, Okay Yokusulu, Martin Kelly and John Swift on a free transfer from Reading.
Swift spent six seasons with the Royals and scored 31 Championship goals in 187 appearances after becoming a pivotal figure in the
team throughout his stay.
After his contract with Reading expired, Swift opted to join West Brom this summer.
Swift has netted two goals so far this season for the Baggies in 13 games, but it has been a faltering star for the team.
They are currently on 11 points in 22ne place and have won just one league game all season.
Their only league win of the season came in August with a 5-2 victory over Hull City, but they haven’t picked up three points since which has seen Bruce and the team come under criticism.
They have drawn more games than any other side in the division (eight) as their winless run stretched to eight games on Saturday after their goalless draw at home to Luton Town.
Their poor run of form has seen them lose in a Midlands derby at home to Birmingham City and they lost by the same scoreline, 3-2, at home to Swansea City.
West Brom won on their last visit to Berkshire with a 1-0 win in April 2022 after Karlan Grant scored the only goal of the game.
“Norwich was a really good marker for us as after going 1-0 down we steadied the ship well after that as in games gone by we haven’t done so well at that so that was a positive.
“If we put in performances like we did today, on average we will win more games than we lose.”
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.todaySouth Central Men’s Premier 1
READING 2s lost out on their away trip to Marlow 1s.
The 4-1 loss means that Reading currently sit bottom of the table with one point from their opening four matches.
South Central Men’s North Division 1
PHOENIX READING 1s got the better of READING 3s in their home fixture.
The victory puts Phoenix up to sixth place on four points, while Reading are in 11th with one point from their first three matches.
SONNING 1s added three points to their tally against Oxford 2s.
The 2-1 away win means that Sonning continue their unbeaten start to the season and have seven points to put them in second.
Women’s National Conference West
READING 2s were defeated away at Exe in their first loss of the campaign.
The 4-1 loss means that Reading have three points from two games.
South Central Men’s North Division 2
Goals from Patrick Wall and
Aidan Dias ensured that SONNING 2s defeated Thame 1s 2-1.
Sonning are in fourth with seven points from three games.
South Central Women’s North Division 2
SONNING 2s lost out on their travels to Maidenhead 2s.
The defeat means that Sonning are yet to pick up a point this season after two matches, leaving them bottom of the table.
South Central Men’s Premier 2
SOUTH BERKSHIRE 1s grabbed all three points in a seven goal contest against Fareham 2s. The 4-3 success means that South Berks are fourth in the table with two wins from their first three matches. South Central Women’s North Division 1
SOUTH BERKSHIRE ensured they took a point away at Oxford 2s.

Both teams took a point in the 3-3 draw as Sarah Kelly, Kelly
READING FC WOMEN face a tricky test against current Women’s Super League leaders Arsenal on Sunday.
The Royals have endured a tough start to their 2022/23 campaign which has seen them defeated in all three of their matches so far.
Reading lost out on the opening day in the league away at Manchester United 4-0 and were edged out 2-1 by Brighton.
Kelly Chambers’ side lost out 2-1 in their first home game against Tottenham in the Conti Cup. Now prepare for their first WSL match at the SCL.
Jonas Eidevall’s Arsenal side, who missed out on the title to Chelsea by just one point last season, have made a faultless start to their campaign.
They have won their opening two matches: 4-0 away at Brighton, before they dispatched Spurs 4-0 in the north London derby.
Reading were beaten 4-0 when they welcomed Arsenal to the SCL last September.
A brace from Vivianne Miedema and goals from Beth Mead and Jen Beattie gave
Arsenal a comfortable victory.
Reading suffered a disappointing injury blow in the first game of the season after Deanne Rose was forced off and is expected to be on the sidelines for a number of months.
There was better news on the injury front after Emma Harries returned to the pitch in the cup tie against Spurs prior to the international break where she made a superb impact off the bench to win a late penalty for her team.
Arsenal may be without defender Leah Williamson after she had to withdraw from the England squad last week for their international match against World Champions USA.
Royals striker Natasha Dowie said: “It’s been a mixed start from us admittedly, but there has been plenty of positives in what we have done, which we can take with us into the next few games.
“It’s a difficult situation, but it’s similar to our start last season, and then we went on an unbeaten record.
“So we know in ourselves
once we get that first win, we will use that momentum.
“There has been a lot of controversy in our games too, with some big decisions going against us, but we need to be more clinical when we are on top.
“I’ve been in this game long enough to know things can change very quickly and it’s a case of continuing to work hard in training.
“We have an exciting team, one that when we’re on the front foot we can create chances against anyone, which as a forward is great as you know the opportunities will keep on coming and we just have to keep getting ourselves in the position to score.
“We have another big moment coming up, against Arsenal, and games don’t come bigger than this one. They’ve got world class players across the pitch, and have started the season well, it’ll be tough but it’s something we all relish.
“We’ve shown in the past what we can do in these big games. We have the belief and determination to do it again.”
Friday, October 7
FOOTBALL Championship
QPR 2-1 Reading
Saturday, October 8 FOOTBALL
FA Trophy third qualifying round
Hendon 0-0 Binfield (4-5 on pens)
Combined Counties
Premier North Reading City 0-0 Egham Town Sumas 1-3 Ascot United
Combined Counties Division One
Eversley & California 3-1 AFC Aldermaston Molesey 2-2 Berks County Penn & Tylers Green 1-4 Sandhurst Westside 4-0 Woodley United
Thames Valley Premier League Reading City U23’s 0-4 Finchampstead
Hanock and Anabella Pio netted for South Berks.
South Berks are in second with seven points from three games. South Central Women’s North Division 3
SOUTH BERKSHIRE were defeated 2-1 in their home fixture against Yateley 1s.

Edie Harrison scored for South Berks, but the loss means they are in ninth with four points from three games.
Thames Valley Kings complete in triple header
IT WAS the first Thames Valley Kings tripleheader of fixtures in the British Wheelchair Basketball national league this past Saturday.
In the first match of the day, it was the Kings III who faced Hereward Heat in Division three south, Kings started strong and continue to build on a good lead going into half-time, 24-14.
Kings were in a comfortable position to rotate their bench in the second half giving lesser experienced players the opportunity for court time. the team continued to play well and held on to pick up their first win of the season - 44-36.
The second game of the day saw Kings II take on Plymouth Fusion II in Division 2. It was Plymouth who took an early lead in the first quarter but with a change of tactics Kings rallied back in the second quarter and finished the half with a one-point lead, 16-15.
The second half was end-to-end action with the teams going basket to basket with one another and with just eight seconds left in the match, it was all tied at 34-34 but it was Plymouth who won the game in the last second and broke Kings hearts to pick up the win 36-34.
In the final game of the day, Kings first team went up against a very strong Plymouth fusion team. The Kings defence tightened up in the second quarter which ended 28-24.
The second half was as fast-paced as the first but it was Plymouth who managed to build on their lead and eventually took the win after pushing away in the final quarter, 67-52.
Berks & Bucks Charles
Twelftrees Trophy AFC Reading 1-10 Burghfield
HOCKEY Women’s National Premier Division Beeston 3-1 Reading
South Central Men’s North Division 1 Oxford 2s 1-2 Sonning
South Central Women’s Premier 1 Amersham & Chalfont v Sonning
South Central Men’s Premier 2 South Berkshire 4-3 Fareham 2s
South Central Women’s North Division 1 Oxford 2s 3-3 South Berkshire
Sunday, October 9
Southern Region Women’s Premier Division Eastleigh 1-0 Ascot United
Southern Region Women’s Division One North Eversley & California 4-0 Carterton Long Crendon 0-0 Caversham United Woodley United 3-4 Milton United
Thames Valley Women’s Division One Ascot United Reserves 3-0 Haddenham Harwell and Hendred A-A Tilehurst Panthers Wargrave 10-1 Banbury United
Thames Valley Women’s Division Two Barton United 5-1 S4K Berks County
Thames Valley Women’s Division 3S
Eversley & California Reserves 4-4 Shinfield Rangers Wargrave Development 1-2 Yateley
Men’s National Premier Division
University of Nottingham v Reading
Saturday, October 15
FOOTBALL Championship Reading v West Brom
Isthmian South Central South Park v Binfield
Combined Counties Premier North
Broadfields United v Sumas Reading City v Hilltop
Combined Counties Division One
Eversley & California v FC Deportivo Galicia Cove v Woodley United Sandhurst Town v Molesey Spartans Youth v Berks County
Thames Valley Premier League
Maidenhead Town v Finchampstead Westwood Wanderers v Wargrave
RUGBY UNION National Division One Rams v Cambridge
Regional 2 South Central Reading v Buckingham HOCKEY Men’s National Premier Division Reading v Holcombe

Women’s National Premier Division Reading v Holcombe
South Central Men’s North Division 1 Sonning v Aylesbury
South Central Women’s Premier Division Bournemouth v Sonning
South Central Men’s Premier 2 South Berkshire v Amersham & Chalfont
Sunday, October 16
FOOTBALL Women’s Super League Reading v Arsenal
Berks & Bucks Women’s Cup Caversham United v Abingdon United Woodley United v Maidenhead United
Shinfield Rangers v Tilehurst Panthers Wargrave v Wantage Town Burghfield v Caversham AFC
Southern Region Women’s Premier Division Oxford City v Ascot United