WOKINGHAM.TODAY Annual Open Morning SAT 24TH SEPTEMBER ACHIEVEMENTwww.leightonpark.com/visit-leighton-park9.00-11.00AMWITHVALUES,CHARACTERANDCOMMUNITY WWW.WOKINGHAM.TODAY WOKINGHAM.TODAY THEVOICEOFTHEBOROUGH Annual Open Morning SAT 24TH SEPTEMBER ACHIEVEMENTwww.leightonpark.com/visit-leighton-park9.00-11.00AMWITHVALUES,CHARACTERANDCOMMUNITY WWW.WOKINGHAM.TODAY WOKINGHAM.TOD 2634-8330ISSN 9772634833019 37 2634-8330ISSN 9772634833019 37 Thursday, September 15, 2022 No. 382 90p Wokingham mourns The Queen

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She was born on April 21, 1926 in Mayfair, and Christened in May at Buckingham Palace.
She went on to have two more children, Prince Andrew in 1960, and Prince Edward in 1964.

Life was to change when her father, King George VI, died on February 6, 1952, following a prolonged illness.
Your wording
MUCH LOVED: The Queen in 2013, at a Maundy
A teenager when the war started, she played her part in maintaining morale recording messages for BBC Radio’s Children’s Hour, and encouraging the Dig For Victory campaign.

In 1947, she married Prince Philip.They had met in 1934 at the
On the outbreak of the Second World War, a decision was made that the Royal Family would stay in Britain, rather than be evacuated to North America or Canada.Shewas in Buckingham Palace when it was bombed by the Nazis in September 1940, but moved to Windsor Castle for much of the war.As a child, she was a Girl Guide and also a Sea Ranger.
When she was 16, she inspected a military regiment at a parade at Windsor Castle, and when she was 18, she joined the ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) – the women’s branch of the British Army, where she trained as a mechanic. This was based at the ATS training section in Camberley.OnVEDay, dressed in her ATS uniform, the princess slipped into the crowds gathered in London to celebrate with others.
Her first born, Prince Charles, was born in 1948, and Anne, the Princess Royal, in 1950.
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TheRememberingQueen,and her connections with boroughWokingham

The then Princess Elizabeth grew up not expecting to be Queen, but when she was 10, her uncle, Edward VIII, abdicated and the crown switched to her father, George VI.
In June 1962, the Queen and
The longest-reigning British monarch, she has been Queen since 1952, and much-loved by Wokingham residents.
“It was one of the most memorable nights of my life,” she said.This was typical of the Queen’s attitude to life.
In 1985, she told the BBC that she pulled her cap over her eyes as she was terrified of being recognised.
wedding of one of his cousins. Typical of the Queen, this was a modest affair as Britain was still recovering from the war.
Prince Philip, in a Rolls Royce, were driven through packed streets of Wokingham town centre. Archive photos taken by our predecessor, Wokingham Times, show a town decorated with bunting and flags, dignitaries salute and the assembled crowds wave and cheer as the car goes through Market Place and Peach Street.In1974, she visited Wellington College in Crowthorne, to open its new buildings.
By THE EDITOR news@wokingham.today
Her dress was made from material collected by saving clothing coupons from her ration book.To mark the occasion, Reading’s Simonds Brewery created Old Berks Strong Ale.
HER MAJESTY the Queen has died. She was 96.
At the time, she was staying in a remote part of Kenya. She was on a tour which was then abandoned.Hercoronation took place a year later, on June 2, 1953, and was televised, making a key moment in our country’s calendar as neighbours gathered round small screens to watch the event before holding street parties, for many, in downpours.Duringher reign, Her Majesty has been a frequent visitor to the Thames Valley.
On her 21st birthday in Cape Town, she made a speech to the Commonwealth where she promised: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to yourAndservice.”inFebruary 2022, in a letter to the nation and Commonwealth to mark the 70th anniversary of her ascension to the throne, she signed off the letter as ‘Your servant’.
HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US WOKINGHAM.TODAY Family Notices YOUR CONTACT DETAILS PhoneEmailPostcodeAddressNamenumber FACEBOOK & WOKINGHAM.TODAYTWITTER: Email news@wokingham.today Newsroom: 0118 327 2662 Advertising: 0118 327 2662 Write to: Wokingham.Today, Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS Publisher • David Riley Editor • Phil Creighton Reporters • Daniel Blackham, Jake Clothier, Ji-Min Lee, Emma Merchant Sports reporter • Andy Preston Graphic designer • Charlotte Simpson Classification (please tick) n Births n Birthdays n Engagements n Weddings n Anniversaries n Other n Death n In memory Advert sizes n 5cm by 1 column – 40 words £30 inc VAT n 3cm by 2 column – 50 words £36 inc VAT n 4cm by 2 column – 60 words £48 inc VAT n 5cm by 2 column – 80 words £60 inc VAT n 6cm by 2 column – 100 words £72 INC VAT n Photo – add £5 inc VAT (email only) DEADLINE IS TUESDAY AT 5PM FOR THAT WEEK’S PAPER WE InBOROUGHWOKINGHAMCOVERprint Order a copy from your newsagent every Thursday –some even deliver Online Our website is updated seven days a week –bookmark it in your browser: wokingham.today Due to the coronavirus, our offices are closed to the public. The best way to contact us is by email

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Another book of condolence is open in Wokingham Town Hall, while many churches have also opened their doors to people wanting to grieve.
The queen’s jubilees – 1977, 2002 and 2012 – have been well celebrated in the borough, with street fayres, parties and special commemorations.
The Royal Berkshire Hospital welcomed her in 2006 to celebrate the merging of the Battle Hospital with the main buildings.In2013, she presented Maundy money at Christ Church cathedral in Oxford.

Recipients included parishioners from Sonning.
In 2012, members of Wokingham Art Society created a 36-metre long frieze with 18 panels depicting scenes from across her reign.
without her as our Queen and I know that the grief will be real and longlasting.“Formore than 70 years she reigned with compassion and grace and she leaves a far-reaching legacy that spans the whole world and will be felt for many generations to come.”

included in the condolence book.
“Most people living in this country today will have no knowledge of life
The offices are open from 9am to 5pm weekdays,until the day following the Queen’s funeral.
In recent years, she has remained fit and active, still carrying out visits and chairing meetings.She contracted covid in February 2022, but recovered, and the town was able to celebrate her platinum jubilee in June with beacon lighting ceremonies, thanksgiving services, street parties and celebrations.Now,the nation – and the borough – gives thanks to the country’s most faithful servant.
WOKINGHAM Borough Council has joined the rest of the country in mourning following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96.Borough mayor Cllr Caroline Smith (pictured) said: “On behalf of the residents of Wokingham Borough and the staff and members of the borough council, I would like to express my deepest sorrow at the death of our esteemed monarch Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Thursday ceremony in Christ Church Oxford. During the event, she handed out gifts to parishoners including a woman from Sonning Picture: Phil Creighton
Wokingham borough mourns death of Queen Elizabeth II
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 3
Wokingham Borough Council, Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham RG40 1BN.Anyone wanting to leave flowers as a mark of respect should place them on the lawn by the pond at the Civic Offices – unwrapped so they can be composted for a memorial tree.
Alternatively, for those unable to access the internet, residents can send a hand written message which the council will include in the condolence book.These should be sent to:
A smaller replica of it is on display outside Wokingham’s railway station.
She returned to the school in October 2011, to open the International Round Square Conference.Sheopened the Shire Hall complex in Shinfield in 1982, again joined by Prince Philip. More than 5,000 children are reported to have been in the crowds, and played a fanfare in herInhonour.her role as patron of Cinematograph Trade Benevolent Fund, she visited Glebelands, in Wokingham, in AprilWith1994. Prince Philip at her side, she opened new bungalows at the residential and convalescent home.
Those wanting to sign a condolence book online, can do so on the Royal Family e-book of condolence by visitingPeopleroyal.uk.whowould like to share a message of sympathy but are unable to get to the Civic Offices, can email their message to mayor@wokingham. gov.uk and it will be printed out and
A book of condolence is open at the Civic Offices in Shute End, Wokingham for anyone wishing to express their sadness and to give their condolences.
Residents are welcome to visit any time during opening hours.
She added: “In 2019 the Queen visited my workplace on our 100th anniversary, the building was buzzing with excitement, love and joy as she walked round and made sure as many people as possible could see her. It was a day I will never forget, the atmosphere was electric.

Ms Austin said: “Once again, she put us, her people first, before herself.
These included 1926 – the year of her birth –was when television was invented.
Cllr Jim Frewin, the leader of the independent group on Wokingham Borough Council, was chairing a meeting of the overview and scrutiny management committee just half-an-hour after the news broke on Thursday, September 8.
“Many will remember her opening the Olympic Games in 2012 with James Bond and the celebrations of her 70 years on the throne and her cup of tea with Paddington
Wokingham Labour group leader, Cllr Rachel Burgess, said: “As the remarkable reign of an extraordinary woman comes to an end, her life of duty, service and dedication to our country is a shining example to us all.
UNITED IN GRIEF: The Forest School held a tribute for the Queen Picture: Forest School
And the Queen unveiled a plaque, as well as naming a train, before posing for a famous photograph with engineers who worked on the project, her turquoise blue dress and hat constrasting with the hi-vis orange uniform of the staff.
Students and staff at The Forest School in Robin Hood Lane stood together in the playground to observe a minute’s silence for Her Majesty.
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, the leader of Wokingham Conservatives, said: “I would like to join the people of Wokingham Borough in expressing our deep sadness on the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

“Queen Elizabeth has been a constant, calm and wise presence in our lives for an incredible 70 years, and she was loved and respected the world“Sheover.approached her many years of service always with dignity and compassion and so many of us will feel a deep sadness at her passing.
THE QUEEN was a regular visitor to Reading and her most recent formal engagement was the opening of Reading’s revamped railway station in 2014.

“She presided over the modernisation of the monarchy bringing it into the modern era. Everyone will have special memories of her reign.
“God Bless Queen Elizabeth, rest peacefully and in your own words, ‘grief is the price we pay for love’.”
Themap. visit was the second time that the Queen had visited to open Reading station – she was present following a previous revamp in 1989.
WOKINGHAM’S politicians are paying their respects to the Queen, following news that she died today at the age of 96.
Bear. Even at 96 she was a thoroughly modern sovereign.
RESPECT: The Forest School’s union flag flying at halfPicture: Forest School
When the Queen opened the revamped Reading Station
“Her Majesty brought pleasure to millions of people over the years but also brought comfort to the bereaved in times of tragedy. She always put duty first and despite her advancing years was utterly dependable and tireless. She will be sadly“Maymissed.sherest in peace.”
“Most people living in this country today will have no knowledge of life without her as our Queen and I know that the grief will be real and long-lasting.“Formore than 70 years she reigned with compassion and grace and she leaves a far-reaching legacy that spans the whole world and will be felt for many generations to come.”Leader of the Council, Cllr Clive Jones said: “It is so very sad that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has passed away. As a 21-year-old she dedicated her life to the service of our nations and the Commonwealth. She wonderfully kept her promise, an example to so many people.
By Phil Creighton news@wokingham.today
A WINNERSH school was one of many to pause to pay their respects to the Queen.

“Our hearts go out to the Royal Family and our thoughts are with them, and the many, many people whose lives she touched, at this time.”
As part of this, she shared 20 significant dates and historical facts from the Queen’s life and reign to which they could relate.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first man on theInmoon.1997, Hong Kong, a former British colony, was returned to China.
He led a minute’s silence before adjourning the meeting as a mark of respect.The Shinfield South councillor told Wokingham Today: “Her Majesty was a truly inspirational example of putting service and duty before oneself. Our nation is a better place because of her devotion.
“We all owe the Queen an enormous debt of gratitude, she has always been there for us in good times and bad and continued working diligently for her people right up to the end. I will never forget her kindness, her dedication, her humour and her lovely smile.”
death of our esteemed monarch Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
4 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
The station had five new platforms, two new entrances, a new link bridge and additional shops.
Crowds flocked to meet the royal visitor, including reader Sarah Gregory, who kindly shared her photos of this historic occasion.

Wokingham’sIIpoliticians pay tribute
Forest School comes togetherfor 20 tributefacts
The borough mayor, Liberal Democrat Cllr Caroline Smith, said in a message shared by Wokingham Borough Council on social media: On behalf of the residents of Wokingham Borough and the staff and members of the borough council, I would like to express my deepest sorrow at the
Starting at 8.50am on Friday, September 9 –before lessons started for the day, the school’s headteacher Shirley Austin lead the tributes.
Ms Austin made the school community aware of the Queen’s never-ending duty even to the last when she appointed Liz Truss as the nation’s prime minister, just two days before her death.
“The thoughts of all generations throughout the UK and Commonwealth and around the world are very much with her family as we remember a much-loved Queen.”
It was a £897 million project and now links up with the Elizabeth Line, the new route that puts Reading on the tube
“May she rest in peace.”
She arrived at the station by train, seeing the service at first hand herself.Greeting her was thethen Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire, the Hon Mary Bayliss, and dignitaries including then transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin, and Reading MP Alok Sharma and Rob Wilson.She was presented with a bouquet of flowers by children.
In that visit, a river pageant was held marking the role and impact of the River Thames on the Thames Valley region for more than 1,000 years.
Thames Valley Police expands presence ahead of committal ceremony
Chief Executive of the Licensed Trade Charity, James Brewster said,
A COMMITTAL ceremony for the Queen will take place in Windsor following her funeral in London.
number of security measures in place which people will not be able to see.
Space has been created outside Wokingham’s town hall for people to leave their tributes
The flags at the charity offices and LVS Ascot School, outside the Sussex Centre of LVS Hassocks and on the chapel roof at LVS Oxford are being flown at half mast, as a mark of respect.
“Thamesceremony.ValleyPolice has a long history of policing substantial royal events, including in recent years the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the funeral of His late Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.
“Our whole Licensed Trade Charity community is saddened by the loss of Her Majesty the Queen.
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.today
There is also an online book of condolences where people can pay tribute to Her late Majesty if they wish to do
“Our thoughts remain with the Royal Family.”
STAFF, trustees and volunteers at the Licensed Trade Charity and its schools have paid tribute to its patron The Queen after she died on Thursday, September 8.
Afterwards, the Royal Family will head to Windsor Castle’s St George’s Chapel for the committal. The Queen will then be buried in the grounds along with former monarchs.
Thames Valley Police Assistant Chief Constable Tim De Meyer, strategic commander for the force’s response to Her late Majesty’s death, said: “During this very sad time we understand that a lot of people will want to come to Windsor to pay their respects to Her late Majesty, especially as we get closer to the day of her funeral and committal
Thames Valley Police said that in the days leading up to the ceremony, it is expected that large numbers of people will come to the town to pay their
FOLLOWING the news of the death of the Queen, the University of Reading has reflected on three occasions she visited, writes James Aldridge, local democracy reporter
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 5
The first is simply because they lookThebetter.second is they are easier to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way once the period of mourning has ended - they can be composted and used to help create new trees and flowers in a lasting tribute to the Queen.
More than 30 boats including a Viking boat crewed by the University of Reading rowers featured in the pageant showcasing all aspects of the River, which took place at the university’s Greenlands campus in Henley.
respects and leave floral tributes at Cambridge Gate on the Long Walk.
“We are proud to have held royal patronage for over 180 years.
“Our thoughts are with Her Majesty’s family and friends.”
ACROSS the nation, people are leaving floral tributes to the Queen, as the nation mourns.
Don’t leave floral tributes in plastic wrapping

The charity and schools celebrated with pride all Her Majesty the Queen’s milestones during her reign as the country’s longest-serving monarch. These included the Silver Jubilee
“Visitors to Windsor will see a larger police presence than normal in the town as we work to ensure that everyone can pay their respects safely and a variety of security measures are in place.“Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please talk to officers in Windsor who will endeavour to help you as much as possible.
Flowers are being left by the statue of Queen Victoria in Reading’s Blagrave Street.
But they are also asking people who leave flowers to remove the cellophane wrapping.
Duringso. this period of national mourning, people in and around Windsor will see an increased police presence and a broad range of security measures in place in the town.Many of these measures are visible, including its Mounted Section, armed officers, street searches involving our dog unit, an extensive network of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology and Close Circuit Television (CCTV).
Wokingham Town Council said that it will remove any soft toys left out on a daily basis, and these will then be given to charities to share.
She was accompanied by her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who served as Honorary President of Reading University Students’ Union, from 1957-58, and became honorary life member.
PAGEANT: Queen Elizabeth II enjoys Diamond Jubilee celebrations on the River Thames at Henley in a visit to the University of Reading’s Greenlands campus. Picture: David Hartley
The site is within walking distance of the town hall, where a book of condolence are available for people to Flowerssign.can also be left near the pond at Wokingham Borough Council’s Shute End offices.
A public holiday has been declared for Monday, September 19, to allow the nation to pay their respects to our monarch.Thefuneral will take place at 11am at Westminster Abbey, and will be the first state funeral since the death of Sir Winston Church in 1965.
Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh visited the Licensed Victuallers School then in Slough, in 1978, to mark the 175th anniversary
Her final visit occurred in 2012, on the invite of the university’s Henley Business School for a garden party to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.

LVS Ascot principal, Christine Cunniffe, representing all three LVS Schools, said: “It has been a privilege to enjoy the patronage of The Queen for the past 70 years, and we look forward to continuing to deliver the best possible independent education to our students with the support and patronage of the Royal Family”.Thecharity and its schools have a historic relationship with the Royal family going back over 180 years.The Licensed Trade Charity, or Society of Licensed Victuallers as it was then, was granted a Royal Charter in 1836, with King William IV becoming the first royal patron of the Licensed Victuallers’ School.The royal connection has continued ever since, with Prince Philip serving as patron of the Licensed Trade Charity and Her Majesty the Queen patron of the charity’s LVS Schools (formerly known as Licensed Victuallers School) since she ascended to the throne in 1952.
In addition to this there are a large
Her Majesty was patron of the LVS family of schools for 70 years, having become patron of Licensed Victuallers’ School in 1952, when she ascended to the throne.

Sites have been set up in both Reading and Wokingham for those wishing to pay their respects, but organisers are asking people to make one small change that will have a big impact and help create a lasting legacy for the Queen.
Queen’s visits to recalledUniversity
On the first occasion, in 1957, she opened the Faculty of Letters Building at Whiteknights, which is now known as the Edith Morley Building.
of its Thefoundation.Queenvisited again in 1994 after the school had moved to its current site in Ascot and unveiled a commemorative plaque to mark the occasion which has pride of place in the school reception.
There are two reasons for doing so.
The second visit occurred in 1992, when she was invited to The Museum of English Rural Life as part of the university’s centenary celebrations.
Licensed Trade Charity pays tribute to LVS Ascot patron
in 1977 and being represented by students from the junior school, senior school and sixth form at The Patron’s Lunch on The Mall in 2016 to commemorate the service she had given to the country over her reign.This year the schools planted oak trees at each site as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy Project to commemorate her 70 years of reign.
The Local Government Association represents more than 350 councils in England and Wales, including Wokingham Borough and Reading Borough.
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.today
Sir John Redwood’s tribute in full
Bracknell MP James Sunderland

“The will be putting into place local arrangements to support the public in expressing their own sympathies,” he explained.
“I have today written to The King following the news.
She judged the evolving moods and attitudes of the nation. She quietly modernised the way the monarchy works and how we can relate to it.
mention, too, the Household Division, the Royal Engineers and so many of the other Army units for whom she was also one of their own.
John Redwood reflects on the Queen’s legacy
“We now entrust Her Majesty to her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and commit ourselves afresh to his service and to God’s eternal kingdom.”
“We will need time to grieve and to share our grief with others.
Sunderland reflects on military connections
“Sheher.was also loved by them, and the people of Bracknell will always be proud to have known her.
Sir John Redwood described the Queen as a source of stability for the country and a well known presence at great national events.
The U.K. modernising and rebuilding after the world war was self consciously the nation of the new Elizabethans.
Seventy years later the monarchy is more accessible to a diverse range of people with more relaxed attitudes to etiquette.Shelived for service to her nation, for her family and for the animals and sports that helped enrich her life.
“We pray at this time for the Queen’s family and especially for Charles as he prepares to become King.“This will be a season for deep reflection in the life of our nation as we look back in thanksgiving and forward in hope.”
“I rise with profound reverence to pay tribute to Her Majesty the Queen.
presides over it.
Our Queen throughout her seventy years stayed safely above politics and contentious opinions, the only way to ensure a constitutional monarchy flourishes.Thenation has lost its foremost diplomat and representative.

As the titled head of a class conscious
“Ours is not to reason why, but this is the moment we feared would come – the loss of this most adored global icon, the bedrock in our lives for so long, is deep, palpable and impossible to put into words.“We have heard many superlatives. Perhaps uniquely, all of these are perfect, as she was magnificent, steadfast and inspirational, a devoted mother and simply the best.
“God save the King.”
AFTER the death of the Queen, MPs have spoken in parliament to give their tributes to the late Queen.
He continued: “Her Majesty’s dedication to every one of us, alongside her continuous hard work
He said: “On behalf of all councils across England and Wales, I’d like to express our sincere condolences to the whole Royal Family on the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
I send my condolences to the royal family who have lost a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
“I visited The Lexicon in Bracknell to sign the book of condolence, near to where she had opened it four years earlier.“Ispoke to constituents who were saddened by her passing. Some I met were visibly overcome by grief and loss, uncertain for their own future.“And, Mr Speaker, do you know what? It is okay not to feel okay at this profound time.“It is okay to mourn her passing, as well as celebrate her life – it is okay to feel a sense of foreboding, and it is okay to feel wretched, as the Queen was very special.”
Over seventy years of peace and rising national prosperity the Queen brought many subtle changes to the monarchy.
The Queen was dedicated to every one of us saysLocal Government chair
“It is impossible not to
“I cannot think of a single person to whom that famous mantra of ‘serve to lead’ could be more perfectly applied.“Hersailors, soldiers and aviators truly loved her, and rightly“Havingso. led soldiers myself on operationalseveraltours, I can tell the House from experience that servicemen and women do not proudly serve their country or even pay the ultimate sacrifice because the prevailing Government ask it of them.
“Three times a year, the Queen or her representative would come to her sovereign’s parade, where officer cadets commission into the Army.
“And who could forget that fine day in 2006 when she attended Prince William’s commissioning parade alongside her beloved Prince Philip—and King Charles, the Queen Consort and, of course, Cadet Prince Harry Wales?“The famous painting from that day still hangs imposingly above the famous steps at Old College.
The sad end of the Queen’s life will be felt by us all. She has been our Queen all through our lives, a source of stability and a well known presence at our great national events.
“Beyond Sandhurst, Her Majesty has a wider association with the people of Bracknell – most recently, she opened the Lexicon shopping centre in 2018, and visited Wellington College in 2009, the Transport Research Laboratory in 1995, the Victuallers’ School in 1994 and the Look Out centre in 1991.“In fact, she formally
He said: “Her Majesty the Queen has been a cherished presence in all of our lives and for the whole of our lives. She has been our example and a rock for the nation and commonwealth.“Herdevoted service has given stability to the nation throughout this Elizabethan age. Her deep, personal Christian faith has been an inspiration to many, including me.“The whole nation will be united in mourning for our beloved Queen in the coming days.
THE MP for Wokingham has paid tribute to Her Majesty The Queen’s legacy following her death yesterday at the age of 96.
6 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
“Her high regard for local government was also truly reflective in her focus and appreciation of councils’ work and determination in her annual Queen’s Speeches.”
He concluded: “I want to finish by saying one thing above all else, on behalf of the good people of Bracknell, Crowthorne, Finchampstead, Sandhurst, Wokingham Without and beyond: Your Majesty, thank you.
“We have prayed through all of our lives: God save the Queen.
He also commended her longevity, rebuilding of the nation’s morale after the war and her ability to stay above politics and contentious opinions to ensure the monarchy flourished.
“To be in no doubt, Queen Elizabeth II loved her country, the Commonwealth, her family, her people and all those who came into contact with
Cllr Jamieson said that council were proud to serve the Queen during her reign, and now face one final service for her.
THE BISHOP of Oxford said the Queen has been a cherished presence, a rock for the nation, and gave devoted service during her reign.Her Majesty died on Thursday, September 8, in Balmoral, a place that she loved.
She was 96.
“I can recall my own commissioning in 1992 as if it was yesterday, and the Queen was always a regular feature, smiling in the achievements of others.
“But the two words that I want to focus on are service and“Whenlove. she went up a princess and came down a Queen at Treetops in 1952, she was aware of the service that lay ahead, not only as Head of State and of the Commonwealth, but as head of the armed forces.
James Sunderland, MP for Bracknell, spoke just before 8pm on Saturday, September 10, to pay his respects.
visited my constituency from neighbouring Windsor on at least 20 other occasions during her life.
Our longest reigning monarch, she ranks alongside Victoria as a long serving Queen who helped create the spirit of an era.
“She had already become colonel-in-chief of the Grenadier Guards at the age of 16, and the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force would soon bear her standard.
He ended the tribute by saying: “I send my condolences to the royal family who have lost a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.”
“Nor do they do it to follow orders, or out of camaraderie or even a sense of glory—but because of service to the Crown.“The glue that actually binds military service at sea, on land and in the air is the democracy, freedom and sovereignty of this great nation and the monarch who
Cllr James Jamieson was paying tribute to Her Majesty following her death on Thursday, September 8.
THE CHAIR of the Local Government Association praised the Queen for her dedication to ‘every one of us’.
He added: “This United Kingdom has deep foundations in Christian faith.“A key part of our faith is the distinctive hope of resurrection from the dead: that our life in Christ endures beyond death and for eternity.“Aswe grieve and pray, we also look forward together in hope to that new and eternal life with God.
Bishop of Oxford leads tributes from Diocese churches

society in the 1950s, proximity to the court underwrote that culture.
and loyalty to her United Kingdom, was clear to see throughout her life.
The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft led tributes from churches across the Diocese, which includes Reading and Wokingham borough.
“These arrangements will include the opening of both public and virtual books of condolence, ensuring flags are flown at half mast, and overseeing arrangements for the laying of flowers in public areas.”
She led the growth and work of the Commonwealth.Everywhereshe went and in every country where had a role she created good will and graced many formal and entertaining events.
“In my constituency of Bracknell, the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst proudly occupies its leafy corner of Berkshire.
The church drew a large congregation for their commemoration service after the ringing. The Revd Helen Charlton led the service and spoke of the Queen’s hope, humanity and faith.
Tower captain Graham Slade said: “She asked if she could join us to ring for the Queen and came for a practice. She did very well ringing with us.”
Of her relationship with the Queen she said: “Her Majesty loved the countryside. She was down to earth and a woman of common sense.
Her Majesty was both our head of state and the head of the Commonwealth, but we also felt a deep personal connection to her, one
Her address continued: “I am sometimes asked who, among all the world leaders I met, was the most impressive.
A MOVING commemoration of Queen Elizabeth’s life included the lighting of a beacon, first lit just 14 weeks earlier for the happy celebration of her platinum jubilee.
Ms May addressed members gathering to pay respects, saying: “Queen Elizabeth II was quite simply the most remarkable person I have ever met.”
She kept that promise over more than 70 years as our Queen, during a lifetime dedicated to our country and to theSheCommonwealth.ledbyexamplein good times and in bad, through her kindness, humility, quiet determination and her dry sense of humour.
“She was respected and loved, not just here in the United Kingdom and in her other realms in the Commonwealth, but across the world. That love, respect and admiration was born not out of her position, but because of the person she was: a woman of dignity and grace, of compassion and
About 100 Hurst residents gathered in the pouring rain on Tuesday, September 13, to see the lighting at the community orchard at Church Hill.
Guide leader Rebecca Meeuwissen said: “The Queen was our movement’s patron and we wanted to honour her as best we could.”
Rejoining the St Nicholas ringers for the first time in 20 years was Nicky Jones.

“It seemed absolutely right, that was absolutely the quality the Queen possessed,” she said.
“I turned round to see that my every move had been watched very carefully by Her Majesty the Queen. I looked at her, she looked at me and she just smiled.
Like many of us, I am still trying to take in the events of the last few days. We all knew that this day would come, but part of us somehow felt that the Queen would always be there, because she had been there throughout our lives.
Theresa May MP
Queen Elizabeth was our longestserving and arguably greatest ever monarch.Shewas deeply loved and admired, and we all feel a profound sense of personal sadness and a great loss at this difficult time.
Hurst Parish Council chair Wayne Smith said: “Lots of residents asked if we would light it again to commemorate the Queen.
She visited several times during her long reign, including opening the new Reading station in 2014.
The Turner family lit candles during a period of reflection Pictures: Sue Corcoran

which is difficult to put into words.
“And the cheese remained on the table.”
“I picked up some cheese, put it on a plate and was transferring it to the table. The cheese fell on the floor. I had a split-second decision to make: I picked up the cheese, put it on a plate and put the plate on the table.
Churchwarden Sue Payne said: “We’re delighted so many people came.”
of their life.”
Reading East MP Matt Rodda

experience that, quite apart from anything else, had taught her how to strip an engine.”She continued: “On her platinum jubilee, I saw that at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in 2018, when there was a reception at Windsor before a lunch.
The Queen’s life was defined by service. As a young woman, during the war, she made a solemn vow to serve her people as long as she lived.
FORMER Prime Minister Theresa May, MP for Maidenhead, has paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in parliament on Friday, September 9.

Woodley bagpipe player Colleen Scott played the tune Amazing Grace.
“I have no hesitation in saying ... (it) was Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She gave a lifetime of service, as she promised to do when she was 21.
“Her selfless devotion to duty was an inspiration and example to us all.
She was a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother, and we sometimes felt that she was like a grandmother to all of us in this country and in the Locally,Commonwealth.thereisadeepand abiding love and respect for the late Queen across our community.
She was truly a constant for all of us in a rapidly changing world. Her reign covered a period of unprecedented social and technological change, yet she also linked the modern world to the wartime generation.
Earlier that evening the members had renewed their
St Nicholas Church, Hurst, bellringers rang, with the bells muffled, for the Queen
Members of Hurst’s Girlguiding movement
“The moment she walked through the door, the atmosphere in the room changed; you felt the love and respect of the people there for“Acrossher.. the nations of the world and for so many people, meeting Queen Elizabeth simply made their day, and for many will be the memory
Deacon at St Thomas More RC Church at Twyford, the Revd Michael Jackson, led the prayers.After the national anthem the congregation crossed the road to the beacon lighting.
By JAKE CLOTHIER jclothier@wokingham.today
She added: “I also saw that quality on other occasions, including on what was one of the last—if not the last— appearances she made in public, when she came to open Thames Hospice in July.
At the orchard was a large group of Hurst’s Girlguiding movement, from young Brownies to young leaders and a former Guide leader.

She introduced the hymn Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven, said to have been a favourite of the Queen’s.
Theresa May’s picnic recollection
Rodda: ‘She was deeply loved’
The bells at St Nicholas Church, Hurst, had rung fully muffled, apart from the tenor bell which was half muffled. This is the custom on the death of the monarch.
“Her experience and wisdom, borne of her long service and natural intelligence, has shone out like a beacon,”
By SUE CORCORAN news@wokingham.today
I can vividly remember the sheer joy and enthusiasm of children, families and older people at a local platinum jubilee street party that I attended—people of all backgrounds, all faiths and none, celebrating their Queen. It was a more than fitting tribute to Her late Majesty and the Elizabethan age.
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 7
“The leaders were gathered and talking among themselves, and I knew that Her Majesty was going to join the reception, but they did not.“The minute she walked into the room, the sense of love and respect was palpable, and they all turned and wanted to speak to her.”
She concluded: “This is indeed a sad day, but it is also a day of celebration for a life well spent in the service of others.“She gave an example to us all of faith, of service, of duty, of dignity and of decency. She was remarkable, I doubt we will ever see her like again.”
“I remember one picnic at Balmoral that was taking place in one of the bothies on the estate. The hampers came from the castle, and we all mucked in to put the food and drink out on the table.
in a similar way last Friday.
warmth, of mischief and joy, of wisdom and experience, and of a deep understanding of her “Likepeople.somany, I had never known another monarch. She was a constant throughout our lives, always there for us, uniting us at times of difficulty — and, as others have said, most recently during covid, when she gave us hope that we would once more come together.
IT is an honour to speak today, and to pay tribute to Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II personally and on behalf of my constituents in Reading East.
May the Queen rest in peace.Godsave the King.
Girlguiding promise to the Queen for the last time. The next time, their promise will be to King Charles: “I promise that I will do my best, to be true to myself and develop my beliefs, to serve the Queen/King and my community, to help other people and to keep the (Brownie) Guide Law.”

“Her passing marks a generational change, not just because of the length of her service, but because of what she lived “Whenthrough.wemarked the 75th anniversary of the D-day landings in 2019, she was with the world leaders not just as Queen, but as someone who had worn uniform during the Second World War —an
she said. “As Christians we connect with her as fellow believers.“Wefeel supported and encouraged by her clear statements of faith.”
A padded leather muffle is strapped to the bells’ clappers, damping their sound. The ringers rang
“We had the firewood, packed with fire lighters, covered up to keep it dry. It burst into life when we lit it.”
Piper Colleen Scott of Woodley helps commemorate the Queen’s life
Hurst villagers unite to light beacon and commemorate the Queen

The company’s CEO Robert Williams said a number of measures will be in place during this period of national mourning.
“Buses running on the day will display a black ribbon as a mark of respect, and where safe to do so our drivers will pull over to observe two minutes silence at the appropriate time,” he said.
“God save the King.”
It is similar to the toppers that appeared earlier this year to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, but now they have been given a small sign that simply reads ‘In memory of Queen Elizabeth II. Rest in Peace’.
Woodley comes together for proclamation event
QUEEN ELIZABETH II 8 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
At the moment, there are toppers on post boxes outside Barkham Post Office on Bearwood Road, and by the BP garage on Finchampstead Road, near Wokingham’s Tesco store.
Crowds of people are expected to visit the capital while the Queen lies in state and on Monday, to watch the Readingprocession.Busessays it will
Andtime.the Green Line 702 and 703 is expected to face severe disruption or curtailed journeys due to road closures in central London, along the A4/M4 and in Windsor.
On Monday, Cllr Janet Sartorel, Woodley town mayor, addressed the public to proclaim the accession of the new king to the throne, making a statement on the centre stage.

By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.today
The proclamation of the new Sovereign is an old tradition which can be traced back over many centuries.
And drivers will pause services to take part in a two-minute silence.
Pictures: Daniel Blackham
HONOUR: The Barkham Hookers have created special postbox toppers in memory of the Queen Picture: Barkham Hookers/Gaynor White

Following the speech, the crowd joined together for a passionate rendition of God Save the King.
“I also wish to express the deep sorrow following the death of Her Majesty The Queen from everyone at Reading Buses, Newbury & District and Thames Valley Buses, and extend our condolences to members of the Royal family at this sad time.”
WOODLEY has come together to proclaim the accession of His Majesty King Charles III.
Cllr Shadi Brindley
provide further information as soon as arrangements have been confirmed with the authorities.
Buses to run on Monday
IT’S A tribute to the Queen like no other - the Barkham Hookers have once again risen to the occasion.
Residents passing postboxes might have spotted these special tribute toppers already.

The ceremony is an announcement of the accession which took place immediately upon the death of the reigning monarch.
Woodley town centre was packed for the proclamation announcement on Monday lunchtime

Woodley Town Mayor Cllr Janet Sartorel reads the proclamation
Barkham Hookers present their own special tribute
Tony Roper Town Crier
“We, therefore the Lord’s spiritual and temporal of this realm, and members of the House of Commons, together with other members of her late Majesty’s Privy Council, and representatives of the realms and territories, Alderman and citizens of London, and others.“Do now hereby, with one voice and consent of tongue and heart, publish and proclaim that the Prince Charles Philip Arthur, George, is now, by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and rightful liege lord Charles the Third.“By the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of his other realms and territories King, head of the Commonwealth, defender of the faith, to which we do acknowledge all faith and obedience with humble affection.“Beseeching God, by whom kings and queens do reign to bless His Majesty with long and happy years to reign over us.“Given at St James’s Palace this 10th day of September, in the year of our Lord 2022.
BUSES will continue to operate on Monday, the day of the Queen’s funeral.Areduced timetable will be in effect, with Reading Buses routes running on either bank holiday or Sunday timings.
Cllr Sartorel was joined by the town crier, Tony Roper, the deputy leader of Woodley Town Council, Cllr Shandi Brindley and hundreds of residents.Inheraddress, Cllr Sartorel said: “Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy, our late sovereign, Lady Queen Elizabeth II, of blessing and glorious memory, by whose deceased, the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George.
And people are expected to head to public screenings of the Queen’s funeral, such as the one planned for Forbury Gardens by Reading Borough Council.
There are some exceptions. The Claret 21 route between Reading Station and the University of Reading has had an enhanced service, with additional buses in service as freshers arrive for the first
He said: “We expect the roads to be busy with people looking to travel into the capital and to other royal residences over the weekend.“Ourtraffic officer patrols will be out on the network to help anyone who might get into difficulty, but it’s important people remember to check their vehicle before setting off.“The last thing anybody wants on the way to their destination is to have a vehicle breakdown.”Thepostponement of roadwork closures – both through the week and over the bank holiday weekend – will specifically apply to Worksmotorways.onA-roads will be assessed on a caseby-case basis depending on their impact. For more information, visit: nationalhighways.
A Royal display in “The Flower Corner” Shop in Wokingham
service to honour the life of the Queen will take place in Wokingham on Sunday.Churches Together Wokingham and Wokingham Town Council are organising the event, which will be attended by the Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Olivia Graham.

This includes on motorways such as the M25, M11, M3, M4, and M23.
Borough pays tribute to the Queen
Both St Paul’s and Wokingham town council have books of condolence open for people to sign.Reading Borough Council is organising a similar service on Sunday, at 2pm.

PLANNED closures of major routes in and out of London will be postponed to reduce congestion as people travel for ceremonial and commemorative events following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
This is a public service open to all residents, and no booking is required.
It will also screen the funeral in Forbury Gardens.Formore details, visit the information centre in the town hall, or call St Paul’s parish office on: 0118 979 2122.
John McNeill, National Highways head of service delivery in the east of England, is urging people to check their vehicles before setting off.
postponedRoadworksCivicservice to be held on Sunday
All closures for roadworks on motorways in and out of London will be paused from the start of this week until after the state funeral on Monday, September 19.
Additionally, all other closures on the motorway network nationally will be postponed for the duration of the extended bank holiday weekend.Existing roadworks will also be removed where possible, with cones and signalstemporarywithdrawn from 6am on Friday, September 16, and not put back in place until Tuesday, September 20.
A Jubilee flag at half mast in are laid Wokinghamoutside Town Hall following the Queen’s death Pictures: Steve Smyth

To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 9
Deborah & Laura Johnson signing the Book of Condolence in Wokingham Town Hall on Saturday

This will take place at Reading Minster Church will again be led by the Bishop of Reading and attended by the High Sheriff of Berkshire and other dignitaries.
She will preach during the service, which will start at Organisers7pm. say the service will “touch on the sadness that is being felt by so many and will also offer thanksgiving for Her Majesty’s life”.A quarter peal will be rung before the service on muffled bells, and a minute’s silence will be held at 8pm, at the end of the service, which is being observed across the UK.
A resident signing the Book of Condolence in St.Mary’s Church in Twyford on Saturday. Flowers are laid outside Wokingham Town Hall following the Queen’s death.
Then, just before 2pm, they processed into position and the crowd fell silent in expectation of the short ceremony, held in the unseasonably warm autumnal sunshine.TheRevd Canon Richard Lamey from St Paul’s Church was first to speak, sharing the story behind the“Today,proclamations.isoneof the first occasions when communities have an opportunity to come together and reflect on the moment in our nation’s history when the reign of our longest-serving Monarch came to an end and our new Sovereign succeeded,” he said.
Councillors walk into Market Place Picture: Andrew Batt
Brief, formal, simple, history was made for the first time in 70 years –we remember and mourn our Queen, but also we welcome and cheer for our new King.
Shoulders gave the best views Picture: Andrew Batt
“Today’s ceremony marks the formal Proclamation to the people of the Borough of Wokingham of the beginning of our new King’s reign.”
Market Place was packed Picture: Steve Smyth
On Sunday, September 11, bang on 2pm, Market Place fell silent for the proclamation ceremony.
Hats off for the king Picture: Andrew Batt
A bit of history in the making, and the first such event for 70 years. No one on the podium had had to do one before.
The band then led the singing of the national anthem, now changed from Queen to King, before it was hats off for three cheers for King Charles III.
BIRD’S EYE VIEW: The crowds assembled in Market Place for the Proclamation ceremony in

A large round of applause followed and the ceremony was over.
Town unites to shout God save the King
Thousands attended Picture: Steve Smyth
Mace bearer David Dunham Picture: Andrew Batt
The historic event followed the same pattern as it had done for hundreds of years: dignitaries, led by the borough mayor, proclaimed that the United Kingdom had a new monarch. King Charles III was now our figurehead, following the death of his Thousandsmother.ofpeople flocked to Market Place to be part of this history. They filled the courtyard area, the spilled round the sides of the town hall. They stood on the other side of the road.
Borough mayor, Cllr Caroline Smith, is Wokingham’s first citizen. The responsibility for explaining the ceremony was hers.
The mace was inverted before the proclamation from the privy council was read.
He also drew attention to Wokingham’s ceremonial mace being held upside down and wrapped in black cloth by mace bearer David Dunham.“There is a tradition that when the Monarch visits a borough, the Mace –the symbol of the Mayor’s authority – is inverted in recognition of the authority of the Crown. In today’s ceremony the Mace will be inverted as a similar signal of recognition that the Crown has passed from our late Sovereign to her successor,” he said.

IT FELT like the whole of Wokingham had turned out with just one aim – to shout God Save The King.

Applauding the new king Picture: Steve Smyth
It included this wording: “Prince Charles Philip Arthur George is now, by the Death of our late Sovereign of Happy Memory, become our only lawful and rightful Liege Lord Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.”
Councillors line-up ready to take part in the ceremony
THE PROCLAMATION CEREMONY 10 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
Toddlers sat on parents’ shoulders, while phones were held aloft, all to honour this moment in time.Among the dignitaries were Wokingham MP Sir John Redwood, senior council staff, and councillors from town and borough councils.

The town council provided seats Picture: Steve Smyth
Saint Sebastian Wokingham Band played Picture: Steve Smyth

“We come together this afternoon following the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second.“Oursadness at this time is shared by people across the globe, as we remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by our longest-reigning Monarch,” she said.
They processed from the Shute End council offices through to Market Place where they assembled by the town hall entrance.Awaiting them were St Sebastian Wokingham Band and members of the 2499 Wokingham Squadron Air Training Corps.
She finished by saying God save the king, a refrain repeated by the assembled crowds.
The ceremony ended with three cheers for the new king Picture: Steve Smyth

The Editor captures the day Picture: Steve Smyth Picture: Phil Creighton

The crowds in Market Place

This was the first such ceremony for 70 years. Pictures: Steve Smyth

Councillors walk in Picture: Steve Smyth
Picture: Andrew Batt
The Revd Canon Richard Lamey and borough mayor Pictures: Andrew Batt
Picture: Andrew Batt

NEWS | this stunning picture taken by a legallly flying drone by Rebecca Ellenby
A moment of reflection Picture: Steve Smyth
Sir John Redwood attended Picture: Andrew Batt

Best view in the house Picture: Steve Smyth
Singing the national anthem Picture: Steve Smyth

History is made at the proclamtion ceremony Pictures: Phil Creighton
THE PROCLAMATION CEREMONY To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 11

The MarketparadesprocessionceremonialintoPlace

The pub, which was known as The Commerical Inn at the start of the 20th century, has seen extensive work since its construction.

This includes extensions, removal of internal walls and a staircase and alterations to windows.Thebuilding has been modified at the front, internally and the rear, where it has been added to with extensions, meaning the plan, form and footprint have changed.
The Hope and Anchor, a Grade II listed building located on Station Road in Wokingham, will be split into two units.
Age Concern Bracknell Forest, Chance to Dance Stars and Berks County FC.
Richard Clark, the chartered architect who is handling the plan, notes the nature of the premises requires large energy consumption to heat and power.
By GRANT WILLIAMS Local democracy reporter
Wokingham Town Council’s planning committee said it is sad to see most of the pub would be removed but could understand the economic reasoning.
After advertising for five months no landlords applied to take on the tenancy.“Amore compact pub will be able to be offered at a lower rent and the associated utility bills and rates would be less. This would enable the pub to be a more viable prospect to new tenants,” said Mr Clark.
Most of the works are focused internally and within the left-hand side of the building, which was built in the mid-19th century, as well as the construction of a rear extension to provide new toilet facilities.
availability of new landlords.
£25k as part
Do you wish to remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible and still have a say in your well being? Let me show you how you might be able to get regular financial assistance to help you remain independent in your own home and make your life easier Attendance Allowance is a government benefit for those in receipt of the State Pension who have health issues or needs that cause difficulties or challenges in your day to day living It is a benefit for those who need help with personal care There are two levels weekly rates of Attendance Allowance A lower rate of £61 85 per week is paid if you need help during the day to maintain your independence Should you have health issues that disturb your night, then the weekly benefit may increase to over £92 40 per week The level you receive is determined by your circumstances You can claim this benefit even if you haven t paid National Insurance and it is not means tested, it doesn’t matter where you live or if you have savings Attendance allowance is tax free Are you or is someone you know eligible? We complete all the necessary forms and explain the process of claiming in straightforward, plain English so that you understand everything and are in complete control You may decide, after your initial consultation, that you d like to continue as you are for now; that’s fine too We’re only a phone call away if you change your mind, or would like to talk things through again We offer an initial free 30 minute confidential consultation to allow us to assess whether we can help and for you to decide if you’d like help If we both agree that claiming Attendance Allowance is right for you, then we will look after you every step of the way 12 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
Sue Boor, head of marketing at The Lexicon said: “We are absolutely delighted to be able to support these local community groups as part of our fifth birthday celebrations.“Abigthank you to visitors to The Lexicon who have helped to raise money for our charity fund by attending our events over the past two years.”The groups receiving the support are Stepping Stones, ABC to Read,
Census data from the 1850s shows the site has previously been occupied by innkeepers, bricklayers, shoemakers, lodgers, scholars and housekeepers.
The right-hand side of the Hope and Anchor still retains its 15th century Wealden hall house – a type of vernacular mediaeval timberframed hall house traditional in the southeast of England – which would be retained as a pub.
Lexicon donates of its fifth birthday celebrations
The planning application states the overall costs of running the premises are increasing to a point where both the landlord and the brewery “face a loss-making business”.Thepub has no commercial kitchen, due to difficulties installing one in the listed building, meaning it is unable to counter the decline in wet sales by offering food.
Helping the over-65s stay independent grey matters consultancy 0com/wokingham 7869 694501

FROM LEFT: Sue Boor, Gavin Vidler, Rufai Hydara, Sam Buckley, Natalie Webb, Rob Morris, Wendy Trenerry and Rupal Patel Picture: TurkingtonStewart
Due to the layout, it needs full lighting and heating, even during low trade days and “is only busy on two nights per week”.
THE Lexicon in Bracknell has donated £25,000 to five community groups as part of its fifth birthday celebrations.Eachofthe organisations will receive £5,000 through the Lexicon Charity Fund.

A HISTORIC town centre pub will be part-converted into a flat in order to secure its long-term future.
One will remain as a public house and the other as a self-contained four-bedroom flat.
Nigel Pearce AIPW Grey Matters Consultancy Wokingahm
THEFROMBLASTPAST: The AnchorHopenamepreviousInnCommercialThe–thefortheandpub
Mr Clark believes the current economic outlook and building restrictions combined to impact the

The Lexicon Charity Fund is managed in conjunction with Berkshire Community Foundation, an independent charity that connects people with local causes andJonprojects.Yates, chief executive at Berkshire Community Foundation, said: “The five groups receiving the funding cover a range of social, educational and physical needs for young and old alike.“Ilook forward to seeing the impact these awards will make to the lives of many people and also to the continued success of The Lexicon.”
Part of historic pub to be converted to secure its future
“We are following guidance issued on the conduct of the national period of mourning which precludes celebratory events being undertaken or sponsored by national or local government.Theysaid they were unable to postpone the event to another date this year, but confirmed the carnival will return in 2023.
“I’m tired now, but I’m so glad I did it, and I’d do it again like a shot.”
A 3G sports pitch could be at SchoolEmmbrookat
Church spends night on the steps
MEMBERS of church spent Saturday night sleeping outside in cardboard boxes.

“There was plenty of snoring until about 6am or 7am.
NIGHT OUT: A cardboard village appeared outside Finchampstead Baptist Church on Saturday night as the church raised £5,000 for its new support fund for people struggling with rising energy bills Pictures: Matt Banks/FBC

raised more than £5,000.
The church says it wants to thank Shurgard Wokingham, I-Print, Share Wokingham for their support.
n For more information about FBC log onto: www.finchampstead.com already, by the effortstheirmorning,nexthad
Payments which have already been made will be refunded.
WOKINGHAM Borough Council has launched a consultation on proposals to build a 3G sports pitch at Maiden Erlegh School.
this year, the council’s decision-making executive approved its new leisure strategy, following public consultation in 2021.
Due to capacity issues, some football teams are having to travel outside of the borough for training and extra games cannot be played.
“From around midnight everyone was sleeping, although we always had two of us awake at any one time to keep watch,” she continued.
Everyone slept outside the front entrance of the church on the concrete, armed with sleeping bags and a number of cardboard boxes to get comfortable in.
for people to fashion into beds.
A technical appraisal carried out by the council identified Maiden Erlegh School as “the most suitable” location for the new 3G sports pitch based on the existing facilities including pitch, changing rooms, toilets, sufficient parking and access to the site.

“And Share Wokingham donated the hot chocolate and buns for breakfast.“Theyalso lent us their van to transport all the cardboard boxes to theChristinechurch.” Davies, one of the sleepers, said the next morning: “It was absolutely brilliant, and a wonderful atmosphere.
Carnival called off for Queen
To take the survey online, visit: engage. wokingham.gov.uk
Ms Johnson and Ms Eaves described the days leading up to the announcement as ‘emotional and difficult’ and offered their apologies to those who may not have agreed with the decision.
The drop-in sessions will take place at Maiden Erlegh School on Silverdale Road from 6pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday, September 20, and Wednesday, September 21.
“The highlight was the people: we had hours to chat and be together, it was“Therefun. were some elaborate houses made, but I just put my boxes flat on the floor, sat down and got on with my knitting.”
in the event said: “It’s an issue we’ve talked about for a long time, and it’s been on the news a lot that fuel is going to be a problem for many, so it was great to be able to do something to help, and something so simple as well.
“We were also supported by local businesses,” Kim explained.
n Anyone wishing to donate to the fund can do so by logging onto the Winter Warmer fundraising page www.fbc.churchsuite.com/donate/at:
“Because of that I ended up being awake all night on the concrete, but most people slept, because there was so much snoring.
“The atmosphere was lovely, we had a fire pit, hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows.”
The event was organised to raise money for Finchampstead Baptist Church (FBC)’s Winter Warmer Fund, which will be made available for people most affected by the rising cost of energy bills over the coming winter months.
“They were amazing, they didn’t think twice about it, and made T-shirts for the whole group.
AN event has been cancelled as organisers adhere to the national period of mourning.
“Others just put their cardboard on the concrete to lie on.”
“My brother couldn’t sleep so I gave him some of my cardboard in a moment of love.
A lot of people will find themselves in real difficulty this winter, unable to heat their homes.
As part of its consultation, the council is also hosting two in-person drop-in sessions later this month.Earlier
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 13

“It was mild, there was a full moon, and I absolutely loved it.
So the group is delighted that
Did anyone get any sleep?
for new energy support fund
In a joint statement, organisers Debbie Johnson and Karen Eaves said: “It is with great sadness and deep regret that due to circumstances beyond our control, the Spencers Wood Carnival has been cancelled for this year.
Spencers Wood Carnival, which was scheduled for Saturday, will not be taking place following the death of the Queen last Thursday.
Leah Simpkins, also taking part
One of the organisers, Kim Elwood, said: “We had boxes kindly donated by Shurgard Wokingham
“It was really foggy in the early morning, but the moon before then was very pretty.
Cllr Ian Shenton said: “I am encouraging all residents, particularly those living in the Maiden Erlegh ward, to come along to one of our drop-in sessions to find out more about our potential 3G sports pitch proposal.
“Your opinion matters to us, so make sure you submit your views.
The consultation survey runs until 11.59pm on Monday, October 3.
Maiden Erlegh 3G pitch consultation
By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.today
Participants for the sleep-out arrived at 9pm at FBC, on Gorse Ride North. The group of 17 people ranged in age from 11 upwards.
In July, the decision-making executive approved proposals to deliver this strategy, which included the progression of a new 3G sports pitch, subject to planning, Football Foundation funding and public consultation.
“T-shirts were donated by I-Print in Holme Grange Craft Village.
“Some of the group did really creative things, making rooms and tunnels to go into.
“Help us carry on enriching lives by providing access to good leisure facilities for generations to come.”Wokingham Borough has more than 524 football teams and the council feel there is a need for additional 3G sports pitches to be built to cater for this demand.
opportunities through social media.Itprovides an ideal platform for brands to come together in what is a fast-paced and competitive industry.TheArborfield resident describes herself as a perfectionist, taking care over the eyebrow treatments she offers.
On Thursday, September 8, Liz Truss confirmed the energy price cap will be frozen at £2,500, from October 1, for the next two years. Without intervention, the average household energy bill would have jumped 80% in the autumn, from the current £1,971 to £3,549 a year under Ofgem’s latest price cap.
Drinks will be available to purchase from the bar.
The event takes place in Wokingham Town Hall, Market Place.Itbegins at 7.30pm on Friday, September 23. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets cost £15 per person. n For more information and to book tickets log on to: www. kaleidoscopic.uk
The Spencers Wood Farmers & Community Market, which returns after a summer break, was set up in September 2021 to help raise funds for the village Organiserhall.Jim Choi has been instrumental in the running of the

project’s founding and running. He thanked stallholders and the community for their support in a post on social media.
Quiz night to raise moneyfor town mayor’s charity
A WOKINGHAM businesswoman has been shortlisted for a national industry
The call for a windfall tax has been supported by Cllr Andy Croy, Labour councillor for Bulmershe and Whitegates.Hefeels the “Truss Tax” will mean “the burden falling on working people”
ACTION: The fromchangespriceenergycapApril1.
TICKETS are on sale for an event to raise funds to support Wokingham town mayor’s chosen charity, Kaleidoscopic UK. Based in the Thames Valley, Kaleidoscopic UK provides support for children and adult survivors of domestic abuse, throughout England and Wales.
Sessions last between 45 minutes to one hour, allowing Ms Bamber enough time to map out her clients’ brows to ensure the final shape is tailored to the individual.MsBamber also offers skin treatments, lash lift and tint and gel manicures.
The guarantee announced by Ms Truss is estimated to cost around £150 billion and Kwasi Kwarteng is expected to lay out how the support will be funded later this month.Cllr Jones believes it should be backed by a
Farmers market to celebrate first birthday
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.today
family to taste and Wokingham-basedpurchase.bakery U. will be making its debut at September’s market, with the popular L’Altre Vi returning to serve up some Catalan small batch wines. This month’s event takes place from 10am-1pm at Spencers Wood Village Hall, Basingstoke Road.
“I’m so passionate about my beauty business and absolutely obsessed with brows.
Energy bill freeze welcome, but more needs to be done

“I’m so, so excited and happy to share this news,” she said.
The awards celebrate both small and large businesses within the industry, giving candidates exposure to new
Cllr Clive Jones, leader of Wokingham Borough Council and the Liberal Democrats parliamentary candidate for Wokingham, welcomed the freeze but felt more could’ve beenHedone.said: “The price cap has still“Wedoubled.are not making a considerable impact on people at the lower end of the income scale. It doesn’t affect people like John Redwood, but it does affect people with an income of less than £30,000, considerably.“Itreally affects people with incomes of less than £60-70,000.”SirJohn Redwood, MP for Wokingham, said he had been lobbying the government to take action on the issue and is “glad they have listened”.
He is now calling for further government intervention to secure the long-term future of domestic energy.
“It is such an honour to even be shortlisted in the finals.”
Wokingham town mayor, Cllr Maria Gee said: “Kaleidoscopic UK is an incredible charity which support survivors of domestic abuse and I feel proud to be able to help raise awareness about the important work they do.
windfall tax on energy firms.
Hannahaward.Bamber, owner of HB Beauty, successfully reached the finals of this year’s UK Hair and Beauty Awards in the Best for Brows category.

the year the next general election is expected, and will apply to all households in GreatEveryBritain.household in the UK will still receive the nonrepayable £400 payment from the government as part of the cost-of-living support package, which Rishi Sunak announced while chancellor. It will be applied directly to households’ energy bills, divided into monthly instalments between October andTheMarch.£2,500 figure given by Ms Truss takes this rebate into account, hence why it is higher than the current price cap.
A COMMUNITY farmers market is set to celebrate its one year anniversary on Sunday, September 18.
Picture: fromAltmannGerdPixabay
LAST week the new prime minister announced her plans to tackle the rising cost of energy.
Entry includes quiz entry, a pizza buffet and a dessert per person.
Sir John added: “I have also urged them to increase the UK’s supply of domestic energy to reduce our dependence on dear imports from“Theyabroad.have set up a special Task Force to do just this.”
Arborfield shortlistedbusinesswomanforawards
“Please do join me at the quiz night for a fun evening and to help me raise some valuable funds.”
The monthly event has proved a hit, boasting a range of produce sourced nearby, as well as services.Frommeat to macaroons, there is sure to be something for the whole
14 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022

Vickie Robertson, founder of Kaleidoscopic UK, said: “I am very grateful that Kaleidoscopic UK, has been chosen as the Mayor’s charity this year and I am looking forward to this great event at the Town Hall.“Limited tickets are available so please do book to avoid missing out.”People are invited to sign up for the quiz, ideally as teams of eight, although individuals who want to take part will be placed into a team.
Cllr Croy added: “Energy companies are making money hand over fist off the back of price rises caused by Putin’s war – it is totally wrong that this cost should be passed on to the British people by the Conservatives.”Thenew energy price guarantee will supersede the existing price cap until 2024,
Justlastweek,theschool’syear11 studentscollectedtheirGCSEresultswhich sawasuperb64%ofresultsat9-7(A*-A). Theschool’sEnglishDepartmentare celebratingexceptionalresultswith44%of EnglishLanguagestudentsand43%of EnglishLiteraturestudentsachievinggrade 9(A*).Head,ElainePurvescommented, “Ourstudentshaveshowndedication, determinationandenthusiasmthroughout theirGCSEsandIlookforwardtoseeing themflourishintheirALevelsandbeyond.”

Thissummer,QueenAnne’sstudents celebratedtopexaminationresults, demonstratingtheschool’sstrong credentialsinacademicexcellence.AtA Level,96%ofresultsweregradedatA*-C, andafantastic45%atA*-A.
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AdamMallins,DeputyHeadofthe SeniorSchool(Pastoral)commented, “Studentsandstaffhavebenefitedfrom thespaciousclassroomswithfulllength windowsandstate-of-the-arttechnology. Thereisacalmandinspiringfeelandthe studentshavecommentedthattheyfeel liketheyareintheHeadquartersofa Cool,ratherthanaschool;theyfeel inspiredtolearn.

CrosfieldsSchoolhasbeenawarded ‘BuildingProjectoftheYearunder£10m’ bytheConstructionExcellenceAwards fortheirnewSeniorSchoolBuilding.They havereceivedtwofurthershortlisting nominationsbytheBritishConstruction IndustryAwardstobeannouncedin October.Thefocusoninvestmentto providestudentswithexceptionalspace toflourishisevidentwiththisaward.

Thecaféstylediningareahasalsobeen amassivehit;gonearethedaysofthe quintessentialschooldininghallandwe havethestreet-stylefoodtomatch.Add tothisamodernlibrarywithcollaborative spacesandaperformancespacecomplete witha7ftbankofTVscreensandonecan seewhystudents,staffandparentsalike havelovedtheexperienceprovidedby thisspecialbuilding.”

His daughter, Dee, and her husband Jim live nearby, so are able to make sure that he is kept topped up with his favourite pickled onions and pork Patrick,pies.his son, lives in Normandy with his wife, Josette, but keeps in touch via a conferencing facility.

Venues this year in Wokingham town are: The WADE Day Centre; 14 Milton Road; Wokingham Methodist Church; and 4 Purslane.
Perhaps those innovative Germans have just reinvented the slipper.
“It’s a popular event,” continued Jill, “with visitors to the town and locals popping in – usually around a thousand people come.
ON MONDAY, a Finchmpstead man raised a glass with friends, family, and a special visitor.
My wife then pointed out that almost everyone else seemed to be wearing trainers.
Along with 6 Steeple Walk, in Lower Earley, and 6 New Wokingham Road, in Crowthorne.
“I sent a copy of the book to William and Kate, now Prince and Princess of Wales, and I got a lovely letter back from the Princess’s Lady-In-Waiting, thanking me and saying that the royal children had
A COACH from a Winnersh gym is set to take on a Guinness World Record attempt later this month for charity.Nick Riding, of Move HQ at Winnersh Triangle, will be attempting to deadlift the most cumulative weight in 24 hours on Friday, September 23, and Saturday, September 24.

viewAnother Neil Coupe
The iris of those with the condition is not fully developed.
On reaching his 100th birthday, and being asked to reveal his secret of long life, Douglas said: “I don’t know, perhaps it’s all the travelling I’ve done – or maybe I’ve just been lucky.“Iespecially enjoyed spending time in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital city. I loved the music there, it was a special time.”
Working for the British Council then took him and his family to various locations around the globe.
Old and young, rich and poor, the stylish as well as those people seeking function over form. everyone was wearing trainers.
If Gemma’s bookenough for Prince
“The artists are delighted to be exhibiting their work.
Gemma’s story book is about how being a little bit different can be scary – but that it is also something to enjoy andIncelebrate.thetale,Herb, the little star is helped by his dad to realise that he has his own special star qualities.
“The ship went down, but Doug managed to escape on a raft.”
Even in the world of politics, during the recent Conservative Leadership election, there was a brief furore around the fact that Mr Sunak had been wearing a very stylish pair of trainers, which in itself was probably A Good Thing, but as they cost £335, this was A BadTheThing.Leader of the Opposition was also guilty of this misdemeanour by being photographed getting into a car, while also wearing an expensive pair of trainers, albeit costing a mere £200 instead of £335.Looking at the website of a major supplier, there is a mind-boggling array of options, for sports such as handball, tennis, golf, skateboarding, mountain biking, hiking etc, as well as whether the customer requires a heritage style.
“Some are actually the artists’ studios, which is interesting, as you can see where they work.”
During the summer, I spent a day with two octogenarian uncles – one in black trainers, the other in white trainers. It did not appear to be in any way strange or unusual.
Gym to host record attempt
The goal was to increase mental health awareness across universities, particularly in men, as well as launch their online mental health platform, Chat with Charlie, which is funded by donations.
Finchampstead man Douglas toasts his 100th
RECORD ATTEMPT: Nick Riding will throw his weight around at Move HQ
“During covid they all struggled so much, not just financially, but emotionally too, working in isolation.“Producing art in a vacuum is so hard, so it’s great to be here, able to talk with customers and visitors again.“Everyone is really motivated and happy to be back in person.”
his twin brother, Charlie, took his life in March 2017.
He said: “It’s lovely to have this, it is very special.
These items are described as ‘Active Gaming Footwear’.So,for£80 it is possible to buy footwear for, well, sitting inside a house, in front of a screen, for hours on end. Obviously, they cannot be worn outside the house, and nor is it obvious what these items can do that other garments, such as socks, can achieve, in terms of being ‘quite comfortable’ around the house.
And work for British Aerospace, creating technical manuals for pieces of equipment, led to a period in Saudi Arabia.
Gemma and her family were recently on BBC television, when Archie’s ocular albinism was featured.

Registered Manager of Wild Acres, Andrina Fry, said: “We’re delighted the Mayor has kindly agreed to come, and that we’ve managed to keep it all a secret from Doug.”Akeen Fulham supporter, Douglas has two grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren, aged from four to 21.
A orsneakeraslipper?
THE Wokingham Arts Trail 2022 will see a large number of local artists exhibiting their work this weekend.
IF THE new Prince and Princess of Wales and their three children liked Gemma Stone’s children’s story, then youngsters in Wokingham probably will too.
And during war service with the Merchant Navy, he managed to survive more than one ship sinking.
The family describe Douglas as a very caring person who nursed his wife in her later years, and cared for his widowed mother, making regular weekend round trips to visit her in Cambridge with his brother Brian.They say: “Douglas has a very alert mind, and a thirst for information - perhaps this, and a few sips of the water of life have kept him Douglasyoung.”isdelighted to have received his telegram from the Queen, sent before her death.
This can lead to visual problems such as a heightened sensitivity to light, and eyes that seem to ‘wobble’ constantly, a condition called nystagmus.Archiewas diagnosed at six weeks old, and his family were then shocked andGemma’supset. way of coping was to write a story for Archie that celebrates who he is and helps children to understand how it feels to be a little bitHerb,different.The Little Star has been well received, even by royalty.
Picture: Victor Freitas via Unsplash
From our vantage point, there seemed to be more shops selling trainers than selling shoes, and unlike the shoe shops, there were no closing down sales.
In 1970, he and his wife Joan retired to Twickenham, and now Douglas lives at Wild Acres.
The current record was achieved by Sam Murphy in November 2020, when he lifted 520,072kg (1,146,562 lb) throughout theNickday. is aiming to smash the current best and has set himself a target of 550,000kg.
Douglas has travelled far and wide throughout his life, and is no stranger to adventure.
“And I guess I’ll have to wait for another 100 years now, to get something like it again.”
Admittedly nothing else that we witnessed was quite as impressive as the off-duty fishmonger sucking thoughtfully on his pipe with a handlebar moustache, a beret and a magnificent pair of clogs.
By EMMA MERCHANT emerchant@wokingham.today
100 OUT:NOT hisdayhiscelebratedChapmanDouglasbigwithfamily.
In October, the author will be reading to youngsters from her book, Herb, The Little Star Who Twinkled Differently.Earlierthis year, she hid copies in and around Wokingham for children to find, and next month she will be performing in the town’s new library.
Archie was born with ocular albinism, a condition which affects the coloured part of the eye.
years or so ago I remember being astonished hearing something on the lines of average Americans owning three pairs of sneakers, or as we call them, trainers.
I do not believe that many people felt deprived about only having a single pair of trainers.
Perfectly reasonably there are different types of running shoes depending on an individual’s running style, in other words, when a runner needs to have shoes to compensate for his or her pronation.Among the 1,830 options in my size, perhaps more surprisingly, shoes are now available for people participating in esports.
Free exhibition of artists’ work in Wokingham
This breaks down to 8,209 repetitions of 67kg in 24 hours or less.Nick will be motivated by more than just the honour of a new world record, as he is raising money for the Charlie Watkins Foundation.Themental health charity was set up by Harry Watkins after
| NEWS20 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
“It was a lovely interview,” Gemma says, “and it’s so important to educate
Also in Wokingham are: R.Young Art Gallery; 1 Hazel Close; and MontagueWokinghamClose.Without venues are: 79 Western Avenue, in Woodley, and 59 Fleetham Gardens, in Lower Earley.
We have just spent the weekend away in a city with a major café culture that lent itself to one of our favourite pastimes, that of people watching.
Visitors will be able to browse and buy art, with pieces including: paintings in various mediums, glass work, sculpture, ceramics, and jewellery.Artists will be on hand to talk about their work, and to take commissions.Thereare11 venues displaying the artwork this year, and all are free to visit.Jill Chadwick, one of the organisers said: “The artists usually change from year to year, and this event there are a few new venues too.
Picture MerchantEmma
“I’ll read the story, and then lead a simple craft activity with my young audience.“Archie and my two other children will be with me as well, so it’s going to be a real family affair.”
He once drove from Riyadh to the UK in a car sporting a hand made number plate created from wooden crates.
“One of these incidents was just off Gibraltar,” said a family member.
It was inspired by the birth of Gemma’s son, Archie, who is now almost one year old.
At the time, in the UK trainers were the preserve of young people, or of people playing sport.The same pair would be used for basketball, squash, tennis, table tennis, five-a-side football, running, walking, going out, and everything else.
enjoyed the book,” says Gemma. “It’s lovely to know that they have a copy of Gemmait.”will be reading as part of the Wokingham Children’s Book Festival.“I’mreally looking forward to it,” she“Icontinues.haven’tbeen inside the new library yet, and I’m interested to see it.
Wild Acres Care Home, where he lives, was very happy to welcome the borough mayor, Cllr Caroline Smith, to complete the festivities on the occasion of Douglas Chapman’s 100th birthday.

The brand well-known for three stripes sells a range known as ‘Superstar Crib’ with six different sizes, enabling three-month-old babies, still in their crib, to be proudly wearing similar footwear to the many generations preceding them.
Once we had spotted that, we could not take our eyes off people’s footwear.
Now the end has Yourcomework on earth is done Your Prince awaits at the pearly Yougatesaretogetheragainasone.
WRITTEN TO HELP: Gemma Stone and her son Archie. She wrote a oculardiagnosisinspiredbookbyhisofalbinism

“It’s a Christmas book,” she explains.“Iwrote it last year, however with Archie’s diagnosis I wasn’t able to publish it then.
an actual production.
“But I found it again this summer, and when I read it, I had a rush of all the emotions that I was feeling when Archie’s ocular albinism was discovered.
Picture: courtesy of Gemma Stone
selfless love You led by Sendexamplepurepeacefrom up Thoseabovewho met you Lovedma’amyou, come what may From an early age you took centre Throughstage to your dying day
A LefterCalinabycreatedartsWokinghamshowPicturesoneFlyway,fromdetailoftheonatthetrail,artist God save the Queen NEWS | MEET Oct 6th from 3pm Dog's food menu available - 30% off drinks for dog owners - Best dressed dog competition and more thepheasantwinnersh ThePheasantBarandRestaurant www.thepheasantbarandrestaurant.co.uk 355 Reading Road, Winnersh, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 5LR @ DOG r sedetGt ta

Holmes wrote and directed Speak To Me Listen To Me between 2019 andSupported2020. by Arts Council England and BBC Arts, her vision was turned into a reality, as part of its New Creatives Scheme.AndMs Holmes has severe cerebral palsy and communicates by pointing at letters on a board.
days from 10.30am to 5.30pm. Entry to all of them is free. n For more information log onto: www. wokinghamartstrail.co.uk
She is thrilled that her work can now be seen by millions.
“We shot it over two days at Treloars College. I had a fantastic cast - Kate Caryer, Ed Clements and Imogen Roberts - who responded to the script and worked hard throughout the shoot, and a highly committed crew including Dominique Unsworth, Leigh Alner, Euan Donaldson and Mel Wignall.”
The Wokingham Arts trail 2022 takes place on Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September,18.

Your Majesty our TheQueenworld just missed a beat Our hearts stood still with a sudden chill To hear that your life’s complete Ma’am YouWeWithTheAfterirreplaceableyou’re70yearsofyourreigngrievingstartswithbrokenheartssadness,lossandpaincelebrateyourlifema’amgavepureand
“The whole team worked together to realise my ideas and it was fantastic to be part of that. It was great to work with disabled actors, who really understood where I was coming from,” she explained.

“I’ve had people tell me that after hearing about Archie, they were prompted to get their eyes checked and discovered that they have the condition.“Actually, I’ve recently found out that I have it too!”
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 21

Young director’s debut released on iPlayer

“It felt great to be selected for this scheme.“People would be able to hear my voice as a disabled artist. The film says a lot about what it is like to be disabled in our society and how people respond to you as a disabled person.”

book is goodPrince Louis ...
All the venues are open on both
As well as reading, Gemma will be advertising her next book, to be published in October.
THE DEBUT film of a Wokingham borough woman has been released on BBC’s iPlayer platform so everyone can seeKaterinait.
“It’s sleigh, like Rudolph.
She added: “I was encouraged to apply by Resource Productions, who supported me through the whole process. Dom (from Resource) is tireless and very “Screencommitted.Southand BBC Arts really helped with the development of my ideas and I enjoyed learning from industry professionals like Jes Benstock.”MsHolmes said it was exciting to see the film go from an idea to
n The film was released on iPlayer, and can be seen: programmes/p0crc4xfhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/

Gemma will also be highlighting the work of charity Living Paintings, a group that publishes material designed for people with visual impairments.“Thereare normal books but with braille added to the pages,” she says, “so I’ll be bringing along some of these for people to experience.
people about the condition.
called The Late Christmas Wish, and it’s a story about a little boy who wants to lead Father Christmas’s
“I am so pleased and excited to say that my film, Speak To Me, Listen To Me, is being released by the BBC. The film was commissioned in 2019 as part of the New Creatives Scheme and completed in 2020,” she said.
“The film was produced by Dom at Resource.
“I stumbled on them when I was researching albinism, and I think they are worth Gemma’ssharing.”bookreading and craft are suitable for children of primary school age.
Mickey Brown We printinglove your poetry. everyprinttodaywokingham.news@submissionsEmailtoandwe’llaselectionweek
“He doesn’t have a glowing nose, but he does have a glowing jumper.”
The Queen showed an inspirational sense of duty during her reign and, as the RAF Benevolent Fund’s Patron from 1952 until her death, provided endless support for those who served her country, including the RAF Family.
Swiftly the centuries old process took over with the accession of the Prince of Wales as King Charles III, and residents met in Wokingham Town square to hear theItproclamation.wasanoccasion I will never forget, especially when, at end of the proclamation, you could hear a pin drop.

Over the last few days, it has been remarkable to hear the many tributes that have been given for her and to have the opportunity to pay our own respects.Thewarm tributes have come from the great and the good – world leaders who have worked with her over the years, but also from ordinary people who met the Queen and were touched by her simple kindness.
As the nation mourns the death of Her Majesty the Queen, the RAF Benevolent Fund would like to celebrate her life, and unwavering dedication to the country following a historic 70 years on the throne.
After all, nobody forced them to take it on.
But she was more than that, she was a mother, a grandmother, a great internationallygrandmother,recognised as ‘The Queen’ and Head of the Commonwealth.OnThursdaynight, the cut and thrust of local politics suddenly stopped, the Overview and Scrutiny management committee meeting, due to scrutinise council performance, was suspended by a vote of the members and we stood around in huddles talking about The Queen and what she meant to each of Thereus.would be time enough in the coming weeks for robust political debate.
From chamberthe Cllr togetherComingJorgensenPauline
You can cycle the miles however you wish over the 31 days of October, by embracing the outdoors or staying at home and using an exercise bike. Or
We look backwards in gratitude, but we look forward in hope to a new era as the reign of King Charles III begins.
No one had expected it, especially as just two days before she had overseen her own changing of the guard in the form of LizButTruss.she was 96, and had reigned for 70 years.Ithas been such an extraordinary reign that precious few of us can remember having a king before.
Your front page article from last week reminded me of 2020 when I was lamenting to a another regular Finchampstead bus user that the 3b had been removed losing my direct link to Bracknell.
Perhaps, like me, you joined the crowds outside Wokingham Town Hall on Sunday afternoon to witness the Accession Proclamation, for it has been good to see the quietly dignified way in which our new King Charles III has assumed his new responsibilities as our Sovereign and pledged himself to carry on his mother’s work.
It would now appear that Cllr Jones wasted his time in opposition.
We love to hear from you! Send us your views on issues relating to the borough (in 250 words or less) to Wokingham.Today, Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS or email: letters@wokingham.today
When someone willingly volunteers for a job, because they always thought that they could do it better, you’d think that that person would get on with it with positivity.
The UK Wide Cycle Ride challenge runs throughout October – and it is the perfect opportunity for people to take their fitness up a gear, while raising money for Diabetes UK along theChallengersway. can pick from one of three virtual distances, or they can select their own target. They can then connect their Strava to easily track their distance and will have the entire month of October to reach the chosen target.Cycling is a fantastic way to help you get fit and healthy, to have fun and set yourself a goal. This challenge is perfect for experienced cyclists, or anyone looking to saddle up and give it cycling a try.
But all that the people of Wokingham seem to have been subject to since wannabe Member of Parliament Councillor Clive Jones, Leader of the ad-hoc coalition that is Wokingham Borough Council, got to be in charge is one big long whine-fest.Allweseem to get is negativity and whingeing and that it’s all somebody else’sWhatfault.we need is a council leader who yearns to get things done, and problems solved because they did after all, have a long time in opposition to plan and prepare.
So, at this time of huge significance for our nation, we mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and we give thanks for her life of dedicated service.
Phaedra Perry, Head of South West and SouthDiabetesCentral,UK
The council financial accounts were there for all to see beforehand, but of course it’s easier for a poor leader to blame others.
and guide’ in our lives.
An evening perusing Anglicans for Life (AFL) website might be more informative than many months of weekly sermons. AFL website far better explains how the Bible is in conflict with the modern culture of death (on topics like euthanasia, abortion or assisted suicide).
The two Independent Councillors have firmly hitched their carts to the Lib Dem donkey. I suggest that they take very great care over their Council decisions in the future. The electorate can be very fickle.
Air Vice-Marshal Chris Elliot, Controller, RAF BenevolentFund
I am sure that in her funeral service next Monday, there will be clear assurances of the Christian hope of a life beyond death.
But above all else, we have someone who lived as an example. It is something of a paradox that someone so powerful could also be a servant.
Positive difference
Celebrate the life of the Queen by sharing your memories
David Arnold, Finchampstead
Join the UK Wide Cycle Ride
The service was withdrawn due to lack of Perhapssupport.arethink on the dissemination of information for local buses is a must.
On Friday the whole community was invited to join the Mayor and sign the book of condolence which was put in the foyer at Shute End for everyone to add their thoughts.
As for Labour, they can’t even define what a female of the human species is.
THE death of our Queen last week was a sudden shockwave.
We reserve the right to edit letters Views expressed in this section are not necessarily those of the paper
I find it difficult to believe, as my son reminded me, that we will no longer have a Queen in our lifetimes.Shehas always been there for us in good times and bad, to quote a phrase she herself used about Prince Philip, she was a ‘strength
One of the things that has struck me is that her remarkable life of service was underpinned by her deep Christian faith.
It is clear that she saw her role as sovereign as a calling from God. She has consistently spoken of her Christian faith and how the teachings and example of Jesus have strengthened and inspired her in her personal life and public duties.
Paul Clarke, Wokingham
that like me, you heard the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II with great sadness, for she has provided continuity and stability for our nation for 70 Years and many of us cannot remember a time when she was not our Sovereign.
God Save The King.
Send your thoughts to letters@wokingham.today
Raise awareness of bus times and routes
It was such a reign that no one preparing for Sunday’s proclamation ceremony had any insight or previous knowledge they could tap into – that it went so smoothly is a credit to Wokingham Town Council.
‘Preaching Beyond the Pandemic’ by Rev Dr Marcus Throup is a new pamphlet from Gove Books in Cambridge.Covid-19 has altered the UK spiritual landscape bringing greater respect for key workers and greater awareness of susceptibility to mental illness.We now better appreciate the dangers of social isolation and frailty related to ageing.
I wonder how many others were oblivious to this at the time.
The days of wealthy Anglican bishops on large salaries surely need to end. Is there any need for regal palaces or juicy pension funds, perhaps sometimes combined with income from private wealth or rental propertyAnglicansincome?deserve absolute clarity on how their money is being spent.
J T Hardy by email
She was a good and faithful servant.
I used to stay in Bracknell for the evening and get home just as quick as driving.Hewas visually shocked to think that he had been journeying to Bracknell by changing buses in Wokingham, when there was a direct bus running two hundred yards away along Nine Mile Ride all that time.
Her Majesty tirelessly supported the Fund’s work for decades – with some highlights including the unveiling of the Fund’s Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park, London; visiting children at the Fund’s Airplay youth club at RAF Lossiemouth in 2014; viewing the RAF Benevolent Fund Garden at Chelsea
THIS week has been a different week in local politics. I, like others I have spoken to, am deeply saddened by the Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
She is an inspiration to us all, and we will all miss her presence terribly.
The Queen demonstrated during her reign the true spirit of public service and integrity, and the significance of the military service.
Could it be that Cllr Jones thinks that this constant whining will play well with the electorate for when he eventually makes his bid to become an MP? Is he secretly in General Election Campaigning mode, but hasn’t bothered to tell the people of Wokingham?Well,CllrJones and his NonLiberal Non-Democrat colleagues wanted the job of running WBC. They got what they wished for, so I now suggest that they stop bellyaching, get on with it, and stop blaming others.
As Her Majesty poignantly once said: “I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else –I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.”Wewould like to invite members of the public to celebrate the life of Her Majesty the Queen by sharing your memories of her in our online open book of condolence rememberingthequeenhttps://rafbf.dedicationpage.org/at
you can do a bit of both.
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen is the leader of the opposition Wokingham Borough Council and Conservative member for Hillside ward

So please sign up to the UK Wide Cycle Ride at cycle.diabetes.org.uk and get pedalling to make every mile count. Your support can change lives.
It was particularly lovely to see all the primary school children sitting patiently through the speeches and joining in at the appropriate times, I am sure they will one day tell their grandchildren about how they were there when the King was particularlyPersonally,proclaimed.Iwouldliketothankallthe people who put in place the arrangements in breakneck speed but most importantly, all the Borough residents who filled the market place outside the Town Hall and the precinct in Woodley on Monday and made the occasion really special.
The buck stops with them now.
We have also been forced to take more account of social inequality and racism.Inaddition, we have seen how collective action en masse can have positive benefits and may help preserve the environment or scarce resources.Doesour bloated Anglican Church need to employ far fewer bishops, to cull central administrators and to sell off underused buildings? Knowledge is power in the internet age and a leaner Church is needed.
Flower Show 2022; and the Patron’s Lunch on the Mall to celebrate The Queen’s 90th birthday, which RAF Benevolent Fund Ambassador Jacqui Thompson attended and said of The Queen’s appearance: “The sun came out for her and shined.”
On Monday lunchtime, a proclamation was held Woodley precinct and again I was there to witness it.
22 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
Good and faithful servant
What underpinned the Queen’s life of service
Your letters
Then after a short silence, 3,000 or more people roared in perfect unison God save the King. It made me confident that, as a country united, we can achieve anything.
The Revd Catherine Bowstead, writing on behalf of Churches Together Wokinghamin
Anglican money
The Queen knew her role in life was to serve the country and the Commonwealth in anyway necessary.
The TV schedule has completely changed and with sports and other events having been cancelled, this may cause a lot of anxiety in autistic people, as it is a change from structure and routine and specific TV programmes or sports teams may be one of their special interests.Monday, September 19, is now a bank holiday, and many businesses have announced they are closing, including shops.
We also found that we needed to find £1.3m of extra funding for the Winnersh Park & Ride car park to cover a problem with the project that was known about last October, but
Departing Sat 5 Nov ‘22
As a 21-year-old, she dedicated her life to one of service to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, a promise that she wonderfully kept.
We have no magic bucket of spare
From leaderthe Cllr Clive
King Charles III said, “Thank you”, to his late mother in his televised address to the nation last week, he wasn’t just speaking for himself and his family but also for the nation, the commonwealth and indeed the whole world when he thanked her for her lifetime of service.
Social media feeds are awash with images of the Queen, flowers, tributes and photos of people who have visited places to pay their respects.
Consequentially, we are predicted to have a £780,000 shortfall on the Car Parking income. The same problem is also affecting lots of areas, such as our leisure facilities, football pitches and event field rentals.
In the shorter term we are working with our Council officers to adjust the Council to more efficient working practices. Still, we will need to batten down the hatches and there will no doubt be some changes.
Cllr Shepherd-DubeyImogen
I have no idea of how the previous administration was expecting to pay for all this and those that are still left on the council are not forthcoming withWeideas.need this income to keep our council’s services running, such as fixing our roads, emptying our bins and providing support to those in the
We may not like the decisions we will face, but it does feel like we are beginning to make headway in trying to turn around what feel like an Aircraft Carrier. However, I am confident that will get there.
You can temporarily mute social media accounts or unfollow people whose views you don’t agree with.Set
Be kind to yourself
The world is a much different place in 2022 than it was when she ascended the throne in 1952.
This can be a time for reflection or just to re-set yourself and take time to breath. Lavender, jasmine and chamomile all have relaxing properties.
We should also be saying “Thank You “ to King Charles III who has started his reign building on the tradition of modernisation of the monarchy which was started by his mother.
This is an example to so many people and a huge
Helping autistic people navigate the Queen’s death
One example is building a Solar farm which will decrease our energy needs from external suppliers and allow us to sell cheaper energy.
example to anyone in or aspiring to public service.
Change can be very difficult if you are autistic, so there may be a number of concerns people have as the country transitions and we welcome King Charles III as our new king.
Whatever your views are of the monarchy, it may be difficult to know how to handle this unsettling time.
Plan ahead
The budget also expected the habits of our residents to return to pre-covid levels and the income targets were set at that level.
“For other autistic people it may be the opposite, where it is very apparent that the change in routine and uncertainty is causing them anxiety.“There is no right or wrong way to feel right now. By following some of these tips it can hopefully help other autistic people get through this difficult time.”
Many autistic people can suffer from sensory processing disorder, so if these fragrances are too strong for you, vanilla is also a relaxing choice.
During this time, she presided over the modernisation of the monarchy continually updating it and bringing the institution into the modernEveryoneera. will have special memories of her reign.
again, no provision was included for it in this year’s budget.
All these changes can cause anxiety and be very unsettling. By planning ahead and making changes now, you can hopefully help to manage theKellyuncertainty.says:“These are unprecedented times and it’s difficult to know what to feel or what we think we ‘should’ be feeling.
Witness this spectacular outdoor art gallery as it returns for another year to illuminate Liverpool’s waterfront.

Take some time out and limit where you spend your energy right now.
Many will remember her opening the Olympic Games in 2012 with James Bond and the celebrations of her 70 years on the throne and her cup of tea with Paddington Bear.
a daily limit on your devices so that your social media platforms close down after a set amount of time.
With talks of the many changes we can expect to see with our stamps, coins, notes and passports as well as the current cancellation of sporting events and the changes to the TV schedule, it can feel incredibly overwhelming.KellyGrainger co-founder of Perfectly Autistic and an international neurodiversity speaker who is autistic himself, shares some ways you can get through this unsettling time:
Write it down
many other residents of Wokingham will also have treasured memories of meeting her Majesty which they will be recalling at this sad time
So, what is the plan to fix this? Well, we have some longer-term plans to increase our incomes.
Even at 96 she was a thoroughly modern sovereign.Iwasprivileged to meet her during the Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1977.
Examples of this include no funding for the bags used to line the food waste caddies of our residents.
Clever, inspiring, colourful – this is fun, thought-provoking art for all members of the family to enjoy.
We were also not expecting to have a more than £500,000 overspend on school transport, which seems to be due to an inherited situation of poor planning of school placements and having to shoehorn children into farflung schools around the Borough ... and this is just the start of what looks likely to be a long list of problems we have found.
Cllr Clive Jones is the leader of Wokingham Borough Council and Lib Dem member for Hawkedon ward

Reader travel
Editor’s note: This article was written before the national period of mourning started chamberthe
Many of us will have been impressed that he has been able to go amongst crowds particularly in London and share his grief with people who have been to Buckingham Palace and elsewhere to express their condolences.
There are a number of books of condolences up and down the United Kingdom and online, so you could sign one of those or write your own letter or note about how you are feeling right now. You don’t have to do anything with it, but writing can be very cathartic.
2 Days by Coach only £89 4 Days by Coach only £169 LiverpoolsRiverofLight_D.pdf Single Supplement £35 Single Supplement £45 or visit justgoholidays.com/WPR 03332 342 527 Quote WPR To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 23
IT looks like we are all heading for a very cold winter involving rocketing inflation and strikes, because energy prices and inflation is rising above affordable levels.
cash lying around and when the 202223 budget was set by the previous administration earlier in the year, noone had fully appreciated the events that have contributed to the rapid rise in costs and how that might the affect all of Weus.started in May with a change of political control and inheriting a budget with underfunded reserves, underfunded projects, and overambitious targets.
“Being autistic I often process my feelings internally and so my anxiety around these changes may not be visible to others.
Neurodiversity consultancy Perfectly Autistic has shared some tips on how to handle the change that the country is going through following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
Light a candle
The news is overwhelming at the moment. For some it may feel like you’ve lost a member of your family so you will be grieving and for others they will feel frustrated that everything has changed.
Your break includes Return coach travel from Reading & Slough Overnight stay at a selected 3 or 4-star hotel in the North West area with breakfast Free excursion to Liverpool’s River of Light Trail Free time in Liverpool
We are also building new schools and creating new school places nearer where our residents live so that our children don’t have to travel as far.
We have seen jet travel introduced, space flight and man walking on the moon, a greater concern for the climate and our environment and many improvements in the way we live our lives.
River of Light
She did a walk about after the service of thanksgiving in St Pauls Cathedral in London and I was the first person she spoke to when she met the crowds.Ihad stood outside the Cathedral all night with some friends, we had a very good place to watch as dignitaries arrived to attend the service. I am sure
most need.
With three nights in the Edwardian seaside resort of Folkestone, we take a hassle-free jaunt over the Channel to the enchanting Bruges Christmas Market, along with an additional excursion to Canterbury, which dazzles with its twinkling lights and decorations.
Your break includes Return coach travel from Reading & Slough 3 nights at the Grand Burstin Hotel, Folkestone with breakfast plus 2 dinners 2 for 1 bar (6pm-9pm) on selected drinks Entertainment every evening Excursions to Bruges Christmas Market & Canterbury

The thoughts of all generations throughout the UK and Commonwealth and around the world are very much with her family as we remember a muchloved Queen. We are all immensely saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth.
Unfortunately, these price increases that are affecting you as individuals is also affecting Wokingham Borough Council.

Cllr Imogen Shepherd-DuBey is the executive member for finance and Lib Dem ward member for Emmbrook

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Stop doom scrolling
Over the next few days hundreds of thousands of people will want to pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth by attending the lying-in state at Westminster or going to Windsor Castle and millions will watch her funeral on television, It is important for us all to remember at this sad time what a great monarch she was.
FOLKESTONE & BRUGES Christmas Market Weekend
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“We are committed to hiring the best industry talent to support our growth and ambitions, so with her strong experience and track record in marketing and content creation, it’s fantastic to have her on board.”
Blandy & Blandy welcomes 11 new faces as it expands
“I am also pleased to be part of one of the leading charity teams in the Thames Valley and I
A THAMES VALLEY law firm is continuing to grow its operation. Blandy & Blandy, based on Friar Street in Reading, has welcomed 11 new faces to its team across multipleTraineedepartments.solicitorsAmber Pocock, Ben Cowdry and Emily Boorman have begun two year training contacts, while Louise Low, Sophie Stone and Natasha Hood have all joined permanently following the completion of their training contracts.Partner Debbie Brett, responsible for the training contracts programme, said: “Amber, Ben and Emily all impressed us at our trainee assessment day earlier this year and it is a pleasure to now welcome them to Blandy & Blandy, where they have already made
assisting colleagues and clients.”
Key responsibilities include marketing planning, new product launches and integrated digital communications for the company’s range of safety, visual communication and waste management solutions for industrial and office.

She said: “I am pleased to have joined Blandy & Blandy, recognised as one of the leading planning law firms nationally and as a top tier firm in the Thames Valley.
A WOKINGHAM-BASED workplace safety specialist has appointed a new marketing manager. Beaverswood, based in Toutley Road, has welcomed Lizzie Allen to oversee its brand development and product marketing.
an excellent start to their training contracts.“Welook forward to working with them and to watching them develop as they gain experience in different practice areas across the firm.”In the commercial property
By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@rdg.today

from a company in the West Midlands.Harjinder Brah said: “Blandy & Blandy is a prestigious law firm, renowned for consistently delivering a high quality service.

“I am thrilled to be joining Blandy & Blandy and such a welcoming and professional corporate and commercial team.

Steph Gentle, marketing director at IWS Group, Beaverswood’s parent company, said: “Lizzie will be a great addition to the team as we continue to develop our activity across all markets.
| BUSINESSBUSINESSTODAY Got a business story? Email news@wokingham.today In association with Winnersh Triangle A business park that is changing

Blandy & Blandy has also welcomed Sabah Siddiq as an associate solicitor in its planning and environmental law division.
“I am delighted to be a part of the growing commercial property team and look forward to utilising both my expertise and passion to extend the team’s Solicitoroffering.”JeanneKoua has joined the corporate and commercial team and will advise commercial and charity clients having completed her training at Age UK and Farrer & Co in MsLondon.Kouasaid:
“I hope to make a valuable contribution to the planning and environmental team and look forward to working with colleagues andFinally,clients.”the wills, probate tax and trusts division has also been strengthened with the arrivals of solicitor Joshua Rowlands and legal
Ms Allen said: “I am very excited about the future potential of the business and look forward to developing ambitious marketing plans and initiatives to raise the company’s profile and further strengthen its position in
Amber Pocock, Ben Cowdry and Emily Boorman have joined Blandy & Blandy on trainee contracts

Ms Allen will also be involved in developing Beaverswood’s profile and reach across Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where the company is expanding its reseller network operations.
Ms Siddiq has more than a decade’s experience of working in two local authorities in the Thames Valley, with insight into how they operate and make decisions.
Two people who went last year were impressed.RichMason, of Wokingham, said: “I went along because it looked fun.
arrangements of chart classics and songs from musicals and the course songs will be representative of the genre.Alllearning material will be provided including downloadable MP3Theteach-tracks.weeklysessions start at 7.30pm and run to 9pm and are held at Bulmershe School, off Chequers Way in Woodley.
EVERYONE’S invited to free evenings of dancing – with laughter and homemade cake guaranteed.

n To find out more or to register, visit: www.tvchorus.co.uk
“The pictures on Facebook and the website all looked like they were having a great“Thetime.sessions were very welcoming and eased us in with a nice and simple dance.“The side is really friendly.”
Running over four consecutive Tuesday evenings, it is suitable for both new and experienced singers who want to try something different.Thechorus repertoire consists largely of close-harmony
By SUE CORCORAN news@wokingham.today
Just let them know you’d like to go, put on comfy shoes and hop along to Hurst Village Hall at 8pm.
Rachel Redrup, of Woodley, said: “They put us with experienced dancers
Free four-week course for male voices in Woodley
Later, both Rich and Rachel went on to join the side.
A MALE voice choir is opening a special four-week singing course from next week.The Thames Valley Chorus is holding the event which starts on Tuesday, September 20.

n To tell HuMP you’d like to go to a taster or to arrange a chat email Contact@ hump.org.uk. See them on Facebook @ hurstmorris or visit www.hump.org.uk
Left: Rich Mason, of Wokingham, who has spent his first summer dancing with Hurst Morris People, with the side’s squire (leader) Karen Ricketts of Twyford. Picture Sue Corcoran

and taught us short sequences so we gradually learned dances, with a fair bit of laughing involved.
“Festivals with other teams are joyful and good-natured.” Rich added “Dancing out is a brilliant experience.”Musicians able to play fiddle, melodeon, concertina, accordion or recorder are welcome to join the merry band for the taster sessions.
“I enjoyed the Cotswold morris style of clashing sticks or waving (clean) hankies as a set of six or eight – you don’t need “Everyone‘partners’.wasso encouraging.”
Tunes are usually in the keys of G and D.
The band aims to play from memory by the end of the practice season.

news from your groups, clubs and societies.Send reports to news@wokingham.today

Fun on hand as HuMP holds taster sessions
The sessions for men and women offer the chance to try out a British tradition at least 500 years old.
Rachel said: “It’s quite special to dance until dusk in the relaxed atmosphere of a summer evening pub garden.
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All this will be at Hurst Morris People’s have a go at morris dance and music sessions on Thursdays September 22 and 29.
Squire Karen Ricketts of Twyford said: “Our taster sessions are great“Wefun.have a tea/coffee and cake break halfway through. Feel free to contact us for a chat beforehand.”
SING UP: Thames Valley Chorus is singing in Woodley next week with a four-week course for male voices Picture: Thames Valley Chorus
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“I spend a lot of time looking around and going, ‘Wow, I am just obsessed with how terrible everything is’ instead of maybe whether it’s terrible or not.”
“I think about this every day, I wake up in these nervous sweats scared to look at my phone, so I figured I actually I want to do a stand-up comedy show about all of the worst things in the entire world.”Daniel says that it can be hard to look at the world and think that
He says that this came to define his experiences online: “I always felt like, is this real, does anything I’m doing matter?“Isee all these likes on a post but what does it mean – for several years I just I really failed to appreciate what was going on.”

“This is me on my own terms, loose in the world, and I’ve been on a bit of a journey in the last few years.
15.09.22 Your guide to what’s on across Reading and Wokingham

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“I open up about my mental health, about when I came out as gay, and I have some spicy opinions about controversial topics.
His UK tour through September and his massive tour of the USA at the end of the year will be the second set of shows he’s performed live.
“Because it’s not real people in front of you, none of it seems to stick, “You’ve just keyboard warriors saying the craziest thing they can get away with on a Facebook group – and

“I’ve heard from people that they’re almost slightly scared to imagine what I’m going to talk about, but I think that’s in a nice way.”
Howell has had a dynamic career, with the medium of his work continuing to evolve.

When it comes to controversy and ‘cancel’ culture, however, Daniel says that he’s not worried.
After considerable fame online, now he’s seeking something more tangible.
While he is glib about the title, he says it’s also something that concerns him.“But also the times we’re living in are stressful and the world is falling apart – and not just the natural stuff, but the people in society that we’re sharing this place with.
Daniel Howell’s show We’re All Doomed will be performed at the London Palladium on Friday, September 23.
“It’s only when I went on tour for the first time and I met a person backstage who said they came to the show and had a good night.
everything will be okay, and for good reason.“It’snot an optimistic or pessimistic thing, it’s a realistic thing, where you kind of just have to have the right attitude.“Ithink my problem in life right now is I’m a bit of a dreamer.
“I look around and think ‘is everything going to be alright?’
“If I ever said something and people were like ‘that is offensive to the people of Wokingham’, I’d have to say ‘oh my god, well, I guess I don’t want to do that again.“Ihave something to say and if you don’t like it then I’ll feel very bad about it, but I’ll just deal with it – I think that’s how we will have to go through life.”His new show is called We’re All Doomed, and he says that the title wasn’t necessarily for entirely thematic reasons.“When they put the letters up
for a show on the theatre outside, I just thought it’d be really funny to see ‘we’re all doomed’, and I started working back from there.”
“It made me go wow, my existence is actually doing something.”
‘Is alright?’gonnaeverythingbe
you’re just trying to sell a tricycle or something.”
His latest show, We’re All Doomed, he says, has a completely fresh agenda.
Daniel has a considerable YouTube following as a result of his channel, DanIsNotOnFire.Hesaysthatonline fame can be a struggle, saying: “social media is weird.
“I think that most people that complain about their freedom of speech being attacked are people that are just racist and don’t like that people dislike that.
Wokingham Today speaks to Daniel Howell ahead of his latest tour

Exchange 0845www.cornexchangenew.com5218218
MICHAEL Jackson performer Ben Bowman invites his audience to celebrate the iconic Rediscoversinger.the man, his music and the magic that surrounded him.
A post show talk by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman takes place after the evening show on Tuesday, September 20.
VIBRAPHONE is the lead instrument in a night of Award-winningjazz. percussionist Jonny Mansfield is accompanied by piano, bass andThedrums.quartet plays contemporary compositions that have been described as beautiful and strikingly original.
| LEISURE Bracknell – South Hill Park 01344www.southhillpark.org.uk484123 Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear. Until Fri 16. Boogie Music Inferno. Sat 17. Hay Fever. Wed 21-Sat 24. FILMS: The Gray Man. Thurs 15. Where The Crawdads Sing. Fri 16-Sun18, Wed 21. Eiffel. Mon 19-Tues 20. Bullet Train. Fri 23-Sat 24. Where Is Anne Frank. Sat 24-Sun 25. Much Ado About Nothing. Sun 25. Camberley – Theatre 01276www.camberleytheatre.biz707600 Al Murray: Gig For Victory. Fri 16. Robert Temple: The Hypnotist. Sat 17. Luke Kempner: Macho Macho Man. Wed 21. The Rockabilly Big Band. Thurs 22. Desi Central. Fri 23. Ibiza Nights. Fri 23. Showstopper. Sat 24. The Real Magic Show. Sat 24. I Spy With My Little Eye. Sun 25. Guildford – Yvonne Arnaud 01483www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk440000 An Evening With Henry Blofeld. Sun 18. Spike. Tues 20-Sat 24. High Wycombe –Wycombe Swan 01494www.wycombeswan.co.uk512000 Hellfire Comedy Club. Thurs 15. Illegal Eagles. Fri 16. Castle Street Dance Studios: Arbian Nights. Sat 17. Frankie: The Concert. Sun 18. The Temperance Seven. Thurs 22. Sun Records: The Concert. Sun 25. Henley – Kenton www.kentontheatre.co.uk 01491 525050 Back to Black: The Music of Amy Winehouse. Fri 16. Ghost Lights. Sat 17. Jazz at the Kenton: Rob Luft and Dave O’Higgins. Wed 21. Seann Walsh, Jake Lambert, Amy Matthews. Thurs 22. Lilies on the Land. Fri 23. Mary Blandy: A Retrial. Fri 23-Sat 24. Vrazy Diamond: A Tribute to the Music of Pink Floyd. Sat 24.
Funny Money. Until Nov 5. The 80s Show With The Zoots. Sun 18. Magic Night. Mon 19. The Sound of Springteen. Sun 25.
NEXT SHOW: Teechers. Sept 27-Oct 1.
Who’s bad?
The Chalk Garden. Fri 16-Sat 30. Theatre tours. Sat 17.
Set in 1950s austerity Britain, the nation scrambles to hear the next instalment of The Goon Show.
It contains strong language, strobe lighting, loud bangs, guns and references to suicide.CatchSpike!
SHAKESPEARE’S dramatic tale of love destroyed is performed by The Watermill Ensemble.Adapted by Karla Marie Sweet, the production is interwoven with music.
n For tickets and information log onto: progresstheatre/www.ticketsource.co.uk/
Tickets cost £18 for adults, £16 for concessions, and £9 for under 16 years. Wheelchair carers enter free of charge.
n For tickets and information log on to: cornexchangenew.com/ or call the box office on: 0845 521 8218.
28 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
No previous experience, nor a partner, necessaryTheceilid dancing takes place at Norden Farm Arts Centre’s Long Barn.
Blowers returns
Jonny has toured worldwide with international jazz artists, has won awards and wrote a duo for vibraphone and trombone for the London Symphony Orchestra.
Enjoy some new year festivities at ceilidh
The war against Hitler may be over but the war with Aunty Beeb has only just
The play runs from Tuesday, September 20 to Friday, September 24.
The London-based Danish comedian, writer, podcaster and influencer has a large social media following.
Wokingham –Wokingham Theatre 0118www.wokinghamtheatre.org.uk9785363
It runs from Friday, September 16 to Saturday, October 15.
Fresh from the West End, Ben has honed his show so carefully that he claims audiences have believed that they are watching Michael Jackson himself.
n For tickets and information visit: www.watermill.org.uk/ or call the box office: 01635 46044
The performance is on Thursday, September 22.
Woodley – Theatre
EDINBURGH comedy award winner Sophie Hagen brings her plus-sized humour to Newbury.
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 01483 440000.
Newly married and leading his unit against an invasion, his life is steadily eroded by a plot founded on pain, betrayal and deceit.
n For tickets and information log on to: norden.farm or call the box office on: 01628 788977.
Attenders should turn up on Thursday, September 22.
Tickets cost £15.
For a big laugh, join Sofie at the Corn Exchange in Newbury.
Doors open at 8pm.
Thebegun.play stars Robert Wilfort (Gavin and Stacey), Patrick Warner (The Crown) and Jeremy Lloyd (Trial by Laughter).
All tickets cost £29.50 (the show is appropriate for 12 years and upwards).
Maidenhead –Norden Farm 01628www.nordenfarm.org788997
Sofie Hagen: Fat Jokes can be seen on Wednesday, September 21.
n For tickets and information log on to: norden.farm or call the box office on: 01628 788977.
Tickets cost from £31.50 to £36.50, concessions cost £12.
Doors open at 8pm and tickets cost £18
I told you I was ill
Performances are on Monday to Saturday evenings at 7.30pm
Wokingham – The Whitty Theatre 0118www.thewhittytheatre.org9743247
Magic of Motown. Sat Lives of Clay and Bonded. Sofie Hagen: Fat Jokes.
Sun 18.
Evening performances on each day start at Matinées7.30pmon Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, start at 2.30pm.
A first week special price of £5 off applies to performances from September 16 to September 19.
A Bunch of Amateurs. Until Sat 17.
Catch the Jonny Marsfield Quartet at Reading’s Progress Theatre.
Barefoot Opera performs this fully staged production in the Courtyard Theatre, at Norden Farm Arts Centre, Maidenhead.Itwilltake place on Thursday, September 22.
Magic of Motown. Sat 17. Life of Clay and Bonded. Sun 18. Sofie hagan: Fat Jokes. Wed 21. Rich Hall: Shot From Cannons. 23. Kerry Godliman: Bosh. 24.
Doors open at 7.30pm.
Newbury – The Corn
n For tickets and information log onto: whatsonreading.com or call the box office: 0118 960 6060
The event takes place on Friday, September 16.
IAN Hislop and NIck Newman’s play Spike! is an absurd and funny drama that delves into the inner workings of one of our most brilliantly irreverent comic minds, that of Spike Milligan.
Expect lively and upbeat dancing with freylekhs, horas, and bulgars to get people moving.
But while other Goons cope with overnight celebrity status, Spike struggles to behave, pushing the boundaries of comedy and the patience of the BBC, to their limits.
Jazz night will make good Progress
If the shoe fits, wear it
at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, in Guildford.
With a live band, and dazzling costumes the show will also incorporate the singer’s now famous hallmark dance routines.
With live music, and a caller to guide everyone through the dances, it promises to be an evening of fun and laughter.
Backed by film and pictures, he shares his extraordinary life, with tales of Johnners, Arlott and other larger than lifeAncharacters.Eveningwith Henry Blofeld, My Dear Old Things, takes place at The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.
The Klezmer ceilidh will take place in an atmospheric 18th century barn.
He is known for his reporting on Test
n For tickets and information visit: yvonne-arnaud.co.uk or call the box office on: 0148 344 0000
She published her debut book, Happy Fat, in 2019, and co-hosts podcasts on BBC radio.
Saturday matinées start at 2.30pm Thursday matinées on September 22 and October 1 start at 2.30pm
Michael Starring Ben, takes place at Reading’s Hexagon Theatre.
Tuesday matinées on September 27, October 6, and October 11 start at 1pmTickets range from £15 to £40, with concessions and group discounts available.
SHANA tova! the Hebrew for good year, is all the invitation you need to join in new year festivities in Maidenhead.
The event takes place on Sunday, September 18. Doors open at 5.30pm.Tickets cost £25, multi-buy discounts are available.
This powerful and bold new adaptation tells the story of ambitious and respected military man, Othello.
–The Watermill 01635www.watermill.org.uk46044 Othello. Fri 16-Sat Oct 15. Reading –South Street 0118www.whatsonreading.com9606060 Andy Parsons: Work in Progress. Thurs 15. Kiri Pritchard McLean: Home Truths. Fri 16. Colin Hoult: The Death of Anna Mann. Sat 17. Robin Hitchcock. Wed 21. Jayde Adams: Men, I Can Save You. Thurs 22. Jen Brister: The Optimist. Fri 23. Rob Newman Live On Stage. Sat 24. Reading – Hexagon 0118www.whatsonreading.com9606060 Bye Bye Baby. Sat 17. Ministry of Science. Sun 18. Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls. Wed 21. Michael: The Magic of Michael Jackson. Thurs 22. Dick and Dom In Da Bungalow Live. Sat 24. Talon. Sun 25. Reading –Concert Hall 0118www.whatsonreading.com9606060 NEXT SHOW: Grace Petrie. Oct 20. Reading – Progress www.progresstheatre.co.uk 0118 384 2195 Jonny Mansfield Quartet. Fri 16. The Pride. Oct 10-15. Reading – Reading Rep Theatre 0118www.readingrep.com3702620 NEXT SHOW: Jekyll and Hyde. Oct 10-29. Shinfield – Shinfield Players www.shinfieldplayers.org.uk 0118 975 8880 NEXT SHOW: Our House. Fri Sept 30-Sat Oct 1, Thurs Oct 6-Sat Oct 8. Sonning – The Mill 0118www.millatsonning.com9698000
His particular interest in cricket has led him to author eight books on the subject.Hecomes to Guildford to treat his audience to an evening of fun and games.
Great Dane to bring comedy to Newbury
The audience can expect a showcase of Jackson’s greatest hits, including Beat It, Thriller, and The Man In The Mirror.
Doors open at 7.30pm.
Match Special, and on BBC Radios 4 and 5 Live Sports Extra.
Jealousy, hatred and deep-rooted tensions will change everything for the soldier and his new wife, Desdemona. The play is performed at Newbury’s (Bagnor) Watermill Theatre.

Windsor –Theatre Royal 01753www.theatreroyalwindsor.co.uk853888
MAIDENHEAD Music Society presents the classic fairy tale of Cinderella, as told by Rossini.Thiseffervescent comedy La Cenerentola gives the tale an operatic twist.Itis delivered by newly emerging singers, in Italian, with English subtitles.
HENRY Blofeld, OBE, nickname Blowers,is an English retired sports journalist and broadcaster.
Wed 21. Blind Ambition. Wed 21-Thurs 22. It Snows In Benidorm. Thurs 22. Rich Hall, Shot From Cannons. Fri 23.
The group launched in 2019, and this is only their second public performance – covid lockdowns have prevented a more regular schedule.
CELEBRATION: Trinity Concert Band will be taking to the University of Reading’s Great Hall to play a selection of well-known classics, Julie Giroux’s To Walk with Wings and a world premiere of Len Tyler’s ‘Trinity Suite’. Picture: Trinity Concert Band

Tickets for the anniversary event cost £13 for adults, £7 for students and are free for under 16s and newcomers.
You’ll just have to come and find out.
The perfect family gathering?LEISURE
£1.5 million in cash and tries to persuade his wife, Jean, (Natasha Gray) that they should fly away and start a new life before the owner of the cash catches up with them.Asimple plan, no? No.
Julie Giroux’s To Walk with Wings is set to dazzle, a piece commissioned by the United States Air Force Academy Band.Inaddition, well-known works
A GROUP of flautists will be holding their latest concert early next month in Winnersh.

“I do hope you’ll join us for this exciting anniversary concert.”Theband has commissioned a piece which will make its world premiere at the Great Hall.
The concert will kick off at 7pm, finishing at around 9pm. n For more information or to book tickets, visit: www.
She said: “It’s been six years since I last exercised my performance muscle on the Wilde Theatre stage, so I thought I’d attempt to get it moving again and I’m thrilled to be playing the ultimate ‘Drama Queen’ Judith Bliss.”But it’s a different experience for James Warriner–Gallyer, playing Sandy Tyrell.
Trinity Concert Band will take to the University of Reading’s Great Hall on Saturday, September 24, to commemorate the landmark occasion.
n Tickets cost £16, or £14 for members. For more details, or to book, log on to: www. southhillpark.org.uk
identities to help Harry execute his Finallyplan. add a detective (Stuart Neal) who brings disturbing news and you have the recipe for a brilliantMisunderstandingsfarce. and mistaken identities abound and tensions run high as Harry struggles to remain in control.
Will Harry and Jean ever make it to Barcelona? Will the taxi driver ever get his fare?
THE LEAVES might be turning brown, there’s an autumnal nip in the air, but a Brackbell-based theatre wants you to have hay fever.Not just any hay fever, but one devised by that master of wit, NoelSouthCoward.HillPark’s Studio Theatre Company will present a new staging of the classic play Hay Fever between Wednesday, September 21, and Saturday, September 24.
The Washington Post, Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks and Eric Whitacre’s Lux Aurumque will feature.Trinity Concert Band is a community wind band based in Earley, which was founded in 2001.Its 45 members range in ability, from talented amateurs to professional musicians.
Mr Tyler spent 28 years in army music, before setting up his own music school for children up to upper primary age.
IN:CASHED SonningTheMoneyFunnyatMillat LambisAndreasPicture:
Funny Money Until November 5
arrangements of other pieces from Bernstein’s Overture to Candide to You’ve got a Friend in Me. It will be performed on regular flutes as well as more specialist piccolo, alto and bass flutes.
Featuring some familiar faces and others making their Mill debut, the cast work together with incredible energy.

Then throw into the mix the couple’s friends, Vic and Betty, (Harry Gostelow and Elizabeth Elvin) who have simply come for dinner but who end up assuming any number of different
We’re in the funny money at The Mill
“Every concert for me is a celebration of my time with the talented musicians that make up the great Trinity Concert Band.
WHAT’S GOOD TO DO FRI 30 SEP – SUN 2 OCT 0118 960 6060 whatsonreading.com To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 29

music group will celebrate its 21st anniversary by performing a selection of classics, while also premiering a new composition.
Tickets cost £7 for adults, £3 for under 18s and will be available to buy on the door. The concert starts at 3pm, and proceeds will help the upkeep of the Anglican church.
Composed by Len Tyler, the three-movement Trinity Suite is based on some of the group’s favourite venues in
Trinity show to mark its 21st anniversary
The programme features music specially composed for flute ensemble, as well as

Set in a country house on the River Thames, Hay Fever blends hi-jinks, satire and a comedy of manners to present a unique portrait of a wacky and endearing EnglishEachfamily.ofthe four members of the Bliss family has invited a guest to stay at the family estate for the Thisweekend.setsthestage for a series of raucous misunderstandings
“We are lucky to have experienced players throughout all sections of the band, which adds real strength and depth to the overall sound they produce.
Eighteen talented musicians comprise the Fairwater Flute Ensemble, and they will be performing on Saturday, October 1, at St Mary’s The Virgin in Church Close.
The Mill at Sonning 0118 969 Millatsonning.com8000
The setlist will also feature female composers in an attempt to address their lack of representation in classical music.According to the band, only five percent of pieces scheduled in the genre’s concerts are written by women.
that only serve to underscore an unspoken but universal fact: there is no such thing as a normal family.Hay Fever is one of Noel Coward’s most famous plays, written nearly 100 years ago but it still maintains that special feeling of what it’s like to have invited but yet uninvited guests taking over your house for a weekend.Theplay is sometimes charming and sometimes leaves audiences feeling very uncomfortable as the characters attempt small talk and loyalties and allegiances change throughout.Whatisguaranteed is a hilarious night at the theatre as you enjoy the quintessentially British nature of this classic piece of theatre.Auriole Wells play Judith Bliss.
Paul Speed, will also be celebrating a decade as the band’s music director.
He said: “I am fortunate to have been Trinity Concert Band’s musical director for nearly ten years now and have followed on from some fine conductors.
farceCooneyisalways a popular item on the programme of The Mill and this is arguably one of his best.
Think Basil Fawlty mixed in with Rene Artois and just a little of Compo.Verbaland visual gags abound as these larger-than-life characters get carried away by the absurdity of the situation.
Despite his best efforts he is thwarted at every turn, firstly by the arrival of a policeman (Eric Carte) who may or may not have come about the briefcase.Thena very patient taxi driver (Charlie Parker-Swift) who may or may not eventually make the journey to the airport.
The play starts with Harry Perkins (Steven Pinder) arriving home in a state of great excitement.Afterpicking up the wrong briefcase on the tube he discovers he is now the owner of

“This is my first performance with the Studio Theatre Company, first time at the Wilde Theatre and come to think of it my first Noel Coward play too,” he said.“Ihave had a brilliant time with the team, and it’s been great fun delving into the Blisses’ bonkers little world.”
Ensemble prepares for concert date
Newtown Community Garden rewilding project: Nextdoor Nature meet up. 11am-2pm.
READING – South Street Arts Centre. Poets Cafe online. 1pm. Details: 0118 960 6060.
EARLEY – Earley Crescent Resource Centre, Warbler Drive RG6 4HB. MS weekly drop-in. 10.30am-1.30pm Details: 0118 921 0555.
RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
Reading Vegan Festival 2022. 11am-4pm Details: 0118 216 1750.
SeptemberSaturday, 17
READING – Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square. History of Reading Society meeting: Spencer Slingsby Stallwood: centenary reflections. 7pm for 7.30pm. £2, free members. yahoo.comhistoryofreadingsociety@Details:
DUNSDEN GREEN – Village Hall RG4 9QG. English Country dancing evening: beginners welcome. £4, first session free. 8pm. Details: 07714 226723.
READING – Cattle Market, Great Knollys Street RG1 7HU. Reading Farmers Market. 8.15amnoon. Details: smarket.co.ukthamesvalleyfarmerwww.
RG1 8LB. Brewery tour and tasting. Noon. Booking essential. Details: phantombrew.comwww.
SPENCERS WOOD – Spencers Wood Pavilion, Clares Green Road RG7 1DY. Social Seniors Tea and Coffee with Friendship Table. 10am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, RoseMethodistWokinghamChurch,StreetRG401XS.
WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. Details:12.30pm-2.30pm.linkvisiting.org
EARLEY – St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue RG6 7JN. Re:Fresh cafe with Friendship Table. 10amnoon. Details: linkvisiting.
WOOLHAMPTON – Douai Abbey RG7 5TQ. Reading Phoenix Choir presents Sing for Refugees. 7.30pm. £10, under 16s free. Details: abbey22rpchoir.com/douai-
WOKINGHAM – Town Hall, Market Place RG40 1AS. Town mayor’s charity quiz night in aid of Kaleidoscopic UK. £15 per person. 7pm. Details: Search Eventbrite.co.uk for Town Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents car boot sale. 8am-1pm. Cars £10, vans £15. Details: 07861 654674 or woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT – Pinewood Minature Railway, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Pinewood Minature Railway running. £1.50 per ride, four rides £5. 1.30pm-4pm. Under threes free. Now accepts card payments. Details: pinewoodrailway.co.ukwww.
SeptemberMonday, 19
CLASP Wokingham cafe with Friendship table. 10am-noon. Every third and fourth Tuesday of the month. Details: linkvisiting. org
TILEHURST – St. Michael’s Church, New Lane Hill RG30 4JX. A Celebration of Church Bell Ringing. Have a go, see crafts, and explore church’s stained glass windows. 10am4pm. Free. Details: stmichaeltilehurst.org.ukwww.
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details and advance booking: matilda.katrust. org.uk
WOOSEHILL – Woosehill Church, Chestnut Avenue RG41 3RS. Sip and Share with friendship table. 11am-noon, every second Saturday. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Open Hand Open Space Ltd, 571 Oxford Road, RG30 1HL. Heritage Open Day: discover the history for Brock Keep. 11am-4pm. Free.
BEECH HILL – Trunkwell House, Beech Hill Road RG7 2AT. Wedding fair. 11am-3pm. Free entry. Details: co.ukberkshireweddingfairs.www.
BINFIELD – Newbold Church RG42 4AN. Arts Society Wokingham: Learn about the Ghent Altarpiece: its early history and its later finding by the Monuments Men in 1945, an illustrated talk by Paula Nuttall. AGM 7.30pm, talk 7.45pm. Wokingham.org.ukwww.TheArtsSocietyDetails:
WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Saturday market. 9am3pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
FINCHAMPSTEAD – FBC Centre Cafe, Gorse Ride North RG40 4ES. Friendship table. 10amnoon. Details: linkvisiting. org
READING – Town Hall, Blagrave Street RG1 1QH. Reading Vintage Second Life Fashion Pop-Up. Details: www.weare.shop
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details and advance booking: matilda.katrust. org.uk
SeptemberTuesday, 20
READING - Milk, Merchants Place RG1 1DT. Comedy club featuring four acts, including Matt Richardson. Doors 6pm, comedy 7pm. £7. laughtercraftcomedy.comDetails:
READING – St. Marys Church, Castle Street, RG1 7RD. Heritage open days: discover historic pots, and learn about the invention of the printing press and its role in sharing the Bible. 9.30am-5.30pm.
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, RoseMethodistWokinghamChurch,StreetRG401XS.
Cafe Mosiac lunch club with Friendship table. Noon-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING - Town Hall, Blagrave Street RG1 1QH. Meet The Father Willis Organ, an astounding invention. With Organ Curator, Dr William McVicker, organist David Pether and other members of the Berkshire Organists’ Association. Noon, 1.30pm. Free.
READING – Turbine House, Riverside Museum, Kenavon Drive RG1 3DH. Reading Guild of Artists Small Works exhibition. 10am-6pm. Free. www.rga-artists.org.ukDetails:
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church Parish Rooms, Reading Road RG41 1EH. Coffee and Chat: a warm welcome, a listening ear and refreshments. 2pm4pm. Details: 0118 979 2122 or church.office@ spauls.co.uk.
WOKINGHAM – Elms Field. Mindset Unlimited: The Wokingham Wellbeing Festival. 10am-6pm. WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Saturday market. 9am3pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church Parish Rooms,
WOKINGHAM – Across borough. Wokingham Arts Trail 2022. Details: wokinghamartstrail.co.ukwww.
for people with or without autism. 7pm-9pm. Drinks and snacks available to buy. Music, and friendship. Details: kingwood.org.uk
READING – The Biscuit Factory, Queens Walk RG1 7QE. The Ants and the Grasshopper screening followed by a question and answer session. readingbiscuitfactory.co.ukDetails:
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
WOOSEHILL –FernleaCommunityAcornCentre,DriveRG41 3DR. Acorn Cafe with Friendship table. Details:10.30am-noon.linkvisiting.org
READING –through,Road/AmityCumberlandRoadcutNewtown.
READING – Open Hand Open Space Ltd, 571 Oxford Road, RG30 1HL. Heritage Open Day: discover the history for Brock Keep. 11am-4pm. Free.
CAVERSHAM - Waitrose Car Park, off Gosbrook Road. Caversham Artisan & Farmers Market. 10am3pm.
EARLEY – Trinity Church, Chalfont Close RG6 5HZ. Re:Fresh with Friendship Table. 2pm-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org READING – The Biscuit Factory, Queens Walk RG1 7QE. RetirementHappyMrPickering, a short film followed by a question and answer session with director Keshav Shree. readingbiscuitfactory.co.ukDetails:
READING – Turbine House, Riverside Museum, Kenavon Drive RG1 3DH. Reading Guild of Artists Small Works exhibition. 10am-6pm. Free. www.rga-artists.org.ukDetails:
READING – Reading School, Erleigh Road RG1 5LW. Reading Climate Festival youth fair. 10am-4pm. Details: readingcan.org.uk
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Mates Rates Comedy Club presents Leo Kearse. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – Great Hall, University of Reading, London Road RG1 5AQ. Trinity Concert Band 21st anniversary concert. 7pm. £13, £7 students. Details: 0118 449 2099 or trinityband.co.uk
Reading Road RG41 1EH. Coffee and Chat: a warm welcome, a listening ear and refreshments. 2pm4pm. Details: 0118 979 2122 or church.office@ spauls.co.uk.
READING – YMCA, Parkside Road RG30 2DD. YMCA Reading free family fun day. 10am-3pm. Facpainting, bouncy castle, circus workship, zumba class taster, free refreshments and more.
WOOSEHILL –FernleaCommunityAcornCentre,DriveRG41 3DR. Acorn Cafe with Friendship table. Details:10.30am-noon.linkvisiting.org
READING – Reading Old Cemetery (Cemetery Junction), London Road RG1 4LS. Reading’s role in the history of photography - an exhibition at Junction Arch. 10am-5pm. Free. Just turn up.
READING – The Centre for Heritage and Family History, 2nd Floor, Reading Central Library, Abbey Square RG1 3BQ. Southcote and its Manor, an online talk by Mike Cooper.
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road
WOKINGHAM – Norreys Church, Norreys Avenue RG40 1UU. T&C at SHARE Wokingham Friendship table. Details:12.30pm-2.30pm.linkvisiting.org
READING - Battle Library, Oxford Road. Board games club for teenagers upwards. Noon-2pm. Free. Details: 0118 937 5103.
READING – Changing Room, Thames Lido, Napier Road RG1 8FR. Reading Civic Society presents So what do you know about Reading’s great motor car industry? An illustrated presentation about Derek Buckler, his Cars and Karts from the 1940s to the 1960s. 6pm. Free, booking essential.
READING - Star Lane Wharf, behind Queen’s Road Car Park. Kennet and Avon trust 45-minute boat trips on Matilda Too. Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. £9.50, £5.50 children, under threes free. Details advanceandbooking: matilda. katrust.org.uk
WOKINGHAM – St Paul’s Church, Reading Road. Wokingham Horticultural Association autumn show. 2pm-4pm.
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. An Evening with Jeremy Irons and Simon Williams, in aid of The George Hatfield Theatrical Arts Foundation. £38. Bar from 6.30pm. Details: 0118 969 8000.
EARLEY – Earley CResCent Resource Centre, Warbler Drive RG6 4HB. Friendship table. 2pm-3pm. Details: linkvisiting.org.
WOKINGHAM WITHOUT –Pinewood Bar and Cafe, Pinewood Leisure Centre, Old Wokingham Road RG40 3AQ. Friendship table available. 9am-4pm. Details: linkvisiting.org WOODLEY – Bulmershe School, Chequers Way RG5 3EU. Thames Valley Chorus free singing course for men. 7.30pm-9pm. Free. Details: tvchorus.co.ukwww.
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table. 10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org
READING – Fobney Water Treatment Works, Next to lock 105 on the Kennet and Avon Canal, Island Road, RG2 0RP. Fobney Fun Day with Nature Nurture and Thames Water. 11.30am-3pm.
EARLEY – Brookside Church, Brookside Close RG6 7HG. Open Door cafe with Friendship Table. 2pm4pm. Details: linkvisiting. org
READING – Reading Museum, Blagrave Street RG1 1QH. Bayeux in Britain at Reading Museum study day. Details: andantetravels.co.ukwww.
READING - Battle Library, Oxford Road. Board games club for teenagers upwards. Noon-2pm. Free. Details: 0118 937 5103.
READING – Outside Marks & Spencer, Broad Street, RG1 2BH. Celebration for University of the Third Age’s 40th readingu3a.org.uk10am-4pm.anniversary.Details:www.
Due to the Queen’s funeral, today is a public holiday
EARLEY – St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue RG6 7JN. Re:Fresh cafe with Friendship Table. 10amnoon. Details: linkvisiting. org
FINCHAMPSTEAD – Siren Craft Brew, Marino Way. Brewery tours. 1pm2.30pm. Details: www.sirencraftbrew.com/https://

THEALE - Library, Church Street RG7 5BZ. Play bridge. Suitable for beginners and experienced players. 10.45am-12.45pm. No booking required. Free. Details: 0118 930 3207, gov.ukthealelibrary@westberks.or:
30 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
Holding a community event? Send your listings to events@wokinghampaper.co.uk LEISURE
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, Rose Street. Wokingham Methodist Transport Group presents: Stuart Hicks: A lecture on the Southern Electric system from Weymouth to Ramsgate. The line to Wokingham was electrified in 1939, and Wokingham station still had a sign advertising the Southern Electric brand in 1971. 7.45pm. Details: 0118 977 1754.
WOKINGHAM – Bradbury Centre, StreetMethodistWokinghamChurch,RoseRG401XS. Cafe Mosiac with Friendship table. 11am-noon. Details: linkvisiting.org
SeptemberSaturday, 24
READING - Market House, Market Place RG1 2EQ.
SeptemberSunday, 18
SeptemberFriday, 23
SeptemberThursday, 22
10am-1.30pm. Details: linkvisiting.org WOODLEY – Crockhamwell Road precinct. Woodley Town Centre presents Artisan market. 9am2pm. Details: woodleytowncentre.co.ukwww.
READING –HackspaceReadingrLab,Unit C1, Weldale Street RG1 7BX. Reading Repair Cafe: “if it’s broken, bring it along and we are sure to have a go or at least provide some advice about what your best course of action might be”. 12.30pm-4pm. Free, donations welcome.
THEALE - Library, Church Street RG7 5BZ. Play bridge. Suitable for beginners and experienced players. 10.45am-12.45pm. No booking required. Free. Details: 0118 930 3207, gov.ukthealelibrary@westberks.or:
borough. Wokingham Arts Trail 2022. Details: wokinghamartstrail.co.ukwww.
DUNSDEN – Dunsden Green Farm, Church Lane RG4 9QD. LoddFest 2022: Third Lung, Elucidate, lee John Blackmore, Louis and the Shakes, Loveless, Mellor, Pylons, Reliant, The Bible Code Sundays, The Nova Hawks, Bex Ruth, Dakorra, Ilani, Nicky Booty, The Wave Machine. £15, £15 children. 11am-11pm. Street food, craft beer and more. Details: loddonbrwery.comwww.
READING –Brewing,PhantomMeadow Road
READING – St. Marys Church, Castle Street, RG1 7RD. Heritage open days: discover historic pots, and learn about the invention of the printing press and its role in sharing the Bible. 10am-2pm.
READING – Rising Sun Arts Centre, Silver Street RG1 2ST. The Finches social club
READING - Bar 77, Kings Road RG1 3BJ. Big Jay’s Drag anniversary show. 8pm.
WOKINGHAM – The Cornerstone, All Saints Church, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE. Wokingham and East Berkshire Camera Club meeting: talk by Scottish photographer Dougue Wallace. 7.30pm. www.webcc.org.ukDetails:
WOKINGHAM – Salvation Army, Sturges Road RG40 2HD. Cafe Refresh Friendship table.
SeptemberFriday, 16
It’s split across two stages: The Tapyard Stage showcases nine exciting and inspirational indie bands on the rise, while The Brewhouse Stage will host six intimate performances from Artists ranging from electronic chill-out to singer songwriter folk.
Thursday, September 22
READING - Hope and Bear, London Road RG1 5DE. Hannah Doorman. Details: 0118 935 4095
On August 26, he released this new single, another of his self-penned joyous uplifting songs.Aday later he was opening the main Trademark Windows Stage at Wokingham Festival with a wonderful set that perfectly suited the occasion as the sun shone down.
CROWTHORNE – Royal British Legion, Wellington Road RG45 7LJ. Paul Tino. Details: 01344 772161.
READING – The Facebar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Strictly Roots Revival with Jah Lion Movement. Details: 0118 956 8188.
The Wave Machine at Wokingham Festival Picture: Andrew Merritt
EARLEY – Harley-Davidson, Wokingham Road RG6 8HN. Bottle Kids. Details: 0118 334 4300.
The Wave Machine – So Far So Good
We haven’t seen them live before, hopefully we can rectify that at Loddfest on Saturday.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. PsychoPomp: In Humanity’s Last Days launch show. Details: 0118
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Billy Liberaton. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Reggae Sundays. Details: 0118 959 7196.
This is taken from The Room’s 2019 album, Caught by the Machine, which we added few weeks ago in tribute to the brilliant guitarist from the band, Eric Bouillette, who sadly passed away recentlyhttps://theroom.band/
Following radio interviews to promote the single, Angus is live this Saturday at Loddfest.That’slooking like a great eventhttps://linktr.ee/thewavemachine
READING - Lola Lo, Friar Street. Skint Thursdays: Skint Rock, pop punk and classic rock, plus house and techo. Details: Twitter @skintmondays
TILEHURST – The Royal British Legion Club, Downing Road RG31 5BB. Red. Details: 0118 942 9606.
Saturday, September 17
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk, Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls. Details: 0118 960 6060.
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk. Michael: starring Ben. Details: 0118 960 6060.
There is also a Facebook page and group chat that bands and music fans can tap into. You can search for RaW Sounds Today and it will come up.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Punk night: Echo Chambers, Dead Eyed Smiles. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING – Queens Head, Christchurch Road RG2 7AZ. Northern Soul Social Sunday. 2pm-5pm. Details: 0118 931 0232.
Elucidate – Crossroads
BRACKNELL - The Bridge, Wokingham Road RG42 1PP. Utter Madness Duo. Details: 01344 862912.
READING – Community Hall, Watlington House, Watlington Street RG1 4RJ. Readifolk presents: Singers Night. Details: www.readifolk.org.uk
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Reggae Sundays. Details: 0118 959 7196.
READING – The Hexagon, Queens Walk. Talon. Details: 0118 960 6060.
Aaron Cilia – The Illusion
SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON – The Four Horseshoes. Beer festival. Details: 01256 882296.
Flutatious – Wendel the Witch (Mitchell Mix)
BINFIELD – The Victoria Arms, Terrace Road North RG42 5JA. Pink Fish. Details: 01344 483856.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Freshers house Party. Details: 0118 959 5395.
It’s an eclectic mix of stuff that will help you discover something new. All you have to do is find it on ToSpotify.hear this week’s selection, simply head to https://bit.ly/rawsoundstoday and enjoy the music.
READING – The Hexagon, Queen’s Walk. Bye Bye Baby. Details: 0118 960 6060.
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. Dance Cult 10 DC10. Details: 01344 303333.
WOODLEY – The Good Companions, Loddon Bridge Road RG5 4AG. The Echo. Details: 0118 969 3325.
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. Ragamuffins and Fleet Country Club reunion. Details: 01344 303333.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live Details: 0118 959 5746.
Tuesday, September 20
Talking of Loddfest, here’s a band that will be thereElucidatetoo. are an alt-rock band from Reading that we have been hearing good things about.
The latest single from this Reading/London-based band who create infectious catchy indie pop.
This Bracknell-based band are a local favourite and this year their fame has been spreading as they have wowed crowds at festivals around the country including Wokingham - www.sprigganmist.com/
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Friday Night live Details: 0118 959 5746.
The Room – Vanished
Details: 0118 958 0473.
READING – The Retreat, St John’s Street RG1 4EH. Jazz with Stuart Henderson, Simon Price and guests. 3.30pm. Details: 0118 376 9159.
READING – Progress Theatre, The Mount RG1 5HL. Jazz at Progress presents Evan Parker. Details: www. jazzinreading.com
To advertise in this section,call Claire on 0118 327 2662
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Inair, Red Tape Resistance, Neverendings and Support. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more. Details: 0118 958 0473.
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. House party: vinyl DJs from 4pm: Andy Trafferd, Craig Harris, Andrew Townsend, Peter Creegan, Jon Paul, Buz Musial, Dave Crowley. Details: 0118 977 3706.
Thursday,disappointmentavoidSeptember 15
EARLEY – Earley Home Guard Social Club, Pitts Lane RG6 1BT. Late Night Boogie. Details: 0118 926 5936.
READING – Zerodegrees, Bridge Street RG1 2LR. Friday night live, from 6pm. Details: 0118 959 7959.
Friday, September 16
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Strictly UB40. Details: 0118 959 5395.
READING – The Facebar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Rammlied. Details: 0118 956 8188.
Chris Venuessoundstodaybit.ly/rawHillmanmaycancel
DUNSDEN – Dunsden Green Farm, Church Lane RG4 9QD. LoddFest 2022: Third Lung, Elucidate, lee John Blackmore, Louis and the Shakes, Loveless, Mellor, Pylons, Reliant, The Bible Code Sundays, The Nova Hawks, Bex Ruth, Dakorra, Ilani, Nicky Booty, The Wave Machine. Details: www. loddonbrwery.com
The RaW Sounds Today playlist is on a mission to champion and showcase great music from acts that have a connection to Reading and Wokingham (that’s the RaW in our Sounds Today name).
One of the success stories of Wokingham Festival was OSP, who stepped in at last minute to cover for a cancellation, and got the crowd moving with an excellent set. Here’s Iyah, their most recent singlehttps://www.facebook.com/ospmusicuk
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. DJ night. Details: 0118 977 3706.
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Limpopo Groove. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – Zerodegrees, Bridge Street RG1 2LR. Friday night live, from 6pm. Details: 0118 959 7959.
To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 31
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Open mic. Details: 0118 959 5500.
BINFIELD – The Binfield Club, Terrace Road RG42 4HP. Discover. Details: 01344 420690.
Here’s their latest single which was released in the summer. It’s a good slice of melodic indie pop rock as are their other releases so far such as their Elucidate EP. The band released a remastered version of that EP earlier this year - https://linktr.ee/ ElucidateUK
due to the death of the Queen – check before heading out to
OSP – Iyah
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Storm in a Teacup presents Buds, Missing the Scene, Forgotten Names, As Loud as a Mouse, The Bourbon Massive. Details: 0118 959 5500.
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more.
WOKINGHAM – The Whitty Theatre, Luckley House School, Luckley Road RG40 3EU. Wokingham Music Club presents The Korgis featuring James Warren. 7.30pm. £25. wokinghammusicclub.co.ukDetails:www.

READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more. Details: 0118 958 0473.
READING – The Turks, London Road RG1 5BJ. Band Substance. Details: 0118 957 6930.
After the overwhelming success of its sell-out festival last year, LoddFest 22 will once again showcase the best local bands with 10 hours of back-to-back performances.
READING – The Apollo Club, Mount Pleasant. Ma Bessie. From 2pm.
CAVERSHAM PARK – Caversham Park Village Social Club, Milestone Centre, Northbrook Road. Dave Collinson’s Roy Orbison tribute. Details: www. cpva.org.uk
STOKE ROW – Crooked Billet RG9 5PU. Nine Below Zero. Details: 01491 681048.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Skinner and T’witch. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
WOKINGHAM – Broad Street Tavern, Broad Street RG40 1AU. Full Flavour Band. Details: 0118 977 3706.
READING – The Moderation, Caversham Road RG1 8BB. Dirtbag. Details: 0118 959 5577.
READING - Wild Lime, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Open mic: spoken word, music and vibes. From 6.30pm.
Monday, September 19
Saturday, September 24
READING – Salisbury Conservative Club, Kings Road RG1 4HX. Paddington. Details: 0118 926 5804.
Sunday, September 25
BRACKNELL – The Silver Birch, Liscombe RG12 7DE. Blue Hayz. Details: 01344 457318.
To celebrate, our two new entries are bands that will be there. Look out for Third Lung as well.
They will be at Heavy Pop’s Roseate Sessions in Reading with Bethia on Thursday, September 29thephantomboothhttps://www.facebook.com/
NETTLEBED – Village Club, High Street RG9 5DD. Nettlebed Folk Club presents: The Jackie Oates Trio. Details: www.nettlebedfolkclub.co.uk
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Request night. Details: 0118 959 5746.
Friday, September 23
That Joe Payne – Live the Dream
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. The Zoots 80s show. Details: 0118 969 8000.
READING - O’Neill’s, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Live music Fridays: Mirror Effect. Details: 0118 960 6580.
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Scarlet Vixens Purple Peepshow. Details: 0118 959 7196.
RaW TodaySounds
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. Live rock music with the Dead Revival and Bacchanal. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING – Grosvenor Casino Reading, Rose Kiln Lane RG2 0SN. Rudie Rich. Details: 0118 402 7800.
READING – Queens Head, Christchurch Road RG2 7AZ. Northern Soul Social Sunday. 2pm-5pm. Details: 0118 931 0232.
BRACKNELL – The Acoustic Couch, The Ring RG12 1JG. New Music Tuesday. Details: www.theacousticcouch.co.uk
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Autumn beer and cider festival with live music and more. Details: 0118 958 0473.
Spriggan Mist – Lair of Isambard
READING – The Rising Sun, Silver Street RG1 2ST. Mississippi MacDonald. Details: 0118 986 6788.
READING – The Castle Tap, Castle Street RG1 7RJ. Box Set. Details: 0118 958 0473.
James Hollingsworth – Faster than Light
WOODLEY – Bull and Chequers, Woodley Green RG5 4QP. Paddington. Details: 0118 969 9756.
Angus Trott aka The Wave Machine has been having a busy few weeks.
Loddfest is taking place in Dunsden Green.
Sunday, September 18
Here’s the latest single from That Joe Payne who headlined the Wokingham Music Club Stage at Wokingham Festival and showed what an incredible voice he has and what a brilliant performer he ishttps://www.thatjoepayne.com/

READING – Community Hall, Watlington House, Watlington Street RG1 4RJ. Readifolk presents: Damien Barber and Mike Wilson. Details: www.readifolk. org.uk
READING – The Retreat, St John’s Street RG1 4EH. Jackie Doe and the Uncertainty of Passion. Details: 0118 376 9159.
Wednesday, September 21
READING - Lola Lo, Friar Street. Skint Thursdays: Skint Rock, pop punk and classic rock, plus house and techo. Details: Twitter @skintmondays
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Found Native. Details: 0118 959 7196
SONNING – The Mill at Sonning, Sonning Eye RG4 6TY. The Sound of Springsteen. Details: 0118 969 8000.
Aaron has a connection to Spriggan Mist. He’s the son of Baz and Maxine Cilia from the band! He’s also sound engineer on the WMC Stage at Wokingham Festival and played his own set there - https://www. facebook.com/AaronCiliaArtist
READING – Salisbury Conservative Club, Kings Road RG1 4HX. Neon Daze. Details: 0118 926 5804.
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. !DAFT!. Details: 01344 303333.
READING – The Facebar, Ambrose Place RG1 7JE. Club Reckless free pizza party alternative club night. Details: 0118 956 8188.
READING - O’Neill’s, Friar Street RG1 1DB. Live music Fridays. Details: 0118 960 6580.
They are a favourite at Wokingham Music Club and Wokingham Festival and in August they returned to the festival. It was great to see this crowd pleaser getting the crowd going - https:// www.flutatious.co.uk/
READING – The Purple Turtle, Gun Street RG1 2JR. Found Native. BBC Introducing presents: MIYA MIYA, Mumbai, Emily Craig. Details: 0118 959 7196
BRACKNELL – The Keller, Coppid Beech Hotel, John Nike Way RG12 8TF. The Strats. Details: 01344 303333.
READING - The Botanist, Kings Road RG1 2HB. Request night. Details: 0118 959 5746.
READING - The Corn Stores, Forbury Road RG1 1SB. Tequila!!. Details: 0118 324 6768.
READING – Sub89, Friar Street RG1 1EP. Adore Delano: Party Your World. Details: 0118 959 5395.
READING – The Butler, Chatham Street RG1 7DS. Rev John H and the Revelations. Details: 0118 959 5500.
BURGHFIELD – Burghfield Spices, Reading Road RG30 3TH. Clem Johnson. Details: 0118 983 4040.
James is a singer-songwriter from South West England who performed a wonderful set at the festival for the first time a few weeks ago. This is from his ‘Thirteen Moons’ album - https://www. jameshollingsworth.com/
959 7196.
READING – Crowne Plaza Hotel, Richfield Avenue. Live & Love Music soul and blues night: Tom Martin, Paul Glover and James Newman, plus One Eyed Man. Details: www.liveandlovemusic. com
Phantom Booth – Apparatus
SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON – The Four Horseshoes. Beer festival. Details: 01256 882296
READING – South Street arts centre. Heavy Pop: Robin Hitchcock and Jessica Lee Morgan. Details: 0118 960 6060.
BURGHFIELD – The Hatch Gate, Reading Road RG30 3TH. Now and Then. Details: 0118 983 2059.
5. Italian tennis player Matteo Berrettini was forced to pull out of which 2022 Grand Slam event after contracting COVID-19?
10. Who was the only British monarch of the house of Saxe-CoburgGotha?
8. Like Tom perhaps – spiteful (5)
first and ignore the mathematical law
13. Hint of dark colouring on fish (7)
14. Mother, she accepts one club (6)
1. Synthetic topless garment (4)
5. A city doctor finds outpost the US defended (5)
1 8 11 12 17 21 23 10 10 2 13 11 17 21 3 18 15 4 9 16 24 4 13 14 16 5 15 22 6 19 7 20
16. Choose to include the Spanish in group (6)
NONAGRAM line which
Quiz Challenge
Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box.Easy Hard
24. In that place neither moved (7)
15. I get at a recipe and stir violently (7)
19. Renal disorder in Northern Ireland (5) Rex’s girl in Norfolk (4)
12. Work by one at Exmouth is inducing sleep (6)
Place the four signs (add, subtract, multiply, divide) one in each circle so that the total of each across and down line is the same. Perform the first calculation in each

once. At
3. During physical exertion, which acid is produced in muscles?
17. How the bowling side will begin warlike operations? (4,3,5)
7. Detergent washes with hesitation (8)
5. Street atlas used by detective in hunt for Mexican? (5)
10. Newspaper article that has some backbone? (6,6)
2. What C is a large semi-aquatic reptile that appears in the title of an Elton John song?
Spell out a 15-letter word or phrase by moving from one chamber to another within the pyramid. You may only enter each of the chambers once and may only proceed through openings in the walls. The first letter may appear in any chamber. Ergot;24Therein. –1Mock;2Letup;Bayonet;Ripple; 7Cleanser;Continue;Inkling; Select;18Trout;19Larne;Lynn.
1. Prohibition on drink in cafe? (4,3)
How many words of four letters or more can you make from must use the central letter, and each letter may be used only least word using nine letters
E V W H A A E T S F C R E T O Using all 16 letters of the phrase above, form four words each of four letters which will fit in the grid to form a magic square in which the words can be read both horizontally and vertically. ONE COIN, HENCE MEMO WORD PYRAMID MAGIC SQUARE Here are crossword.tolettersworkYoubeenlettersgridusingcrosswordssquareminiaturetwofive-thesame–butthehavemixedup.havetooutwhichbelongwhichSH AW BA RI TM KO SU OR LI NA DP UL ET EL GI NO YR IE EC LU RD FIVE ALIVE No. 5431 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678910 P 1112 M 13 141516171819202122 E 23242526 R O T E H S D H L 25 Good; 30 Very Good; 35 Excellent. X 1 D 2 O 3 V 4 N 5 T 6 G 7 H 8 Q 9 L 10 P 11 K 12 M 13 S 14 J 15 F 16 U 17 Z 18 R 19 C 20 B 21 Y 22 E 23 A 24 W 25 I 26 QUIZCHALLENGE:1Theyareallvarietiesofapple;2Crocodile(Rock);3Lacticacid;4Belize;5Wimbledon;6Flywheel;7DanBrown;8 Theminers’strike;9Sn;10EdwardVII. dhol;dhole;dosh;ethos;held;helot; herd;herl;hero;hest;hoed;hoer; hold;holder;hole;holed;holster;holt; horde;horse;horsed;horst;hose; hosed;hosel;host;hosted;hostel; hostler;hotel;loth;other;reshot; shed;sherd;shod;shoe;shore; shored;short;shorted;shot;shote; shred;sloth;thole;tholed;thresh; THRESHOLD;tosh. EQUALISER: Clockwisefromtop left–divide;subtract;multiply;add.Total:6. 952684137 174968253 421536978 127469835 635897421 847359612 951284673 783142596 369721845 647123859 758316492 396487125 243951678 983651247 172869534 654713892 239574618 814295376 WORDPYRAMID: Thecrestofawave. MAGICSQUARE: omen;mice;echo; neon. CRYPTICCROSSWORD: QUICKCROSSWORD: Across–1Pumice;4Sketch;8Runoff;10Ribbon;11Fumes;12 Leaves;14Severe;16Care;17Trot;19Fuss;22Fake;26Unreal; 27Lean-to;28Lower;29Output;30Airgun;31Geyser;32 Cleave. Down–1Purple;2Maniac;3Coffer;5Kaiser;6Tablet;7Hanker; 9Fuse;10Rest;13Value;15Vodka;18Dugong;19Frothy;20 Salute;21Slot;22Flea;23Aerial;24Enigma;25Pounce. Across–1Milkbar;5Aztec;8Catty;9Prairie;10Spinalcolumn; 12Opiate;14Mashie;17Takethefield;21Noisome;22Array;23
9. Plain oyster perhaps (7)
can be found. Guidelines:
4. Belmopan is the capital city of which Central American country?
11. Carry on and study tune I composed (8)
5Alamo;6 Through;
8. The 2022 TV drama series Sherwood is set against the backdrop of which industrial struggle in the 1980s?
6. Having completed a boring job (7)
21. Nasty denial is nothing to me (7)
3. Weapon fitted to a light bulb? (7)
Your weekly puzzle challenge CROSS CODE CRYPTIC CROSSWORD SUDOKU ACROSS 1. Abrasive stone (6) 4. Drawing (6) 8. Decamp (3,3) 10. tapeDecorative(6) 11. Waste gases (5) 12. Foliage (6) 14. Strict (6) 16. Feel concern (4) 17. Horse’s gait (4) 19. Ado (4) 22. Bogus (4) 26. Imaginary (6) 27. Adjoining shed (4-2) 28. Let down (5) 29. Yield (6) 30. Weapon (6) 31. Hot springwater(6) 32. Split (6) DOWN 1. Imperial colour (6) 2. violentUncontrollablyperson (6) 3. Strong chest (6) 5. sovereignGerman (6) 6. Pill (6) 7. Yearn (6) 9. Merge (4) 10. Repose (4) 13. Worth (5) 15. Russian spirit (5) 18. mammalMarine (6) 19. Bubbly (6) 20. Military greeting (6) 21. Hole for coin (4) 22. Parasitic insect (4) 23. Antenna (6) 24. Mystery (6) 25. Swoop (6) This puzzle page is supplied by Sirius Media Services Ltd. To try our new puzzle, Zygolex, go to www.zygolex.com © Sirius Media Services Ltd PZ1P5431 32 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022

Nonagram?thisEach word
Any word found in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Tenth Edition) is eligible with the following exceptions: proper nouns; plural nouns, pronouns and possessives; third person singular verbs; hyphenated words; contractions and abbreviations; vulgar slang words; variant spellings of the same word (where another variant is also eligible).
1. What do Lord Derby, James Grieve and Charles Ross have in common?
18. It swims right up then away (5)
says you should always perform division and multiplication before addition and subtraction. 10 4 8 5 2 5 3 9 3 2 1 2 EQUALISER
22. Impressive display by a boy, it is reported (5)
2. The French ram will become less persistent (3,2)
6. Which simple mechanical device maintains the momentum of a drive shaft?
23. In summer got a disease on cereal plants (5)
4. Effect caused by wave (6)
7. Professor Robert Langdon is a fictional character played by Tom Hanks on screen and created by which thriller writer?
ACROSS DOWN 1 8 12 18 26 29 31 21 2 16 19 13 3 11 20 28 9 21 25 4 8 10 14 17 22 22 27 30 32 5 23 15 6 24 26 7 25 QUICK CROSSWORD 89 64 39 5 3 4 17 5 86 2 9 3 1 6 8 5 36 1 47 26 83 46 69 5 2 5 7 41 589 7 84 3 6 4 5 596 8 1845 92 6 2 16261923237 15 1123143 24 26 1932413 13 241962614623 20 1132313 6 24 2531223 24 9 211017196 19 1 1031741923 13171420246 23 24 3 5 8 19 624213314 11261924623 6 10 23192620 19 13 23252314 17 10 232723 24 82419133522 26 317183 20 6 235422 10 1110232414232 23 Each number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start you off. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.
9. What is the chemical symbol for tin?
(2)(1)Across–Swarm;Input;Recur. Down–Skier;Aspic;Motor. Across–Habit;Ladle;Yield. Down–Holly;Budge;Trend.
Reading soon added another and this time it was Matt Daw who scored his second try under the posts finishing off a move started by Tom Sharp who had quickly pounced when a Shipston move broke down in the Reading 22. Tom Sharp converted to make the score 42-3.

The former England international, who is currently at Southampton, was keen on joining the Royals, but the clubs were unable to strike a deal in the final days of the summer transfer window.“Wewere close to getting a deal for Theo Walcott,” said Ince.
OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 33
Reading took the lead after five minutes when from a scrum the ball was worked quickly to Matt Daw on the wing who ran outside his marker and showed a good turn of speed to out strip the covering defence and cross for an unconverted try.
The head coach has guided Berks to two more honours in recent weeks, the NCCA Trophy and the NCCA Championship, making it a remarkable 10 final wins in a sixseasonSpeakingperiod.after his side had beaten Lincolnshire on first innings totals (310 against 176) in a four-day final severely hit by rain at West Bromwich D artmouth last week, Lambert said: “We need to do it again next year.
It is their professionalismall-roundthathas been largely responsible for making Berkshire the most successful side in the country below the first-class game.

Steve King forced his way over for a try converted by Tom Sharp and directly from the kick off, Robbie Webster beat his man to run clear for an unconverted try to make the score 30-3 in Reading’s favour.
“We had to work harder to catch Oxfordshire,” he said.
Reading soon added another try this time through Gavin Egan. Playing at number eight, after Ben Cunningham was injured in the warm up, he controlled the ball well as the Reading pack pushed their opponent’s scrum over the line.Reading extended their lead just prior to the break. The versatile Will Proctor-Searle, this week playing at flanker, took a quick penalty on the Shipston 22 and passed to impressive debutant Nathan Wheeler who showed speed and strength to beat the covering defence and score an unconverted try in the corner.
But he was adamant when he came in that he wanted to do things his way and he wanted us to play a certain brand of cricket and we have all bought into it.
“I’m happy with my first 14 or 15 but I’d like to get some more senior
READING FC boss Paul Ince revealed that the club were close to sealing a deal to bring Theo Walcott to the club.
players in because we’ve still got kids on the bench so we’re restricted and it only takes a couple of injuries for things to go “Whatwrong.we managed to get is players who want to fight for the team. Who have desire and want to fight to keep this team in the league.”Walcott is now 33, and has a wealth of experience having scored
“I spoke to him, had a good conversation.“He’sgota year left at Southampton and we couldn’t make the figures work which was disappointing because the boy wanted to come.”
Finbar O’Regan opened a gap in the Shipston defensive line that Tom Sharp gratefully charged through to score an unconverted try.
“That way has won us two trophies and we have got to go again.”Lambert came up trumps in his appointment of a new captain forIt2022.was never going to be easy
Shipston came back towards the end of the game and scored two late tries one from a line out close to the line and one from a penalty also close to the line which was converted. In between, Reading added a good individual try from Robbie Webster who picked up the ball in his own half and beat four defenders to make theTheline.foundation of this win was a strong scrum which was certainly much better for the return of Smith and Nicol. The lineouts also went well with Egan winning some good possession The backline was equally impressive and made good use of the ball with some strong running and slick passing especially by the two wingers.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.today
Ince admitted that the club are still looking at the free agents market to possibly add to the squad.Hecontinued: “So it’s now a case of who is out there on a free.“But it can take four or five weeks to get them (free agents) up to scratch and get them to do what I want them to do.
“The ones we have brought in have done really, really well.
up their game this season after losing the Championship title to Oxfordshire last year.
“In some ways, it has reinvigorated me as a coach because I have had to do things slightly differently and we have had to have a different way of how we go about things – how we warm up in a morning for example.”
Berks CCC
following the incredible success the county enjoyed under the leadership of James Morris and then his brother Richard, but he certainly chose the right player in Dan differentworldbringsoutitplayercaptainBolton.interviewoutaroundwasn’tbutcurrentwithleaguehasclassforhadTheLincoln.wicketkeeper/battertwoyearsplayingT20cricketMiddlesex,appearedinafirst-matchforKentlastyearandalsoplayedhigh-levelnon-footballasagoalkeeperDorkingWanderersbeinghisclub.“Hewasalwaysagoodplayerhewasaplayerthat,ifitnecessarilyfocusedhim,wedidn’tgetthebestofhim,”saidLambertinanwiththeNCCA’sPaul“Sothefocusonmakinghimwas:heisthemosttalentedIhaveeverseen,ifwemakeabouthim,wewillgetthebestofhim.“HethinksoutsidetheboxandthingsfromoutsideourofNationalCountiesfromtheprofessionalworldshehas
READING dismissed their early season blues with a fine win over Shipston running in eight tries to their opponents two.
Tom Lambert has challenged his side to ‘go again’ next year after they became the most successful side in National/Minor Counties cricket history.
Ince also provided an injury update prior to Reading’s postponed match against Watford.
Reading FC boss Paul Ince Picture: Luke Adams

more than 100 goals during his 12-year spell at Arsenal after he joined the Gunners as a 16-year-old. He also scored eight times in 47 caps for WalcottEngland.rejoined Southampton, where he started his career, in 2020 on an initial loan deal from Everton before joining permanently the next summer but has fallen out of favour and played just nine Premier League games last season.
Ince’s team are third in the Championship table heading into their midweek clash with the Black Cats having won all four of their league matches at the Select Car Leasing Stadium this season.
“We knew we had to do certain things, replace certain people and find a new way of doing things.
“Yak (Yakou Meite) is back training, maybe it is too early to start but he should be back in contention either this week on Wednesday.“Naby(Sarr) will be another couple of weeks, he won’t be back before Wigan I wouldn’t have thought.“Ovie (Ejaria) is back in the gym doing some stuff and was on the grass today, but not doing too much.“So I’m hoping after the international break he will be “Scottback. (Dann) is out until next year. It will be another two months if we are lucky.”
“We need to push on with this side.“Other teams need to catch us and they will have to work harder to catch us.”
He revealed that Berks had to
played in – football and also sharing dressing rooms with some international players.”Woodley resident Lambert continued: “We have worked really well“Sometimestogether. I have to temper some of his ideas because they are not necessarily what are needed at our level and sometimes you just let him run with it.”
By PETER CHIDGEY sport@wokingham.today
The Royals face Sunderland at home on Wednesday evening (report online at rdg.today) before they travel to face Wigan Athletic on “ShaneSaturday.(Long) has got a problem, it looks like he’s going to be out,” said“HeInce.has an issue and we will get more detail on that.
SEB REYNOLDS was delighted to see his Rams side seal a bonus-point success following a ‘quality National One derby’ win at Chinnor, the visitors running out 46-30 victors in a Kingsey Road cracker.
Chinnor grabbed a first try of their own – shortly after Connor Stapley had also been carded for Rams – when Mark Darlington touched down at the back of their ownPriceset-piece.converted for a half-time score of 24-16.

With Seers making no mistake the advantage was back to 16 points, but again Chinnor stuck to their guns and kept the game alive when wing Dean Hammond crossed on the left, Price with the conversion.Hayman smashed his way over from close range for his second score of the evening.
Rams celebrate after scoring a try
Chinnor came out of the blocks stronger and two Tom Price penalties edged them 6-0 up.
After a minute’s silence was held in memory of the Queen, both sides produced some terrific rugby in front of a crowd of 814.
Chinnor were certainly
Another try for the visitors
Chinnor v Rams Pictures: Paul Clark
Chinnor v Rams Pictures: Paul Clark
The three players who came into the side – two-try Rossiter and back row men James McRae and Josh Collis – were outstanding, and Reynolds said: “They made a huge impact coming in. Jak’s got four tries in two weeks, and it’s good when you’ve got a balance of your front row and your outside backs scoring.”
“Our physicality in the contact was great because Chinnor have some very big boys who try and drive a battering ram through the middle of you. That’s how they build momentum for (scrum-half) Luke Carter to play off, so you have to stop it at source because if you don’t you’re in for a tough ride, but I thought our guys were really good.”

However, Rams showed their quality in the final 10 minutes, camping in their opponents’ 22 before Hayman completed his double and Seers struck another roaringReflectingconversion.onarip-affair,Director of
Replacement hooker Reece Marshall touched down at the back of a maul for Chinnor, Price again on target, to keep the game alive, before an Ellis Jones interception freed Rossiter for his 60th Rams’ try.
Seers applied the coup de grace with the conversion before full time was blown at the end of what was yet again an outstanding advert for National One rugby.

Seers converted for 39-23, but again the home side rallied, Dean Hammond over before Price maintained his perfect record from the tee.
Rugby Reynolds said: “The lights must do something to the players because they produce outstanding games.
the better side early on, but Reynolds admitted the resolve his side showed was pleasing.“Wehad to ride the start out when our discipline wasn’t great and the penalty count was 5-0 against us and we were on a final warning, but we just felt we could come back,” he said.
OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY 34 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
Rams hunt down a kick
“Every time we entered their 22 in the first half we scored, and while it was a little sloppy to not kick the ball out at the end of the half – it cost us a try and a yellow card – we got the result.”
SEVEN-TRY Rams won a barnstorming derby 46-30 at Chinnor to make it back-to-back bonus-point successes.
Rams won away at Chinnor on Friday night

Rams kick at the posts
Rams, though, grabbed the first points of the second period as Jak Rossiter finished brilliantly on the right, and a Seers threepointer made it 32-16.
“Both sets of players enjoy playing in them, they put every ounce of effort in and it just produces great quality National One rugby.“There was some excellent attack on show from both sides and I thought our defence play was really, really good and muchimproved from last week.
The visitors hit back with their first trip to the opposition 22, Ant Marris burrowing over from close range before Alex Seers added the extras.Things got even better shortly afterwards as Max Hayman crashed over at the back of another powerful surge, Seers on target, and the bonus-point was secured before the break as the evergreen Baker blasted over for his first try in almost three years.
time through a converted Mark Darlington try.
By RICHARD ASHTON sport@wokingham.today
Two Tom Price penalties put the hosts ahead, but Rams rallied in power-packed fashion as Ant Marris, James McRae, Max Hayman and James Baker all crossed in the second quarter, Alex Seers converting two of thosePriceefforts.hadslotted a third penalty to make it 9-7 to the hosts before they fell 15 points behind, albeit they hit back on the stroke of half-
By RICHARD ASHTON sport@wokingham.today
Berks CCC
BERKSHIRE CCC won the National Counties Championship for the ninth time in their history by virtue of their first innings lead, writes Dave Wright.
In a soggy drawn four-day final against Lincolnshire at West Bromwich Dartmouth, Berks took the title once again to continue their domination in the competition.Withmore than two-thirds of the match lost to rain, the title was decided on the first innings totals with Berkshire, who passed Lincolnshire’s 176 on the third evening, eventually extending their lead to 134 before they were dismissed for 310 on the final morning.EuanWoods made an outstanding 129 off 181 balls after occupying the crease for nearly four hours. He and Dan O’Driscoll (57) added 117 for the seventh wicket.Earlier, young Middlesex wicketkeeper O’Driscoll had snapped up four catches behind the stumps.Henley skipper Tom Nugent, who had taken 6-66 in the first innings,
It was Berkshire’s fifth Championship title in six seasons.
RESULTS Friday, September 9 RUGBY NationalUNIONDivision One Chinnor 30-46 Rams Saturday, September 10 RUGBY UNION London & SE Division Regional 1 South BracknellCentral14-29 Maidenhead South West Division Bracknell Stags 45-3 Thatcham Tuesday, September 13 CombinedFOOTBALLCounties Premier North Sumas 1-3 ReadingBurnhamCity2-1 Holyport FA Trophy Marlow 0-4 Binfield Combined Counties Division One CB Hounslow 0-10 Sandhurst Town FIXTURES SeptemberWednesday,14 ReadingChampionshipFOOTBALLvSunderland (report online at rdg.today) Saturday, September 17 ChampionshipFOOTBALL Wigan Athletic v Reading Women’s Super League Manchester United v Reading FA Cup second qualifying round Binfield v Tonbridge Combined Counties Premier North Reading City v Edgware & Kingsbury Sumas v WembleyWindsorvAscot United Combined Counties Division One Brook House v Woodley United Eversley & California v British Airways Rayners Lane v Sandhurst Town Rising Ballers Kensington v Berks County Thames Valley Premier League Finchampstead v Reading YMCA Maidenhead Town v Burghfield RUGBY NationalUNIONDivision One Rams v Hull London & SE Regional 1 South Central Banbury v Bracknell Sunday, September 18 SouthernFOOTBALLRegion Women’s Premier AscotDivisionUnited v Maidenhead United Southern Region Women’s North CartertonDivisionv Caversham United Kidlington Youth v Eversley & California FA Women’s Cup Brentford v Woodley United Thames Valley Women’s Division One Banbury United v Ascot United TaplowBerksReserves&BucksCountyCupUnitedv Tilehurst Panthers Wallingford & Crowmarsh v Wargrave S4K Berks County v Burghfield Caversham AFC v Stanford in the Vale OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY Rams Rugby, Old Bath Road, Sonning, Berkshire RG4 6TQ © RAMSRUGBY 2022 1st XV v HULL RUFC 160mmx8 columns (265mm) Hull RUFC Home -17thSept - Wokingham and Reading Paper 07-08.09.22.indd 1 05/09/2022 15:22:25 To advertise, call 0118 327 2662Thursday, September 15, 2022 WOKINGHAM.TODAY 35

Berkshire CCC take National Counties Championship title

Bracknell Maidenheadv AndrewPicture: Batt
struck early in Lincolnshire’s second innings when he had Joe Kendall caught behind in the third over.The Eastern Division champions reached 65-1 from 15 overs before another downpour during the lunch interval brought a rain-ravaged match to a watery end.
The teams compete to win the lineout
Bracknell on the attackThe
Rahman playing away at Derby County

Having lost their opening league fixture away at Salisbury with a 46-7 loss, Reading recovered strongly in their first home game of theReadingseason.
Baba Rahman in action against Barnsley Pictures: Steve Smyth

London & SE Division Regional 1 South Central
“I watched three games of the pre-season and kept in touch so it was always a possibility.
They are second on the table on five points, behind Bicester who have played an extra game.
The win puts Reading in sixth place on five points after two matches.
from the fans, but I’m happy they liked it. Hopefully I can do similar tweets.“Itwas always a possibility to come back here and I was in touch with the gaffer all throughout pre-season.
The Royals secured Rahman on a loan deal from Chelsea for the second consecutive season to fill the void of recruiting a left-back.
READING RUGBY CLUB earned their first victory of the new campaign with a handsome victory over Shipston on Stour.

Bracknell conceded just three points in the entire match and amassed 45 points to take them to a convincing success.
“I know most of the lads and the management so it was like coming backRahmanhome.”will be hoping that his Championship performances will be enough to impress his international bosses to get a call up to represent Ghana at this winter’s
pre-season to get minutes in my legs.
stormed their way to earning a bonus point success with a 47-15 win.
South West Division Regional 2 South Central
“It was frustrating because I wanted to get out and have a proper
“So far so good as we had a win last weekend (against Stoke),” said Rahman.“Iwas happy to see the lads and I’m happy to be here.
The win puts them top of the table after two matches on 10 points, leading the way over Tadley with a superior points difference.
“You have less defending to do and that can be nice.”
“I don’t know how they are going to manage it but it will be strange for us to have a break in November to play the World Cup.
“I’ve had a good relationship with Yids (Andy Yiadom) since 2017 and we’ve carried that on when I came here.”The left-back become a popular figure among fans in his loan spell last years for his social media presence as long as his performances on the “Whenpitch.Iput out that tweet I didn’t expect to get this momentum
Bracknell v Maidenhead Pictures: Andrew Batt
from two to get off to the perfect start to the new season.
When asked about the possibility of making his move permanent next summer, Rahman said: “If the possibility comes up then why not, I would take it. It’s two clubs that have to deal and for me I’m feeling at home here and love it here.”
hosts look to touch down for a try
Titans are in fourth place, level on points with the three teams above them in the table, after the opening two matches in the division.
“It was basically the two clubs trying to sort out the transfer issue which was frustrating.
RAMS TITANS made it two wins
South West Division Counties Southern North
South West Division Counties 2 South Central
Rahmah currently has 44 caps for Ghana and will be hoping to be alongside his club mate, and Reading club captain, Andy Yiadom, at the World Cup.
BRACKNELL suffered their first league loss of the season at the hands of BracknellMaidenhead.scoredtwo tries but lost out 29-14 at home to Maidenhead.Bracknellsit in sixth place in the table on five points after the opening two matches.
Rams put more points on the board after their 29-5 success.
Bracknell retain the ball
He continued: “It’s always an honour to represent my country and I’m looking forward to the games coming up.
The defender gave his thoughts on the new system that has been trialled for much of this season as Paul Ince has switched to a back five for the majority of Reading’s games, having played four for most of last season.
RAMS III took the win in their league match against READING II WANDERERS
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.today
OurWoodleyshowroomisopen7daysaweek 0800305030 www.trademarkwindows.co.uk WINDOWS DOORS CONSERVATORIES WOKINGHAMTODAY READINGTODAY 36 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022
2022 World Cup at Qatar.
“I don’t really mind, this is football and you have to adapt to the set ups. I’ve played both systems.
BRACKNELL II earned a thumping victory over Thatcham to open their league season.
They ensured they maintained their 100% winning record by beating Chinnor II Falcons 27-21 away from home.
READING FC defender Baba Rahman said that returning to the Royals felt like ‘coming home’.
‘It was like coming back home’ Rahman opens up on return
HABLRO Raging Bull Shield
“It has been a brilliant and amazing start to the season so I hope we can keep this “Cominggoing.back to Reading was like coming back home.
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Getyourbusinessseen! advertising@wokingham.today THE ROLES HAVE A SALARY, COMMISSION, BONUSES & PENSION). M E D I A S A L E S P E O P L E For an informal discussion, call David Riley on 07860 462 882 or email at driley@wokingham.today > I wish I could choose what days I work (You can!) > I wish I could choose my hours (You can!) > I wish I could choose if/when to go to the office (You can!) > I wish I could choose the home/office/patch split. (You can!) > I wish I could have a job where I’m in control. (You can!) > I wish I could have a job where I’m paid properly for my results (You can!) WE ARE GROWING THE TEAM IN READING Maybe you have caring responsibilities and need to fit the job around them or maybe you have simply had enough of the 5 day week. If you have some media sales experience and want CHOICE & FLEXIBILITY in your working life, call, WhatsApp or email me for a discreet discussion T h e W o k i n g h a m P a p e r L t d C r o w n H o u s e , 2 3 1 K i n g s R o a d , R e a d i n g R G 1 4 L S | 0 1 1 8 3 2 7 2 6 6 2 w w w w o k i n g h a m t o d a y | w w w r d g t o d a y PASSIONATE ABOUT FOOD & DRINK? LOOKING FOR A PERMANENT PART TIME OPPORTUNITY IN A UNIQUE ROLE? RESPONSIBILITIES: • Working indiv dually and within a team to evaluate food drink & personal care products rang ng such as chocolate alcohol meat shampoo skin care or electrical toothbrush products • You will be taught how to describe accurately any products as a group (relating to taste, appearance texture and smell) and then individually assess them REQUIREMENTS: • You must not have any dietary restrictions ( e g vegetarian) and be happy to evaluate alcohol products when required You must not have any food intolerances/allerg es • You should have the ab lity to follow detailed instructions and complete routine tasks quickly and accurately • You have the abil ty to articulate yourselves in fluent English in front of others If you are interested in applying, please email j.mccall@mmrresearch.com. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview/screening session which will take place in our facilities. RECRUITMENT Forthelatestnewsvisit WOKINGHAM TODAY 38 To advertise, email advertising@wokingham.today WOKINGHAM.TODAY Thursday, September 15, 2022

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The 33-year-old is a free agent after departing West Bromwich Albion in the summer and is due to begin his second spell in Berkshire.
WOKINGHAM & EMMBROOK suffered pain in the rain after a home defeat to Burnham on Tuesday evening.
Wokingham kept knocking on the door to find a leveller, but they were eventually breached when Burnham added a third to seal the points.The Sumas are in 14th place in Combined Counties Premier North with five points from seven matches.

He is now set for a second spell at the Select Car Leasing Stadium after Royals boss Paul Ince confirmed last week that the club are still actively pursuing the free agents market to bolster their team.
In terrential conditions at Lowther Road, the visitors raced into a two goal lead at half-time.
The striker made a positive impression despite his short stay, where he made eight Championship appearances and scored two goals.
Tyler D’Cruz netted to put Reading back in front in the 85th minute before a crucial penalty save in stoppage time from Archie ensured the Cityzens took maximumReadingpoints.Cityare in sixth place in the Combined Counties Premier North having won all three of their league fixtures.
year on a short-term contract under Veljko Paunovic.
READING CITY earned three crucial points thanks to a late penalty save in their match against Holyport.DanDavies put the Cityzens ahead but they were pegged back.

His first Reading goal came in a 3-2 away win at Swansea City and his second came in a 2-1 defeat at Middlesbrough.Afterhiscontract expired, he
joined West Brom for the remainder of the season where he scored three league goals in 15 matches.
BINFIELD enjoyed an excellent away midweek trip to Marlow in the FA Trophy.
By ANDY PRESTON apreston@wokingham.today
SANDHURST TOWN continued their stunning league form by smashing 10 past CB Hounslow United.TheFizzers have a perfect record at the top of the Combined Counties Division One table with seven wins from seven.
Known for his excellent aerial presence and physical dominance, Carroll burst onto the scene with Newcastle United where he captured the attention of several clubs after netting 17 in 2009 to help the Magpies to the Championship title.
ANDY Carroll is reportedly on the verge of making a return to Reading FC on a free transfer.
The Sumas replied early in the second half when Jardim was fouled in the box and Allen Bossman cooly tucked away the penalty to reduce the deficit.
The Moles sailed through to the next round with goals from Efedje, Denton, Moore and Curtis giving them an impressive 4-0 win to put them through to the second qualifying round of the competition.
He made a big money move to Liverpool in January 2010 after the Reds spent £35million to make him the record transfer for a British player at the time.
Carroll joined the Royals last