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TO HELP people prepare for Christmas Day, Reading Buses will continue to operate throughout the festive season.

However, buses will be running on revised timetables this year with reduced levels of service from Christmas Eve through until Saturday, January 2.


And the published timetables may change again as a result of the region being placed into Tier 4 restrictions.

On Thursday – Christmas Eve – most buses will run their normal Thursday service but will finish early at 8pm.

Reading Buses’ 24/7 routes will run extra buses until around 11pm.

And on Christmas Day, bus drivers are told to take a well-earned rest with services resuming on Boxing Day, operating across the network between 9am and 7pm.

Then, on Sunday, December 27, and Christmas Monday, December 28, Sunday timetables will be in operation.

As for Monday, December 29 and Tuesday, December 30, Saturday timetables will apply.

“On New Year’s Eve (Thursday, December 31), we are also pleased to announce that Saturday timetables will operate all late evening journeys that have remained suspended during the pandemic for one night only,” Robert Williams, Reading Buses CEO said.

“We sincerely hope our customers enjoy their Christmas responsibly and that we shall see lots of festive face coverings.

Face coverings remain a legal requirement when travelling with Reading Buses. � Full timetables are available online: www.reading-buses.co.uk/christmas

WOKINGHAM.TODAY Wednesday, December 23, 2020 Hollywood’s latest blockbuster: a £200m film studio in Shinfield

By PHIL CREIGHTON news@wokingham.today

AROUND 3,000 jobs will be created when Hollywood opens a new UK arm in Shinfield.

All being well, Shinfield Studios will open in late 2022 after agreement in principle was reached between the University of Reading, Commonwealth Real Estate and Wokingham Borough Council.

It will be part of the university’s Thames Valley Science Park and sees the film studios investor, based in Los Angeles, bring major Hollywood film productions to the UK, as the studios will be some of the biggest in the world.

Alongside it will be a new television studio, which the University hopes will be operational next year.

The aim is to help students and graduates by providing practical opportunities for them, while attracting creative and digital businesses to the Thames Valley.

The film studios are expected to create around £500 million of annual inward investment to the UK and create 1,500 new jobs, and supporting up to 1,500 further indirect jobs.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Reading, Professor Robert Van de Noort, said that he was delighted that agreement had been reached as it will being Hollywood investment to Wokingham borough.

“It is a credit to the hard work and determination of everyone involved to have concluded a transaction while negotiating through challenging restrictions on movement and travel,” he said.

“This lease presents a superb opportunity for the University and facilitates an exciting development for the wider community, and we look forward to Commonwealth bringing their vision to life.”

Shinfield Studios is expected to cost more than £200 million to create according to Nick Smith, the company’s managing director, who said there was a need for such a facility, while Lambert

Smith Hampton estimate that an additional 1.8 million sq ft of studio space will be required by 2025, as streaming companies such as Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon look to create more dramas such as The Crown, Star Trek: Picard, and Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge.

“Britain has an enviable array of filmmaking talent, but the industry is short of high-quality studio facilities capable of catering for the new and emerging technologies that will form the core of television and film production in the future,” explained Mr Smith, who has more than 25 years in the industry, and previously served as executive commercial director on the board of nearby Pinewood-Shepperton studios.

Adam Fisher, Commonwealth Founder and Chief Investment Officer (CIO), added: “We are very excited about the prospect of investing in the UK creative industries as one of the most vibrant markets in the world.

“We look forward to building partnerships across Wokingham and Reading to make this project a resounding success.

“Our ambitions for the new studio will be of real benefit to the local economy and the UK as a whole.”

There is also praise for the scheme from politicians. The minister for investment, Gerry Grimstone, said that the project is both a huge boost for Wokingham’s economy and a win-win for the nation.

And Cllr John Halsall, leader of Wokingham Borough Council, said: “This is very welcome news for people in Wokingham and the wider region.

“Wokingham has a strong record of supporting world-class businesses, including existing links with the film industry.

“We look forward to providing everyone involved with the opportunity to put their plans and views forward as part of our usual rigorous planning process.”

He added that it will have a halo effect, creating even more jobs.

ADVERTISER’S ANNOUNCEMENT Social Care for the elderly and vulnerable is front-of-mind like never before. Right at Home explains some of the options

RIGHT at Home, a leading provider Health and Social Care system. of homecare in the Wokingham � Direct Payments – for people without area, offers some useful advice for sufficient funds to finance their own private the elderly and their family care, the local authority can provide care members who have seen their loved one’s directly, or you can request that their funding need for support and companionship grow is provided in the form of Direct Payments, through the Covid-19 pandemic and as which for many gives more choice and winter sets in. flexibility in how to get the care they need.

For many, when thinking about how to � NHS services – if your mobility is care for loved ones, there is an assumption starting to decline, you find it difficult to that as soon as living at home begins to get move around your home, or are nervous tough, the next step is to move to a Care about stumbling or falling, talk to your GP. Home or Nursing Home. But while There are a number of NHS-funded services residential care can be a good choice for available and your GP may be able to arrange some senior members of our community, it is for experts such as an OT (Occupational not the only option. Therapist) to visit you at home and give advice on how things can be arranged to help, Home care as an alternative to residential assess if there is any equipment that could be care provided to help you stay independent at

Especially in the earlier stages of aging, home. Your GP will also be able to guide you domiciliary care (or ‘home care’) is an approach favoured by more and more people. Above: Caregiver wearing PPE. to other medical professionals such physiotherapists. Homecare is cost-effective (because it is tailored to the specific needs of the client) Left: Some members of About Right at Home and allows people to continue to live safely the Right at Home team Right at Home | Reading and Wokingham and comfortably in their own homes, in familiar surroundings with all their from earlier in the year during lockdown, with a message about social District is the local branch of the UK’s most highly recommended national homecare belongings and memories. Their routine distancing. group. Rated 10/10 by its clients on remains their own. The service gives them homecare.co.uk, the locally owned and exactly what they need to help them managed Twyford office delivers awardmaintain their independence and lead their winning care to its clients all over the lives the way they prefer. And can easily grow Wokingham District and nearby Reading. or shrink as their needs change. Ranked the most highly recommended local care company, for two years running it has Flexible highly personalised service been recognised as one of the Top20

Homecare can be highly personalised. homecare companies in SE England, awarded From a few visits a week to multiple visits a 5*STAR Employer status, and as part of an day or more. From a bit of company and help annual national anonymous survey of Right around home, cleaning or housekeeping, to at Home clients, has scored an impressive more specialist care and support with 100% satisfaction score in both 2019 and medication, personal care and specific 2020. support for people living with dementia or Rated Outstanding for Caring by CQC, this other medical challenges. So, whatever the findings on the CQC website. and give advice based on decades of is a care company that truly cares, about its need, firms like Right at Home aim to make a � How do they compare? The leading experience in delivering high quality care. For clients and also its amazing CareGivers who positive difference to people’s lives, health independent UK Home Care review website example: have continued to deliver their highly and well-being, every day. homecare.co.uk is a great place to find and � Attendance Allowance - Available to personalised support and care to clients

Different care companies have different compare (CQC Registered) homecare anyone who needs care or support at home throughout the Covid crisis. approaches to care, and emphasis on how companies. For example, you can search for this is a regular payment that can be used as � To find out more, call 0118 207 0600 and they deliver it, so finding the right one for all the agencies in “Wokingham Area” (ie a contribution towards the cost of care, made speak to one of the team, Google “Right at your needs may take a bit of research. So Wokingham District), sort them based on available by government to help people Home Wokingham”, or go to homecare.co.uk how do you find the ideal care provider for how they have been rated by their clients and remain at home and reduce the strain on the and search in “Wokingham Area”. yourself, or for your loved ones? What family members, read all the reviews, and get resources are available to help you research direct links to their CQC Inspection the topic and fund the services that you Reports, and Websites etc. “At Right at Home we believe that delivering the best quality care is select? � Talk to more than one provider. not a fluke. We work hard at it. Finding a Homecare company The good news is that there is a lot of homecare.co.uk is a great place to start your search for the ideal homecare provider and begin to get a feel for the We know it is directly related to our ability to attract, hire, train, mentor, support and retain amazing people in our team. choice for people looking for homecare in the kind of company they are. Having looked 2020 has been extra challenging, but the Right at Home team has Wokingham area. However, it can be at their ratings and read what people say stepped up, kept standards super-high, our clients safe and (though now daunting trying to understand what to look about the companies that you plan to routinely covered by masks!) have kept smiling despite all the extra for, how to decide on the level and type of shortlist, you should then talk to several of pressure. support you need, and which companies to them before you choose, as you need to be I am incredibly proud of my team and know from all the feedback we get from the approach. So here are some ideas to get you started with your evaluation: � Are they CQC Registered? CQC (the confident that you like the approach and values of the people you are going to invite into your home. clients they support that they are appreciated too. So, a big thank you to them, and all the great people at GP Surgeries, local pharmacies, Care Quality Commission – the Regulator for Other Resources to check out: community nurse teams, and the broader NHS who have helped us to keep everyone Health and Social Care in England) holds The team at Right at Home is well safe. “ registered providers to certain standards and equipped to help you navigate all this and will Kevin Lancaster, Managing Director, Right at Home Reading and Wokingham District regularly inspects them, publishing its be pleased to discuss your unique situation

10 | NEWS Election postal vote registration opens

THEY MAY be a while away, but residents are being urged to think about next year’s local elections now.

In May next year, Wokingham borough will head to the polls to decide who represents the borough council and who will be the next Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley region.

And residents are being asked to plan ahead and apply for a postal vote now to ensure they can stay safe while casting their ballot.

Andrew Moulton, electoral registration officer for Wokingham Borough Council, says next year’s elections are a chance for people to have a say.

“They’re an opportunity to make your voice heard on who represents you on issues that directly affect day-to-day life here in Wokingham borough,” he said.

“We’re thinking about these elections now so that, however you choose to cast your vote in May, you can do so safely.

“You don’t need to wait until nearer the time –we are encouraging you to register now.”

There are a number of ways residents can vote in next year’s elections, including in a polling station and by proxy, as well as by post.

For more information on how to apply to vote by post or proxy, visit: www.wokingham.gov.uk/ council-and-meetings/elections-and-voting/ vote-by-post-or-proxy � To register to vote, visit: www.gov.uk/register-tovote

‘Reward our care staff’

A CALL has been made for the Government to review the way it rewards adult social care workers in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Care England, the largest representative body of independent adult social care providers, says there should be a comprehensive strategy in place, on the back of a recent announcement by the Scottish government that it would make a one-off £500 payment to the country’s health and care staff.

Professor Martin Green OBE, chief executive of Care England, said: “We have written to the Secretary of State to urge him to engage with the important issue of rewarding the adult social care workforce.

“This is interlinked with the need for the Government to fund the recent increases in the National Living Wage. "The need to reward social care workers is accentuated when we consider the Chancellor's recent pledge to increase the pay of NHS nurses. A failure to reward the adult social care workforce will only further the perception that social care is the poor relation of the NHS.

“Any such strategy should reward both care and auxiliary staff alike as both are fundamental to care services."

Priority water services

RESIDENTS are being urged to seek a helping hand this winter.

South East Water is asking customers with medical conditions, restricted mobility, or who are in financial difficulty, to consider asking for free extra help this year.

The water company, which serves customers throughout Wokingham borough, is working with community groups, charities and unpaid carers to spread the word about its Priority Services Register.

Jane Crisp, vulnerability strategy manager at South East Water, said: “People are unaware that help is here for those with a wide range of conditions, including those who are finding themselves in very different circumstances and are having to shield against the virus. � To find out more about the support on offer, visit: www.southeastwater.co.uk/priority

WOKINGHAM.TODAY Wednesday, December 23, 2020 Charity gifts £85,000 worth of presents

EXCLUSIVE By CHARLOTTE KING cking@wokingham.today

WOKINGHAM borough residents have donated £85,000 worth of presents to a children’s charity.

As the festive season rolled around, First Days Children’s Charity, SHARE Wokingham and Wokingham Foodbank teamed up to make sure that everybody can have a merry Christmas this year.

The three charities launched a borough-wide appeal to help distribute Christmas stockings and festive food hampers to families in need.

And as the big day draws closer, the charities say that while they have been busier than ever, they’ve received an overwhelming amount of support from the community.

“It’s been incredible,” said Emma Cantrell, founder of First Days. “We’ve had a huge number of toy donations totalling £85,000 and a massive amount of support, but also BUILDING to achieve carbon neutrality was the topic presented by the council emissions leader earlier this month.

Speaking at a Built Environment Networking event, Cllr Gregor Murray led a presentation talking about the ways councils can achieve net zero.

Delegates from across the country heard Cllr Murray discuss the merits of modular building techniques which have been adopted by the council in the last year.

Used in the construction of Addington School, and Dinton Pastures Activity Centre, the off-site methods mean less traffic is going back and forth to the site.

The Dinton Pastures project aims to be better than carbon neutral, explained Cllr Murray.

It will be carbon negative — helping to offset emissions a significant amount of need.”

The charity has been working to deliver Christmas stockings to children across Berkshire and beyond.

According to Ms Cantrell, its volunteers have distributed over 12,000 gifts and toys.

“We’ve had loads of amazing volunteers who have come in and dropped off stockings and presents,” she said.

“And we also held an event with SHARE where we invited parents to come in and choose gifts for their kids.

“We’re delivering that Christmas experience to children, which they should never miss out on.”

Some of First Days’ Christmas stockings have also been accompanied by a parcel from Wokingham Foodbank and SHARE, who have been delivering hampers full of festive treats.

“We’ve put together around 240 food parcels for people in Wokingham borough,” Annette elsewhere in the borough, he said.

With solar panels, heat pumps and rainwater harvesting, the technology was explained in detail to attendees.

“It was a fantastic opportunity to chat to people all over the country,” Cllr Murray said. “We talked about Wokingham and our ambitions — and there were quite a lot of questions about specific actions people could take.

“What this shows is that we’re learning as we go, and we’re sharing that information with others. We could keep ideas to ourselves, but that wouldn’t be beneficial elsewhere.”

Earley resident John Booth, tuned into the event. He is often involved with Reading Friends of the Earth but said he is keen Wokingham makes progress too.

“I was impressed that so many professionals seemed to be taking Medhurst, manager of Wokingham Foodbank, explained.

“It’s been really nice to work with other organisations because we’ve all been able to reach parts of the community that we normally wouldn’t.”

And Claire Revie, a SHARE Wokingham volunteer, said the joint project has been a huge learning curve for them all.

“If we do this next year, we plan to adjust it so that we can access more people in a faster turnaround to maximise the support we give,” she said.

Looking back on the project, all three women said they are grateful for their volunteers.

“They have worked relentlessly,” Ms Medhurst said. “We’ve got people coming in and out seven days a week to help us cope with the demand which is amazing.”

However, the team say they are also devastated by how much need there is in Wokingham borough, with the food bank seeing demand the opportunity seriously,” he said.

In October, the council broke ground on the net-zero carbon building.

The two-storey centre will include an activity hall, a coffee shop, a lakeside terrace, meeting rooms, a changing spaces facility and cycle parking.

It is the first local authority carbon-neutral building in the South East.

Michael Ruddick, director of the modular construction company Reds10, said he is delighted to be working on the project.

“We are challenging what is double compared to December last year.

“I think the real message from all of us is that we are so saddened by the number of people who’ve told us they never needed support from a charity before,” Ms Cantrell said.

“I think it’s a direct result of everything that has happened this year — people are really struggling.”

This was echoed by Ms Revie, who says 2020 has been an “eyeopener”.

“It’s made us realise the importance of things,” she said. “Before, I was worried about getting everybody nice presents, but basic human needs are what people are after.

“We’re working with people who don’t have enough money for gas and electricity — people who just want somewhere dry and warm to live and food on the table.” � Anybody in need of help with food over Christmas can call Citizens Advice Wokingham, which has emergency food parcels, on 0300 330 1189.

Achieving net carbon

Winter wishes

DOUBLE wishes will be granted this festive season, thanks to The Lexicon’s Christmas campaign.

With more than 300 nominations received for friends and families, the shopping centre decided to change the original 10 wishes to 20.

Sue Boor, head of marketing at The Lexicon thanked everyone who joined the campaign.

“We were overwhelmed by the number and amazing stories behind the nominations that we received, and it was a really difficult decision to make,” she said. “We are glad to have been able to put a smile on a few faces this Christmas.”

The 20 winning nominations came from across the community, including parents, children, grandparents, friends, teachers, volunteers, key workers and NHS staff.

They were decided by Cllr Ash Merry, mayor of Bracknell Forest and Cllr Michael Titheridge, Bracknell

town mayor. possible with off-site construction with a non-standard design that not only includes cutting edge eco-technology but also uses external materials and features that will tie the building into the site for a seamless integration of the building with the natural landscape it sits in,” he said.

All being well, it will be pressed into use from the spring of next year, and the existing centre will remain open throughout the construction period, although some car parking will be limited and there will be changes to pedestrian access.

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