12 minute read


Police museum’s display on Great Train Robbery

Male voice concert for charity


A CHANCE to learn more about the Great Train Robbery is on offer for visitors to the Thames Valley Police Museum.

Based in Sulhamstead, in the police training centre, the venue is open on Wednesdays during the summer holidays between 10am and noon.

During these times there is no need to make an appointment, or pay a visitors fee.

There is also a display dedicated to Amelia Dyer, who murdered children over a 30-year period.

ODD Fellows male voice choir presents an evening of musical entertainment.

The choir will be joined by special guest, mezzo-soprano Kate Low, to sing a mix of classics, show tunes and popular songs.

The concert is raising money for The Prostate Project, whose aim is to give men a better chance of beating prostate cancer.

The event takes place at High Cross Church, Knoll Road, Camberley this Friday, July 8.

It starts at 7.30pm and tickets cost £12.50.

To purchase tickets visit: www.trybooking.co.uk/29544. or, if remaining, tickets may be purchased on the door.

Concerns over leaflet that looks like a newspaper

n Continued from front page

A spokesperson for the Wokingham Liberal Democrats said: “Our campaigning literature in Wokingham always makes clear it is paid for by the party and delivered by volunteers.

“We are fortunate to have a strong local independent newspaper in Wokingham which plays a critical role in holding politicians to account, and we work closely with those journalists on all their queries.”

Dave Edmonds, the chairman of Wokingham Conservative Association, has labelled the tactic “disappointing”.

He said: “Wokingham Conservatives believe that all political parties should adopt the highest standards of transparency when campaigning and communicating with the public.

“It is disappointing to see Clive Jones and the Liberal Democrats do not take the same approach.”

This style of political canvassing is not exclusive to Wokingham, or the Lib Dems, and has been used across the country by multiple political parties.

In the lead up to the general election in 2019, the Conservatives produced a number of leaflets with different names in the style of tabloid newspapers.

In 2017, a Labour leaflet titled “The Potter’s Wheel” provided residents a “nospin guide to Stoke-on-Trent Central byelection.

Speaking to the BBC in 2019, Ian Murray, then executive director of industry group the Society of Editors, asked for the practice to be stopped.

He said: “If a politician or their party can attempt to deliberately mislead you by cloaking their partisan messages in the disguise of an independent and trusted local newspaper, what else are they attempting to camouflage?

“If there is no wish to deceive, then why give the publication a similar title to the existing independent newspaper in the area, as is often the case.

“It is time the practice was brought to an end, for the sake of local newspapers but also, I would contend, for the sake of local politics.”

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Nigel Pearce AIPW Grey Matters Consultancy Wokingahm SUN HAS GOT HIS HAT ON: Vanessa Escott with hats for sale at the Wade Summer Garden Summer Fair Pictures: Steve Smyth

Fun in the sun at Wade’s summer fair

A DAYCARE facility in Wokingham has hosted its annual summer fair.

The Wade Day Centre, on Reading Road, welcomed visitors on Saturday, June 25, for an afternoon of fundraising in the sun.

Attendees enjoyed live music from the Camberley U3A Ukulele Players, independent stalls offering a range of goods and a number of games and puzzles.

There were also multiple raffles, tombolas, refreshments and food from a barbecue.

All proceeds from the day will go to the Wade charity to support the centre’s day-to-day running.

The centre provides daycare facilities for the borough’s older residents, including hot lunches, entertainment and resources.

Camberley U3A Ukulele Players entertain.

Jackie Nicholson had plenty of jigsaws on the stall she was on. Hilary Cook and Candi Stockley

The Carnival King waves to the crowds

Alison Vacher with some of the beautiful flowers that can been seen at this weekend’s Flower Show at St John’s Church in Waterloo Road

Carnival delights thousands

By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@wokingham.today

THOUSANDS of people filled the streets of Crowthorne last weekend to celebrate the return of its carnival.

Normally held every two years, covid meant it returned for the first time in four years and this year’s theme was to celebrate 70 years of the Queen’s reign.

The carnival kicked off with a procession fromo Wellington College and spectators were treated to a range of floats and street entertainers.

The procession snaked its way through the village centre, heading to a fete at the Morgan Recreation Ground where attendees were entertained by a packed programme of performers.

Among the line-up was the OBJ Morris Dancers, Abi and the Allstars Band, Sandhurst Community and Breakaway Brass Band and the headline BMX display by Mobile Bike Events.

There was also a mix of stalls and amusements from local societies, charities and traders.

James Sunderland, Conservative MP for Bracknell, said: “The carnival was fantastic and superbly supported by so many people from Crowthorne and beyond.

“The range of stalls for local businesses and range of events made this a very special event.

“Thank you to all the organisers, participants, visitors and schools for making it happen.”

NewCocktail Menu


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Lib Dem deputy leader canvasses support


By DANIEL BLACKHAM dblackham@rdg.today

THE deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats visited Wokingham last week.

On Thursday, MP Daisy Cooper met with councillors, campaigners and residents as the party looks to win further support in a “blue wall” seat.

With a general election to take place by 2024, the Lib Dems have identified a number of Conservative strongholds which they believe the party could overturn.

Ms Cooper says the party is “on the up”.

She said: “Down in Devon, e’ve just won our third byelection achieving the biggest majority ever overturned in a by-election in British political history.

“Of course, it was a 24,000 majority that we had to overturn whereas here in Wokingham, it’s just over 7,000 vote majority that we need to overturn here.

“I know that Clive Jones and his team are working incredibly hard to enable the trust, the support and the votes of thousands of residents in Wokingham.”

At the local elections earlier this year, the Lib Dems made five gains and, with support from the Wokingham Partnership, are now leading the administration.

Ms Cooper believes this is the result of Lib Dems “doing what they do best”.

She said: “They have been doing an absolutely amazing job and actually Wokingham Lib Dems have been doing what they do best, which is that we knock on doors, we talk to residents and we genuinely listen to their concerns, and then set out our plans.”

In March Sir Ed Davey, leader of the Lib Dems, also visited the borough and more MPs are expected to Wokingham later this year

Cllr Clive Jones, leader of Wokingham Borough Council, says the support from the Westminster is “absolutely massive”.

He added: “We are getting a lot of attention from the national party and that’s because we are doing well and doing the right things,

“We’re winning seats locally and we’re representing people very well.

“There is a big contrast between what we do as local councillors and what the Conservatives do because they’re lazy and they’re complacent and they sit on their hands.”

Although the next general election is scheduled for 2024, some MPs are calling on Boris Johnson to call a snap election.

Ms Cooper insists “whenever the next general election comes, the Lib Dems will be ready”.

She is keen for politicians to focus on issues such as the cost-of-living crisis and rising inflation.

She said: “It is really truly shocking that some people can’t afford to put food on their table. They can’t afford to put fuel in their cars and we know that carers, for example, are taking fewer journeys to go and see loved ones because of the cost of petrol.

“This is really not a sustainable situation and for all this time the government is sitting on their hands while people are really suffering.”

Ms Cooper is calling for the government to introduce further measures to help residents of Wokingham and across the country.

She said: “We are calling for an emergency VAT cut from 20% to 17.5% and there are two reasons for this.

“The first is it will actually put about £600 back in people’s pockets on average and that would be an immediate return because, if you immediately slash VAT, people feel it when they go to pay for things at the checkout.

“It would also help to tackle inflation and if we don’t tackle inflation, as the government is not doing, then prices will continue to rise.”

VISTOR: Daisy Cooper, Lib Dem deputy leader, with the party’s Wokingham candidate for the General Election, Cllr Clive Jones Picture: Daniel Blackham

Funding call to eradicate malaria

BRACKNELL’S MP has called on the government to commit to helping eradicate malaria.

James Sunderland asked Dominic Raab, the deputy prime minister, for the government’s commitment to the Global Fund during prime minister’s questions last Wednesday, June 29.

The question came after Mr Sunderland’s visit to the malaria summit in Kigali last month.

Mr Sunderland said: “Even today, malaria remains the biggest single killer of mankind ever, and 1.7 billion people live every day under its shadow of misery.

“But we are on the cusp of something really special: recent advances, education and our world-leading British vaccines can now eradicate it forever.

“Can my right honourable friend please confirm that the UK will fulfil its full commitment to the Global Fund?”

The Global Fund provides 56% of all international financing for malaria programs and has invested more than £13 billion in malaria control programs as of April 2022.

Mr Raab insists the UK will commit to further funding, but the exact details are yet to be confirmed.

Mr Raab said: “I know from working in the Foreign Office just how powerful the Global Fund is; it is a very high-performing international organisation.

“My honourable friend will know that since 2002 we have been the third largest donor, so we have stepped up to the plate.

“The UK has not yet determined our pledge for the seventh replenishment, but the Foreign Secretary will have heard loud and clear my honourable friend’s advocacy in that regard.”

The UK’s most recent pledge was announced in 2019 and the three-year funding programme averaged at £467 million a year.

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