5 minute read
Keyless car theft in overnight raid
ROBBERS steal car in keyless theft
THIEVES managed to steal a keyless car in an overnight raid earlier this month.
A Citreon C5 was taken from the driveway of a house in Englefield Place in Woodley.
The car had been left locked and secured at 2.15am on Thursday, August 4, and was stolen at some point between then and 8.20am on Friday, August 5.
Thames Valley Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward, or anyone with CCTV, Ring doorbell footage or dashcam recordings.
Reports can be made by calling 101, or logging on to thamesvalleypolice.uk, quoting crime reference: 43220347803.
PEOPLE interested in tracing their family tree should visit Wokingham Library.
On the last Tuesday of each month, experienced volunteers from Berkshire Family History Society will be available to help and advise from 2pm to 4.30pm.
This is a free library event.
Those interested can just drop in.
The next session will be on Tuesday, August 30.
Experts’ free family tree help
Free library event in celebration of kings and queens
PETER Must of the Wokingham Society is to present an illustrated talk on royal celebrations of the last 200 years.
It will cover everything from King George III to Queen Elizabeth II.
The event takes place at Wokingham Library on Thursday, August 18.
It runs from 10.30am to 11.30am.
Entry is free, but places must be pre booked online: n To book, log on to: www. wokingham.spydus.co.uk and search for Events/ Wokingham and the Royal Jubilees.
The Ashes: Quick-thinking cricketers put out fire in Shinfield woodland
By JI-MIN LEE jlee@rdg.today
NORMALLY, it’s rain that stops play, but on Saturday a cricket match was halted to allow players to extinguish a fire.
Shinfield Cricket Club’s first team were taking on Penn & Tylers when players from both sides noticed flames in the woods surrounding the Millworth Lane ground.
Using water containers and the club’s fire extinguisher, they were able to handle the situation without calling the fire brigade.
Shashank Garg, the club’s secretary, was present and said: “There were some kids who put the root of a tree on fire, they then ran away.
“It must have been going on for around 15-20 minutes before we noticed the smoke, at which point all 22 players poured water on it and used the fire extinguisher from our pavilion.
“The flames were comfortably a foot high.”
He continued: “We were able to put it out without calling the fire brigade, but had it been left for another 15-20 minutes, the whole woodland could have been in flames.
“It would have been a real emergency.”
According to Mr Garg, children from the surrounding area tend to congregate in the woods where there is shade, often ‘smoking pot’.
He said his teammates assumed this was what they were doing in the woods, believing they ran away ‘because they were high’.
The club secretary said the club has been the victim of antisocial behaviour such as this in the past, with their sidescreen getting broken and their square run through.
“We are trying our best, and so is the council, but it is an ongoing issue,” Mr Garg explained.
“The police usually patrol the area, but cordening it off is difficult. I don’t want to be too critical, but we aren’t doing a lot to stop this from happening. Extra patrolling, fencing and CCTV are needed.
“Long-term, the council needs to provide these people with places to go.”
This summer’s record-high temperatures have led to increased numbers of wildfires.
The Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service has published the following guidance:
n Do not dispose of cigarettes on the ground, and always ensure that they have been extinguished before throwing them away. n Avoid lighting open fires in the countryside. n Glass, and other reflective materials, can start fires if left in direct sunlight. To avoid this, ensure
New date for community fete
PUT OUT: On Saturday, cricketers from Shinfield Cricket Club and Penn & Tyler stopped play to put out a fire in a small wooded area next to the Millworth Lane pitches. Pictures: Steve Smyth

that these items are disposed of carefully and are not left in the sun. n Call 999 if you encounter a wildfire, noting the location of the fire and meeting them at a designated safe-point. Do not attempt to tackle the blaze yourself. n For more information, visit: www.rbfrs.co.uk
WOKINGHAM residents are set to enjoy a fun-filled summer fair, a month later than first planned.
The Arborfield Community Centre will play host to an enthralling afternoon of festivity.
Initially scheduled in midJuly, the event had to be postponed as the United Kingdom’s faced record high temperatures.
Visitors will be treated to a vast array of food and entertainment stalls with family and friends, as well as meet new faces from the area.
There will be something for everyone, with crafts, games and face painting set to feature.
Prospective stall holders are asked to contact the committee to register their interest.
The event takes place between 1pm-5pm on Monday, August 29. n For more information or to book a stall, contact: arborfieldevents@gmail.com

Developer acquires site for Binfield homes
A PROPERTY developer has purchased land in Binfield, with the aim of building 21 new houses on it.
Approval has already been granted for the project, which sees six of the homes allocated as affordable.
The setting will be surrounded by rural woodland and is off London Road.
The new homes will include a range of energy saving features and sustainable solutions.
Construction on the London Road site is due to start imminently, transforming an area that is mostly derelict land into a vibrant new community.
An artist’s impression of the proposed development in Binfield, featuring 21 homes

The development is expected to take 18 months, with the first residents moving in next year.
James Rowntree, managing director of Montreaux Homes, said: “We are delighted to conclude our purchase of this site so that we can deliver this small and exclusive collection of new homes.
“Our plans will create an attractive and peaceful new community that makes the most of its setting with surrounding woodland.
“The properties will come in a range of sizes and layouts to suit different incomes and affordability.” n For more details, log on to www. montreaux.co.uk