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MOVING FORWARD (2022-2027)

While not yet released, the next Five-Year Strategic Plan will be building on the previous years’ trajectory, as well as introducing objectives around guiding the industry in Canada to becoming a world’s leader in transitioning to a low-carbon future.

To create these updated objectives and tangible goals, PDAC’s Board of Directors and senior staff met for a three-day workshop from September 22-24, 2022. This was one of their first in-person meetings since the pandemic, which served as an opportunity to discuss the current 2017-2021 Strategic Plan with a fresh perspective. This helped the working group review the previous years’ goals and accomplishments objectively. This objectivity was a key factor in deciding what were considered as high-level goals from the current plan, and what needed to be more grounded moving forward.

Ultimately it was decided that the current plan was appropriate for the most part, and continued to be a benefit for PDAC’s members, stakeholders and industry partners. However it was agreed that an updated Mission, Vision and Values statements would be included in the new Plan.

One of the major updates that will be seen in the upcoming plan is a greater focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship. While those elements have been a focus on PDAC’s policies, practices and publications, they were not given as prominent a position in the previous plan. Giving these elements a higher priority in the updated plan is aligned with current trends, given that Canada – and the global mineral exploration and mining community – has shifted to the development of critical minerals and other resources to meet industry and government commitments around lowcarbon practices.

Also included will be stronger commitments around promoting and supporting Indigenous communities, collaboration, inclusion, education, access to land, access to capital, and elevated performance.

PDAC looks forward to releasing the new Five-Year Strategic Plan in 2023.

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