October 2010 - Tybee Breeze

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Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze Established 2002

“TIPD, The End of an Era!” You Heard it in the Breeze...

To get in touch: Call: (912) 786-8986 or (912) 257-2254 Subscribe: $29 to P.O. Box 2505 Tybee Island GA 31328 E-Mail: info@tybeebreeze.com Web: www.tybeebreeze.com Become a fan:

Publishers: Sundi & Shannon Marino Editor: Margie McLellan Layout & Design: Sundi Marino Photography: Sundi Marino Advertising Sales: Sundi Marino Staff Cat Asti

The Tybee Breeze is a monthly publication that comes out on the 1st of each month and is mailed to all Tybee residents and is available inracks&outdoorboxesthroughout the island all month long. It is also available to view in its entirety to perspective visitors online, as well as, mailed out to subscribers all over the U.S. The deadline to advertise is by the 15th of the month prior. Our goalistoprovideafun&entertaining magazine for all ages. If you would like to contribute by writing a story, lettertotheeditor,suggestingastory, or advertising, contact us using the information above. By submitting photos to the Tybee Breeze, you are authorizing the Breeze to use, reproduceanddisplayphotographs. Some of the articles in the Tybee Breeze are fiction. Views expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the Tybee Breeze. The Tybee Breeze assumes no responsibility fortypographicalerrorsoromissions. All ads contained within the Tybee Breeze are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. The Tybee Breeze reservestherighttoeditorrefuseany articlesoradvertisingsubmittedtothis publication © 2010. All rights are reserved. God Bless America!

garment business up until 1978. The Savannah offices closed, by Debbie Brady and I transferred Robinson to Miami for two years - then those Arriving at Café Loco simultaneously, the offices closed, too!” predetermined destination point for the Thus, unemployed, interview, he sauntered up to greet me; Jimmy decided to flashing a broad smile and comfortable yet make his way commanding gait of one who spent the back home to ...on the beat as Chief of Police vast majority of his professional career in his beloved Tybee. “I saw Tybee Police Chief, law enforcement. Jimmy Price, retired John Price (no relation), one Sunday and Police Chief, and Tybee devotee, has spent asked if he knew of any job openings. He the better part of his adult life said, “come get your uniform, you protecting the island he loves so can start working for me today! dearly! “I spent every summer That was January 21st, 1980, of my life on Tybee until the 8th and that’s the way it was done grade,” states the recently retired back then,” explains the chief! TIPD Chief of Police, “until we Referring to his tenure, moved here permanently in April as Tybee’s most recent Chief of 1959.” His father became a of Police, “I’m proud of the fact police officer, in 1962, when he that I’ve left a legacy of a “very signed up with the TIPD. “Dad good, professional police force,” was promoted to the position of declares the chief,” with the Chief of Police in the late 60’s,” utmost humility! “I’m proud of shares Jimmy. Law enforcement the men and women who have is definitely in the blood; his served under me. I tried to enable grandfather was an officer with them to get as much education Guess Who? the Savannah Police Department as I could; and I‘m honored to until health problems took him, “that was have been given the opportunity to lead such way back in the 1930’s.” a fine group of police officers!” The chief When Jimmy’s Dad was chief, has obviously felt similar affection for Tybee, there was only four or five officers on the having always felt that, “it’s my island; I want force, “less in the winter months,” recalls the to take care of it,” welling up a bit, “I would chief. “There was about 500 residents back have wanted my Dad to be proud of me, too!” in those days.” Tybee was predominately Jimmy has always tried to see the comprised of summer residences; “folks humor in a not so humorous situation, had both a beach house, as well as a too. “One of the funniest things that ever town house.” It’s true, most mother’s didn’t happened,” recalls Jimmy, “was one work outside of the home, in the 1960’s; Christmas Eve, I’m not sure exactly what mom and the kids would spend year it was, but my kids were the summers at the beach, from little - some younger than my Memorial Day through Labor grandchildren are now. It was Day. Dad would typically make cold as hell out, and I saw Santa the daily trek alone, to and from Claus coming out of the Port Savannah, for work. Royal Bar, where Bennie’s is Jimmy joined the force now. Santa had been drinking, in January of 1980, making him actually he was drunk! I put him the longest continuously serving in the police car and drove him Police officer who has ever served to my house, and woke up the on the TIPD! Remembering the kids,” laughs the chief! “I thought early days of his career; “Police it was funny, but my wife (Claire) Jimmy, avid boater & officers handled everything was not amused! The kids were when I was first on the force fisherman, grew up on the young, and they really thought - I even drove the ambulance water around Tybee & knows he was Santa Claus. They these water-ways well! station wagon, for instance,” gave him “Santa’s” milk and chuckles the chief! What made you decide cookies; that sobered him up, and I made to join the police force, inquires this writer, sure he got home safely!” “I needed a job,” says Jimmy! “I was in the ...Continued Page 4 Tybee Breeze


Circumstances made Jimmy one more thing, before retirement, though.” decide to retire just a bit earlier I wanted to see the new police station up than he had originally planned; and running, but at least “I got it off the his target date was to retire ground!” near the end of 2011. Many When asked if he had any people have rallied to Jimmy’s advice or words of wisdom for ‘the side recently. Welling up a bit, powers that be’ on how to make Tybee “I want to thank a better place to live and everyone for work? “I think the mayor their support,” and council need to work says Jimmy, with the Dept heads more Beach Bum Big with obvious closely,” explains the Kahuna 2004, and Chief is quite the dancer! Motorcycle Rider! emotion, “so chief; “maybe a quarterly many have really “touched me; I honestly dept head meeting that includes the mayor had no idea that so many people care so and council might be a good idea. When much, it’s a wonderful feeling!” a department head is ‘passionate’ about When you’re in the field, as a police an idea or situation, I think that ‘passion’ is officer, it’s not often that you get a “pat on often lost in translation; sometimes I really 2008 Pirate Fest King! the back.” Someone always has a complaint; believe it’s important to just hear it from the it’s impossible to try and please everybody!” Haven’t horses mouth,” states the chief in sincere earnest! you heard it said that “you can’t please City Hall?” Well, Are there any specific words of wisdom you care it’s not the way to share with the people of Tybee? “I guess I would like I really wanted to explain to everyone how the system works in today’s to go out, but modern society,” begins the chief. “Years ago, many it’s probably decisions were left solely up to a “blessing the Chief of Police; take a DUI, in disguise,” for instance. Once upon a time, it p r o f e s s e s was fairly easy to get the charges the chief. “I dropped to reckless driving, but would have that came to an abrupt halt some liked to have time ago. Once ‘MADD’ (Mother’s a c c o m p l i s h e d Against Drunk Driving) really Conductor Jimmy the Train Hobbiest! came into the picture, it was the end of an era, as far as the ‘Good Old Boy System’ was concerned.” Jimmy & Claire “I grew up here. I know living life on Tybee! everybody,” says Jimmy, as a simple matter of fact - “so people would frequently ask me to help them get out of a DUI.” Jimmy has definitely made a few friends angry over this particular point! “I always hated to tell them that ‘my hands were tied,’ but it’s true,” declares the chief! “I could help them through the court system and tell them what to expect. I could even talk to the judge, and put in a good word for them, but as far as dropping the charges, it would be up to the judge!” Maybe he would drop the charges; especially if they were 16-20 years old - but the computer age has caught up with everyone! It used to be, if you Cowboy Friday’s on Tybee! got stopped by a police officer, and he asked if you’ve ever been arrested - you could answer “no,” and he would never find out you weren‘t telling the truth. Today, however, it’s a different world; your history is in front of you in less than 30 seconds,” declares the chief! Perhaps George Orwell, predicted it correctly, in his 1934 novel entitled “1984”… “Big Brother is Watching” YOU!” Keep up with Debbie between issues by reading her blog: http://tybeeartist.blogspot.com.SixthtimeBESTARTISTawardwinner,DebbieBradyRobinson, alongwithherhusbandMark,ownandoperatetheAtlanticBeaconGallery&HallofFrames CustomFrameShoponTybee.Sendcommentsto:TybeeArtist@aol.com


Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

Keeping It Real ChiefPriceisnowlivingitup,boating,RVing,andridinghisHarleyallaround. IreallylikewhathesaidinDebbie’sarticle:“it’smyisland;Iwanttotakecare ofit.”That’sreallywhatweneedinallcityemployees;peoplethatarefrom here,livehere,theywilltakethebestcareofher[theisland]!Onlythen, likethemayormentionsinhisarticleMikeHosti’ssignattheIGA,canwe get...back to normal! TheIGAhasre-openedSeascapesafterclosingit15yearsago.Gailwill berunningitandsellingalldifferentkindsofhomedecor,gifts,andfloral arrangements...back to normal! TheAtlantisInnisre-openedundernewownership,andsmilingMelis back to manage the property...back to normal! What’s up with Jenny Orr spoiling the queen morethansheis?Lookatthischair!!Whoneeds achairwiththatmanycupholders,andacooler? Sheevenhasafan,(outside!)andapottedplant forambience.Sheneverhastogetup,because theywaitonherhandandfoot!Shewasdeputized byChiefPricemanyyearsago,soshesitsonher corner,greetingtourists,givingthemdirections andinfo.Shealsocorrectsthemwhentheyare goingthewrongway,becausethatparkinglotisa catastrophe!Sheinformspeoplethereisnobike ridingorskateboardingonthesidewalk;sheshouldreallybeonthecities payroll.Themayorevenjoinedherinthebigchairforalittle“make-up”kiss. SpeakingofDeputizing,DNRshouldreallydosomethingtogiveDean moreauthorityonthepierwhenitcomestosharkfishing.WhileIwasdown thereoneday,theseguysreeledinabigshark,theyguttedit,cleanedit,and leftbeforeDNRcouldhaveevergottenthere,andDeancanonlytellthem thatitisillegal.Someoneismissingagoodchanceto‘reel’insomebigfees!! Tybee, she is a changing, it’s not all bad, there is a lot of good, but something’swillneverchange,JimmywillalwaysbeChief,justlikeRomawill always be Queen...back to normal! “Be Breezy... You’re on Tybee Time!” ~Sundi

Tybee Breeze


…Just Shooting the Breeze


Confusionisaterriblething. By Michael D. Sullivan, Tybee Guy and News Director WJCL/FOX28 TV - A New Vision Television Station THECOASTALSOURCE.COM I always believed I was born in the fall. Growing up in Pittsburgh, the weather began doing its change of colors and temperatures early in September. And, we started school right after Labor Day. So it made sense. The kind sisters of St. Joseph referenced the time as fall season, and summer vacation was something you wrote about for English class. The Christian Brothers continued with that theme in high school as did the Jesuits in college. Being a season believer, I never challenged the notion. I was a fall baby. Turns out, I’m not. Born the third week in September qualifies me as a summer earth entry.


Tybee Breeze

Imagine my surprise. Anchor Jesse Blanco celebrates another birthday early next week and I have to tell him he is a summer baby, too. Maybe he was told the same line as me. It all changes on September 23rd. That is the start of fall. Good. We are now all in sync. Fall behind on setting your clocks back and get ready to spring ahead next year. What really clinched the fall season thinking for me was an exercise the nuns put us through each Friday afternoon. We knelt by our desks and prayed that the Steelers would not get wiped out by any team that Sunday. That was the awful time before the Super Bowl wins started happening. The Steelers were mashed just about every weekend. They were as consistent in losing as the soot falling on our heads from the steel mills each day. Seasons change. The soot stopped years ago, and the Steelers got a whole bunch better. I no longer feel the need to get on my knees and pray the team would lose by less than 40 points. And I can report that I am no longer calendarchallenged when it comes to summer versus fall. Fifteen years on Tybee is much like an endless summer with a few bad days along the way. As for the Catholic educators, I’ve forgiven them. I guess they had to get me motivated. A stretch, I admit, yet it had to be something. Since Yom Kippur began September 17th at sundown, I will be filled with love and openness. And with students starting classes in August these days, they will never be confused. Progress is an amazing thing. Guess this all fits into the white lie category the nuns told us was kinda okay and we or them wouldn’t go to Hell for telling them just once in a while, on special occasions. Or, maybe it all was a devious plot to make me learn new stuff and forget about running like the wind and playing outside until it was dark. Dark is for the fall…not summer. Anyway, it worked.

Tybee Breeze


Like many of my fellow Tybee Islanders, I am old enough to remember when cable (pay TV) first appeared and that it was commercial free, except maybe for previews of upcoming programs, movies, etc. You paid to get access to special programming that the three non-pay commercial networks did not offer. Over the ensuing forty to fifty years, with not a little cooperation from our government, the non-commercial TV choices have gone the way of the dinosaurs. With the exception of some PBS programming, and maybe some movie channels, we are all the captive audience of television commercials, every time we switch on the TV. Well, recently I saw an ad for Direct TV that I think takes TV advertising to an all time low of inappropriate and offensive image-making…! This is the ad where fictitious policemen, Officer Tom and his partner, walk up to a fantasy football teammate’s home and ring the door bell. Then Officer Tom assaults him with a stun-gun when he answers the door. As the victim, his fantasy football teammate, lies

writhing on the floor of his home Officer Tom and his partner walk away to go get a smoothie….%#&@....? Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy good dry or even dark humor, but this lame attempt at advertising humor is not funny…! It’s insulting to all of this country’s policemen and panders to the folks that think laws do not apply to them. This is the worst, most blatantly offensive TV ad I’ve seen lately, but it’s only one example of the ad agencies continuing trend of esoteric TV advertising. For example, am I the only person that is fed up with the interminable barrage of the anthropomorphic television commercials by the insurance companies…? Most recently they have given us the gecko, the plastic eyes, and the squealing/talking pigs, etc. Of all of these ads I find the plastic eyeballs the most blatant example of the professional ad agencies trying to force a new iconic image into the psyche of the American consumer. They have used all of the tried and true mass marketing tactics; repetitive screenings, pairing up these personifications with popular TV personalities and if that’s not enough, forcing us to look up at airplanes and the “plastic eyes and money” banner being towed over our Tybee beaches all summer long…! I understand that the goal of the advertising agency is to create a brand image for their client that stays with and drives the consumer to their products when their types of services are needed. However, for an ad agency’s persuasions to succeed we, the unwitting consumer, must be complicit by buying into their personifications of plastic eyes and money, etc. To reach their goal the ad agencies just play the ads over and over and over again, hoping that we will subconsciously buy into their manipulations, in lieu of tuning them out. Well, I for one am tuning out, I don’t like being a captive audience to start with, but especially being exposed to inappropriate, offensive imagery and/or being manipulated to attribute human qualities to inanimate objects, to sell insurance and satellite TV, etc. I’m not condemning all of the content of TV programming just their inane, insipid, manipulative, commercials...! However, I do suggest that we can take more control of what we are exposed to by being more proactive in our TV watching. Instead of passively being a captive audience, to the commercials, we can hit the mute button when commercials interrupt a program, and keep a book or magazine handy to peruse during the program break. In addition, when a commercial insults our sense of propriety we should let our voices be heard. For example, after viewing the aforementioned Direct TV Officer Tom ad, I sent a letter of outrage to; Direct TV, the Federal Communications Commission, my Congressmen and the White House, and I encourage you to do the same. Tommy Thompson a writer and photographer, lives on Tybee Island.


Tybee Breeze

Tybee Branch Library 405 Butler Avenue, Tybee Island Phone: 912-786-7733 Fax: 912-786-7734 Hours: Mondays, Fridays & Saturdays 2-6; Tuesdays 10-8; Wednesdays 10-6 Branch Manager: Laurel Beecher Powers Check out the new arrivals at your Tybee Branch of Live Oak Public Libraries: Fiction “And Thereby Hangs a Tale,” by Jeffrey Archer “Bad Blood,” by John Sanford “The Brave,” by Nicholas Evans “Call Me Mrs. Miracle,” by Debbie Macomber “Don’t Blink,” by James Patterson & Howard Roughan “Fall of Giants,” by Ken Follett “Legacy,” by Danielle Steel “My Lost Daughter,” by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg “Our Kind of Traitor,” by John LeCarre “Painted Ladies,” by Robert B. Parker “The Reversal,” by Michael Connelly “Safe Haven,” by Nicholas Sparks “Santa Fe Edge,” by Stuart Woods “Some Sing, Some Cry,” by Ntozake Shange & Ifa Bayeza “The Valcourt Heiress,” byCatherine Coulter “Wicked Appetite,” by Janet Evanovich Nonfiction “Choosing to See,” by Mary Beth Chapman & “At Home,” by Bill Bryson “Bobby Flay’s Throughdown,” by Bobby Flay “Earth (The Book): A Visitor’s Guide to the Human Race,” Jon Stewart “The Faith and Values of Sarah Palin,” by Stephen Mansfield “The Food Matters Cookbook,” by Mark Bittman “Forever Young,” by Nicholas Perricone “The Grace of Silence,” by Michelle Norris “Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?” by Whoopi Goldberg “Pinheads and Patriots,” by Bill O’Reilly “Shockaholic,” by Carrie Fisher “The Wave,” by Susan Casey “White House Diary,” by Jimmy Carter “Without Hesitation,” by Gen. Hugh Shelton “Your Best Body Now,” by Tosca Reno To check availability of any of these titles, visit our online catalog at www.liveoakpl.org.

And now, a few random thoughts on the summer of 2010. In an effort to always be “Mister Helper” to the many tourists who visit our little island, Ole Slo would like to offer the following advice: When you are on the pier and pavilion, DO NOT FEED THE BIRDS! EVER! These little creatures have a digestive system that converts the chips and popcorn you give them to poop in less than seven seconds. That gives the birds just enough time to leave your picnic table and fly directly over my head. Bombs away! Folks, I’m tired of being crapped on, and for once I’m not talking about Congress. But there’s more. Two weeks ago I returned from a day out of town to find that someone, or something, had pooped on my recycling bin. (Now I have a better idea of how Jimmy Price feels.) Ole Slo will, however, have the last laugh on this one. You wait. When the photos start showing up on the internet, the entire world will know who you poopers are. This summer also saw a record number of folks driving the wrong way on 16th Street. It’s not Tybrisa Street, it’s 16th Street. The city changed the name for no other reason than to needlessly cost the business owners on that block to have all of their letterhead, business cards, and so forth reprinted to reflect the new address. Those of you who have been here for a while may remember when the city changed the name of another street on the South end to T.S. Chu Terrace. This one really caused a lot of confusion since 16th Street is where the big Chu’s Department Store is located. And, by the way, nobody even knows how to spell or pronounce Tybriza. Tybreeza? Tybrisa? 13 Tybee Breeze

Fall Forecast Tybee Island YMCA and Recreation Department By Gina Casagrande - Executive Director Tybee YMCA Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday 5:30am - 9:00pm Friday 5:30am - 8:30pm Saturday 8:00am - 6:00pm Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm Fall is beginning and so is the excitement of Tybee YMCA programming! With the turning of the seasons from a scorching summer to a cooler fall breeze among us, this time of year always often brings a sort of nostalgia. Friday nights under the lights of a High School football, Saturdays that are consumed with college football and cooler walks in the evening. For the Tybee Island YMCA and Recreation department, it is the kick off of youth soccer games starting. Our older soccer teams will compete with other YMCA teams in our association. Our micro soccer league will begin learning the basics of the game along with YMCA core character values. At the end of each season our older aged soccer teams will compete in the association wide annual end of season tournament with the chance to play teams for the fall 2010 championship title. Go Tybee YMCA Tidal Waves! This fall the Active Adult League and the YEEPIES have an exciting list of events and field trips planned for all those who are looking for something fun

Tybee Post Theater News For its second live performance in forty years, the Tybee Post Theater selects the brightest young star in the galaxy of blues greats, David Jacobs-Strain. This musical phenom was wowing audiences all over the country before he could legally drive a car. He brings his giant talent to Tybee Island on Sun., Oct. 24th, 3pm in a show that will please & amaze everyone who attends. Tickets are only $15 p.p. & benefit the restoration project. David Jacobs-Strain hails from Oregon, but crisscrossing the country to meet a demanding schedule is routine for the young man, he is best described as a slide guitarist & modern roots singer-songwriter whose musical journey begins in the wellspring of Delta blues but ranges far afield from there. In his mid-twenties, he already channels age-old wisdom and heartache with such dexterity, energy, and passion that you feel good, even about feeling bad. He tours nationally & has numerous festival credits, which include the Strawberry Festival, MerleFest, the Lugano Blues to Bop Festival in Switzerland, the Newport Folk Festival, & the Montreal Jazz Festival. He’s also served as faculty at guitar workshops, most notably at Jorma Kaukonen’s Fur Peace Ranch. In 2008, Boz Scaggs chose him to open for his summer tour. Tickets for this concert are on sale at the Tybee Post website, www.tybeeposttheater.org. Those attending should plan on bringing their own chairs & casual beach-style attire is appropriate. Beverages & snacks will be available for purchase.


Tybee Breeze

to do and to make new friends. Both groups meet the second Thursday of the month at 10:00 am in room 6 of the Old School Building. This fall we plan to attend the Sunday matinee performance of the play Steel Magnolias, take field trips to Love’s Seafood and Ms. WIlke’s Dining Room. There are several guest speakers including a performance by Georgia Kyle, a lunch and learn seminar hosted by the St. Joseph/Candler Health connections, several local artists and authors will visit. The Active Adult League and YEEPIES invite you to attend one of our meetings and join us on our various field trips this fall. Sunny Weathers has been a personal trainer and class fitness instructor at the Tybee YMCA for the past seven years. Exercise is her passion! She enjoys helping others on a one-to-one basis and/or in a class setting to improve their quality of life through learning the correct, effective muscle toning and heart strengthening exercise. Come check out the enthusiastic attendance at Tone & Burn class on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8 a.m. in Room 8, or call the YMCA at 786-9622 for references from Sunny’s pleased, healthy clients and set up an appointment for yourself! The Tybee YMCA staff would also like to thank ALL of our instructors for the continuous dedication to improving our members and residents of Tybee lives by enriching them through positive motivational exercise towards leading healthier lifestyles. Save the Date: October 22nd at 6 pm the YMCA will host our annual Pumpkin Patch! Come out for all the fun of fall. The YMCA will provide a plethora of activities for you and your family. Oct. 26th-30th, one of our sister branches in our Coastal Georgia association, West Chatham YMCA, will be needing hundreds of volunteers to help build a community play ground. Volunteer opportunities are of all sorts. Whether you can pass out food/beverages, paint, build or just being a supportive neighbor, our assoc. asks to please lend a hand. If you are interested please contact Hillary Brodofsky or Christine Tamargo at the West Chatham YMCA at (912) 748-9622. Don’t forget that you and the entire Tybee Island community are always welcomed at the YMCA. No one is ever turned away due to financial hardship to participate in our programs or fitness facility. This is made possible by our generous donors to our Priceless Gifts scholarship campaign and the City of Tybee for always supporting the YMCA and the residents of this Island. We look forward to seeing our community walk through the Tybee Island YMCA and Recreation doors!

Dear Fran, I keep seeing a sign that says “Time to Eat” when I’m out on the beach, but I can’t find that place. What gives? Your friend, Ty Bidiot Dear Ty, You Bidiot! That’s where all of your peeps sit everyday peddling their new hats and shirts. Try looking up instead of harassing passers-by. Your (occasional) BFF, Fran Dear Fran, Several of my friends are divorcing or changing partners. Now I feel I’m forced to choose which one of each couple I can remain friends with. What should I do? Divided, Moira DeMerrier Dear Moira, This is a part of life on Tybee. If your friends are He/ She couples, you have to choose either the man or the woman. That’s just how it works. If your friends are She/She couples, I think you can remain friends with both. If your friends are He/He couples, choose the best dancer and go out and party. As Tybee twirls, Fran

looking pirate garb, lots of beads, and plenty of grog. Get with the program, matey, or keep your scurvy butt off the island. Aarrgh, Fran

Dear Fran, My fiancée insists that we get married on Halloween on Tybee. I think marriage is scary enough without having to go through all that. Any thoughts? HELP! Mark N. Tyme Dear Mark, That sounds like fun to me. Maybe you don’t realize that Halloween is one of Tybee’s main holidays. Here’s what I think you should suggest to her. You dress as the bride and let her dress as the groom. Walk the whole length of Lewis Avenue during trick or treat time and let people give you candy. Then have a local licensed marrying person (there’re several on the island) meet you at the Quarter where you can say your vows. Use the candy for an impromptu reception. Invite me, Fran

You can write me anytime you like at FranVanFlanders@aol.com

Dear Fran, I was fishing just down from Little Tybee and I could swear I saw a fish that had a head that looked just like some of those wild hogs that live on the barrier islands. Do you think that’s possible? Scared, Bob Sinker Dear Bob, Oh. Oh. Tybee Bomb Time again. Never say never in the waters around Tybee. Who knows what lurks beneath. Tick, Tick, Tick Fran Dear Fran, Will there be any kind of water fight at Pirates Fest like y’all had at Beach Bums? We’re coming for the weekend and want to know what supplies to bring. Don’t want to get there and be stunned that we brought the wrong stuff. Thanks, Duncan Booth Dear Duncan, Are you sending some kind of secret message here? NO. No water fights. Just good looking people in great Tybee Breeze


Rebel Yell for GRITS By Judy O’Neill I’m a member of the G.R.I.T.S set. For all y’all who are wondering what that is, it means “Girls Raised in the South.” We GRITS have certain standards and certain rules of life and etiquette that are rarely broken. I was talking to a non-GRITS friend who suggested that I break out of my southern shell a little and do some things that aren’t generally acceptable to the GRITS group. She said that if I’m from the South, and Southerners are known as Rebels, then maybe it might be interesting if I tried being a little Rebellious. So, I said to myself. Live a little. Rebel. I have to tell you that this experiment is harder than I thought it would be. You know that adage about old habits being hard to break? Well, going (as we say in the South) against your raising is almost impossible. Most GRITS (moi included) were taught good manners from the cradle on. Many GRITS (moi included) were actually sent to a ballroom dance class and a “Miss Manners” class to learn all the social graces during our important formative years. Thus far, I have managed to live dangerously and continue to wear my white pants after Labor Day. As some of you readers know, I’ve been wanting to break that rule for years. I can do that on Tybee and feel fairly comfortable because, after all, we live at the beach and white pants are always fashionable in resort type settings. I have tried flopping down into a chair instead of gracefully sliding onto the seat. I’ve crossed my legs in that manly way of resting the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other. (Please remember this works only if you’re not wearing a skirt or dress.) I’ve let the screen door slam behind me and considered not brushing my feet when I come inside. (But since I’m the one who’ll have to sweep up the dirt, I’m not going to do that.) However, y’all, I have failed more often than I’ve succeeded. I cannot burp out loud in public. I cannot cross in front of someone in the grocery store without saying “Excuse me.” I cannot wear blue jeans to church or an important meeting. I cannot refuse to say “Please and thank you” even to rude store clerks or any other rude people I may do business with. I still hold the door open for the next person entering. Here’s a breakthrough on that one. I did get brave and rebellious enough to say OUT LOUD a rather pointed “You’re welcome” to someone who didn’t even bother to thank me for holding the door for them. How about that! My next Rebel endeavors will be to crunch ice and slurp a soft drink all the way to the noisy bottom in public, not put my napkin in my lap while I eat, eat with my elbows on the table, and talk on my cell phone really loud while I’m eating. I think I’m going to the Mall food court for those so no one will really hear me. I need an excuse to go shopping anyway. And fellow GRITS, although I may try all these things as my non-GRITS friend suggested, you and I all know that once a GRITS, always a GRITS and just because you may be a Rebel, it doesn’t mean you can’t be a lady. Bless our hearts.


Tybee Breeze

These snippets are based on a large record book kept in a safe at City Hall containing the handwritten minutes of council meetings and other happenings in the Town of Tybee from 1887 until 1925. I have tried to find those items that will be of the greatest interest and amusement to Tybee readers of a century later.  I include many names since it was apparent from the start that a lot of Tybee folks of today will know, indeed be related to, some of  these people of yesteryear.

Written by Bernie Goode

Death of Mayor Butler Tybee Council held its first meeting of 1907 on April 29th. Nothing worthy of reporting to you came out of that first, and but for the death of Mayor Butler, last meeting of 1907. Due to the death of Mayor John G. Butler on October 26, 1907, Acting Mayor R.P. Lovell called a meeting of Council for December 12, 1907. On motion of Councilman Blun, Lovell was elected Mayor for Butler’s unexpired term. W.J. Harty (?) was elected to take Lovell’s place on council for his unexpired term. Mayor Lovell asked Council to draft “a suitable resolution on the death of our former Mayor J.G. Butler.” Fast forward now to the first meeting of 1908 held on April 6th. That marathon meeting will consume more than one article. But for now I wanted to quote the resolution presented by members of Council as requested by Mayor Lovell at the December, 1907 meeting as a tribute to Mayor Butler and recorded in the minutes of the April 6, 1908 meeting. “On October 26th 1907, our Mayor J.G. Butler died at 8:30 AM and was buried the following day. Members of Council attended the funeral in a body and sent a suitable floral tribute. In his death Tybee lost its best friend. “The undersigned Committee appointed to draft suitable resolution regarding the death of Mr. John G. Butler, former Mayor of the Town of Tybee, herewith submit the following – to wit – “After a long illness – fully resigned to make an account of his stewardship and attended by his devoted family, he departed this life on the 26th day of October 1907 – in the City of Savannah of which he had been an honored resident for about 50 years. “In 1882 he spent a part of his time on Tybee Island. In 1887 he and others had an act passed by the Georgia Legislature declaring that all property owners on Tybee Island within certain defined limits were declared a body politic and corporate and such incorporation was to be known as the Town of Ocean City. “In 1888 for the good and sufficient reasons, the Act was amended by changing the corporate name to that of the Town of Tybee. In 1889 he and others who were interested in the development and up-building of the Town had a Water Works erected with which to supply its residents with artesian water. “Later he gave practical evidence of his confidence in the future of the Town by having built a number of substantial houses in the Town and he and his family occupied one of them every summer since then. He and others raised by subscription the amount needed for the public pavilion erected in the Town which,

however, was accidentally destroyed last year by fire – and also assisted in having the railroad rebuilt from Savannah to Tybee which was seriously damaged by the storm of August 1893. “Mr. Butler was a Councilman of the Town for over four years – and Mayor thereof for over 13 years – and filled both positions in an able and acceptable manner – and enhanced the welfare of the Town in whose advancement he was deeply interested. “The pleasant and intimate relations which for a long time he held with members of Council, make it fitting that there should be placed upon record our feelings of appreciation of his services and regret for his demise. “Therefore be it resolved – that the Mayor and Council of the Town of Tybee in Council assembled will ever hold in grateful remembrance his genial disposition, sterling business qualities, unswerving integrity and loyal devotion to the best interests of Tybee Island. “Resolved further, that in his death his fellow members of the Council fully realize and deeply deplore the loss occasioned to themselves and to the people of the Town. “Resolved further that we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the relatives of the deceased in their bereavement, this resolution be inscribed upon the minutes or our Council and a copy thereof be sent to the family of the deceased.” The resolution was signed by Mayor Lovell and Councilmen Blun, Smart, Kehoe, Stillwell, Dixon, and Harty. Bernie Goode has been writing for the Breeze for four years. Readers with questions, corrections, or comments are encouraged to write Bernie at berniegoode@gmail.com

Tybee Breeze


What’s With All the Knots?

out here. I don’t ever want to kiss another woman if what’s in her saliva is going to eat through my thirty I recently purchased another book pound test leader. Here hidden in this on fishing knots. Why, I’m not exactly fine print, in this tiny red book of knots, sure. Well yes I do, it was an impulse is the sole reason for world record buy at the cash register at one of my fish being lost every day around our favorite tackle shops. I know better planet. Quit spitting on your line boy! than this, I used to be a retail guru Big Daddy may know more about before my fishing/firefighting days, this, he has related enzymes to his but they got me anyway. I already ability to catch fish in the past, as have four or five of these books on some of you may remember? hand, but this one was a tiny pocket There are over 50 knots in this little size book, and I didn’t have one of book, but what confuses me is the those. So I just thought I would share improved knots VS the original knots. my thoughts on fishing knots and For example, you have the Clinch fishing knot books. Knot, the Improved Clinch Knot and This book is one of hundreds the Improved Double Loop Clinch on the market, all with basically the Knot. First who is Clinch, and if same knots. Some target fresh water someone improved his knot lets anglers, some saltwater and then delete his name, rename it in honor there is the fly fishing book of knots. of the new guy who improved it, Capt. with a nice 10lb. They all tell you what knots work best for and move along. How about all the loop Triple Tail the size and type of lines you are using. knots? Buffer loop knot, Drop loop knot, Best knots for joining like size line, different size line, dropper loop knot, End loop knot, German loop knot, wire and so on. Then they get down to the terminal Harry’s loop knot, Harry’s loop de loop knot. Who end of the tackle and explain the different knots that the hell is Harry? This goes on and on and on and work best with different types of hooks and lures. on. Five different kinds of nail knots and enough egg I knew I was in business when I opened knots to kill the Easter Bunny. my new pocket size book of knots, it “congratulated Ok, I know you gotta learn a few different me on now being armed with the most important knots now days. Well, with all the different types information that money could buy to help me land of lines out such as braids, fluorocarbons and more TROPHY fish.” It went on to say that “without monofilaments you really do need to hone your skills. a properly tied knot most TROPHY fish will break So Drop by your favorite tackle shop and pick up a the line at the knot.” Then it said “in a recent study knot book and start tying your life away. But whatever that over 95% of the time that a line broke, it did so you do, don’t spit on that line boy! And that’s all I at the knot.” Well I call hog wash. I would venture to have to say about knots. say that 95% of the fish lost comes from cut lines, whether from structure or the fish themselves. I’m October Fishing Report just not pulling back broken line minus a hook at the October is traditionally one of our best months to knot. I think they make these statements based on fish along Georgia’s coast. Water temperatures will lab tests conducted in controlled environments. Oh slowly begin to fall, the bait is plentiful, and this and lets not forget to set that little thing called a drag. combination will trigger the fish to start moving and Here is some more important news about feeding as they sense the seasonal change. moistening your monofilament line while tying your Juvenile Sea Trout that weathered January’s favorite knot. According to the book “use any freeze have begun to size out over the 13 inches lubricant, spray, hand cleaner, lure cleaner or fish now, but the numbers are still way off the norm. attracting oil. Anything but saliva, as research has Remember to release over eighteen inch fish to help shown that this will actually decrease knot strength next years spawn. Release um, don’t freeze um. because it is a digestive enzyme.” Fred, help me Redfish have shown that they are a little 18 Tybee Breeze

more resilient, as the cold winter seems to have spared most of the 2009/2010 crop. Most anglers up and down the coast are expressing the same observation, with record numbers of small juvenile fish being caught throughout the summer. Look for the big bull reds along the beach front now through December. 24th Annual Chimney Creek Blue Collar Tournament It’s that time again folks………..the 24th annual Chimney Creek Blue Collar Tournament will be held on Thursday, October 14th. Anglers can register at The Crab Shack Gift Shop or just give the cash to Pal and hope for the best. This is Tybee’s local bragging rights tournament for 2010. Little man, big red! Anglers from surrounding cities and counties will wander on to Tybee, again, hoping to get lucky and unseat the local legends. All Georgia State DNR regulations will apply. Weight Master has the right to refuse any contestant’s fish and or crab bait. Fish fry will follow at The Crab Shack around 5pm for anglers and friends. Good Luck and I’ll see you in the river, Capt. Stan About the Captain

Captain Stan Allen (alias Fred) owns & operates Marshland Inshore Fishing Adventures, a local guide service that runs out of Chimney Creek Marina (The Crab Shack). Captain Stan has been a Tybee resident for over 27 years. Stan is a professional redfish angler for www.Skinnywaterproducts.com & a pro staff member at www.power-pole.com. Contact him: 912-786-5943 www. marshlandadventures.com. or captstans@bellsouth.net.


Captain Parker & Vivian Austin They were awarded the Coast Guard Certificate of Merit for rescuing a vessel in distress! The vessel was taking on water with two passengers onboard when they heard the distress call. They notified the Coast Guard that they were close enough to respond, and changed the course of their Dolphin Tour with 35 passengers onboard. They got the two passengers onto the Dolphin boat, and within minutes the distressed boat overturned. They also saved the Coast Guard more than $10,000 in operational costs because they didn’t have to launch their helicopter, and their search and rescue team.

14th Annual Tybee Festival of the Arts Juried Show As the heat of the summer eases out, Tybee Island turns focus on the Fall Festivals extending the tourist season, and offering great “what to do for the week end” options for visitors and locals alike. 14th Annual Tybee Festival of The Arts Juried Show will be held October 16th 10:00am-6:00pm and October 17th 10:00am-5:00pm, only one week after the Pirate Fest. We switch the ‘Pirate Talk’ into ‘Language of Art’ full of inspiration and appreciation for creativity. The event is sponsored by The City of Tybee and Tybee Arts Association and will be held for the second time at the South beach parking lot under the large tent right by the Atlantic Ocean, “Rain or Shine.” Event is free to the public. Tybee Island is home for many artists and galleries, and the Festival of the Arts is an ideal event for regional and local artists to show case their work, network with other artists and enjoy a beautiful week end on the Beach. This year the Prize money is $4000 and Show will include about 40 artists from not only Georgia, but also Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida and Tennessee. Wide variety of mediums will be presented; Jewelry, Oil, Oil and wax, Mixed Media, Photography, Glass, Pottery and ceramics, Water color, Copper art, Metal craft, Carbon steel, Clay sculpture, Wood and Beach artifacts and Aluminum wire to mention few. As Art and Music go hand in hand, there will be live music throughout both days offered by some great performers. Randy Smith of Instant Karma Productions is responsible for the Entertainment Schedule below: Saturday Oct 16 12noon-1pm - Annie Allman/Guitar & Drum Center/ Savannah, GA 1:15-2:15 - Aviva and the Flying Penguins/Up & Coming/Atlanta, GA 2:30-3:30 - Brenda Morie/New in Town/Savannah 3:45-5:30 - Randy Hat, Michael Moody/Tybee Island Sunday Oct 17 12noon-1pm - Jan Spillane Long Time/Savannah, GA 1:15-2:15 - Ashley Allen/Up and Coming/ Augusta, GA 2:30-3:30 - Lacey /Up and Coming / Tybee Island, GA 3:45-5pm - Michael Moody & The Hat/Tybee Island We hope to see all artists and enthusiastic art lovers fill Tybee Island with the Magic of Creativity. As Pablo Picasso said “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Any questions, please contact Marian Moody (404)725 5788 or Sari McAfee (912) 220 2020. Tybee Breeze


HELLO TYBEE! ARRGH! The Pirates are coming again and they are almost here! If you are not yet ready, start getting ready now! Put out your best Pirate decorations and get your costumes out so you too can be a Pirate all weekend long October 8 – 10! Thanks to Tybee Fest and all the sponsors and volunteers that work so hard to make this event a success! In order to assist visitors here during the Pirate Fest weekend, the BHT Tybee Island Information Provider volunteers will be out again! This pilot program, which runs during the busy season, has proven to be successful with local volunteers helping Island visitors. We still have shifts available, if you are interested in volunteering for this program. Please contact me for more information. The October Third Thursdays on Tybee will feature Megan Panther and Darryl E. Van Horne. Make plans to come to the Lot at Tybee Oaks October 21 from 5:30pm until 6:30pm. You will be astonished by their musical talents which have earned them thumbs up at a plethora of local venues and even at the famous Fontaine Bleu in Miami. Several original songs have been recorded by the two and they are excited about performing for you again in October.

In the meantime, please make plans to join your Neighbors, Family & Friends for the annual LIGHTS ON FOR TYBEE Friday, December 3 at the Tybrisa/Strand Roundabout. Excitement will fill the evening as the Mayor lights the Tybee Christmas Tree and holiday joy with entertainment will surround the area for all ages to celebrate the Holidays on the Island. The annual HOLIDAY PARADE will be the next day at 11am. You know that parades are the spirit of Tybee so make sure to get your application in now. The parade will go from 5th Street to Tybrisa where Santa will step down from the Fire Truck by the Tybee Tree for photo opp time with the kids! Then the kids can join the YMCA for all of their fun activities in the Strand lot! Keep in mind, decoration judging for commercial and residential starts the week prior to December 3. That’s right! Decorating starts earlier this year! Your help with nominations will be sought, as BHT joins TBA in recognizing the best decorated business and residential locations! Commercial winners will be announced the night of Lights On. Tybee Island, “The People’s Beach,” is enriched with history and natural amenities. Over 3,500 residents call this nostalgic paradise home and local businesses serve the community year-round. Remember, while you are out enjoying this island paradise, “Buy Local Tybee” – It is good for the community and it shows you care. Everything you need is right here on Tybee and now you can find the full list by clicking on the listings page provided from the BHT webpage! Please feel free to contact members of the Better Hometown Board of Directors or me with suggestions, concerns, or to help.

Original artistic concept by Carlene Shuler Brown

Tybee’s BHT Vision Statement (adopted 4/14/09): To improve the quality of life for those that live, work and visit Tybee Island through a healthy business corridor and enhance the cultural experience while preserving the community’s barrier island heritage. The Mission of the Tybee Island Better Hometown Program is to: facilitate efforts to revitalize, redevelop and enhance the business corridor; create a sense of place and improve the quality of life for residents, business owners and visitors using the Main Street Four Point Approach; encourage quality economic growth and development while preserving Tybee Island’s unique architectural heritage; support and encourage the arts as a cultural endeavor and economic engine on the Island.

November’s Third Thursdays on Tybee will be Nov. 18th from 5:30 until 6:30pm at the Tybrisa/Strand Roundabout with the Savannah Ceili Band. Look for more info soon! Tybee for the Holidays is going to be here before you know it! Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day special holiday events for you will be happening and special offers throughout the island will be available! All the info. will be available on www.tybeefortheholidays. com as soon as it is perfect to go live.


Tybee Breeze

SOPA de LIMA When I lived in Atlanta back in the 80’s I used to go to a Mexican restaurant called U.S. #1 Bar-y-Grille to have the most incredible shredded chicken soup ramped with mucho lime juice. They are now closed and the recipe unavailable so I experimented a few times and have come up with what I think is equally good, if not better. I am pretty sure the origin of this dish is from the Yucatan and not like Mexican sopas. Yucatan cuisine, derived from traditionally Mayan fare, differs somewhat from what most people consider Mexican food. While some of the ingredients are common to other parts of Mexico, Yucatan cooking makes heavy use of turkey, venison, sour oranges, and a predominance of black beans refried or whole, pickled onions, annatto spice and slightly toxic and very unique epazote leaves. The rest of their ingredients are common to most Mexican cooking; chilies, coriander, tomatoes, avocados, tortillas, pork, chicken, beef, fish and so on. 6 to 8 servings): So here is a list of ingredients: 8 corn tortillas 1/2 cup vegetable oil salt 1 medium onion, chopped 1 celery rib thinly sliced 1 carrot thinly sliced 1 jalapeno or Serrano pepper, stemmed seeded & finely chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 bay leaf 1/4 tsp. Mexican oregano, crumbled 1 large tomato, peeled and chopped 8 cups chicken stock or broth 1- 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 green onions, finely chopped 3 limes, juiced (about 1/3 cup) 1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and coarsely chopped 2 tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro leaves preparation: Cut the tortillas into 1/4-strips. Heat the oil in a medium skillet & when very hot, fry the tortilla strips, in small batches, until lightly golden & crisp, 30 seconds-1 min. Drain on paper towel. Season with salt & set aside. Reserve the oil. Transfer 1 tbsp. of the oil to a large saucepan, add the chopped onion, carrot, celery & chile pepper. Cook over med. high heat, stirring occasionally, until vegetables have softened, about 4 mins. Add the garlic, bay leaf, oregano & cook stirring, for 1 min. Add the tomato & season lightly with salt. Cook, stirring, until the tomato is softened & has released its liquid & the mixture is nearly dry, 4-5 mins. Add the chicken stock, chicken breasts & bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer & cook until the chicken is just cooked through, 12-15 mins. Remove chicken from soup & set aside until cool enough to handle. Let soup continue to simmer. When the chicken has cooled a bit, shred into bite size pieces & return to the pot with the green onions & lime juice. Cook for 5 mins., or until chicken is heated through & soup is steamy hot. Season soup to taste, with salt & ladle into bowls with tortilla strips added to each bowl. Garnish with avocado, cilantro & lime wedges. Serve right away and be careful, it’s real hot... if you burn your mouth on the first slurp, you ruin the experience! Buen appetite!

Hope you enjoy! Chef Espy ~ Hunter House Sighs or Moans - chefespy@bellsouth.net

A view from the porch of the Lighthouse Inn – Yes there is life on the North end of the Island and we will try to let everyone know what is happening with this end of the island from “the porch” and from our wonderful guests.

Two’s… We have had good things come in two’s for the last two months. Two couples, one from Maryland and the other from Kansas checked in after dropping their daughters at SCAD. They had never met before and had a wonderful time comparing notes on raising two creative daughters. Two honeymoon couples – one from Ohio and the other from Georgia – had never met and became best friends and did many activities together. Comments: Thank you for a great time! Our stay helped ease the stress of dropping off our daughter at SCAD. Lisa and Bill, Fairway, Kansas Thank you for a wonderful visit. This is a beautiful inn run by two completely lovely people. Cheryl and John, Baltimore, MD We had an Awesome Time! This is the most fun place we have ever stayed! Thanks for everything. Emily and Tamara, Gainesville, GA We enjoyed our stay. The accommodations were great (Warm and relaxing). Breakfast was “delici’s” as Rachel Ray would say. Norman and Shandra, West Chester, Ohio Thank you so much for the wonderful time. We enjoyed our stay here so much and it was the perfect place for our honeymoon! We can’t wait to come back soon. Zach and Jessica, Dayton, Ohio Thank you all, Susie & Stuart Lighthouse Inn ~ 912 786-0901 LighthouseInn@BellSouth.Net www.Tybeebb.com Tybee Breeze


Tybee Island Activities By Amy Capello

After Clover’s birthday in August, we decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and take her to the vet for a physical and a checkup. She also had an odd spot on the end of her carapace and we wanted to have the vet take a look at it. Cheryl Tilton and I arranged to meet with Dr. Terry Norton at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center on Jekyll Island. Dr. Norton has been incredibly kind to look after our little Clover (and previously Squirty). So, Cheryl loaded up Clover in her travel box and she was one unhappy camper!! I guess she knew she was going to the vet! She fussed and fussed so much that Cheryl had to pull over her car three times to make sure

that Clover was safe. Once we were well on our way, Clover accepted the fact that she had to see the vet and calmed down. We arrived at the Sea Turtle Center late in the afternoon, and got a quick chance to walk around and look at the other patients. I think Clover felt like the odd duck out since she was one of the only healthy turtles in the Center. Dr. Norton had Clover weighed and she is a healthy 3.7 kg (3700 grams). She was very feisty and kept trying to bite anyone that came anywhere near her! I was a little embarrassed but glad to know she was full of Tybee spunk! It took three people to hold her down for her examination. It made Cheryl and I feel a little better since she misbehaves for us as well! I attempted to show Dr. Norton the weird spot on her carapace, but it had somehow disappeared! I kept swearing to him that I wasn’t crazy and in fact had seen the odd spot (Cheryl had too, so I’m not alone!) but it was nowhere to be found. He decided to go ahead with her physical anyway and wasn’t too worried about the spot. He took a blood sample, checked out her shell and scraped off some excess keratin, and gave her a good once-over. He said she was in great condition and he’ll let us know how her blood samples turn out. We made it safely back to the 4H Center and Clover was thrilled to be home. She happily ate her shrimp and fish dinner, and swam around. And, I swear, I could see the spot on her shell!!!

food til 2:45am Everyday!

VOTED BEST HAPPY HOUR, BEST HAMBURGER & BEST WINGS! raw or Steamed oysters by the dozen Anytime!!! (not for take out)

Snow crab legs $1225 l lb. SEAFOOD SANDWICHES

Hamburger... $7.50 Cheeseburger... $7.75 Chicken Fingers... $6.75 Grilled Chicken Sandwich... $7.25 BBQ Grilled Chicken Sandwich... $7.25 Fried Chicken Sandwich... $6.75 The “Sun Dogg” Hot Dog... $5.50 Steak Sandwich... $8.75


Grilled or Fried Chicken Salad... $6.25 Hamburger Salad... $6.75 House Salad... $3.75 Side Salad... $1.50


Dz. Oysters - Raw... $6.00 or Steamed... $6.50 Snow Crab Legs 1 lb... $12.25 or 2 lbs... $22.75

WINGS Hot, Mild, Lemon Pepper, BBQ, Teriyaki or “Said Something Bad About The Cook’s Mama”... $6.50 MUNCHIES Basket of Fries... $3.00 Basket of Onion Rings... $3.25 Egg Rolls... $5.00 Fried Cheese Sticks... $5.00 Jalapeno Poppers... $5.00 Chips & Salsa... $3.00

HAPPY HOUR 4-7PM MON-FRI (Excluding holidays)



Basket of Ten (dine in only) ........ ATM inside

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HWY 80 • TYBEE ISLAND • (912)786-8966

open Every day of the year! Monday-Saturday 4pm-3am • Sunday 12:30pm-3am


Tybee Breeze

Your Health and the Economy? An Inexpensive Prescription for Improvement of Both With many tourists gone and Tybee residents starting the off-season, many see a decrease in their incomes on the island. The long wait until the droves return has barely started and I am already hearing conversations on the island addressing the off-season and the offwages. While I acknowledge the difficulties that many face financially, especially during this economy, I also see a great deal of opportunity to improve ourselves during this economically challenging time. True long-term health and happiness requires that physical, spiritual and emotional needs are fulfilled. I would challenge residents of Tybee that there is no better time than NOW, when the island is quieter, less crowded, to address all three of these important needs. I would also uphold that these tough economic times can give people some serious incentives to give up costly bad habits, while adopting less expensive or downright free new ones! Consider this a PRESCRIPTION for self-improvement across the board! Read on! The physical needs that are most important are sometimes quite expensive, but here are some ideas to make them less so. First, if you smoke, make a clear plan to stop smoking. There is no better time than now to give up the habit. Think of the thousands of dollars saved a year on tobacco alone, not to mention money saved on health insurance premiums if you are fortunate enough to have insurance. Also, smokers are much more likely to require medical care throughout the year with increases in respiratory illnesses alone, not to mention increases in risks for cancer, heart disease, stroke and peripheral arterial disease. Your tight off-season dollars will go a lot farther without buying “the cancer sticks.� Also, as I wrote in August, decreasing alcohol intake will also help your health and put less strain on your wallet. Weight loss will also help your overall health as I discussed last month in The Breeze. Avoiding fast food and making wise choices when you eat out will help with losing extra pounds. I encourage all of Tybee locals to support our local restaurants during the off-season and also our local restaurants to continue to specifically make healthy food options available on their menus. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal. Steamed, grilled, baked or broiled seafood or poultry are always good calls over fried or beef or pork. When choosing beef and pork,

get leaner cuts and prepare in ways that minimize fat consumption. Avoid processed and pre-packaged foods as these are typically higher in processed sugar, sodium, fat and preservatives compared to the fresh stuff. Making meal preparation a family or friends-event or a quiet time of meditation and thought will feed your soul as well and help take the monotony and work out of the task. In addition to making wise choices about foods, decreasing helping sizes and eating more slowly will decrease caloric intake and improve digestion while increasing meal enjoyment. When made at home, less food means less cost, right? Watch for specials and clip coupons. The internet is a great place to find coupons galore...Wow! More money saved. A well-balanced diet with a good daily multivitamin will help your immune system stay strong, thus helping avoid cooler weather illnesses and the flu. Speaking of the flu, flu season is coming and flu shots are in! I encourage my patients to get their flu shot. You know what is said about that ounce of prevention. Avoiding sick visits to your doctor also helps save money, not to mention the suffering, right. Avoiding missed days of work and productivity is also a big deal in the financial and quality of life categories. Adding regular exercise to your weight loss plan is also very cost effective if you live on Tybee. Walks are free, as are bike rides and there is no better deal anywhere than a YMCA membership if you choose! Checking out a sunset, bird watching or visiting some of our wonderful shops and galleries on the island are all great ways to feed your mind, body and spirit. You know that little place on the island that you always wanted to see what they had inside but it was always so busy and crowded that you have never made it in there? Now is the time to go exploring! The local businesses will appreciate your patronage and building relationships with each other helps us all as neighbors and friends. Now that traffic has eased up, the shopkeepers will probably have more time to chat and that bike ride or walk across the island will be safer. Go check out the Tybee Lighthouse and climb the stairs to the top. Talk about feeding the mind, body and spirit! What a great view awaits the successful climber. In the mind category, we have an awesome library! Check it out! Read, read, and read. Take on a new hobby ...Continued Page 24 Tybee Breeze


or cause that you have not had the time to accomplish. Take an art or exercise class. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Learn something new this off-season. In regard to feeding your spirit, we have already touched on a few, but let’s address some more costconscious ways. Watch as many sunrises and sunsets as time will allow. Attend and consider joining one of our many places of worship or wonderful clubs on the island. Consider volunteering some of your time to community development, a favorite charity, kids or the elderly in need. Visit a shut-in or someone infirmed. The paybacks to your soul will be far greater than your investment of your time. Attend the theater; listen to some of our fantastic live music. There many opportunities right here on the island for each of these and all are very affordable. The gas money you save by staying local is nothing to sneeze at. Also, in regard to feeding the spirit of one another and our community, let’s speak to one another in the market or on the street. Looking each other in the eye, waving at your neighbor, shouting a “hello,” will all help us make Tybee the friendliest beach in America, in addition to the healthiest! Why not? We already are! Tybee locals are tons of fun and friendly, and both qualities make for great karma! Other activities abound on Tybee at little or no cost and I encourage you to add to my incomplete list. I hope this discussion will get you thinking about and acting on how changing from a couch potato to an active islander will definitely feed your mind, body and spirit. Look at all of the money you’ll be saving while building a new, healthier you and supporting your community, local businesses and neighbors! Until next month, be safe and stay healthy! The Beach Doc


Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze


By Stacye and Lannie Jarrell

Experience Luxury, Oceanfront Style

Oceanfront Cottage enjoyed Guests from all over the world this past summer. We had a great summer and are glad that so many of our Guests plan to return to Tybee this fall and next year. It is hard to believe that Labor Day has already come and gone. Thankfully, we are still busy this fall. The Ocearnfront Crew is looking forward to Pirate’s Fest. AAARGHH to all! We plan to participate in the Pirate’s Fest parade and all of the fun activities associated with this great event. Our bookings look really good for the entire week which is good for Tybee! We would like to thank everyone on the Pirate’s Fest committee for their hard work. A special thanks to Charissa Murray for all of her time and hard work this past year making this event so fabulous. Lannie and I were remembering when Paula and Paul DeVivo had the dream for this event and orchestrated committees in years past laying the ground work for such a successful long weekend for everyone on Tybee to enjoy today. The DeVivo’s and their friend, Ross Howard, were instrumental in making Tybee’s Pirate Fest the huge success that it is today. What visionaries! The fireworks were beautiful in celebration of Tybee’s wonderful Labor Day weekend. Locals and visitors think “fireworks, holidays and Tybee Island” are synonymous. Tybee Throws A Fit was a huge success on the Pavilion on September 4! Lisa Wu Hartwell from The Real Housewives of Atlanta and her husband, Ed Hartwell, a former Falcon and Raiders football player, were our celebrity guests.

W e had Sunny Weathers warm us up with a fun cardio workout, C C Powell led Zumba, D e e d e e C o o v e r demonstrated belly dancing and core exercises, D r e w E d m o n d s returned with Fit Body Blast and Leah Sparks worked everyone out kickboxing. The Tybee YMCA was a huge help as a sponsor as was Café Loco’s Joel Solomon. Now that things have slowed down a bit we hope to be able to ride our bikes and enjoy this beautiful island that we call home. Lannie and I had a great summer jet skiing, boating and working as hard as we play. We look forward to seeing you around Tybee! Photos by Chris Hornaday Lannie, Stacye and the Oceanfront Team Oceanfront Cottage Rentals, LLC invites you to enjoy true Southern Hospitality in one of our gorgeous homes while visiting our wonderful and unique island.


Tybee Breeze

Summer in Review By Alaina Loughridge

With summer winding down (thank God), I am taking this opportunity of rare down time to contemplate my last four months and attempt to assemble said months into some kind of logical order (already knowing there’s no logic on Tybee). I have had an extremely stellar summer; met wonderful people and have some memorable quotes and staggeringly good ideas that I think that every 60 feet is a little bit overkill. It’s must be shared with the world at large and more especially difficult when people just appear out from behind a telephone pole or a badly placed bush and importantly the U.S. Patent Office. The best idea I have heard this summer (well all of a sudden they are in the middle of the road. That actually ever) is the bike cup holder seatbelt. This becomes awkward when you have to slam on your thought originated from a Wind Rose conversation brakes to avoid hitting them and the car behind you is between myself, Beegee, Sadie and Katrina. Due to suddenly in your lap. Not to mention that tourists will the crater like pot hole at the intersection of 14th and either stop at every cross walk or they will not stop at all. A wonderful lesson also learned this summer 2nd (the one you don’t see until your front tire is in it) your drink will literally bounce right out of your cup is do not go swimming naked in August. The jellyfish holder. If you are drinking a Tybee Time daiquiri, that’s will sting your pink parts. It hurts (or so I’m told). Along $7 not including tip! Nooooo!!! Even if you are drinking that same line is do not jump off the pier wearing steel a $4 drink, that is not right. As Beegee said, “my drink toed boots. The moral being: Wear appropriate bathing launched out of my cup holder and at that precise material and walk on water when you see a big blob of moment in time I understood what separation anxiety goo coming at you. means.” It was decided that we have lost enough One of my not best memories (but well worthy money in cocktails to pay to fix the pothole. So, we of repeating) is that a daiquiri from Tybee Time tastes need to get together and create a Velcro bungee cord just as good coming up as is does going down. I highly that can tie your drink into your cup holder. That would recommend the Dreamsicle. If you’re broke you can drink all night. However, I don’t recommend telling be phenomenal! Moving on to more bike travel, I have discovered people that. Other memorable quotes and notables: that you never leave last nights leftovers in the to-go box on your bike handle. I went downstairs in the morning If you wake up wearing your hat, glasses, bra looking for wings and poppers that I had gotten from the and nothing else, you know it’s been a fabulous night! Sand Bar the night before (I was too lazy to take it off No man should wear a V neck. Ever! my bike handle when I got home… stairs and all) and Odds are good, but the goods are odd. my bike and food were gone! WT…? Take the bike, but You would be better off to get caught with a leave the food! Have manners when you are thieving. crack pipe than a glass bottle on Tybee. That is the second time a bike has been stolen from me In responding to a 21 year old youngster asking this summer (even though I vicariously stole it to begin a life question: “Here’s what I did, but here’s what you should actually do.” Then watch as with. Don’t tell the police). But still, A Tybee Arts they go off and do exactly what you what’s up with that? told them not to. Ah, youth. An oddity of the island that I Association When you’re in a canoe in the have noticed this summer is that you Production ocean and the weight limit is already can leave your keys in the ignition exceeded, never turn around quickly of your car, the front door to your Directed by and ask, “What did you just say?” house wide open all day, but don’t Renee’ DeRossett Yeah. Not a good idea. you dare leave your bike unlocked & There are many more stories and unattended. You would think that Kim Trammell and quips I could share, but since eventually you would see your bike, this is a family magazine I probably but it’s like the dryer eating that one shouldn’t (not that that has stopped sock. You never see it again. Play Dates: me before). Anyhoo, I hope y’all Also, there are entirely too Nov. 5th, 6th, 7th and had a ‘stellar’ summer and have fond many crosswalks on this island. Not memories of summer 2010. Looking that anyone uses them, but when Nov. 12th,13th,14th forward to summer 2011! they do, I am totally caught off guard. Tybee Breeze


Fall in Love with Tybee… it’s easy to do! This year fall on Tybee Island brings many exciting events namely the 6th Annual Tybee Pirate Fest, the 14th Annual Festival of the Arts and Third Thursdays on Tybee. In order to increase overnight visitation on Tybee Island during our early shoulder season we have launched our fall in Love with Tybee marketing campaign. The campaign kicked off on September 1st and will run through the month of October. The campaign consists of a combination of print, web and social media marketing focused on driving potential visitors to FallinLoveWithTybee.com where they can view special offers and register to win a Tybee Island family getaway courtesy of Tybee Vacation Rentals! If your business has fall and winter special offers please get those to us so we can post on FallinLoveWithTybee.com and TybeeVisit.com. Last year during Pirate Fest we partnered with TouchPoll to gain more information about Pirate Fest attendees and to assist with future planning and marketing strategies. The project dates were October 8-10, 2009 which included Buccaneer Ball and both days of Pirate Fest. 314 attendees took the survey and here are some of the results we received: • Age groups between 21 and 55 made up 82% of those surveyed. 60% of those surveyed were from outside a 50-mile radius mainly Atlanta and surrounding areas, but also many from Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina even some from as far away as Illinois, Idaho, Kentucky and California! Of those surveyed


Tybee Breeze

only 4 people stated they came upon Pirate Fest by accident which indicates the remaining balance came specifically for Pirate Fest! • When asked how they learned about Pirate Fest, word of mouth came in the highest at 48% which is common at most festivals, but coming in a close second at 39% was the internet and third at 30% was print media [‘The Tybee Breeze’ holds the lead for ‘Print Media’ with over 51%, followed by ‘Savannah Connect’ with over 39%.] This tells us that more and more people are looking online to plan their vacation and itineraries. The top two websites attendees used to find out about Pirate Fest were the Pirate Fest website and the Tybee Visitor Center website. This tells us that our web placement is excellent! Since print media advertising is still high this means that many people saw the print ads and went online to find more detailed information. • When asked what they liked most about Pirate Fest dressing up as a Pirate was number one at 56%, followed by Everything at 40% and Music at 39%. This tells us what we expected that the “fantasy” feature of Pirate Fest is what really attracts the crowds and what attendees are expecting and feel was delivered to them. • 83% said they have spent or plan on spending money in a Tybee restaurant or pub and 68% have spent or plan on spending money in a Tybee retail booth/store/gallery. • 86% said they will return for Pirate Fest 2010! All and all a very successful event for our island! Our social media campaign is having tremendous success! It’s very apparent that there are a lot of people out there who know and love Tybee! Our Tybee Island, Georgia Fan Page has grown from 22,237 likes on April 1st to a staggering 55,894 likes as of September 15th! Be sure to pick up the latest Savannah Magazine Best Of edition. Tybee Island was named Best Day Trip and Best Fun Place to Take the Kids! That’s all for now! Have a great Tybee day! Vicky Buck, vbuck@tybeevisit.com, 912.786.5444 Lindsay Fruchtl, Lindsay@tybeevisit. com, 912.786.5444 www.TybeeVisit.com

Ship’s Log October 2010 Gourmet Solutions Private Chef and Concierge Service A l i c i a Cannon, a native Savannahian, with over fifteen years experience in the restaurant industry, started Gourmet Solutions as a personal chef service, providing weekly meals for families and those with dietary restrictions. She has cooked for many prominent residents in the area, including but not limited to a crew aboard a luxury sailboat. Expanding to vacation rentals and Inns around Savannah, Alicia provides a unique niche to those visiting our charming area. Her passion is catering to smaller groups, providing a more personal creative touch to each occasion. Surprise a loved one with a gourmet dinner prepared and served in the comfort of your own home or vacation rental. Other services she offers are: “Chef for a Day” provides all meals, shopping and kitchen cleanup. “Home Chef” menus are customized and prepared for a stress-free week’s worth of meals at your fingertips. Brunch with the girls is always a fun day! Talking with Alicia, she told me one of her biggest rewards is the smiles of satisfied guests. Her company is called Gourmet Solutions and her motto is- “If you can Imagine, We can Create.” We wish Alicia luck with bringing Gourmet Solutions to Tybee Island. Alicia can be contacted at 912-398-3351 or e-mail her at gourmetsolutions@ live.com. Check out her website for more info and menu options at: www.gourmetsolutions-tybee. com.

The God Abouts Senior Adult Ministry

Chapel by the Sea Baptist Church, Tybee Island, held their 3rd Annual Cake Bake-off Sunday night, Sep 5th in the church Fellowship Hall. Nineteen cakes of all kinds were entered for competition. A large crowd of over 70 people were on hand to enjoy the cakes following the judging. The wonderful judges had a hard time making their decisions. Pastor David Laughner presented prizes to the following winners.

Prettiest Cake

Chocolate Strawberry Cake (sugar free) Baked by Sherry Hosti

Most Unusual

Apple Cake with Strawberry Topping and Grape Garnishment Baked by Stephen Lee

Best Taste

Berry Lemonade Cake Baked by Ginger Laughner The bakers were generous enough to share their recipes which will be included in a cookbook that will be available in October. Donations received for these cookbooks will be added to the Lottie Moon Offering for Foreign Missions. Our God Abouts meetings are always the 3rd Tuesday of each month. For more info. please contact Betty or Jurell Davis at 897-2364 Make a Friend...Be a Friend...Bring a Friend

Misty Rose on vacation from Atlanta gets up early to clean up the beach! Photo by Julia Foster Tybee Breeze


By Tammy Smith Tybee Sea Turtle Project Coordinator As we are coming to a close with the 2010 sea turtle season, I wanted to share with you the data from the Tybee Sea Turtle Project. We had a total of 20 crawls this season. Ten of those crawls were actual loggerhead sea turtle nests. Of the ten nests, six were left in their original location and four were relocated due to being too close to the high tide line, in a high traffic area and/or lighting issues. Approx. 882 eggs have been deposited in the nests on Tybee. As of early Sept., 525 eggs have hatched with about 461 babies sea turtles emerging and making their way to the Atlantic. The average incubation period for our nests has been about 49.1 days. Average incubation period is 50-60 days. Several nests have surprised the volunteers with the project by emerging earlier than expected. At the time of this writing, there are still two nests left on Tybee. There is an area just north of 8th St. and one in front of the old bunker that are being watched for possible nest emergence. All nest or unknown areas left should be completed by the end of Sept. I will keep you informed of the remaining nests in next month’s article.


Tybee Breeze

The north beach area at Gullick Street has proven to not be a suitable nesting habitat this season. Nest number three and nest number six had heavy inundation with water from extreme high tides and the higher than normal water table from below. Nest three began hatching on August 5, and was excavated on August 8th. Nest six began hatching on August 31 and was excavated on September 2. Thanks to Kerry Nelson, Todd Horne, a bystander and Todd Smith for their assistance with that emergency nest excavation until I could get there. Five live hatchlings were found and later released that night at dark. In closing, this has been a record high year for sea turtle nesting in Georgia. Currently there are 1,758 sea turtle nest along the Georgia coast. Cumberland again takes the lead with 483 nests, their last nest was found on September 2! This is really late in the season for mom to be nesting. Sea turtle still have a long way to be recovered and we will continue with our conservation efforts. For more information on sea turtles or the Tybee Island Sea Turtle Project please visit the Tybee Island Marine Science Center! The center is located at 1510 Strand Avenue, Tybee Island, GA 31328. If you wish to donate, please call (912)786-5917, or visit the website at www. tybeemsc.org. If you are interested in volunteering with the Sea Turtle Project, please contact the Center or send me an email at turtletammy@bellsouth.net.

By George Walker Commander I want to thank all those who came to the Legion Post for our Patriot’s Day remembrance ceremonies on Sept. 11th. As expected Tybee residents once again demonstrated their “Americanism” as a part of our annual tribute to those Americans who gave their lives on that fateful day nine years ago. Autumn is here; the weather’s beginning to change a little and things are starting to slow down a bit. To help everyone get the feel for cooler weather we are going to have the 1St Annual Fall Steak Festival Oct. 24th. Just as we do for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, reservations can be made at the Post, in person or by phone, any day after 5pm. We hope for a good turnout and YES, football will be on the TV. As always, we ask everyone to remember our Tybee Island, Circle of Freedom War Memorial in place on Butler Avenue. This Memorial symbolizes what veterans from all branches of service including the Merchant Marines have done throughout the years to protect and ensure our freedom.

American Legion Post 154 Tybee Island, GA Bricks for the War Memorial are available. For info. call or come by the Post after 5pm any day of the week. Just as a reminder, Wed., Oct. 13th is the birthday of the United States Navy. “Anchors Away, Go Navy.” Veterans Day will be next month on Thurs., Nov. 11th. Keep the parade downtown in mind when you are making plans. Bingo is on Fri. at 8pm. Cards go on sale at 7:15pm. Horseshoes will be Sat. evenings at 7pm. Both events are open to the public and everyone is invited to participate. We’re always looking for new members. If you’re interested in the Legion, Auxiliary or Sons of the Legion call the Post (786-5356). As always, Linda or Patti will have the canteen open at 5pm every day. Our monthly Legion meetings are on the 2nd Mon. of the month at 7pm with dinner served at 6pm. For God and Country

George Walker ~ Commander American Legion #154

Auxiliary Unit #154 Hello Auxiliary Members and Breeze readers, WE HAVE GONE TO PRESS! I have discussed a cookbook that the Auxiliary is publishing in several articles. “A Legion of Tybee Cooks” is becoming a reality and will be ready in time for the Holidays. With the hard work of Lynn Marston, we are there! I must also thank Vivian Austin for the beautiful photography that will grace the cover and each divider page. There are almost 400 recipes in the book from our wonderful membership and others. By the November article, I hope to give a specific date that books will be available for $15 at the Post. We had a fabulous Patriot Day Program at the Legion. The food was delicious and the program was very good. There was not a

dry eye in the crowd . We were also thankful to the emergency services professionals and the military, past and present, and PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! The Auxiliary is always striving to help our military, veterans and community. I will be presenting some of the outreach activities on a monthly basis so that you will know what your contributions to our organization enable. The Auxiliary is helping with the cost of candy for the homeowners on Lewis Avenue for Trick-or-Treat. As part of our ongoing community outreach, the Auxiliary would like to sponsor a Thanksgiving meal for a couple of families on Tybee that may be in need. Please reach out to me with names and specifics. The Legion is having a steak dinner Sunday, October 24. Please contact the Post to make your reservation and come out and enjoy a wonderful steak. Enjoy your fall and football season! For God and Country Kaye C. Dowell ~ President American Legion Auxiliary Unit 154 Tybee Breeze


By Jason Buelterman Mayor of Tybee Island We all know what time of year it is when Mr. Hosti puts up the “Back to Normal” with the backwards “r” sign on the marquee at Tybee Market: summer is coming to a close and fall is here. Many, many thanks to the Ocean Rescue staff for a wonderful summer. They work extremely hard in tough, hot conditions and are under intense pressure to make sure they keep folks safe at the beach. They often deal with very weak swimmers on an Island that is prone to dangerous rip currents, have limited funds to cover a very crowded beach, and aren’t always appreciated by the very people who they are trying to protect, not to mention the thousands upon thousands of jellyfish stings they help treat every summer. Our hats off to the entire Ocean Rescue staff on a safe summer. You all do an amazing job for Tybee and your efforts do not go unnoticed! We had an excellent turnout at the meeting held at City Hall to gather public input on the Tybee Road and the Bull River and Lazaretto Creek Bridges. Tybee has for many years been perceived as being divided on the issue of whether or not to widen Highway 80 from Bull River to the Lazaretto. In fact, this purported division has been the reason that local and state officials with the Department of Transportation (DOT) have given for not moving forward with the project. However, I believe that Tybee is largely united behind making improvements on this stretch of road. The road floods on high spring tides. There is limited emergency vehicle access at peak use times or when there is an accident, especially on either of the bridges due to the lack of shoulders. Recent high profile accidents that have taken place have shown the state of this stretch of road can not only be dangerous for drivers but can jeopardize the safety of those of us on the Island. The vast majority of residents, it seems, agree that the bridges need to be replaced or complimented with adjacent structures; that the road needs to be widened especially in light of the traffic snarls where three lanes merge to two; that the low areas of the roadway must be raised to prevent tidal flooding; that there needs to be improvements made for cyclists; and that provisions need to be made so as to prevent so many turtles from being killed. We may disagree about where these concerns rank. I oftentimes hear folks argue that the environmental concerns should trump the safety concerns and vice versa. But this thing can be done in a way that satisfies all of the above concerns. Funds for addressing the


Tybee Breeze

bridges and widening the roads is something that I am using the authority I have as Mayor to lobby for aggressively at the local, state and federal level. I feel very, very strongly that access to our Island is a major safety issue. I would add to the above list the issue of hurricane evacuation. I know many feel that evacuation of Tybee is not an issue and that our current road can handle the traffic levels. I disagree. But regardless of the evacuation debate, the aforementioned issues need to be addressed. If we do not unite behind this project, the DOT and elected officials at the county, state and possibly federal level may again use our lack of unity as an excuse to spend funds on other projects. For the next few months, a study will be undertaken by the local transportation funding body, known as CORE. The meeting held at City Hall in early September was the first step in this process. I sincerely hope that the outcome of this study will be a recommendation that Highway 80 is worthy of significant expenditures of funds and a dispelling of the myth that our little community is divided on this issue. On October 7 at 7 PM, there will be a meeting held at City Hall to gauge community interest in a Charter School on Tybee. We all are by now aware of the loss of St. Michael’s School. For the first time in a very, very long time, a Tybee school did not open its doors for the start of school this fall. Tybee businesses and residents, even those without children at St. Michael’s, supported the little private school with financial contributions. And many of our Island’s organizations had stepped up to support the school. So clearly there was community support for an educational institution for our young people on Tybee. Tybee contributes approximately 10% of the total property tax revenue generated by the Chatham County public school system yet represents only 1.5% of the population. Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools does a great job of educating our Island’s children who attend public schools off the island. But wouldn’t it be great to have our own publically-funded school here on Tybee and direct some of that tax revenue back to our community? If you are interested in seeing a school open its doors again to our kids next September, please come out to learn more about this possibility. Mayor’s Night In this month will be on Tuesday, October 12 at 7 PM. Please contact Vivian Woods at 786.4573 ext. 103 for an appointment. As always, feel free to contact me via e-mail at buelterman@hotmail. com or on my cell at 844.8427. Have a great October and thanks in advance to all the kind residents of Lewis Avenue for opening up your yards and homes for our annual Halloween celebration. As always, feel free to contact me at 786-4573, ext. 108 or via e-mail at buelterman@hotmail.com. See you around town.

Tybee Breeze


Washed Ashore

october 2010

A-J’s Dockside Are you looking for a great place to eat that’s on the water where you can enjoy some of the finest food on the island? A place where you can kickback, relax, & enjoy your favorite beverage while watching the dolphin’s play in the Back River? A place where you can watch some of the best sunsets North of Mallory Square? Come to 1315 Chatham Ave. on the back-river. We’re just the place you’re looking for. Voted Best Outdoor Dining & Best Martini 2009! Live Entertainment Fri. Sat. & Sun. Call 786-9533 for info. Ask about nightly dinner & drink specials, Happy Hour Daily 5-7pm. American Legion Each week we have line dancing on Wed. 7pm, Bingo on Fri. at 8pm & horseshoes on Sat. 7pm. Voted Best Overall Bar 2009! 7865356 for info. Bernie’s Oyster House We offer a variety of food: sandwiches, chowders & seafood. We have a full service bar. Come join us & try one of our famous Mason Jar Bloody Mary’s. Join us on our outdoor patio or by our fire pit! We have T-shirts, koozies & shot glasses. Thur. - Sat. 6-10pm live music. Happy Hour Mon.-Thur. 4-7pm, 50¢ oysters (raw only) & 12oz. draft beer for $2. We have a great staff that is always ready to please. Voted Best Bloody Mary 2008 & 2009! Call 7865100 for take-out & more info. If you are in Historic Sav. Stop & visit our other Bernie’s located at 115 E. River St. Benny’s Tavern The Coldest Beer in America! Happy Hour. Tue. Open Pool Tables. Wed. pool tournament w/Chris 7:30pm. Sat Pool Tournament at 2:30pm with Ms. Molly. Tue. & Thur. Locals night - Happy Hour 8-10pm. Karaoke Fri., Sat. & Sun. w/CWL Entertainment. Cupcake is on the grill-Call for specials! Come Party with some of Tybee’s Characters: Tess, Linda, Rita, Joanne, Bobbie & Chris. Free Wi-Fi. Voted Coldest Beer 2008 & 2009! Voted Best Karaoke 2009! It’s a Tybee Thang! 1517 Butler Ave/Downtown Tybee 786-0121.


Tybee Breeze


Email announcements, events, and classifieds to: info@tybeebreeze.com

What’s hot on tybee . . . Where to go . . . Breakfast Club Winner of 19 consecutive “Best Breakfast” awards. Free wireless w/ purchase. We are centrally located in the heart of the commercial district at 15th & Butler. Voted Best Breakfast 2009! Doc’s Bar Live Music Fri. & Sat. 9pm-till, Sun. 6-10pm. Tue. $1.50 dom. beer. Sun. nights Shag contest. Great food & good fun! Beach, Boogie, Blues & Buffett music. Doc’s Bar is the oldest bar on Tybee, and still the center of the universe. Celebrating our 61st anniv. Voted Best Place to Listen to Live Music & Best Local Musician Roy Swindelle 2009. Join us on facebook. www.docsbartybee.com. Dolphin Reef Restaurant Located in the Ocean Plaza Beach Resort, the award winning Dolphin Reef Restaurant & Sports Bar is the perfect place for you, your family & friends to relax & enjoy a breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean along with superb American cuisine with an emphasis on fresh seafood. Upon your arrival you will be treated to a trendy, unique underwater themed ambiance which will make your dining experience memorable. Be sure to try their all-you-can-eat Tybee beachside buffet on Fri. & Sat. nights. After an enjoyable meal you can relax & catch the game or race on one of their many highdef TVs in the Seaside Sports Bar. Happy hour every day from 3-7pm. Dolphin Reef is the perfect location for your banquet, reception, or other special event & is open daily for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. The only thing more spectacular than their food is the view. Fannie’s ON THE BEACH Celebrating 18 years of Food, Fun & Spirits...Oceanfront! You can’t miss the pink roofed restaurant on Strand near 17th St. (3 stories high) 2 openair decks in the sky for an incredible beachfront view. Our Sun. Brunch & Our House Band, The Christy Alan Band, Won Best of Tybee! And we boast the best frozen drinks on Tybee...you can bet your Fannie! Live music is Thur. 7-10pm with Randy “Hatman” Smith. We’re open for lunch & dinner everyday. 786-6109 for take-outs.

Huc-A-Poo’s Where the Mind & Spirits Meet! Open daily for lunch & dinner 10:30am– until. Located off Hwy. 80 in the shops at Tybee Oaks. Mon. nights we have darts! Join us Wed. nights for corn-hole tournaments- Signup 7-7:30pm. Live entertainment Fri. & Sat. nights (depending on who’s here). Voted Best Pizza 2009! 786-5900. Hunter House Elegant dining with southern charm and a beach atmosphere. Four rooms of fine dining. Voted Best Chef on Tybee for 7 years! Voted Best Steak 2009! For reservations call 912-786-7515. Located at 1701 Butler Ave. www. hunterhouseinn.com. Lighthouse Pizza We make our pizzas with our own “Authentic Tybee Dough”--thin crust or hand-tossed, made fresh in the store daily & topped with your choice of toppings. Noon-11pm. every day. Open late Fri. & Sat. 15 Tybrisa Street. Delivery available for Tybee Island only. 786-9874 MacElwee’s SEAFOOD Looking for the place to watch ships sail? Join us at MacElwee’s where the freshest seafood is prepared to order. The view is great from our front porch & the entertainment is priceless. Local beer battered shrimp & steaming buckets of oysters are just the start of a fun packed visit. Children are always welcome & the Trout Treasures (kid’s fish dinner) is the most requested item. If it’s steaks or chicken the land lover in your group craves we offer hand-cut rib-eyes, filets & a grilled chicken breast or better yet chicken fingers. Nothing pre-battered or pre-cooked in our kitchen-Chef Greg offers a pasta special & local catch daily. We strive to provide the service you expect at the prices you can afford. No reservations needed. VOTED BEST RESTAURANT SERVICE 2008 & 2009. Check out our website at www. macelweesontybee.com for more info. We look forward to serving ya! The Quarter Sports Bar & Grill “Tybee‘s little local dump with a real big attitude.” Locally owned &

operated since 1990. THE place to be for sports, food, fun and “Licka Drinks” on Tybee. Dish Network Satellite for those hard to find games. Pool tables, dart boards… and have I mentioned FOOD? From burgers to snow crabs, we’ve got it. Get here early for our Happy Hour Specials like $4 wings 4-7pm Mon.-Fri. Raw & Steamed Oysters by the dz. Open Mon.-Sat. 4pm3am & Sun. 12:30pm-3am. That’s also the hours we cook, so early or late we’ve got you covered. See our menu in this magazine. Voted Best Burger 7 years in a row! Voted Best Wings for 6 years! Voted Best Happy Hour 2 years in a row. Under 21 allowed until 9pm. For to-go orders call 786-8966. Rock house We are Open Daily! Daily Happy Hour Specials 5-7pm. Every Sun. Thurs.- CWL Karaoke 9pm. Every Wed.-Free Pool Wed.- Tournament @ 9pm. Every Thurs.-East Coast Outlaw 4pm. Fri. Oct. 1-Brokn Tyme/SidAerial/Last Red Ransom 9pm. Sat Oct. 2-Fur Elise/Rumour has Wings/Prologic 13. Thurs. Oct 7-Matt Woods/Truckstop Coffee 6pm (Karaoke 9pm). Fri Oct 8-The Trainwrecks 9pm. Sat. Oct 9Liquid Ginger (Full Band). Fri Oct. 15-The Roast of Billy from Rock 106.1 w/Soul’s Harbor 9pm. Sat Oct. 16-The Sunday Project 9pm. Fri Oct 22-Good People 10pm. Sat Oct 23-Jake Blazer w/electricparK. Fri Oct 29-Within Reason/Rumour has Wings/Misnomer 9pm. Sat Oct 30-Rock House Halloween Extravaganza! w/Fervor/Inviolate/ DJ Xtreme 8pm. The Rock House is located @1518 Butler Ave., on the corner of Tybrisa. The Sand Bar Tybee’s #1 night hotspot. VOTED Best Jello Shots 2009. Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-8pm. We are open till 3am 7 days a week. Sand-A-Licious kitchen is open till 2:45am. Sit out back on our outside deck the Sand Trap. Mon. is dart night. Tue. & Thur. it’s TexasHold’em tourn. 8:30 (daily prizes). Wed. ladies night & Crab races. We have foosball & pool tables. Strange things happen after dark; you might get lucky & see a show on our famous Stripper’s pole.

what to do . . . what’s going on . . . island entertainment, events, Come in & say hi to the friendliest & hottesssst bar staff on the Island. The Sand Girls will always keep a smile on your face. 1512 butler ave. sandbartybee.com. 786-8304. Spanky’s BEACHSIDE Seafood, seafood & a lot more! You can’t imagine! Come in & check us out! Tybee’s Best Seafood (Shrimp, Grouper, Scallops & Mahi) Fresh & Local Hand cut steaks, Pasta, Huge Hand Pattied Burgers & the BIGGEST Chicken Sandwich in Georgia! Call for prices on party platters & all your catering needs. Our upstairs deck is open to rent for parties! Come & enjoy a great atmosphere with the best Tybee has to offer in food & the friendliest staff on the island. Voted Best Family Friendly Restaurant 2009! Call 786-5520 for more info. Sting Ray’s A local favorite-Tybee’s home for blue crabs, beach music & beer! Come join us, you’ll be happy you did, as the tradition continues with the Ray’s serving you with great pride their best & freshest award winning seafood. Voted Best Seafood 2009 & Best Margarita for 3 years! Come sit down with us in a comfortable & relaxed atmosphere on our outdoor deck that is the perfect place to watch bands, parades & to people watch on Tybee. Or join us in our adjacent indoor dining room for even more comfort & fun. Live music 7 nights a week. There are many favorites on our menu with a variety of seafood selections. Gift Certificates make the perfect gift & are always available. Open 7 days a week 11am–until. 786-0209. TOP SAIL bar & grill “Island fusion with a little bit of Seoul.” Open 7 Days a Week 12pmTill. Live Music On Weekends. Great Sunset View. Daily Specials. 912.786.8686. 4 Old U.S. Hwy. 80. Tybee Time Cool off at Tybee Time! Specializing in Frozen Cocktails. Voted Best Daiquiri 2004-2009! We have 10 different daiquiri machines. We have 13 TV’s! We are THE HEADQUARTERS for all current sporting events! Every hour is happy at Tybee Time! Come get you some! Open 7 days Noon-3am. 786-7150.

last!) Voted Best Cheap Lunch 4 years in a row! Weekday Southern Style lunches, featuring: Mon. - Chicken fried chicken or meatloaf; Tue. - Turkey and Dressing or Salisbury Steak; Wednesday - Pot roast or Fried Pork Chop; Thur. - Southern Fried Chicken or Livers or Gizzards or Baked Ham; Fri - BBQ Pork Plate. Saturday and Sunday features homemade soups. We also have our regular menu everyday including killer hamburgers, crabcakes and much, much more! Kitchen opened Sundays until Midnight! Happy Hour Mon.–Fri. 4-7pm $1.50 draft beer, $2 domestic longnecks & $2.50 well drinks. Sam Adams & Friends play every Sunday 6pm - til. Come have a great meal and a great time with our fun-loving, kick-ass bartenders and awesome cooks! 786-6593.

events *All events & times are subject to change.

Oct 1st 4-8pm - First Friday at Fish Art, featuring Lenardo Miller primitive oil painter showing his wonderful paintings, light refreshments served, music by “Us & Them” all are welcome. Oct 1st 5am - Dr. Miller’s Run. Dr. Elizabeth Miller, Savannah resident & ophthalmic surgeon of 30 years, will run 60 miles on her 60th birthday to generate awareness for the Humane Society of Savannah & to raise money for a Community Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic. She starts at the Landings & goes through downtown, out to Tybee and then back to the Humane Society on Sallie Mood Drive at approx. 6pm. Upon her arrival, there will be a well-deserved celebration & birthday party! Donations of any and all sizes are gratefully appreciated and taxdeductible. If you would like to donate ANY amount, call Marie Rodriguez 786-0181 or 656-7706, and I would be more than happy to pick up a check from you, or visit her website: www.run60on60.org. Oct. 2nd, Sat. 8pm Huca-Poo’s-Savannah Beach Festival & Awards Show www.savannahbeachfilms.com.

Call 912-897-6651 for more info. Oct 7th - Annual Buccaneer Ball. The Crab Shack presents the Buccaneer Ball to kick off the 6th Annual Tybee Island Pirate Fest. Live Music, Costume Contest & More! www.buccaneerball.com. Oct 8th-10th,- Tybee Island Pirate Fest. AHOY MATES! Swashbucklers of all ages will be converging on Tybee Island to participate in the 6th Annual Tybee Island Pirate Fest! Don your most colorful pirate’s costume, and gather your Krewe of marauding buccaneers, because Tybee will be overrun and invaded by pirates; lots of pirates, merriment, parade & more. www.tybeepiratefest.com.

contest with all proceeds going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Dress as your favorite singer and enter for fun! Fabulous prizes. 20 contestants will be accepted, so contact us at the Poo for info. Oct. 21st 5:30-6:30pmThird Thursdays on Tybee. At Tybee Oaks. Come out for a Listener’s Delight w/ Megan Panther & Darryl E. Horne!

Oct. 27th-31st, SEA KAYAK GEORGIA SKILLS SYMPOSIUM & BCU WEEK. Annual training for local, national and international coaches and instructors. For more info: www.seakayakgeorgia.com/ Instruction/BCU_Week/index.htm

Oct. 9th, 8-11am - TYBEE THROWS A FIT! Walter W. upcoming events Parker Pier & Pavilion + other spots Island Wide. Join your Nov. 6th & 7th, 10-5 neighbors and your friends by Lighthouse Art Encounter. Art and Crafts Show. On the staying fit in style! Grounds of the Tybee Island Oct. 15th, 6-10pm Tybee Lightstation. Fun and Funky art Island Historical Society and outrageous crafts on the Fall Festival. Open to all. grounds of the historic Tybee At The Tybee Island Lighthouse. Island Lightstation. Free admission Free admission to Lighthouse to the public. For applications or grounds. Games, fun and food more info: www.art-encounter.org for all, Hayrides, Cake Walks, or call 912.655.9812 Bakesale,Dunking Booth and Prizes! Proceeds to benefit Tybee Nov. 6th, 2-8pm - PURPLE STRIDE TYBEE 2010. 5k Island Historical Society run/walk & kiddie run to raise Oct. 16th, 10am - awareness and funds to support 5pm E.S.A. DISTRICT research for early Pancreatic CONTEST. Beach area near the Cancer detection. 17th Street Crossover. Call 912Nov. 13th, 8am-3pm E.S.A. 897-6651 for more information. DISTRICT CONTEST. Oct 16th, - Festival of the Beach area near the 17th Street Arts. Upscale Art and Fine craft Crossover. Please call 912-897show with exceptional artists, 6651 for more information. live music and entertainment and culinary delights rain or shine. Nov. 18th, 5:30pm-6:30pm This festival is part of the Tybee - THIRD THURSDAYS culture and continues to establish ON TYBEE. Tybrisa / Strand higher standards for participation. Roundabout. Come down front New location, bigger prizes and for a Listener’s Delight with The more artists! South Beach in a Savannah Ceili Band! magnificent tent! It will be the announcements hub of island activity on festival weekend including painters, jewelers, potters, woodworkers, The Beach Chair Brigade photographers, and weavers from Is looking for a few fun gals!! No throughout the Southeast. Entries experience necessary. Must be able to walk from the sugar shack will be juried for cash awards on to fannies. We have a lot of fun Saturday morning. No charge to getting ready for and marching in the public.www.TybeeArts.org the Tybee parades! If interested

Oct. 2nd, 10am - 5pm E.S.A. Oct. 17th Tybee Idol at HucWindrose CAFÉ Soon to celebrate 14 years in DISTRICT CONTEST. Beach a-Poo’s. Costume karaoke business (and they said it wouldn’t area near the 17th St. Crossover.

please email your questions to joey at jbullgator@comcast.net or call 912-713-8310. Tybee Breeze


announcements, Classifieds, just for kids, and Island churches The Suwannee River Boys with a Destinee in Concert at the Trinity Chapel United Methodist Church, 10th & butler, Sat., Oct. 16, 6-8pm. Refreshments will be served during intermission. Amission is free, but a love offering will be taken to support the group’s ministry. Come join us for some good southern gospel music! For info. contact Patricia 912-786-6377. the chatham county s.a.l.t. (Seniors & Law Enforcement Together) council wants you to know that caution & care must be used when hiring a caregiver. In GA it is illegal for a caregiver to threaten, intimidate, or financially exploit a vulnerable adult. To learn more about safety tips for selecting a caregiver please call, 236-0363. The Atlantic Beacon Gallery, & Hall of Frames custom framing, American made, The Island Way! Representing 100 Local & Regional Artists! 1604 Butler Ave. 912-786-9386. The Adult and Community Education @ Royce

Learning Center (ace). Get prep for the ged, ghsgt, asvab, cdl(written), firefighters & other test. Classes are held at the old ymca building 5–7pm Mon.-Wed. For info contact Khani Morgan 354-4047. the Tybee Light Station & Museum is available to rent for special events. We can host any event from 20-400. Call 786-5801 or tybeelighthouse@yahoo.com. Babies Don’t Come With Instructions. Love babies? This volunteer program is for you! The 1st steps parents of newborns program pairs volunteers w/new families in the hospital to provide emotional support, parenting education materials & referrals to community resources. Volunteer training & materials are provided. For info about 1st steps call 912819-6911 or mobleyste@sjchs.org. Save the date & make plans to attend the 2011 Tybee Wine Festival - April 15-17. tybeewinefestival.com. Reserve your room, condo or cottage now! Tickets will be available in January.

Castaways Classifieds To place an ad in Castaways Classifieds, please e-mail info@tybeebreeze.com. Classifieds are rotated each month and are available on a first come first serve basis limited to space.

For rent

for sale

Apt.-Long Term rental only. Professional person, no pets, no smoking. 2 bed., 1 bth, kitchen, living room & eating area. Covered patio to fenced in backyard. Included w/rent: All kitchen ware, linens, internet & cable. On Butler-1 blk from beach. $1100/mo. Call Janice at (912) 786-7312. Bedroom For Rent $600 Beautiful home on North End of Tybee. Share kitchen, living room, with large screen TV. Owner lives downstairs. Large Porch with balcony, two minutes from beach and near all stores. Call 786-7867 1st class office space – 1010 HWY 80, Tybee. Furnished Flex Office Space w/utilities included. $300-$600/mo. Available Now. Private Office Suites available $1,250 or $1,450/mo. Call Amy at 786-5853 or Email amy@ tybeevacationrentals.com Small efficiencies apartments, just right for working people. Call 441-2066 or 786-0776.

homemade CHEESESTRAWS 20dz $30. Call Bill 912.655.6342


Tybee Breeze

wanted Wanted, slip for 17’ Boston Whaler on Back River, Tybee. Nov 1-Apr 30. Tel: 207-542-1811 Music Minister/Pianist Help plan music for our church Practice each Wed. evening Play piano & direct choir for Sunday Worship Service Practice/play for yearly events: Pier Service 4 times each year Christmas Cantata & Other special events. Ability to play the organ a plus. Trinity Chapel United Methodist Church 911 Butler Ave., P.O. Box 378 Tybee Island, GA 31328. 912-786-4491 Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 1pm

tutor CRCT Prep/Tutoring by Certified Teacher with Master’s degree. $12/hr. Tybee Resident. Call Claire at 404-583-0429.

Live Oak Public Chapel by the Sea Libraries presents Baptist Church Ellen O’Leary Acorns Reverend David Laughner Storytime at the Tybee Services: Library for children ages 0-4, Tues. Sunday School 9:45am at 11am. Call 912-786-7733 for Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am more info. Sunday Evening Worship 7:00pm


Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm Butler Avenue at 9th Street Tybee Island, GA 31328 912-786-4647 or www.cbtstybee.org God About’s Senior Ministry is on the 3rd Tue. of each month.

The American Legion www.legion.org The American Legion Aux. www.legion-aux.org The Sons of the American All Saints’ Episcopal Church Legion - www.sal.legion.org *All Are Warmly Welcomed* The Beach Bums The Rev. Helen S. White, Vicar Jiggs Watson 912-786-5541 Service Sunday at 10AM Coffee Hour at 11AM The Burton 4-H Center We are located at 804 Jones Ave, www.burton4h.org two blocks west of Butler Ave. Coastal Pet Rescue Please call 786-5845 for more www.coastalpetrescue.org information of e-mail us at allsaintstybee@att.net Tybee “DAC” Kids “Who ever you are, where ever www.tybeedackids.org you find yourself on your journey The E.S.A (Eastern Surfing of faith, there is a place here for Association) - www.surfesa.org YOU. Friends of Cockspur Island Lighthouse - Harvey Ferrelle at hferrelle@bellsouth.net Friends of Tybee Theater www.tybeeposttheater.org Tybee Island Garden Club Meetings are held on the 3rd Wed. of each month Sept - May. tybeegardenclub@yahoo.com The Tybee Island Historical Society - 912-786-5801 or tybeelighthouse@yahoo.com

St. Michael Catholic Church & School Father Thomas J. Peyton Mass and Confessions Schedule: Saturday: Vigil – 6:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 & 11:00 AM Daily: 8AM Mon-Fri. 9AM Sat. Confessions: 5:00-5:45 PM on Sat. or By appointment. 801 Butler Avenue, 912-786-4505 www.saintmichaelstybee.org

Trinity Chapel United Methodist Church Pastor Hank Perry The Tybee Island Sea Turtle Sunday school is at 9:45am Project - 912-786-5917 or Sunday Worship is at 11am www.tybeemarinescience.org 911 BUTLER AVENUE, The Marine Rescue TYBEE ISLAND, GA 31328 Squadron - Joey Solomon at www.trinitychapelumc.org tybeenian@comcast.net For more info contact the church office at (912)786-4491 Tybee Island Optimist Cub Special Worship Services: Helen Wilson 786-5890. The Sunday closest to Memorial Day, Optimists meet at the Sunrise restaurant the 1st & 3rd Thurs. of July 4th and Labor Day at the pier at 8:30am. each month at 7pm All encouraged to attend! TAPS (Tybee Arts Performing Tybee Church Society) - www.tybeearts.org “Mayberry by the Sea” Tybee Beautification Flip flops & smokers welcomed. Association - 912-786-9688 or Every Sunday morning www.tybeebeautification.org 11am-12pm at The Windrose. Encouragement, worship music & Tybeefest 912-786-5393 or prayer. All included. www.tybeefest.com www.simpleheartedministries.com THE YEEPIES (Youthful MEN BEHIND THE SCENE Energetic Enthusiastic People Men’s Inter-denominational Prayer Involved in Everything!) - 786-9622. Tybee Island YMCA 786-9622.

Breakfast the 1st Sat. of each month 9am. Call Jim Monaghan 897-2666 for more info.

StarfishScopes October 2010 1-“Suitcase,” 2-Christopher “Catfish” Powell 3-Bryan Billotto, 4-David Jones & Jasmine Morales 5-Chris Moore & Melissa O’Brien, 6-Judy Thompson 7-John Mellencamp, 8-Lynda Stoller, 10-Kevin Cook, Michael Gallagher, Daniel Turbeville, Trenson Bennett, Tim Lancaster, Dave Cahill & Blondie, 11-Ava Gray Thomas & Brian Counihan , 12-Ada Solomon Seyle, 13-Shannon Marino & Susannah Fryer 16-Susan Gorena, 17-Mike Taylor & Phillip Mejia 18-Lou Kietzman & Brett Sterrett, 19-Jimmy Bostwick & William Hamilton 21-Alisa Salaki, Stephanie Hogan, Bertram Whitley & 23-Alisa Dixon, 24-Irene Sullivan, James Hackney & Sara Vet, 25-Dac Cowart, 26-Marilyn “Tooty” Tooten, 27-Ritabelle, 28-Ross Howard & Josh O’Brien, 30-Ian Doyle Jones

9-Brett & Kristen Newton; Dave & Dawn Cahill 10-Christopher & Nancy Solomon 11-Joseph & Michelle Hosti 14-Shannon & Sundi Marino - 15 Years!


Joe & Orelia Oliphant Celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on Tybee Island in September, 2010.

Libra (September 22 - October 22) You will discover a way to have your cake and eat it too! Unfortunately, everyone else will think that’s really disgusting. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Fault for your situation can be accredited to anyone you wish - go nuts! Prepare to gape widely at the beautiful horror you’ll experience this month. You can’t go wrong - everything is set up for brilliance. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) The more money you get this month, the more you realize you should be doing something more constructive with it. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Speak slowly and you will be heard. People will think you’re being mean, but people will definitely understand you. Any deliveries you receive may turn out to be blessings in disguise this week. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) If you want someone to change, it’s often good to give them a painful option and a less painful option, and let them choose their own course. For example, “Do you want to pick up you own wet towel, dear, or would you like to have a live weasel stapled to your leg?” Pisces (February 19 - March 20) This is a good time to remember Einstein’s advice, to make things as simple as possible, but no simpler. That applies both to theoretical physics, and in your case, to dinner. Aries (March 21 - April 19) Duty calls, and your duty is to make people aware that you are not who they think you are. Nor are they who they think they themselves are. What you hear and what was said may differ today, so be aware of either your failing hearing or your increasing hatred of those talking to you. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) You will discover that you have no real friends. Or at least, that they don’t cast a shadow.

Phyllis Hunter Cary Sunrise - Sept. 19th, 1923 Sunset - August 27th, 2010

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) The phenomenon of time standing still may occur to you numerous times today. Death is the stark figure in the corner that is staring at you and rubbing its hand-bones. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) You have been wearing way too much cologne and making strange unconscious lip-smacking sounds. Enjoy yourself and try not to go too wild. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Sweetheart is just another ugly word you learned from greetings cards. Start to think of better ways to address your beloved.

Cornelius Jerome “Jerry” Dulohery, Jr. Sunrise - April 7th, 1938 Sunset - Sept. 11, 2010

Curtis Yeomans Sunrise - June 6th, 1933 Sunset - Sept. 3rd, 2010

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) The sounds of fairies in your head are brought on by the alcohol. It may be time to stop drinking this week. Yellow is your unlucky color; avoid it wherever possible. Tybee Breeze


Sand Box


The Road Ends Here!


I fly in the air, But I am not always there. I cannot be touched, But I can be felt or held. Think very hard, But if you live near the equator, You may have a tough time seeing me. What am I? Clue: Everybody has it

September Riddle & ANSWER: Why couldn’t the 11 year old girl see the pirate movie? Answer: Because it was rated arrgh! 38

Tybee Breeze

The answer key will be published in the next edition.

Down 1 Why did the city change the name of 16th street? (2,6) 2 Get your flu shots here? (6,8)

3 Back to what? (6)

7 This season comes to an end this month? (6)

Across 4 Little Breeze helper? (3) 5 Michael is a what baby? (6) 6 Judy O’Neill is a what? (5) 8 Our community raise money for Ms. Sylvia’s what? (9)

8 The moving and the building are moving right along on this? (6)

9 These Thursday’s are back? (5) 10 He has been spotted out at Sting Ray’s? (3)

11 She sits in the big chair? (4) 12 Chief Price’s wife? (6) * Did you know the answers to the Pirates Puzzle crossword can be found in the Tybee Breeze itself? So if you’re having trouble, look through the stories again!!

Pirates Puzzle Answer SEPTEMBER 2010


Insert numbers until each row, column and 3x3 box contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once.

Rating Level - Easy Tybee Breeze


Machete: I am not quite sure what director Robert Rodriguez was thinking when he put this train wreck of a movie together. Having thoroughly enjoyed his last endeavor of the Grind House series (his part being Planet Terror), I was bummed to have to sit through Machete. Johnny Trejo (angry Indian guy with lots of tattoos – think Con Air and From Dusk till Dawn) is the main character as a Mexican Federale. When his wife and child are killed, Machete loses it – natch - and drifts into Texas where he finds work as a day laborer. Hired by a malignant looking Jeff Fahey to assassinate his boss Robert De Niro (in an excellent performance), Machete is soon on the run after it is discovered that he was meant to be the fall guy for an assassination gone awry. With appearances by a naked Lindsay Lohan (icky), a divine Don Johnson, and an appropriately priestly Cheech Marin, this movie may have been saved. Not. Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez are also main characters in this movie, but I’m not quite sure what they were drinking when they signed on for this garbage disposal of a movie. It is so camp you could cut it with a dull corkscrew from a Boy Scout knife. Attempting to make this movie gritty and surreal while plugging (or unplugging) a national problem of illegal immigration, Rodriguez fails. This movie is an extremely weak attempt to be more like Quentin Tarantino (who is fabulous), without the witty repertoire and fast script; it’s just not worth the $10. Well, plus popcorn and Twizzlers, gas money, time and energy. Just say no. I give this movie 4 bottles of Montezuma tequila (because even Robert De Niro couldn’t save this catastrophic event), and 1 bottle of Montezuma’s Revenge (because watching Lindsay Lohan naked and kissing her on screen mother is worse than amoebic dysentery). Casablanca: When people tell you to watch a certain movie because it’s absolutely fabulous, you always feel a little let down when you actually watch it - like you were expecting Ed McMahon at your door or perhaps a leprechaun with a pot of gold knocking. However, Casablanca, in the proper mood, is a really great movie. Having never watched it (I’m really not about black and white) I forced myself to sit and enjoy - albeit with a huge bottle of red. Starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman (who is down right beautiful), the plot is set in Casablanca, France off the coast of Monte Carlo in the midst of the Nazi regime. Humph is Rick Blaine a grumpy nightclub owner who knows all the right people. Ingrid is Ilsa Laszlo, wife of an underground anti-nazi sympathizer. I certainly do not want to ruin the movie for the few people that haven’t seen it, but “We will always have Paris, Play it again, Sam,” and “Here’s looking at you kid,” all came from this movie. What does that tell you after six decades and still being quoted? Need I say more? I give this movie 5 champagne cocktails (because that’s what they drank and after watching this movie, I’m going to drink it too).


Tybee Breeze

By Joni Woodcock Just when you think you’ve heard it all on this island, someone does something really crazy to raise the bar. These escapades might seem excessive to an outsider, but they really do happen. Consider the weirdo in the Speedo incident this past month. What was HE thinking? There should be a law against root suits anyway. Those guys look like they have Buckwheat in a leg lock! The freaks are out and it isn’t even Halloween yet! In a totally unrelated Speedo incident, imagine the irony of this hapless individual who entered Fannie’s. The members of the Bored Meeting found this tremendously entertaining. This is, after all, the Redneck Riviera, not the French Riviera! No bicycles on the sidewalk in front of Fannie’s, so what the hell was this? I’ve heard we’ve been called the “Porch Monkeys.” Wonder where that came from. . .Tybidiot hats and shirts are now on sale! Contact Roma or O John to get your idiot on! Here’s a good story...Mark Padgett lost his Marietta High School ring over twenty years ago and, believe it or not, Alan Burn of A.J.’s fame found it on the railroad tracks out by Ft. Pulaski recently. Through internet research, Alan was able to track Mark down by the initials inside the ring. Mark said he was happy to sport it at his 34th high school reunion a few weeks ago! Also,

hasn’t Mark’s little Glory grown into a beauty! She was spotted at the “Tybee’s Got Talent” contest which was held at the Legion. The overall winner was Hannah Piper, who blew us away with her incredible dance performance. I had the cutest little assistant helping me with the Breeze last month. Breaking news: Eric & Heather have a bun in the oven, so Miss Ava will have a new sibling in a few months. Congrats to the Thomas family. They were so busy this past summer, I don’t know when they had time to do it! The benefit at Doc’s for Miss Sylvia’s chairlift was a huge success with lots of food and entertainment. Crab Cab Joe did crab races and is pictured here with Peggy and Steve. ...Continued Page 42

Tybee Breeze


Mr. and Mrs. Moody were out for a frosty adult beverage. Call Michael for all your legal needs. He’s right here on the island. Look who I finally found! Joe and Big Ray were hanging out at Sting Ray’s and I cornered them for a photo. Joe, you can run, but you cannot hide!!! Wyman, Stan, and Jimmy were decked out in Stars and Bars gear at the Legion on Patriot Day in remembrance of 911. God Bless the USA! Another crazy story goes along with this picture, but I’m leaving out the details so Big A@# Judy can tell you if you dare ask! She’s gonna kill me. . . Al and I went over to check out the NEW North Beach Grill. We had a really nice asparagus appetizer and the margaritas were superb. Steven, Russ and Liz took very good care of us so go by and give them a shout!


Tybee Breeze

Look at this band of hotties! Hannah Gaber and assistant Harmony are shooting this year’s “Girls Back Home” calendar for the boys overseas and the calendars will be available to the public soon. You can contact Hannah at www. hsgsphoto.com. Love me some Sam! He’s back on the Quarter’s Big Kahuna dart team again. He was wondering why I had him pose with this Jack Daniel’s bottle, so I’m still laughing my a@% off!!! How they get that stuff to age in a wooden barrel defies all laws of science!!! I had a WILD afternoon with this crew at Marlin Monroe’s. Let’s just say the tequila was flowing freely and we had the tourons blushing. The situation degenerated from there. . . Jared Lollis is this month’s featured “Hair Farmer.” We are in the process of sending his tresses to the Locks of Love. If you want your progress documented, give me a call and I will be glad to accommodate you. Paxton and Taylor had a bet on the GeorgiaArkansas game. The loser had to wear a girl’s Huc A Poo tee shirt all night. Guess who lost? That’s a good look for you, Mr. Handsome! Welcome to Tybee. This was his first night on the island. Another one bites the dust!! Happy October to all you crazy people!!! T h i s is the month we turn i n t o pirates & start looking for booty, so get out there and let it rip. Contact me if you want to get in trouble!!!

We are proud of the progress of the Tybee Island Wedding Chapel! It looks great surrounded by the trees. Everything seems to be coming along well. Once we got the roof on the building we remembered how beautiful it was before the move and demolition. Our front porch should make the building look even larger, especially with the double Victorian stairwell that we are building on the front of the chapel. Yes, that is the height the building will be. It had to be lifted so we met flood code and then we made the area under the chapel capable of parking multiple vehicles since it had to be so high off the ground. We do not have a finish date, however, we are hoping for December, 2010. Ladies from all over the country have begun to call. March, 2011 seems to be the” hot ticket” month so far. We have several tentative dates for weddings. Lannie and I reached out to the Atlanta market so that our chapel could become a destination for the Atlanta bride. We invited 12 of the top wedding planners to visit our island. They loved our homes, our island, our restaurants and our beach! We have already begun to receive calls for general questions from these planners. We hosted a dinner party with Mayor Buelterman and City Manager Diane Schleiser along with many local business owners greeting these ladies. These planners were invited by Ms. Kim Crowder, who works with Cooper Atlanta Transport. They arrived in a gorgeous coach. Kim wanted to show our island off to her friends who are wedding planners and travel agents in the Atlanta area. Various restaurants that participated in hosting the wedding planners’ dinner party. The flowers were presented by Amy Harvey. Ray Anaya, a long time employee of Oceanfront C o t t a g e Rentals, LLC, has graciously agreed to accept the position of Event Director for Tybee Wedding Chapel, LLC. If you want to be listed as a vendor for weddings, please take a moment and email us at tybeechapel@aol. com. We are preparing to update our site and will provide specifications for your logo sizing, etc. when you ask to be listed. www.tybeewedding.com Lannie and I look forward to completing this project. So far it has gone very well. Thank everyone for your ongoing support in this project. Photos by Chris Hornaday Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

By Julia Pearce The Chief and Claire were at Huc-a-Poo’s recently. Chief appears to be adjusting to retirement without withdrawal. Jimmy Price Thank You for a long history of service! Danny and Susan Hill are great people. Susan has a double life; by day she sales real estate, by night she is a Harvard Divinity. Danny is the Sr. Warden at Tybee’s All Saints Episcopal church. Danny and Susan Hill volunteer at the American Legion Fundraiser for the Veteran’s Memorial. Check out Judy and Chip having afternoon cocktails. Judy donated a kidney to her brother. One kidney does not interfere with cocktail hour; modern medicine is a marvel! K i m b e r l y , daughter of Councilwoman Wanda Doyle, has a deep rap about “zero scape property” and modern cisterns. Anyone who thinks the Doyle’s are not green are color blind. Dogs are not allowed on Tybee beaches, but the bars are a different story. Meet Charlotte, a pit bull, she loves Miller Time at Huc-a-poo’s. She tips better than someone I know. Rev. Sam Adams and John Wilson, my oldest brother, together at the Breakfast Club; John is visiting from Pittsburgh, PA. Tony and Carrie came to T y b e e from Pittsburgh to exchange commitment vows on the beach. I had the honor of conducting the service. Let’s all wish them a happy life together. History is being made. Rev. Helen White is the first Women

ordained minister to serve on Tybee! She tells us a little about herself: “I was ordained a priest in August of 2008. During my first two years in Savannah, I served as an assistant at St. George’s Episcopal Church and a campus minister at Armstrong Atlantic State University. I have also kept busy with my sons, ages 9 and 11, and my husband, who is an Episcopal priest, too. In August I began serving as the Vicar at All Saints’ on Tybee. I am very grateful for such a blessing - All Saints’ Episcopal Church.” The wedding of the year will take place this month. Comer Varnedoe Meadows and Fr. Otto Immel (retired Tybee vicar) will marry in a private formal wedding. Over 500 engraved invitations went out. Comer is Old Savannah- her brother is Gordon Varnedoe aka Batman. Matron of Honor is Cecilia Dunn. After a world trip honeymoon the couple will live in Savannah and on Tybee. Two wonderful people who have found each other… may they have years of happiness! Savannah Steve, Ron Deming and Charlie Sherill jammed together at Seagrass Saloon (formerly Gayna’s). A Facebook posting and word of mouth brought out old Tybee. Bar-B-Q entrepreneur’s Frank and Judy Outz attended, they both look great; Frank is as sexy as ever. Margie and Max w e r e dancing the night away. They remain in love after 35 years of marriage. They must have married at age 5! The Real Jimmy Carter and Breakfast Club socialite Carol Kiminsky were photographed. Jimmy always looks so fit and trim. And if you are not on Carol’s e-mail list you are not in the loop. P a t r i c k attended the party. He continues to show love and peace to everyone he meets. Capt. Edwin Longwater graced the Seagrass with his presence. Edwin is a expert boatman along with other skills. Just Julia was having a grand time. I love this picture of her; Julia is glowing. Charleen also had her posse present. She is always in the know. Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

Tybee Breeze



Tybee Breeze

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