figure reference 2- Celine resort 15
C O N T E N T S. Front Cover Inside cover Context Stage 4 Big Idea 13 Creative Concept 24 Moodboard 25 Creative Concept 26 Moodboard 27 Creative Concept 28 Moodboard 29 Chosen 30 Creative Concept 31 Architectural inspiration from New York 32 -33 Execution 500 words 34 - 35 Final images 36 Final Iages 37 Harvard Referencing 38 -39 Image Referencing 40-42 Execution image referencing43 valentino quote 44 Blog link 45 3
Figure reference 3
C O N T E X T S T A G E.
"Minimalism is more relevant than ever," Rob Philips, creative director of the school of design at London College of fashion The Purist AW16 trend is leading the way with its Minimalist approach, looking at ways to make an outfit cleaner cut with the fashion basics of black and grey. The term ‘basic’ can suggest something underwhelming and utilitarian and whilst minimalism favored comfort and ‘took inspiration from male tailoring’, it remained luxurious. A key nineties fashion trend, minimalism presented a look that stripped back clothes to their essence and focused on ‘what they’re made of and how they moved’. Minimalism is described as ‘austere’ and ‘cold’, but the trend is clean and its sleek lines and frequently androgynous tailoring ensured its success.
figure reference 4
The trend explores’ beautiful serene and impeccable cuts, ‘making them accessible to a wide variety of shapes and sizes’, by emulating an oversized and relaxed silhouette, lending easy structure to a minimalistic outcome. There is an elegant palette that evolves for the purist trend, and is key for the modern look, its kept neutral with whites and greys, and bringing in camel and khaki for subtle contrast. Whilst the aesthetic to this look at first may appear simplistic, with its neutral, earthy toned color palette and clean lines, it’s anything but. There’s a level of complexity, which can be identified, a new take on the fabrics and textures encompassing suede, linen and shiny silks, knits and leather, making the trend more diverse and tactile. ‘The new age look was cool, calm and simple, and executed in pure white’
figure reference 6 , kate moss 90s minimalism
From a cultural perspective, the minimalist trend doesn’t just emerge within clothing but also architecture. Zaha Hadid, a famous architect who is a renowned innovator and extended her vision to the body as well. Hadid has made history with her fashion collaborations and refining the principles of monumentalism. She has left a lasting legacy within the fashion world as well as architecture. The Purist trend originates back to the late 1980s /90’s era, where designers such as Calvin Klein where embracing silhouettes with influences of minimalism. With celebrity endorsement of Kate Moss and the collaboration with Steven Miesel, for American vogue, it broadened the minimalist fashion landscape. Calvin Klein’s first collection consisted of ‘Simple, elegant dresses and coats’ and was very minimalistic. The collection was credited by the business of fashion as ‘pioneering new minimalism in the 90s’.
figure reference 5, Hempel Hotel
My architectural research then led me further to interiors, the Hempel hotel designed by Anouska Hempel, incorporates an essence of my trend by using Zen inspiration and traditional rustic perspective within, reflecting minimalism with neutral color schemes. It is clear the 90s minimalism era has greatly influenced the modern era of design, architecture , clothing and culture.
Figure reference 7 Zaha Hadid x Georg Jensen© Georg Jensen
figure reference 8. own work sketchbook
figure reference 9. own work sketchbook
figure reference 10. own primary research surveys 8
figure reference 11. own work sketchbook
figure reference 12. own work sketchbook
I D E A.
A niche modern way to support enviromental sustainability and health culture. Conveniently ornate blending within the home.
Figure reference 12. george foreman logo
Figure reference 13. own sketchbook work
Figure reference 14 . own sketchbook work
Figure reference 15 own moodboard
Figure reference 16. own sketchbook work
Figure reference 17. own sketchbook work
Figure reference 18. own sketchbook work
Figure reference 19. own sketchbook work
Figure reference 20. own sketchbook work
Figure 21. own sketchbook work
Figure 37. own sketchbook work
C R E A T I V E C O N C E P T.
This moodboard focuses on the purpose of the vacuum pack sealer, including a variety of purist colour pallettes available for the consumer. The main function of the sealer is to vacuum pack clothing, creating more space in wardrobes and therefore generating less waste as people tend throw away clothing in their wardrobe if its ruined and damaged due to poor aftercare. The vacuum pack sealer supports ethical fashion and helps protect the clothing with its enviromentally friendly sealer bags which are biogradable. The emphasis on keeping a clean enviroment and the ‘reduce reuse recycle’ slogan supports my main idea and purpose for vacuuming. I have also suggested a potential pop up shop to host an event promoting my product and brand.
Figure 22. own moodboard
The main motif for the second moodboard was to consider how the product will look in an architectural and purist inspired interior. As the product will be ornate and placed either in the kitchen or bedroom the decor will be constructed and designed in a minimalistic and simplistic way, on reflection of the trends origins. I have considered rebranding George Foreman and experimented with a change of font and colour due to the original being quite harsh and bold with its colour theme and typeface, which isnt what the trend is about , taking a less is more approach. The grey background represents the architectural link and the green tagline I came up with was inspired by the enviromental and ethical aspects. The overall logo was inspired by mint velvet. As for considering potential retailers i have decided to promote the vacuum sealer and market it to ‘Anthropologie’ , ‘Muji’ and ‘Etsy’.
I would like to potentially research more into Stella McCartney’s brand focus on sustainability, the company would represent and endorse my idea well.
Figure 23. own moodboard 27
Mood board three is entirely focused on the concept of mini vacuum pack sealers and emphasized on how convinient and practical they are. My initial idea and aim was to look at how vacuum packing can be used on the move to seal snacks and potentially looking at resturants and food culture. The idea came to me when thinking about food and clothes wastage and how much food people waste when eating out and at home. So if people have portable vacuum pack sealers this would be an efficient and innovative way of keeping your food from the resturant fresh and meaning instead of a doggy bag you can still takeaway the food experience and the taste. My main concern for this board was targeting its function ‘compression’ and gathering imagery that connoted on the go vacuuming and practicality. As Muji package their clothing in small cubes to conserve space and reduce the use of plastic bag wastage, the two ideas merged into an interesting concept and linked well.
Figure 24. own moodboard
figure referencing 25. own final creative concept moodboard 30
FINAL BOARD This is my final mood board design for my execution outcome. Illustrating the intentions that I have for the Muji and George Foreman collaboration, the imagery is related to sustainability and how to contribute to a clean environment. There are also image references to my pop up event that I am planning to promote the brand and product.ive decided not to go with the mini vacuum packing idea as I feel this colloboration is a stronger promotion and representation of my ideas. The Wardrobe symbolises sustainability and links the images to fashion and the collaboration with Stella McCartney. Muji will be sponsoring the event. I will, in the final execution images, elaborate on social media promotion
Figure referencing 26. own sketchbook
Figure referencing 27. own sketchbook
When In New York, I came across this shop originally thinking it was a modern interior design shop however when speaking to the shop assistants they said it was an Italian owned lighting company. I think the minimalism styling of the showroom was what captured my attention and the simplicity of their lights. The show room was architecturally clean and slick and visually I made the connection to my trend and context research, in how architecture can influence the fashion landscape.
E X E C U T I O N My final execution outcome product is a vacuum pack clothes sealer that has a unique architectural design and provides the consumer with a convenient way of saving space within the home as well as support environmental sustainability and health. The clothes sealer has two main functions, to vacuum pack clothing saving space in your wardrobe and to vacuum pack food after meals providing convenience to families. My tagline for the product is ‘reduce sustain maintain’ which addresses the issue of fashion sustainability and the reductions of clothes and food wastage. The vacuum pack sealer bags will also be bio gradable so people can bin the bags and still feel like they’re helping the environment.
Sealing the clothing is an efficient way of protecting your seasonal clothes from getting damaged and ruined when put away. Clothing being vacuum packed means they can be maintained and organized to fit around the seasons reducing clothing waste and better aftercare. Many clothing companies such as H&M and Primark are arguably the culprits of cheap fast fashion, people have a habit and a constant need to purchase and the environment is consequently paying the prices of the impact of our greed, purchasing something new in our closet every week. Whilst my ideas and product won’t completely eliminate the problem, it can help reduce waste therefore sustain and support the environment. The product can be targeted to a wide audience for example people traveling and need storage space but it’s also a product that can reduce food wastage and increase Higher standards of food hygiene in the home. This would appeal to a family traveling abroad but also creating a healthier lifestyle, meal prepping and involving lower food costs. The collaboration with George foreman makes it a generic household product but one with an ornate minimalistic design influenced by the purist color palettes and fabrics.
figure reference 28 . Stella McCartney
With regards to collaborations, my idea for promotional platforms would involve Stella McCartney, due to her clothing and brand image focusing on sustainability within fashion. My idea was to create a fashion pop up event entirely focused on informing consumers of the current issues the environment is facing due to clothes and food wastage. With the celebrity endorsement of Stella McCartney and brand recognition this will grab the attention of a consumer. The event will also involve Muji as a potential sponsor and seller of the product, who focus on compression cubes with every consumer purchase therefore reducing further waste of plastic bags so this would spread awareness of the campaign. George foreman will also be there embracing the ‘saving space and reduce the waste’ campaign with demonstrations of their iconic food grill cooking healthy clean food to take away with you in food sealer bags, making the pop event more memorable. The location of it will be in NYC central park near the Muji store on 5TH Avenue and London’s Hyde Park.
figure reference 29 george foreman twitter page. edited on photoship
Social media will involve Instagram and twitter, as George Foreman has the most twitter social media active followers out of all of its social media. The Instagram page will have my chosen hashtags and execution image posters of the pop of shop as well it then being advertised on Stella McCartney’s and Muji’s Instagram’s. Involving George foreman branding on twitter, the event would be live streamed through their Instagram.
figure reference 30 . muji logo
figure reference 31.Stella McCartney instagram
figure reference 32. pop up shop 37
figure reference 33.recycle sign
figure reference 34. stella McCartney logo
WGSN – Database Admin. Top architects | Zaha Hadid, 25th August 2015. Available at http://www.bestinteriordesigners. eu/top-architects-zaha-hadid/ [22nd December 2016] Unkown. Zaha Hadid Wikipedia. 15th December 2016. available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Zaha_Hadid [22nd December 2016] Hannah Almassi. Autumn/winter 2016 trends: 9 key looks you need to know. 8th November 2016. Available at http://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/autumn-winter-2016-fashion-trends/slide8 [22nd December 2016] Fashion. Christiane Arp | #BoF500 | the business of fashion. 30th September 2016. Available at https:// www.businessoffashion.com/community/people/christiane-arp [22nd December 2016] The Guardian. Key fashion trends of the season: Purist. 22nd May 2010. Avaible at https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/gallery/2010/may/22/fashion-trends-purist [22nd December 2016] sarah Mower. Hermès resort 2017 fashion show. 3rd July 2016. Available at http://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/resort-2017/h [22nd December 2016] Rose Etherington. Footwear by Zaha Hadid for Lacoste. 20th May 2009.Available at https://www.dezeen.com/2009/05/20/footwear-by-zaha-hadid-for-lacoste/ [22nd December 2016] Ali Pew. Nail spring's minimalist trend in 8 easy steps. 17th February 2016. Available at http://www. instyle.com/how-tos/how-to-minimalist-trend-spring [22nd December 2016] Wikimedia foundation. Anouska Hempel. Wikipedia.11th December 2016.available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anouska_Hempel [29nd December 2016] http://www.fenwick.co.uk/assets/Uploads/anouskahempel.png image of architect
celine website.look4 , winter 16 ready to wear. July 7th 2016.available at https://www.celine.com/en/collections/winter/ready-to-wear/look-4 [29nd December 2016] Google images -French Connection AW14 Inspiration - Metal Structures The Hempel hotel, John Pawson Jigsaw store Holly Black.Another magazine. When architecture met fashion in the hands of Zaha Hadid.19th December 2016.available at http://www.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/9329/when-architecture-met-fashion-in-thehands-of-zaha-hadid?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=socialshare&utm_campaign=bof [2nd January 2017] Matt Tyrnauer. Partnership of the traveling bags.6th May 2008.URL: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2008/06/chanel200806 [2nd January 2017] unknown Author. Category archives: Collections. 22nd April 2011. URL:https://januszine.com/category/ collections/page/9/ [5th January 2017] helmut lang http://www.vogue.com/13296711/vogue-runway-designer-helmut-lang-90s/
Context stage quotation references BOOKS Emmanuelle Dirix, 29th February 2016. High fashion the 20th century decade by decade,United Kingdom. Publisher,Thames & Hudson INTERNET WGSN Harriet warner, The new purity: Minimalism is back, and not just because of the recession,19th September 2016, The Independent – Features, http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/features/the-new-purity-minimalism-is-back-and-not-just-because-of-the-recession-1788499.html [21st January 2017] Laura Bradley.another magazine. Jil sander's swan song.24th October 2013. URLhttp://origin.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/3129/jil-sanders-swan-song [19th January 2017]
Image referencing Figure reference 22 Phoebe Dewbury (no date) Own creative concept moodboard. . Figure reference 23 Phoebe Dewbury (no date) Own creative concept mood board2. .
Figure reference 24 Phoebe Dewbury (no date) Own creative concept moodboard 3. . figure reference 2 Celine resort 15 (2015) The purist AW trend. Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/576179346062874069/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). figure reference 28 (2017) Stella McCartney. Available at: http://www.winkreative.com/project/stella-mccartney/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). figure reference 4 (1991) 90s girl. Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/nicholealabi/90s-girl/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). figure reference 5, unknown londonhotelsgb (2017) Rooms & availability. Available at: http://hempel.londonhotelsgb.com/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Black, figure reference 7 H. and AnOther (2016) When architecture met fashion in the hands of Zaha Hadid. Available at: http:// www.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/9329/when-architecture-met-fashion-in-the-hands-of-zaha-hadid (Accessed: 26 January 2017). BrainyQuote, figure reference 35 (2001) Valentino Garavani quotes. Available at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/ valentino_garavani.html (Accessed: 26 January 2017). dewbury, figure reference 8, phoebe (no date) Sketchbook own work. . dewbury, figure 9 phoebe (no date) Sketch book own work. . Figure reference 6 fashionforteens, blog (2012) Inspiration: 90s minimalism. Available at: https://fashionforteens.wordpress. com/2012/08/02/inspiration-90s-minimalism/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Name, F. reference 13 (2011) George foreman healthy cooking. Available at: https://foodfetepress.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/ george-foreman-healthy_cooking/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Figure reference 11 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . Figure reference 12 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own Sketchbook. . Figure reference 14 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook. . Figure reference 15 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own moodboard. . Figure reference 16 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . Figure reference 17 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook. . Figure reference 19 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . Figure reference 21 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . Figure references 18 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work sketchbook. . figure reference 20 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work sketch book. . figure reference 25 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work final creative concept moodboard. . figure reference 26 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work sketchbook. . figure reference 27 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . SurveyMonkey, figure reference 10 phoebe dewbury (no date) Log in. Available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/summary/ pLjx1sSiA3SGKEhzxpK1pxkSZ6Op4hszkMlVVslQMQOCL8W_2BQISylIfb1z9MwvMm (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Figure reference 3 unknown (2016) Back to basics: 90’s minimalism. Available at: http://blog.needsupply.com/2016/01/17/90sminimalism/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). figure reference 1 unknown (no date) Selected - women - COS GB. Available at: http://www.cosstores.com/gb/Women/ Selected?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=PF_Tailoring_SS15_W32 (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Citations, Quotes & AnnotationsFigure reference 19 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. .
(no date) Figure reference 21 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . (no date) Figure references 18 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work sketchbook. . (no date) figure reference 20 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work sketch book. . (no date) figure reference 25 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work final creative concept moodboard. . (no date) figure reference 26 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own work sketchbook. . (no date) "figure 1" (no date)
figure reference 27 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . (no date) SurveyMonkey, figure reference 10 phoebe dewbury (no date) Log in. Available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/summary/ pLjx1sSiA3SGKEhzxpK1pxkSZ6Op4hszkMlVVslQMQOCL8W_2BQISylIfb1z9MwvMm (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (SurveyMonkey, no date) Figure reference 3 unknown (2016) Back to basics: 90’s minimalism. Available at: http://blog.needsupply. com/2016/01/17/90s-minimalism/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (2016) figure reference 1 unknown (no date) Selected - women - COS GB. Available at: http://www.cosstores.com/ gb/Women/Selected?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=PF_Tailoring_SS15_ W32 (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (no date)
Figure reference 22 Phoebe Dewbury (no date) Own creative concept moodboard. . (no date) Figure reference 23 Phoebe Dewbury (no date) Own creative concept mood board2. . (no date) Figure reference 24 Phoebe Dewbury (no date) Own creative concept moodboard 3. . (no date) figure reference 2 Celine resort 15 (2015) The purist AW trend. Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/576179346062874069/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (2015) "figure reference 2" (2015) figure reference 28 (2017) Stella McCartney. Available at: http://www.winkreative.com/project/stella-mccartney/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (2017) figure reference 4 (1991) 90s girl. Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/nicholealabi/90s-girl/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (1991)
figure reference 5, unknown londonhotelsgb (2017) Rooms & availability. Available at: http://hempel. londonhotelsgb.com/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (figure reference 5, unknown londonhotelsgb, 2017) Black, figure reference 7 H. and AnOther (2016) When architecture met fashion in the hands of Zaha Hadid. Available at: http://www.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/9329/when-architecture-met-fashion-in-thehands-of-zaha-hadid (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (Black and AnOther, 2016) BrainyQuote, figure reference 35 (2001) Valentino Garavani quotes. Available at: https://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/v/valentino_garavani.html (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (BrainyQuote, 2001) dewbury, figure reference 8, phoebe (no date) Sketchbook own work. . (dewbury, figure reference 8, phoebe, no date) dewbury, figure 9 phoebe (no date) Sketch book own work. . (dewbury, figure 9 phoebe, no date) Figure reference 6 fashionforteens, blog (2012) Inspiration: 90s minimalism. Available at: https:// fashionforteens.wordpress.com/2012/08/02/inspiration-90s-minimalism/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (Figure reference 6 fashionforteens, 2012) Name, F. reference 13 (2011) George foreman healthy cooking. Available at: https://foodfetepress.wordpress. com/2011/04/26/george-foreman-healthy_cooking/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (Name, 2011) Figure reference 11 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . (no date) Figure reference 12 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own Sketchbook. . (no date) Figure reference 14 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook. . (no date) Figure reference 15 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own moodboard. . (no date) Figure reference 16 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook work. . (no date) Figure reference 17 phoebe dewbury (no date) Own sketchbook. . (no date) Figure reference 37 (no date) Own sketchbook work. . In-text citations: (no date)
EXECUTION IMAGE REFERENCES figure reference 30 (2008) File: MUJI logo.Svg - Wikimedia commons. Available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MUJI_logo.svg (Accessed: 26 January 2017). figure reference 31 (no date) Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) • Instagram photos and videos. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/stellamccartney/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). figure reference 34 (2017) Stella McCartney logo. Available at: http://www.winkreative.com/project/stella-mccartney/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Grill, figure reference 29 G.F. (2010) George foreman grill on Twitter. Available at: https://twitter. com/georgeforemanco?lang=en (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Josef, F. reference 32 (2014) NYC holiday pop-up shops: The cleverly Curated list. Available at: http://www.meltingbutter.com/nyc-holiday-pop-shops-cleverly-curated-list/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Recycling, figure reference 33 (2016) Download recycling symbol - the original recycle logo. Available at: http://www.recycling.com/downloads/recycling-symbol/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). Citations, Quotes & Annotations figure reference 30 (2008) File: MUJI logo.Svg - Wikimedia commons. Available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MUJI_logo.svg (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (2008) figure reference 31 (no date) Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) • Instagram photos and videos. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/stellamccartney/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (no date) figure reference 34 (2017) Stella McCartney logo. Available at: http://www.winkreative.com/project/stella-mccartney/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (2017) Grill, figure reference 29 G.F. (2010) George foreman grill on Twitter. Available at: https://twitter. com/georgeforemanco?lang=en (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (Grill, 2010) Josef, F. reference 32 (2014) NYC holiday pop-up shops: The cleverly Curated list. Available at: http://www.meltingbutter.com/nyc-holiday-pop-shops-cleverly-curated-list/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (Josef, 2014) Recycling, figure reference 33 (2016) Download recycling symbol - the original recycle logo. Available at: http://www.recycling.com/downloads/recycling-symbol/ (Accessed: 26 January 2017). (Recycling, 2016)
‘I like things simple’ ~ Valentino
figure reference 36 44
BLOG LINK. http://pdewbury.wixsite.com/mysite